Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

14 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



[No title]

Horal cmne.


--------------OPENING OF THE…


OPENING OF THE CASTLEREAGH MEMORIAL TOWER. Extensive preparations had been at Machynlleth on Thursday for the opening of the Memorial Clock Tower erected to commemorate the coming-of-age 01 Viscount Castlcreagh, the eldest son of the Marquess au I Marchioness of Londonderry. TheliO prepara- tions, however, were necessarily curtailed or omitted by reason of the inclemency of the weather, there oeing an almost continuous downpour of rain through. out the day. The number of inhabitants who had manifested their interest IN the proceedings was very remarkable, and constituted an ample proof of the respect in which the members of the Plas Machyn- lleth family were held. The main street was ornamen- ted by strings of evergreen hung across the thorough- fares, flags were displayed on all hands, mottoes ot good wishes were hung in the windows of the National School and Vane Hall, while the inhabitants of even the smallest cottages provided a few coloured streamers, nearly every house along the route from the station to the Plas being in some way ornamented for the festivities. Unfortunately the decorations were sadly spoiled by the rain, but they were none the less expressive of general good will. The tower it will be remembered, was erected by general subscrip- tion, the foundation stone being laid by the V iscount on July 16,1874, the first anniversary 01 his lordship's majority. The avenues of trees in the streets of the town were planted at the same time. The arrange- ments were under the management of a committee, ol which Mr. Howell acted as chairman, Mr. HuglJ Lloyd Jones, hon. treasurer, while Mr. Richard Jonws efficiently discharged the duties of hon. secretary. The tower was erected from the designs of Mr. Henry Kennedy, architect, ot Bangor, Wrexnam, and Lon- don; the contractor for the work being Mr. Edward Edwards, of Machynlleth. The tower is built at the end of Maengwyn-street, and is undeniably a fine architectural ornament to the town, being at the same time highly usetul, as it is furnished with a clock generously presented by Lady Edwards. The dials or the clock have been fixed, but owing to lack 01 punctuality on the part of the contractor, Mr. Joyce, ot Whitchurch, the clock itsell did not arrive in tune to fitted up for the opening ceremony, although the order was given a couple of years ago. The tower has been so long finished that its appearance is familiar to all, and needs in fact no description; the inhabitants should, however, be congratulated upon possessing so handsome a structure in their midst. THE CEREMONY. Shertly after two o'clock the opening ceremony was performed. A distinguished company gathered under the tower, among them being the Marquess and Marchioness of Londonderry, Lady Edwards, Vis- count Castlereagh, Lord Henry Vane Tempest, Lord Herbert Vane Tempest, Lady Alexandrina Vane Tempest, Mdlle. Mahram, tile Rev. Prebendary Rogers, .the Rev. Canen Griffith, the Rev. Mr. Nash, Mr. Jones, the Rev. Mr. Jones, Darowen, Mr. D. Howell, Mr. Richard Jones, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Sackville Phelps, &c. Mr. D. Howell called upon the Rev. Canon Griffiths to commence tho proceedings by offering prayer, which was accordingly done. Mr. Howell then delivered an address. He said My Lord,—In assembling here fo-dur we are reminded of a former meeting, when. you did us the kindness of laying th> foundation stone Itl this Cloek Tower. I liare now the honour of asking your JLordxliip to tuke a part in ito Inauguration. The Comotiitee, of which 1 am chairman, have aimed at two things- 10 erect a building that would be of general utility to the inhabitants, and at the same time be an ornament to this town. we tr,, "I t hat we have attained both these objects But the rhi*t interest of this Memorial lies in its accociations When your children shall ask their fathers in time to come what mean these stones?" they will learn that they com- memorate the coining of age ot your Lordship, the eldest son ot a family whose name occupies a distinguished place in England's History This Tower will testify to future generations how you and your Noble faiuily are now honoured and esieemei: among your friends and neighbours, as were those who preceded them-for the names 01 tsir John and Lady Kdwards will never be forgotten here. It will tend to perpetuate and if possible to increase hereafter the mutual feelings of respect and goodwill which are no* so strongly manifested. These are we conceive advantages of no small value. It remains for me to ask your Lordship to declare that the Tower is completed. Viscount Castlereagh said it was impossible for him to express the grateful thanks he felt towards them both for the honour they had done him by asking him to inaugurate that beautiful building, as well for tlje ki»da»K8 which bad prompted thfe^rork and the reception they had given him. He regretted L-idy absence, as she would have been imuiensly gratified. He hoped that those who c:-INE ;1ft,-r ilim wunltl moot with the same kind feelings, and worn 1 prove wlnt. hp h vl fonn Viv* ill 1'i" OWN ease, t.1 t il' ¡" .LL lli1.i.ib, iit • -1 II; d- lleth WHIN IE o ud ao .-OGARD as a ru siue.jiv, and liieiong hiend. Amid Ion l cheers the Viscount then declared the towpr open. The Marqaess of Londonderry, who was cordially cheered, said I cannot sufficiently thank you on the part of my family and myself for the kind feel- ing which orginated and has brought to completion this beautiful work. It only adds another link to the chain which has now bound us together for many years, and is a convincing proof te us of the mutual interest; we foel in each other. Tliat feeling is en- hanced tho more, because we know the attachment and regard which was evinced towards those who preceded us, and whose example we have ever en- deavoured to follow. I have been requested to in- form you that Lady Edwards, who kindly presented the clock to the tower, is sadly disappointed that the person to whose charge it was committed, has wholly failed to fulfil his contract, but it is hoped that ere long this mv,y be remedied. I will not delay you longar in this—I regret to say—inclement weather, but thank you from my heart for ail your kindness igreat cheering). The proceedings then closed. THE LUNCHEON. The company then adjouruwl to the Town H all where the Marquess and Marchioness had invited them to a sumptuous luncheon. The Marquess pre- sided and about three hundred partook of his hos- pitality. Tho following was the Jfeii'I: — Roast Beef, Lamb, Galantines of Chicken, Chicken, Hams, Salmon, Lobsters, Jellies, Macedoines of Fruits, Pastry, Ricc Creams. Champagne, Sherry, Port, Claret. Mr. Roberts, formerly harpist to the late Sir Hugh Willi,lm8, llodolwydùan, pbyed during luncheon. Tile Marquess prefaceù the loyd toasts by regret- ting tliac the inclemency of the weather had preven- ted him from entertaining all his friends under one tent." He had found the tent and its appurtenances m a defective condition, and therefore it was necessary to hold tho luncheon in the Hall, and he hoped his guests would pardoa any inconveniences to which they had been in consequence suojected. He proposed in consequence or the unfavourable weathQr to post- pone tho concert until 9 o'clock, and to have the exhibition of the fireworks at a QUARTER to 8 o'cloak He hoped all present wonld attend the concert whether they had received their tickets or not (applause). The Marquess then proposed the toast of the Queen, the Empress of India. He referred to the fact that in spite ot tho factious opposition which had been raised agaiust the title which the Queen had thought fit to take to herself, it was a title which eomrnende.L itself not only to tho vast majority of the inhabitants of this country, but also of the Colonies and of India (applause). He gave then the toast of the Queen— God bless her, and might she long live to reign over the eountreis which she adorned and governed ( cheers). God save the Queen." The marquess next gave the toast of the Prince and Princess of VVales, and the rest of the Royal Family. He thought they all rejoiced in the fact that the Prince had safely returned from his long-extended journey, where his ability and courtesy had won him golden opinions (hear, hear). From personal ex- perience he could testily with respect to the Princess ot Wales that only to know her was to esteem her, and he eon.d only say to love her (aspiause), a fact wnicii was proved by the extraordinary reception she received on all public occasions. He could likewise say trom personal expeneuce that the education amt training which the children of the Prince aud Princess of Wales are receiving was thoroughly calculated to fit them for their high position (applause). God bless the Prince of Wales." The marquess next gave the toast of the Bishop aud clergy or the dioCQSC and the miliisters of all deno- minations. He eulogized the zeal and energy which ail the clergy and ministers had displayed during the tne time he had resided among them, and he was fain to believe that, spite of temporary excitements and differences of opinion, they were actuated by one common feeling, that of promotingpeace on earth and good will to men (applause). He coupled with the toast the names of the Rev. J. Griththsand the RjV. J. Foulkes Jones (applause). The Rev. Canon Griffith acknowledged the compli- ment. He looked upon the toast not as a mere com- pliment but rather as a tribute to their holy religion, and he hoped that as long as Englishmen met together that public expression of teeling- would never be laid aside. Ho thanked them for the cordial way in which they had received the toast (applause). The Rev. John Foulkes Jones also acknowledged tho toast. He had always regarded the Church of England as a venerable institution, and as one divinely honoured. He thought the clergy and the Noncon- formist ministers should act together, and considered that both the Church and Dissent were needed in this country. Hc regluded them as the oxygen and mtrogen or onr national life. He thanked his lord- ship, who had entertained them with such princely hospitality, for not having thrown among them the apple of discord but rather the olive branch of peace, concord, and love. The Marquess regretted the absence of Mr. Holland, M.P.,who was to have proposed the health of the Lord Lieutenant of the county, Lord Suueley, ami the magistrates of the county. He regreiied that the accounts they had received of the health of the Lord Licatmmllt were very unsatisfactory, and the: mem- ber for tho Montgomery boroughs was compelled to be absent at the bed-side ot his brother, or he would be present and have delivered doubtless a very good speech. He was sure the Lord Lieutenant had discharged his duties to tho satistaction of the county, and had been ably seconded by an efficient oench of magistrates (.applause). Sir Thomas Frost briefly responded to the com- pliment. Mr. D. Howell proposed the health of Viscount Castlereagh, who Wits that day the observed of all observers. He (the Kpeaker) was OliO of the rew who met outside the town when Lord Londonderry—then Lord Seaham—brought home his bride (loud ap- plause). He was present at the dinner given on the occasion of the birth of Lord Castlereagh, and he was still more proud ot being able to meet him there that day. He begged to tender the thanks of the com- mittee to Lord Castlereagh for the duties he had un- dertaken that morning, and he asked ail present to drink his health and that of Lady Castlereagh, with diree times three (loud applause and musical honours). Viscount Castlereagh acknowledged the compli- ment. He felt it quite impossible to toll them how muc1* he thanked them, how much he appreciated the handsome tower they had erected. He regretted that Lady Castlereagh was not able to be present, and he only hoped he should be able to bring her at some future date to see those whom his family and himself were proud to call their friends. He again thanked them, and proposed the health of the Com- mittee iind the subscribers to the clock tower (applause). Mr. Kiehard Jone", the hon. secretary, acknow- ledged the toast. The memorial tower erected to commemorate the coming of age of Lord Castlereagh had not been erected without trouble, though the sinews of war had flowed in freely to achieve the good work. He was glad to annonnee that tho committee had gained upwards of £1000, and the erection had been completed without their being in debt to the ex- tent of a single penny (applause). Hepaidanelo- quent tribute to the virtues of Lord Castlereagh, and said that although they now knew him as one of the pluckiest of Young England's riders and a master in field sports, they hoped St. Stephen's would one day echo his fame (loud applause). Ho referred to the sermon which Dean Stanley had preached prior to the departure of the Prince ot Wales for India, and said it occasioned him a thrill of pride when he lound that he had accidently taken his seat opposite a monument which a grateful country had raised to the memory of a former Lord Castlcreagh. He hoped rhe Viscount would emulate his great uncle's fame (hear, hear). Mr. Meredith, a tenant, proposed tho health of the Marquess of Londonderry in Welsh. The Marquess cordially acknowledged the com- pliment. He thought that the proposer of the toast had spoken of him in too flattering terms. He thought he had understood his friend to refer to days long gone by when he made the happiest acquaintance he ever made in his life—that of his partner for life for the last thirty years, partner in sorrow, affliction, and joy. He remembered the advice which he had given that he should recommend people to come to Wales for the same purpose, and now he should be inclined to repeat that advice though, times being changed, they might not meet with the same good luck as he had done (loud laughter and applause). The Rev. Canon Griffith proposed the health of the Marchioness of Londonderry. He paidanelo. quent tribute to her ladyship's unostentahous but unceasing perseverance in working for the good of others, a fact which accounted largely for her re. markable popularity. He asked them to drink the health of the Marchioness upstanding (loud cheers). Viscount Castlereagh briefly acknowledged the compliment which the guests had so kindly paid to his mother, who, he was sure, reciprocatea the feel- ings they had so kindly expressed (applause) Mr. R. D. Pryce proposed the health of Lady Edwards, who, HE said, looked as well and ho must say as pratty as HE eyer remembered her to have done. A French writei had said that it was difficult to grow old gracefully, but the writer would, had he been at Machynlleth that day, had admitted that there was no rule without au exception (loud Applause). Lord Henry Vane Tempest acknowledged the com. pliment. and expressed regret that the clock which his grandmother had presented had not arrived. (applause). Mr R. Jones proposed the toast of Sir W. Williams WYltn, Bart., why, HE remarked, had pre- sented them with a portion of the land upon which the tower WAS built. He commented upon various, ancestors of Sir Watkin, and said that he was a Welshman of whom they must feel proud. (Applause). Mr. Phelps proposed the health of Lord Henry Vane Tempest, and the junior members of the Plas Machynlleth family. They were glad to meet Lord Henry after his recovery from so severe an accident, for he had made himself so popular by his winning demeanour, kindliuesg of heart, and genial sympathy that he had enchanted them all. I le could scarcely imagine a happier future of honour and usefulness than that which he hoped lay in store for the three members of the family whose names were joined in the toast (applause). Lord Henry Vane Tempest acknowledged the com- pliment most cordially on behalf of his brother, his sister and himself. He was happy to be there per- sonally to meet them, and no doubt his brother also was delighted to be home for his holidays for the same purpose (loud laughter and applause). The Marquess proposed the toast of the architect, Mr. Kennedy. He defied any one to find a single fault with the building whose opening they had witnessed that day. It was a remarkably cliasto and handsome erection, and one well suited not only to take a place in the town of Machynlleth, but in any town in the kingdom. He gave them the health of Mr. Kennedy, $pd the toast was greeted with a cordial reception Mr. Kennedy said d nring the course of a profes- life of nearly half a century in length he had never been more kindly supported than by the noble lorri and by tho committee who had been instrumen- tal in rai<-sn- THO t'nver. IT was a satisfaction to HIM T'.VI Ld thanks oi the company whom he hoped he HAD ..e.ved with fidelity. He thanked them for the compliment they had so cordially paid him. (applause). Air C. F. Thi-tiston bri(, proposed the toast of "the ladies." He thought .I meetings of that nature were doubly graced by the presence of ladies, and he was only sorry that the inclement weather had pre- vented a larger attendance (applause). The Rev. Mr. Jones acknowledged the compli- ment. Viscount Castlcr ■ gli proposed the toast of the Town and Trade of Juaehynlieth. He could assure them that from his earliest years lie had watched with interest the improvements which had been effected, and he thought if he might be permitted to say so the Castlereagh Tower outstripped all other improvements. He cordially wished increased suc- cess to the trade, and also to the agricultural inter- ests, which he saw so largely represented there that day. He hoped when the harvest homes were celebra- ted they would return their hearty thanks to the Giver ot All (appliLuse). He coupled with the toast the name of Mr. Edward Rees. Mr. Edward Rees acknowledged the toast. Lord Merbert Vane Tempest, who was received with loud and prolonged cheers, proposed the health of tae tenantry. Though he was not able to do jus- tice \o tlie toast, it had given his parents great pleasure to see them ail there that day, and with the toast he would couple the name of Mr. Giilart and ask them to joiu him in hearty cheers (applause). Mr. Giiiart tnanked the noble lord for the cordial reception ot the toast He could assure them that it nad been the increasing desire of their landlord and landlady, during the past few weeks to make proper arrangements for their enjoyment that day. II was only the weather which had hindered them ail irom dining together. He hoped the tenants would have many tuture opportunities of meeting their landlord, as lie was sure that such gatherings were productive ot consideiidbe benefit (applanse). Mr. Davios (Doiearadog), proposed the health of the contractor, Mr. Edward Edwards, who he was sure they would all testily had done his work well. lie had personally had much to do with stone and moitar, and thought the stones of the tower ware bet- ter put together tnan any similar erection in Wales (appllause). Mr. Edwards responded very briefly. The Marquess proposed the health of Mr. Edward Morgan who had presented an organ to the parish church Machynlleth had benefitted among otner im- provements by the passage through it of tho Cam- brian Railway, and he thought they ought not to allow the occasion to pass without thanking Mr Mor- gan cordially for his handsomo gift, which was another improvement. The best wishes ot that day nau given his tamily and himseil remarkable pleasure ana lie hoped it womd not ue tne last time he had the opportunity ol meeting themS He would propose "our lWAC meny meeting as a conclusion to tile pro- ceeding's (aplauseA The guests tneii dispersed. TEA Ai THE VANE HALL. A tea was likewise generously provided by the Marquess at the Vane Hail for the subscribers of the smaller amounts of the fund. Shortly a.T>,or eight o'clock the grounds of the Plas were thronged uy a laige crowd wno witnessed with every maniiestatiou oi pleasure a realty magnificent display ot tirevvoriis. h heint is stated that tne fire- works were prepared by Messrs. Biock and Co., the weil-known pyrotechnists of the Crystal Palace, it may be interred tnat the display was of a highly meritorious character. THE CONCERT. At 9 o'clock an adjournment took place at the Town Hall, where a concert was held under the LEADERSHIP of Mr.Davies,xViagionatto, House, the choir uewg" composed 01 tne meuiDers ot the Machynlleth Choral CiocieLy, while Mr. Rowland Davies presided at the pianoiorte. The chair was taken oy the Marquess of Luiiuunderry, who was supported oy the Marchioness and liisyoutnt ul daughter,Lady AleXc>NDJ nna Vane JLcrnpest. The proceedings were commences with Professor Parry s Ffarwel i ti Cymru fad," which was very creuitaoly rendered, the choir giving due attention to musical expression. Llew liulas then saug "iiachgen Pcwr," by the same composer, with consiuerabie vigour; and was followed by MisS Cordelia Euwards, who gave Only lor One in all UACH and playiui manner. Mr. Sauvage sang the "Village BiacKsmith" in a style leaving nothing to be desired; while Mr. Win. Francis evoKed the hearty applause of tne audience by his con amore singing 01 tne kindly and genial air '• welcome as the 1?lowers in May. Mr. Francis threw a vast amount OF nearty enjoyment into the proceedings by calling on his hearers to join IU Lhe chorus; they did so and awarded him a well-deserved encore. Kathleen ùlavourucen" was nvxt given by Miss Kate Rooerts, ot Newtown, most eareiully and expressively; and Mr. Sauvage elicited general plaudits by his masterly surging ot BugeUes y YVyddfa." A trio W*3 toiiowed by Miss Kate Roberts and Messrs. Francis and Phillips, and a numoer of other songs brought pleasant evening to a close, the National AntheH1 concluding the pertormance.




[No title]

Family Notices
