Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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LETTER BY MR HUMPHREYS-OWEN. The following letter has been published:— My dear Rendel,-I have all along,thought it the business of the University College of Wales to pro- vide higher education in Wales. Holding that view, I have as far as possible abstained from entering upon any controversy on the site question. The conflicting claims of towns and districts to the honour of giving a borne to the college for North Wales will very shortly be decided by a tribunal of which it is not too much to svy that its judgment will command the respect, if it does not obtain the assent, even of un. successful candidates. j Speaking for myself, I cannot admit the assump- tion, that being a supporter of the University Col- lege of Wales, implies being a supporter of the Aber- ystwyth site. My connection with the College has been neither recent nor intermittent. It dates back indeed to very near the commencement of educational work there. What little aid I have been able to give in purse and person, I gave not for a college at Aber. ystwyth, but to a national institution with national objects, for which Aberystwyth under the then exist- ing circumstances afforded the best, indeed the only site. Similar feelings, I know, actuated several of the most active of my colleagues on the council of the College. But strong efforts are now beinir nude to treat the Aber- ystwyth site as an inseparable, indispensable element in the existence of the College. We are told that a promise, having a most important bearing upon the retention of the College at Aberystwyth as the College for North Wales, was made by Lord Carlingtord to the deputation which attended him last Monday. A tolerably brisk attack has been made on you ov the ground that you referred insufficiently, if at all, to this promise in the account you were good enough to send me of the proceedings of the deputation. Now, what is this promise? We (i.e. the President and Vice-President of the Council) ahall consider it our duty in future to listen to any views or statements on hehnlf of Aberystwyth that you (the deputation) may choose to put before us." Why, of course, th"y would. Fancy Lord Carlingford or Mr Mundella telling a deputation of about a dozen Welsh memWrs, and ever so many local magnates, headed by Lord Ab. rdare, that they would not listen to them asain, and if they forwarded any documents, would put them isto the waste-paper basket I It needs no ery continuous familiarity with English politics to see the meaning of such words on such an occasion. But let us look at the facts, apart from this promise, what- ever its scope may be. 1, Government will have two, and only two, State-Aided College* in Waits. 2, Out of six north Welsh Counties four, Anglesey, Carnarvon, Denbigh, aud Flint, will not hear of the Aberystwyth site; one, Montgomery- shire, is divid, d, and one only, Merioneth supports it. 3, The arbitrators decline to let it* case come before then. Conse- sequently, there can be no State-aided College at Aberystwyth, unless the arbitrators eitner report no town in North Wales to be a fit site, or go outside their reference, and report in favour of Aberystwyth or unless the Government, perhaps, acting on such an intimation from i-he arbitrators, or it may be over- ruling them, gives a decision in opposition to the wishes of about three fourths of North Wales on a purely North Welsh matter. I think, therefore, that the hopes which the friends of the Aberystwyth site base onLordC«rlin<?ford's speech are fallacious So set-ms to me in the highest degree impolitic to lose time and epportunity for uniting our resources with those of the North Wttles organization. It that were agreed to, the new life ef the University College for North Wales might begin at Aberystwyth next term, and be carried on there until ade- quate buildings were completed on the selected site. Mean- while the change from ihe comparatively restricted scope of the present work of the College to its larger asefulness wou Id be effected with the very least friction add waste ef energy Further, more time would be given to mature arrangements, for (in Lord Carlingford's words) putting these flue buildings to some good educational use." I hazard the guess that the use Lord Carlingford had in mind was that the idea of which I think we owe to Mr Lewis Morris—a high school for girls. Y oa talk of the seeming malice of fortune, but I think if such a consummation were attained, the College, leaving Aber- ystwyth for its new home, might say in all soberness— Quo nos cumque feret melior fortuna, Ibimos o socii comitesque, Vil Besperandum. Yours very trulv, A. C. HPMMMrs-OwBN. July, 2nd, 1888. Saturday' was the last day for sending inlclaims for the site of the North Wales College. The central committee have received claims from Bala, Bangor, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Rhyl, Ruthin, Wrexham, and Welshpool. These claims have been referred to the arbitration of Lords Carlingford and Bramwell and Mr Mundella, whose decision is to be given before September.
