Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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ander a disadvantage all his lifetime, and it was by putting on a little extra spurt that he was what. he Was. This college must do the same (hear, hear). IPeople must send their sons to this college,and not to the other. He knew there was some sort of feeling because they did not get the same amount as the other colleges but he thought they were better off than them. They knew that the recommenda- tion of the committee was that there should be one college for North Wales and the other in South Wales, but the Government had given them < £ 2,500, when they were not recommended to have any- thing, so that he thought they stood better than the others. Let them make an effort to sustain thp college in every possible way, and they might de- pend upon it this college would go on with high colours (hear, hpar). They would have the same amount as Bangor if they worked for it, and they tiid not want to be paid if they did not do the work. Let the people send a good number of young men there—young men who would be likely to come out well. There were boys whom it was.not worth while sending to college, and it would be better to send them to the pits (laughter). He urged that the board schools should promote good boys, and send them to the college. That was all he had to say, so that they should not be discouraged, and they might expect the same grant as the other col- leges. There was some dissatisfaction, and be felt it keenly, that they had not done their best at the commencement; but they could not stir the Govern- ment to give anything until he promised X500 a year himself (applause). Mr Stuart Rendelar.d himself had to haggle a great deal, and they bad to tell the Government that they would not take less than &2,500, when they wanted them to accept £2,000 fcbeers). The Chairman said the college was alive to-day in a great measure owing to the liberality of Mr David Davies (hear, hear). He was a prince among nan; providence had endowed him with great wealth, and better than that it bad given him the facility and a right heart to use that wealth, and Aberystwyth had been fortunate enough to be = within the knowledge of Mr Davies (applause). There were several gentlemen from whom they would be glad to hear a few words before the proceedings closed. Wr Stuart Rendel said he confessed this was liardly the occasion on which he should endeavour to make anything in the nature of a speech, or attempt to deal with the large question involved ia the fresh life which Aberystwyth was about to enter upon. But he obeyed the call of the Chairman, and after all that had been said as to the part he had had the honour to play in connectiou with Aberystwyth, it had been a matter for much grati- fication to him, and it was also an occasion of some pain, as he felt ashamed of hearing the kind ex- pressions used towards him. He was indebted im- imensely to the success that had attended his efforts mainly to those who had been behind. There was ene circumstance which gave the report more force than it would otherwise have-it was the circum- stance of the common effort, the harmonious work- ing of the parties through which Aberystwyth seeured so much success. 'Unless there would have been harmony in the working of the Council itself, the governing body, and those who interested them- selves there would have been no prospect of success. As an instance, he took the case of the memorial. Aberystwyth ought to feel deeply indebted to those who took the pains and used their skill in the pro- daction of that memorial (hear, hear). He also alloded to the extraordinary effort of success that had attended the crusade, as he might call it, with the view of ascertaining the opinion of the Welsh people generally, which was a great power in secur- ing the success that was secured. He hoped that his small services had been spoken of merely as a convenience of expression of the much more im- portant services rendered by them. The large Dumber of meetings helped them very much indeed, sod he hoped the persons who took so much trouble in bringing those meetings about would also receive the thanks of the Council (hear, hear). To Judge Williams (applause)-the honorary secretary of the University he personally felt a debt of gratitude, which he felt a difficulty in expressing. He sup- ported him as only a friend could (hear, hear). On the general question of education he thought he was too young a member or associate of the governing body to say much, but his friend, and the powerful friend of the college on his right (Mr David Davies), had said something as to what was and what was not possible in the way of se- miring the whole grant (hear, hear). He denied that those who wished to befriebd the college ever attempted to make a compromise for the college there never was a suggestion of any compromise. The case was stated as one of life or death to the university, and the question of what was necessary to keep alive the university was never mentioned (hear, hear). The Govern- ment had given what they considered to be right to the taxpayer and adtquate to the present position of the college, and it was now simply for the college to prove that it could utilise the larger amount. The Government had not limited the amount, but bad given, rightly or wrongly, such a sum as to enable the college to show whether there was vitality suffi- cieat to ensure its success. This was the view which the Government seemed to have taken, and mow they had accepted that view that Aberystwyth was of sufficient educational importance that it SDUQI be maintained not only in deference to Welsh Sentiment, but of necessity, then it would not be a matter of a few hundreds a year. That was his opinion as one who had been on somewhat intimate dealings with the Department on the matter (ap- plause). The Chairman, in calling upon Mr Pugh, M.P., TeFerred to the great knowledge which he had shown at the Council meetings in London, and said that he was sorry he was not with them in the north I last winter in the great meetings which they held in Lancashire, when agitating for justice to be done for Mid-Wales (hear, hear). Mr Pugh, who was loudly applauded, said he wanted to say that he entirely agreed with all that had been said with reference to the efforts made on behalf of the college it did appear to him that every one had done his best (hear, hear). If there was any difference between them, it was merely as to how soon they should get the further aid. He entirely agreed with Mr Davies that it was their cluty to put their shoulders to the wheel and do what they could, ani he wished to impress upon -ever1 one that they ought net to stand where they were. They should do all they coald to deserve the jM,000, and bring all the pressure to bear upon the Government to give it them as soon as possible (bear, hear). The Government had acknowledged that they were entitled to a grant by giving them A2,500, and he cordially agreed with every word that had been uttered in reference to that; but he thoBght they must have a further grant in order that the college should be carried on successfully, and he was prepared to use all efforts in his power to bring about that end as soon as possible (ap- plause). Mr Stephen Evans proposed a vote of thanks to the chairman. Mr Hughes seconded the proposition, which was carried amid acclamation, and the proceedings ter- minated. DISTRIBUTION OF PHIZES,—A SCENE. At three ectock in the afternoon there was a large and brilliant assembly in the Exam- ination Hall for the purpose of witnessing the distribution of prizes to the successful students. Most of the gentlemen already mentioned were present, beside whom the company included many ladies, ministers of the town, and trades- men generally. Colonel Pryse was announced to preside, but Judge B. T. Williams said that he regretted Colonel Pryse was not able to be present, and under those circumstances he begged to pro- pose that the member for the county-Mr. Pugh-should take the chair (applause). The Venerable Archdeacon of Llandaff se- conded the proposal, which was agreed to with enthusiasm. Mr Pugh said it was with very great plea- sure that he took the chair at the meeting, and Ms only regret was that Colonel Pryse was not ifre t0 4 e (hear, hear). He knew from "ivnat the Colonel told him that he was exceed- ingly sorry that he was not able to be there; Xte took great interest in the college, in fact he was not aware of anyone who took a greater interest than the Colonel did, and he was sure that he felt the regret which he (the speaker) now expressed in not being able to be there. The first thing he had to do was to congratulate Ihem upon the success achieved by the eol- lege, and he looked upon it in every way as a success (applause). He asked them to consider their position last winter, and the difficulties they had to contend with. It was unnecessary for him to enter into particulars as to how these difficulties arose, but there was no ques- tion that the Government came to the conclusion that this college ought not to be supported, and that it ought to be given up, and that the two colleges of Cardiff and Bangor ought to be assisted, and those two colleges only. In getting the Government to see that the college was entitled to a grant and should be supported as one of the State-aided colleges they had made a great advance (applause). It was not only that they had got a grant of £2,500, but it was that they had got the right of a grant to the college acknowledged, and when they had that right acknowledged it seemed to him that there was no sound standing ground whatever for saying that this college ought to have a lower grant than the other two (applause). They looked upon it that they had to show equally good results with the other colleges, and if that was so they ought to have equal ad- vantages. They remembered how Pharoah oppressed the children of Israel by compelling them to make bricks without straw, and their position would not have been very much im- proved supposing they had half the amount of straw given them to make the bricks. That was the position of this college (laughter and cheers). The governors and council were all agreed in endeavouring to make the college a success so far as they could, but the necessary portion to that was that they should have an equal grant with the other colleges. He was not pressing that matter upon their attention now with a view to their exclusive attention to it, because it was a mistake if they did so. The college could not be supported unless the people put their shoulders to the wheel, as Mr David Davies had already said, and do the best they could for themselves. He was free to con- fess for his own part that in order to make the college the success which they desired it was necessary that they should have JE6,000 a year for the working of the college apart from the building fund. That did not do away with the voluntary effort. If they got f 4,000 from the Government, and they had an income of £ 500 from endowment, that would still leave £1,500 to be raised by voluntary subscription. He felt certain that amount would be raised in addition to the completion of the buildings. If they had £ 6,000 they could then turn round to the Prin- cipal and professors and say "We now leave it you to make the college a success (applause). At present they were undermanned-they wanted more professors. They ought to be able to show that they could give as liberal an education in every branch as the other two colleges. He ac- knowledged very heartily the efforts of all those who had joined in bringing about the successful re- sults they were able to contemplate that day, and they would all agree that in endeavouring to carry it further there had been hard work done by earnest men during the last year (applause). He was not going to mention names, because if he did so he should leave out some of those who ought to be mentioned. There was one point which he must touch upon with regard to the question of the grant. There had been a certain amount of blame cast, unfairly he thought (applause), upon the governing body of the college with regard to the grant. The governing body never put it at the small amount which they had obtained. In the me- morial, which they had all probably seen,which was a most ably diawn up document, the prayer was that this college should be put on an equal Yooting with the oiher two colleges, and he was bound to say that it was the fault ef the Government in not properly appreciating the situation and giving ,'hem the larger grant (applause). This was a Government which acted by hearing the views of tLe people, and the people last year spoke with no uncertain voice as to whether this college was entitled to a grantor not, and whether it was a necessary portion to any scheme for higher education in Wales (cheers), and the people would never rest until it was put in a similar position to the other colleges in Wales Their position now was that they bad 80 students. They had gone into the matter carefully, and he thought he might fairly say that the reports showed that the students had acquitted themselves very creditably in the examination. They must remem- ber at the same time that a very good proportion of the students were at the time gone for the final x- amination for matriculation in London, and there- fore they could not be examined. Seeing the success which had been achieved he did not think that there was any fault to be found with the staff or anyone else that was responsible for its success (applause). He was not going to detain them at any length, because there were several gentlemen ready to address them, and whom they were anxious to hear. A certain amount of blame had been cast upon him, but he looked upon it as a compliment, because he had not been heard upon so many topics as some of his constituents desired (laughter), and he was not going to try and remove that blame then. They had decided to offer a large number of scholarships, three of .£50, which had been placed at their disposal by munificent benefactors of the college, and among them he would only mention one—the Principal of the college (loud applause). He then enumerated the list mentioned elsewhere. They would give young men liberal aid in the prosecution of their sudies, and he trusted they would tend very much to the success of the college. Not only were these scholarships open for men, but they were also open to women, and he confessed that was a matter which he looked upon as of the greatest importance. It was of the greatest im- portance that the daughters of this country should be treated equally well with the sons. He remem- bered the time when the motto was to give an edu- cation only to one son, but he hoped the time had come when all their sons should have an equal ad- vantage, and their daughters should also have an equal advantage with their sons (loud applause). Principal Edwards, who was loudly cheered, then read the list of prizemen, and also the list of those who had distinguished themselves, and the following prizes were handed to the recipients by Mr Pugh, each of them being heartilv cheered :— 9 (rreefc.—Higher senior: T. J. Williams. Lower senior H. W. Hughes. Higher Junior T. J. Bar- ford. Latin.-Higher senior: C. A. Williams. Lower senior: Jokn Williams. Matriculation T. J. Bar- ford. Junior Latin: T. C. Jones. Practical Chemistry.—E. W. Stewart. Biology.-R. W. Stewart. Elementary Physics, Zoology, Botany.-Abraham Thomas. Elementary Chemistry-To H. White; W. J. Jones Advanced Chemistry.—Llewelyn Roberts. Advanced Physics.-R. W. Stewart. Hebrew and Arabic.-First, Joseph Davies; second, W. Richards. English.-Senior: H. M. Hughes. Intermediate: J. Williams; extra prize, J. E. Hughes; Junior: T. C. Jones. French.—Senior; C. A. Williams. Junior: H. W: Hughes. German.-Senior: H. W. Hughes. Junior: W Richards. Philosophy.-H. M. Hughes. Advanced Mathematics.-W. H. Box. Scholarship of X20 in Modern Languages.—J. K. Williams. Olassics ditto.-John Davies. Mathematics ditto.-B. C. Morgan. Philosophy ditto.-T. J. Williams. Junior Arithmetic and Algebra.—J. E. Jones and D. J. Lewis. Junior Geometry.-Thomas Davies. Statics and Dynamics.-Thomas Davies: Intermediate Geometry and Trigonometry,—R W Stewart. The examiners were—Greek, Latin, Freach, and German Dr Wilkins, Owens College, Manchester. Philosophy Professor J. Radford Thomson, M A., New College, London. Mathematics A. Le Sueur, M.A New College, London. Natural Science Professor Lloyd Morgan, University College, Bris. tol. English W. J. Craig, M.A., London. Hebrew Dr Neubauer, Oxford. Judge Williams, who was received with much en- thusiasm, said that he felt considerable difficulty in addressing them, because he had made so many speeches that day and had listened to so many, that he expected most people must be tired of speeches. However, he wished to make a few ob- servations in explanation of the course taken by those who had the management—that was the mem* bers of the council (hear, hear). The members of the council had imposed upon him the task of tell- ing that audience what they had done during the last year for the preservation of this college, and explaining the particulars of action with reference to the important matter in which they were en- gaged. He proposed to take the opportunity of saying something in connection with their doings, although the time allowed him was necessarily brief, and although he would have the disadvantage of speaking after so much had been already done. In making his statement he did not wish it to be sup- posed that he came there in defence of any one, be- cause no defence was needed (hear, hear), not if the country knew all the facts, which were not known, because the negotiations whieh had taken place, and the difficulties which had arisen behind the scenes had not been made public, and the public had not been informed of them, and therefore they could not know the real facts (hear, hear). They all knew that by the position taken up by the Chester Conference this institution at Aberystwyth was placed in a position of great peril. The Departmental Committee had pledged themselves to the Government that they should only have two colleges for the whole of Wales, and when the Chester Conference repudiated the college at Aberystwyth as the college for North Wales then the great, difficulty necessarily arose, because the recommendation of the Departmental Committee had great weight with everyone, and especially with the Education Department at Whitehall. It also affected the question very much that there were on the council of the Aberystwyth College several members of the Departmental Committee, who had pledged themselves to this recommenda. tion that Wales was to have enly two colleges—it very much hampered their cause, because North Wales repudiated Aberystwyth as one of them, and how could they go to the Government and ask that Aberystwyth should be retained ? So far from blaming the council of Aberystwyth College for hesitating as to what they should do, everyone who was acquainted with public business and people ap- pointed to advise the Government could not but feel and sympathise with them (hear, hear). And therefore some of their most prominent members in the difficulties hesitated to give that assistance to outride members which they required. Mr Gibson Why did they not retire (loud cries of order and hisses). Judge Williams said they got over that difficulty in the course which they adopted, and those gentle- men became the most valuable supporters of it (ap- plause). He said that their first hesitation, seeing that they had advised the Government to have only two colleges, was natural and entirely justifiable under the circumstances. But there were men on that council who were in no way pledged to the re- commendation of the Departmental Committee. MrStephm Evans was one of them, and he (the speaker) was another (loud applause). And they resolved to take action for themselves, but he must say that they were loyally and nobly supported by the Welsh people. Meetings were held throughout Wales, petitions came from public bodies and public meetings for presentation to the Department, and Mr Pugh presented their case with considerable ability and zeal to the Department, but notwitb. standing all their efforts and all they could do, they received from Mr Mundella and Lord Carlingford a direct negative. They felt, acting upon the report of the Departmental Committee, and no doubt as honourable men, that they could not sanction three colleges, and the giving of the grant to this one at Aberystwyth. That was a serious rebuff, and at that time it was thought their case was at an end (" No, no "), It was thought so, and the professors, many of them, were proceeding to Sy from the falling house and go to other institutions. But they re- solved that they would not give in-that they had something yet to do, and that was to appeal to a man who, he could say, having followed him for years and watched him as he had watched him, to appeal to one who had ever been the friend of Wales, and that was Mr Gladstone (loud applause), and beyond that they had to appeal to the British House of Commons and here again he must say that having resolved to take that course they were ably and most loyally supported by the Welsh people (hear, hear). In fact the voice of the Welsh people was heard from Anglesey down to Pembroke- dock meetings were held in support of this col- lege, and that voice of Wales unitedly heard had a great effect in bringing about this successful result. He must also refer to the efforts of the Aberystwyth committee they took a leading part in this move- ment, and they got an expression of opinion in the leading towns on this important subject. Then they wanted a representative to lay that expression of opinion en the part of the Welsh people before Mr Gladstone and before the House of Commons. Un- fortunately his friend, Mr Pugh, who had given them valuable assistance before, was not at home, and they had to look round for some one to act as a substitute for him, and happy they were in finding Mr Stuart Rendel (loud applause). He took up the cause of this college with wonderful enthusiasm, and devoted to it the greatest skill, and conducted it with the greatest ability, and he was sure that they would ever remember his name in connection with that college with gratitude (applause). Then Mr Stuart Rendel wanted to have, not the sanction of a few men connected with the council like Mr Stephen Evans and himself (the speaker), but he wanted the sanction of the whole of the council, and thereupon an important meeting of the council was called. It was held at Lonsdale Cham- bers, Lord Aberdare was in the chair, and it was attended by many others who had the confidence of the Welsh people (hear, hear). It had been sug- gested that they did net do their best to get the £ 4,000. The resolution which he would read to them would indicate what they were trying to do he had the honour ot moving it himself it was dis- cussed, and speeches were made by Mr Henry Richard and others—" Thht the president, Lord Aberdare, be requested to ask the Prime Minister, on behalf of the council, to receive on an early day a deputation of the council and friends of the college to place before him the claims of the college for the grant of a sum similar to what was made to Bangor and Cardiff, and to explain the great loss to the cause of education in Wales which would ensue from the extinction of this successful and powerful institution" (applause). It would be seen from that that the endeavour of the council was to get an equal grant to Bangor and Cardiff. Complaint had been made of his noble friend Lord Aberdare, and be was not there to justify him, as he needed it not, but he was at that meeting to support the full grant (applause). He said that the amount was not a question of principle if they got a grant at all they were entitled to the £ 4,000 as well as the others. A change came over the minds of some of the council with reference to Aber- ystwytb. Mr Lewis Morris was the first member of the Departmental Committee that definitely came round in favour of establishing Aberystwyth as a third college. He declared his conversion at that meeting, and hr. (the speaker) must say that his example indueed many others in a short time to follow him (hear, bear). That resolution was passed, but they were not able to see Mr Gladstone, as it would appear as if he was hearing a case of appeal against a department of bis own Government, and he said that instead of receiving the deputation which was going to appeal, he would prefer seeing anything they had to say on paper. And really they lost nothing by that, because the result of it was that Mr Lewis Morris prepared an admirable statement, which was presented afterwards to Mr Gladstone, and no doubt that Mr Gladstone, during the illness he had just at that time, folt the full fierce of it, and that it had resulted in some good for them. Then Mr Stuart Rendel led that aplendid debate in the House of Commons on the question of the retention of the Aberystwyth College (applause). In that he was supported loyally by nearly every Welsh member of Parliament, anel the memorial was signed by nearly every Welsh member in the House of Commons. In consequence of that Mr Stuart Rendel received a substantial promise that this institution at Aberystwyth should be preserved for the Welsh people. Now all that was perhaps known to them, but then arose a difficulty—a diffi- culty which really it was hard to aocount for alto- gether, because the next news they heard was that it had been settled by the Education Department that the grant to Aberystwyth was not to be more than £ 2,000. Now that was a very serious conclu- sion which was arrived at by the officials without coa$nltatien with Mr Stuart Rendel (Mr Rendel: Hear, hear) or anyono coneerned in the movement. He did not know how it was, but he knew that when he "was in the House of Commono iD 1879, when tke agitation was going on on behalf of Welsh educa- tion and they spoke in favour of Aberystwyth, and the understanding was among them that they were ",11 going in for Aberystwyth but Mr Coottney) f who had great power with the Trea- ry then strongly opposed any grant being given nt. that time. Mr Courtney had still great power with the Treasury, and he (Mr Williams) suspected that he had some- thing to do with the limitation of this grant to Aberystwyth. However that might be, that was the new difficulty, and he believed that Mr Mundella never had been in favour of Aberystwyth, although he was assured by Mr Rendel that he was now a convert (hear, hear). Mr Mundella even after the debate remained perverse with reference to Aber- ystwyth, and after the promise was made by the Government he still was personally of opinion that it was a wrong thing to have done. Therefore Mr Mandella was not disposed to help them, and for some time he positively refused togo to the Treasury to agree to the conclusion arrived at that Aber- ystwyth should get only JE2,000, and when he did go they were told that they must not expect more. Mr Stuart Rendel, Mr Lewis Morris, and himself took the message that they could not manage on -62,000, and they were challenged 1 to name the lowest sum wiih which they they could carry on the institution for the present and in these negotiations they never had a chance .that they should have £4,000, and it was by great' pressure, with the assistance of Mr Stuart Rendel, with the assistance of the council, and by the assis- tance of Lord Aberdare, he must say, because it was true (hear, hear), that they got them to advance JE500 more than the £ 2,000 upon which they had fixed. While the negotiations were proceeding, they must remember that there were applicants I from other quarters-Swansea was trying to take it from them, Liverpool had sent in its claim (A voice "AndBristol"), and asthey were watching and strug- gliog for the preservation of this institution they were glad to get anything that would make it safe to live until it was able to take care of itself (applause). Therefore they were rejoiced to take this sum of £ 2,500. What were they to do ? There were some gentlemen present who thought-and Mr Pugh thought—they ought to get the .£4,000, and he was quite willing to go in for it (applause). They ought togo in for it; but he could tell them one thing, they would not get it at once; this matter was now settled. Whether they got more would depend upon what they did there (hear, hear). He did not object to them working now, but they knew very well what had been put before them. The Government would say to them Here you have the chance we do not ask you, as we ask Bangor or Cardiff, to sub- scribe £30,000 or £ 40,000. We take you as you are, with an established position, and give you X2,,5009 so that you may show that you are necessary in Wales, and that the Welsh people approve of your continuance." Now, how were they to do that? He thought they were safe of an increased grant in due time if they could show good work for the institution (hear, hear). If they re-organised their arrangements for the majagement of the col- lege (hear, hear), and saw the affairs of the college under a vigilant staff and supervision, and if they had the best professorial staff their resuurces could command—if they gave a high claas education in all the branches of learning, and placed their stu- dents at the head of the lists, they were safe to have the increased grant they now claimed (applause). He thought they had great advantages, and while he d d nottell them to be content with what they had got, he thoughc there was much to be thankful for, and he could congratulate the friends upon the advantages which they had (applause). They had great advan tages that the other colleges had not; they had this beantiful and salubrious place in which students might pursue their peaceful studies, which was superior to any other institution in Wales (ap- plause). They had a splendid building—a work of art and genius in itself, and that beautiful shore that no other college in Wales for many years would be able to equal (cheers). He trusted they would be able to succeed in bringing students, not by scholarships and exhibitions, as he did not want to bring students for the pensions which they would be likely to get, but because they would know and feel that they would get the best education, and that it was to their advantage to come here (hear, hear). That ought t o be their chief aim and object-to im- prove and raise their education, and by that means, not merely by scholarships which had an humiliat- ing influence, but by teaching them that it was to their interest to come here. In conclusion, he must make an appeal to the students themselves they could do much to raise the tone of this institution, and by their character as scholars and gentlemen add to its honour and to its fame (applause). He trusted this college at Aberystwyth, sanctified by the memories of honoured men, famous as the har- binger of first-class secular education, the love of the Welsh people, and now preserved in obedience to their expressed wish, would long remain the centre of life and thought of the people of Wales (loud applause). Dr R. D. Roberts then rose in the body of the hall, and said that he wished to propose a resolution. The Chairman said that he had a programme of the proceedings and must ask Mr Roberts not to proceed. Amid great uproar and loud cries of "Sit down," Mr Roberts persisted in speaking, whereupon The Chairman said I must call Dr Roberts to order. It is my duty to regulate the proceedings. Please to sit down (loud cheers). Dr R. D. Roberts I wish to speak. [Loud cries of If Chair" and shouting, and after this had con- tinued for some time Mr Roberts resumed his seat]. The Chairman said that he wished to regulate this meeting to the satisfaction of all and to the fairness of every person in that room, and if after the pro- gramme had been gone through any one desired to speak he would consider it (loud cheers). He then called Archdeacon Griffiths, who said he was there in obedience to the command of the chairman, and he would endeavour to discharge that duty in the briefest manner possible. That was not the first time, to the knowledge of some of them, that he had stood upon that platform, and if some years had marked his absence from attendance at their meet- ings of the council and governors, he bad great pleasure in being there to congratulate the college upon having achieved so much success, through the instrumentality of well-tried friends, and which had been so forcibly and eloquently brought before them by their friend Judge Williams (applause). He did not want to attach any great importance to himself, but he would just ask permission to say that though he was absent from the Aberystwyth college meetings the institution itself and the pro- gress which it had made had not been absent from his mind (applause). For some years he had had to carry the burden of office which had kept him very much at home; he said at home in Glamorganshire, although it came from a faltering tongue, for he believed he should never be thoroughly 51 at home without being in the county of Cardigan (laughur and applause). But he had not been without being employed in work of a similar char- acter. He had been standing with a few others- earnest, active, devoted men-round the cradle of an infant institution, and doing all in his power to nourish and support that institution in its early days. That infant had not had the privileges of this in- stitution in its infancy. Here the cradle was pre- pared, and it was its own, a noble, royal cradle but they had to borrow a cradle [laughter], but it was marvellous how that infant had thrived. Aber- ystwyth, however, was the mother institution of higher education, but the good old mother most put on her beat clothes, otherwise the infant daughters would eclipse her in power, in growth, and the extent of their influence. That was not what he wished, nor what he hoped, and certainly not what he expected [applause]. He had heard allusions made by his friend Mr Williams to those grand men who had stood upon that platform for many succes- sive years, whose memories were sweet to them, and he was glad that this opportunity was not allowed to pass, in that day of glory and success, when they had won their laurels and renown, without reference to the eminent men who dug and delved here to get the foundation upon which that grand institution had been raised with power and with glory [applause]. He would not detain them, and would net interfere with the gentleman who was far more anxious to address them than he was [laughter], and he would not interfere with what had already been put in such beauty as] to the manner and matter of what had been so lately occupying a prominent place in their minds in connection with the college but he would just congratulate them atAberystwytll,and he hoped that they would awaken to a proper sense of the great responsibility which rested upon them in con- nection with that institution. He ventured to think they had kept back their kindness and sympathy [hear, hear, and laughter], which they were now going to bestow upon it with double force and power. He urged that even from a commercial point of view they should support it, because very soon it would become not only a great power for education, but it would be a great advantage to the town [applause]. He hoped very soon to see the places of primary education that they bad growing up brought into as close contact as possible with this institution he longed for opportunities to be given to the men, boys, and girls too, to be found in their elementary schools by extending a helping hand to them to se- cure for themselves all that others had a chance of. His friend Mr Williams spoke of scholarships, and that he was very much afraid that the presenta- tion of them had a very humiliating effect upon the rising generation that looked towards Aberystwyth. Hewould themtell what humiliuted a boy was to have pocket with nothing in it (laughter). It humiliated a boy when he was no quite sure where he was going to get the second day's dinner it humiliated a boy when he heard it sounded around him of the advantages given to others, and he himself was not a^le to avail himself of them (cheers). He urged them to use every means 10 extend the privileges of the college to the elementary schools, and then by- and bye they would raise higher education for dear old Wales on to a far better platform and higher level than it ever enjoyed before (applause). He would congratulate the members of the council and the governors of Aberystwyth College and the central part of Wales which had fought so nobly and well for the maintenance of this institution, and to make it a great centre of higher education in the central portion of Wales (loulj cheers). Mr Stuart Rendel, who was loudly cheered, said that he obeyed the call of the chairman, but not for the purpose of making a speech. If he had any subject for a speech, after the speech, which was remarkable and eloquent, by Judge Williams, for his part he did not wish to add anything, nar would he take away. After what had been said was it. neces. sary to pursue the subject further upon an occasion like thai? He spoke with great submission, but he thought that was hardly the time for entering upon vexed and old questions (hear, hear). That was rather a day ot pleasure, and not a day of strife applause). He then alluded to the object of tbeir meeting to witness the expression of youth when re- ceiving their well-merited reward for what they had done so well, and he proceeded to review the differ- enee in the education of the present day and that which was given when he was a young man. When he was young people thought that education was a very bad thing for the poor, because it taught them to be discontented, and they were not far wrong, if they considered the education that was then given. If his friend the Archdeacdn would forgive him, after the excellent speech which he had made, it was a little too ecclesiastical (laughter), and far dif- ferent to what it was now. But they had now shaken off that nightmare. He then referred to inci- dents in life at Oriel College when he was there, and also at Balliol. Only the other day he was speak- ing to a distinguished man-Mr Goschen—and they were discussing Oriel days, when he reminded him [the speaker] of another man, who had now gone over to the majority, when he had attained his first class—and Oriel was not rich then in first classes— he was asked by the Provost—"And so you haya taken a first, pray in what school?" "In Classics," was tbe reply. "Young man," said the Provost, "you may congratulate yourself, one half of human knowledge is still a blank to you" (loud laughter). Those were the conditions under which such as he (the speaker) were brought up. They had to begin to learn after their education was comple- ted. He then referred to other matters in connec- tion with educational life, and resumed his seat amid warm applause. Tho Chairman then invited Dr Roberts to tell him what his resolution was. Judge Williams said he did not wish to interfere with Dr Roberts, but he really wished the meeting to understand that it was not an official meeting for the transaction of business, but only for the dis- tribution of prizes (cheers). Mr Gibson said it was a public meeting Flaugh- ter]. The Chairman explained that it was a public meeting for the distribution of prizes [cheers]. Mr Gibson [excitedly] The bill says it is a public meeting [cries ot "order" and hisses). If this is not a public meeting—["chair," and great uproar]. If you think you are going to shout me down [derisive laughter] you will have to stop here a deuce of a long time [" Oh, eh," and laughterl. If any gentleman thinks he will howl me down he will be hoarse ["Order," and "chair," and hisses]. The Chairman Will you sit down? Mr Gibson Is this a public meeting ? Will you answer me that ? Several '-No, no" (cheers). The Chairman said he had a programme stating the course which he was to pursue. The meeting was advertised as a public meeting for the distri. bution of prizes. That was the object of the meeting but if they desired that the resolution should be put, he would call upon Dr Roberts to move it. The resolution was-"That this meeting is of opinion that justice will not be done to Aber. ystwyth College until it is placed on the same footing as Bangor and Cardiff, and receives from the Government an annual grant of X4 000" (ap- plause). The meeting appeared to be in favour of the re- solution being put, and Mr T. Davies said that if the resolution was put he should support the position taken up by Judge William". He was sorry that any element of dis- cord should be introduced [cheers]. Mr Davies, Judge Williams, and several other gentlemen, then left the room. Dr Roberts then said that the statement made by Judge Williams brought out the fact that what placed the college in peril was the report of the Departmental Committee. Now, it would be clear at once that if the prominent members of the official bodies of the college were on a committee which made a recommendation practically meaning the closisg of the college, it was impossible to expect that they would go on with the same heartiness into the question of procuring for the college the same privileges as other colleges as would persons who believed in the college from the first. The prominent officials of the college had not believed in it, and their whole action had shown that to be the case. Then, in the second placp, the Government had made the college a grant of .62,500 a year. Was it fair that the college should be placed in an unfair posi- tion as regarded its status and finances ? Now, he was quite sure that any candid minded person who was asked what was the right course to pursue with a college which was upon its trial would say, "Pat it on equal terms with other colleger." He was sure the Government would say the same it it were so put to them. The amount the governors stated they wanted'was £ 2,546. Now, if they stated that amount, the Government could not be to blame. The Government had given what they were asked for. [Mr Hughes No, no."] That was what Mr Mundella had said [cheers], Mr Gibson seconded the resolution, and said that if the promoters of the meeting did not like the re- solution they ought not to have called the meeting. He thought it was the duty of every person to vindi- cate the right of the public to control public meet- ings. He did not desire to say anything to hurt the feelings of Judge Williams or of any persen, as he knew they were all friends of the college. The Archdeacon of Llandaff was one, but he knew there was a reason besides what he excused himself with for his stopping away from them. There were others besides the Archdeacon of Llandaff who would come yet, but had stopped away for the same reason [laughter]. They had it from the Government that they were ready to give Wales what she reasonably required for education, and they had from Mr Childers that notwithstanding the strenuous efforts of the council he bad never heard of Aberystwyth, but was anxious and willing that it should have what it required. They were going to agitate on his question, and hold public meetings every day if necessary laughter]. C, The Chairman thought the resolution was one which would be carried unanimously but he wished to correct an error which Mr Gibson and Dr Roberts had fallen into. The resolution was a very good one, in his judgment, but many of the arguments he did not approve of. With his know- ledge of the facts, he knew that the council did ask and press for an equal amount with Cardiff and Bangor colleges it appeared from the memorial that that was the aim aud object of their endeavours [hear, hear] until they were distinctly told that they would not get more than £ 2,000. Then it was that they pressed for a further sum of .£500, and that was only obtained with great pressure. There was nothing in the resolution which pre- vented the council from joining in asking for the .£4JOOO [applause]. Mr Humphreys-Owen thought the terms of the resolution were sumewhat too strong. They had met there to give the priz"s to the successful students of the college and to wish them God's speed," and he thought it woull be a mistake to come to any resolution. He therefore rose to move the previous question [hpar, hpllr]. Mr Gibson had said that he would be very glad to get the .£1,500, and he had no doubt he would. No man in the room was more anxious than he was, but hotP were they to get it? He believed they could only get it in the way pointed out by Judge Williams— by working for it, and showing that they deserved it, and not by the means foreshadowed by the mover and seconder. He urged upon that meeting not to pass that resolution, which would introduce an elemect of discord [applause]. Mr Stuart Rendel seconded the proposition. One reason for his being nuable to join in the resolution as suggested was because it placed the claims of Aberystwyth to £4,000 upon the ground of justice. Now, he thought that was not the proper basis of claim upon which it should be founded. The posi- tion of Aberystwyth was distinct and peculiar al- together. It started with a great advantage. Cardiff at that moment had agreed to a rate of £ 19,000. Had Aberystwyth done that? Bangor had raised a. large sum of money in a short time. Had Aberyst- wyth done anything of the kind ? Certainly not, as yet. The claim for £4,000 they all desired to support, but fur reasons which differed from those in the re- solution. For his part he objected, and he would desire not to have to apperr in that position, and yet he diet not wish to regist r a solitary vote. He thought there might be in the minds of some earnest friends of the college au idea that there had beeu a kind of a compremise effected-a sort of a bargain (hear, hear). He was glad to hear that cheer, because it confirmed the suspicion whicii he had begun to entertain. He had been concerned with the stages of that business, and he could only appeal to such credit as he possessed, and he could assure them that there was no such thing, and it was only then that he began to suspect that there was any such feeling (hear, hear). The council asked for nothing but the full amount. In the motion which he made in Parliament there was nothing said 1.13 to a reduc- tion of the amount, but they always assumed that they would be on an equality with the other colleges, but of course they were aware that as to what was an equality would be a. matter for discussion. The Government was opposed to yielding anything up to three o'clock in the day on which the debate took place, and the Education Department would have nothing to say to it. He attended the deputation which waited on Mr Mundelk, and Mr Mundella. shook a friendly fist at him [laughter], and said "I don't like your motion, and I have nothing to say to it." A few hours afterwards the course of the debate produced a certain result, and after the debate Mr Mundella said, We are going to give in, and what we think of is .£2,000 for five years, and we shall want you to raise a third." He [the speaker I went to Mr David Davies and told him the result, at the same time asking him if he would give the JC500 he had promised, when Mr Davies said No, I will not for £2,000, but I will for £ 2,500 [loud cheers]. L Then he was able to go to the Education Department and press for another £500, and they asked Can you really carry on and make a success of the col- lege ? It was then that they arrived at the conclu- sion that they could carry it on with £2,500 [cheers]. Was there any appearance of a compromise-any- thing like a surrender ? f;' Na, no "J They took half a loaf, which was better than no bread [cheersl. The Rev T. A. Penry asked Mr Rendel if Mr Man- della. did not say that the Government had given what the council asked for? If he could explain that the suspicion would entirely disappear [hear, hear]. The Chairman said he could explain that, becaise he asked Mr Mundella a question as to when that request was conveyed to him, and the answer was that it was in the secretary's letter but he had eD- quired and was assured that there was no secretary's letter except a formal letter conveying the statement which Mr Gibson had referred to [cheers]. He be- lieved the governing body were exempt from blame. Mr Hughes, of London, said that he was a Radical, but he was a Conservative when it suited him [laugh. ter], and he was a consistent man on both sides. Now, if they were not very careful they would upset the whale thing ["No fear," and laughter]. Now, don't make a noise [laughter]; when I have done j you can talk [laughter]. We are all of one mind, every one of us; we want to get .£4,000, and we have done everything that can be done in order to get it [" No, you have not," laughter]. We have [laugh- L ter] and the man that says we have not does not speak the truth [hear, hear]. That's Yorkshire [great laughter]. Mr Gibson: But the Government say you have not. Mr Hughes: No matter about you, you are wrong [hear, hear, and laughter]. Everything that could be done fairly and honestly by consistent men, who know their way about, has been done, but it has failed [" No."J I say it is so, and we bèlieva in our own character, and we pledge ourselves on that, that everything that could he done has been done, and if you Aberystwyth people don't mind the whole thing will be taken out of your hands [" No fear," and laughter]. Don't you make such a noise [laughter] we have done in a conciliatory manner eveything we could as gentlemen in this matter [applause]. Mr Stephen Evans also spoke against the resolu- tion. He could assure them that they all believed in Judge Williams [hear, hear] if they did not believe L in some other members of the council, and he had given the committee a consisteat statement of the negotiations which they had with the Government. He believed that everything had been done which could be done, and he was bound to tell them that if it was not that they had a friend in Mr Gladstone the probability was that the college would have been left in the cold altogether. He believed that in a very short time they would get the .£4,000, but they must work. Mr Gladstone was desirous of doing what he could, but in the meantime let them try to do all they could to deserve it [applause]. Mr Griffith Jones thought there was very little to quarrel about in this matter. [Mr Gibson We are not quarrelling]. Mr Jones was glad to hear it. No doubt a little explanation was necessary, and after the explanation which had been given he thought that everything was satisfactory. They had heard the honourable member for Montgomeryshire, and he thought they would take his word implicitly [hear, hear], and he told them that the utmost offer made was J22,000, but they pressed for £ 2,500. He urged that if they imputed motives and insinuations to people [Mr Gibson: We don't insinuate; you must speak the truth," loud cries of order]. Mr Jones was glad to hear that Mr Gibson took back his words [hear, hear], and he concluded by expressing the belief that if they went in harmoniously for the £1,500 they should get it. A show of hands was taken, when the previous question motion was lost, and the original motien carried with the omission of the word "justice," was agreed to. The Rev Roger Edwards, Mold, made a few re- marks. The Principal proposed a vote of thanks to the Chairman. This was seconded by Dr R. D. Roberts, and carried, and the proceedings terminated.