Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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[No title]






CZ-ALL WHO USE SINCLAIR'S QOLD-YATER SOAP Should see that they pet the REAL ARTICLE —as some unfair Shopkeepers, for th^ sake of extra train, have been detected in p&lminjj off counterfeits, trading on Sinclair's reputation. ex ALWAIS ASK FOR glXCLAIR'S SOAP Which has won favour with the Public for ils MAGIC CLEANSING PROPERTIES, and thorough sterling1 value. A boon to ricn and poor alike. Everybody buys and everybody sells SINCLAIR'S COLD WATEP. SOAF Sold by GROCERS and OILMEN Everywhere. J. SINCLAIR & Son, Sonthwark St., London, S.E. t and 55, Whitechapel. Liverpool Q E o R G E s ?jm AND GRAVEL PILLS, sfeiEOBised 1y several eminent Physicians and Surge05sE» and UNIVERSALLY held hi high esteem. X^onsh you have suffered and despaire 1 for years and triesl Btaeiiies in vain, be assured ihere is still a safe and spoudy cuie you. at a small cost by using EORGE'S PILE & GRAVEL PILLS^ VJf. Tv'iiieli are n<vw recognised ly all as being the beeS .uleC'.cme yet discovered for PILE AN O GRAVEL, as well as for • be following pains, which, in Ninety-nine Cas* s 90S of every Hundred, are caused by these painful Maladies Iain in the Pack. Flatulency, Gripin?, Colic, A seise or in the back and loins, ■parting i anis m the region of the neart, 1,i,- r and Consi:ij»a'ion. Ta ns in t; e tLich8, sometimes sh.<jotiugdownto the calf of the leg and foot, Suppression and retei t;on of urine, Pains in tlio Stomach and all Liver Complaints. Thousands have been cured by these Tills, rnd many wIic Lad been pronouncea hopeless have bêl n thorcugiily restured to their health bJ their use. OKE BOX WILL CONVINCE THE 3IOST SCEPTICAL aw THEIR EFFICACY. In o''(^er to s'-it all wlirt may suffer:'n^ froT" One or Batik of tlle.,e Maiadies, the Proprietor prep ires this Vegetable Itemedy in the following forms Xo. 1.—GEORGE'S TILE A^O GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2.-GEùH.(jKS GBAVtiL PILLI. Ko. 3. PILLS FOR THE PILE3. Impriant Testimonials from Doctors, Chemist", and Iaa vahds, from all pirts if the country, will be forwarded to any nddn > s on receipt of a eiivelope. 1SC;1.: ])1 iioses, Is. I'd. and za. 91., by all resp=ctabj0 Lhcrii ts; by Post, 13. 4d and 3s,, postage stamps. EViCLY BOX IS PSOTtCTED BY THE GK)YEENJIEy2 STaMP. NOTICE.—The title PILE & GRAVEL PILLS* is Copyright, and entered at Stationers' Hall. proprietor, J. E. GEORGE, M.R.P.& EIRWAIN, GLAMORGANSHIRE. JOHN MOttGAN, PRINTER, Observer Office, Aberystwyth. Printing of every description executed at the Observer Office, 1 North Parade. Estimates fnrnieheS, Moderate Charges. BOOKBINDING OF EVERY DESCRIP- TION AT EDWARD EDWARDS, GREAT PABKGATE. STREET, ABERYSTWYTH "Back rnmhers of Snri:ll Works Obtained. REES REES, BILL-POSTER, &c., LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH, BEGS to inform the Public that he leases the most JD prominent Posting Stations in Aberystwyth. Orders for Town and Country strictly attended to. R. R. begs to inform the Public that he is a Mem- ber of the Unitid Kingdom Bill Posters Association. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B ^1 PILLS are warranted to enre all discharges from the Urin- ary Organs, in either sex, acquired or constitutional, Gravel, and Pairs in the Ba?k« Sold in Boxr:s, 4s 6d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors; or sent to any address for 60. stamps by the Ma.ker?, THE LINCOLK & MIDLAND .COUNTIES' DRUG COM- PANY, Lincoln. Wholesale—all the Wholesale Houses. WINDOW BILLS, This House to Let," may be obtained at the Obitrver Office, price one penny each. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. BEECHilrs PILLS ABE admitted by thousands to be worth a GunraA A Box for bilious and nervous disorders, such aa wind and pain in the ftouiach, headache, giddineii, tulllft8 and gwelliMs after meals, dirziuess and drewginest, cold chlllf. Bushing of beats, Iou of appetite, shortness of breath, costlre- ness, scurvy, blotches on the fkin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and 11.11 perrons and trembling sensations, &c. The FIRST dose will give release in twenty minutes. This is so fictira, or they have done it in thousands of callea. Every sufferer 18 earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to oe WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For femeles of ell ages these Pills are Invaluable, as a few doses'of them carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions and bring about aii that is required. No female should be with- out their:. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing- any obstruction ortrfeta- larity of the system. If taken according te the to the dlreetiOBl given with each box they will soon res to e females of all age* In soui.d ai d robust Health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, aud a>. disorders at the liver, they act like "MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs in tha human nisehine. Tney strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the lon-g lost complexion, bring back the keen edge ut appetite, and arouse in-) action with the ROSEBUD or health, the whole physical cial xy õ. the human frame.-Tlle.. are "FACTS" admitted by 'houlands, embracing all classes of society, and On of the best guarantees to the nervous and debilitated 1-. BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest sale of aay pati. medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. Am remedy for Coughs in general, asthma, difficulty Ml Breathing, shortens# of breath, t ghtness and oppression of UI8 rtiest, wheeling, tec., these Pills stand unriralltd. The? upeedilv remove t'lat sense of oppression and difficulty « breathing which uightly dt-ptive the patient of rest Let aa)- person give B*ECHAM'S Coras PILLS a trial, and the most violent cough will in a shest fime be removed. CACTIOK.—The public are «r«issted to notice tbat its wontt "BEI&CMLX,a PILM, Sf Helens" are on the Goreranenv JVwnp affixed to etch box of the Pills. If not on, tircy are forgery. Piepared only and sold nholesale and retail by the proprietor. T. BKECHAW, chemist, St Helens, Lancashire, la boxes at la. I| and 2s 04. each. Sent post free from the proprietorf «r 15 or M sumps.—Sold by all druggists and paKTO Medicine Dealara in *he hiigdou. M.lL- faU dlrecttosne ate rven witn —ah baa. TVT OTICES TO QUIT, from Landlord to Tenant N and Tenant to Landlord, may be had attha Observer Office, price one penny each. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.—CLARKE'S WORLD** FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE is warranted to cleanse th Wood from all impurities from -whatever cause arising. I Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin and Blood Diseases, and Sores of kinds, its effects are marvellous. Thousands of Testir nials. Sold in bottles, 2s. 9d., or 33 Stamps, by all Chen and Medicine Vendors everywhere.