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COMMERCIAL OFFICES, PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE, next the TimetJ. E.C:, r London. Messrs. P. B. IIALL and Co., Auverti- 8ing, House, Estate, and General Business Agents, have Ju^vays for disposal Hotels, Public Houses, Beer Houses, pofree Houses, Tobacconist*, Grocery, Drapery, Millinery, stationery, in abort, business of every description in London and Country from £ 20 upwards, many of which Joust be disposed of for urgent private reasons, 'and capa- ble of giving good livings to those desirous of employing time and capital. Parties intending to take a Business in the Metropolis, Neighbourhood, or elsewhere, should at \:)nce communicate particulars of the class of Business desired, amount of Capital, &c.; and information for- warded on receipt, of Stamp for reply. Address P. B. HALL and Co, Auctioneers, Valuers, &e, Printine House Square. London, E.C. MESSRS. P. B. HALL, & Co., OF PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE, next, the Times, London, E.C., House, Estate, and Employment Agents, negociate Partnerships of every description for those requiring ekill or capital, or both Houses, Shops, and Apartments, furnished or unfurnished, to be let in «very locality in London and neighbourhood, and also throughout the kingdom. Parties coming from the Country or abrond can have arrangements made for their reception in town according to instructions. Money ad- vanced on Goods, Leases, and other tangible securities. ■Manufacturers, Tradesmen, and others having an over- look of goods on hand, and wishing them turned into can have then) sold on commission, and in the in- terim, if desired, obtain a cash advance of two-thirds the *alue. Bankruptcy arrangements with creditors effected 'Economically and without publicity. Commercial and ^omestic Situations of every kind Registered and Adver- ted for in London and the provinces. Employers suited iree; Accounts collected Letters—ono stamp lor reply. FIRST CLASS F 1 T U R E CARRIAGE FREE To any part of the Kingdom. LONDON FCRMTURE GALLERIES, 144, Ox MilD STREET, (OPPOSITE BOND STREET.) To Persons Furnishing. T\RAW1NG ROOM SUITES complete from £ 13 to -LJ £ 50. DINING ROOM SUITES complete in Morocco, from £28. BEDROOM SUITES, from £ 26. Ser- vants' Bedrooms, from JM. Bachelors' Bedrooms, from 7. Mahogany Winged Wardrobes, from 9 guineas; J^dsteads and Bedding of every description and quality "ining Tables in Mahogany and Oak, from 3 to 40 Guineas; Chimney Glasses in endless variety. Persons unable to pay a visit of inspection can receive ^talogues gratis and post free, on application. Refer- *J'ce kindly permitted to former customers. A written warranty if required. P. & S. BEYFUS, Established 1843. Just Published, Price h, postfrte for 14 stamps, or in a sealed envelopefor 20 stamps, PREMATURE DEBILITY, a popular Medical Work, illus- ij- trated with numerous Engravings, treating on Sperma- °rrhoea, its causes, and cure, giving full instructions for the Perfect restoration of those •who are prevented by impediments entering into the Married State, also showing the dreadful e»u]ts from early abuse, Gonorrhoea, and Syphillis. Address James Allen, bookseller, 2u, Warwick-lane, Pater- ter row, London. I.. TRIESEMAR No. I. di«t cerfa'n remedy for relaxation, Spermatorrhea, and all the e dressing consequences arising from early abuse, indiscriminate cesses, or too long residence in hot climates. TRIESEMAR No. II. eradicates all traces of Gonnorrhoca, both in its mild !»?» *l?gravated forms, Gleets, Strictures, Irritation of the ^•eases' the Loins and Kidneys, and all urino-geniul j TRIESEMAR No. III. ^ont'ncnta^ Remedy for Syphilis and Secondary HoUtESEMAR. No. 1, 2, and 3, prepared in the form of a iw%%lge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the ^"tcaat pocket. 11 1 rice I Is, or four cases in one for 33s, wllfch saves lis; and in cases, whereby there Is a saving of £ 1 l;s. S..f.OK-VT* >'cwberrv & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Churchyard W. ^tton & Co, 10, Bow "Churchyard; W. Edwards, 67, St. Paul's ■Owrc?yard J- Sanger, ISO, Oxford-street; E. Cleaver, 63, s'reet; Butler, 4, Cheapside; Prout and Harsant, 229, 3Tn^n Robert Howden, 78, Gracechurch-street; Bartlett °Per, 45, King William-street, E.C'. by post, two stamps; sealed 12. Address, Secretary, hon(Jon Anatomical Museum, 44JL, Maddox-street, Regent- street, W. A LECTURE ON MARRIAGE; its Physical Duties and •p?- Obligations, Nervous exhaustion, &c. By a Physician, tli Y*lch appended a descriptive catalogue of the contents of °e Museum, which is open, for Gentlemen only, from ten till ieu. Admission Is. MASCULINE POWER RESTORED IN FOURTEEN DAYS without po«sibility of failure, by the use of Dr. BRIGHT'S GUARANTEED REMEDY, prepared in the form of a Lozenge, ensure secrecy. Sent carefully packed, on receipt of lis; •fee by pOSt ]2s, for stamps or Post Office order; er on applica- "•a. Address, 29, George-street, Hanover-square, London. BUCHAN'S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. IT is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SARSAPARILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR «LO°D PURE < The Bowels regular And DEFY the DOC- i These Pills strike at the root of each disease, they are ar» Vcular]y beneficial where mercury has been employed, and ch?M the cure «f every ailment incidental to man, woman, and such as all eruptions of the Skin, Indigestion, Bilious, Rhp1' and Stomach Complaints, General Weakness, Gout, Th eUmatism, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Headaches, Sore bo*°?tS' and every complaint caused by irregularities of the blood ob#'ructed perspiration, and deteriorated and unhealthy 8treet* TPatent Medicine Warehouse, 19, Berners-street, Oxford- rin_ LONDON. WHOLESALE AOKNTS -.—Barclay & Co, 75, Far- 2« £ > ^-street; and from all Chemists. Sold in Bottles, Is 1 Jd, "••4*6d, and lis. SILENT FRIEND on MARRIAGE, a Medical Work, a hy y0u,'u# *° ^ose who have imperilled the power of manhood Syniptnm indiscretions; treating on Syphillis, Secondary e P^ev'• Gonorrhoea, &c, containing a Prescription known as ve Lotion, to avoid contamination 190 pages, with > EftHy jfc1^8 ^ree by post 12 stamps, sealed 20. Address, Messrs London ur Surgeons, 19, Berners-street, Oxford-street, SUNDAVVIII Consultations daily, 11 till 2, and from 5 till 8. "DERTiv 1 1 o'clock. A rr 8 CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM.-For all cases n#tural 'rom tbe errors or excesses of youth, loss of tity) 33gP°'Wer and vigour. Price lis, or four time* the quan- ta?*'8 COPAIBA AND CUBEB GLOBULES, the original CoDafJeParation composed of the very essence of the Balsam «f their Cubebs, perfectly tasteless, in consequence of Gleet «tlnK encased in sugar. In all cases of Gonorrhoea, *OM.:ttlclure, &c., a single trial will prove the efficacy of this ^°rking remedv. Price 4s. 6d. and lis per bottle. Sent Pjta^ele. °a receipt "of Post-office order. Address, Messrs. !I J. Co., as above; or may be had from Front & Harsant, t- "Ild Sanger 150, Oxford street, London. W. DR. D E JONGH'S ( Knight of the Order of Leopold of Belgium.) UGHT-BEOWN COD LIVER OIL, Prescribed by the most eminent Medical Men throughout the 'World as the safest, speediest, and most effectual remedy for CONSUXPTTOlf, CHBOLTLCBRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, COUGHS, RHEUMATISM OEKIRAL DKBILITY, IM8EA8ES OP THE SKIN, PICKETS, INPANTILK WASTING, AHD ALL SCSOFULOVS AFFECTIONS. DK ^?NOH *8 ^e most efficacious, the most palatable, W frem its r^id cmtlTe effects, unquestionably the most economical of all kinds. Its immeasurable therapeutic supe- riority over e-"ry other variety ie now universally acknowledged. SELECT MEDICAL OPINIONS: ig: SIR HENRY MARSH, BART., M.D. Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland I consider Dr de Jongh's Light Brown Cod Liver Oil to be a ery pure oil, not likely to create disgust, and a'therapeutic agent of great value.' SIR JOSEPH OLLIFFE, M.D., Physician to the British Embassy at Paris. I have frequently prescribed Dr de Jongh's Light.Bro^n Cod £ lye,r Oil, and I have every reason to be satisfied with lts bene- cial and salutary effects.' DR. LETIIEBY, Medical Officer of Health, and Chief Analyst to the City of London. LitrhVn 1 believe, universally acknowledged that fiw rown Cod Liver Oil has great therapeutic po > investigations, I have no doubt of its being a P a ulterated article.' DR. LANKESTER, F.R.S., ( Coroner for Central Middlesex. Pro* con?ider that the purity of this Oil is secured in its inti £ mion 11 J" lbe personal attention of so good a Chemist anu C«d t^111 a .Physician as Dr De Jongh. Hence I deem tne °tho {Tcr O'' "old under his guarantee to be preferable to any r kind as regards genuineness and medicinal efficacy.' p.. DR. LAWRANCE, ysician to H. li.H. the Duke of Saxe-Cobourg and Gotha. enCg'?Variably prescribe Dr de Jongh's Cod Liver Oil in prefer- gennin any otber, feeling assured that I am recommending a the em article, and not a manufactured compound, in which e<ncacy of this invaluable medicine is destroyed.' DR. BARLOW, € Senior Physician to Guy's Hospital. In.ake have frequently recommended persons consulting me to 8atisfi«>rfSe Rough's Cod Liver Oil. I have been well fitted fn Tvt!l its effects> and believe it to be a very pure oil, well e C!1ses in which 'be uae of that substance is indi- DB. GRANVILLE, F.R.S., Author of the 1 Spas of Germany.' Live/(?Tanv']'e has found that Dr de Jongh's Light-Brown Cod kinds anrt'Iw uc-es t'le desired effect in a shorter time than other •ften conoid1 <*oes not cause the nausea and indigestion too e<luent on the administration of the pale oil.' i»^anK?iLJoi"JH'8 LIGHT-BROWN COD LIVER Oil. is sold only ^belled w!^vfE kIAL Half-pints, 2s 6a, Pints, 4s 9d; Quarts, 9s; x°ME CAV TIAOAIII 8tamP and signature, WITHOUT WHICH 1)ruggists. BE °KNUINE, by respectable Chemists and 80LLI CONSIGNEES, HARFORD, & CO., 77, STRAND, LONDON, W.C. *crumdn^~Z^rm^ ret'*t attempts often made by un- it view to an ea'er* to recommend, or substitute, with a fallacious a other preparations, under the Pl-(-. that thly are the tam. Dt. De or "fØt:Û1tif, EDMOND AND REES, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, ACCOUNTANTS ETC., OFFICES—DARK-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. MR. JAMES RIBBON, PIANO-FORTE, VIOLIN, AND VIOLONCELLO TEACHEK Piano-Fortes Tuned. RESIDENCE ST T1IOMAS-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST PHILPuTT, TAMLYN, & MORGAN, ANDSURVEYORS. LANDVALUERS ACCOUNTANTS cf AUCTIONEERS. Offices, opposite the Shire lIall, Havcrfordwcst. EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. POitfreefor Six Stamps, open ends, or Fourteen in a Sealed Envr/'pe. THE LAST NEW BOOK, on PREMATURE DECLINE and its ready removal; the modern treatment of certain disquali- fications; with rules and numerous prescriptions for the speedy cure by very fimple means of nervousness, debility, and all the more common diseases and supposed incurable maladies of the sexual system. Invalids will be astonished at its contents. By Dr. W. Dk Roos, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.A.C., &c., of the Ecole de Medccine, Paris; Graduate in Medicine, Surgery, and Mid- wifcry. By the present law, none but the real Physician r Surgeon dare attach M.D. or M.R.C.S. to his name and openly advertise his fees, as heavy penalties would be incurred. The public should therefore guard against impostors who impudently stylle themselves 'Dr,' 'Professor,' 'M.R.A.S. 'M.A. &c, in order to mislead the unwary as to their true character. None of these men really know more of the diseases they profess to treat than r any person may by reading the above work. Fom long practical observation in the most famous Institutions of this country and the continent, the Author has had somewhat unusual facilities for acquiring that uniform success, which has hitherto characterized his treatment, and he refers with pride to tbe numbers he has been instrumental in restoring to health and happ.ness whilst to all who need such aid he offers every assu- rance of speedy restoration. Persons at a distance should for- ward a detail of their case by letter, enclosing 1:1 Is for advice and medicines, which will be sent by return. Patients corres- ponded with till cured. Post-office orders to be made payable at the General Post Office, to Dr. W ALTEJt Dx Roos, M.D., 25, Bedford Place, Bloomsbury Square, London. Hours for con- sultation, 12, till 2, Sundays excepted. It is important to recol- lect the address, as to meet the wish of patients, THK ENTRANCE IS STRICTLY PRIVATE. THE MOST WONDERFUL MEDICINE IN THB WORLD CURE IN FOUR WEEKS.—THE GUTTLE VITvE, or VEGE- TABLE LIFE DROPS, Protected by Royal Letters Patent Sanctioned by the Faculte de France elc,, have in numberless instances proved their superiority over every other advertised remedy for langour, lassitude, depression of spirits, irritability, excitement, fear, distaste and incapacity for soeiety, study or business, indigestion, pains and palpitations in the side, giddi- ness. noise in the head, &c. This medicine strengthens the vitality of the whole system, gives energy to the muscles, speedily removes nervousness, renovates the impaired powers of life, and .9v invigorates the most shattered constitution. For skin eruptions, sore throat, pains in the bones, and those diseases in which mer- cury, sarsaparilla, &c, are too often employed to the utter ruin of health, its su: prising efficacaey has only to be tested. Before wasting valuable time in seeking aid from instruments, electricity, galvanism, with similar absurdities, professing to set aside medicines, by American impostors and others, whose boasted 1 distinguished qualifications' consist solely of their con- summate impudence, sufferers will do well to make fair trial of a remedy which, coHcocted on scientific principles, cannot fail. Price 4s 6d and lie., or four times the latter at 33s per bottle, through all chemists, or direct from 25, Bedford Place, where THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS MAY BB BEEN. THE THREE DAYS' CURE.-NEW FRENCH REMEDY TIIERAPION, as uniformly adopted in the French hospitals and by the notabilities of the French faculty in a remarkably short time, often two or three days only, without the slightest discomfort, inconvenience, or risk, removes all discharges from the mucous membrane, whether of the urinary or other organs. It combines all the desiderata to be sought in a medicine of the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto employed. Devoid of all unpleasant taste and smell. In packets 2s 9d, is Cd, lis, and 33s, through all respectable medicine vendors, or sent direct from the establishment on receipt of stamps or post office order. The 11s size contains three at 4s 6d, and those at 33s fqur of the Us. The stamp, to imitate which is felony, bears the word 'Thcramon,' in white letters, by order of HER MAJESTY'S Hon. COMMISSIONKKS, who thereby secure the proprietor against in- fringement throughout the United Kingdom and the colonies. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, GOUT, RHEUMATISM, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, BLAD- DER, &c. THE COMPOUND RENAL PILLS correct acidity of the stomach, and indigestion, promote the functions of the liver and kidneys, thereby preventing stone in the bladder and kidneys, with many other serious disorders to which these important organs are subject. Listlessness, weakness, peevishness, and complaints long supposed to be nervous, often arise solely from contamination of the blood with certain impurities which should have been carried off by the kidneys: several unsightly erup- tionsoftheskin and face also arise from the same cause, and may be as readily removed by these Pills, which in nineteen cases out of twenty cure with a rapidity almost marvellous. Is lid, 2s 3d, 4s 6d, lis, and 33s per box, through all chen ists. THOUSANDS OP TESTIMONIALS MAY BE SEEN BY ANY ONE. Sold by James, Joy, and Evans, Cardiff; Roberts, chemist, Conway; Hughes, chemist, Bangor; Griffith, chemist, High- street, Carnarvon; Edwards, chemist, Denbigh; Hughes, druegist, Holyhead; Price Brothers, Post-office, Bridgend; Thomas, chemist, (opposite Angel), Merthyr; Watkins, High- street, Abergavenny; Ward, chemist, Brecon; White, chemist, Guildhail-square, Carmarthen Williams, chemist, High-street, CotrUlgan; Meyler, druggist, Haverfordwest; Treweeks, che- mist, Pembroke Evans, chemist, High-street, Swansea; Hil- ilitjh, chemist, Rhyl; Moore, chemist, Broad-street, Newtown; Stephens, chemist, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil; Grindley, :mist, Chester; Ryder, druggist, Mill-street, Macclesfield; Broxton, chemist, Shrewsbury Pearce, King-street, Ludlow, Partridge, bookseller, Wellington Leake and Smith, chemists, Bridgenorth; Mandcr, Weaver, and Co., Wolverhampton; Hollier, chemist, Dudley; and at least one agent in almost every town; but should difficulty occur, enclose the amount by Post- ottice order otherwise, to 25, Bedford Place, Bloomsbury Square, London, and they will be sent securely packed per return. NOTICE f CAUTION.-Dr. De Roos is the only le^-tlly qualified medical man who thus advertises Ms medicines; and as there are injurious imitations of the above by self-sty.ed Doctors and Professors, who copy his books, advertisements, &c, and forge testimonials to puff of their useless trash, sufferers should gy-vrd against the recommendation of the same, or other articles, by dishonest vendors, T ho thereby obtain a larger profit. The genuine have the words 'WALTER DE Roos, LONDON,' printed in white letters on the Government Stamp, BY ORDER OF HER MAJESTY'S HON. COMMISSIONERS to imitate which is felony and transportation. THE PLEASURE-SEEKER'S GUIDE, HOTEL DIRECTORY, and Excursionist's Handy-Book. This work, containing (in addition to much interesting information) a Tariff of Hotel Charges, will be found very serviceable to all who patronize Excursion Trains. Post free for seven stamps by Johnson & Co, 10, Brooke-street, Holborn. AN ACT OF GRATITUDE.—A gentleman who had been long suffering from a very deplorable state of nervousnese, languor, lassitude, low spirits, almost constant headache, dim- ness of sight, threatened deafness, loss of memory and strength, in short all zest for enjoyment and everything that renders life pleasant, has been marvellously restored by very simple means, and as a public duty feels it incumbent on him to impart the information to others similarly affected, on receipt of a directed envelope bearing two stamps addressed B. B. Laurie, Esq, Montague Chambers, Montague-street, London. KNOW THYSELF THE ORIGINAL GRAPHIOLOOIST MARIE COUPELLE, continues her ivid, and useful delineations of character from the handwriting of individuals, in a style pecu- liarly her own. Persons desirous of knowing their own charac- teristics, or those of any friend, should send a specimen of writing, Ftating fex, age, or supposed age, &c., with 14 uncut penny stamps, and addressed envelope, to MARIB COUPELLE, Bedford House, Russell-square, London, W.C., when they will receive a lengthened detail of the talents, tastes, virtues, failingf, &c., of the writer, with many other thincs previously unsus- pected, and calculated to guide in the every day affairs of life. The thousands who acknowledge the value and aecuracy of Miss C's sketches, establish the great utility of the science. The characters you sent were wonderfully truthful.'—Hall, Atheurv Co. Galway. I was much surprised atthe clever way in which you described my character.'—Jane Bray, 105, Lans- downe Place, Brighton. It is pronounced quite extraordinary. Charles Hamilton. You described my character so truly, that I could not have done it better. '-Louis Atvior. EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. For two stamps sufferers may avoid the sham Captains who aenerously caution the public against pills, SfC.; tht setj~*tyled reverends; gentlemen of fortune rupttire-curing qiuicfcs; and other swindlers, who send their books for nothing, publish testi- monial* which they write themselves, fictitious reviews from Journals which do not exist, vrofess to cure diseases by galva- nism electricity, instruments, < £ c., instead of medicines, which they!'style American treatment, and other aosiirdities as cruel as they are deceptive, A physician many years extensively engaged in the treatment ot debility, and the various mental and nervous affections re- sulting therefrom, will send free on receipt of two penny stamps to prepay postage, a pamphlet containing his highly successful and only safe treatment, with all the necessary prescriptions and directions by which sufferers may cure themselves at trifling cost. Address Mr Lawes, Medical Publisher, 14, Hand Court, Holborn, London. DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, MOUS- STACHIOS and EYEBROWS 1—Of the numerous prepara- tions intended for the HAIR, none have maintained such celebrity as EMILIE DEAN'S CRINILENE, which is guaran- teed to produce Whiskers, Moiistachios, and Eyebrows in a few weeks; and will be found eminently successful in nourishing, curling, and beautifying the Hair, checking greyness in all its stages, strengthening weak Hair, and preventing its falling off. In the reproduction of Hair in baldness, from whatever cause and from whatever age, ONE TRIAL will prove its astonishing power. In the nursery it is indispensable, forming the basis of a beautiful head of hair. Price 2s per bottle; large bottles, con- taining more than four times the small ones, 5s each. Sold by all Chemists in the world, or sent post free, on receipt of 24 penny stamps, by Misses DEAN and COUPELLE, Hair Restorers, &c Bedford House, Russell Square, London. W.C.. FXTRACTB FROM LETTERS • —«jjy hair was rapidly coming off, :n „ week after using yc-ur Crinilene it ceased.'—' I. Hickson, H. n Ktreet Sheffield. In the short time of one fornight I have cot a beautiful moustache.'—H. Adams, Wilsden. «I can iLr Lof a head of hair, which many cannjt; I was quite crown of my head when I began uring it.'—W. B. ?Every customer speaks highly of your Crinilene.'—F. P. Jones, Chemist 5. Paradise-street, Liverpool. < T?TVTq ON THE MANAGEMENT OF -THE HAIR,' Whiskers, &c. with Testimonials, List of Agents, &c., sent post ree for four penny stamps. G^7h^TISM.WMISAG0,SCIATICA,NEURALGIA r. an., fa- &c., in curing the above and rilHE effects of heat, fhmigation,g almost incredible. THE 1 many other chromc dis portman-square, London. TURKISH BATHS, Consultations 11 till 3. Under the direction of two Physicians. oou» A Pamphlet, (110 pages,) post free for H st SKIN DISEASES, GOUT, RHETJ^ATJ^h^efftcts fPHEIR prevention and cure by heat andfumig J JJ I of which in the above and many other chronic maladies, surpasses everything. 20, Baker-street, Portnia: atinTis 11 don. Under the direction of two Physicians. .J till three daily. A Pamphlet (132 pages), sent post tree ior it stamps. STRICTURE OF THE URETHRA its nature, consequences, varieties, rfhd speedy cure, without the pain and risk of laccration cutting or other Irrational measures. By Drs. Barker and Henderson, M.R.C.S.E., &c. Price Is., of post free for H stamps by Johnson and Co., Publlabefl 10, Brooke''tract SoJ- born Loa&ofi and througa all zovksl At,. tj AWES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. THOMAS HUGHES BEGS to inform his Agricultural Friends that lie has received a cargo of the above named Manure, which is JD ready for delivery at his Warehouse at the Quay. Havcrfordwest, 1st March, 1864. ENGLISH AND FRENCH MILLINERY WAREHOUSE, 20, MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. MRS WILLIAMS HAS mncli pleasure In announcing to the Ladies of this town and its neighbourhood, her return from London, where she has selected with very great care a Rich and Elegant assortment of GOODS for the coming season, consisting of Dresses, Mantles, Shawls, Millinery Bonnets and Trimmed Hats, Ladies' Under Clothing and Corsets, Children's Dresses and Baby Linen, &c, &c, all in the latest design. The SHOW ROOMS will re-open on Saturday, the 16th inst., when an early call is respectfully solicited. 20, Market-street, 9th April, 1864. CHEAPEST MANURE FOR ROOT CROPS. BUENARD, LACK. & Co's, CELEBRATED CONCENTRATED MANURE. APPLY TO MR. TJIOMAS WHICHKR DAVIES, HAVERFORDWEST. MR. THOMAS GEORGB, WINB AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, PEMBROKE. MR. JOHN DAVIES, CORN MERCHANT, NAKBEKTH. T. WHICHER DAVIES, WHOLESALE CORN, FLOUR, CHEESE, PORTER, & SEED MERCHANT, RESPECTFULLY returns thanks to his numerous Agricultural and other friends for the annually increasing R patronage accorded to him, and at the same time T. W. D., in soliciting future favours, pledges himself to supply his customers with Goods of the most Genuine Quality on reasonable terms. Just imported, a Cargo of ALL SOP P'S PAL E ALE, MANDER'S CELEBRATED DUBLIN STOUT, Also, a Cargo of Burnard, Lack, &Co'a., of Plymouth, CONCENTRATED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. This Manure has stood the practical test of Field Trials for many years with pre-eminent success. v. a&& EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY, 122, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W., ESTABLISHED 1858, FOR the purpose of supplying the Nobility, Gentry, and Private Families with PURE WINES of the highest obaracter, at a saving of at least 30 per cent. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY, 27s. per dozen, (The Standard of Excellence.) SPLENDID OLD PORT. 37s. per dozen. (Eleven Years in the Wood.) FINE OLD PORT, from tbe Wood 24s & 30s EXCELLENT DINNER SHERRY 20s & 24s OLD CRUSTF.l) PORT 42s to 60s ST. JULIEN CLARET 18s, 20s, „ 24s SPARKLING HOCK or MOSELLE 42s & 48s SPARKLING CHAMPAGNE 34s, 36s, 42s, „ 48s BEAUJOLAIS 20a and 24s per dozen. (The Finest Imported.) SPANISH PORT 15s per dozen. PRUSSIAN SHERRY. 15s „ The Wines will all bear the seal of the ♦ European and- Colonial Wine Company.' Single Bottles are supplied Price Lists sent free, on application to the SOLE AGENTS FOR PEMBROKE-DOCK, J.' 0 0 P E MA NAN D L A C Y. GROCERS, TEA DEALERS, AND WINE MERCHANTS. DENTAL SURGERY. ] I W. J. EVANS, j TREVANE HOUSE, NEAR TEN BY; (Brother to the late T. Evans,) I BEGS most respectfully to inform the Patients ofthe deceased and the Inhabitants of Pembrokeshire generally, that he may be consulted relative to the above Profession at hisiresi dence, or at Tenby by appointment; also at the Dragon Hotel. Pembroke, the last Saturday, and at the Mariner's Hotel, Haver- fordwest, the first Saturday in every month. Trevane Souse, December 28th, 1858. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL For th, Month of MAY, 1864. The Liverpool and Bri»tol Channel Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ships SevKRKioN, Capt, W. Adams. AHNIK VwtNOV.Capt.Hughan MONT™*Capt J.K»Nn*dt, Capt. Speakman. ARTISAN. Capt. Murphy THOMAS POWELL .Capt.Rowles BRITOH FERHY, Capt. Barrett. WINDERMKHB,Capt. J.Barrett GLADIATOR 700 Tons. The above, or some other suitable vessel, is intended to sail with Goods and Passengers, (unless prevented by any unforeseen occurrence) as follows, with or without pilots, and liberty to tow vessels From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Landing passengers for SWANSEA, at the Mumbles, (weather permitting.) Saturday May 7 JO morn 1 Saturday 21 » "I?"1 Saturday 14 3j after | Saturday 28 2* after From Milfordjor Bristol. Landing Passengers for Swansea at the Mumbles (weather permitting) Sunday May 1 10 morn | Sunday 15 Sunday 8 4 morn | Sunday 22 3 morn Saturday 29 8 morn From Milford for Liverpool. Returning from Bristol every Tuesday, and from Swansea every Wednesday. Wednesday May 4 9 even I Wednesday 18 8 even Wednesday U l £ after | Wednesday 25. 1 after F A R E 8 (Return tickets available for two voyages. )^ Oabin. Deck. Return Sdford to or from Liverpool 13s Od 7 s Od 18* ilford to or from Bristol 8s 6d 7s Od 13s Milford to or from Swansea (Mumbles) is Od 3s Od — Passengers are landed and embarked at Milford (weather per- mitting) free of charge in the Steam Tender GIPSY. for further particulars see small bill, or apply to John Bacor. and Co., Managing Owners, 14, Water-street, Liverpool; G. R. Evans, Bristol; Charles Lamb, Swansea; John Kenworthy aDrt <5o., Manchester. R. D. HORE, AOKNT, MILFORD. iHOfflMMs msmm FEJ IS very choke AND strong, because it. consists of valuable growths Y/y' fivi'T ofrieh essential properties. [M'K IS very moderate in price, V RAJ jy because supplied direct, from, the jgJK to snvo intrTmcrtiat^ profits. TJvfk v IS very wholesome to rise, JfyS'i because not 'faced' with usual powlcrs. ;V V P-LM These very great advantages O A s'V secure for thin T- a general preference. 3s. 4d. 3s. 8d., 4:s., & 4=?. 4d. lb. Pv'kM 4s the TratU-mark, Lable, Ac., are >/ /va •TA imitated,see that each packet- fa sinned hy J/urmLONDON, ;vw vfttN, Original- Importers of the Pure Tea (w'Fi AGENTS HP*W IN THIS DISTRICT 0% CARDIGAN Clougher, High-street FISHGUARD Carpenter, Bookseller HAVERFORDWBST LhweUin, Draper 99 W. Williams, Druggist .Snyce, Stationer KIDWELLY Waters, Chemist LAUGHAHNE David, Chemist LLANM.LY Bees and Broom LIANUILO Jones, Post Office LLAXDOVHKY Morgan, Medical Hall NEW MILFORD Palmer, Watchmaker NARBKRTH .8. SS H. Lewis, Drapers NEWPORT Griffith, Post Office PEMBROKE Davies §• Pratt, Drapers George, PEMBROKE-DOCK Barrett, Bookseller Tucker, Fancy Bepository ST. DAVID'S Owen Co., Drapers TENBT ..Williams, Medical Hull l fI ABoohtslfef 'RECKITTGDIA I L sed m the Palaces of li[Ago and the MORE CLEANLY, POLISHES MORE QUIOKLY, AND CHEAPER, Because it is less wasteful. And because a little goes further than any other kind. RECKITT & SONS, London Bridge, E.C., and Hull. Sold by A. E. Thomas, Tea Dealer; Jas. Reece, Grocer. Henry Roach, London Tea Mart, and F. & J. B. Henly, Who'esale Grocers, Haverfordwest. ESTATES.-LAND and HOUSES to be SOLD by PAH VKII T' C(-?V? and private Con tract; HOUSES and ° .^et throughout the Kingdom. See the Estates Gazette, published on the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 23rd subscription, £ 1; single number, Lomkra^ Office for Advertisements, 200, Fleet-street, ALL CURES MADE EASY BY HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Bad Legs, Ulcerous Sores, Bad Breasts, and Old Wounds No description of wound, sore, or ulcer, can resist the healine- properties of this excellent Ointment. The worst cases readily assume a healthy appearance whenever this medicament is applied sound flesh springs up from the bottom of the wound, inflammation of the surrounding skin is arrested, and a complete and permanent cure quickly follows the use of the Ointment. Piles, Fistulas, and Internal Inflammation. These distressing and weakening diseases may with certainty be cured by the sufferers themselves, if they will use Holloway's Ointment, and closely attend to the printed instructions. It should be well rubbed upon the neighbouring parts, when all obnoxious matter will be removed. A poultice of bread and water may sometimes be applied at bed time with advantage; the most scrupulous cleanliness must be observed. If those who read this paragraph will bring it under the notice of such of their acquaintances whom it may concern, they will render a service that will never be forgotten, as a cure is certain. Rheumatism, Gout, and Neuralgia. Nothing has the power of reducing inflammation and subduing pain in these complaints in the same degree as Holloway's cooling Ointment and purifying Pills. When used simultaneously they drive all inflammation and depravities from the system, subdue and remove all enlargement of the joints, and leave the sinews and muscles lax and uncontraoted. A cure may always be effected, even under the worst circumstances, if the use of these medicines be persevered in. Eruptions, Scald Head, Ringworm, and other Skin Diseases. After fomentation with warm water, the utmost relief and speediest cure can be readily obtained in all complaints affecting the skin and joints, by the simultaneous use of the Ointment and Pills. But if must be remembered that nearly all skin diseases indicate the depravity of the blood and derangement of the liver and stomach, consequently, in many cases, time is required to purify the blood, which will be effected by a judicious use of the Pills. The general health will readily be improved although the eruption may be driven out more freely than before, and which should be promoted; perseverance is necessary. Sore Throats, Diptheria, Quinsey, Mumps, and all other Derangements of the Throat. On the appearance of any of these maladies the Ointmpnt should be well rubbed at least three times a day upon the nerk and upper part of the chest, so as to penetrate to the elands ■>« salt is forced into meat: this course will at once remove inflarn mation and ulceration. The worst cases will yield to thi» tr meut by following the printed directions. io kreal" Scrofula or King's Evil, and Swelling of the Glands This class of cases may be cured by Holloway's purifvin»Piii»n^^ Ointment, as their double aetion of purifying the blond strengthening the system renders them more suitable than anv other remedy for all complaints ot a scrofulous nature a« th» bloed is impure, the liver, stomach, and bowels, being much deranged, require purifying medicine to bring about a cure. Both the Ointments and Pills should be used in the following cases:- Badlegs Chilblains Glandular Scurvv Bad breasts Chappedhands swellings Sore-heads Burns Corns (soft) Lumbago Tumours Bunions Cancers Piles Ulcers Bite of Mos- Contracted & Rheumatism I Wounds chetoes and I stiffjoints Scalds Yaws sand-flies Elephantiasis Sorenipples sand-flies Elephantiasis Sore nipples Coco-bay Fistula Sore *aroats Chiego-foot Gout Skin diseases Sold at the Establishments of Professor Hollowav 244 qind (near Temple Bar,) London, and by all respecb&ie Drurrists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world atthe following prices: Is ljd, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, lis, 22s, JS 88slach Pot. There ia a considerable saving by taking thelargersizes. fJK—Directions ior the guidance of patients in eVl!r'" disorder are affixed to each Pot. N.B,-Hollowa'r's Pills and Ointment can be had of all Chanisu »nd Pruggi ete, vtth Vf ,leb DitMHoao, withwwt Mttt)Mp<nte< THE BRITISH MINER & GENERAL NEWSMAK A PUBLICATION devoted to the interests of the Working Miners of tho United KiDgdoui, Pub- lished every Friday afternoon, in time for the evening post. Price 2d. Stamped 3d. To he had at the Office, 7, Burleigh-street. Strand, London, and throughout the Mining Districts of England, Scotland, and Wales. GOUT and RHEUM A TISM.The excruciating pain k-X of gout or rheumatism is quickly relieved and cored In a few days by that celebrated Medicine, BLAIR'S GOUT and RHEUMATIC PILLS. They require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease attack- ing any vital part. Sold at Is lid and 2s 9d per box by all Medicine Vendors. BILIOUS and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness, Giddiness, Spasms, and all Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, are quickly removed by that well-known remedy, FRAMPrON'S PILL OF HEALTH. They unite the rtscomroendRtion of a mild operation with the most suc- oessful effect; and where an aperient is required nothing can be better adapted. c Sola by all Medicine Vendors, price Is lId and 2s 9d pec box. RATS! RATS!! RATS! IMPORTANT AND VALUABLE DISCOVERY. EARVEY'S method EXTERMINATES all the RATS on the Premises in ONE WEEK, without the use oi Poisons, Traps, Dogs, or Ferrets, and leaves NO DEAD RATS IN THE HOLES. temple m its operation, Trifling in its expense, CER- TAIN m its SUCCESS, Permanent in its result. It has proved an IMMENSE BOON to hundreds of FARMERS is INVALUABLE to ALL PERSONS wnoae Lands or Premises are infested with these ob- noxious and destructive vermin; and is universally acknowledged to be the GREATEST SUCCESS OF THE DAY. Sent, post free, by the Inventor, on receipt of 30 Stamps, Address -William Harvey, Wellington Road, near Jetty, Yarmouth, Norfolk. ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 30 YEARS. DENTAL SURGERY. MR. H. M. JONES, Surgeon Dentist, M.C.D.E. No. 1, Nelson Placo, Swansea, may be consulted as usual at the CASTLE HOTEL, HAVERFORDWEST, the first Tuesday in every month; COMMERCIAL HOTEL, PATER, on Wednesday; LION HOTEL, PEMBROKE on Thursday. Mr Jones also attends the second Tuesday and Wed- nesday in each monia at BANK HOUSE, TENBY; and on Thursday at the SOUTH WALES HOTEL, NEW MILFORD. (Private apartments at the Hotels.) Mr Jones adopts all the latest London improvement in the mechanical department, including fixing Artificia Mineral Teeth, in Gold, Vulcanite, &c, over stumps and the most tender gums. Mr Jones guarantees all his cases to fit perfectly. Terms strictly moderate. Consultations Free. 1, Nelson P'ace. Swansea. RESTORATION OF ST. DAVID'S CATHEDRAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ALREADY PROMISED. Rev. J. M. Traberne (a bequest) £ 2000 0 The Dean and Chapter of St. David's. 1000 0 The Bishop of St. David's (in two instalments) 1000 0 The Lord Dynevor (in two payments) 500 0 The Earl of Cawdor (a first donation) 100 0 Rev. Sir Erasmus Henry Griffles Williams Bart. 300 0 Sir James Hamilton, Bart., and Lady Hamilton 100 0 G. Lort Phillips., Esq., (in four instalments) 100 0 J. H. Scourfield, Esq., (in four instalments) 100 0 D. Pugh, Esq. 100 0 Rev. J. H. A. Philipps, (in four instalments) 109 0 C. Allen, Esq., (in two years) 100 0 John L. G. P. Lewis, Esq., (in five years). 50 0 R. Goring Thomas, Esq., (in five years) 60 0 John and R. H. Harvey, Esqs. 21 0 Rev. R. Lewis, (in five instalments) 50 0 R. P. Davies, Esq., (in five years) 50 0 Rev. Owen Jones (in five years) 25 0 Frederick Lloyd Philipps, Esq., (in four years) 20 0 Rev. D. A. Williams, Chancellor of St. David's (in five years) 25 0 Rev. John Griffiths, Vicar of Llandilo, (in four years) 20 0 The Archdeacon of Carmarthen 25 0 The Archdeacon of Cardigan 25 0 Rev. James Allen, Vicar of Castlemartin (in three years) 100 0 Rev. J. Griffith, Vicar of Llangunnor, (in five years) 10 0 Rev. Evan James, Vicar of Abergwiti (in five „ years) 15 0 Rev. J. Sinnett, Rector of Bangor Teifi (in two „ years). 10 0 George Gilbert Scott, Esq 50 0 H. P. Goode, Esq., (in three years) 15 0 C. W. Bowen, Esq 10 0 Mrs Howell, of Camrose 5 0 The Principal and Fellows of Jesus College, Oxford 100 0 The Principal of Jesus College, Oxford. 25 0 The Dean of Llandaff, 1864 and 1865 20 0 Mrs Bayne 60 0 The Archdeacon of Brecon (in four instalments) 100 0 Mrs Pinchin. 10 0 Mrs W aldron 5 0 Rev. T. Richardson (in instalments) 20 0 Rev. Professor Williams (in instalments) 25 0 Rev. F. Martin, Rector of South Somercotes (in instalments) 10 0 Rev. John Lucy, Rector of Hampton Lucy, Warwickshire. 100 0 Joseph Griinshire, Esq., Albion Road, London 15 0 Archdeacon Allen 5 0 Miss Pitman, Steynton Vicarage. 20 0 The Honourable Misses Rice 10 0 Valentine Davis, Esq., Registrar of the Diocese of St. David's 100 0 General Morgan, C.B 5 0 Howel Gwyn, Esq. 25 0 Rev. E. O. Phillips, Vicar of Aberystwith 3 3 Archdeacon Clark 25 0 J. Johnes, Esq., (in four instalments) 60 0 Rev. E. L. Barnwell (in two years) 10 0 Rev. W. Basil Jones (in five years) 60 0 G. T. Clark, Esq ]0 0 The Bishop of Llandaff (in three years) 75 0 Mrs Traherne (in two instalments) 100 0 The Earl of Lisburne 5 0 The Lady Catherine Allen 10 0 G. W. Parry, Esq 5 0 James B. Bowen, Esq., Llwyngwair, (a first donation) 20 0 Rev. D. Jones, Vicar, Llandewi Velfry (in two years) 10 0 Messrs. Powell, Mathias& Evans (in five years) 50 0 Rev. G' Williams, Vicar of Brecon (in five years). 100 0 Edward Jones, Esq., Velindre (in two years). 10 0 I W. T. Bayne, Esq, Lincoln's Inn. 25 0 1 Mrs George Holgate Foster (a first donation). 50 0 I Mr R. Mason, Tenby and Pembroke-dock Ob- ] server Rev. G. W. Birkett, St. Florence „ 1 Joshua Jullian Allen, Esq The Countess Dowager of Cawdor The Cambrian Newspaper Rev. G. Wade Green, Court Henrv A Mr Anthony, Proprietor of thn u Mlsa Robson, Penally | Hereford Times 2 2 RGV. J. H. Vincent, Vicar of St 1' • Pavies, Oystermouth ? n HenrvDC AH ^h^liPP8»I'entypark 10 0 W () 'I' ??'•Lincoln'8 lnn 20 0 Thonint iii u Esq-> Gelli °ywy11 1° 0 homas AUen Esq (a first donation) 5 0 rs Ihomas Allen (a first donation) 5 0 Allen, Esq., Temple 10 0 Rev. T. Williams, Llowes, Radnorshire 5 0 Nicholas Roch, Esq., Paskeston 10 0 Mrs Roch, Paskeaton 10 0 N. Adamson Roch, Esq, Paskeston 10 0 J. S. Harford, Esq, Blaise Castle 50 0 The Lord Kensington (a first donation) 100 0 Captain the Hon. William Edwardes 50 0 ReV. John Hughes, Penally 5 0 Rev. J. R. H. Thomas, Hodgeston (a first dona- tion) 3 3 Rev. Griffith Thomas, Cardigan 5 0 Thomas Meyrick, Esq 10 0 Rev. Wm. Allen, Bosherston (in two years) 10 0 H. Huzzy Vivian, Esq, M.P. (in five yea's) 50 0 Rev. Thomas Horn, Haverfordwest 20 Rev. Thoma Stacey, Precentor, Llandaff! 5 0 Rev. D. O. James, Llanllawer 10 0 F. L'Estrange Clark, Esq, (iL first (lunatjon). 5 0 Rev. L. Clint, Prestcign (in two years) 10 10 Mrs Lewis, Llanayron ]0 0 Rev. H. P. Thomas, Nash (in five years). 5 0 A Lady at Tenby 5 0 Rev. Samuel W. Saunders, St Ishmaels. 20 0 H. Maybery, Esq, Brecon 5 0 Mies Anne Latham, Crickhowei 5 0 Mrs John Tuder q Mrs Hereford 4 q Rev. L. Evans, YstradMeu'rig"! 10 0 Mrs. Brigstocke, Blaenpant. 10 0 Rev. Evan Morgan, LlandyssU 10 0 Rev. David Griffith, R. Trevilan. 20 0 Miss Jane Ackland, Bath 5 5 SC» °I\S a Donations will be thankfully received N Ca"on THOMAS, Steynton, Milford Haven; ^LCH^ Es1-> Tenby, Honorary Secre- Z MoBBtt and SON, Bankers, Carnai- Uienj and Meters, WJLKIM and Co./ Brakwa/Brccon. APPRENTICES. WANTED, Two respectable YOUTHS, in-door. TV Premium moderate.-Apply to A. E. Pridham, Chemist, Llanelly. ,f ATRIMONY.—Persons of either sex (age, position, ^'1 or appearance immaterial,) desirous of marrying may have their wishes speedily complied with by sending a stamped directed envelope to the undersigned, who will forward particulars of a secret by the possession of whch any one can gain the devoted affections of as mainy of the opposite sex as he or she may desire.- Address, Mr Vincent Grey, 59, Wilson-street, Finsbury, London. THOMAS JONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON, MERLIN'S HILL, HAVERFORDWEST. GOTHIC Windows, and ornamental Stone Work, Marble and Stone Monuments, Tombs and Head Stones, Marble and Stone Chimney Pieces, and all kinds of dressed Masonry expeditiously executed on the most reasonable terms. Designs and Estimates prepared on application. PEMBROKESHIRE BANK. HAVERFORDWEST 8z NAEBEETH MESSRS. J. 8r W. WALTERS BEG to apprise their Friends and Customers that In consequence of the retirement from business of their London Agents, Messrs. Jone-, Lloyd, & Company, they have arranged with the well-known Banking Firm of Messrs Barclay, Bevan, & Company, of 54, Lombard- street, London, to conduct their London Agency Busi- ness from the 16th instant. Bills now running, payable at Messrs Jones, Lloyd, and Company, and advised through their Banks, will be taken up by Messrs Barclay, Bevan, and Company, in due course, and they will feel obliged by their friends and customers in future making their acceptances pay- able at Messrs Barclay, Bevan, and Company. April 12th, 1864. PIANOFORTES FOR SALE. MR. J. D. RIBBON £ invite the attenti°n of the public to the NEW STOCK of PIANOFORTES, which he has selected from the celebrated Factory of D'ALMAINK & Co, with great care, and which, for power and brilliancy of tons, are not to be surpassed. The instruments may now be seen, and the public are kindly invited to inspect them. Any persons wanting really good Pianofortes may choose for themselves first- class instruments, at the most reasonable prices, and a two years' warranty can be given with each. First-class Pianofortes for Hire, kept up to Concert pitch, and equal temperament strictly observed in the tuning of Pianofortes by J. D. R. N.B.-Harmoniums and all kinds of Musical Instru- ments supplied at the shortest notice. Upper Market-street, 18th April, 1864. TOWER HILL, HAVERFORDWEST (ESTABLISHED NEARLY A CENTURY.) GEORGE EVANS, PLUMBER, BRAZIER, BELL-HANGER, GAS- FITTER, &c., BEGS to announce that he has, at the solicitation of several friends, re-commenced business at Upper Tower Hill, Haverfordwest, where he trusts by strict attention to all orders committed to his charge to merit a renewal of that patronage formerly bestowed upon him and his late father, George Evans, at their old place of business, Lower Tower Hill. G. E. has had a large experience in the business, and will guarantee the best workmanship on all orders he may be favoured with. He has had the honour of receiving the commands of several of the leading families of the county of Pembroke, and can furnish the most satisfactory references as to the excellence of his work. Lead Pump Pipes, Water Closets, fixed and repaired on the shortest notice. N.B.-G. E. would respectfully state that the materials used in his business are of the very best description. DINNEFORD'S PURE FLUID MAGNESIA has been, during twenty- JL five years, emphatically sanctioned by the Medical Profession, and universally accepted by the Public, as the BEST RBKEDY for ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDIGESTION, And as a MILD APERIENT for delicate constitutions, more < especially for Ladies and Children. When combined 2 with the < ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP, It forms an agreeable Effervescing Draught, in which its I aperient qualities are much increased. During HOT ( SEASONS and in HOT CLIMATES, the regular use of this simple and elegant remedy has been found highly beneficial. 1 It is prepared (in a state of perfect purity and of uni- form strength) by DINNEFORD & CO., 172, New Bond Street, London; j And Sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the < World. THE TRELECH LEAD MINING COMPANY, (LIMITED.) To be incorporated under the Companies Act, 1862,' by which the liability of each shareholder is limited to the amount of his shares subscribed. Capital, £25,000, in 25,000 Shares of £ 1 each. J Of which a large portion has already baen subscribed. With power to inoreaie. Deposit, 5s per Share on application, and 5s on allotment, f Future calls not to exceed 2s 6d per share, at intervals of not less than three months. L. E. W. Morris, Esq, Carmarthen. John Maughan, Esq, Leamington Priors, and 7, Lancaster I Terrace, Regent's Park, London. e John Lewis, Esq, Merchant, Carmarthen. R. B. Tennent, Esq, Merchant. 12, Walbrook. « Gustav Hirschfeld, Esq, 24, Cannon-street West. Richard Humfrays, Esq, 72, Wimpole-street, Cavendish- c square, London. a Joseph Lavender, Esq, 26, Bedford-row, London. b With power to add to their number. ( BANKERS—London Bank of Scotland, 24, Old Jewry. i SECRETARY-F. R. Greenhill, Esq. I Mimo AGENT-Captain R. Sanders. ornces (pro tem.)-63, Gracechurch-street, London. f J RPNIN N ABP*IDGED PROSPECTUS. ] -I valnah?J>TI1y iiM f°rme<* fot the Purchase of the 1 Mines a, Mines caHed the Carmarthen United a K ln Parish of Trelooh, Carmarthenshire, uua oy them under various favourable leases, at very g moderate Royalties, together with the watercourse and plant, machinery, dwelling-houses, &c, and for the fur- ther purpose ot developing and extending the workings of the said Mines. ( The present proprietors, commencing some few years t since with an available sum of less than .El.COO, have 1 raised from one of the lodes only, nearly 800 tons of lead 1 ore, which have produced upwards or £10,00.1; the stopes at the bottom of the 54-fathom level yielding 21 I tons per fathom, and the same lode 18 tons per month of lead ore. t Full reporUof Mr Evan Hopkins and Captains Waters a and Seders, show ng the value and productiveness of the t Pr°pe^,m it wU vL featuadvantages, are annexed, and c hom that there are several veins or t °^C8 h-Sghpf "e! Wlth eacb other-five distinct fhln Rn arfa Of A intfrsected by the deep adit level hv the local nirpnf ^0ms—anc* wkich are considered a^iirh the nnfr -8 1u'te as productive as the lode on inference is th/^K °\8 are now carried: »nd the fair 0 sonseouent' ext» introduction of more capital and b M tons XtensiQa of the workings, a product of g paratively short"? & in a com" a rhprphw no" time and at a small increase of cost, n in a the profits considerably, and resulting f Mr H ldendon capiUl expended. fl ,mhr "°pk!Ds. in his report, says The formation r Prinn* ?■ ona of the best metalliferous ranges in the anrt • • • ■ The configuration of the sett thp 1 M internal conditions of the ground, the bearing of N th es> ef°88-courses, &c., are highly favourable for a e Production of large masses of ore. The northern of^l!n 1 jadici°usly laid open, and the M foot walls 1 the lodes followed, will doubtless produce large masses r ot ore at deeper levels between the main cross-courses under the valley Therefore I strongly re- commend this mineral property to the attention of the J Public., 11 The machinery on the Mine' is of the best description, and in excellent working order and condition, capable of Putting the Mine to twice its present depth, and return- t Ing sixty tons a month, and is driven by water power c supplied by a water-course three quarters of a mile long, ] also part of the purchase. In addition there is the Manager's House, Buildings, Crushers, and other usual I and necessary Plant, as fully detailed in the Reports. Specimens of the ore can be seen at the British Museum, the authorities there having somo some months ] ■»c? applied for the same, and at the Temporary OISLCA 1 ofthe Company, where also the reports T f Mr Ev^N > Hopkins and Captains Waters and Sa.-idsra, and all 11 further particulars can be obtained, as w4! p.s tt Captain Sanders at the Mine. Prospectuses and forms of application cur be had ut 1 the Temporary Officw of the Ck'tapa?., and of the j Easrs.ku L PEMBROKESHIRE. TO BE LET, situate in East End, Pembroke, a seat JL RESIDENCE, containing drawing room, break- fast room, parlour, four bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, &c, with large garden.—Apply to B. G. Jones, Pembroke Mills. THE FOREIGN VINEYARD ASSOCIATION, LIMITED. Offices-190, Regent-street, W., London. Cellars and Stores—Nos. 22, 51, 57, King-street, Regent- street, W., and at Bordeaux. DIRECTORS. Alexander Beattie, Esq, M.D., H.M.I.S., Retd. T. G. Fardell, Esq, 5, Montagu Place, Montagu-square. Major-General Hughes, Army and Navy Club. Colonel C. J. Oldfield, 8, St. Leonard's Terrace. Colonel Charles Wyndham, United Service Club. f PHIS Company was formed in 1854 for tbe purpose i of supplying the public with genuine Wines at reduced prices, on the system of prompt payments, in contradistinction to the practice generally prevailing in the Wine Trade,.of long credits, and consequent high prices. The Association having extensive contracts with Mme of the most celebrated growers of Champagne, Hook, and other Sparkling Wines, imports direct from the pro- ducers; so that the quality of these Wines can be guaranteed with confidence. The Epernay Champagne at 3911 per docen, and Kupferberg's Sparkling Hocks and Moselles deserve particular notice. The Sherries and Ports comprise come of the finest Brands and Vintages, and have been selected with the utmost care from the stocks of the most esteemed Shippers. Special attention is also requested to the Bordeanx stock, the Company being enabled, by the leases which they held of Vineyards, to offer Clarets of the finest growths as well as those of a lighter description, upon unuaualty favourable terms. Orders from the country, or application fer price lists, samples, &c, will meet with immediate attention from Mr W. H. Palmer, Manager, 190, Regent-street, Lon- don, W. TOWN AND COUNTY OF HAVERFORDWEST Important Freehold Estates, called THE CARTLETT MILL PROPERTY, comprising a Valuable Corn Grist Mill, Two Rich Meadows, Market Gardens, Hotuu, Cottages, and Wharfs, situate in the parish of preJttlcr. gast Wbich will be offered for Sale by Auction, at tbe SALUTATION HOTEL, on Tuesday, the 24th day of May, 1864, at two o'clock in the afternoon, BY MESSRS GOODE AND OWEN, In the first instance in one lot, and if not thai disposed of, then in the four following lots, vii :— Lor 1. THE Valuable Corn Grist Mill called CARTLETT MILL, with water and waterways also, all such parts of the buildings for applying Steam Power recently erected by the lessee as are the freehold, and will belong to the lessor at the expiration of the existing lease; together with the Dwelling House, Garden, Stables, &c., a capital Cottage and Garden, 6b. Tr. Sip., or thereabouts, of rich productive Meadow and Pasture Lands, and Rope Walk and Sheds; all now held by Mr Tbomas Rees, under a lease for three lives, aged respec- tively 55, 63, and 62 years, or thereabouts, at the loir yearly rent of jEllo 10s., the landlord paying all rates, taxes, and tithe rent charge. LOT 2. A neat and comfortable Dwelling House, called ROCK COTTAGE, in the occupation of Miss Cole M yearly tenant, at £10 per annum also, two productive Walled Gardens, with Summer House, Cottage, Stable, Coach- house, and outlet, held by Mrs Hire, as yearly tenant, at rents together amounting to A8 16s. per anltm; SU well protected, with a very pleasant aspect, situate on the north aide of the road leading to Cartlett Mill. The rates of Rock Cottage are paid by the tenant, and those of the premises held by Mrs. Hire, by the landlord, axcept the gas rate, which Mrs. Hire pays. LOT 3. A Coach House, adjoining Cartlett Mill, in the occu- pation of Mr Thomas Rees, as yearly tenant, at JM 101- per annum; also, the Walled Garden, bounded by the road to Cartlett Mill, and by the street leading to Cartlett* a valuable building site, but now held by Mrt Hire, M a market garden, as yearly tenant, at £ 4 10s per mn™, the landlord paying all rates, except the gas rate of the garden held by Mrs Hire, which is paid by her. LOT 4. The Public House, Stores, Wharfs, and premises sailed THE MILL INN, in the occupation of Mm ^r„*h Williams, as yearly tenant, at the low yearly rent vi t*16 six Cottages adjoining, held by respect* ible tenants, from year to year, at rents together imouuting to JC18 14a. per annum, or thereabouts, situate >n the western side of Cartlett Road. The rates of the Mill Inn premises are paid by Mrs Williams, the tenant, but those of the cottages adioinin* by the landlord. • The several tenants of Lots 2, 3, and 4, exaept Mrw Williams, are under notice to quit at MichMlmas next. Further particulars may be had on application to Messrs Powell, Mathias, and Evans, solicitors, or to Messrs Goode and Owen, Land Agents, Ac., Haver- Fordwest. PEMBROKESHIRE. Sale of Valuable Freehold Estates, situate in and ntttr to tht Seaport Town of Solva, in the parish of Wkitechurch in Dewsland. MESSRS GOODE AND OWEN Elave been instructed to SELL BT Atjcrrox, at the MARINERS HOTEL, Haverfordwest, on Saturday, the 7tb day of May, 1864, at 2 o'clock p.m., subject to conditions to be then read, rHE following FREEHOLD MESSUAGES ot DWELLING HOUSES, FARM LANDS ani ither hereditaments. LOT 1. ,EeJe"T' or Dwelling-house called THE BANK lOUSE, with the walled garden and premiss,and threa xcellent fields or closes of Land tber*tTadSn £ ™! ailed respectively, Park Mawr, or Oaten •»«, or P„k T* Wen, .r,d PieU Ej nKbV2 T™ 1 rMui 32 or tW Si' U Dwelhng-bouSe, walled Garden, and Field ehmd the House, are held by the Reverend Willi. *9nn llnant ^°m year t0 year> at the annual rent of j/u> *nd the residue of the lot is in the hands of tho H-opnetor. LOT 2. The Farm Yard ii Farm Buildings of Bank Houso md six valuable Fields or Closes of Land adjoining, called -espeetively Park Turnip, or Pump Park, Park Quarry. Ir Penyddwy-garn, Park George, Old Park or Meadow. Park Sammy Issa, and Park Newydd, alias Park Sammy Jcba, containing altogether 28a. lr. 19p. or thereabouts. tni^>ow,1D hands of the proprietor. e a Lots are in a very picturesque eituatiosu md command extensive sea views. LOT 3. Gwarrycoed Homestead, and Farm Buildings, with a jarden, small Plantations, and 5 very rich FidHfc or Closes of Land, called respectively Croft PaifcHteln dilvem, Park Milvera, Scholars Field, andOwarryoasd am, containing together 38a. lr. 32p., or th«reahr»t._ ind now held by the Proprietor. >ia" The Tenants for the time being of the Two Houses md Gardens, now lately occupied by Mr Henry Harries md Mr Thomas Harris, situate in Lower Solva, haw ly virtue of their respective Leases, liberty to die stoma ait of Gwarryeoed Hill, (part of this Lot,) f-r rnTisii ins hese premises, and to cut furse for fuel out of tSaHQL o be consumed on their said premises. LOT 4. The Messuage Tenement and Lands, called Warrycoed. onsistmg of mx Fields, or Closes of Land, and Dwelling! !0U8 £ ?2n v Premises containing together w2P' o* thereabouts, and a right of Common rSJ* The Fa\m HTe> and Garden, with l are D0W let t0 Mr Jol>n Harries, as tenant r°^ yea^ at ^he low yearly rent of £ U, and the 1ST R t?18 18 m tbe handB of tbe Proprietor, il-ii-~A. ProPerty comprised in Lots 1, 2, 3, and J R the,.firs1t instance be offered in one lot, and if bove W offered in four distinct lots aa LOT 6. Two Fields of Land, called Penmynydd, situate on tho load-awe from Solva to Whitcheirch, containing together a. 3r. 1 <p., or thereabouts, and now held by Mr David ames, as a tenant from year to year, at the Rent of £16 ter annum. LOT 6. Four Cottages ana Gardens, in Upper Solva, containing ogether lr. 30p,, or thereabouts, and now respectively Iccupied by Thomas Davits, Thomas Morris, Thomas Ilowis and James Reynolds, as tenants from year to year, Lt yearly rents amounting together to £ 9. LOT 7. Three Cottages and Gardens, at Pantycastel, on tht R-n't-side from Solva to Middle Mill. cortaimng 32 jeicV" -a,- jv. vc_, ocupied E, .^cr u. ..on nse|| Vfor- :«•- mts Uoui •- r rimts xr^cv 1 Fuiv. »r i-ar'.«, 5 v.. s-0 l>3. £ -r :be Auctioneers at tueir eA „ •iuw* ixaver- fnrdwest, or Mr W^'iaift A)1' doiieitor, PPHM Sarient, Harofodwesl,