Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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|*5jj — MINER & GENERAL NEWS M AH .<V. devoted to the interests of th< ev *n'f Miners of the United Kingdom, Pub* to«t d ?ry Friday afternoon, in time for the evening > To h/I* 2d* Stamped 3d. s '°^on d at tIie Office, 7, Burleigb-street, Strand, ^°t]an^an<* throughout the Mining Districts of England, Wales, ^ORDINARY SUCCESS OP THE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. for Six Stamps, open ends, or Fourteen in a Sealed W Envr'spe. L its NEW BOOK, on PREMATURE DECLINE and • wJ(^emnval >the modern treatment of certain disquall- v' u? rulcs and numerous prescriptions for the speedy l*» toniJ simple means of nervousness, debility, and all the «Vsto°n discases and supposed incurable maladies of the li«. ^n' *nvalids will be astonished at its contents. Bv p. M-D" M-R-C.S., L.A.C., fro., of the JEcole de r,s) Graduate in Medicine, Surgery, and Mid- > none but the real Physician r Surgeon tt'fee, „ "V- or M.R.C.S. to his name and openly advertise thei-pf^heavy penalties would be incurred. The public ri?re. £ uard against impostors who impudently style UtoJkfead Hi Professor,' 'M.R.A.S. <M.A. &c, in order *S» teaUv t8 umvary as to their true character. None of these I Person inow,raore of the diseases they profess to treat than "ftv-"1 lom» na^' -v read'n £ the above work. In., s C(HinfBracticat observation in the most famous Institutions m8"11 faeiiir an'tlle continent, the Author has had somewhat th« chat tor ac(luiring that uniform success, which has v.° lrized his treatment, and he refers with pride to 1.??, as bcen instrumental in restoring to health and. VJM °F 8n»>O^ to a'^ w^° need such aid he offers every assn- 4 detnfi "r res.toration. Persons at a distance should for- toBj^^icini oftll.eir case by letter, enclosing £ 1 is for advice th» icith will be sent by return. Patients eorres- if C1"'cd. Post-office orders to be made payable at •S'orfl p> Post Office, to Dr. WALTEH DE Roos, M.D., 25, lotion Bloomsbury Square, London. Hours for con- ti a'drit' 2' Sundays excepted. It is important to rccol- s'asto meet the wish of patients, THE ENTEANCE 111,- MOST WONDERFUL MEDICINE IN THE (W WORLD! fL pPTfiUR WEEKS.-THE GTJTT-iE VIT^E, or VEGE DROPS, Protected by Royal Letters Patent "> °ces Dl*f j Faculte de France;$c., have in numberless **16^ for In 6 their superiority over every other advertised T1?our\ lassitude, depression of spirits, irritability, e,f> irm- r' ,clista8te and incapacity for society, study or >it»). 1oiSe v?estion, pains and palpitations in the side, giddi- W^ofthn 1 head> &c. This medicine strengthens the IfcJ^es 0e wtlole system, gives energy to the muscles, speedily I *0fp .°rates tTousness> renovates the impaired powers of life, and ^N. ^toat ~e-raost shattered constitution. For skin eruptions, Of/' Sarga'n -V?8 'n bones, and those diseases in which mer- ► fe^'th, it. .c> are t0° often employed to the utter ruin f Wasr1'efficacacy haa only to be tested. { lticity 1 valuable time in seeking aid from instruments, | tnprt- •an^8m' similar absurdities, professing to I di«t; ln?s' by American impostors and others, whose qualifications' consist solely of their con- y 'Whiph Mce' will do well to make fair trial of a 8 6d BVA C0HC°cted on scientific principles, cannot fail, all!? Vs-i or four times the latter at 33s per bottle, erniMt«, or direct from 25, Bedford Place, WHKES op TESTIMONIALS MAY BE SEEN. • w ———————— j V^ERapP' t)AVs' CURE.-NEW FRENCH REMEDY •^3 V theIO?f« as uniformly adopted in the French hospitals 9 l'me /\?tat>i]ities of the French faculty in a remarkably ► i two °r three days only, without the slightest It (J^cou*. convenience, or risk, removes all discharges from ki^?tt>bijlet whether of the urinary or other organs. W,' an (j r'1 the desiderata to be sought in a medicine of the /i?,as8es everything hitherto employed. Devoid of all ay » an(l smell. In packets 2s 9d, 4s Cd, lis, and 33s, 'Ue lshtnent S^ectal3'? medicine vendors, or sent direct from the t rec«ipt of stamps or post office order. The lis > stattin ,00 at 48 and those at 33s four of the lis. pOVv?t>'°n,' }n ° imftate which is felony, bears the word "onehs .^e letters, by order of HKE MAJESTY'S IION. Ke*Qent thr' w, thereby secure the proprietor against in- J u8"°ut the United Kingdom and the colonies. BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, GOUT DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, BLAD- 34ATIS'.41 DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, BLAD- ■ k4ch '4P0'UND RENAL PILLS correct acidity of the Mtti ^8> therph» leest'on' promote the functions of the liver and i <Ony otKo Preventing stone in the bladder and kidneys, I -are suhitr. 8eri°us disorders to which these important J Sit? ,1118 lonn- Listlessness, weakness, peevishness, and !f atinn of n?^08ed to be nervous, often arise solely from Deen carried eJ>lood with certain impurities which should ^Jr v? e "Wn a, H by the kidneys several unsightly erup- fcjbe as readilv 'ace a's0 arise from the same cause, and Urt0llt of twent^e,,love^ by these Pills, which in nineteen 9d,4g 6d 11Cure with a rapidity almost marvellous. an<* 3^B Per tooxi through all chen.ists, (^>1^ 8 °* Testimonials MAY BB SKsir BY amy ON*. J°y. aad Evans, Cardiff; Roberts, chemist' Ca>L chemist, Bangor Griffith, chemist, High" > Edwards, chemist, Denbigh Hughes' .jjtolyhead; Price Brothers, Post-office, Bridgend >' A^'nist, (opposite Angel), Merthyr; Watkins, High" (ij H-^il ^venny Ward, chemist, Brecon White, chemist* JUL^fah ^llare, Carmarthen Williams, chemist, High-street, ^t-i ^v^eyler. druggist, Haverfordwest; Treweeks, che- St ■*}' Evans, chemist, High-street, Swansea Hil- 04 Rhyl; Moore, chemist, Broad-street, Newtown Hr>t,'p^emist, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil; Grindley, „?ester Ryder, druggist, Mill-street, Macclesfield Cletnist, Shrewsbury Pearce, King-street, Ludlo'V, Wi^orth0 8e^er» Wellington Leake and Smith, chemists, to^f, chei- binder, Weaver, and Co., Wolverhampton ^t «h Dudley; and at least one agent in almost every nt°uUld difficulty occur, enclose the amount by Post- JTnS' and ti, .se'to Bedford Place, Bloomsbury Square, llalio^-E 1ley will be sent securely packed per return. niertL POTION.—Dr. De Roos is the only leg-ally inhi,X man who thus advertises his medicines; and as lidoItiju OUF' imitations of the above by self-sty.ed Doctors tw. te8tbnor8, who copy his books, advertisements, &c, and otitals to puff of their useless trash, sufferers should ?e1tri« Qriest ,recc"nmendation of the same, or other articles, J11 >V6 have T'ha thereby obtain a larger profit. The letter- 6 wor<*8 'WALTER DK Roos, LONDON,' printed Hon r? Government Stamp, BY ORDER OP HER CoioiI8sionkrs to imitate which is felony and J^iM1"1 Excnr ^E"SEEKER's GUIDE, HOTEL DIRECTORY to Handy-Book. This work, containing: (in "Will KT "^eresting information) a Tariff of Hotel » 11 Tr» very serviceable to all who patronize Ax> oke-ftt>ln?* ^ost free for seven stamps by Johnson & Co, Acr OP R°lb°rn. ^Rn^erinff ^LATITUDE.—A gentleman who had been long lassit„5om, a very deplorable state of nervousness, 1,1'hnL^lit w spirits, almost constant headache, dim- W<Cn aU z'ei? fatened deafness, loss of memory and strength, has hL r enJ°yment and everything that renders life ^fo^a marvellously restored by very simple means, ^Vpi^tion to „,uUty feels it incumbent on him to impart the Mq^Pc beai-i„ rs similarly afFected, on receipt of a directed Chain if two stamps addressed B. B. Laurie, Esq, •J" nDer8, Montague-street, London. NOW ?.f The URIOINAL GRAPHIOLOOIST MARIE fy-T1'continues her vivid, and useful delineations ^ist. r own -D handwriting of individuals, in a style pecu- ^tin68' or ♦v.^ rsons desirous of knowing their own charac- ^tatinr, 8e wiy friend, should send a specimen of ^fnvj'tamr,. 8e*» aSe> or supposed age, &c., with 14 uncut .^ei* How' Snd addressed envelope, to MARIE CODPELLE, London, W.C., when they will fcctert Writ*1 detail of the talents, tastes, virtues, failings, ike •?' and c#i'„,r' ^ith many other things previously unsus- 8 ilr u>and« to guide in the every day affairs of life. ^"acknowledge the value and accuracy of Miss erg vrm h the great utility of the science. 'The tol Co. «„ j8en^ ^ere wonderfully truthful.'—Miss Mall, you ,) "ffy- I was much surprised a tthe clever way ^"Cv, 'ace i j my character.—Jane Bray, 105, ljans- ^*t *t is pronounced quite extraordinary.' c°Uld j. You described my character BO truly, have done it better.'—Louis Jiivior. I tiH»8AcmrKNT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, MOUS- eele1iK,lten^ey!land EYEBROWS 1—Of the numerous prepara- tfted ♦ ? as F MVTI the HAIR, none have maintained such >ellQ Prodi,oo LEAN'S CRINILENE, which is guaran- «Urii8! and Yhlskers, Moustachios, and Eyebrows in a few *W g> and hi e f°wnd eminently successful in nourishing, stren^v^ying the Hair, checking greyness in all its *0d f r«Pro^ fWn8 weak Hair, and preventing its falling off. k V2 on of Hair in baldness, from whatever cause In tho Ver a8e> ONE TRIAL will prove its astonishing tiij-.ttful heaS ^ursery it is indispensable, forming the basis of a *11 r5* Price 2s per bottle; large bottles, con- b«ii« ^ists ^Mfour times the small ones, 5s each. Sold by X stainnR the 'world, or sent post free, on receipt of 24 '» tt y Misses DEAN and COUPELLE, Hair Restorers, V^,11Aots 8e* EU8sell Square, London. W.C. J;1j 'a a w LRTTRRW :My hair was rapidly coming off K_0h-gtrept ^ter using your Orinilene it ceased.'—' I. Hickson tiQ 8ot a bio,^heffieid, «In the short time of one fornight I °a8tofniQuatache.'—H. Adams, Wilsden. 'lean or> the ftead of hair, which many cannot; I was quite ChJery cuswWn of my head when I began uring it.'—W. B. "Jist, 5 fpec.v, highly of your Crinilene.'—F. P. Jones, wltlfj.j.J aradise-street, Liverpool. ^kers. frn°N •THE MANAGEMENT OF THE HAIR,' 0r four^ Testimonials, List of Agents, &c., sent post Penny stamps. for tvg every MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. Of two 8tatnps iufferers may avoid the sham Captnint who ojj^eneft. n *?,'1 e PuM*c against pills, 4~c-> th> self-styled "cinrf/ m of fortune rupture-curing quacKS; and vilvif' f send their books for nothing, publish ttsti- »»il!rnafc toAf >. Write themselves, fictitious reviews from tfV'1) electrics* • not ex^st> Profess to cure diseases by galva- 0.1r,styls « A *n*truments,$c., instead of medicines, which /*ey ar American treatment,' and other aosurdities as cruel K phvl- aecePttve, a!<u^'lity0 years extensively engaged in the treatment tn thpro<t„ yarious mental and nervous affections re- »njrePav 'r„°m' w senA ree on receipt of two penny stamps di» °hly a Pa^Phlet containing his highly successful C(w°tiong hv a the necessary prescriptions and l?"t. AddreL m t sufferers may cure themselves at trifling lb°rn,I^^Lawe6' Medlcal Publisher, 14, Hand Court, TRIO,, TIt 1^. Varieti^5anif URETHRA its nature, consequences, ,cur"' ™thout the pa'in and4risk of hi a Hender. f,or other irrational measures. By Drs. Barker ^PsbyTnv, M-R-C.S.E., &C. Price Is., or post free for 14 n 1^ndoi^10_nrfa°d Co-. Publishers 10, Brooke-street Hol- and through all Book»'» .crs. laOTJT, *^s?oMATISM' LUMBAGO, SCIATICA, NEURALGIA 1,ftE eifectgG^hN1>ULAH8WELLINGS' CONSUMPTION.ASTHMA, &c. e ee of heat ful migatioti, &c., in curing the above and Un? BATH8 90 diseases are almost incredible. THE A p,erthe direction* Baker-street, Portman-square, London. (no mu,- Physicians. Consultations 11 till 3. K ') Post free for 14 stamps. ^HEIRpreventionG°UT' RHEITMATISM LUMBAGO, &c UrptJf^hich in the a/bovi^ heat and fumigation, the effccts TT«jeverythine, an n ? many other chronic maladies, lt^reB direction nfa^er*street» Portman-square, Lon- PamphUt Physicians. Consultations 11 (U3 Pagts) aent post fvee for 14 v. Am R. EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY, 122, PALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. ESTABLISHED 1858, FOR the purpose of supplying the Nobility, Gentry, and Private Families with PUBE WINES of the highest character, at a saving of at leaat 30 per cent. Royal Victoria Sherry 27s. per dozen. (The Standard of ExecUeneo.J Splendid Old Port 37s. per dozen. (Eleven Years in tlx Wood.) SHERRIES. CHAMPAGNE. Perdoz. Per do*. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY. 27s Creaming Epernay 34s (The Standard of Excellence.) Sparkling Verzenay 36s Excellent Dinner Sherry 20s to 24s Ay Mousseux 42s Superior Selected Ditto 30s to 36s Chansarel and Co's Gold Foil 48s Fine Golden 42s to 48s Moet and Chandon's (1st quality) 60s East India Sherry. 42s to 60s Madame Veuve Clicquot's 72s Manzanilla 42s Roederer's Carte Blanche 80s In Pints, 4s per 2 doz. Pints extra. PORTS. SPLENDID OLD PORT 37s GERMAN WINES. (11 years in the Wood.) Sparkling Hock 42s to 66a Port from the Wood 24s to 80s Sparkling Moselle 42s to 66a „ Old Crusted 42s to 48s gtill jIock 36s to 84„ High-flavoured Old 54s to 60s Cabinet Do 78s to 100a Very Dry Old 72s to 120s CLARETS. SICILIAN WINES. ST. JULIEN CLARET 24s Bronte Marsala 20a Medoc 14s to 18s Virgin „ 24a Bordeaux. 18s to 20s Old Brown Syracuse 26a St. Estephe 30s to 36s Rauzan and Mouton 42s to 48s Leoville and Larose 48s to 64s SPANISH PORT •••••• Sauterne and Chablis 36s to 60s PRUSSIAN SHERRY. 161 Beaujolais 20s. per dozen. (The Finest Imported.) SPIRITS (Of the Finest Quality only and at Wholesale Prices. Book Price-Lists forwarded on application to the AGENT FOR HAVERFORDWEST, THOMAS D. ME YLER, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST AND WINE MERCHANT, 11, HIGH STREET, T. D. M. begs to state that he has made arrangements with the above Company for a regular supply of their Choice Wines, which are offered to the Gentry and Inhabitants of this neighbourhood on precisely the same terms as those of the Company, and he trusts by strictly adhering to their system to secore a share of public patronage. The Wines will all bear the Seal of the I European and Colonial Wine Company.' Single Bottles are snpplied.

