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I)K KlJNXER'S Special Lectures to Young Men I BAppv KALTI1> 1TS RESTORATION, AND I advicft CARRIAGES.—Wh«n to marry, with I °"t rr t° •^1<?8e w'10 contemplate marriage, pointing j Unban' ain impediments which render married life Shonwl' a,l(^ ^'rccUon8 fvr their speedy removal. n»anhoJf rCnd^T hU *0 valuc h<'aU),> strength, and fr^ 0n arV* wis-' <&o at&iiii a happy old age.—Post rcco'pt of stamps.—Address, Secretary,! u e of Aftslfccnjjr, iBirmiugliam. NERVOUS SUFFERERS. 1TTB m SECRET FRIES D." X q-s Wonderfni Medical Guide not only gives the but shows how a permanent euro can be (of ^r,1" 8,1 cases of Nervous Debility, Depression ,P*ins in' Tlm'dity, Impaired Sight nnd Memory, Pe4lmp baok, Lassitude, Spermatorrhoea, Irn- «ttd iii^is ,0 Marriage, Strieture.Sccondary Symptom#, Dr g Ven«rcal Disease*, without the use of Mercury. long experience in the ireatmeni of all in»et D,»es*e« bag enabled htm to treat the most Work CHges *i,h marked soceess. This valuable n»»mern K SECRET FR1KND," is Illustrated with ^•ssih *nd testimonials from Patient# ex* "•tad ,*lheir deepest ftrstited? (or having been re- r# health and manly vigonr. Senj e warrird and single this hook is invaluable, t«ro «i0,1 ,ree secure fro«j observation on receipt of s>atnp*, BaSk Add«M, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square ry, Lirtem, N. to Country Patients. ma be consulted personally or by '•'Or th« k in UR P> i 'ate and confidential eases and h» of Nervous sufferers who cannot visit '^lUt,*1 l, en receiving a deseiiption of their case, 8'vehi«? ? 8tnmped envelope (or reply, be ready o ')r'nrini„) ''°n upon tlie nature of the rase, and the ■Core. °' treatment nteessary to cffect a perfect DR. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, n,Vr, London, N. -A DR. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, n,Vr, London, N. ^OHDERFUL medical DISCOVERY, *"»•» Published, Post Free for Two Stamp*. 8H0W1KG THE TRUE CAX'SB OF EftVoug, MENTAL. & PHYSICAL DEBILITY* Lowness OF SPIRITS, INDIGESTION, »F ENERGY, PREMATURE DECLtNfe WUh PUin directions for PERFECT RESTORATION r to HEALTH AND VIGOUR in few days. important fact that there alarming complaint* *%r ea.,7y fc. removed i.k Without MEDICINE, c,e»r'T demonstrated, and the entirely "sw and fufi y '"coessful treatment, as »d°pted by the Aut v explained—by means of which oNE IS ENABLED TO CURE HIMSJSLF t be least possible cost. Sent Free on of two stamps by W. HILL, ESR., M.A., } BERKBLBT Honø, SOUTH-Chescbnt, RUSSELL-SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. Curative Mean* are so Knty and Simph iti trurl<i?Uon< U|at all can Cure ^Ys nnd Ht lb* SMALLEST COST IN A FEW V« of this extraordinary publication is to *>e Nervousnere and concomitant Malad es can !*0,,»ini«i» an^ sucnmfully treated, and the most S„iU* proofs the efficacy of this, the greatest of ^cape^^les, is testified hy the numerous cases ^^J^Cted^-MBDICAL Rfcobd. ]r\E BI J1 > poat freo for two stamps, P .MS OAUSE AND CURE. ^.•4ttthorryf?mUh'M-D*» of th8 University of If 8 ^atntiKi »'e People's Guide to Health,' &o D^i-^teattnent "v* Mc^ioa^ Work on the of b!'u^ Men^V medicine only, of Nervous dec2° He»n, S pi»y«cel Depression, Imitations lhe Bead and Ears, in- ^Thnii< "gy Bnj1^ and Memory, Indigestion, 'Con.ii ar Qroondlesfl Fears, 'rt.Wh, if neglected, end in W,?TIONs ii Mature Death Gives IN- •othpr 'ich Thousands of S ifferere ilh..J0lW6<3',w health and vigour after all tea With nd f»iled. B Mp.iv<e8 and Teatimoninls from grateful •ddri,. •Phlet »;fi °f CURE ADOpfEi> IN EACH rASK 8 00 ree«ii,t f etnt free by post to any T a i ° **° Penny eVampB. w#^th same Author, ^'lustrations, post free 12 *f.D '^HEALT*?, OR VOLUN- ^"k*Uh* Ro^i!JrAL- DKNItY SMITH, ^ynnasiL U"lver8ity of Jena. A New Jioy °PHent nn^% and Kxercises for aeqnit6 u ■'r0ngth«ning the Human Body, A»oj| and Strength, Secure Long searfk mUie» ,>f01d AK°- ^.x, 0f .bea',h and vigour of body ^r' H s"Tii^rn'n8 Chroniclc. Barton Crescent, Lon- flft,*0*TANT 0^S\jlTat T0 COUNTRY PATlEirrs. I)11, H- S\UTH0N BY LETTEK WITHOUT FEE. ^«trlr*iLP,»iliut!?. KrTTtn'el,t Specialist for the cure w '8. Diseases, will, tor the benefit cf I ^P^ion 'Il!'8 deseritv»C*nnot conso't him personally, ec«6slBi 11,1 adySp^ 01 their case, seud bis A 1 rei'oratio», ,'nJnd direct ons for the most Or heaUh aBd ^tPith, 8, BurtonCrescent London. L.18!i; PUn te ^me^AT^N^^fDlCINE. DR THOMSON'S 5* kin. I for lamtL!ILLS aTe a Wel1 known crr- di.-h e*d»elje ?raTel P«ins in the back of all ♦Hh*" of H>iri^s. thetimatism, btartA^?*' J"1™ and all affeotions of fcVlOT«M%! £ arise from ^VS^W'.rtSS?"1, Tho^ PHIb cleanse and S0^. irt»! ^tosch 0' local debility, givo lllc# «f Jl*11 ^et«v rn^re ,ho 'Pirit8' «nr'ch ibe k.n «^erv and T,Tacl,y» eradicate evsry !S aftjJS^^aint, hn»» gorate the whole system. relief I ,irn^nt or long standing. frnn cure. The daily ^•*yeJ jS*k! hM^B,*n,uld wowen ln eTer» in »V Cer», and ■««►# en cur<d of skin eruptions, N«? ?■* on bead, sore throat, ePi,eP*y. "lone in the ,*fc«O aii •orpi|k,dney«.&e., by their use. and i •?<«ed if ,r oiedicin^iB ?Terie8 'or t(Ter> iHDess i?.e •arn?/' TflOMfe fnd docto» had failed h«a ?'•y di» °P* that hil. i° Publ'8b their virtues, in ? and annl11, 80 *reat be ™ore X ttb0x^ft, td' Price Is.ljd, 2s 9d„ { MaiJt'?. ,r,olect tb« Tublic from Imi- 1 in TimvrcS'^?'MionerB have ordered I ti" yp?.Mson» LONDON, to be en- f paek#re ?„?"•lhe Government Stamp bl t,0n). SoldV."»«•*• which Is felony and direct nfA? ,ChetD'*ts >D the world ,4, 33, or ^4 «#e Pri*atelv in a letter, on K««i ky Dr THOMSON, S p'Us cn?PeriDii8h Town, London. Four We i9T Pa'n« >" the back, which S* K.»? ln, 'he «T yeBrs- U-M-" I lried lbero J»°'>,|on ni bean » y me in a few hour*. »k *• tbe w Y,°nk.led for y«" with an have n^Br have quite eurcd me. I?<te *il>Ce 1 «s«d »ef 5,d attack of gont or ,ri« Elu^ «ny sick bdJrrkPi,l»- Davis." « Thoy Ik11'1 «toL The nainm 4?0 nnd billions attacks. >li?'eter^ ease nnnr10? «e bac^ are Qu'te cured £ *■ »ri,K h.6 "JUDtfL J- Every sufferer, **W. Uh 'hei^^Tnay be, i8 adTiged to7try these Msurance that they must find Jeltuti°nenfth' a«d Lw°,NIC ELIX'R Restores health •f *tl0B d cures t5? v° the Hl(>"t «hattered con- ll "Pirtu* 8Per«nator»K tbe ntmost certainty fv1"' *nV gWdine«B "• exhaustion, depression Hot.. a'l the a' DerTocrenegs, epilepsy, para- j, ''|ty. reefing couscquenccs arising J* *'ter».i^l|l be fonLi difeases of the urinary e^ndarv «n ,n diet n..A specific, requiring ptio«is ^Ptoms' scnr» 8 lhe bloo<1» remoTinK In *'y b'» u"'ioii8 of 11, l'i scrofula, blotches, skin 1,^ the «„ffer « b,addcr' &c' wbich too fre- DerfUsa,,o. of restorcd^oriMCr 'Ue best years of life' tlnr. Cl he»?/i. 'hi'itnted h„3d,1yistrength and vigour to ,0rm»th5and"vl.«. lV,dua!s wl,(> now enjoy tjr f.*»t rBf,>ri7B8e, thev n0VcrJh« causes of dii«qualifica- f«ii!,SCo»erv il fiv!! cffcctually subdued by this tiriIjer t^ had bornp if s"Cerer8, who from fear Alsl^ly .f^P'y to th. f« ei,r1 R^'ctions for a long time, kr ^itie, p htUe or no r" doctor, cured tbemselve? enJectth« t,cc2s nd A *Pence> with this wonderful fc(?\?1'S!'lon^Ubl'c from ».811^ '18« per bottle. (To S.N'Lfe?ha'eor?p:p"r,,ous imiii>tiong, Her IVJ.'s >hYfr^;r,?0i\ to b0 llluword6I{AI'I'lJ THOM- Ch'ch i« 'n white letter on the or i^!ulony aoj< ? euch package, to imitate Tn\)»st 0ffija*°'ld, orwnTb0rtati0,n)- Sold Jf/i MRovorder for n c 8ent dircct» 011 ^P1 ,V'<H,U (]N. 2«C1 P»yublc to Dr. lULI'H Tn,tiSh T°Wn' Lr,"d°n- V# »n. 1 ,1, Thp! ne' itfl'ilcv *1 M*r "i «. f,l'Mion ,r/ !,nl 'd stimulant*. ^v s'"?ij)^iW* 1> H '|"P!"ve^ iniieed 1 (eel tUffloi v T'T''virir/pV 'I'^vebeen mirpried Etiy «xprt £ „ 01 ?our inedU ine,and fim# nay gratitude. O. J," [ PA ^^CALVAWIC4^ CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AND rOCKET BATTERIES. AVE RENDERED ELECTRICITY PER- FECTLY SKLF-A Pl'LlCABLE in a mild continuous form, IInd extreniely cilleacious without shock or unpleasant sensation. They speedily soothe Agonising pains, re-snimnte torpid limbs, revive the sluggish functions of life, and impart renewed enerpy and vitality to con- stitutions enfeebled hy whatever causes. The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULVERMACHER'S MEDICO-GALVANIC SYS- TEM is so extensive and vniied, that it forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal r niedy. This admirable natural remedy is now brought within the reech of tlio millions l>v the addition of hie new patent AVJJESJVg ^LEClTIO-GENERATOR obtainfihlo through eHry chemist. Amongst nariy others the following TESTIMONY, signed by the elite of the Medical Faculty, has been reeeirvd We, the Hndcrs'gncd, hnve much pleasure'' "in testifying that MrJL PULVERMACHER'S" "rffent improvements in his Voltnic Ruttci'es" and Galvanic Appliances for Medical Pur-" •'poses are of great, importance to Scientific" Medicine, and lint h? U entitled to tlieron- "sidcration and support of everyone disposed" I. to (uiher the advancement of real and useful •'prejn ess. tl Dated this Oth dny of March, ISGG. Sir CHARLES LOCOCK. B«rr, M.D.F.R.CP. Sir WU.LIAM KER'^US^t^N, Mar. F.R S, FDWl) H SEIVEKING, M.D., M R C.P. HENRY HOLLAND, HART., F.H.S. Sir J RANALD MARTIN KNT., F ReS. And Dr. C. HANDFIELD JONES, F.R.C.P., and F.H.S., Physician to St. ilr(rry's fio»}>i(ai, under date March 10th, IG66. In a similar Testimonial as to above, states;—"I am satisfied that he is an honest, earnest labourer in the field of Seiertc, and 1 think that he deserves to meet with evefv encofrngemcot from the profession and from scientific men Also recommendc'l by Sir DUNCAN GlBB, Hart, M.D. L.L.D. f. H. TANNER, M.D. F L. Sec. i UlrsSELL REYNOLDS, M.D, FR C.P. C. B HAnCLJFFE, Xt.D.. FR.C P. F, R S. A. CLARK, M.D.. F.R.CP., J'hysician to London Hospital, &C.&C.&C. J-)ULVEH.MACHEH'S M F. I) I CO-GAL VANfC CHAINS arc exceedingly errectivo without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or the leiut derangement of the palicnfs habits and daily occupation«, in the toJlowilltl maJadips:- Rheumatism |Tic Tjolorcux Sluggish Circulation Gout Indigent ion Urinary Disorders Sciatica Deafness Paralysis Lutnbasro fSpasrrs Jipilepsy Neuralgia 'I'cmale Complaints !Ncrvous debility 11c>«d & Toothache lOcinstiputUm li'iiiictionalDisorders 1 iver Complaints ICramp Arc., &e„ 'rhe effects ot the Rpplvctttion ot PULVERM ACH ER'S Ctt A INS in any t)f th'o aboVe disoi-ders is immediately perceptfl>Ic~the relief of pain generally jnsfllnfalleoN s. r I '^fTAiONlALS rot,lowing cornprifce the con- .L tinnatlon o( a series of certificates published in rotation, and are but a small portion of a vast number published in a famthlkt containing besides various ex'racts from medical reports by great authorities and opinions of the medica) press, likewise nn. merous extracts from many standard scien- tific works, via, Dr Pereira's "Materta Medica," 4th edition; Dr Tanner's Prnc. tice of Medicine," 8th edition; and Dr Handfield Jones, on "KcrTOus and Functional Disorders." The pamphlet sent poet flee on application to J.L Pulveksia- OHFfc and Co, 168, Regent Street, W., Londote. DEAFNESS "oP ELEVEN YKAKh' STAKUiKU-— ifTestimonial^ Btadford, June, 1B71. I have been cored of Deafness by one of your chains after bcirg deaf for eleven years, and I have been partially deaf from child- hood. E. C. J. L. Pulvermacher & Co., 168, Regent Street, W." Rheumatism—("i ostimoniai) — "8, Sutton Common-roed, Kidderminster, July 23rd, 1871. I beg to thank you for your Galvanic Chain Band which I purchased of you in January last, i have worn it constantly ever Blnce, as you directed, and with considerable benefit. I consider your remedy a most valu- able one, and shall take every opportunity to recommend it (0 my friends. THOMAS Ingham. J. L. Pulvermacher and Co, 168, Regent-street, W.' ER VOUS EXHAUSTION AND PA IN S (Testimonial^) "7, Cobham Place, Clarence Road, Clapton, September 15th, 187i. Your past kindness and attention shown in my cage, together with a desire to fulfil my promise, prompts mo to drop you there few lines. You will be glal to bear that my entire nervous system is gradually improving; my back feels very much stronger and more free from pain, A year ago when trying to sit up just for half an hour. although pillowed and propped in every possible way, J u«ed to get into a most fearful state of pain a.nd exhala- tion, now I can sit up for some hours at a time with comparative case. This is a very marked improvement. I fed also stronger on niv feet, can stand with a firmness 1 have not felt for years. I have walked across a room without help. 1 am thoroughly convinccd by personal experience th lihere is n eighty power ofROod in your appliances. Indeed 1 feel the Bands are an untold comfort to me. Some of my friends are perfectly amazed at seeing me again down stairs, and to some extent getting about the bouse. Dr. Millar whom I have been under for some yeall, on coming to see my mother was perfectly struck to see roe out, of bed end down stairs. He said I What do you think has done you good? • S r I said, 'undoubtedly the persevering nee of Mr Pulvermseher's Eectric nnidianccs.' Woll,' te said, • I must say they have dene a great thing for you, if it is only to get up and come down here. I name this, sir, because it Is a remark of roy own doctor who, some months since, laughed at uie for even thinking or putting any faith in such a remedy as yours. Lavina J<'NBS. J. L. Pulvermacher and Co. 1GB fiegedt Street, W." IJllWE-.LlST Ol!' J'ULVERMACHER'S GAL- P VANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and FLEX- IBLE BATTERIES. A. NARROW CHAIN-BANDS for Soiatica, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gouty Pome, Chronic Rheumatism, Local Paralysis, Cramp in the Extremities, according to Electric Power. IRs., 22s., 469 and upwards. B- BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BELTS, for Lumbago, indigestion, Liver, Chest, nnd Nervous Complaints, &c„ wearable as a Belt 22s. to 40s. and 55s. C. B R O ADC H A IN -BANDS I or Nervous Deaf- ness, Head, Tooth, and Faco Ache, and Noises in the Head 21s. and upwards. D BROAD CHAINS for Loss of Voice and other Affections of the Throat, Asthma, Spinal Complaints ,10s. <>d 18»m, 22e., and 40s. E BROAD CHAIN-BANDS for Wntcr'sCramp, Tremblyig, Nervousotes, &c., 22s. to 30s., 40a., and 60s. F. COMBINED BANDS for General Debility, Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, and Functional Disorders 508 to 60s. COMPLETE SET WITH VOLTA-ELEC- TRIC BELTS for restoring Vital Power.tA WITH VOLTAIC FLEXIBLE CHAIN BATTERY G. CHAIN BATTERIES for Extreme Nervous Debility, Paralysis, and for restoring ex- hausted Vital Energy (to bo used in con- junction with specially combined banda) £ 3 10s. to 4 Guineas. H. PATENT ADHESIVE ELECTRO-GENE- RA tR PATENT ELECRO-DiFFTUSING BAND. 58 JYo Galvanic Bands or Belts are genuine, but those bearing the facumilc of J. X.. PULVEKMACHEK S ttgnatnre on the A Test sent (gratis) on Loan for a week if required. (~}AUf*xh0 Curative Powers of Electricity, and the success of FULVERMACIIEK'S VOLTAIC CHAIN BANDS. BELTS, &c, have elicited envioua speoulato to an unfairand absurd competition with nrllclcsfalscly represented as having electrical qualities. Unpossessed a» these articles are of elc°,r°'fc" rating or clectro diffusing properties, there is 11011, no 1 can there|bc, any analogy whatever betwec^n e < • and the beneficial effects of PuIvcrmacher s above^mci tioned appliances; consequently they aro dtpu those curative properties which for t. 'l" .G;llvaIJjr. have secured for I'u.vermacher s d » Svstcni the highest encomiums of the acicnuiiu »i I Medical press and the official, approbation of t o Aoademies and Faculties of Mcdicine, hot 1 iu Europe p'uLVERMACHER'S PAMPHLET of Testimonials Mid Reports of cures containing extensivo nurooious extracts from many Standard Scientific Wort.s V)¡f, Ur Pereira's "Materia Medica," 4th edItiOn; Dr Tanner's •• Prapffcp of Medirinf, f.'h edition •«*»• I|«nalielil .Inilrr on ■' .Wi-vous ail l .-Uio'titiM t j'as" I-Ht lee.- un application to the .olc I«t*n<or R,id I'ateDtPP—- lnT J 1,. I't:J.VKI:MAOHKI! 1 108 « 0_ To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G. J. B LAND v r>EC.S (o inform the above, thai he is in a position to Let out llorsos, driven by experienced men, on very > moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, &o from or to any part of the County or Kingdom. WITII TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Goods. WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOIl THE GREAT WESTERN RAlLWA Co" HAVERFORDWEST. o. J B. takes this opportunity of thanking the Public for the kind support he has hitherto received. rl ———————————— ESTABLISHED 1812. II A N D T. r ii 0 C T O e. A G C UEMISTS, C A T U A Y, B HIS T 0 L. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY P IIE P A R 11: D i > O N E M A N U R E S, FOlt GRASS, CORN, ROOT, AND OTHER CHOPS; also, • BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—CATllAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS-Mr O. Griffiths, Carew Newton, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. Evaris, Aberayron^ TO'C<>u\ 8>i \M:I»S wh.I KRS \» OIHIITS. MESSES. LOCK & HALL, BONE IMPORTERS AND CRUSHERS. REQUIRE FIRST-CLASS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF CRUSHED BONES (,] in. I in. and dust) GUARANTEED FREE FROM ALL AID-VLTERATION. UEDBl{IDGE, HAMPSHIRE. Chemical Works. NOVELTY I N BOOTS. "VTOBLEMEN and Gentlemen arc respectfully invited to inspect a case ofjioota of entirely ncW design, which was exhibited at the recent International Exhibition at the Agri- cultural Hall, and to which were awarded T 11 E G 0 L D M E D A L On View at the Establishment of C. E. ALLEN, (Late of Haverfordwest.) BOOTMAKER, 33 a. Princes Street,—one door from Panton Street, Haymarket, London. «< I can strongly advise my sporting friends to try the easy yet close fitting boots, thus made admirably adapted alike for the moor mti(I the 8tubblo.7V,c Wanderer in Land and Water CTEAP TEA SHOP. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA& GROCKllY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, IIA VERFORDWEST. lT Is. 4d. per lb. Good Tea 2s_ 0(]_ H,. Strong Breakfast do 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. line do. ••• ••• PRIME WILTSHIRE BACON. FIELDS AND P RI CE'S PATENT CANDLES. HUNTLEY AND PALMEK S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agent for Weir's Sewing Machines T 11 0 M A S D M E Y E E R AERATED WATER MANUFACTURER, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, »n (he Nobility, Gontry, and the Public generally, for the support accorded DEGS to retorn ll,s j, yCBM Having disposed of the Machinery and Plant, connected with the above P. Svan J^NEs"ofW Street, together with a'l the recipce, &c. for the proparat.on of Aerated Wa^ h^venfurfs to'solicit the same patronsgo for h,s successor. EVAN JONES bi tho malluracture of Aerated 1Vaters, Soda, Potash, fy Lithia Waters. GENUINE SFLTZER WATER prepared from a recent analysis, of the German Springs LEMONADE AND G1NGERADE Pepmred and Sold, and all orders by Post or Carrier, promptly attended to by Prepared ana EVAN JONES, Soda Water Manufacturer, Dew-street, Haverfordwest. CARSONS' jglll? PAINT, y. PATRON!8K1» l:V HER MAJESTY THE OUEEN, Thk Bkitiph Government, I Ti.r Colosiai «;ov.nm.;mS, j R .v.r.w at and '.n ai. foMPixiFs, l hh Tnr Kisman Odvkhsmknt, I ot,ir.i.) e.s, lito: MA^n'.us The Indian GoveknmwIj I -JIUj Ltlr 7,000 01- THK ISOHII.ITV AM) (iENTRY, For all kind- of OUT DOOR "WOKK-, knA nrnveA after a test of upwards of 70 years, to suvpas:? any oilier Paim. II is e-pc-mIIv applic 'I'1'' 1" T'o« u >«„J Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdliii-r, Pun,, lmplcmeuts, Can, and Waggons, itooni g, Gates, &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more thau 50 per cent s it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine W hile Lend or ;\ny otbei paint, ;nvl CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, timing, stiaining, or iliyers .ire It is so rcqu;res simply to be mixed with "Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," thus auiiding necessary. ld m;xed ready for use." the waste of pawts sola nuxed ready for use. COLOURS. v Per Cwt. Tcr Cwt. TRADE MARIC. Bright K( d White —^ ri r>i J Light Stone. J,' { 20s. Bath Stone. I pIZ c oVeen J Cream colour Vls* PA IN T, nil l.ion/e t ec n t :^i,t Portland Stonel II sollly \\Ms_ Chocol.itc ) Light rorudliu uw I TJlUlRNUFACTUREDllflf IjlJ 2ts. Portland Stone I \\w/\lteStcsr5oJjl 1 j Buff (for Stables).. > Ih'ight Green Light Lead or Slate.. 2Bs. IMclium (Jrern Oak colour. ) 26s ri- ]>eep Green ( 'liN* Lead colour f fcNieRto at stationsrs halU Biue ) Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, V;n rii::hc3, Brushes, &c. ff a CARSONS' PAINT, For Ptrpt-tc Ekificek, Mansions, Villas, and every kind of T>nrk, Stone,'(.'mnpo, <^c. i., unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railwny Stations in tho United Kiugdrm. PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS FF.NT POST FllEE ON APPLICATION ,) WA-LTE R 1 CA RSO N & SONS. LA BEUB SAWAGE YARJJ. LUlJlia'l'E HILL. LUNDUN K.C. And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK. DUBLIN. iVO AUENTS. j x- J'.JL.L"-J. ? J ) *.« \). CLEDDAU' BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, vT- G 14"1 0 R G E M. G R E E X. MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICtJLTUpiL SEEDS.. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Gehbraled Artificial Manures. GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, 4 AGENTS FOR LAWKS' SIP?; Si PHOSPHATE OF LINE9 LA WES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND L A W E S' DISSOLVED CONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. cl8 TO SUNDAY GEO. M. HAMMER, 1 a Tvrj SCHOOL FURNISHER, INVENTOR, and MANUFACTURER of the OSBOltNE. QUADRANT, and ROYAL (Patent) SCHOOL-DESKS & SEAT? nlv oniiA/^r Which e»ch comhinc a Sloped Desk, Flat Table, and Backed Seat for Lectures, 1JA I Illustrated Catalogue of Dc-ks, Seatp, Tab es, Galleries, Eaaels, Blackboards &oT Post freo Twopence. Tbe Methodist College, Belfast, aud a large number ef'othcr MANAGERS. Colleges and Schools have been fitted by O. M. II. 108, ST, MAUTIN'S LANE. CHARING CROSS, LONDON, \V C. FLINT & Co.'s BRITISH & FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. oiiJEcxs:— remove danger or doul*; from contemplated credit transactions. HEGlSTEHED INf ORiMATlOX—■ Not relied upon. Every inquiry is, when received, despatched to three or four correspondents, or more if deemed requisite. The information registered appended in addition I lirte stfimpseach inquiry. 'w-9-.xvv >A 1;),VICE~^I,plit;d 10 ""bseribcrs free of charge. Counsel and Solicitors specially retained. A j KN 1 S—ln every 1 own and City in tbe United Kingdom, tho Continent of Europe, and America. KI' GI^I ERS—Contain over One Million names. DEBTS-Promptly applied for, in accordance with instructions. Immediate settlements. WEEKLY G A Z L,'I"rE.-Valu able information. Index (quarterly) free to every subscriber. References permitted to numerous commercial firms. Opinions of subscribers furnished free on application. TERMS— £ 3 3j, £ o 5s jEtO 10s. and upwards per annum. LONDON, E.C-:&S,Cheapside. Dublin: 10, Henry Street. Manchester: HS, Moseley Street, and G, 8 and 10, Bond Street; and Glasgow 33, Renficld Street, Argy:o Street. AGENCIES—APPLICATIONS INVITED. <gSa 8 I k la ai b J i i H ll 1 (1 SSgK lvtpDE '-77,7 ry .4 LIGHT ONLY Ol" THE G)AFET I THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST. By using (t COIlN DRILL you save from to 2 Winchesters of Seed lJcr Acre, and at the sante time insure a better crop. The Seed saved on a moderate sized Farm in one year will be sufficient to buy a drill. Apply to Marychurch and Daw, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. N.B.—Agents for Norrington's celebrated 0 1-1 RONE S U P E R r II O S 1) II AT E. Y,6 per Ton (lOs.per Tun discount for Cash) also for Prangley's SOLUBLE8 PIlOSPliO GUANO Proved by actual experiment to be superior in every respect to the best Phospho Guano insuring a better Crop, and at the same time being cheaper. Price— £ 10 per Ton net cash ° BENSON'S WATCHRS.CLOCKS.GOLDJEWKLLERY I SILVER AND ELECTll-O-PLATE. TO THE QUEEI; BY AND SPECIAL ROYAL FAMILY, M ENT TO 11. It. If. &C. THE JPkw- Mkijals.-LONDON, DUBLIN, & PARIS, WATCHES CLOCKS I Of all kind*, at 2 to 20"' guinea.Of aHliimls, at to lcefl guineas L1CVEU, VERTICAL Cin iiCU, 'J l'lilil.T IIOHIZONTAL, DUt'Lt'X ('AlilflAGl' C'UIMi; ClIltONOMETEK, UIIKONO I>INING A-DRAWING ROOM GIvAl'U ilfALL, SIIOI' KEY LESS, CKXTKE Hl'.KARY, URACKt.T, l.TC. SECONDS itEi'KATKits, IXD1AX, KTC'SILVER & ELECTRO GOLD JEWELLERY! \„t,1'LAT,E- r Alttncncw de<ign.s. Hie latest jWXNKU SERVICES l'.KACEI.ETS HUO ll'.S TEA AND V.UEAK EAST ":AHHI:\(;S, LOCKETS SEKVICES N I.CKLACES, CHAINS |cit CE't'S, \SKETS UINGS, STt'DS :TN SPAN OS, CLARET .Iff; 3 TINS, CROSSES, ETC. SI'OON'S, EOR.KS, LTC. I Illustrated Catalogue of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery. .e" 1> ^t fr< e for 2 ■-tanips. W:Ur-lK,Ir .'i i- M r.ivl "i it, m-.iI t" n-nt- i,r •) »..«l.i. il »■< -wild E!<t!" I'hiti- 'atr-ii.^iii- >< .s in-i -.M. NV:,t«| ri'],i|d !n i, 'Mi! ,— h I..„n .V, 11 -M.„ ,• SI, ( ¡ II J -n |,nl. STEAM V.»<"n>IS AN|) ft'J'Y SH'IW I!' I (i v. I [ LLIXjATE HILE .v OLD S'lJAKE'r » LONDON. t STEAM COMMUNICATION; between LIVERPOOL.MILFORD. SWANSEA, & BRISTOL For the Mouth of MARCH, 1872. The Liverpool and^Bristol Chnnncr Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ships IIki-tauchy, Cai>t —— 'viZTAa^Sl"'Gibbs CaptoC' Bf J oui^a Can* T Rnrrort V Capt. L. Tallan .MONTAGU, C,v>t Spcakman HE^TARCHv^c5^'p1^t Tbe nbove, or 80^0^ift-llJloTc el i t eail with Goods and Pas^necrs unforeseen ocourrencc) as follows with* I>rcvP.nJby any and liberty to low vessels; or without pilots Prom Lwerpool to J[ilforll and Bristol. s f" n man, SS 23 batunlav, MaIch 30, t o'clock afu-r. Sund ,y M ir S °t Mllford tor BrUtol. Sunday Mai. 3 8 morn 8unday 17 Sunday 10 3 mum Sunfla?, 24 3 morn Sunday M,,rt.h ;l, 7 0^clVck mnr^ 3 mor» ,v v °"1 Mllford for lAvcrpool. WcdneMl;^?: 13-" I 'S Wcdn'i* 7 goods to and from I'cmbroVe Dock, Haverfordwr- Cai^-Vln? adiaccut towns. "loruweot, and tht F A n E s :— Keturn Cabin ticlu-ts available lor two Voyages. Mitfoid to ov from Liverpool L>teck' heturu ,i f„;l„ r.:imoJ ,1 f'S «ss Milfrrrt tool term • '• NOTICE.-The '.ai,din '-li. r,i Milton!. v k""1' >r l' »f the S„nf.r..„r,r| u7 u "h- I''—1 jits ,nd lH< Own, th. "I .urthor Owi'ticMijji'. yep -rnali y.tii rt' '■ ''v- -i, Kniuioi'fi n,(0 p ); to .i. Charles Laiab, Swaaeea;' Keii^ortb\ \r' B. &, iioiic .4 sr. DAVID'S CATHEDRAL RESTORATION THE works of Restoration and Repair whfch hav* been carried on daring the last fire yean, con- prise the thorough restoration of the Tower theTJboir with its Aislee a third of the Nave; and the nnw. age of the whole tailding. These 9ereral worts cceting between eighteen and nineteen fhotmoi rounds, have absorbed #11 the old Subscriptions* wrtk 'be exception of Mr Tr&herne's bequest of £ 2,000 not yet due, and the Bishop has in oooeetjiwooe (M culated an appeal for new Subseriptioos, to oonplflfei the Restoration of the Nave, its Airfes, 8Hl tio Transept*. The cost of this is estimated by Kr Scott at 112,500. The Secretaries will gladly on applieatioo isnd tt any one a copy of Mr Gilbert Scott's Seoond Bwoit showing what has been effected, and wtol irores o a pressing nature still remain to be done; Mt4 u., will also thankfully acknowledge any SabeeripCtoaa which may be made. The following Donations have been already pre. mised for the work remaining to be done ReT J. M. Traherne (a bequest) <2900 Rev John Bowen, Llangorse (omitted froafl former lists by inadvertence) 6 Richard Llewellin, Esq, Tregwynt 60. Mrs Mould, Falmodeston Rectory Mrs Geo. Holgate Foster (seoond donation) soa Rev H. Williams, Brecon 2 t J. W. Kershaw, Esq, Warwick S • M rs Kershaw, Warwick a t Rev A. J.M. Green (first subscription) I Rev John Hughes, Vicar of Penally and), Prebendary of St David's (2nd donation) 10 Rev D. Jones, Bishopeton, Glamorganshire 9 0 Rev Secretan Jones, Oystermoutb, Glamor ganshire 9 The Lady Llanover Mrs Harford, Blaise Castle 10 10 Rev J. Phelps, Carew (second donation) 10 Rev J. Jones, Llanfihangel Genau'r Olftt (second donation) 6 George Baugh !Jlen, Esq, Temple (second donation) 10 5 Mrs Painter, Pembroke <! Mrs W. H. Reed, Pembroke 6 0 Mrs Leacb, Pembroke Rev H. S. Blink, Pembroke 1 T. Mansell, Esq, Pembnke I 1 L. P. Gibbon, Esq, Pembroke 5 0 W. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke 6 9 W. O. Hulm, Esq. Pembroke 1 I J. Dawkins, Esq, Pembroke Mrs W. Gibbon, Pembroke 5 0 Mrs D. S. Thomas, Pembroke I I Mr Hitchings, Pembroke 20 George' Jones, Esq,Pembroke a I Messrs Jones, Pembroke Mill 3 0 Mr W. Williams, Pembroke 2 I Mefsra Davies and l'ratt, Pembroke 1 t Mr Warlow, Pembroke 2 2 R. M. Jones, Eoq. Pembroke 1 I W. Thomas, Esq, Orange Ilall, Pembroke.. 0 10 Mr G. Barrett, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Beddoe, Pembroke 2 2 Mrs Morris and Son, Pembroke tO Mr Edward Tracey, Pembroke 8 10 Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke 1 10 Mr C. Elsdon, Pembroke Oft Mr H. P. Thomas, Pembroke 0 fB Mr James, Lion Hotel, Pembroke Q Ii) Mrs Owen, Savings Bank, Pembroke 1 10 I Mr T. Richards, Pembroke. 0 10 Mr Burchell, Pembrcke I 0 Mr Lowless, Pembroke 0 10 Small Sums, by Rev J. Aben 16 Mrs Rocb, Packeston (second donation) 10 0 N. A. Roch, Esq, Paskeeton (2nd donation) 18 0 A. J. Morison, Esq, Portclew 5 0 Rev Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 25 0 G. White, Epq, Tenby (second donation) 10 0 Col. Voyle, Tenby 10 0 Rev G. Huntnigton, Tenby 6 0 Rev J. Ilearn Poppelwell, Tenby 2 0 Rev E. F. Willis, Tenby 0 iO Mrs Howells, Teoby J. Gwynne, Esq, Tenby (first, donation) 3 3 C. W. R. Stokes, Tenby 1 0 G. Chater, Esq, Tenby 2 2 Mrs Girardot, Tenby 2 O Colonel Onslow, Tenby 2 0 Mrs Onslow, Tenby 1 0 Miss Puxley, Tenby 2 0 Mr James Rogers, Tenby 2 0 Captain Rees, fenby 1 1 Captain Evans, Tenby i$ Two Sums of Five Shillings each v* 0 10 Mr C. Allen (in Photographs of St. David's)^ Tenby 5a Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby 3 • Mr John Phelpa,Tenby 1 Mr E. Saies, Tenby 1 1 Mrs Hughes, Tenby 1 1 Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby. 1 1 Mr W. Walkinton, Tenby 1 1 Mr Thomas Marchtnt, Tenby 1 1 Mr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby 1 1 tt Lastelles, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 ft J. T. Hawkeley, Esq., Caldy, Tenby A e Rev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby 5 0 Messrs John Harvey and Sons, Harerfard' weBt (second donation) jo jq The Welshman Newspaper 1010 The. Brccon County Times 1A A Die Western Mail •♦••••• The Ttnby Observer 10 0 I The Cambria Dn>'ly leader 10 0 The rcmbrohcshirc Hera d q 11. G. Allen, Eizq., Lincoln's Inn, (second Donation) 10 e Mrs Mirehouse, The Hall, Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Earl of Cawdor, (second donation) 100 J. U. Scourfield, Esq., M.P. (2nd donation) 100 O Lewis Lloyd, Keq, Monk Orchard, Surrey 5 0 Col. Lloyd, Lillesden, Kent «. 5 0 Henry Leacb, E!q., Corston 10 0 Mrs Bayne, (second donation) 35 q Miss Robson, Penally, (second donation) 60 Messrs Richard James and Son, Ilaverford. west 5 11. Rees. Esq., Llangranog, Newcastle Emlyn 1 1 Rev William Edmunds, Ehostie Rectory, Ab rystwyth 2 0 Rev John Felix, Llanilar j 0 Rev J. Tombs, Burton jq > Messrs Powell, Mathias, and Evans, Raver- west 10 10 Wm Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Haver. fordwest J. W. Phillips, Etq., Rock Cottage,'ditto"* ft ft Messrs Greenish and Dawkins, Market street, ditto Rev Thomas Horn, Haverfordwest (second donation) x 9 Rev George Horn, Haverford'west .1' J 0 MfiiEp^Cnt and Miss Gwytber, ditto 2 0 x! x ,ba!,nder?' Rr'dge street, ditto l t Mr John Phillips, Castle Square, ditto 1 1 Mr Stephen Green, High street, ditto (second donation) [ JJr W. Doyd, Ui^h street, HaVerf jVdwest 1 Mrs Philpott, Castle Hotel, di to 1 John Lewis, Esq., Bank, ditto l Wm. John, Esq., Vict'iria Place,'ditto' l | Mts Potter, lligh street, ditto t Mr P. P. Ellis, High street •••»•• Mr Richard Williams, Dew street,ditto 11 Mr James Davies, Victoria Place rfitfn t A M, John Brown, Market street %itto ° Mr T. Baker, High street, ditto' 11 Meisrs Green and John 0„«r i M r William Hood, Hi.h Zt i d,U° 1 MrF H V\]'\a n 8^reet, ditto •••• 0 10 M ?vmi« s 'i: »?.iu° » 10 McssrB T. and J iJo'? T-) ip°f 1° « Frederick Weiuhol! V,' 1 S U° 10 J. L G P 7 „ • au5harne •• 2o 0 Rev R L^'wia i9' (second donatioi ) 10 0 donation) ,^°pclcr Velfrcy (»«cond T°^R 0C"v °D' -iun Trewern 6 f Howard S °M Esq'' WynSvon 5 0 toward S.Morgan, Esq, Tegfynydd 5 0 rt'T^lV"1*110' 3 s Rev W L uLaUgbt?rne 1 1 m„ nr' Bevan» Hay, Brecon 6 0 R J J n Tenby « • Hew v v ^,|^lam8) Brecon (2nd donation) 10 0 Rev E R ?Ue.n'1>0rthkcrry 5 • n, ^quire, Swansea 5 l\ I -v (1' Swansea 25 contribution from the parish of St. Bride's per Mr Wm. Roberta 2 5 Jenkins, Caetio Square, H. West 0 n r M^ekon, Lly dor street. London 110 t -PC' V"uK^ap» Es(l > Upton Castle 10 10 0 ,r ,wall» Es(l' A^fgwili 10 10 0 '1. >v iiliam Slater, Cheltenham 5 0 0 A friend, by Miss W clbcy Parry, 12ud donation 5 0 U tlev. J. il. Morgan 5 0U i he Duan of Bangor 2 0 0 fl. J. Eirq, audi, subscription lit) C'ilyetionat Llandigwydd, by Rev. D. 1-ewis 20 0 li at Llaneily Church, Rev. D. Williams 3 a 10 I'rocccds of Lecture, Llandiio, by Kev. •' (;n.ihs i' ) o SiiH-m 1 -i -11 .iii<i will br refCiTCo pr K- v i H..M \S. S'.yit! ■ Milfirii H«ves. iiil < H s i.i.i s i.i.i- n I'-H-'j.. JVnf-v, H nnnrsr'" Serie- M'io ?} M r>M s ati<] '•vK^rA-eic, C.i- fiaM'h.ii, ?n-l by Messrs Co., Bankett Jl vCili,