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TV8" HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men i. °n HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with ^•ceto those who contemplate marriage, pointing cWtain impediments which render married life R? PPJ» and directions for their speedy removal. ould be read by all who value health, strength, and Jtohood, and wish to attain a happy old age.—Post In F00 receiPfc of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, .^tote of Anatomy, Birmingham. Jtwt Published, Post Free for Two Stamps. WONDERFUL MEDICAL DISCOVERY, h SHOWING THE TRUE CAVSE OF MENTAL. & PHYSICAL DEBILITY, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, INDIGESTION, ENERGY, PREMATURE DECLINE plain direotions for PERFECT RESTORATION Nto HEALTH AND VIGOUR in a few days. important fact that these alarming complaint* "lily be removed HI WITHOUT MEDICINE, v ole.rly demonstrated, and the entirely new nnd fj. ttiCMnsfal treatment, as adopted by the Author, y •'plained—by means of which ONE IS ENABLED TO CURE HIMSELF and at the lcnst possible cost. Sent Free on V' of two stamps by W. HILL, ESG., M.A., BBBKELIT Horsn, SOUTH C RESCENT, ^USSELL-SQUARE, LONDON, W.C. CaralWe Mean* are 10 Easy ana Simple in I ProLTl* object of this extraordinary publication is to Nervousness and concomitant Malad es can «On»i!,tmal,y and successfully treated, and tbe most bn^ ^lpg proof of tbe efficacy of this, the greatest of Ofr*1 tlttoTeriea, is testified by the numerous cases ^^•flfocted."— MKDIOAL RECOBD. TO HERVOUS SUFFERERS. *KAD Tffl M SECRET FRIEND." X11,8 Wonderful Medical Guide not only gives the bat showi how a permanent cure can be <* av« *n ca8M of Nervous Debility, Depression Timidity, Impaired S^hi and Memory, NhL the baok, Lassitude, Spermatorrhoea, Im- N An™8 10 Marriage, Stricture,Secondary Symptoms, l)r j?11 Venereal Diseases, without the use of Mercury. r,e9'8 ^ng experience in the treatment of all 'l*ei Dl*eases has Enabled him to treat the most,e cases with marked success. This ?aluable W T3E SECRET FRIEND," is Illustrated with )to", trIVAS cases and testimonials from Patients ex- stor llgtheir deepest gratitude for having been re- in.!0 health and manly vigour. S»h? lhe married and single this book is Invaluable. Post free secure from observation on receipt of ps. Address, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square ^•tary, London, N. Important to Country Patients. b' BARNES may be consulted personally or by fctletter, in all pi hate and confidential cases and Wk benefit of Nervous sufferers who cannot visit Will, on receiving a description of their case, *Wvn* a "tamped envelope for reply, be ready to toin-i'8 opinion upon tbe nature of the case, and the of treatment necessary to effect a perfect Address, DR. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, London, N. Vi*, published, post free for two stamps, UTILITY, ITS CAUSE AND CURE V7 ^enry Smith, M.D., of the University of WKL Hthw «* u Tbe People's Guide to Health, &o is a Special Medioal Work on the ^iiuje?'nient> by medicine only, of Nervous thJ'^ontaland Physical Depression, Palpitations **°»tin«« t 1Noisee in tbe Head and Ears, In- 0#'impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Il^iw a fty and Appetite, Paina in the Back, n 2 Distrust, Disainess Groundless Fears, »S^«sp\u^*ati°D, &c., which, if neglected, end in *nd Premature Death. Gives £ *t# been,8 by which Thousands of Sufferers t7er remnj. to health and vigour after >11 Abated h»d f"led. Cases and Testimonials from grateful ..The Pn*. v,MEANS OF CUBE ADOPTED IN EACH CAS ^*esa OT> wi'l be sent free by post to any 011 rece'Pt of tWo penny stamps. Also by tbe same Author, Thousand, 54 Illustration*, post free 12 GUIDE "TO° HEALTH, OR VOLUN- TEER'S MANUAL. By HENRY SMITH, Of the Roval University of Jena. A Now th( Gymnastics, Movements, and Exercises for low^elopment and S'reogthening the Human Body, HI acquire Health and Strength, Secure Long j Avoid the Infirmities of Old Ago. <L»j°-ne in search of health and vigour of body i ^drf.11 Morning Chronicle. Wjj' Dr- H- SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, Lon- TO COUNTRY PATIENTS. ,L"QULT TION BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. Sf Of'aS ^1TH, tfce Eminent Specialist for the cure ^"tr* Diseases, will, (or tbe benefit of t>iLrecel»w. ,8' who cannot consult him personally, lb1 descriptions ot their case, send bis advice, and direct ons for the most 4" toration to health and vigour. t 0 D II. Smith, 8, BurtonCrescent London. hERBAL MEDICINE. DR THOMSON'S O ^cV^RATlWn PILLS are a well known ccr- h 'oa,bago, gravel ptins in the back 'h* ils«h depression of spirits, rheumatism, 0f k,n(l8» p'lc6< a"d all affeoMons of hJ2Vand bladder. All diseases arise from t6''y *n<* weaknese. These Pills cleanse and the remoTe general or local debility, give 'ftnii >ftoinach» restore the spirits, enrich the III"* of i! energy and vivacity, eradicate every >eom #IM* invigorate the whole system. itP n*» however virulent or long standing, ^>sir °f te»rlan* aDd speody cure. The daily «0'*»0D 0f .jj'^onials from men and women In every toin nl W^° h"*8 heen cured of skin eruptions, IIn tand sourf on the head, sore throat. r> di«^ a' neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the Vt, Pots °f the kidneys, &c„ by their use, and 'Nil*11 oth JIIPV.8* recoveries for severe illness I Br y* and doctors had failed hss *l<Ui r0«8th OM8ON lP Pohlish their virtues, in | 4» I *hat WesBings so great may be more l*til^. pari? and appreciated. Price l».l Jd., 2s.9d., Jjg-O?* (To Protect the Public from Imi- Jllr\laie8ty,8 Commissioners have ordered in THOMSON, LONDON, to be en- earhlte 'etters on the Government Stamp t0 imita'e which is felony and J?")- .Sold by all Chemists in the world sent direct, packed privately in a letter, on ?0*. *o»ee w 33» or 64 stamps by Dr THOMSON, yoQ. Kentish Town, London. Fonr lS^oyed il 8 00red my pains in the back, which • 1ft In |?°'or many years. H.M." 1 tried them ^fctu' 1 k • they cared me in a few hours, j" On »ua heen troubled for years with an K e" Your Pills have quite cured roe. S^lt# ti«n,1 "ave never bad an attack of gout or r** felled ti> U8ed J0011*'1'8- W. Davis." ''They «,y.r8'c't headache and billions attacks. Jl^u'to^n »i,i Pains in the back are quite cured fills the «l 6888 now. J. Weiss. Every sufferer, thek Ptoms may be, is advised to try these "Onest assurance that they must find rStSjA^ISP«'S TONIC ELIXIR Restores health and power, to the mest shattered con" fiDiJ"1" 8n«.Cure8 w*th the utmost certain'y exhaustion, depression r0j|, &|. «'ness, nervousness, epilepsy, para- h • hii^y distressing consequences arising » |lte»lt.^ilf r 8,1 difesses of the urinary »!c°1dnatiot> In ji a specific, requiring a. Mioh1^ •yittnio Pur'fy'ng the blood, removing | .> ifritH*?ln8' ,curTy» scrofula, blotches, skin tk0|,ie t'l^rass iL0D8 °f lho bladder, &c, which too fre- h "«ar! i h»« » over the bc6t yearB of life lu'°ct )?b °f dehfr.tore<^ hodily strength and vigour to b 11 fo» ft'th • oni individuals who now enjoy »lliar»,iRcp^"1 whatever the causes of diequalifica- aro effectually subdued by this tK 0ry» hail Kiauy Poor sufferers, who from fear aPPlv t!?»Ke l^e'r afflictions for a long time, » at lu;i„ v"e «amily doctor, cured themselvet ^fice 5s?ir,D0 expence, with this wonderfui o Publin f 6ll» and 118> Pfcr bottle. (To Lnx^s ha»« P°riou8 inii^tions, Her M.V °rdered ihe words RALPH THOM fii lch i stamn « enSra*ed in white letter on the ftf ^iat • felon* do each package, to imitate PoBt ll?the d transportation). Sold by ali J?*' or will be sent direct, on receipt U^^8 ^'28ctf0rTl18- P^^le to Dr. RALPH 0l*i 6 ^°ad, Keniish Town, London. W.P.etit9 5^ fetter thlf,0,ni?18- The nervous debility iu* 'n c dioeaH,? not need stimulants. M) %h»c8ih»Ve,rywav r.are iujpro*ed indeed 1 feeJ ^iU,?'lyvf;,fD-fl-" I have been «v e^ect8 of your niodicinu,a ud «*pres8 my gratitude. D. J. PATENT CALVANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AND POCKET BATTERIES. AVR RRNDEHED ELECTRICITY PER- FECTLY SELF-APPLICABLE in a mild continuous forrr, and extremely efficacious without shock or unpleasant sensation. Tbey speedily sootlie agonising pains, re-animate torpid limbs, revive tlie sluggish functions of life, and Impart renewed energy and vitality to con- stitutions enfeebled by whatever causes. The daily increasing number of eures effected by PULVERMACHER'S MEDICO-GALVANIC SYS- TEM is so extensive and varied, that it forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. This admirable nataral remedy is now brought within the reach of tho millions by the addition of his new patent ADHESIVE ELECTRO-GENERATOR obtainable through every chemist. Amongst nany others the following TESTIMONY, signed by the elite of the Medical Faculty, has been received:— We, the undersigned, have mnch pleasure "in testifying that Mr J.L. PULVERMACHER'S" recent improvements in his Voltaio Batteries" and Galvanic Appliances for Medical Pur-" poMS are of great importance to Scientific" Medicine, and that he is entitled to the con- sidoration and support of everyone disposed "to futher the advancement of real and useful •• progress." Dated this 9th day of March, 1866. Sir CHARLES LOCOCK, Bnrt, M.D ,F.R.C.P, Sir WILLIAM FERfiUSSON, Bart. F.R.S, EDWD. 11 SEIVEKING, M.D.M.R.C.P. HENRY HOLLAND, I'-ART., F.R.S. Sir J RANALD MARTIN. KNT., PRCS. And lJR. C. H ANDF I ELD JON ES, F.R.C.P., and F.R.S., Physician to St Mary's Hospital, under date March 10th, 1666. in a similar Testimonial as to above, states:—I am satisfied that he is an honost, earnest labourer in tho field of Scierce, and I think that he deserves to meet with cverv enconragement from the profession and from scientific men." Also recommended by Sir DUNCAN GIBB, BART, M.D, L.L.D. T. II. TANNER, M.D. F.L. Sec. J.RUSSELL REYNOLDS, M.D, F.R.C.P. C. B HADCLI FFE. M.D., F.R.C P. F RS. A. CLA RK, M.D., F.R.C.P., l'hysician to London Hospital, &c, &c, &c. PULVERMACHER'S M E DIC 0-G AL VANf C CHAINS arc exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or the least derangement of the patient's habits and daily occupations, in the fol-lowing mal-adio, I Rheumatism Gout Sciatica Lumbago Neuralgia Head & Toothache Lumbago J iver f:omnla;nts Tic Boloreux Indigestion Deafness Spasms Spasms Female Complaints Constipation CramD Sluggish Circulation Urinary Disorders Paralysis Epilepsy Nervous Debility Functional Disorders &c., &c. -The effects of the application of PULVERMACHER'S OilAINS in any of the above disorders is immediately C perceptible— the relief of pain generally instantaneous. frEbTIMU,,L%,IALS FOL(,OWING comprise the con- .JL tinuation of a series of certificates published in rotation, and are but a small portion of a vast number published in a PAMPHLET containing besides various extracts from medical reports by great authorities and opinions of the medical press, likewise nu- merous extracts from many standard scien- tific works, viz, Dr Pereira's Materia Medica," 4th edition; Dr Tanner's h Prac. tice of Medicine," 8th editibn; and Dr Mandfield Jones, on "Nerrous and Functional Disorders." The pamphlet sent post free on application to J.L PULVERMA- CHER and Co, 168, Regent Street, W., London. DEAFiSEat> OF ELEVEN YEAH? STANDING (Testimonial) 14 Bradford, June, 1871. I have been cured of Deafness by one of your chains after being deaf for eleven years, and I have been pattially deat Irom child- hood. E. C. J. L. Pulvermacber & Co., 168, Regent Street, W." Hii.EUMATlS.Vi—C Testimonial) ••8, Sutton Common-rord, Kidderminster. July 23rd, 1871. II I beg to thank you for your Galvanic Chain Band which I purchased of you in January last. I have worn it constantly ever since, as you directed, and with considerable benefit. I consider your remedy a most valu- able one, and shall take: very opportunity to recommend it to my friends. THOMAS INGHAM, J. L. Pulvermacher and Co, 168, Regent-street, W.' XJERVOUS EXHAUSTION AND PAINS JLl (Testimonial) "7, Cobham Place, Clarence Road, Clapton, September 15th, 1871. Your past kindness and attention shown in my case, together with a desire to fulfil my promise, prompts me to drop you these few lines. You will be glad to bear that my entire nervous system is gradually improving; my back feols very much stronger and more free from pain. A year ago when trying to oit up just for half an hour. although pillowed and propped in every possible way, I ulled to get Into a most tearful state of pain and exhaus- tion i now I can sit up for some hours at a time with comparative ease. This is a very marked improvement. í fed also stronger on my feet, can stand with a firmness I have not felt for years. I have walked across "a room without help. I am thoroughly convinced by personal experience th there is a mighiy power of good in your af pliances, indeed I feel the Bands are an untold comfort to me. Some of my friends are perfectly amazed at seeing me again down stairs, and to some extent getting about the house. Dr. Millar whom I have been under for some years, on coming to see my mother was perfectly struck to see me out of bed and down stairs. He said, I What do you think hasdoneyou good?' S'r,' I said, 6 undoubtedly the persevering use of Mr Pulvermacber's Electric appliances.' Well,' te said, I must say they have dllno a great thing for you, if it is only to got up and pome down here.' I name this, sir, because it is a remark of my own doctor who. some months since, laughed at me for even thinking or putting any faith in such a remedy as yours. LAVINA JONBS. J. L. Pulvermacher and Co, 168 Regent Street, W." CE-LIST OF PULVERMACHER'S GAL- P VANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and FLEX- IBLE BATTERIES. A. NARROW CHAIN-BANDS for So!atica, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gouty. Pains, Chronic Rheumatism, Local Paralysis Cramp in the Extremities, according to Electric Power 18s., 22?., 40s and upwards. B. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BELTS, for Lumbago, Indigestion, Liver, Chest, and Nervous Complaints, &c., wearable as a Belt 22s. to 40s. and 55s. C. BROAD'cHAInIb'aNjDS for Nervous Deaf- ness, Head, Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noises in the Head 21s. and upwards. D. BROAD CHAINS for Loss of Voice and other Affections of the Throat, Asthma, Spinal Complaints 10s. 6d., 18s., 22s„ and 40s. E. BROAD CHAIN-BAN DS for Writer'sCramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c., 228. to 30s., 40s.. and 60s. F. COMBINED BANDS for General Debility, Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, and Functional Disorders 50s to 60s. COMPLETE SET WITH VOLTA-ELEC- TRIC BELTS for restoring Vital Power. £ 5 WITH VOLTAIC FLEXIBLE CHAIN BATTERY. £ 8 G. CHAIN-BATTERIES for Extreme Nervous Debility, Paralysis, and for restoring ex- hausted Vital Energy (to be used in con- junction with specially combined bands) £ 3 10s. to 4 Guineas. H. PATENT ADHESIVE ELECTRO-GENE- RATOR 2s 6d PATENT ELECRO-DIFFi USING BAND. Si No Galvanic Bands or Belts are genuine, but those bearing the facsimile of J. L. f UL VEliM A CHER S signature on the Label. A Test sent (gratis) on Loan for a week if required. CAUTION. a The Curative Powers of Electricity, and the success of PULVERMACHER'S VOLTAIC CHAIN BANDS, BELTS, &c. have elicited envious speculators to an unfair and absurd competition with articles falsely represented as having electrical qualities. Unpossessed as these articles are of electro-gene- rating or electro diffasing properties, there is not, nor can there be, any analogy whatever between the same and the benefioiai effects of Puiveraaclier's above men- tioned appliances; consequently they are deprived of those curative properties which for the last 2o years ave secured for Puivermacher's Medico-Galvanic hystem the highest encomiums of the scientific and Sedical press and the official approbation of the Mademies and Faculties of Medicine, both Iii Europe P*ULVERMACBEU'S PAMPHLET of Testimonials tnd Reports of cures containing extensive numerous extracts from many Standard Scientific Works, VIZ. ô Dr Pereira's "Materia Medica," 4th edition; Dr Tanner's Practice of Medicine, 8th edition; and Dr Handneld Jones, on Nervous and Functional Dis- orcers," &c., sent post iree on apptication to the salt. Inventor and Patentee— J. L. PULVERMACHER, MQQ GALVANIC ESTABLISHMENT, InN REG KNT STREET,LONDON, W. Aj\D 39, RUE ST. MARC, PAmH. To Gentlemen, Farmers, and Others. G. J BLAND BEGS to fnform tho above, that he is in a position to Lot out Horsos, driven by experienced men, on very- moderate terms. WITH SPRING WAGONS, for removing Furniture, &c from or to any part of the County or Kingdom. WITH TIBMBER CARRIAGES, for Carting Timber, Castings, and other heavy Goods. WITH PLOUGHS, CULTIVATORS, HARROWS, &c. CARTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION DONE. AGENT FOR THE GREAT WESTERN RAILWA Co., HAVERFORDWEST. G. J B. takes this opportunity of thanking the Public for the kind support be has hitherto received. c4 ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Cardiff Meeting—Stand, No. 142. ESTABLISHED 1812. II. A N D T. P R O C T O R, AGR- 6 ULTUR AL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR GRASS, COIlN, ROOT, AND OTHER CIlOPSj- ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—CATHAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS-Mr G., Griffitlis, Carew Newton, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan „ J. N. Evans, Aberayron. TO COM DEALERS MILLERS AND OTllEllS MESSRS. LOCK & HALL, BONE IMPORTERS AND CRUSHERS. REQUIRE FIRST-CLASS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF "ft w f< *s"'r 9 TC7! C! CRUSHED BONES in. in. and dust) GUARANTEED FREE FROM ALL ADULTERATION. REDBRIDGE, HAMPSHIRE. Chemical Works. NOVELTY IN BOOTS. NOBLEMEN and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to inspect a case of Boots of entirely new design, which was exhibited at the recent International Exhibition at the Agri- cultural Hall, and to which were awarded THE GOLD MEDAL. On View at the Establishment of C. E. A L L E N, (Late of Haverfordwest.) BOOTMAKER, 33 a. Princes Street,-one door from Panton Street, Haymarket, London. "I can strongly advise my sporting friends to try the easy yet close fitting boots, thu 6 made admirably adapted alike for the moor and tho stubble."—The Wanderer in Land and Water F ;I I CHEAP TEA S no P. THOMAS'S FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. Good Tea, Is. 4d. per lb. Strong Breakfast'do l!! 2s. 0,1. per lb. Fine do. 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. PRIlfIE JVILTSIIIRE BACON. FIELDS AND PRICE'S PATENT CANDLES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER'S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agent for Weir's Sewing Machines ESTABLISHED 1 7 8 3. JOHN PHILLIPS, CHEMIST § DRUGGIST, CASTLE SQUARE, H AVERFOKDWEST. IN relinquishing the above Business, carried oil by him for a lengthened period, now begs to return his most sincere thanks to his Friends and Patrons for the kind support he has hitherto received, and to inform them that he is succeeded by his Nephew, who has been engaged with him in the Business for many years and for whom he now solicits the favour of that kind support which he has so liberally enjoyed. THOMAS M. PHILLIPS, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, RESPECTFULLY informs bis Friends & the Public generally that he has succeeded to the above Rusinea « R conducted by his Uncle, Mr John Phillip-, & trusts that by strict attention to business, and continuing "3 upply Articles connected with the Trade of the purest and most genuine sort at moderate charges, to merit outinuance of the Patronage and support so liborally awarded to his Predecessors. Physicians and Family Recipes dispensed with care and attention. Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Brushes, &?., Paints, Oils, and Colours, Garden and Agricultural Seeds from the best London Houses. Agent for the China Tea Company, Tobacco, Cigars, Sco. CARSONS' fJSflflj PAINT, IWTKOBttSE]) 1SY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE BUITIBII GOVERNMENT, I TIM COLONIAL GOVHUNMKNTS, RAILWAY and CANATJ COMPANIES, THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT, | Ttik RUSSIAN GOVKUNMEMT, | COLLIEUIES, IKON MASTEHS, &C., 7,000 or THE MOBILITY AND GENT1.Y, For all kinds of OtJT-DOOR "WOIRIS, And is proved, after a test of upwards of 70 years, to surpass any other Paint. It is especially applicable to Iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and Waggons, Gates, &c., &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., b as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUil. It is sold in a fine powder. "Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tiniin; straining, or dryers are I necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil.Mixture," according to Directions for Use/' thus avoiding the waste'of paints sold mixed ready for use. COLOURS- Per Cwt.. p.- Per Cwt. mite j T^^RlC- Bright Bed ) Light Stone. > S [,d •• •• 2Gi Bath Stone.. •• I Purple Brown Cream colour )30s. U PAINT, Bronze Green ) Light Portland Stone ttMANu°ACTURED™^ j| Chocolate | Portland Stone I VA»Eio"RSO/P^ Black j Buff (for Stables).. Bright Green Light Lead or Slate.. 28s. Medium Green ( Lead°colour" ) | j Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brush* ,s, &c. ■ CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually re.sibt the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage free to all Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION. "WALTER CARBON & SONS LA BELLE SAUVA&E YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LOIDOff EC And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. 1, TSTO AGKEISTTS. National Provincial Bank of England. A BRANCH of this ESTABLISHMENT is NOW OPEN for the Transaction of Business uacter the Management of JOHN LEWIS, Esq., at 10, Ilill Street, Haverfordwest. By order of the Directors, EDWARD ATKINSON, WILLIAM HOLT, Joint General Managers. MARINERS1 HOTEL, HAVERFORDWEST, DAVID LAMB I3EGS reapply to inform his Friends and the Public generally that be has made arrangements for ) Letting on Hiro HORSES, CARRIAGES, and every requisite connected with an efficient Posting Establishment. The best accommodation will be pro- ruled., and a/I orders will be plomptly attended to. 1871. BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT, fliSTABLISHED 1798,) 5, IIIGII STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. WILLIAM (t R IFFI T II S Begs to thank his friends and tho public generally for the liberal patronage hitherto bestowed upon liim, and 10 announce that by the aid of bkiKul workmen, he is enabled to supply BOOTS & SHOES, ot tho newest etyle, at moderate pr ces. The materials employed aie of the best quality, ensuring great durability and strength, and the workmanship will be found fully equal to any obtainable in the provinces. LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S BOOIS and SHOES, in every variety, and all articles in Hie home-trade furnished on the shortest notice, W. G. begs nlfo to announce that he bas an extensive assortment of BOOTS and SHOES of English manufacture, wliiwh he will sell at the lowest possible prices. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G E 0 li G E M. GREEN. TV MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. I GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LAWES' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. • A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. — ..IR TO SUNDAY AND DAY-SCHOOL MANAGERS. GEO. M. HAMMER, SCHOOL FURNISHER, INVENTOR, and MANUFACTURER of the OSBORNE. QUADRANT, and ROYAL (Patent) SCHOOL-DESKS & SEATS. Which cech combine a Sloped Desk, Flat Table, and Backed Seat for Lectures, &c I llustrated Catalogue of Desks, Seats, Tables, Galleries, Easels, Blackboards, &oT Poet free Twopence. The Methodist College, Belfast, and a large number of other Colleges and Schools have been fitted by G. M. H. 108, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON, W.C. I FLINT & Co.'s I BRITISH & FOREIGN COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. I OBJECTS REGISTER EI)" Ilf/oRMATin v~"v° ren?ov.Q danKer or doubt from contemplated credit transactions. j four corre'nondint^ rel'5d np°?- Lv^ry iu<3uiry ls. wh*n receded, despatched to three or Three stampse^h m'qllr™^ € requisite. The information registered appended ia addition. DV1CE—^Supplied to subscribers free of charge. Counsel and Solicitors specially retained. » p^r«'r 1? i»« e^fy and Citr in the United Kingdom, the Continent of Europe, and America. KKGl.Si Kito—Contain over One Million names. i^Pf??vn1'r'rnpli?r for, in accordanbe with instructions. Immediate settlements. „ 7* UA/iJill li. Valuable information. Index (quarterly) free to every subscriber. References permitted to numerous commercial firms. Opinions of subscribers fnrni3bed Iree on application, TERMS— £ 3 3s, Xb 5s £10 10s. and upwards per annum. LONDON, E.C.: 58, Cbeapside. Dublin: 10, Henry Street. Manchester: 88, Moseley Street, and 6, 8, and 10, Bond Street; and Glasgow 33, Renfield Street, Argylo Street. AGENC I ES-A PP LICAT IONS INVITED. BRYANT & MAY'S NEW METAL POCKET BOXES FOR WAX VESTAS AND VESUVIANS, WITH PATENT SIPZOIZtsTO COVERS- &JQWTjfi}ucyp: H PA r-IN *<- WNDOkr.C Jr These Boxes are supplied with an Assortment of Portraits, including, amongst others, the following Prince of Wales, Princess of Wales. Marquis of Lorne.. Princess Louise, Adelina Patti. Christine Nillson, Gladstone, Bright, Dickens, Disraeli, Peabody, Livingstone, Sir W. Scott, B. Burns, Emperor of Germany, Empress of Germany, Crown Prince, Count von Moltke, Prince Bismarck, Thiers, Gambetta, Trochu, Jules Favre, Garibaldi, Napoleon III., Eugenie, Prince Imperial, Marshal Bazaine, General Uhrich, &c., &o. PRIM==$ somild AT ONE J?ENNY- I BENSON'S WATCHES, CLOCKS, GOLD JEWELLERY SILVER AND ELECTRO-PLATE. TO THE QUEEN BY AND SPECIAITAPPOINT ROYAL FAIULY, MFJfT TO H.H.H. &C. THE riUNCU of WALES PllIZE MEDALS.—LONDON, DUBLIN, & PARIS WATCHES CLOCKS Of all kinds, at2to 200 guineas Of all kinds, at 2to lnoo guineas LEVER, VERTICAL L^L,IV»RC.IIVTIJKRET HORIZONTAL, DUPLEX 0111 10 CHRONOMETER, UI1P JY T DRAWING ROOM GRAPH ''L, "HOP KEYLESS, CENTRE ILIISRARY, 15RACKET, ETC. SECONDS REPEATERS, IND1 Af E IbiLVER & ELECTRO goldJ^VELL BRACELETSB|OO TI A ANLMEIKFIST EARRINGS, L''CKI SERVICES NECKLACES, CHAL CHUETS, BASKETS RINGS, STUDS FN STANDS, CLARET JUGS l'INS, CROSSES, ETC.ihlONS, FORKS, ETC. Illustrated Catalogue < tl -Clocks, Jewellery, &c. p ,st free for 2 stain Watches, Clocks, Jewd .1 ttefent to all parts of the world. Silver Elcctio Pl.;t ague post free 2d. Watclies repaiied by f' uicme. Oid Silver, Jewellery W8' •sbeis, &c-, exc Merchants, Shippers, OlUk 5sui)pl:cd. STbAM KACTOR ) CJTY SHOW l.'OOMS — D G.ATE HILL. >LD BO^D ST HE FIR, L ^'OIv STEAM COMMUNICATION BBTWEBN LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL For the Month of SEPTEMBER, 1672. the Liverpool and Brictol Channel Steam Navigation Compuny's Steam Ships HEPTARCHY, Capt JANE BACON, ""apt. Work Pl-ANTAGRNKT, Capt Gibbs LOUISA, Capt. J. Barrett. SUNLIGHT, Capt.AHen MONTAGU, Cyt Spcakman \RTIZAN, Capt. C. Barrett [\VjNBKKHERK,Capt.L Tallan KKNNEDY, Capt. Murphy AGUES JACK, Capt. Roulston IIEPTAKCHY, Capt. Frost KKNNEDY, Capt. Murphy \RTIZAN, Capt. C. Barrett [\VjNBKKHERK,Capt.L Tallan KKNNEDY, Capt. Murphy AGUES JACK, Capt. Roulston IIEPTAKCHY, Capt. Frost INTEW SHIP) (Iliiilding) The above, or some other (uitable vessel, is intended to .ail with Goods and Passengers, (unless prevented by any unforeseen occurrence) as follows, with or without pilots and liberty to tow vessels;- From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. Saturday Sept 7 12 noon Saturday. 21 12 r.oao Saturday 14 7 even Saturday 23 7 even From Mitiord tor Bristol. Sunday Sept 8 5 pTen Sunday 2J 5 morr. Sunday 15 12 notn | Sunday, 29 12 noon From Milford for Liverpool ( Wednesday Sept 4 10 night Wednesday .1 10 nigh: Wednesday, II 2 after Wednesday 23 2aft:r N\JTlc¡.The" Sunlight," Cllpt Ailen, BUS re>umco her Weekly Sailings from Bristol to Liverpool and frou Milford to Liverpool The Sceam;Barge Pembroke!?intended to ply 1111 the MilfoiV IJaven, in cosiiicction with the above Steamers, carrying i^oods to and from Pembroke Dock, Ilaverfordwest, and tht adiacent towns. F A K K S :— Return Cabin tickets available for two Voyages. Cabin. Deck, l.eturn Milford to or from Liverpool O's l'a ISs MaiJidto cr from Biiftoi 6s Od 13" Mitfrrd to or frr m Swansea Ss "s "d NOTICE —The landing and embavcation of Goods or Fa« senger.s at Milford, try whatever conveyance, whether at th, ox pence of Use Steamer, or otherwise, is at tie risk of (u Ptisscr gere ana the Owners of the Go >ds respectively. For iurthej particulars see smaH blil, or apply to j IWr, 4, Kumford Pluce,LiveuxOij U_ li. Evan;, Bris. U^wles Lamb, Swansea; Kenworthy aid ^0., ^anthei.t,,r' Ji i. AC,K«r \Liuro^ltl T. DAV I D'S CVRTLLILI T\L RES FTJUATT'LS rPHE works of Restoration and Repair vhioh have 1 been cartied on daring the last firs yeara, conk- prise the thorough restoration of the Tower tbe Choi* with its Aisles; a third of the N aOVe; and the Drain- Rge of the whole taildiag. These several worbct resting between eighteen and nineteen thousand pounds, have absorbed all the old Subscriptions, with the exception of Mr Traherne's bequest of .£2,000 not yet due, and the Bishop has in consequence ehB culated an appeal for new Subscriptions, to complete the Restoration of the Nave, its Aisles, and the Transepts. The cost of this is estimated by Mr Scott at iC 12,600. The Secretaries will gladiy on application send any one a copy of Mr Gilbert Scott's Second Report showing what has been effected, and what works o a pressing nature still remain to be done; and they i\ ill also tbankfullv acknowledge auy Subscriptions w hioh may be made. The following Donations have been already pro- mised for the work remaining to be done Rev J. M. Traherne (a bequest) £ 2000 Rev John Bowen, Llangorse (omitted from former lists by tnaavertence) o Richard Llcwellin, Esq, Tregwynt 60 0 Mrs Mould, Falmodeston Rectory Mrs Geo. Holgate Foster (second donation) 60 0 Rev H. Williams, Brecon 2 2 J. W Kershaw, Esq, Warwick 2 0 Mrs Kershaw, Warwick 1. Rev A. J.M. Green (first subscription) 6 0 Rev John Hughes, Vicar of Penally &nd>< Prebendary of St David's (2nd donation) 6. Rev D. Jones, Bishopston, Glamorganshire Rev Secretan Jones, Oystermoutb, Glamor- ganshire 5 The Lady Llanover 26 0 Mra Harford, Blaise Castle 10 10 Rev J. Phelps, Carew (second donation) 10 10 Rev J. Janes, Llanfihangel Genau'r ulyn (second donation) 5 George Baugh lllen, Esq, Temple (aecond donation) 10 0 Mrs Paynter, Pembroke 6 0 Mrs W. H. Reed, Pembroke 5 0 Mrs Leach, Pembroke 2 0 Rev H. S. Blink, Pembroke 0 10 T. Mansell, Esq, Pembroke 1 l L. P. Gibbon, Esq, Pembroke 6 0 W. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke 6 0 W. O. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 J. Dawkins, Esq, Pembroke Mrs W. Gibbon, Pembroke 6 0 Mrs D. S. Thomas, Pembroke S 2 Mr Hitchings, Pembroke 2 0 George Jones, ElJq, Pembroke 8 8 Messrs Jones, Pembroke Mill 3 0 Mr W. Williams, Pembroke 2. Messrs Davies and Pratt, Pembroke 1 1 Mr Warlow, Pembroke 2 2 R. M. Jones, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 W Thomas, Esq, Orange Hall, Pembroke.. 0 10 Mr G. Barrett, Pembroke 10 Mr Beddoe, Pembroke 2 2 Mrs Morris and Son, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Edward Tracey, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke 110 Mr C. Elsdon, Mr H. P. Thomas, Pembroke 010 Mr James, Lion Hotel, Pembroke f) 10 Mrs Owen, Savings Bank, Pembroke 1 10 Mr T. Richards, Pembroke 010 Mr Burchell, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Lowless, Pembroke 0 10 Small Sums, by Rev J. Alien 1 5 Mrs Roch, Paskeston (second donation) 10 0 N. A. Roch, Esq, Paskeston (2nd donation) 10 0 A. J. Morison, Esq, Portclew 5 0 Rev Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 25 0 G. White, Esq, Tenby (eecond donation) 10 0 Col. Voyle, Tenby 100 Rev G. Huntnigton, Tenby Rev J. Hearn Poppelwell, Tenby 2 0 Rev E. F. Willis, Tenby 0 10 Mrs Howells, Tenby 6 0 J. Gwynne, Esq, Tenby (first donation) 3 3 C. W. R. Stokes, Tenby 1 0 G. Chater, Esq, Tenby 2 2 Mrs Girardot, Tenby 2 0 Colonel Onslow, Tenby 2 0 Mrs Onslow, Tenby 1 0 Miss Puxley, Tenby 2 0 Mr James Rogers, Tenby 28 Captain Rees, Tenby 1 l Captain Evans, Tenby 1 9 Two Sums of Five Shillings each 0 19 MrC. Allen (in Photographs of St. David's) Tenby 5 5 Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby 3 j Mr John Phelps, Tenby 1 1 Mr E. Saies, Tenby j j Mrs Hughes, Tenby 1 t Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby 1 1 Mr W. Walkinton, Tenby 1 1 Mr Thomas Merchant, Tenby 1 j Mr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby 1 1 R Laseelles, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 0 J. T. Hawksley, Esq., Caldy, Tenby 6 0 Rev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby 09 Messrs John Harvey and Sons, Haverford- west (second donation) 10 10 The Welshman Newspaper 10 10 The Brceon County Times 10 0 The Western lrfail 10 0 T7ie Tenby Observer 10 0 The Cambria Daily Trader JQ 0 The Pembrokeshire Hera d JQ Q H. G. Allen, Esq., Lincoln's Inn, (second Donation) 10., Mrs Mirehouse, The Hall, Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Eailof Cawdor, (second donation) 20b J. H. Scourfield, Esq., M.P. (2nd donation) 100 0 Lewis Lloyd, Esq, Monk Orchard, Sarrey 5 0 Col. Lloyd, Lillesden, Kent 5 0 Henry Leach, Esq., Corston 10 0 Mrs Bayne, (second donation) 25 0 Miss Robson, Penally, (second donation) 6 0 Messrs Richard James and Son, Haverforda west 6 H. Rees, Esq., Llangranog, Newcastle Emlya 1 1 Rev William Edmunds, Bhostie Rectory, Abtrystwyth 2 0 Rev John Felix, Llanilar 2 0 Rev J. Tombs, Burton 1.. Messrs Powell, Mathias, and Evans- ilaver- west 10 10 Wm Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Haver- fordwest 6 Q J. W. Phillips, &q., Rock Cottage, ditto 5 0 Messrs Greenish and Dawkina, Market street, ditto 6. Rev Thomas Horn, Haverfordwest (second donation) 2 0 Rev George Horn, Haverfordwest 2 0 Miss Eminent and Miss Gwyther, ditto 9 o Mr D. P. Saunders, Bridge street, ditto Mr John Phillips, Castle Square, ditto I I Mr Stephen Green, High street, ditto (second donation) Mr W. Lloyd, Hi^h street, Haverfordwest I Mrs Philpott, Castle Hotel, di to 1 John Lewis, Esq., Bank, ditto Wm. John, Esq., Victoria Place, ditto 1 Mrs Potter, High street, ditto Mr P. P. Ellis. High street | f Mr Richard Williams, Dew street, ditto 1 1 Mr James Davies, Victoria Place, ditto 1 a M, John Brown, Market street, ditto 1 Mr T. Baker, High Btreet, ditto 1 1 Messrs Green und John, Quay street H.♦»« 1 n Mr William Hood, High street, dk o Mr E. H. Ellis, Dew street, ditto S !S Mr William Sanders, Castle Goal dittn"" A in j» LvL'R.'LeV^,Tamp^(r9ey^df donati* > 10 0 donation) ;elfrey (^cond John Beynon, Esq iUn f T. R. O. Powell, E^. wJnrfWern J £ Howard S. Morgan, Eso T^f0 "aa <2 Re.. D. Jones, Ijlardis^ii^ njdd « • Re. T. R. J. UagC™13 '? ? Rev W. L. Bevan, Hnu n c n Mrs Dynelcy, Tenby ^°°n 5 0 Rev! E. E. AS' J^C°n (2od donation) W. Etev.E. B.Sou^e o°',hkerry ? 0 Varies Bath, E I »f r'nntrJKr, 1' Swansea 25 per M w11 the Parish °' St- Bride'8 vfr y Pf M,r Wm. Roberts 2 5 \lr J M«ni^> Castle Squaie, U. West. I1 cr tr' \r Rydor street. London •• 110 r 'T"; Hughan, l £ 8q., Upt0n Castle 10 10 0 V ;v!iTai1' Es(l' Abergwili 10 10 0 4 f Slater, Cheltenham 5 0 0 neild, by Miss Welbey Parry, 2nd donation 5 0 9 ruV' Morgan 5 0 9 r-. Dtran of Bangor 2 0 0 JytTreys, Esq, nddl. subscription 110 ^0Uecti"n at Llandigwydd, by Rer. D. Lewis 20 0 (1 at Llanelly Church, Rev. D. Williams a 3 10 Proceeds of Lecture, Llandilo, by Rev. J Griffiths 2 14 a "• Periling E>q M nevla Sydney 20 0 0 fhe l-.ev Brynier Belcher, P'mlico 4 0 0 kitibscrirtions and Donations wiil be ipeeived iry '•he Rev Canon THOMAS, Steynton, Milford iiavua md CHAHLES ALLtx, isq., Tenby, Honorary Secre- r.Rrief-; by Messrs MOIIBIS and SONS, Bankers, Car aarlhen, and by Messrs W IMLINS and Co., Bankers .Br ocon.