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THOMAS POWIS REYNOLDS ARCHITECT, HILL STRE IT. HAVERFORDWEST Design" with Specifications prepared for Eoclesiasti- at Sobool, Public and Private Buildings. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATIONS. DR. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render ff,arried He unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age. Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. LOSS OF LIFE OR LIMB, wrnI THB COKSKQUKNT LOSS OF TIME AND MONEY. Caused by ACCIDENTS OF ALL KIRDi, Provided for by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. An Animal Payment of C3 t. f6 5& tnanres-e 1,000 at Death, or an allowance at the rate of jeC pet week for injury. £ 725,000 have been Paid as Compensation, One out of every 12 Annual Policy Holders becoming a claimant EACH TEAR. lor particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the Office., 64, CORNHILL, & 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent for Haverfordwest: Mr H. BARHAM, Railway Station. TO THE NERVOUS t DEBILITATED. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN WITHOUT FEE. DR. HENRY SMITH has demoted 25 years exclu- sively to the treatment of Diseases of the Nervous system, resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Power- letz., Nervous Debility, Physical Depression, Impaired Sijtbt and Memory, lodigesuon, Loss of Energy and Appetite, pains In the Baek, Timidity, Distrust, Local Weakness, &e. DR SMITH WILL fob TMa BENEFIT OF PATIENTS 'WHO CANHOT Vl-IT HIM PERi-OKAXbY, on receiving a statement of tbe.r case, send by return a letter of advice wtl. instructions, which, if followed, will ensure a cure „ • IMPORTANT —A form of correspondence contain- er questions, Ac., to assist the Patient in describing aiaease will be sent post free, on receiving a directed ^rawrnMONiALS TO DR. HENRY s^t^- Dr Smith has received up to date December, -Jlst, 1872, Fourteen Hundred and Twenty-Four written Testimonials from Patients who reside in the country in proof of hit suooessful treatment oondeoted by cor- only. Addre»«, Dr H. Smith, 8, Borton Crescent London. W.C Just published, post free for two stamps, PRESCRIPTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR P THE CURE OF NERVOUS DEBILITY, By Dr. HENRY SMITH, of the Roval University of Jena, Author of The People's Guide to Health," &o. PRESCRIPTIONS and INSTRUCTIONS is a New M'dieal Work on the Bleotrio Treatment of all Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitations of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, In- decision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Low of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Back, Timidity, Self Disttnet, DiMiness, Love of Solitude, Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, Ire., resulting from Exhaustion of flerve Power. Sivem INSTRUCTIONS for the Development and Strengthening the Human Body, bow to acquire Health and Strength, Secure Long Life, and Avoid the Infirmities of Old Age. Also, the names of Medicines by which Thousands of Sufferers have been OftWred to health and vigour after all other remedies Wd failed. Illustrated withTestimonials from grateful j taieata- Sent free by post to any address on receipt of two pspny stamps. Address^ Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Borton Crescent, Lon- w.C. TOfTEBYOUS SUFFERERS. BEAD rrtB "SECRET FRIEND." THIS Wonderful Medical Goide not only cause, but shows how a permanentcnre •ffeoted ID SIT cases of Nervous Debility, ^EP Spirits, Timidity, Impaired S'ght and Memory, P#jns in the back, Lassitude, Spermatorrhea, Im- pediments to Marriage Stricture,Secondary Symptoms, •nd All Venereal Diseases, without the u*e of Mercury. Dr Barnes's long experience in the treatment of ali Sexual Diseases has enabled him to treat the most fhveterate cases with marked success, This valuable Work "THE SECRET FRIEND," is illualrated with numerous cases and testimonials from Patients ex- pressing their deepest gratitude for having been re. teraa to health and manly vigour. To the married and single this book is invaluable. Sent post free secure from observation on receipt of two stamp*. Address, Dr. Barnes, I, Lonsdale Square Beraabury, London, N. Important to Country Patients. T\R BARNES may he consulted personally or by ■MJ letter, in all private and confidential cases and tor the benefit of Nervous sufferers who cannot visit I Mm, he will, on receiving a description of their case, Mtetcstng a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to ftivfr his opinion upon the nature of the case, and the flaetptea of treatment necessary to effect a perfect eata. IW Addreee, DR. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, Ban*sbury, London, N. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.—"Soe Deute. ronotay, chap. x>i, verse 23.—Clarfces World Wanted Blood Mixture, tbe great Blood Puri6er and ItelKoreT, for cleansing and clearing the blood from ill impurities, cannot be too highly recommended; for Scrofula, Scurvy, Skia Diseases, and Sores of all kindf It Is a never failing and rermanent cure. It Cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores on the neck Cures Ulaorstot sore legs Cures Blaskheads, or pimples on the face Cures Scurvy sores Cores Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and skin diseases Oares Glandular Swellings Clears the Blood from all impure Matter From whatever cause arising As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war •anted free from anything injurious to the most deli* constitution of either sex, the proprietor solioits •ttfferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts 8oid in bottles 2s 3d each, and in cases, containing six times the quantity, lis eaeb-autncient to effect a Permanent care in the great majority of long standing Uses,—by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the United Kingdom and the world, or lftt, to may address on receipt of 27 or 132 stamps by F, J.CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Lincoln. Wholesale All Patent Medicine Houses. b Sold by G. Harries, Chemist, and W. H. Rees, Haverfordwest. THE PURE HERBAL MEDICINE. DR THOMSON'S INVIGORATING PILLS are a well known cer- tain remedy for lumoago, gravel pI ins in the back and loins, headache, depression of spirits, rheumatism, font, discharges of all kinds, piles, and ail 9ffeotions of •he kidneys and bladder. All diseases arise irom Impure blood and weakness. These Pills cleanse and Plrify the fluids, remove general or local debility, give tone to the stomach, restore the spirits, enrich the •Icod, impart energy and vivacity, eradicate evary trace of disease, and invigorate the whole system. every complaint, however virulent or iong standing, they afford Instant relief and speedy cure. The daily Of testimonials from men and women In every Josltion of lite, who have been cured of sfrin eruptions, Note eyes, ulcers, and seurf on the head, sore throat. Wis m tbe iimhs, neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the bladder, disease of the kidneys, &c„ by their use. and of surprising recoveries tor severe illness ''hen all other medicines and doctors had failed h-'B tb tleed Dr. THOMSON to publish their virtues, in the earnest hope that blessings so great nosy be more *idelj diffused and appreciated. Price ls.l$d 2s 9ciM 4s.6d. per box. (To Protect the Public from hni Nations, Her Majesty's (Jemmis Somrs have ordfreci the worda RALPtl THOMSON, LONDON, to Le en in white letters on the Government Stamp •"fixed to each package, to lmita«e which is felony anri ""anspcrtation). Soid by all Chemists in the" orld will be sent direct, packed privately in a letter, on leceipt of 14, 33, or 54 stau p» by Dr illOMSON, Clareace Koad, Kentish Town, London. Four of your Pills cured my pains in the back, wbict *>ad annoyed me lor many years. H.M." I tried then pains in tbe bsck they cured me in a few hours. "• R.M 1 bad been troubled tor years with an i^optlon on tbe f*ce. Your Pills have quite cured me. ff* S." "I have never had an aitatk of gout or Rheumatism since I used your Pills. W. Davis." ''Tbey 9#lte cured my sick headache and billious attacks. Ellis," "The pains in the back are quite cure stoop .with ease now. J. Weiss. Every sufferer, Pin may be, is advised to try these with the honest assurance that they must find PATENT C A LV A NIC ■ CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AND POrKET BATTERIES. AVF. RENDERED ELECTRICITY PER- FECTLY SELF-APPLICABLE in a mild continuous form, and extremely efficacious without shock or unpleasant sensation. They speedily soothe agonising pains, re-animate torpid limbs, revive the sluggish functions of life, and impart renewed energy and vitality to con- -titations enfeebled by whatever causes. The daily increasing number of cures effected by POLVERMACHER'S MEDICO-GALVANIC SYS- TEM is so extensive and varied, that it forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. This admirable natural remedy is now brought within the rcarh of the millions by the addition of his new patent ADHESIVE ELECTRO-GENERATOR obtainable through every chrmist. Amongst nany others the%!o!lowln;r TFSTIMO^Y, signed by the elite of the Medical Faculty, liaif been received;— We, the undersigned. have much plengtire "in testifying that MrJ L PULVER M ACH E R'S" "recent improvements in his Voltaic Batteries and Galvanic Appliances for Medical rur-" poses are o; great importance to Scientific" Medicine, and that he is entitled to the con." "sideration and support of everyone disposed" "to futher the advancement of real and useful" progress." "Dated this 9'h day of March, 1866. SIr CHARLES LOCOCK. Birt M.D.F.R.C.P. Sir WILLIAM FER'iUS^N, Bart. F.R.S. KDWD H SEIVEKING, M. D., M R C. P. HENRY HOLLAND, i ART. F.R.S. Sir J RANALD MARTIN KNT., FRCS. And DK. C. H ANDFI ELD JONES. F. K.C.P., and F.R.S., Physician to St Mary's hospital, under dale March 10th. 1G66. 111 a similar TestllRoniallls to above, 9tatt>s;—I am RHtiafied that he is an h<>ne»t, earnest labourer in the field of Sciercr, nnd I think ihrn he deserves to tnpet with ever, encouragement from the profession and from scientific men Also recommended bv Sir DUNCAN G'BB. HART. M D, L L.D. T. H. TANNER, M.D.FL Sec J. RUSSELL REYNOLDS, M.D.FRC.P. C. B RADCLI FFE, DI.D., F.R.C P. F RS. A. CLA RK. M.D.. F R.C P., I'hysieian to London'Hospital, &c ^c, U LVE R MA CHE R, S M g DICO-OAL VANfC P CHAINS are exceedingly effeotive without the aid of medicine, restriction of dirt, or the lea.t derangement of the patient's habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies:— Rheumatism Tic uolorcux Sluggish Circulation Gout Indigestion Urir.ary Disorders Sciatica Deafness Paralysis Lumbaeo Spasms Epilepsy Neuralgia Female Complaints Non-ous Debility He..d& Toothache Constipation Functional Disorders 1 iver Complaints Cramp &c., &c. rl'h, or the application of PULV ERM ACH ER'S CHAINS in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptible-thc relief of pain generally instantaneous. I TESTIMONIALS FOLLOWING comprise the con- j. tlnuation of a series of certificates published in rotation, and are but a small portion of a vast number published in a PAMPHLET containing besides various eXI rllrts from medical reports by great authorities and opinions of the medical press, likewise nu- merous extracts from many standard scien- tific works, viz, Dr Pereira's Materia Medica," 4tb edition; Dr Tanner's "Prac. tice of Medicine," 8th edition; and Dr Handffeld Jones, on Nervous and Functional Disorders." The pamphlet sent post free on application to J.L Pulvkbma- CHER and Co, 168, Regent Street, W., London. DEAFNESS op ELEVEN y BARS' STANDING— s (Testimonial) Bradford, June, 1871. I have been cured of Deafness by one of your chains after bèir g deaf for eleven years, and I have been partially deal from child- hood. E. C. 1. L. Pulvermacher & Co., 168, Regent Street, W." RHEUMATISM—(Testimonial) "8, Sutton Common-road, Kidderminster, July 23rd, 1871. 411 beg to (bank yon for your Galvanic Chain Band which I purchased of you in January last. I have worn it constantly ever since, as you directed, and with considerable benefit. I consider your remedy a most valu- able one, and shali take i very opportunity to recommend it to my friends. THOMAS INGHAM. J. L. Pulvermacher and Co, 168, lit gent-street, W.' VT ERVOUS KXHAUS1ION AND PAINS X* (Testimonial J "7, Cobham Place, Ciaience Road, Clapton, September 15th, 187 i. Your past kindness and aitelltion shown in my case, together ft ith a doire to fulfil my promise, prompts me to drop you these few lines. You will be glai to bear that my entire nervous system is gradually improving; my back feels very much stronger and more free from pain. A year ago when trying to sit up just for half an hour. although pillowed and propped in every possible way, I u"ed to get into a most fearful state of pain and exhaus- tion, now I can s't up for some hours at a time with comparative ease. This is a very marked improvement. I te, 1 also stronger on my feet, can stand with a tSrrrneBS 1 have not felt for years. I have walked aeross a room without help. I am thoroughly convinced by personal experience th there is a mighty power of good in your appliances, indeed I feel the Bands are an ublold comfort to me. Some of my friends are perfectly amazed at seeing me again down stairs, and to some extent getting about the house. Dr. Millar whom I have been under for some years, on coming to see my mother was perfectly struck to see me out of bed and down stairs. He sikid. I What do you think has doneyou good ?' I Sir,' I said, 'undoubtedly the persevering use of Mr Pulvermacher's E'ectric appliances.' Well,' te said, 1 I roust say they have done a great thing for you, it It is only to get up and come down here.' I name this, sir, because it 18 a remark of my own doctor who. some months since, laughed at me for even thinking or putting any faith in such a remedy as yours. LAVINA JONBS. J.L. Pulvorroacher and Co. 168 Regent Street, W." PRICE-LIST OF PULVERMACHER'S GAL- VANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and FLEX- IBLE BATTERIES. A. NARROW CHAIN-BANDS for So'atica, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gonly Pains, Chronic Rheumatics, Local Paralyse, Cramp in the Extremities, according to Electric Power 18=., 22s., 40s and upwards, B- BROAD CHAIN-BANDS or BELTS, for Lumbago, indigestion. Liver, Chest, and Nervous Complaints, &c., wearable as a Belt 2'2s. to 40s. and 55s C. BROAD CHAIN-BANDS for Nervous Deaf- ness, Head, Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noises in the Head .21s. and upwards. D. BROAD CHAINS for Loss -of Voice and other Affections of the Throat, Asthma, Spinal Complaints .10s. Hd., 18s,, 22s., and 40s, E. BROAD CUAIN-BANDS for Writer'sCramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c., 22d. to 30s., 40s.. and 60s. F. COMBINED BANDS for General Debility, Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, and Functional Disorders 60s to 60s, COMPLETE SET WITH VOLTA-ELEC- TRIC BELTS for restoring V-tal Power. £ 5 WITH VOLTAIC FLEXIBLE CHAIN BAITERY £ 8 G. CHAIN BAITERJES for Extreme Nervous Debility, Paralysis, and lor restoring ex- hausted Vital Energy (to be used in con- junction with spicially combined bando) £ 3 10s. to 4 Guineas. H. PATENT ADHESIVE ELECTRO GEN E- RATOR 2s 6d PATENT ELECRO-DIKE USfNG BAND. 5s No Galvanic Bands or Belts are genuine, but those bearing tbe facsimile of J. L. PUL VEHMA CiJEH S iignutu/c on the Label. A Test sent (gratis) on Loan for a week if required. (CAUTION. j The Curative Powers 0.1 Electricity, and the success of PULVERMACHER'S VULTAIC CIIAIN BANDS, BELTS, &c. have elicited envious speculator to an unfair ami absurd comne'.ition with ariiclesfulsely rt presented as having ciectrioii quaiif'S. Unpossessed as ihtse articles oi electri-gene- rating or electro 'Jift/ising propeities, thrre is not, no' can there be, any malogy whatever between the same at d the beneficial etit-ctfof Puivormaciur's above men- tioRed apolfjncf consequt ntly they arc (ieprivfcd of those curative properties wbu-b ?or tbe last 2a years ave seoured for Pu.verroacber's Medico-t-ralvarm hvstem the mgbest encomiums ot fhe scientific and Sedical press and the official approbation of rhe Mademies and Faculties ol lVledici-.e, botb m Europe PUL?ERM ACHER'S PAMPHLET of Testimonial* '\ud Reports of cures containing extensive nntnerous extrecte,from many Standard Scientific Works, viz.. Dr Pereira's Materia Medica, 4th edit.on, Ui Tanner's «• Practice o: Mencme, 8th ditwn and l)i Handfield Jones, on Nervous and functional Div- orcers," &c., sent post tree on application to the SOlt Inventor and Patentee— J. L. I'liLVERMACHFR, IPO QALYANLL ESTABLISHMENT, llln REGENT STREET, LONDON, W« ASD 39, RUE ST, MARC. PARIS. ESTABLISHED 1812. H. AND T. P It OCTO R AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MA URES FOR GRASS, CORN, ROOT, AND OTHER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—CATII.VY, BIlISTOL. '4 AGENTS—Mr (J. Giittiihs, Wine Merehallt, Pembroke „ Thomas Parker, Cardigan .J. N. Evans, A heray ron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. HONORABLE COULDINCS MANURE WORKS HONORABLE MENTION. jSOULDINCfs MANURE WORKS TUC CLEN.CORK, ex n INORTH WALL.OUBUN. BRANCH WORKS-GRACEDIEU, WATERFORD, AND StNGLANDS, LIMERICK. W. & H. M. GOULDING (LIMITED), MANURE MANUFACTURERS, CORK AMD DUBLIN. GOULDING'S SPECIAL MANURE, For Wheat, Oats, Barley, Potatoes and Grass._ GOULDING'S BONE MANURE, For Turnips, Flax, &c. GOULDING'S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, For General use, for Guano, &c. GOULDING'S CORN AND GRASS MANURE, Specially prepared for Cereals and Grasses. Applications for Agencies In Districts not yet represented are Invited. AGENTS J. D. Morse, Langharne John Nicholas, Llanfirnach James Thomas, Rock House, Haverfordwest John Evans, Nantygwynne David Lewis, Carmarthen John Harries, Pilroath James & Morris, Fishguard Thomas Evans. Pembroke Thomas Davies, Gloucester House, Cardigan William Jones, St Clears James Bowen, Catershook John Williams, Brunant. William Phillips, Castle Mawr Thomas Morgan, Carmarthen John Williams, Egremont D. Morgan, Llangeitho William Morse, Eglwysfair T. E. Jones, Llandysil Stephen Owens, Hafod D. Davies, Llanbyther Jenkyn John, Llwynyrebol TO CORN DEALERS MILLERS AND OTHERS MESSES. LOCK & HALL, BONE IMPORTERS AND CRUSHERS. REQUIRE FIRST-CLASS AGENTS FOR THB SALE OF CEU8HED BONES U jjj lJ 1 (i in. Úl. and dust) 2 GUARANTEED FREE FROM ALL ADULTERATION. REDBRIDGE, HAMPSHIRE. Chemical Works. NOVfJLr-ry IN BOOTS. NOBLtiMEN and Gentlemen are respectfully invited to inspect a case of Boots of entirely new design, which was exhibited at the recent International Exhibition at the Agri- cultural Hall, and to which were awarded THE GOLD M E DAL. On View at the Establishment of C. E. ALLEN, (Late of Haverfordwest.) BOOTMAKER, 33 a. Princes Street,—one door from Pantor. Street, Haymarket, London. "I can strongly ad vise my sporting friends to try the J easy yet close fitting boots, thu made admirably adapted alike for the moor and the stubble. -The Wanderer in Land and Water PICTON PLACE, HAVERFORDWEST. Ltwls:v PEr (Late) GEORGE R. LEWIS, CABINET MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING WAREHOUSE, ESTABLISHED 1832. ELIZABETH E. LEWIS begs moat respectfully to return ber sincere; thanks for the kind patronage bestowed upon her lute husband, and to inform her friends and the public in general, that she intendi to continue tho Rus-incss in all its branches, and shall feel most grateful for any support she mav receive. N E. E. L. trusts by diligent attention to all orders'entrusted to her care, and by supplying every artiole of superior quality at a fair and reasonable price, to te favoured with a continuance of public patronage. A large Assortment of Carpetting, Floor Cloth, Damasks, and Table Coverings. Also a Quantity of remnants of Brussels andTapestry Carpets all at a Reduced Price. FUNERALS FURNISHED. C II E A P TEA S II 67. TEOMLS'8 ..q. U ,:J. i:) FAMILY TEA & GROCERY WAREHOUSE UPPER MARKET STREET, IIAVERFORDWEST, Good Tea Is. 4d. per lb. Strong Breakfast do 2s. Od. per lb. Fine do 2s. 8d. & 3s. per lb. P RIM E TV I L T S II I B. E BACON J FIELDS AND PRICES PATENT CANDLES. HUNTLEY AND PALMER S BISCUITS. JAMS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, &c. Agent for Weir's Sewing Machines (ESTABLISHED 1842) J. AND T. ROBINSON A BE PREPARED TO SEND OUT THE FOLLOWING M A ST U R E S Dry, finely broken down, ready for the Field; and feel sure they are folly equal in value to any that can be offered at similar Prices :— SUPER-PHOSPHATE. CORN MANURE. DISSOLVED BONE GRASS MANURE. MANGOLD MANURE. POTATOE MANURE. Besides other kinds made for special Crops. — „ J j LINSEED AND COTTON CAKES They still Manufacture from Seed as Imported without admixture. Apply to J. and T. ROBINSON, St. Philip's Marsh, Bristol; the Docks, Gloucester. Or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, Kilpaison House, Pembroke; Messrs. R. and J. Jones, Haverfordwest. ÑIARINERS' HOTEL, HAVERFORDWEST\ DAVfD-LAMB | > F.GS respeolfully to inform his Friends and the Public generally that he hat made arrangements for D Letiing on Hire HORSES, CARRIAGES. and every requisite connected with an efficient Posting Establishment. The best accommodation will be pro- vided, and all orders will be promptly attended to. Nov. 29. h 1871. BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT, (ESTABLISHED 1798,) 5, IIIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. W I L L I A M TTR I F F I T H 8 Begs to thank his friends and the public generally for the liberal patronace hitherto bestowed upon him, JD and to announce that by the aid of skil!ul workmen, he is enabled to supply BOOTS & SHOES, of tho newest style, at moderate pr ces. The materials employed are of the best quality, ensuring great durability and strength, and the workmanship will he found fully equal to any obtainable in the provinces. LADIES' and GENTLE VI FN'S BOOrS and SHOES, in every variety, and all articles in the home-trade furniebed on the shortest notice. W. TI begs AHO to announce that he has an extensive assortment of BOOTS and SHOES of English manufacture, which he will sell at the lowest possible prices. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, ( ———— ] GEORGE M. GR E E N. 1 MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LAWES SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAW 10 s' DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. 018 TO SUNDAY GEO. M. HAMMER, Aivn SCHOOL FURNISHER, INVENTOR, and MANUFACTURER of the OSBORNE. QUADRANT, and ROYAL (Patent) SCHOOL-DESKS & SEA?1 Which TBCH combino a Stop d Desk, Fla' Table, and Backed Seat for Lectures, aft DAY-SCHOOL l.lustrrted Catalogue ot De,ks, Seatc, Tab es, Galleries, Easels, Blackboard*, & Post free Twopet,re. The Methodist College, Belfast, and a large number of other MAN ACTER R College* and Schools have been fitted by G. M. H. 108, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. W,C. FLINT & Co.'s BRITISH & FOREIGN" COMMERCIAL INQUIRY OFFICES. OBJECTS'. COMMERCIAL INFORMATION—To remove danger C- doubt from contemplated credit transactions. REGISTERED INFORMATiON—Not relied upon. Every inquiry is, when received, despatched to three or four correspondent*, or more if deemed requisite. The information registered appended ia addition. Three stampseach inquiry. LEGAL A DVICE-Supplied to subscribers free of charge. Counsel and Solicitors specially retained. AGENTS-In every Town and City in the United Kingdom, the Continent of Europe, and America. REGISTERS—Contain over One Million names. DEBTS—Promptly applied for, in accordance with instructions. Immediate settlements. WEEKLY GAZETTE.—Valuablo information. Index (quarterly) fre,> to every subscriber. References permitted to numerons commercial firms. Opinions of subscribers furnished free on application. TERMS-£3 3s, X5 55 JEIO 109. and upwards per annUM. LONDON, E.C.: 58, Cheapside. Dublin: 10, Kenry Street. Manchester: 88, Moseley Street, and 6, 8, and 10, Bond Street; and Glasgow 33, Renfield Street, Argy:e Street. AGENCIES—A PPM CAT IONS INVITED. BRYANT & MAY'S NEW METAL POCKET BOXES FOR WAX VESTAS AND VESUVIANS, WITH rP-A-TZEHsTT SIP-E&IIETQ- COVE IRS. a These Boxes are supplied with an Assortment of Portraits, including, amongst others, mtNAKTiltfaiTlffl the ^llomng^ Prince Bismarck, Thiers, ^=-—- Q-ambetta, Trochu, 11 Jules Favre, Garibaldi, M&Ssa Til\' Napoleon III., Eugenie, jgp Prince Imperial, Marshal Bazaine, General Uhrich, &c., &c. J. Sir W. Scott, R. Burns, Emperor of Germany, of Germany, Crown Prince, count Von m .It Prince Bismarck, Thiers, ^=-—- Q-ambetta, Trochu, 11 Jules Favre, Garibaldi, M&Ssa Til\' Napoleon III., Eugenie, jgp r Prince ImperiaJ, C',< Marshal Bazaine, General Uhrich, &0., &c. J. SOLD EVEBYVVHEEE AT ONE A SAFE and Easy EXTERNAL CURE for CHILBLAINS, *atLer no stnp,'l- BO pain. Forwarded with test.i- byJOHyff Pen08 ia "P^IVE HUNDR.ED AND FIFTY is now the TmnT<i'nroeJw'i,u!raat« in tha E.MILSWOOD ASYLUM FOR f/S Committee earnestly APPJ'-Aij for 2uciwased FLNDS towards the support of this large^and %IM<! IN'^xTA110' hopeless, famiTy. VERY HLAVY OLAIMb ARE NOW DUE. A THANK-OFFKHING from every family happily exempt from mental affliction would furnish auiple funus to meet the emergency.. Baxksrs The London Joint Stock Btnlr, Pvinces-atreet, E.C. JAMES ABBIPS, Treasurer. every family happily exempt from mental affliction would furnish auiple funus to meet the emergency.. Baxksrs The London Joint Stock Btnlr, Pvinces-atreet, E.C. JAMES ABBIPS, Treasurer. Office: 29, Poultry. E.C. WILLIAM NICHOLAS, Sec. CIGARS^DIRECT FROM BOND, in good con- dition, from 12». 6d. per 100. High-c>.Rs Havanas from 2as. per 100. All brands supplied at EQUALLY LOW BATES for cash only. Price list free on application.—Oban, Oldfield, 45, Broad Quay. Bristol. XIGHTNlNG !—LlGHTJNIING CONDUCTORS -M-A fitted to Private Houses. Churches, 4c. A complete and pertect Lightnine Conductor for £ l. Domestic Telegraphs and Electrical Bells fitted in private houses. Telegraphic Apparatus Estimate* given, inclusive of all expeDses.-Apply W. M. Warden and Co.. Carey-street. Westmiuster, DOWNARD'S OINTMENT.-—The skin is quickly freed from all scorbutic eruptions, roughness, redness, pimples, chaps, and chilblains, and the complexion y r6I served by Downarns f.jaiment. Of all chemists, at Is. 9d.. 2s. 8rt., ann 4s. Pd. Post free tor 2e. in stamps, of Rouse and Co.. 12, W igmore-street. London, W. 1 NEWBERY'S PALLAinOTCHEST PROTt C TOR can now be had of all Chemists.—87. Kewgate-Bt..E.P- CARTS, WAGGONS, and every descriptioii of agricultural implements, manufacturi d by the Bristo. Wasjgon W ork°, Coni: any, sup; lied V>v R- & ]. JONES, AUCTIONKERS, APPRAISERS, &c. Offices: '1, High Street, Haverfordwest. WCFIRATIOV OF LBAtlk METCALTTMD IIH JtWELLRR8. SILVERSMITHS. AND I. DRESSING CASE & TRAVELLING BAG MtVIMi 8. PALL MALL, LONDON. t.Wtt (Established 18!1), Are HOW disposing of the whole of their Stock, FTSVtO* tttt. moval to other Premises. at a reduction. for cash Oidf, at 20 PER CENT* DISCOUNT OFF THE MARKFJ PRICES, Visitors to London are respectfully invited to inspect ibair large and varied assortment of Jewellery, &c, dressing BAG, fitt lis. Od., net, tion. T. I)A'V t D'S c,t rfi E i) ft A r, RESTORATION THE works of Restoratioa and Repair which bare been carried on during the last fire years, corn* prise the thorough restoration of the Tower; the Choir with its Aisles; a third of the Nave; and the Drain- age of the whole AtLilding. These several wortet resting between eighteen and nineteen thousand pourds, have absorbed all the old Subscriptions, with 'he exception of Mr Traherne's bequest of f2,000 not yet due, and the Bishop has in consequence cirB cula'ed an appeal for new Subscriptions, to oompleta the Restoration of the Nave, its Aisles, and the Transept". The cost of this it estimated by Mr Soott etJ6!2.500. The Secretaries will gladiy on application send any one a copy ef Mr Gilbert Scott's Second Report showing what has been effected, and what works o a &t§ssing nature still remain to be done; aad thejr w ill also thankfully acknowledge any SnbMftptiorft which may be made. The following Donations have been alreaJy pro- taised for the work remaining to be done J. W. Kershaw, Esq, Warwick 2 0 Mrs Kerahaw, Warwick 1 0 Rev A. J. M Grc4B t subsoriotion) 6 0 Rer John of ^enaliy asdy, Prebendaty of St David's (2nd donation) B 9 Rev D. Jones, Bishopston, Glamorganshire 6 t Rev Secretan Jones, Oystermoutb, Glamor- ganshire 5 The Lady LI an over 26 0 Mrs Farford, Blftise Castle 10 10 Rev J. Phelps, Carew (second donation) 10 10 Rev J. J.mee, Llanfihangel Genau'r Glyn (second donation) S George Baugh Allen, Esq, Temple (second donation) 10 0 Mrs Pavnter, Pembroke 6 0 Mrs W. H. Reed, Pembroke 6 0 Mrs Leach, Pembroke 2 0 Rev H. S. Blink, Pembroke 0 10 T. Mansetl, E"q, Pembroke 1 I L. P. Gibbon, Esq, Pembroke 6 0 Halm, Esq, Pembroke 6 0 W. O. Hulm, Esq, Pembroke I 1 J. Dawkina, Esq, Pembroke 5 Mrs W. Gibbon, Pembroke 6 0 Mrs D. S. Thomas. Pembroke 2 2 Mr Hitchings, Pembroke 2 0 George Jones, Esq, Pembroke 3 3 Messrs Jones, Pembroke Mill S 0 Mr W. Williams, Pembroke 2 2 Messrs Davies and Pratt, Pembroke 1 1 Mr Warlow, Pembroke 2 2 E. M. Jones, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 W t'homas, Esq, Orange Hall, Pembroke.. 0 10 Mr G. Barrett, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Beddoe, Pembroke 22 Mrs Morris and Son, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Edward Tracey, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke 1 10 Mr C. Elsdon, Pembroke 6 10 Mr H. P. Thomas, Pembroke 0 10 Mr James, Lion Hotel, Pembroke 010 Mrs Owen, Savings Bank, Pembroke 110 Mr T. Richards, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Burchell, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Low less, Pembroke 0 10 Small Sums, by Rev J. Alien 1 6 Mrs Roch, Paekestop (second donation) 10 0 y. A. Roch, Esq, Paskeston (2nd donation) 10 0.. 4, J. Morison, Esq, Portclew 6. Rev Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 25 0 7. White, Esq, Tenby (second donation) 10 0 3ol. Vo.vle, Tenby 10 0 Rev G. Huntnigton, Tenby 6 0 Elev J. Hearn Poppelwell, Tenby 2 0 Rev E. F. Willis, Tenby 010 Mrs Howells. Tenby 6 0 I. Gwvnne, Esq, Tenby (first donation) 3 3 D. W. R. Stokes, Tenby 1 0 G. Chater, Ikq, Tenby 2 Z Mrs Girardot, Tenby 2 0 Dolonel Onslow, Tenby 2 0 Mrs Onslow, Tenby 1 0 Miss Puxley, Tenby 2 0 Mr James Rogers, Tenby 2 Captain Rees, Tenby 1 1 Captain Evans, Tenby 1 9 fwo Sums of Five Shillings each. J 01 Mr C. Allen (in Photographs of St. David's) Tenby 5 Mr Joseph Gregory, Teaby 3 S Mr John Phelps,Tenby 1 1 Mr E Saies, Tenby 1 1 Mrs Hughes, Tenby 1 I Mr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby 11 Mr W. Walkinton, Tenby 1 1 Mr Thomas Merchant, Tenby 1 I Mr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby 1 1 R Lascellea, Esq., Croft, Tenby 1 0 T. Hawksley, Esq., Caldy, Tenby 6 0 Rev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby I) ct Messrs John Harvey and Sons, HaTer ford. west (second donation) 10 10 The Welshman Newspaper 10 10 The Brecon County Times 10 0 7he Western Mail 10 0 The Tmby Observer 10 0 The Cambria. Daily Leader 18 0 The Pembrokeshire Sera d 10 0 H G. Allen, Esq., Lincoln's Inn, {secant Donation) 10 0 Mrs Mirehouse, The Hall, Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Earl of Cawdor, (second donation) 200 J. H. Scourfield, Esq., M.P. (2ad donation) 100 0 Lewis Lloyd, Esq, Monk Orchard, Surrey 6- 0 Col Lloyd, LilIGsden, Kent 5 0 Henry Leach, Biq., Corston 10 0 Mrs Bayne, (second donation) 25 0 Miss Robson, Penally, (second donation) 5 0 Messrs Richard James and Son, Haverford- west 6 H. Rees. Esq., Llangranog, Newcastle Emlyn 1 Rev William Edmunds, Bhostie Rectory, Ab-rystwyth 2 O Rev John Felix, Llanilar 2 0 Rev J. Tombs, Burton 10 0 Messrs Powell, Mathias, and Evans, Haver- west 10 10 Wm Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Haver- fordwest 8 0 J. W. Phillips, Ecq., Rock Cottage, ditto 60 Messrs Greenish and Dawktas, Market street, ditto 5 O Rev Thomas Horn, Haverfordwest (aeeond donation) 2 O Rev George Horn, Haverfordwest 2 0 Miss Emment and Miss Gwyther, ditto 2 O Mr D. P. Saunders, Bridge street, ditto 1 1 Mr John Phillips, Castle Square, ditto 1 1 Mr Stephen Green, High street, ditto (second donation) 1 Mr W. Lloyd, Uigh street, Haverfordwest 1 Mrs Philpott, Castle Hotel, di to 1 John Lewis, Esq. Bank, ditto. I Wm. John, Esq., Vkt Jiia Place, ditto Mrs Potter, High street, ditto I Mr P. P. Ellis, High Btreet 1 j Mr Richard Williams, Dew street, ditto 1 1 Mr James Davies, Victoria Place, ditto 1 0 M. John Brown, Market street, ditto I Mr T. Baker, High street ditto. 1 1 Messrs Green and John, Quay street, ditto 1 0 Mr William flood, High street, ditto t) 10 Mr E. H. Ellis, Daw street, ditto 010 Mr William Sanders, Castle Goal, Messrs T. ard J. Lloyd, Dark street, ditto 0to Frederick Woiobolt, Esq, Laugharne 25 o J. L. G. P. Lewis, E-q, (second donation) It) q Rev. R. Lewis, Lampeter Velfrey (second d.,nation) 5 g John Beynon, Esq, jun Trewern c T. R. O. Powell, Esq., Wyngron ft o Howard S. Morgan, Esq, Tegfyaydd. o o Rev. D. Jones, Llardi«silio 3 3 Rev T. R. J. Laugbarne 1 j Rev W. L. Bevan, Hay. Brecon 5 g Mrs Dynelev, Tenby õ 0 Rev. J. D. Williams, Brecin (2nd donation) 10 Q P.ev. E. E. Allen, Por'hkerry 5 q Rev. E. B. Squire, Swansea 5 Charles Bath, E q, Swansea 25 Contribution from the palish 01 St. Bride's per MrWm. Roberts 2 5 Mr Jenkins, Castle Square, H. West.»^ vI") MrJ. Matken, Rydor street. London 1 1 0 H. U. Vau^haf, Esq., Upton Castle 10 10 0 J. Thirlwfill, E'jq, Abergvvili 10 10 o Col. W, Hi mi Slater, Cheltenham 5 0 0 A f:iei;d, bv Mias Welbey Parry, 2nd donation 5 0 q- Rev. J, H. Morgan 5 0 y Tbe Dear, of Barpor 20 y D J. Jeffreys, Esq. addl. subscription 1 1 0 Collection at Llandigwydd, by Rev. P. Lewis.. 20 0 (t „ at Llanelly Church, Rev. D. Williams 6 10 Proceeds of Ltcture, Lland'lo, by Rev. J 2 ij 0 T. Perkins, E-q M ne'via, Sydney 20 Q ft The Rev Bryuiei Belcher, P mlico 3rd conrti- bution 4 m n By Mr J.Owen "tie Lord Bishop of ChicVefter 1 j "iev Canon Wood, 1 j K^i^ht, Bfq 1 I 4rs Bitncorn 1 I ,b (: d rh I i3 x, 1. 5 7 -2 t rH"" 8 q 0 Subscriptions and Donflti^ns will be reoeived k re Rev Chnon Thomas-. Steynton, .Miltord llavtn <nd CHARLES ALLJ-N, F.&q.t Tenby, Honorary Sect, FURIES; by Messrs MoRRis and Soks, B*OK^RS r- jurtben, and by Messrs Vi iLi.156 &nd Co^ Banlrnl- tiitcca J>'O ■