Papurau Newydd Cymru

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JP-. HOMAS POWIS REYNOLDS ARCHITECT, HILL STRE KT. HAVlitlFOKDWESI wiHi Spfiiiifcntions prepnrrd for Ecclcsiaso- • I S«lioo|, public and Primte Bnililinc*. „,tl-,wo NTKRIOH A NO fcXTEWOR DKCOUATION^. Architect, tu the Haverfordwest School Board ti- whom rpfMfence may be made. TAB. HU J) rxi HEALTH, ITS RF.STORA1 TON, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—Wlten to marry, wUli advice to those who contemplate marriage, l101'1 jJ'R out wrtftiu impediments >\bich render name i« nnhllpPY, Had directions for their speedy removal. Should b« read by nil who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age.-I"I)St free on receipt of two stamps— Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. MONEY, TIME, AND LIFE, JI AKB LoGT IN TIIK KYKNT OF ACCIDENTAL INJURY OR DEATH. Provide against these losses by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. AGINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, TheOldwt and Largest ACCI DENTAL 1 NUANCE COMPANY. Hoi. A. KiiinnM, M.I ^lrro.ft'' I Paid np Caplini »na Unserve *u»d £ 140,ODe. aii- nual Income, £ 160,000. £810,000 have been Paid as Compensation, Bonus allowed to lnsurers Iof Five Years' Standing. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway, Station*, the Local Agents, or 64, CORNHILL, & 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent for Haverfordweot: Mr H. BARHAM, Railway Station. TO THE NERVOUS §• DEBILITATED. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN WITHOUT FEE. DR. HENRY SMITH has devoted 25 years exclo- Mtely to the treatment of Diseases of the Nervous OYRiern. resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Power Ncrvens Debility, Physical Depression, Impaired S'Khtand Memory, Indigestion, Los. of Energy and Anppetite, pains in the Bark, Timidity, Distrust, Local Wen knew. Ac. DB SMITH WILL FOR thb BENEFIT OF PAT1KNTS WHO CANNOT VIMT HIM PERSONALLY, on receiving a statement of their case, send by return a letter of advice with instructions, wblcb, if followed, will ensure a core j .,„„nni»in IMPORTANT.—A form of correspondence contain in* questions, &c., to assist the Patient in *>is case will be sent post free, on receiving a directed TESTIMONIALS TO DR. HENRY SMITH. Dr Bmith ha* reoeiyed up to date December, 21st, J872 Fourteen Hundred and Twgnty-Four written Testimonials from Patients who reside in the country in proof of his successful treatment conducted by oor- rwspondence only. Addres-, Ur H. Smith, 8, Burton Crescent London.W.C Just published, post free for two stamps, PRESCRIPTIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR P THE CURE OF NERVOUS DEBILITY, By Dr. BENRY SMITH, of the Roval University of Jena. Author of u The People's Guide to Health," &o. PRRSCRIPTIONS and INSTRUCTIONS is a New Mrdioal Work on the Electric Treatment of all Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitations of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, In- decision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy and Appetite, Pains in the Back, 1 imidity, Self Distrust, Dissiness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Weakness, Muscular Relaxation, 4c., resultinR from Exbsustion of !Ner»e Power. Gives INSTRUCTIONS for the Development and Strengthening the Human Body, how to acquire Health and Strength, Secure Long Life, and Avoid the Infirmities of Old Age. Also, the names of Medicines by which Thousands of Sufferers have been restored to health and vigour after-all other remedies had failed. Illustrated withTestimoninls from grateful patients Sent freo by post to any address on receipt of two penny stamps. Address, Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Burton Cresccnt, Lon- don. W.C. fO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. BEAU -itis M SECRET FRIEND." I -S Wonderful Medical Guide not only gives the X cause, but shows how a permanent enre can be effected in all cases of Nervous Debility, Depression of Spirits, Timidity, Impaired Sight and Memory, Pains in the haok, Latitude, Spermatorrhea, J fJI- pediments to Marriage, Strieture,Secondary Symptoms, and AllVeneieal Disesses, without the use of Mercury. Dr Barnes's long experience in the .-treatment ol all Sexual Diseases has enabled him to treat the most Inveterate eases with marked success. This Taluable work THE SECRET FlilENI)," is illustrated with numerous cases and testimonials from Patients ex- pressing their deepest gratitude for having botin re- stored to health and manly vigour. To the married aud single this book is invaluable, two stamp!"™8 ,roai observation on receipt of Important to Country Patients. DR BARNES may be consulted personally or bv letter, in all pi I rate and confidential cases • »«a for the benefit of Nervous sufferers who cannpt'v*"it him, he will, on receiving a de«ciiPti„n 0T tUeir ca«« enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to five his opinion upon the nature of the case, aM(j lj1B principles of treatment nccessary to elfeci a perfect £ 3^ Address, DR. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, Barnsbury, London, N. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE;—"See Dente. 0 ronomy. chap. x.i, vme 23.-01arkes World atned Blood Mixture-frade Ma^<~ Alixtnro" ibe groat Blood 1 unner HUG Restorer, for cleansing and clearing the bloodfrom all impurities, cannot be too highly 'ecommended for Bcrolula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds all a never failing and I ermauent cure. It Cares Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores on the neok Cores Ulcerated sore legs Cures Blackheads or pimples on the face Cures Scurvy sores Cores Oancereus Ulcers Cores Blood and skin dileases Cores Glandular Swelling* Clears the Blood from all impure Matter From whatever cause arising As this mixture is pleasant to the taato. and war. ranled free from anything injurious to the tnost delr cate constitution ot either sex, the proprietor solicits •Offerers to *ive it. a trial to test its value. Thousands ol Testimonials from all parts Sold in botttta 2s 3d each, and in canes, containing times the quantity, lis parli—■offlcient to effect h «rrni8nenl cure in the great majority of long standing eases,by a|| Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors s»In.ho,u the United Kingdom and tbe world, or «»• 'oany address on receipt ol '27 or 132 stampi by J -CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Lincoln. Wholesale All Patent Medicine Houses. n»o.r 7 G- Hftfries, Chemist, and W. H. Rees, «»erfordwest. XU?* £ HRK HERBAL MEDICINE. DR THOMSON'S tain re# | "^TING PILI.S are a well known rer- and loiuj5 { *or iuniuago, gravel pi ins in the hack Ro,,t. di« V. t*nc*Je' depression ol spirits, rheumatism, feldtiP R68 P'le6, ami all affections of itnpnre blY8 d and btadder. All diaeascs arise Irom Purify jj.0"" nnd weakness. Theee Pills cleanse and to tl 8» remove general or local del ility, give ^'°°d jmif iton,act1, restore the spirits, enrich the lr*«e 'of di"1 »nd vivacity, eradicate every fn e0 i»*igorate the wlnsle system. 'PJ aaorrt,,nP'»int, however virulent or long standing. of» relief and speedy cure. The daily ►billon o| if!^llnon'a'8 from mon and woiuen in every *°'e eyes wb° l)nv« been curcd of skin eruptions, S?11?8 >n the if",1 aDd 8Curf on ,'Je head, sore throat, »o ei. disea^ euralRia' rP''ep*y, stone iu the of of the kidneys, &c„ by their use, and to)!611 other mp!r 10K *ecoverle8 lor severe illness ord I)r, TL^W^'Ix,8 "r,<J had failed h#s $>rlri^rn0Bl hoDo »h. to Pnb,'8,, tlie'r virtues, iu & 4* £ u.1 8B'ng8 so great may be more tattoi!* I>er bo* mled" l- ^2S9d., I theu,er lUBini,,? 'otect,lc fi«m l»n- I <r ;"pfVri|8 ^ALlJH i'MniiV0n>lmi8Sloller9 'la?e ordered I »ntx"a'n w^ite LoN DO*. to be en- Iraostul? e<.icl> imeka-v, ? Governnient Stamp Will r ati0*0- Suid \.v ol? wll'«h is felony and °»T2-> W<H direct n' in the world Clara'«53 or ^J.C » Pnv8'eiy in a letter, on ou ^oad' K^VU1:ips Dr THOMSON. *Onovl>iUs cured n l « °Wn' London- Foi,r Pains Tn 11,6 lor mmi» !»Pain* m tho back, which fl 1* "? V,e l>ack 1y H'M-" 1 <ric.l the:: •option a(S been 5'urcrt 1110 in R lew tKurs. '^ou^tisrr. 'h*ve nev«p k ^hftve quite ^ured me. Sj11^ oured VnceI U8ed your p naUtv!rac|r of gout 01 Shi- » «cfc h,ada, W- ih6n 4l0oP paJn8 in m.! .an^ bilious attacks. *tever th7i eas,? »ow ru-" are 1uite cured j Witb tSoi1"P'oo. ZbI'kZ- K™<y offerer hot. be »«sl iBadnsod to try these fiu,c thcr nn«t find f CARTS, WAGGONS, and every description of agricultural iin^lemvnU, ninuuluetui'id by the Bristol Waggon Works Couij :inty, sup; lied by It. & 1,' J 0 N E S, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, &c. I Offices: 4, High Street, Haverfordwest. l t- L c r I'll I. V I', it \1 AC 11 e.K> I'All'.iM' Gi ALVA NIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS. 15AT' J" TEIUES, KKCENTLY IMl'liOVKO. Approvpfl by the Acndemy 01 Medicine at Paris and o her Medical authorities in linyliind and atiroad. Tins Self applicable Physical Curative, unlike noxious drugs, is perfectly harmless and ot an tfficaey vastly Mipeiior to all other external remedies. Owing to the ph)-9iologifial, physical, and chemical eft'ects of the Electricity they penily and permanently impnrt into t l e system, these Appliances exercise an internal action, promoting the digestion, circulation, ard nutrition, thereby assisting Nature in her cftorts to restore the normal balance of hcnbh and vigour in a debilitated constitution. Hence the romailiable cures they doily cffcct iri cases of Rheumatism Head & Toothache Epilepsy Lumbago [adigostion Genenil and Local Sciatica I ni-r Complaints Debility • Neuralgia Paralysis t'unctionalUisorclcrs Gout [Nervous Deafness &c., &c. After all other remedies have lailed, and thus populari- sing Electricity in accordance with the authentic eir comiuiuH in the Medical and Scicntilic Press, Recent improvements in the-o appliances by the Inventor render their self application extremely com- fortablo and eflectivc, and thus remediate former inconveniences. ACADEMIK ue MFDICINK, PARIS.—Extract of an official Report at a meeting, April 1. 1831, "Tbo Voltaic Chains of Mr Pulveriuacher arc really a most wonderful apparatus. They are more portable and cheaper—two indispensable conditions in an apparatus of tliis description in order to make the application of electricity more general, and to a certain degree popular, which is certainly very desirable in the interest* of plltiCII ts, us well as that of the profession." The committee beg to propose to the Academy to address their thanks to Mr Pulvermachor for his most illteic,iiilg communication. Ad u plod. dc I' Acttdemie. Tamp- x vi. JVo. 13." SUCCESSIVE IMPROVEMENTS have led to the signing of tho folluwing testimoniul by the elite ot the Medical Profession in the metropolis, such ns Sir 0. Loeoek, AJ.D., Bart., Sir J. R. Martin, B»rt., C.B., F.R.C.S., & f'-U.S te., &c., &c., We, the undersigned, have much pleasure is testr fying that J. L. PulverinaehersV recent improvement* in his Voltaic Batteries and Galvanic Appliances for Mcdlllnl purposes aro of great importance to Scientific Medicine, Hnd that he is entitled to the consideration and support of every one, dispo-ed to further the ad. vancemeut of real and useful progress." Dr. J. Pkkkika. F.R.S., F.L.S,, in his "Materia Modica., p«Ke 63. lifiit, Fourth edition :— "The application of the Voltaic circuit hns been larsely prescribed, and has become a popular remedy in the form of Pulvermacher's Galvunic Chaim. They should be worn .so as to encircle the puit aiiected, iu cases of Kheiiinatism, Paralysis, &c. They ure re- garded by practltlOnCrll as a valual>lf and convenient means of applying the continuous Voltaic current." Tiie "LANCHT," No. 1. Vol. 11., IS66: "Tlrs ingenious apparatus ol *Mi I'ulvcrmucher has I now stood the test for some years It may bj uIoeu by the medical attendant, or by the patient him- self and thu operator can now ditfuse thvgalvanic influence over -in extensive surface, -1r, concentrate it ouRsiiiKle point. III these days of iritlici-^alvuiiic quackery it is it relief to observe tlio very plain aud straightforward manner it- whicil Mr Pulvermaclier's appafllrns is rccornlllf ntlod to Ibe Prolossi en." CAUTIUN .ULVJo:IIJI.ACl/lo:lt'l:j VCLTAH; Afim-ianous have, by their unparalleled curative hucccsm, incited envious tipeculatore-ufiabic, as they are, to infringe his patent—to an absurd competition with articles falsely represented a oF, >ctrieal therefore observe that no tlolvanic or Voltaic Bunds or lidls can he genuine unless beating Ihr. Juc simile of J. L. P ULVElt- MAUHKll's signature OH the box. Medical aud Scientific extracts and a selection of the daily incn asint; number of testimonials, together with price list, are embodied in pamphlet, UALVAN ISM, -NATURE'S CHIEF RESTORER OF lMl'AIRED VITAL KNKRUY," sent post free on application to J. L. PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC ESTAB- LISHMENT. 194, REGENT STREET, LONDON; 11IIE most elTe.ctivo risuv'vly for ASTHMA, and olhor ntrocUoas of ^—JvCtlVVSl iho I«unRB. No treatment les« •xponsivo. —TTT\C\ preptb, rations co'tt.)in onlj rations co'it.ain onlj drills which ure l-invii to cure No tror\Un<>,n', m iro cusv to follow. Prlco^: Uif.iri (:>'» in numtwO :!s. 9d.l'uper (f. piw.M) l=t. lit. (31 iiiews) 4s. C> 1. ALTtESl'F.VltUS' KPISPASTIU. PAPER.—Thi most con- roniout iir»n ir^i >ri for 'c -omnir u;i bM»tir -vr yi; riui. of Wnrridc nnn. F. N-iyinry -ri'l Sin, THE PALL MALL DRESSING BAG, WITH TlnnTY SOLID SILVER & IVORY FITTINGS. FOR LADY'S on GENTLEMAN'S USE. Price £11 lis. METCALF AND CO., INVENTORS AND SOLE MAKERS, 19, COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, S.W. of Jp.wl'orv, ^r.. t'roo, « jl1.1-1!. column*! wranimr, ir ir»* M., A NEW WORK on GOUT, ily Dr. LAVILLB, £ of the Faculty of Mmlicin(\ Pnri^, ExhihitiiiR a 'n')tlioii of curc. Translated froin the trench by nn K-ielmh pr.ictitio'w. J/omlon F. Newbury »ii<! Sons, :;7, JfcwEaU'-gtroet. E.O. P1™ CiUlNIXE AND "3^ n U'- ,>liNTIFItl(;n roudors lie teoth Ixinut'f uMy w'lito, «rro-ts —T<? *1 and lif -ventH rp ^xithache. 111. It also imports •* a laKtius frnnrajico to the V t 'Ci'tl., t-11,1 „ hrjilihfnl brillinney r ™UWr,wn». In boxo,. Is. ijd. ami 2g,-W.. AV ri.iilh.L PHiml'1! 7 f»r or SO Kta.npa of .1 luiliM s I Ki.inscctu-al ChcnvUt. New-croB,. London. iiolesalo, NewWe.-y & Son,, :;7, NelVi<t.. street. ly.nUou, lVTONb\. A GentliMnan is npon to LEND SUMS vniyinv* Iron. 45J10 «i(Wfrom 5 ,.nr on. itl ,11 O nil riM|i!atJt'« ii-^ -oiis mim noi,, ° I • "itnr", H"Ck, wi-evii'i ruiiiDynl. life, f.1, minitit lionow.l mar Im iv|"iid I'Y inst.ilnients ur'at illt 'iid-tf n l.crmof jvar-i, OK m"V -lill llie II'>iiinve.v. iN<i'l„w INMl J ifisiweh 'villi .ere. m.iy lie reh-nl on>■ I'or ruitliei iei.d naiiirt iihd ii'Mii'iii. and« iiiiFJUiit, ri .|'iiro<l, to i\(, r t'd vnvlo. s. IvliVK'—riMd, .vinWl*' l. r utsiu "UMl. H Mils, v'ho i\ili lepli per reliini. N.I'I'Iik ailferlin'in -nt is st.ic'.ty iitivMW, iiHil not"iimi v^ fr»ua'iv Io-'iiUHv. lt,I,ps1'U.\Ti:0 VKKMv M^T OF lA(i BIETIIDAY PflESEHTR POST Fii: iiuln.liTr; m fl"1; \ii<irs. rni'K (Ho»k I!Cto.'k i It'll ""H Alht-rl H Old 111, |.» 1,.1 i!H M e! ii«!Ut ("vclutive of IIll mm-. 1. U r. '.)> "•i.illv sniUvHIu iHv.x'stith. .1.1 VV imiivi -i.r ni IHnmil'ttium. atllE (Jiii'iliGY D\ Ui!l(JTOXtY for 1874, I. i-'iii.iui n a.101 ol I he Ctui v. iv i 11 III. ir r.VKfi.'c*, &e., "1.1 of I' i. ;i-. •, with I heir villi- s, Ac tUMI i'i"-e.-=. :<:<),, ot 1. 1\11fe 4:. I l.ri i.ns I;w-itll. (l1Úiif8 liYi'toco^CHi^NJKy -'A.MI MI-.DAIt ,.)' rit!»(ilt !'•«»., IS I.H'\ 18 i-'ollH & lilonee-itcr. tf • "rit litu -i r.-i a «J;ii jiIn lie Iio-.v It'liily, 1' t fri-e. jtiiK V. OYAIi V/5 LLIN'TrTO N ESTA- I .M!t:. '¡ If n ,¡ I. ll.iMt.t-H' I 1'111 '('" III" -'Ii.v I;¡ l1.t I 'd (IV V, r '01 l-'l' Jli»re.|.1ii».<, Wi Mm ;jll.S'.ii.-i-i- Ill tin 111'1,1 r-|"iiii"il- .11 ¡:. I'll ¡' 'I' t\tu'¡' '1""1 qIHdS" "i l-f) .• lit" -"ill 1 kKN'«> il -VI; «' i'Eii'OV l A N Mi Vi'U A~P- 2 i»I.»• S tin' li > t njni"'iv known. & vcrysuiHTior 10 Inknm .,( 111.a. ( .11. e .lid SM'-edv einvl, 1f1:I,r tie ha.tut :,1\1 'li-nii,ol t'oi .1 i.,i[< <>: .1, 'I.r¡.Jl1:_lI. XeW I.HIII-III. „ j *.• • itv a-wr. "Klti LUJKl'i; TliAI'Mil CATM.fKiTlK'S Miicl i 1.1 'I' run 'I in l-A style. Ki> fliurja' tor lilo^Ls to 1.1 Hi lie i.i.> ami TAr.r-ri, ib-iihi-ni, and Mtrai-Iue. r.ti>iiit< .mil !;peivn:en.i on I'l?!ivdloll, y.TIlAIiEU :-ON.s, BUhop.ale Avenue, Lon l»n, K.C. III .r- A'iBNP:-W. H. ItEES, HAVBRP ORDWEST CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET! TAMES LILLY WHITE, FliOWD, and CO.'a New llliiRtratcd Prion List for l.s7:i is now ready, arid will be Kent post freo to any applicant. Manufacturers of i-vcry article used ill Cricket and British ojKjrU generally, of the beat quality arid moderate price. Observe the-address. 4. NEWtNGTON CAUSEWAY. LONDON. TTPPEBTaSSATM TEA COMPANY (Limited). —Axents in all Provinoial Toivns for sale of Assam Teas direct from tho Company's Plantations. Price" per III. 29. I'd., 3" and :;s. lid. For further i>arl.iculnrs npnty to He;id Depot, CU. Kinir Wiljiam-street, London. Aeeiits wanted. ROIDE GOLD AUII-P,R'V CLIANNS, in OROIDE GOLD AXHKRT 0"riA~^S,~qnil in appearance to lS-carat pold, will wear a lifetime; post, freo for 5s. fid. and 7s. fid. Louk chains, 7«. fid. and lOs.Hid. Cluster "JUIC", with Alaska fid.,5s.(id..nud7s.(id.;siiiRla st' .ie nng, 58. fixo of linger obtained by enttiiii? hole in r^rd; brooch, 4s. (11.; earrings. Is. Cd.; "-c.'trf pins. is. ;)d.: crosses 2s.; necklets. 2s. lid.; tockets. its. «<l.; -leave Uttka. 2.J. 0<t.; sh'rt ti.mis, is.; soiit-aire5, 2s.; pencil case, 3*. Gil.; bracelets, 5s. ti.l sc:trf rinirs. 2s. fid.; AUnrt keys, 2s. fid. Tost free. l*nce List free. —\V. HOI>T, All S.i^nt.s'-yond.'W'ffsVhonrne-T'nTV. 'ondon. W. NOTICF OF REMO'CTAL. METCALF AND SO., JEWEL!,EUR, SILVEItSMITHS AND WATCHMAKERS, DHE^SlNU-OASii Tit AV 15 LLIJ5G-IlA0 MAKERS, Established at S, Pall Mnii, in tho year Ib25, have removed to their iiewr premises, 16 Up 19, COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON. S.W. Visitors to London are inrited 'o inspect their largo Stock, suitable for presents, at very low price. Every artlcle rnarkea in plain figures, ainj in per diiMimnl. allowed for catJ. -U' n«;5ist;nt sent with i<oods for selection if desired. Ill'^trated eataloyno pest ESTABLISHED 1812. If,, AND "PROCTOR AGKIC'ULTUKAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY Pit EPA RED BONE MANURES. FOll GRASS, COltN, ROOT, AND 0T11E11. CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WOjlKS.-C.VnUY, BRISTOL. AGENTS—Mffl. Griffiths, Wiuu Merchant, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan „ J. N. Evans, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. REMOVED FROM BRIDGE STREET. HARRIES'S Wholesale and Retail Stationery and Book Estab- lishmerd, and Circulating Library, orrosi T E THE SHIR E IIAI L HIG 11-S TREE T, 114 VERFORDWE6 1. NOW OPEN WITH ABOUT THREE TIIOUSAND VOLUMES OF NEW BOOKS, A Large Stock of General Stationery, a varied Assortment of Fancy Goods, Intellectual Tow Musical Instruments, Perfumery, &c., &c. ONE PRICE AND THAT A FAIR ONE Beynon's Brewery, Bridge Street, Haverfordwest. II J A M FTsR (3 C H, (Formerly Manager to the late Mr D. Lewis, Saw & Hatchet, Bridge Street, and for the last three years in the employ of Messrs. Maryclmrch & Daw,) FARM & FOllNISIMG IRONMONGER Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker, &c., BEGS to announce that lie has commenced Business at the above place, and having just returned from the Birmingham, Slieiheld, aud other Markets, with a well selected Stock of Cutlery, Pilectro-plated Goods, burnishing and Builders' Ironmongery, Lamps, Paints, Colours aud Oils, Lar Iron, Steel, Spades Shovels, 1'iro Arms, Powder, Shot, Caps, Cartridges and Cartridge Cases, «kc,, he is prepared to oiler Goods which for quality and price will bear comparison with those of any other house. I urchasers can rely onbein- well served, aud orders promptly executed. In soliciting a share of public patronage, he will use avery exertion to merit the confidence of all who may kindly favour mm with a visit. Seven and a half per cent. off for Cash, with the exception of Bar Iron and Cast Iron Kettles. ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMENTS GOT TO ORDER. J. R. wishes to call attention to his well selected Stock of Benzoline and Petroleum Lamps of the newest Design for the season. He has also secured a larile quantity of the best reliued Lamp Oils, which he intents ottering to the public at a great reduction. THE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. T If:! e HONORABLE fdENTION.. ICOULDIIWS MANURE WORK* .COUt.DtMC'a MANURE WORKSK t i:x I Ott lr.$C CLEN,CORK. 0 ifORT" WALLDUr3LIN6 BRANCH WORKS-GRAGEDIEU, WATERFORD, AND StNGLANDS, LIMERICK. W. & H. M. GOULDING I (LIMITED), MANURE MANUFACTURERS, CORK AND DUBLIN. GOULDING'S SPECIAL MANURE, > For Wheat, Oats, Barley, Potatoes and Grass. GOULDING'S BONE MANURE, For Turnips, Flax, &c. GOULDING'S SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, For General use, for Guano, &c. 'I GOULDING'S CORN AND GRASS MANURE, Specially prepared for Cereals and Grasses. N Applications for Agencies In lMstrlcts not yet represented arp invited- AGENTS J. D. Morse, Langhame John Nicholas, Llanfirnach James Thomas, Hock House, Haverfordwest John Evans, Nantygwynue David Lewis, Carmarthen John Harries, Pilroath James & Morris, Fishguard Thomas Kvans Pembroke Thomas Davies, Gloucester House, Cardigan William Jones, St Clears James Bowen, Catershook John Williams, Brunaut. William Phillips. Castle Mawr Thomas Morgan, Carmarthen John Williams, Egremont D. Morgan, Lhuigeitho William Morse, Eglwysfair T. E. Joues, Llaiulysil Stephen Owens, llafod D. Davies, Llanbyther Jenkyn John, Lhvynyrebol TO CORN DEALKlis" MILLERS AVI) OTHFJiS MESSES. LOCK & HALL, BONE IMPORTERS AND CRUSHERS. REQUIRE FIRST-CLASS AdENTS FOR THE SA LE OF CRUSHED BONES (in. in. and dttsi) REDBHIlXVE, HAMPSHIRE. PIC]X)N I'l^VCJ Vj, J1A V WJ{1<H)K1)W1^ I-I T LL VV I 9 PET (Late) GEORGE R. LEWIS, i CABINET MAKING AND UPHOLSTERING WAREHOUSE ESTABLISHED 1832. ipUZABETH E. LEWIS be*, mo., respt-cduily to return her sinccr« «honk*jjj Vi bestowed upon tier Into, and to mMrm her friends and the public in efaia t continue the Business in nil it, -haU n^Uir.M for !=c,0 0, E E L.*tri»>ts by .lilijrcnt atfemion «o all oideif. umnnted w her c:»re. «'«1 •»> !^M1'PO •' f e upcrior quality at a /«ir and reasonable price, t<> be favoured Wtih a dtrttuniane.o of A large Assortment of Carpetting, Floor Oiot.a, Damasks, ana Tanie Also a Quantify of remnant* ■ 'Brussels uud'J'upebtry 0a-pets all at a, Eeduccu lrice. F U N E n A L S u R I SHE, D. ■ r (ESTABLISH El) 1812) J. AND T. ROBINS OIK CONTIKUK TO MANUFACTURE II A. N VIES, Of superiur Quality, specially adapted for the Crop:; on which it is intended they should be naed DISSOLVED nONE MANGOLD MANURE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. PREPARED RONE (Fu. the permanent Improvement of Grass Land). PREPARED BONE iOil MOWING GUASS. CORN MANURE. POTATOE MANURE. They iilso still make LINSEED and COTTON SEED CAKES from Sood 118 imported only. Apply to J. and T. ROBINSON, fX ,u St. Philip's Marsh, Jiristol; the Docks, Gloucester. P ° ,1r ^Mis' Mr J(3SS0 Harvev, Kilpuison House, Pembroke; Messrs. I\. and J. Jones, Haverfordwest, Mr David Vaughaa, Merchant, Fishguard. MARINERS nOTEL llAVEliFOill) ]VEST, D A VI D LAMB IJ LOS respcolfuhy to inform his friends and tlio Public peuerally that lie has made arrangoments for Letting on Hire 11 o R ,S n S, C A It R I A G E S, I\nd evcry requisite connected-with an Postiu, Ttic bust II.coolumodation will be pro- all ordcrtl w11l be promptly aUcnded Nov. 29th 1(171. BOO T AND SHOE DEPOT, ("ESTABLISHED 1798,) 5, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. WILLIAM G R IFFITHS BCS"„I!5 F0R P»"O»«O liitliertn «po» hto, t'irt iii'wrwt uhf} f» ,n, worKmen, is enabled to aupplv BOOTS & SHOFS of and streiiKth, and" he wo^knLnNhTp' will^louTl't C,t?:,ploycd11110 of t!l" be8t 'luwlity, ensuring «reat durabiiily LADIES' znA (iPNTl u wu! v, !\V° u,ly cqual u* ol)ta,nablo tn the provinces. furnished on the ahwtest notice, BU01S and sHOES, m every variety, and all article* in tho home-trade man^actureTwhichV^v" lowcrt pow»ible'CpHcM. aesor'mcnt of B0OTS SHOES of English R | P A I R S N H A T I, Y EXECUTE I). C L E D DA U BREWERY, im .9 BRIDGE STREET, HAVEREOIiDWEST, O E O It G E M. GREEN. W.U w MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. GHEEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUJY STUEm HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LAWKS" SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIJIE, 1 Ili\JVES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND L A \V E. S DISSOLVED BONES. j PER U VIA N G U A NO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. dB TO SUNDAY GEO. M. HAMMER^ AND K°?m fFL{', INVENTOR, and MANUFACTURER of the iv. if UU,Ai>KAN1' n,ul UUYAL (Patent) SCHOOL-DESKS & SKA7 S. DAY-SCIIOOT im f!,f!V0,Vbui° a hl°P°d 1)esk» Table, and Bucked Seat tor Lectures, &c Jvii OV/UUUL, Illuj.tratcdCatJoBuoolUc.ks, Scavs,, Galleries Easels, Blackboards &o. MAMAPUnc' 0S eel wopeiice. 1 lie Methodist College, Belfast, and a larjre number ol other AVJJi IX J5. Lollefje^ and Schools have tieei: fitted by (J. M- U. 108, ST, MARTIN'S LANE, CHARING CROSS, LONVON. W.C.. — FLINT & Co., ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial Inquiry Offices, 58, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. Oiru sysforo of Dobt Collecting is much approved- r It eg is te i*fl and Reference t0 Correspondent3 at oace show Dcbtot'a ability to pay. 2—No Spending good money aftir bad. a-Special facilities In County Courts. 4—Judgment against Debtor in twelve davs.. I .')— Attcndaneo to prove debt unnecessary. Ii-Commission, 5 per coot, under X20, "2l per cent above. i-Prompt Uomittanccs. NO riCH-tn this Ollioe, a debt, after application is made, is not left to die a natnral (Icbt. 1 rompt, dlicicnt., alld voluntary advice is givun to Subscriber as to best moans of recovering same If in j ndon, a clerk waits upon hun (m the country by p >st,) and obtains Irom him such instructions as. will p. aileus to recover dobt without any further trouble to Subscriber, and without any attendance ol Sub3erihi r be ug necessary. ""uacriotr Acidity qf Stomach, Sicic-headacht, Indigettion, fa, dMWW0H'S PATENT COMPRESSED SOQj DROCKEDON'S PATENT COMPRESSED POTASS', THE FAMOUS BEMtDIBS FOR INDIGESTION, ana are uni versally acknowledge* to be the mi is!, etfective, beeauso wiey combine with the eastric juice and tho food, and thus neu- tralise the excess ot acid in the stomach. Kojtes, Is & 2s. 6d.; or by post, is. id.$is. Sd. Of all Chemists. Newbery A Sons, 87. Ntiwimto-strnet. St., PnulV. Ty>ndou. THE EYES! THE EYES!! THE EYES! YOTItt SIGHT. Spcctrtclcs rendered useless. All ivMnv IS51? cuFed by,UF,inK 11r- HALL'S PATENT EXK ,CUI S- <Jnn, be U8pd effectively without the nid of 04 terags5ji^isai!ga,aar*1" to Mr. J. Villa, C lielierter. ECONOM Y IN MOURN INa~ ONB FOLD of KAY & RICHARDSON'S Now Patent ALBERT CRAl'E is as THICK ns TWO FOLDS of ina old make, is MOOH CHBArKR, and WEARS BETTER'! Sold by Drapers everywhere. kb- THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' A PURE TEA COMPANY, BY THEIR APPOINTED A6ENTS Supply THE Public with TEAS CHOICE, PURE, AND UNADULTERATED, 0 At the lowest possiblo prices. 0 BLACK.—ChotM and pnre, in amber wrappers, nt 23. per lb. Do. 110.- First crop Tel1, in oransc wrappers, at, 2s. 6d. per lb. MIXED.-r-Flnest Mixed Tea. in chocolate wrappors, at 3s, per lb. GREEN.—Finest Moyune Green Tea, in liKhu-trreen wrappers, at 3a. 6d. per lb. INDIAN.-ARRam Indian very flne Black Tea. in dark blue and Rold wrappers, at tx. fid. par 11.1. In pnokets of lib., AIb., :lb., and 'lor. and in cBniRtcrs of "ths.. Each packet bears trade mark, name, ft price. Be careful to obtain tlio FUlir. Tea Company's Teas. Wholesale Depot: Geotgo F. Smyth. Mnnatfor. DENMAN street, lowpowbribse, S.E. COCOA, MANILA, JM jOU MSTTlHGS,- A „ HEMP CAHPETS. COCOA MATS. Applyjto E. SHKPHEKD « SONS. Unrton. Westmorplnnd. m HE CITY CLOCK COMPANY, r*- 7. Cullum-street, Ijondoiw supply ovory rJe^cnp^ion of tflocKa (with a two years' warranty) at one third below tho iwnaiprictw. List* post, froe.—G. P. Wohlon. TCntd. 1H.V.V PAPRH Collars. Wrists, Sr. Fronta, foe fiudien <fe G^ntlemoo SAMPLES SENT for 6 STAMPS, With Iltnstrnte.' KDWARD TANK. M»8. HU'h HoifHiin, T.nn.l^n. W.r;. DRTHAYWRO'S NEW DISCOVERY: The Treatment a.nd mode of Cure. HOW TO USE BUCCESSFOLLY, WITH safety and success, in ftll cages of wealr«| iiess, low spiriw. (lone Y, languor, sraacolar debility, i<w« of .treiiRth, rppetite, Sc.. tfc. WITHOUT MEDICINE. or rcco><r*e to vninab ficd men who praetfiv &aat' ina Art." tniih-mt tenve sr ,'rr**f^ IM Full -prin'tM in*t,>uc>;vit*, diajrum*. «« £ JVT valiJr, pasf tree, tiro nfuinpt. from Dr. HAYWA.RD. M.R.C.S.. US.A. to- So. 14. York-street. Pnrtr.un'^nnr^. l«nocton» »■ Agent; "V li, K-LLt, CUsmitL >v«8t^ ASTH MA, 'GIUQUEI.'S ANTI-ASTHMAl'lOAI. PAPKU & CIGARS." Prepared by a first-class Pansuin chemist. I.nrtfo l»ox..<, :;s.; small, 1R. 0<1. To be obtained ot all ( lienii«is, and of I" Mewbery anil Son". X7. N^v^te-reet. Iav^oh. 0 rimo'ss^, ELASTIC stockings^ X SURGICAIj UE1.TS, .liANV>At.n^, .vc. Illustrated Price sent on application. K-n/ih i-hrd 1KW.) E. J. MNDSKY. A l! )!t<)UtJH, LONDON. BRt STOWS —— PURE COAL-TAR SOAP TJKODOCES A CLEAR, SOFT, AND j- HEALTHY SKIN, rcmovo* prupUt us, blotcb«K, cluips. Clcansefl, purifier, prevents contagion,nn<1 preserves For Toilet* Bath, Nursory, and Sick-rcv)in. In tablets 11 1., and 8a.» snd boxes is. Gil., of all Wvvntafcs, IVnfumow, Ac, CAtmoTi!—See yon sret BRIS rows." NT Wholesale^ un^ {f< ns v*. Tn^nnM^iK. 8~ E ND Y OUR ADD RES S ~T O Albert Mendelssohn, (i, FettT-la-ie. I/ni.lon, K.C., for a list of WHAT YOU CAN HAVK I'Ort ONE SlIIbUXG. 011 POST FREE FOIt 13 STAMPS. STEEL.'S GOUT PtLLS ARE the certain remedies for Gout and Rheumatism, mid never fail to cure. Is. ijd. and 2s. »! of Ml Chemist*, and F. W. Steel, 283, Liverpool-roa«l, Londnn. N. Wholesale of New- bery and Sous, :t7, Me\vvati;-si,r.'er„ H.C. NOV ELTIES1 CHRIST IVI AS. A ltEAL Pnck of Onrds In^tanUy cSvanjjn t*o a lady's handkerchief, 30 stamps.—1rue Wizard'a ]iox, containiii* lo cxcelUmt tricks apparatus avid inst ructir-nx. 14 nt-nupt. The Mavic INu sc, which n«» one can open but, yomweU, 7 Rtamp^. Tne lUstovod and Ohnnn.-iMo Card, truly mai'vellons, mechanicn!. 30' stamp*. The Mechnnicnl Picturc Frame, very effective. :0slumps. Catalogue r.fredn^*4 now r»>adv, will he forwnraed post free.—HAM Mi VS MAGICAL DHPOT. xn. High liolhorn, W.C. Kstwblisheil ALGONIC ON BALM. CREFYDO'S NEW REMEDY. Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout, Tie, Lumbatro, Seiatiea, Stiff Joint!>, Spraius. Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Stiff Necii. Muiu Faceache, Cramp, (iliilblains, &c. To De had of the Wholciule Acents-Sanger and Sons. 150, O-r- ford-street F. Nesvbary and Sous. S7. Newgate-streci.; W. Edwards. 38. Old Chanire; Barclay and Sons, M5. Famntfdou- etreet, London; nnd of all Chemists. ce 40. 6& Iu hall-pint bottles (authentic le.stimoiu&la encloaedl, ti SAFE and Easy EXTERNAL CURE for CHILBLAINS, Clear as water, no smell, no pain. Forwarded with testi- monials post tree, on receipt of fourteen peace in stamps bv JOHN C. rOQLEY. Chemist. Kith. FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ia now tbe number of inmates in the EARLSWOOD A S Y LTJ M FO It I MOTS. Redhill. Surrey. Tiie Committee earnestly APPEAL for increased FUNDS towards the support of this laru{s nn £ helpless, though not hopeless, family, VEUt' iil.Av* CLAIMS ABE NOW DUE. A THANK-0¥FRUING lroni every family ha"t!y exempt, from oierital afflictioa woulc fnriiisli ftmpie funds u> ir.e t the finer^ency. — Bamk £ Bs: 'X'ue London Joint R;ch jt.Uiji. Prinoes-street, E.U. JAMES ABB1SS. TreBsnrer. Office: 29, Poultry, E.C. WILLIAM NICHOLAS, beo._ CIGARS DIRECT" FROil BOND, in Rood coft- ditiot, from lis. ttri. per 100. Hirh-c'.ass 1'; I jja.180. All brands Bupplied at EQUALLY j f -i ou'r. I'nec ii«t tree ou appliciition.—Cti-' i'lNG-f— Li GSlS? N< '■ Private Housos. Clri&lier Oondsctor fas 1 Bells Sited in private trujjdl; It u D^" OWN Ali D'S° qaie^ty fiovd Tront ait wvsrbb'-ir eroptifr,&. JWWW ifdnebs. piiijplcK, chaps, mid a, pre- ifdnebs. piiijplcK, chaps, mid a, pre- served by l5own&x<r& Cini&unf*. Ot all cnciri^u, At Is. iu 0d., and 4s. 6d. Tc^t froe for 2s. ui feUmpa, ot Rouw %r.d Co.. 12, N"E"WB"Eiv £ 'B FALLADTCMCHESTPEOTBC ^TOR cap dow '»>"• had o[ all -.S- -.=-=-=-=.==-= t nVTl,AV',I,'s C\TdKliilAL KKSl'OitviM'iS I rilE WDrks (jf Roritofafi(*v and Repair which ha r { I been oariiod on dnring the last tiro years, Civ 3 I prise tbe tWoiigh restoration of the Tower tfieChr, I with its Aisle?.; a third of the N ive; and ibe Dial I "igo of the whote iu.Mding. These several worl- I eating bctr-'eeri "if"hteen and nineteen th"uIIP, j Pounds, bftYe absorbed all tbe old Subscription*, v, fe J e exception of Mr Traherne's beunest of | not yet due, and the Bishop has in consequence I'? an appeal f.ip new Subscriptions, to compic e I,8 Restoration of the Nave, its Aisles »nrl t'a Tmnsept.. The cost of this is eStiflaated by Mr Scott at 112.500. J 1 he Secretaries will ehpiiv <>n aop'ication send any one a copy of Mr Gilbert Scott's Second Repoit -nowmg what has been efFected, and what works o" a pressing natwro still rhraain to be done; and will also thankfully acknowledge any Sub«criptios • I which mRy be male. The following Donations hare been already pro. ~M3^d for the work remaining to be • — m VKprshaw' Rs1- Warwick 9 v Mrs Kershaw, Warwick 1 ittv A. J.N,l Green (fira sub,oripti,,r) IRe. John Hughes, Vicar of Penally atid), rebendary of St David's (2nd donation) 5 p6V o oncF> ^'sbopston, GUIIVM "insblre 5 l> ev Secrotan Jones, Oystermouth, Glamo-. ganshire 5 The Lady Llanover 25 0 1? 8 T^nv" ^aitlo ID 10 ev J, Phelps, Carew (second donation) JO 10 Rev J. Jones, Llatiflhangel Genau'r Glyn (second donation) t 5 Oeorge Uaugh \ll n, Esq," Tem" ie '('aetond donation) jo q Mrs Pnynter, Pembroke /5 (, Mrs W. H. Reed, Pembroke ,5 0 Mrs Loach, Pembmke 2 1 Her H. S. Blink, Pembroke. 0 f. T. Mansell, E?q, Pembr >ke 1 q L. P. Gibbon, Esq, Pembroke 4> 1 w. Ilulm, Esq. Pembroke .J 5 q W. 0, ITulm, Esq, Pembroke J j 0 Esq, Pembroke it W"bbon, Pembroke 5 q P* Tbomo8, Pembroke 2 Wr Hitching, Pembroke George J ones, E«q, Pembroke s 3 Joneq, Pembroke Nlill o 3 0 JrW.WiUiams, Pembroke 2 Messrs Davies and Pratt, Pembroke 1 1 Mr Warl°w, pembr,.ke 2 2 R. M. Jones, Esq, Pembroke l i w Ihomas, Esq, Grange Hall, Pembroke.. 0 10 Mr G. Barrett, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Betfdoe, Pembroke 2 2 Mrs Morris and Son, PerabVo'ke 0 10 Mr Edward Tracey, Pembroke 0 lrt JJr ',w«Ph Powell, Pembroke 1 )o Mr C. Elsdon, Pembroke o jfj i.r H. Thomas, Pembroke 0 1 U Mr J nmes, Lion Hotel, Pembroke 0 lo 11rsJ,^>wen, Savings Bank, Pembroke 1 10 Wr 1. Richards, Pembroke 0 lf» Mr Burehell, Pembroke I o Mr Lowless, Pembroke 0 io Small Sums, by Rev J. Alien JJ 1 5 MrR Roch, l'aèkeston (second donation) 10 0 t ^>as^e8ton (2nd donation) 10 O jj *"(?ri8on» E«;q, Portrlew 5 0 p and Mrs J°ne3» Carmarthen 25 0 1. White, Eoq) Tenby (second donation) 10 0 VJOI. \ovle, lenby » ]0 0 Rev G. Huntnigton, Tenby 5 0 Rev J. Hearn Poppelwell, Tenby 2 O Rev E. F. Willis, Tenby 0 ;« Mrs Ilowells, Tenby$^ J. Gwynne, Esq, Tenby (first donation) 3 3 C. W. R. Stokes, Tenby I 0 G. Chater, Esq, Tenby 2 2 Mrs Girardot, Tenby 2 t. Colonel Onslow, Tenby .o 2 0 Mrs Onslow, Tenby 1 0 Miss Puxlev, Tenby 2 0 Mr James Rogers, Tenby 2 fi Captain Rees, Tenby 1 1 Captain Evans, Tenby 1 9 Two Sums orFivoShmingmttch. o j(i Mr C. Allen (in Photographs of St. -David,p) Tenby r Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby •> o Mr John Phelps, Tenby n 1 Mr E. Saies, Tenby Mrs Hughes, Tenby !1" 1 1 Kr John Thomas, Norton, Tenby 1 f Sir W. Walkinton, Tenby J } Mr Thomas Mnrchant, Tenby 1 1 Vlr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby 7 f R. Lascelle8, Esq., Croft, Tenby j n I. T. Uawksley, Esq., Caldy, Tenby 5 o Hev G. W. Birkett, St Florence, Tenby r) II Messrs Johr. Harvey and Sons, Haverford- west (second duration) 10 10 The Welshman Newspaper JO 10 The Brccoii County Times 10 q The Western Mail H) o The Tenby Observer ] 0 0 The Cambria Daily Leader 10 0 The Pembrokeshire Ilera d It) 0 U G. Allen. E<q., Lincoln's Inr., (stcoc.d Donation) o.o 1 n Mrs Mirehouse, The Hall, Angle, Pembroke 10 0 ihe Eailol Cawdor, (second lonation) 200 T. U. Scourfield, Esq., M.P. (2nd donation) 100 0 n k8<l'Mnnk Orchard, Surrev 5 W Lol. LloVd, Lillosdcn, Kent ,r> p llenry Leach, E^q.,Gorston 10 0 Mrs Bayne, (second donation) 2-r 0 Miss Lobson, Penally, (second donation) 5 0 Messrs Richard James and Son, Haverford ■ west 5 H. Rees. Esq., Llungranog, Newcastle Emiyn 1 Rev William Edmunds, Rhostie Rector Abfrystwyth 2 0 Rev John /elis, Llanilar V. 2 0 Rev J. Tombs, Burton 10 9 Messrs Powell, Mathias,aiid Evans, Haver- west JQ f Wm Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Havo- ford west gQ J. W. Phillips, Etq Uock Collage, ditto 5 0 Messrs Greenish and Dawkins, Market street, ditto 6 0 Rev rhomas Horn, Haverfordwest (8eeolid donation) j ^>nrSc Horn, Haverfordwest 2 Miss Eminent and Miss Gvyther, iiii to 2 *Jr T 'v Bridge street, ditto 1 Jr John I hilhps, Castle Square, ditto I Mr Stephen Green, High street, ditto (spcond donati-.n) 1 Sr street, Ilaverfordv est I Mrs Philpott, Oastle Hotel, di to 1 JuIkn '/WW. Esq., Bank, ditto J m. J hn, K-q. Vi.toria Place, cktto 1 M r8 Potter, High street, ditto ] \!r I/ F" street 1 Mr RieharrlI Williams, D-w street, ditto 1 Mr Jampg Davies, Victoria Placc, ditto. 1 v, ,°n.n Rrown. Maiketstreet, ditto 1 Mr I. Baker, High strie*, ditto p M!?w irr<,en„'ind J"hn- Quay street, ditto «« W1"iarn Hood, Hieb street., ditto f' Mr E H. Ellis, Dew street, ditto 0 ""1 Mr Wilham Sanders, Castle Goal, ditto 0 essrs F. ar,d J. JAoyd, Dark street, ditto 0 rederick Weiohol:, Esq, La*jghaf&e •• 2$L t' lj' £ P< Lewis, Esq, (second ionotiot.) 10 !■ Key. R. Lewis, Lampeter Velftey (second f'li donation) ( John Beynoo, Esq, jun Trewern J r. li. O. Powell, Esq., Wyngron ft Howard S. Morgan, Rill), Tcgfynydd 5 0 Rev. D. Jones. L)andHei!io. 3114 Uev T. R. J. Laugharne j i Rnv W L. Bevnn, llav, Urec:»n 5 ft Mrs Dyneley, Tenby g q Rev. J ]) illianis, Brecon (2nd donatu.n) 10 (> Rev. K. E. Allen, Porthkerry FI Q Rev. E. B. Squire, Swansea 5 Ohaile.s Bath, E q. Swansea 25 Oontribtitio > th<> p„; ,^h of'st. Bride's per Mr Wm. Roberta Mi Jenkins, Castle Squa e, iI. West T* Mr J. M:\eken, Itydur ;>. r.>d. L- < 11. II, Vnujjhen, Ksq., Upton C ) J. Thirlwnll, Esq, Abergwili 0,,1. W.Uiam Slater, Ciieli^nh" A friend, by Miss N'elbev i donation Rev. J. H, Morgan TheDear of Baui<r,r D J. JolFrevsi t'fttq..6lLli., Collect.-n fit Uandigwydd, by Rev. Lewis „ nt Li;.nelly Ohurcfi, ltcv i> T. Perkln.i, M.revla. Sydney" 'Vh»)*r '\Z"m B K ^ml.cote' btiti«n of 'Oic.heeter fc, :1 ,¡ I i\ J, wnw: y Mci-r. HX-i ..y..■