Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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ACCIDENTS VUIX HAPPEN!! ^'rovi(k- aguiiist the losses lliut fuliuw l>y Lil.jii^ a Policy AQAINST ACCLDENTS OF ALL KIND3, OF THE Railway PASSKNGKRS ASSURANCE COMPANY. and Largest AC^IDEX'TAL 1 NSUJ.IANLE 'U.Ml'ANY. Hon A. Kiumrf, M.P, Chairman. ai'l tip Cnpiinl *nd Reserve Fund £ i(50,01)0. An ""a! Income, £ 180,0.iO. Compensation Paid £ 915,000 "ous ItlIOWl'd to In.urers ref FIve Yi'¡\r,' S!anding. T^PP'y to the Clerks at tlic lUilwuy Stations, the g°C!" Arcwb, or 4,cOKN'HILL,& 10, R EG IN T S T li K F T, LONDON VVIL!M T. VIAN, Secretary. A°ent lor Haverfordwest: Mr [1. HARIiAM, Railwav Station. peoples edition M SPKCIAL 'jMEDFOAIj WORK.. I/Y Drt HFNKY SMITH. NOW READY—FitK1C BD.TION. J" P^t, in envi-lopo, one stamp (to pre-pay postape.) M^BILIT ATI \'G DISKASRS; their CAUSK and It? CLRK A WARN1SO VOICE TO YOUTH t(/Nt> MANHOOD By HENRY SMITH, M.D ,«f 0, ^°yat UnirorMty of Jer.rt, Auih^rof "Too Vol- MnTHiiil," The Warning Voice," &o. This •8j°'k gives l)r Smith's Treatment (the result nf Twenty t| 1 yourg spec.ia| practice) for the Cur" of nil Diseases of J|^e^ous system, Nervou-Debility, Mental & Physi- h1 Depression Palpitation ol the Heart, Noises in th. Ke*<1 & Ears, Indecision. Impaired Sight and Memory, h'f.'Sestiun, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Bark.Consfi- Jjj'lc!n. Blushing. H-t"m. Timidity, belT-di*frust, ?, Lore o' So od-, aroondWs tear". Muscu- lo Uel«,Hl:0' &<• r^.u-irifi 'rou <■' Powtv, the ettVc- o* rt-.xe't E"<-r.ti |» ,ng Ha!>it,« and' o-h'-r i't of (he j_v, ^KU-ct. d, *.««» pr'-ir- d eli-:e Hurt d ••Ji IN 3 mum ION AS !> PRESCKlP !•> -S. *»iti8trated with 1'fBti n^t'i •, «rom crateful >e■ is td '"eans of Cu*e use't •• «-e. A'«r> AuVlCh *WtJUNG MEN ON U: JECTrf <iF GKkAl" !M if,Ul'ANCK. Sent free by post on receipt of one "amp. is '» a work which every young man ehou-d lo*U- J he moral lone which pervade' e<ery page with udvico in invaluable, especially when coming 1,1 the pen „f a physician whoso success has wvci, „'4 Place amongst tin* eminent Specialists of the "•litmini; Chranifie. Y»r^Tho ;i=arid. By p a.-ven stamps in envelope' W/OMAN; Her Duties Relations, and Position. r> V Subjects treated: Girlhood, MaidenLoi-d, b'UrMiiu VUniane, Motlurbood, Female Educatioi IL.ti tli, Fo iiali' Hvfticne, Domestic Medicine, a* &< It is » treatise on subjects of vual import- kj'* 'o Woman. ."VJTU ully ILLUSTRATFI) WITH Er.GRAVINOS ON •« l. ^Uu is an extremfi; w»U- r rittea arni fftogt in- »b,H work, evincm a tb rough mattery ot iik • J'ft, anil ct !'t«ini"fr 111-o ii.Oe-t vftl'.i-v. lo si>iiti>>i r W mv)n,| "—/y(,„<» Review, Jut.e V.7. 18<4- iat" U U. SMITU.o, Burio 'Jresccnt, Lo» 11 • Vf.c. ^^S\JLT A LONDON 1MIY?KTAN BY LEITER >V, WITHOUT FEE. J 1 H. SMITH, the Eminent Specnui-t for Hk vi, C!e ol ttli debilitiiUiijf ai'd contagious di.«ea>.8 Qa! P,)H TUB BENEFIT or COUNTRY i-AiiitNT3 WHO tSf0T consult himfeu onali-t, on receiving des v. Ption o( tiiei. case, send hia opinion, with a>>- t0 •«<i directions <or the most succcsslul rj.-t. ration iknd vigour DrH. S nith, Bnrton CreRCtn1. L^ndof,W.l. | rO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. tt KEAD TriE u SECRET FRIEND." PUIS VVonderfu\ Medical Guide not only gives the «Bn fause. but shows how n permanent euro can be «f ct«din all cases of DcbUity, Im pression -Pa. Blirtt,, Timidity, Impaired sighl and Memory, I>edps 'n the back, L;iesitudc, Spennatori oea, Jm- 'J'ents to Marriage, Stricture,Secondary Sytnp.oms. Ij.11 Veneical Disease0, without the n>e <f Merct.ry v riles*8 txptiicTivc in treatment ol al* I»1V 'leases has ciialled him to trcjit the niosi y. cases with marked success. TUis raluuhle Ij. THE SECLtET FKIENI)," is illustrated with *>, l,e«>U8 CHsts and iet.tin.oviia,s from Patients cx- »(0rSsi,1Kiheir deepest gratitude for having been re- •red 'o health and manly vigour. fc, *° 'be married and single this book is invaluable, ta, l^st iree secure from observation on receipt ol 0 RIiunp< J>a^ Address, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdalo Square ^aburj', London, N. Important to Country Patients. BARNES ma-be cons'.ilted personally or by II)r llttei I in all pi i/are and coi Sdential cases and C T benefit of Nervous sufferers who cannot visit C'hu »i 1, on receiving a desciption of their c,e *W« ,Mn8 a stamped ciivel'pe for reply, be read} to trjh :s "pinion upon the nature of tbe case, and b< ^tir^'P'^5 of trea mcnt necessary to t ITcct a perfec Address, I)R. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, London, N. F°& THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.S e D- ufe a joiiomv, cbap. x i. *-rse '23.—Ci-rWe« ^,(,r ^lived Blood Mixture—Trade Matk, —•' B.ooti ^eS,Lnre 'he *reat B' od P<mti r r.uo »1| Cr, for cleansing and clearing tbe b.ood from pUr'ties, cannct t-e t o highly recrnr.mertoed for i i8 la> Scurvy, fki.'< Di ea-<, nnd Sores ol a'l knui> ? r^ever failing and [ermanent cure. Cures Old Sores Cures Ulcerated Sorts on the neck tlores Ulcerated sore legs ^ures Blackheads or piuipks on the face t'ureg Scurvy sores Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures Blood and skin diseases Cures Glandular Swelling* Clears the Blood from all impure Matter a From whatever cause arising tuig mixture is pleasant to ibe taste, and war Cj. 6ti Iree fmm anv thing ii jurions to tbe most deli* «0« c°i'»>iiUmon ol' sex, the proprietor bolicit# ij>rtr« to tive it a liinl to test i■ s value. thousands ot Testimonials trom all parts «i* t- in hollies f- 6d ( «ch, and in ca-<c8, containing H'e quantity, iU cuh-^fficent. tot fleet a cure in the s:reat in j nt} «r ^anding all Chemists and Pa'ent Medicine\cndors s«l.t Ijout the United Kingdom and tbe woild, or 'oai.y address on receipt oi 3D or Siamp» by • J •! LARK ft, Chemist, H gh Street, Lincoln RftU Wholesale AllPa'ent Medicine i-otises. uv,1^ l»y G. Harriet, Chemist, ai d Vv. If. Re«, ^<^0ldwrst.. i>k1^ I UUE HER 15A L Si EDICINE. DK Thojuos'S II}TlJ' 'ORATING PILL: art! it w-.U 10,OWll cei- |edj (or lumoago, gravel ins in the b; Ron; bcadacbc. dtprcs;ion ot spirits, rheumiitisi Hie k?'lsobHrg»-8 ol all kinds, piles, and all uii'eutioii- ol ^Pnr» KtyB a,ld bladder. All diseases arise from l»0*if e «»»ood and weakness. 'I'lu se Pills cleanse and J^t'e ( e fluids, remove general or lo-al dei iliiy, give stomaef, restore I he spirits, enrich the l^e 'riniP.a,t energy and vivacity, eradicnte every J1'oVe (!isuw, r.n.t iiM'gf.iale the whole system '-f? w>nil>'Ri"t, hi'wever riralent or 'ong etuudirig. *^jp jr<l instant relitt and et>c dv cure 'i'be dauy iosj(j testimonials from men and women in every *0*6 P,n ''lef who hiivt beer; cur!:d of M'in crupiions, i*18.' °'cers, and scurf on the henl, sore throat, ft(!dpQ *^e neuralgia, epilepsy, stone in the *CcoUt', ll"ea: e of the kidneys,&e., !<y their use. and ^htn .s. of snrprisiiig rscnvines for severe illness Lpther medicines and doctors hai! (ailed !• s THOMSON to publish their virtues, in ',0P<vthet b!< swings so great may bo more l VL ffU8ed aad app^Uted. Price ls.ljd ,2s9d., tcr box. (To L'ri.uxt tbe PuM'C iioui" Imi- »!le ^Or Maje>tv,« ''cn>mis-'oii< rs hate orJend •JjVed UA,'pti TtlOM>ON, LONDON, to be tm- J,1,1 white letters on fL? <jo»ernmi nt S!:n< p Ilk to i,nitnte which is felony and *ill V, So;d b> .l Cliemists in the vcrhl HU! direct, packed piiv.i'eiv in a letter, on r» 14, <J3, or 54 stun ps by l)r 'I liO.UotiN. 0I hce iioad, Kentish '] ovu. London. Foui Bbnr °Ur cured my paiux u» t.tto bad, vvf.iiti ,t)r ior many \fc.irs HM." I tried the %»' K. •• 'be bi,rU ihey curcd rne in a lew hoi; k*J>U0l) 1 bnU been troub ed lor ye:irs with ai. g „ ^bc face. Your PiiisihH\e quite cured "I have Mev;r had ati J;tt'l<-k of gO:il I '<! cu'r'j 8'r,^e 1 used your 1'ilis. W. Jje.ris," Tbe; leS tliU" ,su'k headache aod bdiious I'tiack1- gt0" The paius in th- nack art quite eitsu now- J- VVeiu. Kvcry sufferer, th^^th may ba, is fidvi. >'j to uy these twurauce that thiiT li^ust find I\H. ITUNTEH'S Spccial Lectures to Young Men J on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND 11 API'Y' MAJiUIAGKS.—Vbeu to marry, with ttAPPY MAJiUIAGKS.—Vbeu to marry, with advice to those who contemplate iiiarritige, pointing out certain impe'lime-nth v, hid. rend. r n arried li e unhappy, an^ direct ions for their speedy removal. .Shor)d be rend !:)! who value health, strr.-n^tli, and m:i»!'{»o'(, and v. i. b to al.faiii a happy old ago.— Post 1 f' ce on receipt, of t. -tumps.—Address. Secretary, I jslil-tite of Anutomy, Iiirniinyh.ii!>. I Universal Patronage. I Let all sufferers from general or local disease takeho-,irt and follow in the \ral.e of thousands who ascribe their rc:tornti0:J of heaJtli to the use of Holloway's Oimtmknt and PILLS. Rheumatism in tlio muscles or joints, gouty pains, neuralgic tortures, cramps flnd spasnicdic twitches depart under the ell e" employment of theÆ. noble remedies. Bad leps, all kinds of wounds, ulcers, sores, hurns, cutaneous inflammations, are quickly ooaquerad. The reputation Holloway's Ointment and Pills have acquired throughout the habitable Globe should induce every afflicted pcreon to give them a fair trial before despairing of relief or abandoning hop Scorbutic Humours,-Scald Heads and Skin Diseases. Reorbntic humours arise from an impure state of the blood, and in most cases the tiver and ftomacb are the organs at fault.—These Pills will speedily restore them to a healthy action; ■while the Ointment, if well rubbed into the afflicted parts at Iraat while the Ointment, if well rubbed into the afflicted parts at Iraat twice a-day, will soon cure any case of skin disease. SoldiaM, snllors, and miners use this famous Ointment in all parte of the world. Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throats, Coughs, and Colds. This Ointment will cure, when every other means have failed. It is a sovereign remedy for all derangements of the throat and chest. Settled coughs or wheezing will be promptly removed by rubbing in the Unguent. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. — Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. It is surprising how quickly a sore, weer, or wound, deprives the body of strength and unfits it for the duties of life, and it is no less wonderful to watch the effect of Holloway's Healing Ointment, when it is used according to the printed directions, and assisted by appropriate doses of the Pilla. Gout and Rheumatism. Will be cured with the greatest certainty if large quantttiM of the Ointment be well worked into the afflicted parte. This treatment must be perseveringly followed for some time, and duly assisted by powerful doses of Holloway's Pilla. Thece purifying and soothing remedies demand the earnest attention of all persons liable to rheumatism, gout, sciatica, or other painful affections of the muscles, nerves, or joints. Piles, Fistulas, and Dropsical Swellings. This incomparable Ointment is earnestly recommended to all suffering from, or having a t«mfa»flj to, dropsy. The worst cases will yield in a comparatively abort space of time when tllis Ointment is diligently rubbed into the parts affected. In all serious maladies the Pills should be taken to purify the blood and regulate its circulation. Both the Ointment and Pillg should be used in tho following complaints:— Bad Legs Corns (Soft) Scalds Bad Breaats Fistulas Sore Throats Burns Gout Skin Diseases Bunions Glandular Swellings Scurvy Chilblains Lumbago Sore Heada Chapped Hands Piles Tumours Contracted and Stiff Rheumatism Ulcers Joints Sore Nipples Wounds The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor HOLLOWAT'B Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London; also by nearly orery respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the CivlHaed World, in Pots and Boxes, at Is. l$d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., Hi., Mc., and 33s. each. The smallest Pot of Ointment contaias am ounce; and the smallest Box of Pills four dozen. Toll printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Bex, and can be bad in auy language, even in Turkish, Arabic^ Innwilan, Persian, or Chinese. Ko. 18-1. r|lIIE mo it ciTcctlva for C" JL ASTHMA, and o'-heL .iiTec^ions of iho Lu'j Mo treatment l^ss & |J sxpensive. —^TTTV'?. ? Tbone prcprw —\ rations contain ordj dr-igu wliish «''e known to cure Q V'-1'» 'iJl—A*!hma. Ko treatmont mire easy to follow. (!'• in nil'iiliar) U. 9J.; l'apor Hi ;,(#>«,. o !) 1, (!N pieces) 4s. 6-1. Afi'!KSL'13YftH3' El'XSP.VSTIO PA.PEB.-Tho most con- fOiiient |T.>!>ir:v ii:i fo" V nn ,vin I'Vin wutr. If '.V:ii-i i« k Rros.. P- N' ■w'li'-v -ei t >_h. a^ I ati' -r1 DRESSI NG THE "PALL IvlALL" DRESSING BAG, wrrn THIRTY ROl.Il) SILVER & IVOIIY Fl lTINGS, Folt LAUY't OR (IKXTI-iiJIAN'S USE. Price .Ell lis. METOAL^ A-ND. CO., IXVSX'ORS AND SOLE MAKP.K*. 19, COCKS PUB STBUET, LONDON, S.W. 11 iii-vr I>| jrn Tji .t. nf ,l.>u-IWy. fic, post, frr^. Jo '• '"cf.dv ISmo. n<»limred wr iyjiur, freo. M-. NEW WORK u„ GOUr. By Dr. LAVILLE, <>f the FaoiiJty of ?Iedic!n", Pnri^. Exhibiting a iMirfectly ]«w, aorUii i, nnd i-afd lartbod of cure. Translated from tUo :>v Mr. F.riyhsh prleiitioMor. ,n I1. N'vivborv and S ins, 'w, IVewirate-street, K.O. OTI11 .liirPS' "WlNitf E A VI) i. FRAtU. OKTSTTlP'ttlOM renders toctli hmaJfullv w i te, ;uro->ti n T? 1,'cnv, and pre von' 1 LJ-— >- ''npart.a f' "P 1.s a lasHc? fraKrancp to the brentb, end a hcnlihl'nl bri!'i.ii..cj- to tbe riujis. In boxes, Js. lj t. nnd is. 9d.. of !*trl (Tv;n?; or by post for 15 or nH stains of W. ITiillifps, I'hain): cfuticn) ('liemtst, New-cross, liondon. v\*b"l"sale, TCewbcry & Sons, 37, Kew^ite-street, Loudon. B.(» ^f'ONEY.—A Gentle man is open to LEND iV 11. sLTIIS van-ins from to £ from & p/r cout. i-it'Test. ,i rea.M.t(ta,»'.o i^rsons tiii m tU"«r^ of hand nloa1?. far- -ir• ir • Stock Jrc. wiocvnt r mov:>l, life polici ■■>, u-ives. &e. 'l'ho „M),,ri-nv'd tiia? bo rept-id by easy lnsUumeiits, or «t the f ■« nf v>"ir< as vany »nit ibe Borrower. No Jaw w<t.R. ,if-s, r ■•oiC'-v in n-be r<-li»d on.— For further imnienl'irit d"iioin'i t.iid .iddi-.s^miil atate sin-iuut reij'iii-ed, to .iir. j. ''<U 'r"« S KiiiY-road. S-:auisea..u%u. Haate, who ivil r' ply per rBtun- N.'d. -i'hvi ad,vrtw:u uic la stuetly privatf, aud does not smaanM) from any Ijoan b-jcuty. — H.r.TTSTiiVn;i> VRIC:: LI.T ol' 1 AA B• itTii.DAY PRESENTS POST PI' i icpi-l.iu :Voveltins in Clocks. Watches, .Auc- r.,i < > < 'i.x-li T' n'it't'! t.fias, li«M an 1 Siioil Hold AI >ert» *i-i 'i uii^ •' it* i1 MI'• • m*»i.x^ i' £ iuiivn 01 •V-• \r »)' ••'■ J> ■> -A •••■ :;>1* proidltrj. w-ii/i v.i -tiia o •>: •• •• •' !•• a JUiE ijijWii&Y I>iKiiiCTaJ,y: for 1874, 8. c m!iii.i ;i;c r. >-i;; "i the Ci-s.-gy. wi.n li-ir Oogiees, &c., U'i of »!•••• ,'vi h their va::i> s. A'C. Him pi>^OH. :<■>. O-l., or ■!V j -'('li,,ii.^wtib '-1', Mich iMidnrn^Icuilno. ( A a u7af^jTIlo«csS^HiTvi NE Y PToceiI! I :\l> Mi;s)\t. ot rK"uiU;.SS. Vwn ia, th7. A I,!• A IS FOUD &(-••».. Glo-iec.-ter. # New I!Uvlr;i d (.ualo.iue no.v readv, pu-t fr> e. iUlii! E' ) V"AIi WBuLIN^TON' ESTA- 11. H- K. ■■ >;i..(•<• tt.. tl. R.n. by tlnrloa r.).. M -fit v\!a, \4Vll!»» £ :i/):i. ist.!io ni" :ii <r ] e.Mtn:ne •. l/n' 'riis of 4'J | r K.-v'.Ml Ai; r'l'KiU] V iA N MIXT(jTilif d.VI' *■' t- »> .-i ro-y«->y kt.owo. vurystipiTlorlob.*»!jsau» ,i <;■ >" u; !i ti u-i s;> *4v rur.'i, 111 »y ho )m>l ut :iil < UcrniF.U, oi oriKJ -'f i, N.-w C'iok.-ivkuI. Uhiv< «m. H t'.A'l'l') TlhVlJW CATALOGUES and 1 i L.; I in bet-t >'y!C. Ko Charge for Blocks to '\j, ,V '• x ■ TAbT.KTS, CUcnp, Bri'.liaut, and and -i> tneas on Apidu-ftion. V ^>ss. r,iOpsg;«te Avenue, lrfaid^a, F..C. IciENlC W. ii. )IEES, HAVEBFURDWEST. CBICKiS1 GRICKET CRICKET ] JAMES LILLY WHITE. FROWI), I.yAd co. t New Illustrate I Price .List for 187» is now reaCl" -411. will be teiit po:t. true to amy ai pli ant. Manufacturers of c.vavy .u-ti'^c nsed in Cnc;ot ana British Sports jfoueral i.v, of the best (jua'iity a-<d modorato prioe. Observe the address, f. yEWiypTON CAUSHWAY. LONDON. TTPPER ASSAM TEA COMPANY (Limited). %J — Ai-ents in all Provincial Towns for sale of iWam Te is direct fra»u lUo O-npaoy's Plantations. Priees per lb. is. fid., fid. For further partiC111ars apply to Head Depot, CD, Kins William stroafc, ly,:idon. Aitonts wanted. OUoTjj E "GOLTj ALiiEli'r C U A I N S, <qu;il in npp^nraiice to 18-carat RCid, will tv.'<«r a lifetime; post free for 5s. (iU. ant! Ts. fi t. 1k>ng ch.uns. 7". 6d. and Ids. 6d. Cluster<, set with Alaska diamonds3*. 6d.,5s. ed.. anA7s.0d.pinide stone lln^, Ss. Cd.; s-iae of Imj-'er obtiiinoil by cutting hole in card brooch, 1«. <1! earriug3, 4<. fid.; scarf pins, 2s. fid.; crosses, 2s.; necklet*. Us. 01.; iot'ket*, Ss. 6d.; sl-?2ve links, 2s. fid.; shirt studs, 2s.; solitaire?. 2s.; pencil case, 8s. (3d.; brnrr-'crs, 5s. fid.; scurf riiiv-'f- 2s. fif1.; Albert toys, 2s. fid. Post fiee. l*nce List freo. -W. 1' O LT, 35, All Saints'-road, WC't-h Mirne-purk, I O' tlon. W. NOTICE OF REMO ^AL. I METCALF AND CO., JEWELLERS. SILVi KsMITHS AND WATOHM AKBR8. DKE>SiytS:OAhB _& THAVKLLING-BAG MAKE 11$. Established at 8, 1-11 nlail, in the yeur IttSJ, have removed to their hew premises, 19, COCKSPUR STREET, LONDON, B.W. Visitors to London «re iovitcd to inspect their lar^e Stock, UTtitoble for presents, at very low prices. Kvcry nrticio marked in plain figures, and J«j ror cent, dlsconnt flowed for cosh. An Assistant, sent wit a goods for «cl^ctioi\ if do^ircd, in plain figures, and J«j ror cent, dlsconnt flowed for cash. All Assistant, sent wit a goods for «cl^ctioi\ if desired. | oatjC >guft y>$t free. ESTABLISHED 1812. H. AND T PROCI.'OR AGKICULTTJRAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, uluu INAL AIANUFACTUKKUS OF SPRCI ALLY PKEPAKED BONE MANURES. FUR GLIASY, CORN, ROOT, AND OTHER CROPS; ALIIO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,-CATHAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS—Mr G. Giiffitlis, Wine Merchant, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan „ J. N. Evans, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. Beynon's Brewery, Bridge Street, Haverfordwest. JAM E S ROC H, (Formerly Manager to the late Mr D. Lewis, Saw & Hatchet, Bridge Street, and z.' for the last three years in the employ of Messrs. Marychurch & Daw,) FA li M&FURN1S1IING IRONMONGER Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker, &c., BEGS to announce that he has commenced Business at the above place, and having just returned from the Birmingham, Sheffield, and other Markets, with a well selected Stock of Cutlery, Electro-plated Goods, Furnishing aud Builders' Ironmongery, Lamps, Paints, Colours and^Oils, Bar Iron Steel, Spades, Shovels, Fire Arms, Powder, Shot, Caps, Cartridges and Cartridge Cases, &c he is prepared to offer Goods which for quality and price will bear comparison with those of any other house. Purchasers can rely oubein* well served, and orders promptly executed. In soliciting a share of public patronage, he will use every exertion to went the confidence of all who may kindly favour him with a visit. < Seven and a half per cent, off for Cash, with the exception of Bar Iron and Cast Iron Kettles. ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMENTS GOT TO ORDER. J R wishes to call attention to his selfcttion of French and Half Tester Bedsteads, Straw and Flock Matresses Baths, Travelling Truuks, Toilet Ware, &c. Paints, Oils, Colours, Varnish, Slates, Bricks, Tiles, Laths, Nails, Locks, Latches, Screws, Hinges, Sheet Lead, Zinc Felt, &c. All kinds of old and new Tin Work done to order. THE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. LUITKA SPECTACLES AND ¥M GLASSES. Surpass Pebbles of the Finest Quality. rpflK obi cfion to lonnes made from Bra«ili»n pebbles is primarily because they polarize Ilgh», a qaality J mo^t injurious to tliecycs. The concentration of a large amountof heat in t|>e eyes will eventually re- *U'* THE°KUItKKA*°SPKCTACI<ES AND EYE GLASSES are manufactured on scientific principles, ground with tbe most precise scientific accuracy and arc »c>cnttfic«lly adapted to the eye?. Being entirely free fromdeeteriouft elements, ibe glasses never tire the eyes or make them acne. Thcv can be used with comfort and satisfaction equally well hy lamp or gas-liglit as by day-ugni. Theii durablenvss is p>e-einlner!t. While they preserve the "igM, their lasting qualities are sucn that requcnl changing, one of the niost dangerous of practices, is rendered onneoer»«ury. Eureka Neutral Tinted Spectacles and Eye Glasses Most effectually relieves the sensitive Eye from the distr essing ellects of strong light, natural pain or unpleaeantnesB results from the wear of WHITE LENSES, which Is often the oAse, however finet ta This beautiful invention absolutely confers the greatest ease and comfort; softening the light wlthoa obscuring it, and is really preserving to the eight. FOR SALE BY JOHN HARRIES, Wholesale § Retail Stationer, Boolcseller § Optician, HIGH STREET, (Opposite the Town Hall,) HAVERFOEDWSET. Concave Glasses for near-sighted persons. Spectacles to suit all eights, from One SMiling per pair. OIJ Olttsees re set, odd one1- matched, and peculiar sights suited. A Large Assortment of Telescopes, Microscopes, Stereoscopes, Kaleidoscopes, Reading ttiassea and Burning Glasses kept in Stock. Depot of the B.P.C.K., THE OBSERVATORY, MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST r T. J. W HIT E. Watch and Clock Maker, Jeweller, Optician, STATIONER, BOOKSELLER, &C., BEGS to announce that at the above Depot (which has born kept, at his Shop tor the last Ten Years) lie has now for Sale Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, and Church Sennas, in English and Welsh also Reward Books, School Books, Picture Cards, Reward Tickets, tract-, &c and th?t at the request of many of his Cuplovnt'rs he has added PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY, Consisting of Note Paper, Envelopes all sizes, Mourning Note I'.ijier and Envelopes all ii-na e Border; Steel Pens, Penholder. Pencils; Ink —let Black, Violet, and Cochran's brlf '*r.° Red, Marking Ink, Memorandum Books, Ruled Copy Nooks, Foolscap plain and ruled, t o Pa pel, Tissue Paper aU colours, Inkstands, Purses, Colour Boxes, Sealing Wax, Pen ;lId PUGkc Knives, &c. Bibles strongly bound, 6(1., 8d., and 101., ench, Testaments 2d and 2Jd each School Testaments with strong Metal Rims 4jd. leaver Books 2d, 2id, Bd, 4UI, (id eucli and upwards. Church Services, New Lectionary, from Is 4d to 15s each. Reward Books from one Farthing each to 7s 6d, Wntchas i\ J. W also begs respectfully to invite the attention of the Public to his Stock oi Clocks, Jewellery, Spectacles, and Eye Glasses, &c., the whole of which have been car Belected and many novelties recently added. y >e A three years'warranty given with each Clock and Watch sold. Horizontal, Levr. „ Duplex, and Repeating Watches. Cleaned, Repaired, and carefully timed, and correct p 'f guaranteed. Jewellery neatly and carefully repaired. Watch Keys and Glasses i-e Wedding Rings and Keepers, Engaged Rings, &tc. CARSONS' PAINT, r.y ntn MA-iTY TH-r. QUETN, frrtt Bflmsn GOVP,V,nm^T. j. Thr ( oi o' -al Oovf^mrnts, R nr-1 Canat. IHB INDIAN Govfhnment, *1HK ifrK?. (iyver^i.M, i oi, 1s. UION ^JA. > V.OOIV Oi' Tar -vn ,nv un (ii:N'i ia 1 "r ki",t.; nf O TT T ID OOB1 Y;R O IB, ^n. And is proved, nffT a te;;t of up»;i.rd? o! jcai •, f> • ii|) i- nti\ oi.« t Jitit. 1 i i Widens Rooftng, Park Fencing, Farm and other BuiMh. BricUes, Hurdling, Farm I'«r ( >' 03 Gates, &c.. *e., a.;t4 all exposed work, ofr<>'ti>.<r a Saving- of ric-i-e than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, find lasts twie* as Ions all (j"1\\lhw V.'liito r.r Illy "irr r*»'nN F-Id CAN BE LAID ON EY UNSKILLED LAUDIT- It is sold in a fine powder. AVill keep any Irtish of tim«. are necessary. It require* simply to be tnised with Oil MiNture,' according to DirccUOB* for Lse, ,J- <- the waste of painti sold mixed ready for use." COLOURfc- -ptT Per Ctvt. Wliite TRADE MARK. ned 1 Light Store J T>»i!. lted •• -Gs. Bath Stone. I Tmplc i.unvn | Cream colour Us. TpaTn 1 B on/,o 0 «n Light Portland Stonef {Hw^KTRctllr^'J )24s- I'oitland Stone | BufT (for Stables).. ) \i Bn.trht Green L.ght Lend or Slate.. 28s. "iecU 4*. O Ik colour ) I>ecpGi-ee,i I J 26fi. CNTCBCD 5TA7I0NEPS HALL* "PhlC • • colour »t t Pre OU Mixture for the Anti-Corros; m. Oilo, Turpentine, Var" ^ie"' Bin*n,,a» CARSONS' PAINT, .For Ptti ic Euificer, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Store, Coir.po, 1c., is uamailed, ami is tv only Faint that will effectually icsist the rays of the run up"n CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all Milway Giatious in tlio Un led KIdgdrm PATIKR^S AND TESTIMONIALS SF.NT POST FREE ON APPLICATION. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, L.U. And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. j -'A-■ yro A^NTTS. a Communioation between Haverfordwest and Saint David's. DAY ID" LAMB BEGS respectfully to announce that he has contracted with the Postmaster General for the JD conveyance ot the Mails to and fro between Haverfordwest and St. David's, and that his contract authorizes him to carry passengers. On and after the first of January the Mail will leave the Mariners' Hotel at 6.30, and arrive at the Grove Hote! at 9. The Wail %IU leave the Grove Hotel at 2,15 p.m., and arrive at Haverfordwcst at 5 p.m. Passengers' fares to and fro 78 6d each. Single fares 5s. Haverfordwest, Dec. 31, 1874. JOHN ROBINSON. AND Co. (ESTABLISHED 1842 ) MANUFACTURE MANURES, Of high Quality, which are sent out in good condition, and at moderate prices. C) SUPER-PHOSPHATE MANGOLD MANURE CORN MANURE GRASS MANURE And other kinds for Special Crops. Also LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, From Seed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & CO., BRISTOL, or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, KiJpaison House, Pembroke; Messrs. R. and J. Jones, Haverfordwest. CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G E ORG E M. G R E E N. MALTSTEIi & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artifictal Manures. GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY S TREE I IIAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR LAWES SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PER U V I A N GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. i rJS TO SUNDAY GEO. M. HAMMER, AND SCHOOL FURNISHER, INVENTOR, and MANUFACTURER of the — u OSRORNK. QUADRANT, and ROYAL (Patent) SCHOOL-DESKS & SEA?S. Ti "V Qrinnnr Which cachcombinc a Sloped Debit, Fla! Table, and Backcd Seat for Lectures, &c L>Ai"oLllUt)Ij I'lustrafeil Caf^oguo of Du.ska, Sjhs,, Galleries, Easels, Blackboard*, &o. Post frocTwopencc. The Methodist College, Belfast, and a larfte number el otber MANAGERS. Colleges find Schools have been fitted by G M H. 108, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. W.C. FLINT & Co., ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial Inquiry Offices, 58, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. OUR system of Debt Collecting is much approved— 1 —Our Registers and Reference to Correspondent* at once show Debtor'* ability to pay. '2—No Spending pood money aft«r bad. 3—Special faoilitics in County Courts, 4—Judgment against Debtor in twelve days. 5—Attendance to provo debt unnecessary. j 6-Comruløsion,6 per cent, under JE20, 2! per cent, above. 7—Prompt Remittances. i OTICE— In thie Oflioe, a debt, after application is made, is not left to die a natural debt. j Prompt, efficient, afid voluntary advice h given fn Sn'>H!irinH> is tottest meatus of recovering same. If in London, acterk waits upon him (in the country by p}si,J ml oM^ins from him such iustructionij In will en. able us tort-cover debt without any further trouble to SuOdcrib r, and without any attendance of Subscriber be ng necessary. WRF-F EVER .NO COW! 1 ^MWtSg,5j8 ^auNG*lorr/fi ^a.tK- each if inhaled on the first symptoms will at once remove them, and even when a cold has been neglected and become-severe, it will give immediate relief, and generally cure in one day. It contains no narcotic, and never produces any unpleasant effects. Address DR. DUNBAR, care of F. NHPBEBT a&d SONS, 87, Newgate Street, LOHSOU, E-C. 4eiditg of Stomaeh, Stck-ktadaeln, IndiffUtioH, iff. ,Roti(EoofS PATENT COMPRESSED SIJDA A" DROCKEDON'S PATENT COMPRESSED POTASS, £ SfLJJSS. FAMOUS RBMBDIBS FOB INDIGESTION, BCtoowlede«d to be the most effective, because th8 joice and the fewd, and thus neu. SS?? ™«wwof acta to the stomadh. 01 hirjpost. Is. Id. A 8s, 8d. Of «11 Chemists. j. jupwoery a Sops. 37, Newgate-atreet.. St.. Panl's. t<ondon. "THrEYES R THE EYES 11 THE EYES! W. 2.T?RE VOUR SIGHT. Speotaoles Tendered nseless. All o'theeyee cured by neloK Dr. BALL'S PATENT CUP8. Can be n»ed effectively without the aid of oocwre,—Kpclose .stamped envelope for particulars to Mr. J. Fletcher, Richmond Villa, Portflelo, Chichester. ECONOMY H) MOURNINB. <|NB FOLD of KAY ft RICHARDSON'S New Patent KJ ALBERT CRAPE Is as THICK as TWO FOLDS of the old mane, is MUCH CHEAPER, and WEARS BETTER!! Bold by Drapers everywhere. THE LICENSED VICTUALLERS' X PURE TEA COMPANY, BY THEIR APPOINTED AGENTS BCPPLT THE PUBLIO wITH TEAS CHOICE, PURE, AND UNADULTERATED, c- At the lowest possible prices. BLACK.—Choice and pare, :a amber wrappers, at 2s. per lb. Do. do.—First crop Tea, in orange wrappers, at 2a. 6d. per lb. VIXED.-i-Fioest Mixed Tea, in chooolate wrappers, at 36. per lb. GREEN.—Finest Moyaoe Greea Tea. in light-green wrappers, atSa.M. per lb. INDIAN.—Assam Indian very fine Black Tea, In dark blue and gold wrappers, at 8a. 6d. per lb. In paokcts of lib.,Jib., lib., and 2c* and in canisters of 21bs. fibs., S 81ba. each. Each packet bears trade mark, name, & price. Be careful to obtain the PURE Tea Company's Teas. Wholesale Depot: George F. Smyth, Manager. DENMAN STREET, LONDON BRIDGE. 8.E. COCOA, MANILA, AND JUTE KATTIHBS, HEMP CARPKTS, COCOA MATS. Awtfv to E. RHgpHBBD SONS. Biirvpn. W€8Hnor-ft]»n^. TliE CITY CLOCK COMPANY, 7 Oullnm-street, London, supply every description of Clocks (with a two years' warraMy^at onc third below the osaalprices. Lists noit free.-G-l wenien., is.,a. PAPER collars, en SAMPLES SENT for 6 STAMPS, BDWARD TAN* jjlli' WX- DR. HAYWARD'S NE^ DISCOVERY. The Treatment and mode of Cure. HOW TO USE SUCCESSFULLY, WITH nafet.v and success, in all cases of weak. 1X11 Baie >y flpsnoTidCTCy, languor, exhaa&ttou, tidl printed ULVttainpt. from valids.PO"* No. li. york-street, 1-d d No. li. york-street, Or. WAYWARD. M.R.C.S., '^ndonVW: r* I' !UÄ" At m. H. KEF^iCbewt, Dew StIeeh n, fIII!t IMPERIAL AUSTRIAN LOAN I MONTHLY DRAWINGS. Prizes: 925,000. 922,000, £ 20.3, £ 15.000, £ 10,000, £5,000, &c, &c, down 1<- £ I8. UAItANTEED by thd Imperial Austrian Govern- vJ nicrif, Urawinggjln put.lie under superintendence >f Government Officials.—Shares which entitle ttie Holder to a chanco of winning any of the above P, iz. s can be had at jEi each,-Slx Scares entitling to G chances cost £ .5.—Apply only to the Agency for PUBLIC fUND:" IN GENEVA (Switzerland) Rouut- tances are lo be sent lJIUKUT TO GKNEVa. eitlu.r if Bunk Notes, Cn^ased CbcqueK, or Post-o&tx' Orders payable at tlie Genera! Tajt Office to ttie Mara^rr, Mr OHO HOSE m Geneva, wbo will also supply P{0- speetuses grutip on prepaid application. —— k- ■■ i i i -— A Ci1MU M A DwFicutrr or HtaATniSo. Catariib r\ O I II Kffootnimiy curMl hy usine 'GICQUKJ/S ANTI AftTHUATlCAU J^APEtt & CIOAM. Prepared by a tlrsUcUfta Pai-i^iua chernUt. l-arjn «mr\U, la. be obtained o? all Chetni>»te,anJ of F. and H7. 47. rilliUSSMS, KLAti'l'IO STOCKlHQS, J «UIl.lOAI. BELTS. BANDAUi-«. *c.. 19<n, Illa8Uaxe<l Price [jfit «Mit ou (K^ra^ lMjea XJ53U.; E. J. I.INDSEV, 0- BOItOUUH, LOMPuN. BRiSrCVV'S PURE COAL-TAR SOAP PRODUCES A CtiEAfl, SOFT, AND JL HEALTHY SKIN, reu.oviw eruvtio-A».blotches. ch-vps.c. Cleanses, purifies, prevents contnpion. and preserves li^aitli. r Jf Toilet. Bath. Nursery. *ucl Siok-roo;n. Ia tablets 4.1.. GJ., A. and 8d., and boxes is. 6d., of all Cherv. P -Tfumers, te. C'ACTIOB !—See you Ret BR IS 1 (>W 3. jxv Nevcben?'a Anti TRATm M A'.IC. SEND YOUR ADDRESS TO Albert Mendelssohn, 6. Fett^r-lune, I^n^>n, li.-C., for a list of WHAT YOU CAN HAVE FOR OME SHILLING, OR POST FRRE FOR 18 STAMPS. STEEL'S GOUT PILLS I ARE the certain remedies for Gont and Rheumatism, and never fail to cure. Is. lid. and «s. 8J., of all Chemist*, and F. W. Steel. 883. Liverpool-road. London, N. Wholesale of New. F. W. Steel. 883. Liverpool-road. London, N. Wholesale of New. ~bery and Sons. S7. Newgate-street, E.C. NOVELTIES S CHRISTMAS. ABEAL Pack ot CJards instantly change to ft livty's hftndkcrclnof, A 30 stamps.—The Wizard's Box, cou6ainin?lo excellent.ti-icks, apparatus and instructions, li SUM, The Mstoo Fut'so, wllieh no one can open but yourself, 7 stamps, fue Ivcstiu ed and C.ian<eiihlo Oird, trtilv marvellous, mechanical, 80 stamps, llie Meelin-nical Picture Krame, very effective. 30 stampj. CiHaJojcae now r^adv. will forwarded po^t (ree.—8 KAU1CAL DEPOT, 2«i, High Holhorn, W.C. Kstahlished i/tfO. Al G O IT I C O N BALM. CREFYDD'S NISW REMEDY. Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout. Tic. Lumbago, Soiatioa, Stiff Joints. Sprains. Iironc!)itis. r.-jre Ihroat, b tiff Nock. Humps, ^hadof^cWbol^alo ^nts-Saa^r and Sons. 150, Ox. rordrtreet- F. Newbery and Sous. 87. Niwpate-street; W. Edwa-S SS, Old Chftnse; Esrcl^y and bona. Ho, Farnnguoa- A SATE and Easy EXTERNAL CURE for CHILBLAINS, Clear 8.1! water. no smell, no pain. stam[>» tnonials post free, on receipt ot four^e?'i p-.nce hy .lOHN C. POOf.EY. Kar.n. "Z'u | IViTHUNDttElT AND FIFTY is^now number of inmates in the E ^RL.S'iVOOD A8\ IDIOTS. Rerthjk Snrrey. Tlie Committee earcecarr for increased FUNDS towards the eui'POrt of t.hw vi i; »VY helpless, though not hopeless, family. from CLAIMS ARE SOW WE. A ^H>KK-OFFBHIS<« every family happily exempt from mental aulicuou furnish ample funds to meet the emergency.. ri Bavubs The Loudon Joint Stock Ban*. Princes-street, JAMES ABBI88. Treasuigr. Office 88. Tooltry, E.C. WILLIAM NICHOLAS._B». CIGARS DIRECT FROM BOND, in good C dition. ftim ISa. ed. per too. Hjirh-clw 268. per 100. Ali %rand. supplied at FQIUAL!I; for c4i&h ot-ty. list frm oil !—LfSBTl^lNS CQIXDUC jileotricai Pell* tittedi'to pTivalw boxiats. Apy*. of ai' kinds. Estimate jfivon» iticlusito o» fti) expet3sss« Warden aili Weatmin^tef* T^OWNAliD'S OINTMENT.—Tbe fc- quickly n ail Ftx.ibuuc erapt^^Jf1 ^nesa. pjrr. -iilblains. and served by Ol alt oheroists, a. &. 3d., -tsmps- of "oriBe I 12, Wt 1 -v D VIO'^ CVTIK^RAL R KSTOflAT lOSf PliE worke of Restoration and Repair vhtob haT been carried on daring the last five yeafs., core." r:.<e the thorough •■fist-oration of the TOWPT tbeOhoif vitS its Aisles: a third of the Nsvo; and the Dram. a of the whole iuiWing. Those iteveral worker o stinr between eighteen and nineteen p iunds, have ab^rbed all the old SubecnpUooe^th the exception of Mr Traherue's bequest of not yet due, and the Bishop has in conspquenoe ciig a'ated an appeal f <r new Subscription#, to cotnp e# rhe Restoration of the Nave, its u o „♦* Trarwept'. The cost ot this i»eeUmated by mx bcotl flt £ 15?.50O. s The Secretaries will ptally on anpl«*t">o ?end 5 any oue a copy of Mr Gilbert Scitt's second Kepor t shewing what has haen effected, and what works o a DtesBtog nature still remain to be done; and they will al«n thankfully acknowledge any Su»scnptioi« which miy be male. The following Donations have been alteidy pr. < mifed for the work remaining to be dine • — J.W Kershaw. Rsq. Warwiok 2. 0 Mrs Kershaw, Warwick j RevA.J.M Grcefi ffirst subsariotion) •• 6 Rev John H ughep, Vicar of Penally and^ Prebendary of St David's (2iddun<tion) 6 Rev D. Jonee, Bishopston, Glamorganshire 6 t Rev Secrotan Jones, Oyatermoutb, Glamo;* gansbire f) The Lady Llanover 25 Mrs Harford, Blaise Castle 10 10 Rev J. Phelps, Carew (second donation) 10 10 Rev J. Jones, Ltadihangel Genau'r Glvn (second donation) .< 6 Ge,)rge Baugh ^ll ;n, Esq, Temple (second donation) lOG Mrs Paynter, Pembroke 5 0 Mrs W. H. Reed. Pembroke fj 0 ?tfrs Lwvb. Pembroke 2 1 Rev H S. Blink, Pembroke 0 10 T. Mansell, E"q. Pembr >ke 1 0 L. P. Gibbon, Esq, Pembroke 5 1 W. Hulm, Esa, Pembroke 5 0 W. 0. ITulm, Esq. Pembroke 1 0 J. Duwkins, Esq, Pembroke 5 Mrs W. Gibbon, Pembroke 6 0 Mrs D. S. Thomas, Pembroke 2 2 Mr Hitchings, Pembroke George Jones, Esq, Pembroke i 8 Messrs Jones, Pembroke Mill 3 0 Mr W. Williams, Pembroke 2 Messrs Davies and l'ratt, Pembroke 1 1 Mr Warlow, Pembroke 1 1 R. M. Jones, Esq, Pembroke 1 1 W Thomas, E?q, Orange Hall, Pembroke.. 010 Mr G. Barrett, Pembroke 1 0 Mr Beddoe, Pembroke 2 3 Mrs Morris and Son, Petsbroke 0 1(J Mr Edward Tracey, Pembroke 0 18 Mr Joseph Powell, Pembroke 110 Mr C. Elsdon, Pembroke 010 Mr H. P. Thomas, Pembroke 0»10 Mr Jnmes, Lion Hotel, Pembroke ')"lg Mrs Owen, Savings Bank, Pembroke 1 10 Mr T. Riobards, Pembroke 0 10 Mr Bnrchell, I'emhn ke 1 0 Mr Lowless, Pembroke 0 10 Small Sums, bv Rev J. Alien 1 6 Mrs Roeh, Paskeston (second donation) 10 0 N. A. Roch, E"I1, Paskeston (2nd donation) too A. J. Morison, Esq. Portrlew 5 0 Rev Latimer and Mrs Jones, Carmarthen 25 0 G. While, Esq, Tenby (second donation) Ifl 0 Col. Vovle, Tenby 10 0 Rev G. JJuntnigton, Tenby 5 0 Rev J. Hearn Poppelwell, Tenby 2 0 Rev E. F. Willie, Tenby 010 Airs Howells, Tenby 6 (fr J. Gwynne, Esq, Tenby (first donation). 3 3 0. W. R. Stokes, Tenby 1 0 G. Chater, Esq. Tenby 2 2 Mrs Girnrdot, Tenby 2 ii Colonel Onslow, Tenby 2 0 Mrs Onslow, Tenby 1 0 Miss Puiley, Tenby 2 0 Mr James Rogers, Tenby 2 0 Captain Rees, Tenby 1 1 Captain Evans, Tenby 1 9 Two Sums of Five Shillings cacb 0 10 MrC. Allen (in Photographs of St, David'ti) Tenby fi 8 Mr Joseph Gregory, Tenby 3 a Mr Jihn Pnelpcf, Tenby 1 l Mr E Saies, Tenby 11 Mrs Hughes, Tenby I 1 Mr John Thnmaf, Norton, Tenby I 1 Mr W. Walkinton, Tenby 1 1 Mr Thomas Marchant, Tonbv 1 Mr Jones, Postmaster, Tenby .< l 1 R Lascelles, Esq., Croft, Tonby 1 0 J. T. Uawksley, Esq., Caldy, Tenby 6 0 Rev G. W. B;rkett, St Florence, Tenby ö, Messrs John Harvey and Sons, Haverford- west (second donation) 10 10 Tht Welshman Newspaper 1010 The Brtcon Cormty Times t0 0 7he Western Mail 10 (1 The Ttnby Observer 10 0 The Cambria Daily Leader 10 0 The Fembrokeshre TIera'd 10 0 H G. Allen, Eq, Lincoln's Inn, (scootd Ponatiiip) 10 Mrs Mirobouse.The Hal!, Angle, Pembroke 10 0 The Eatl of Cawdor, (second donation) 200 J. H. Scourfield, Esq M.P. (2nd donation) 100 0 Lewie Llovd, Esq. Monk Orchard, Surrey 5 0 Col Lloyd, LillesJen, Kent 5 0 Henry leach, E»q C irston 10 0 Mrs Bay no, (second donation) 25 0 Miss R ibson, Penally, (second donation) ó 0 Messrs Riobard James and Son, Haverford1 west 5 H. Rees, Esq., Llangran >«, Newcastle Emlyn 1 Rev William Edmunds, Bhostie Rectory, Ab. rystwyth 2 0 Rev John/eiix, Llanilar 2 0 Rev J. Tombs, Burton 10 0 Messrs Powell, Mathias, and Evans, Haver- west 10 II) Wm Davies, Esq., Spring Gardens, Baver- ft rd west J. W. Phillips, Eiq., Rock Cottage, ditto 5 0 M. srrs Greenish and Uawkins, Market gtreef, ditto 6 9 Rev Thomas Horn, Havertordwest (second donation) 2 Rev George Horu, Havetfurdwest. 2 Miss Eminent and Miss Gwyther, ditto 2 Mr D. P. Saunders, Bridge street, ditto 1 Mr John Phillips, Castle Square, ditto I Mr Stephen Green, High street, ditto (second donation) 1 Mr W. Lioyd, fligh street, Haverfordwest 1 Mrs Philpott, Castle Hotel, dito X John Lewis, Esq., Pwik. ditto 1 Wm. Ji hn, Esq., Victoria Place, ditto I Mrs Potter, High street, ditto I Mr P. P Ellis. High street I Mr Richard Williams, Dew otteet, ditto I Mr James Davies, Victoria Place, ditto I Mt John Brown, Maiketstreet, ditto I M r T. Baker, High street, ditto Messrs Green and John, Quay street, ditto Mr William Hood, High street, ditto M r E. a. Ellis, Dew street, ditto O Mr William Sanders, Castle Goal, ditto.. 0 Messrs T. and J. Lloyd, Dark street ditto 0 Frederick Waioholt, Esq, Laugharn6 25 J. L. G. P, Lewis, &q, (second donation) 10 Rev. R. Lewis, Lampeter Velfrey (second donation) •••• John Boynon, Eeq, j un, Trewern T. R. 0, Powell, Esq., Wyngron 9 Howard S. Morgan, Esq, Tegfynydd. 6* Rev. D. Jones, Llaridissilio 3S Rev T. R. J. Laugharne 1 Rev W. L. BevarvJIay, Brecon 6 0 Mrs Dyneley. Tenby 6" Rev. J. D Williams, Brecon (2nd donation) 10. Rev. E. E..i lien, Porthkerry Rev. E. B. Sq«.' e, Swansea 6 Charles Bath. E q, Swansea 2f Contribution f i?*: of St. £ d £ e'* per Mr Wm. iiu&cits 2 9 Mr i, Diiiria, oafle Sqaare, B. Wei-t. w lO MrJ Macken. Rydor ^'reer. Lsodoa 1 I 0 H H Vaiu p, Ksq Upton Custle 10 10 O J. ThiilwuH, Esq, Abergwili 10 10 0 Col. W-lliam Slater, Cbelteufcam 5 q Rev. J. H. Morgan 5 0 • The Dean of Bangor. t — 11 2oo D. J. Jeffreys, Esq, add!, subscription 1 I 0 Collection at Liar.di^wydd, by Rev. D. Lewis 20 O v, at Llanelly Church, Rev. D. Williams 0 3 Procecusoi L.cture^ L*anuilo, by Rev. J. GnftKhs f ]« T. Perkins, Esq., M.nevia,/Sydney 90 Tbe Re»>'—Btficher, Pimiico 3rd coaMk 4 <