Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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MPERIAL AUSTRIAN LOAN I MONTHLY DnAWlN<iS: Prize8: £ 25,000 £22,000, £ 30,900, £ 15.000, 1".0,000, £ 5,000, &e, &c, &low II £ 18 UAH A NT Kb I) bv the lntptrWtl Aueiri" U«' ern" Gu«", ur..r. rr r. J a -Six Snore* ntiMmir to 0 c*n tor i f At,i>i%• t" l,IR AGENCY KOH 2*r .f0"1 A' v l'V A ( S a itZ' Ib'hI ) Remit.- is GLM-VA 0 GKSKVA, either r/Z, n^Ye- "r Post otlice <lfd'T" r.q. ■«««■"• •«.. Kk'OTTO HOSE in Gn"> w,'° W1,i nlgn 1 10 ajpeetutes gratis on prepaid application PAIN* in the BACK, GRAVEL. LUMBAGO. < RHEUMATISM. IjOUT, MSKASES, ot the KIDNEYS, a id BLADDER, STRICTURE, &c. Dr. De Booe Compound Renal Filtf Are celebrated all over the wor.d as, he most safe and Speedy remedy for the above dangt'oa* complaints, )I)i»cliarBes of any kind. Stone in the B'adder, and Dill ►eases of the Judney* it fill 'LTi-iiiary Organs generally. iPo6»en>inp tonic properties they agree with the inosi -d,elicitte stoiv)acli, itreiigthen ihe digestive organs, in. • create the appetite, improve the general health, and in 'three days willetteet acurt, whenoipatba, cubeb*, ami .all dangerous medicine* of ibst el*k& have utterly tailed Is li I2> 91.. 4« 6d U' *"d 33-* P,T l,ox- The** celebrated Pills are an infallible remedy in the 'inosi obstinate CAllell- By -their one. alont, nutlly thou- sands have been annually restored to health, when tverv other medicine lias Iniled. Their vast superiority • orer everything else in the cure of ibeahovecomplaint* is universally acknowledged, and the xt-aord)nnry de- manrl for them eVflr siNC ■ their first introduction is precedent. In no ifsbtdfice bave they ever been known to (nil, or produce tliobe dangerous symp cms so often resulting trom copaiba, c..hH»-, t,lrp" n f other oiedicines usual y resorted to. I hey requie neither confinement nor change of diet, and may justly be eoosldertOd thtl ooly II.Ite etlicHcioas remedy for all ttfiges of those disorders for which they are recom- aaended. THE MQST WONDERFUL PILLS IN THE WOULD. Dr. Do Rooøl Fiftlo Vitee, or Vegetable Life Fills. ALL suflerers froua general nervousness, and morbid feelings low spirtta, loss of»leep,harr»*sing dreams, rannecell.ary fears, mental irritability, failure 01 the meu- Ital and bodily powers, weakness 01 the nerves, head- ache, noises in the head, giddiness, indigestion, and ■other symptoms of ohronm disease, will bad with joy the discovery of Dr. Do Rooe' Life Pil s, which speed I.v -and almost magioally remove pain and disease 01 what- ever tiatu re, ro.tore cheerfulness to the spirit, vigour 10 'the body, and ctrengthen nil the organs on which 'health and life depend. They do not contain a pai tide of tnercurv, but are purely vegetable, and tor all affec- tiont of the liver, flatulency, bile, sick headache, dizziness, lo,%a of appetite, lowness of spirits. senst.- tiun-i of fullness at the pit of the stomach, pains be- tween the t-honlders, and the distress arising from indigt-tition All-I general debility, they will be found of unexampled efficacy and it is no email »>d*antage that they oan be taken at any time wiihout danger from wet .or cold, or necessity for restraint IIOTI business or plea- ts u re. They act wildly on the bowels, without pain or igriping, impart strength to the stomach, promote a (healthy nation of the liver, thu« preventing, or, wlitn present, curing the jaundice and dropsy, clearing the .tkin. removing sallowness and pimples, puriiying the .blood, bracing the nerves, and marvelously invigora- ting the whole syHiein. Feoiales of all aRes will find them invaluable, and should never be without abem. frice 1* Jid., 2s 9d., 48 lid, U- and 33[\ per box. liifo is real, life is earnest, And this world it not the goal: Dii-it thou art—to dust returneet.* Was not spoken 01 the soul. Uor, in many cases, may these s id words be so early ,td oyer the Body, if ollly recourse be had to JOr Re ROOB' World famed Gnttee V itae, or Life Drops. ^wbone effects are really magical in restoring lost tone to the system (nnsing from whatever cause), teiiivigor- :inle and enli,enivig the whole corporea: frame, and igraqually, but eff-ctively, building up the roost ehat- .tered eonititutioti. Although this truly wonderful recuperative tonic is mot pnt forward as imparting immortality, it If not too :mucb to pay that by its meøIJR New Lile is at it were, imparted to tho nervous and debilitated, who were evidently sinking into an early Krnve whilst to those •Of maturer ye-rs it will gently al,d serenely protract the close ol life. Thousands of apparently hopeless eases, given up by the faculty, are now in the enj o) mentof health, (life' greatest blessing), a living testi- imony to the unspeakable value ot this remarkable medicine. Handred" of testimonials, too-numerous to publish, may he seen by any one. This Preparation is extremely pleasant to take, and none need suffer whilst cuch a miraculous medicament is in existence It is rcootnmt-adedwtth the utmost confidence in III esses ot Nervous Debility, Defective Circulation, In. parity of the Blood, Languor, Latitude, Depression of the Spirits, Indigestion, Pain tlnd PalpitatIOn in it a "«, Harrnesins Dreams. &c. Persons 01 studious h ibit, debilitated females, and those on whom the wea' • "i 'ear of life j« beginning to tell, should persevere fl eadil) with (his Lilti reviving Tonic for one tnontl Anil they will "e astonished at its results. All those vwtto bove tried other cliettno, gaivaiiie and slectrio ap- {pliances, fcc without any beneficial rfautt, are ear- (Dfstly recommended to make fair trial of this medicint, which being concocted OD the higbem scientific prin- ciples, invariably succeeds. The Kreat sucee»s attei -dent on this wonderlnl disootery haft led to a host 01 biinihl* and worthless imitations. Price Us., and 83s gper Bottle. IMPORTANT NOTiCE TO THE PUBLIC- Every package of Dr. De Roos' Preparations bears the Government Stamp, with the words Boos, London,1 in W bite wn » Bed ™'{<"1i>rsy order of Her Majesiy's Honourable » without which none can possibly be genuine. DR. VB Roos' world famed medicines ate sold by every patem Mediotnt Vendor in the world, of most Chemist* nhoold the least difficulty occur, will be forwarder /Carriage Free) per return, on receipt of the amount, by t>R. Db hoos,4.i, Holfo'd square, London, W.C. Debilitated and nervous euffersrs should read the C Melheal Adviser,' by W. HI! Boos, M.D., wliith contains most important information, interesting tv etery reader sent post free on receipt of twelve stamp1, by Mr LA«VI.«, Medical Publisher, 14, Haud-court, ilolborn, London, W.C. Marriage rightly understood, Gives to the virtuous and the good A Paradise below.' Just Published, Post free 6 stamps. ANBW MEDICAL WORK ON MARRIAGE.—By a Physician of many years' practice. A practical guide to boib sexes before entering the wedded state, With plain instructions for the speedy removal of all disqualiifcations and impediments which too often •debar happiness therein; it also treats on the caut-e of premature decline, I oss of manhood, nervous debility, pains in the back, spermatorrhoea, impotence, extrewe lassitude, shyness, incapacity lor study or business, distaste for society, and the numberless Infirmities, resulting 'rom youthtul abases or excesses of adult life, togetberwitb the highly successful and thoroughly fafe mode of treatment, whereby sufferers may epeedily be restored to het ltb and happtnees.—Add' ee Mr Johnstone, .Publisher, 27, Verulam street, Londou, E.C. The Marvellous Rem«dy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, and all Cheat Affections. PECTOEINE Fold by all Chtmitls, in bo/iles, at Is lid, 28 9d, 4. 6d, and J I. each. I Sent by the proprtetrrM upon 'moeipt of stump*. From Rev. J. SIONEHOUSE. St. Saviour's Vicarage, Nottingham. August 1874. DEAR SIR,—I can strongly recommend your Pecio- rine as an invaluable Congh Remedy. I have given it a fair trial in my own family, and have aUo supplied it to persons snftoring from Cough in my parish, and in every instance it has given immediate relief. In some f filter passing rili ep'ess nights, one or two doses of the Pt ftori-it, have had such a good effect that p<>r- onn* I, nni n night's rest hnd the Cough lias fpeedtiy disappeared. tn. .i, <- .i.rt,, .,1. Ann's Squnre, JIanchestor, —"Your Pectorine is superior to any Mcdiolne J te ever tried for Concha or Colds." PECTORINE cures the worst forms ol Coughs and Colds FECTORINE cures Hoarseness FECTOKINE gives immediate relief in Bronchitis PECTORINE is the best medicine for Asthma FECTORINE .->un s hooping Cough FECTORINE will cure a troublosorae tickling Cough, PLCTOHIJIIE IN iiivttiuabie m iboLariy istnge^ol Oon (•iimptiou PECTORINE relieves all Affections 01 tho Chest, Luiigt<, and Throat. Fr6pnredonly hy RMITH & CLARTCE, Manufactu- ring Clipniioto, Park Strcot, I-iucoln. Vice Giianoollor Sir (X liail granted a perpetual lnjKi.ct.ion. witn co8t». '$&&&. l.l Kotherhaai, lor using tijpir^p Sold by a. Utirri«s;ei<iisl,. Ji. Itccs, HHveefoiiiwest. < i: f l' -u_- iR. HUNTER'S Special Lcctures to Young Men on HE ALTO, ITS EESTOEATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAG-ES.—When to marry, with HAPPY MARRIAG-ES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, poiuting ant certain impediments which render » arried li e unhappy, and direclioiiH lor tlieli- speedy removal. Should he read h, all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a uappy old age.—Post free on receipt of two etamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 14 P L' Impurity of the Blood.-Enfeebled Existence. This wvlicine embraces every attribute required tn a genural nnd domestic remedy it overturns the foundation of disp*s# IRIr1 by defective food find impure air. In obstruction or con- flotions of the liver, lungs, bowels, or Any other orpins, tbess 'ills ore es]icdoily scrviccBble and eminwitly sncceasful. They should be bei>t in readiness in every family, being a medicina of incomparable utility for young persons, particularly to those of fcoble constitutions. Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and Lowness of Spirits. These Pills effect a truly wouderfnl change in debilitated I constitutions, as they create a healthy appetite, correct- indi- gestion. remove excess of bite, and overcome giddiness, headache, and palpitation of the heart. Mothers and Daughters. If there is one thing more than another for which these Pills are famous it i* their purifying properties, especially their power of cleansing the blood from nIl impurities, removing dan- gerous congestions, and renewing suspended secretions. Univer- sally adopted as the one grand remedy for female complaints, these Pills never fail. never weaken the system, and alway a brill" about what is required. Disorders of the Kidneys. In all diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrets too much or too little wnter, or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the region of the kidneys, these Fills should be taken according to the printed direction*, and Honoway's Ointment should be well rubbed into the smaH of the beck at. bed-time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief even after all other means have failed. Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. Persons suffering from nny disorders of the liver, ^temach, or other organs of digestion, shouM have Immediate recourse to thaee Pills, as fcfaere ig no iiiedicitie known that acts oa these particular complaints with such certain success. Nervous Debility. Persons who feel weak, low, and nervous, may rest assured some serious ailment is looming in the distance, against which instant action should betaken. These renowned Pills present the ready means of exciting energetic action on the liver, Hberst- ing accumulated bile, and lifting at once a load from the spirit* Mid expelling a poison from the body. Holloway's Pilll1 are the best remedy known in the \world for the following diseases Agile Wpnd«»che Brone and Grsvef Asthma Indigestion Secondary Symp- Bilious Complaints Liver Complaints toms Blotches on the Skin Lumbago Tic-Doloreux Bowel Complaint.; Tiles Tilers Debility Rheumatism Venereal Affections Dropsy Retention of Urine Worms of all kinds Female Irregularities Scrofula, or King's Weakness from Fevers ot all kinds Evi11 whatever cause, Gout bore Croats &c., &c. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor HOLLOWAT's Establishment, •*>•!• Oxford Street, London, also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Boxes and Ioh at Is. lii., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d, lh., 228., and 33s. each. The smallest Box of Pills contains four dozen: and the smallest Pot of Ointment one ounce. Full printed directions are affixed to CllCh Box and Pot and ean be had in any language, even in lurkisti, Arabic, Axmenisa. Persian, or Chinese. No. M-l. HPTIF, most. oHoctAve reioe^Y for I ASTHMA, aii'l o!l>»r nltenciou.' «>f —— ihe I/imgs. No Lmitinent le« & Vl'" «peusive. rTv-1 A\\ ''h°«e prep* ri-tion* oontnin onlj '■— ,lrn«s whieh "»'« knimn to curt A»?hm<i. No t.rontmeut,ui'.ire ensy to follow. 1'iio^R: Clifar4 CI in iiumhor) It,. !)d.; Prtpur m-, ,»■■»>■>*) 2^. 9'i- n/ll pieces) «s. «• A rnr^PF.YRKS' BPl-P/VSTin PAPER.—The most, con- i i-i11 for k 'eoiiii up blister* \vin11 our oaiu. jenient "i P "(1* p ,^h^v lvl.\ ri»n< .vt Ml ''U vjvst». fflP^MALr^DRESSING BAG, WITH THIRTV SOLID SILV1SB IVORY FHTINGS, FOR LADY'- OK OF.XTL .MAN S UbK. Price £11 113. <, METOALF AND CO., INVENTORS AND SOLE MAKERS, 19, COCTCSPUR STRF.KT. LONDON. S.W- Of .Teivellnrv frr. Lr_eP". A N'BW" WOEK rertaiu and'safo"^thoT' P'1" F.xhlbitiiiif a jierfectly f'rei'ioh by «n Emr'ish practitioner °nre' Translated from the h0]fmr rr,street.. E.C. QUININE AMD I PEARL OKNTIV'RIC K render# — .ho" teeth h..AUtif..ll.V white. 5^- decay. toothache. T-r — 11 «!so Imparl. V" (I lasting frasrance to tlm bieptli. end a honlihtut brillionoj ] V S-to the Ciims. In boxes. Is. lid. and 2s, ihl., *"i.v ,»r,Rt. for 01" 1)6 stamps of of allrlicmistf.; 0 New-cross, London. to nil resueetable persons upon th' n • ^ases. Ac. The riitiue, st.uli. Ac., wif.oout, removal,Juu iwlju.. e|ltg> or nt the Pinouiit borr'iwod may be repaid byea > r pj0 law costs, endot a term ot years, as inny suit 'he tS 'tro .,ariiealars Dispatch with focrecy maybe relied on. .red to Mr- I- send name and address, and state amount r i tg n-h0 lid wards, 8. Kuw'ro»d. Jjottthsea'. strictly will reply i>er return. N.H. -t'his adirerMsem- l>rivate, and does uotemnuar.e from any fjoau IbtUSTKATEn PIUCR I.IST OI;' -oncm Iftftm BIRTHDAY PRWSJ3NTB FObl 1WU f rmK i„einain» Novelties b. AllX lool< R ti'jmotors, Clock' UoW f ^n,nze(i Hint Chains, tmitition MarMo Clock, heu-lit t,)r bi,(Yllzed li^'iir") liMM'iri' pnop tl W»„ spfiCtaUv suitn1'1" '■ r,nls^|,n. »T..T. Wffmwn'-rht p> 5st TtflE CXiTilGYl^IBECTOllY lor 1874, i- ("iitaiii.nj a l.i-«f Hi- 01o-«y. f'U H.ia of lloiic4*s With heir talues. Ac. l'«h^, •«. M., or byjinit-. 4^rhfi'Mf>^ ^Wtn I li lt)% Hi!;)) Uoih'nn. Ti melon. f llirilff EYT^ocesTOHliM NEX Piocos!! *JllA^u MKDAl, "r 1 ■ If Hi titiSti, Vienna, 187S. • TII,jE.vvis ( Ol'juce ter. q wowIUu-t™ od Unmtoituo no-.v u-adv, po-^t free. w LTjIN N EST A- Co U'rWri MicrVint- 'wliiiJi"'f*tl,K' IVIIUCSH uf Wales by Hurton or ta sli ides sent, free. Dl;NOUAL'tt i-r.u v 1 an mixt(ikij OAP- H. tb" b« r-t r*?»o»v!y know., & very KU,„m.1o t h-.kMm 0f ^>p >il>a ^11 « >nv\ rutv;, nv-v ho ha.lot .ui OhomhatV 01 fni' 'AO stiiuius ot J. D'MujiihI. 4, iSf>\v tendon. TLTiUSTRATED TRADE CATALOGUES and I Li^l'S, l'rmted in best style. No Chiuge for blocks to II TnoW^1'C/\1U1S and TAPT.KTR, Cheap, Brilliant, and Attractive Kstiinates and Sr cimens on Ai»plication. S SlKAKElt & .SONS, Bishops^atc Avenue, London, T..C. it pi—11IIIP imrnnrnwmmimm 1"&- CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET t JAMES LTLLYWIIITE, FRO WD, and CO.'s New Illustrated Price bist for 1873 is now readj, will be sent post free to any applicant. Manufacturers of very nrticle used in Cricket ana Sports generally, of the bost nualitva:id modarate price j Observe tlio ffldress, 4. NEWINGTON CATJ.SliWAY. LONDO I TTPrER ASSAM TEX""COaiPANY_( —Agents in ell Provincial Towns for salt; fr, i> n. l'ric 5- and .Is. Od. !<i- fiirther n;ir! i(;ui:irs f>9. KiiiKjSVilliani-Ki.r, Tiond >n. Anoitls w OROlDii GOLD AXHi'xli'L' (Jh ir$ nvipearatice to jf curat jroi.i, will v, •«> | tor 3s. ftd. arid 7, Hd. Ix>h* cl.*i:is. 7r.. ring's, wawit It Aln<k« I'.uitnwd•«,»». stone ring, 5s. '5 i.; >101,' lor tinker o'■ card;bro«!b. is. i!J.;euri iuys. 4a. 6d.; 2s.; necklets. 2s., 8<. C: v. pludH, 2s.: follraires. 2K. iienoil case, t*. acarf rinifs. 2s. Bd.: A key*. Ss. 54. —W. 1 i 01 iT,A' 1 «»• iits'-road, ".t.t NOTICJ O:F." triT'. f t METC>J. ',i,¡", r JEVVELT.KpA. Sli.Vr,1 DRBSolSV-OASK Ertafjiistltd uVS. I »i'_ ;• 19,: •CGfiXSPUil *D* W. Vioitors to sve i-ivifc-' Stock, «»»ta:j.< lecture- ,• -:»jr .>?. mirkea in pi; «•> Sgurw r -it.. cash, Ax> I assist:* •* —"le .-0, — «• Royal Agricultural Society Taunton Meeting Stand 259. Seed and Model Shed. ESTABLISHED 1812. II. AND "T PKOCTOK AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY,; BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTUHEKS OF SPECIALLY PH&fAMD BONE MANURES. FUl" GRASS, CORN, KOOT/^AM) JTHBLL CROPS; ALSO, r BOJNE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—CATHAY, BRISTOL, AGENTS—Mr fJ. Griffiths, WiHe Mercliaut, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. F.vans, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. Beynorts Brewery, Bridge Street9 Haverfordwest• JA.MES ROCH, (Formerly Manager to the late Mr D. Lewis, Saw & Hatchet, Bridge Street, and for the last three years in the employ of Messrs. Marychurch & Daw,) FARM & FORNISHING IRONMONGER Gas Fitter and Plumber, Tin Plate and Wire Worker, &c., BEGS to aunounce that he has commenced Business at the above placc, and having just returned from the Birmingham, Sheffield, and other Markets, with a well selected Stock of Cutlery, Electro-plated Goods, Furnishing and Builders' Ironmongery, Lamps, Paints, Colours and Oils, Bar Iron. Steel, Spades, Shovels, Fire Arms, Powder, Shot, Caps, Cartridges and Cartridge Cases, &c., he is prepared to offer Goods which for quality and price will bear comparison with those of any other house. Purchasers can rely otibeiiig well served, and orders promptly executed. In soliciting a share of public patronage, lie will use every exertion to merit the confidence of all who may kindly favour him with a visit. Seven and a half per cent. off for Cash, with the exception of Bar Iron and Cast Iron Kettles. ALL KINDS OF IMPLEMENTS GOT TO ORDER. J. B. wishes to call attention to his selection of French and Half Tester Bedsteads, Straw and Flock Matrasses Baths, Travelling Truuks, Toilet Ware, &c. Paints, Oils, Colours, Varnish, Slates, Bricks, Tiles, Laths, Nails, Locks, Latches, Screws, Hinges, Sheet Lead, Zinc felt, &c. All kinds of old and new Tin Work done to order. THE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION. JOHN HlRRIES, BOOKSELLER tS STATIONER, (Opposite the Town Ban,) HIGH STREET, HAVE RFORDWEST, Begs most respectfully to announce that he bas opened A GENERAL PRINTING OFFICE at the sbsve address whore be will be happy to execute ordcis for all kinds of LEITER PRESS PRINTING, MACHINE EULINO. NUMBERING, &c &<•. BOOK BINDING ORDERS PROMPTI.Y ATTENDED TO. J51MKA SPECTACLES ANI) EYE GLASSES. Surpass Pebbles of the. Finest Quality. PICTON PLACE, li A V EKFOKD W EST WAItElm (Late) eT LE"^X^ CABINET MAKING AND UPIIOLSTERING WAREHOUSE,] ESTABLISHED 1832. ELIZABETH E, LEWIS begs most respectfully to return hrr sincere thanks for the kind e, I i I e, I patronage bestowed upon her late husband, and to inform her friends and the public in general, that she intends to continue the Business in all its branches, and shall feel most grateful ) for any support she may receive. T E. E. L. trusts by diligent attention to all orders entrusted to her care, and by supplying every article of superior quality at a fair and reasonable price, to be favoured with a continuance of pub. lie patronage. A large Assortment of Carpetting, Floor Cloth, Cocoa and Manilla A1 Mattings- Damasks and Table Coverings.. Also a Quantity of remnants of Brussels and Tapestry Carpets at a Keduced Price. F U iv M R A L s Fu KN 1 SHE JJ. OARSONS'Aft^ PAINT, rATKONISKD BY 0 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, THE DUBLIN ÐOARO op WORKS THB BRITISH GOVERNMENT, J THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, j RAILWAI' and CAKAI COMPANIBS, THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT J THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, j COLX.IB*IBS, IRON MASTERS, &«. I 8,000 or THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY IJ For all kinds of 4fejM| OUT-DOOR "V\70RK, "ll And is proved, after a test < f upwards of 80 years, to surpass any other paint. It is e>>r"aHy applicable to f Iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm ,and nther Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and WAggotM,.Gates, ke., &c., and all exposed work, efiecting a Saving oi m^^than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice aslong afi Genuine'White Lead or any other paint, and OAN BE LAID OW* B^JfrNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any len&M% time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with "%il Mixture," according to Directions for Use," UUM avoiding the waste of paints sold mixed ready for use." -J} • PerCVt. COLOIIR^ ,i ( SS??^ i > BATH STONE ■it OWN > 26/ CREAM COLOUR U2/ F,F,N ') LIGHT PORTLAND STONE I 4 20/ w: VND STONE U^^»"UHEbSiK2r # 20/ RVFF (for STABLES) .J VAic!<o2jj^0S^ f Lli HT LEAD or SLATE 28/ -rf, OA COLOUR 26/ 1 COLOUR 2o/ .> ■» •• pared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrcsiorf. Oils, Turpetwn*' Vaii »s £ ea, Brashes, W' CARSONS' PAlNt* :c EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Bnck, Stonp, O. is unrivaVd, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rayiof the s't CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES/ WftAMtS, ^c, JWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Rations ia. tlie United "Kingdom. | PRICES, PATTERNS ANlD TESTIMONIALS S'ENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LlJDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. 4 NO AGENTS. !)).!L l1l'i\' _u_- Communication between Haverfordwest and Saint David's. DAVIlF LAMB BEGS respectfully to announce that he has contracted with the Postmaster general for the JD conveyance ot tho Mails to and fro between Haverfordwest and St. David' and that bis contract authorizes him to carry passengers. On and after the first of January. the Mai; will' leave the Mariners' 6.30, and arrive at the Grove Hotel at 9. The Mail will leave the Grove Hotel! at 2.;15 p.m., ami arrive at Haverfordwest at 5 p.m. Passengers' fares to and fro 7s 6d each. Single fares 5s. Haverfordwest, Dec. 31, I8f4. J Oil N ROBINSON A N D Oo. (ESTABUSHED 1842 ) MANUFACTURE Jl A IRES, Uf high Quality, which are sent out in good condition, and at moderate prices. SUPER-PHOSPHATE MANGOLD MANURE CORN MANURE GRASS MANURE And other kinds for Special Crops. Also LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, From Seed as imported. J ——.———— ii Apply to JOHN KKM3CNS0N & CO., BRISTOL, or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, f Kilpaison House, Pem'brdke; Messrs. R. and J. Jones, Haverfordwest. CLEDDAU BREWERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, <r E O K G E M. GREEN. MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial J Manures. t +-+.- GREEN & JOHN, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GEOCEBS, Q UA Y ST HE El RA V ERFORD TfTEST, AGENTS FOR LAWES' SUPERPIIOSPHATE OF LIVE, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PER U V I A N GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. etS .+ TO SUNDAY GEO. M. HAMMKII, A SCHOOL FURNISHER, INVENTOR, and MANUFACTURER of tbe AiXA7 OSBORRP,, QUADRANT, and ROYAL (t'ateut) SCflOOL & SEA7H. A "V L'ftTinni Wlllch encbcouibino a Sloped Desk, Flat Table, and Racked Spat for Lottorea, a# DAY-SCHOOL lilut-trate(i Cat;ogue of I)e,ks, Sents, Tab.ft, Gaiiermt. Eaee)", BlacKboarda, &o. Tost (rcuTwopence. The Metbodilit College, Belfast, and a larote number of other MANAGERS Colleges and Schools have iipei* I hv G M. H. 108, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, CHARINI; CROSS, LONDON, W.C. FLINT & Co., ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial Inquiry Offices, 58, CHEAPSIDE. LONDON, E.C. Ou* system of Debt Collection i» much atM'toved— .K l-, t 1—our Heglnierg and Relerence to OorrogjioudeQU ttt once show Dabtor t ability to pay. 2—No Spending good money afUr bad. 3—Special facilities In County Courts. Judgment agaiiiat Debtor in twelve days. —Altendnnce to prove debt, unnecessary- ) t;-eolllll,i."iOf.,5 per cent. under JE20, 26 per cent, above. lieiiirltaijcea. •NOTICE—In I hi* Offloe, n debt, alter uppJionf ion is made, >« not left to die a natnr*l debt Prompt, efficient, and voluntary advice l» givon to Su Wiber M to hest means of re«ov-rin« «awe I f in i, ndon, a clerk watts upon httn (>n the country by posr,; „nd obtaios from bim aarh .« «:i. ftMeus to recover dool without any further trouble to Subscriber, and without any attendance ot Ki.h^ritll be ug necessary. cuoacrioer _0- U^F-FEVER AND COLDS *4civ TOldl fwrh if inhaled on the first eymptome will at once remove them, and even when a cold has been neglected and become severe, it will give immediate relief, and generally cure in one day. It contains no narcotic, and never produces any unpleasant effeots. Address DB. DUNBAR, care of P. NEWBBRY and tIONS. 11, Newgate Stroot., LONDON, B.C. FOUERVOUS SUFFERERS. REAU itif "SECRET FRIEND." fpHlS Wonderful Medicel Guide not only gives the ■ but rbovvs how a permanent cure can be •fleeted in all cft-M of Nervous Debility, Depression "f Spirits, Timidity, Impaired S'ghi and Memory, ''ems in tbe hnok, Lassitude, Spermatorrhoea, lm. Pcilimcnts to Matriage, Stneture,SecoB^|'y Symptoms, *nd All Veneieal Dii £ »,»!iei!, without Mercury. ^'|rit».«,s long experience in thfflH^atment .ol al! *"nl Difeam-ii Iihn him t^^rent Ihe tui>st u,"t't..rft'" raaex w i, ii marked Mifeess Thia ^Hluable worU •• T! I SECRET FH1LMD," iH illu-lrated with n<i Micron* IHRl„ u in I te«innoniMli from Patients cx- I)II'Nli"R Illpir dtepegi gratitude for having bellD re. *iore.. to health .011 manly vigour. i° inarr^tl and »i>.gle thin hook Is inva'uabla. J*rtjj|Hji^j|ecure from obset vatiuii on receipt of JBV MfareB*, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square ■CTPtiry, Lgndon, N. jP* a *'lmpoHant to Country Patients. It ItA b. oinatilted pertonaHyr I letter, iftall Jü!f..tt1 "nd cm.fideniial R&OPF ,<V the benefit3T N»>ons siiffercra who bx it .1 H6i, he wi 1, on receiving a de*niption of mclo.iin$r a stHin^t'il envelope for reply, ho give hii> fipiinmi npoti Ihe nature of itio ftmcipliH 01 treatment neceswry to effWj, curti ^Addres*, lift, HARNES, l^Lons'' B»in»bui.. Lomiijtjg^. W BLOOD IS THK ■•*•4. bootny, chap, xii, "-iafipd Blood Mixture.—Tr; W »m e, the great It ion r, fcr cleansing an-, • (^Ojpuritii's, cannot he t" Scurvy, ,,ki.i [)i a n e er failing :t' d I ■^ It Cures Old S(.p!< .rCoree Ulctprated S (,tifes Vic(,rRte,l, Uteres Blackh*" Cures Scurvy* Cures Cnncw < ure* Hloo Cures Gle Clears tl From w As this mi ramed Ircc Ir cffconstit.) «nf)i icrs to T'lousan Hold iot "jx times 1- >erm»iieni oases.,—by hroukhcn •i>t to fii J V Suidt ayevfoi ACCIDENTS V\ ILL HAPPEN!! Provide against the losses that follow by taking a Policy AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDi, OF THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. ^'nvfpAvv ^sr«C8t ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE COMIANT Hon A. Ki.inerd, M.P, Chairmso. I *id np Oapltni vnd BeserTe Fund £ 160,000, AD nual Income, £ 180,000. Compensation Paid £915,000 Bonns allowed to Insurers of Five Years* Standing Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations the Local Agervt*. or f)4, CORNHILL, & 10, REtfENTSTREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. VIAX, Secretary. Agent for Haverfordwest: Mr H. BARHAM. Railway Station. PEOPLES EDITION. NEW SPECIAL MEDICAL WORK. By DR HENRT SMITH. NOW READY— FRISK EU,TIOIf. By post, in envelope, one stamp (to pre-pay postage.) DEBILITATING DISEASES-, THEIR CAUSE AND CURE. A WARNING VOICE TO YOUTH AND MANHOOD. By HENRY SMITH. M.n ,nf the Koyal University of Jena, Aaihnr of "The Vol. uuteer's Mar-oal," The Warning Voice," &t>. This work gives Dr Smith's TrMtment (the result of Twenty Six years special praetico) for tbe Cure of all Diseases of the Nervous system. Nervous Debility, M 'BI K- "1, t-al Deprosston, Palpitation of t!»e H,, Head & Ears, Indecision, Impaired 1- -.l^jMigeaiinn, Loss of Energy, Pains Blnshmp, Uysttris t vieas, Love of So'itud ReUxatiou, 4" Nerve P- wer.' Vpting Hnh! rmf?ltc IV" I PASS&LL'S Krust 9NCMMKS HffiELIiSaUFFEES. I ♦^SELL'S ORIENTAL COFKEK c nf «# VJ' iootion oi the finest growth of F* >r> prOOM o, roasting and grinding .iiij'.h and fine arorna are prpst-rvetr, render "• priwd in ORIEN" 1 HE PERFECTION ol COFFEr lb. iC^1ASSRLL,S COFFEES are i# Ul !• id.. Is 6d ami Is 8d 'jC~ Lani*ters» *id air-tight Pack' pound, by Agents, Grocers, «C.,t<3routu>. <?ut t.hp king lor QASSELL'S PURE H'fiAS. "JSECI/S TEAS are pure ATMO any s PURE Ulh, H'fiAS. "JSECI/S TEAS are pure frem any facing powder or otbtT iaj ,ou* ro*itrr, uteeti a« well a« the Biaok is the natural colonr oi tt.$ leaf, it has not therefore the bsiaht. or(ttoary Green Teas, whiCh are face j b with rnincrft powder or other coionripg L ■■ fhetn appearance Bythenh.pufCA.ssfEU i TA* < Plirity and uniforai good ouali'yare at times ca sured. CASSELL'S PC^E CiNCoi.ouaKo TE\ 2S., 2o 4d- aB^f 8d,. imT It), CASSKIX S Pt-m U."<cr:LOI'HEI) TFA, finest qu%H. ties, Ss. Ss 6d, aud 4-, per lb., io Pa'eb«C8 wH 021 to 3 fh. Sol 11 Agoltt, (Jract^, Chemist*. Confetitioitws, throughout the Kingdom. A ^7C^ —To plfcve CXs^Kii's well known TP.A A .0(1) CiVFyfE1 within tbe reach of every family m tbe Kingdom, A»:eir;« areriquirprl in every neigh* honrbood not yet inllv supplied. For terms, apply to CAT.SEUL, S^irrtr, & Co., >0 Feochorch Street, London. -STE DMAN -Rt A D E I RK CHILDREN TEETHING. Stedman's Teething Powders. The fatal effects frequo.ntly following tbe nse of Sor>tli'nR Medicinee. or. account of rho opium they nil contain, shrrala renoer parents extrpmely camious hm, they administer sueH dangerous remedies to their ciiiklrfn, who sjre dispropop. (kmately of the intfuence of opium, the Pro. prietorof the celebrated STKI'aIA N'S TKETHINC POWDKRS I' feelft it due to tlie public and himseir to assure it. that his Powders ccnlain no opium, and are on that account the safest and test for Children. T'urents will readily sec this fnr themselves, when they consider tl-tm number of inquests I that are held in the year on children dying from the effects Vaoothing- remedies. Testimonial «'ov. ri,. «'P°ulfon-!e.VVlde, Lancashire. •* have nsert y.>ur Teething Powders regularly fo» yevr8' Hn'i I71»T,°. sinfrIe ln»lante have I fount M ™ T? ^ordsof mine can half express tbe con- fidence which I have in fhi-tn. nor eonrey any idea of th« great value and comfort which they have beer to me end many other mothers to whom 1 have recommended them "1 remain, Sir. yours very faithfully, (Signed) "J. A. HroH»i." CAUTION.—AVOID and KEFUSE IMITATIONS" and see the TRADE MARK. a GT7M LANCITT in on •v £ Ty t'OWDER and PACK KT —Price I a. I^i and 2|3d E 0000- d, ID DISEASES OF CHH-DF I Stedman-PhiIIip's Tonic for Children suffering from oi*hex Rickets or Spinal Disease, Enlargenxent of Consumption and Wasting, Pa!W .-f r, •••• Dropsy, Al- • 4* Weak Eyes, avoiding light, } Paralysis of Limbs, TV- General De'.ulity, Kniar^eui Epileptic Fits, Abscess'1 Rickets and Oarvat.nre of the Spine a » depend, in almost every cose, upon a « bones, which permits tlieir 1 tending nndt I body, or action of the ribs in breathing H, I' ¡. £ I the bones is one of softening. ■ In order to better explain, it may be> t' «. Jgjaaremade uP ro^ly speaKjn^ TwltoteT- na ?L8?lrual mattcr', nich ms.v be fi e other a mineral T >w.rlljcr :t„ 0 ? These two kinds of mater! !^P' Ia heaithy m certain nearlv 'r m 'Ot nnder nn favourable conditions". -pervionr,- Wf among the workinc cl«se«8 in Ur, sucti portion becomes .deranged, and ft rs healthy pro. gredients are in less than their a 0T^Hhy in. in nature of this mineral matter i- The object-. strength to the l>oru s, esphciair Sr>r,nese and sequence of its deficiency is :o" ,,IM. the con. bending in the bon»s, common- ..le-ding nnd and the weight of tho w-'fiel'iioy Now, t.his softened conii., „ •nd is one which leads to cu. "tcfeeta. legs and to pigi-0'i.bro:;)its. leads to—sometimes 1\' bearing. Bandy .legs and kno-k.i:: both sel"; and pitreon- ■ theluntrs MhollJd iiave free Consumption. !"o; what arc H P to 0;) t" this rickety tendencyjn tLe child? If • let it take "Stedinan SFVKV; for Chtldren. to take a m;;teti iz4ve cr ft, snnshine, and »liberal diet; li'nt .Vtovij Child take— •* HTKDifA.v.PHIW.T" which will giv e col<"ir to prevent t.hein bending, atKi. A course of these Drops pr« those disagreeable nrttf dise attack th" child, rendering ance t'orbi.ldinc. Weak evt:8 .ire made strong, tiie it and that open cojidnion of the glands of the neck indicati-s ness, obviated, and ctTMj but, to rlo so. they n.t in three months. I' tie Chili t.e h Powders sbopld •' of Price ifi u 7''«'nallr P.O.O. — — i ■; n ST1 ¡it'