Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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-.=-=-=- rMPEBlAI* AUSTRIAN LOAN MONTHLY DRAWINGS: 1IW £ 25,000. £ 22.000, £ 20.000, 5-000, £ 10,000, £ 5,000, &c, «.c, .l«wn "*18 rMiimiNWObT the Imperial Auitrm.i «" r- G ment, ^s!!»re?^icbP"?nm" Tb'" •f Go*erimi«'»! Official*. & nhove P» iz 6 ■•"H'rvrir "■ ° «anb* fcad at £ « ,e Amwov FOP «bM*w ewt ^V^VNF/VA (Switzerland) Remit- »WKLTC FVNDS IK OFC. I'* V GENEVA, either tpeetuiea gratia on prepaid application. P- 7 TTTr^K gravel^ EU M B AG (). Mpu\nVAT!SM «0«T IMSRASES of th* RHEDMATISMi CTRICTUFE. &C. KIDNEY8, and BLADDER, STRICTU™ Dr. De Roos' Compound Renal Pills Are celebrated all over tbe ^or ^ascom{jl>lims speedy remedy for th"5 in ,he B'adder, and 1> Discharges of any kind, s'° Organs generally, eases of tbe Kidneys with the a:c Posse-inp lon'e p«ope digestive organs 4,1 delicate stomach, tbe general health, and ii crease the appetite, trop wh(,nc-)pa1i)ft, cutx-bs »n.; three days willeflecU > clftss, hRTe tttlerly failed •11 dangerous med'"™8?|' per box. la l$d., 2* 9' 4* 6d Us., infaUiM«wmedy in the These celebrated Pills "e atone, many most obstinate case*. By 'tbM"" h'etllth. when Bands hare been annna ly Thcir v*8t superiority •Tery other mcdiema has thent>0*e com plaint «ver eTerything else in th« c«fe ot w»_xl,aoldinary de. i« unitersally acknowledge i „ t jnlro<tuction n- tnand for them ever s,bV^P harVthey ever been 'Without pre«edent. In no ic«tft r0n88Yropioms so known to fail, or produce tho jjs ,ul.pertine, and •Often resulting from copaib ,j hey re()Uj,, •ther medicines usually ■ d justlj ■either confinement norfir al ba oonsidered the only safe efl\ tfae_ are recom- at.g« of those disorders for which tney ineadtd. THE MOST WONDEPFIIL PILLS IF THE WORLD. Dr. De Roos, PilulEe Vitse, or Vege- table Life. Pills. fV LL sufferers l\ feeling* low *Pin* J^ritahimy, fall"" »• the mec- «nneca«ary fears, rnenUl.rnta'niny^^ head tal and bodily powers, *ea*iddine(l|1< indigestion, and ••che, noises in the head, guMine*w,u „ail miih joy 'Other symptoms of i ife Pil'p, which speedii* 'the discovery of Dr. De Ho disease of wbat- **nd almost magioally'remo P spirit, vigour t< •«?er nature, restore cheerful organs on whicl the body, and strengthen all the P pa,(icl Htt.Uh 2d lit. depend. Tb'y d° « X1T, »S .«*- Of mercurv, but are P"r^y h..p 8ick headache, tions of the lWer, «At»'cn.C0V'n^9'ol^ spirit.. »en*- dlziiness, loi-s of appetite, gtomach, pa"18 bl' tions of fulness at the pit of dUtr^s ari8inp fron- tween the phoulderH, and t w:ll be of indigestion and general dcbi'i y, BAvantage thut nncxampled efficacy and it daiiRer from wet they can be taken at any ti»-e w. hoot dajfeer^ # or cold, or necessity for restraii without pain o. •ore. They act anidly on the b proriiote f griping, impart strength to t en,in' or, whti; kealthy action of the 'J ? ODBV clearing tin Pre«ent. curing the jaundice an Pa>ip r.,vjllK tin •kin. ren«UTii.g ^allowne.s■ ""f' rveii0n»ly invi^ora- blood, bracing the 0f all ace» will fan. »irg tii« whole »ynen!- Fc™ al without tb-ro. Wtetn wvalHable, and "J?" 33s per box. Life in re d, life is earnest, Ar,d this world to; not the goal: Du.,t II)ou ait-to dtitt it-turnett., Was not spoken o. the .ou •Kid o..r the Body, if oolj recoa. b. b»d t. -Dr. De Roos' World Famed Guttte Vitse, or Life Drops. Whose effects nro really maC'caube)^ i"vigor* *0 the system (arising from wlia frnioe, mitt .•ting and enlivening the who^'ehat. Sradusliy, bnt eff. cutely, up me UJ tered constitution. n.-tnnip is Although this truly wonderful m 11" »ot put forward as imparting Li,e ftl ,t were Jftuch to say that hy US debilitated who wen U»par.ed to the nervous and cto thos. •*ideotly Binking into an early g '„reiH.|V protract *>f matnrer ye«rs it will gently ai. ntly hopelest' the close ol life. Thousands rnPQW the. enjoy- sivrn np by the fat.ultj, v a living testi- Wjentof health, (life's gr^"test We"l^ g)- romarU(lbl »ony t„ the unspeakable w.ue u numeroU8 t,. Hundreds of testim i>repiiration i »«bl,.h, may l.« .«» by suffei ^tiremeiy pleasant to take, existence Jhilst such a <"ir-culou8 confillenCe in all IB re«ioimnendefi *IT» LUE U r. .;on XU •ase, o, Nervous Debility, Detec Jr<gJ;VeiS!on 0 Parity of.tbe Blood, Languor, La M F h the Spirits, Indigestion, Mudiou. 8i<1e, HarrB^sinR DreBiws. &c. whnm the wt-fii '•bit, debilitated females, and those 01 whom •nd tear 01 life w beginning to tell. '»no n y tb •teadily with this Life reviving Ton_ All t, 06 »hd they will be astonished at U« ro8u >. A l t Who have tried other means, galvanic and •'et,r # Ranees, &c without any beneficial ri metficint, recommended to make fair trial )jcicntific pri,. *hicn being concocted on the big^he „ccgs atten- «'Ple., invariably .ucc cds, Th„e J^o a host o' on this wondertul discovery ha1 3S)J -d worthless imitations. Price lis » If Bottle. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC- package of Dr. De Roos' |RAT'\V ALTER DJ- ^ernment S amp, with «be _w Reil ground, by "oos, London; in White Letters cn a c mi68ioners1 ^erof Her M»)caty's Honourable^^ Ur. L)] Without which none can po*si»iy » y patent |oos'world famed mediciiies are o, *J«di«ine Vendor In the wori wm t,e forwaided J £ <"rtd thp least re ipt of tbe amount, by linage Free) pff return, on reccip yy c. DB Roos, 43, Eolford square, London, Detilltated and nervous Holborn, London, W.O. • Marriage rightly understood, Gives to the virtuoas and the good A Paradise below.' Just Published, Post free 6 stamps. ANkw MEDICAL WORK ON MAltH 1AGK.—B) a Physician of many years practice. practical «■« bom sixes belore entering the wedded state, Witl» pisjn instructions for the speedy removal of a S^aiiticationa and impeoimeuts which too often t* happiness therein } it al.o treats on tbe c«u.e»l ^•mature decliiu-,1 oss of manhood, nervous In the back, fpermatorrl in,potence eUreuK !«itude, shyness, incapacity for study or business, for society, and tb« numt.erles^ ,nfirrn^tlf'' Iit« ,n8 'row youthlul abuses or excesses ol adu't 'e, together with the highly successful and thotoughly -'e.n»ode of treatment, whereby suflerers may jPaedily be restored to health and happiness. Address, J^Johnstooe, VuWisher, 27, Vsrulatn street, London. w Marvellous Remedy for Coogbs, Colds, ^oarseneBB, Asthma, Bronchitia, Consumption, 1 Chest Affections. ^EOTOBINE 4/kJ4 hy atl Chmiits, in bottles, at Is ljd, 2s 9d, axd] l, each, fro^D* the proprietcru upon receipt °^8t"!npn** r°«> Rev. J. STONEHOUSE, St. Saviour t> Vicarage, Nottingham. ]m ,ln.EAR SIR,—I can strongly recommend youi I ec'°" « ""invaluable Cough Remedy. I have K,v«" it tft »> 'n own family, and have also supp e? Pers«i8 suflering from Coogli in my parish, an tut! ,D#tanceit has given immediate relief. In som' of ttip Pa»8inlt sUepless nights, one or two dose^- Rons 1 ectorine have had such a good effect that pe •De«ui;'iR¥,P. p,>' B R°°d night's rest t.nd the Cough ha- P ^"appeared. S»v«. r uVUuLFK- St- Ann's Square, Manchester, lia, Your I'ecVoiine is superior to any Wtdioinc 1 ever tried for Coughs or Colds." cures the worst forms of Coughs and ^CTOBT»E Curtl Hcatseneji gives immediate relief in Bronchitis ls ^e9t niedicine for Asthma cures Whooping Cough cure a troublesonio tickling Ooogli, *°IUNE is invaluable in theKarly Stages ol Con- j»Er 8ui"puon TORlNE relieves all Aflections of the Chest, Luugs, and Throat. K by SMITH & CLARKE, BTanufactu- r^n8 Chemists, Park Street, Liacoln. jni** ^ice Chancellor Sir C. H ill granted a perpetual ^othnrh00' Wnll> C08t», against F- Maeou, Chemist ornam, for using tbe word 'Peotorine.' t chemist,. Cl\stJQ Square, "I! >R. IIUNTEH'S Spcnal Lcctures to Young Men -J on HEALTH, ITS 'RESTORATION, AND HAPPY MARRIAGES.—'When to marry, with HAPPY MAERt AGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render n arried li'e unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, snd wish to ittt,aiii a nappy old age.—Post free on receipt of two stumps.—Address. Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. Impurity of the Blood.-Enfeebled Existence. This medicine embraces every attribute required in a general and domestic remedy it overturns the foundation of disøaøe laid by defective food and impure air. In obstruction or COB- (restions of the liver, lungs, bowels, or any other organs, these Pills are especially serviceable and eminently successful. Ther should be kept in readiness in every family, being a medicina of incomparable utility for young persons, particularly to those of feeble constitutions. Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and Lowness of Spirits. These Pills effect a truly wonderful change in debilitated constitutions, as they create a healthy appetite, correct indi- gestion, remove excess of bile, and overcome giddiness, headache, and palpitation of the heart. Mothers and Daughters. If there is one thing more than another for which these Pills are famous it is their purifying properties, especially their power of cleansing the blood from all impurities, removing dan- gerous congestions, and renewing Suspended secretions. Univer- sally adopted as the one grand remedy for female complaints, these Pills never fail, never weaken the system, and alway a brine about what is required. Disorders of the Kidneys. In all diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water, or whether they be afflicted with ttone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the region of the kidney?, these Pills should be taken according to the printed directions, and Holloway's Ointment should be weft rubbed into the small of the baek at bed-time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief even after all other means have failed. Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. Persons suffering from any disorders of the liver, stomach, or other organs of digestion, should have immediate recourse to these Pills, as there is no medicine known that acts on these particular complaints with such certain success. Nervous Debility. Persons who feel weak, low, and nervous, may rest assured some serious ailment is looming in the distance, against which instant action should be taken. These renowned Pills present the ready means of exciting energetic action on the Kvcr, liberat- ing accumulated bile, and lifting at once a load from the spirits and expelling a poison from the body. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for tlte following diseases:- Ague Headache Stone and Gravei Asthma Indigestion Secondary Symp- Bilious Complaints Liver Complaints _.fc0T?Si Blotches on the Skin Lumbago Tic-Doloreui Bowel Complaints Piles Ulcers Debility Rheumatism Yenereal Affections Dropsy Retention of Urine Worms of all kill" Female Irregularities Scrofula, or King's Weakness from Fevers of all kinds Evil whatever cause, Goat feore Throats &c., &c. The Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor HOLLOW Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London, alEO by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the CmIwed "World, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., and 83s. each. The smallest Box of Pills contains four dosea, and the smallest Pot of Ointment one ounce. Full printed directions are affixed tj <*ch Box and 'Pot, and can be had in any language, even m Turkish, Arabic. Armenian, Persian, or Chinese. No. II-I, ARCHIMEDEAN AMERICAN LAWN MOWERS. AWABDED Grind Diploma of Honourable Mention, Vienna, 1873. Silver Medal, Vienna, 1870. Silver Medal, Hamburgh, 1869. PATBON-ISED BY His Bo^a*H^hness TPHE8 PWNOE^OF^WALKS, HfflsImPperiri M$Bty Tnl EMpSuOKOF AUSTRIA. The EGYPT, The lat. EMPEROR OF Ttig FRENCIL. And many of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain. ThisXiawn Mower will cut Long and Wet Grass (as well as Dry and Short) without Gl'>g!;]n0. Is specially adapted for CuHii.g Slopes, Steep b-mbankments, under Shrubs, and close up to Trees,- <fcc. Extremely light in Draught. Simple in Construction, well made, and not likely to get out of "r^er- It can be used either with or without Grass Box. Every Mower is warranted to (five satisfaction, and, if not approved of, m -y be returned within a month, and the amount paid will be refunded. OPINIONS OF THE PBJSS. with.—Vide Floral World. BEFORE PURCHASING A LAWN MOWEB send for our Catalogue, winch rontains Opinions of the Tress and Testimonials from Gentlemen of High Position in the IIoi;tl^Uural World, Noblemen, Clergymen and others. PRICES FROM ONE OTJINEA. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway btaUons in Britain. WILLIAMS & Co. (LIMITED), MANUFACTURERS wid PA™^™S- Q qq THnu William Street, London, Jb.u. SEEING AGENTS: JOHN G. ROLLINS & Co., OLD SWAN WHARF. THAMES-STRKKT, LONDON; WALTER CARSON & SONS, ICrrv Sil'VAHE VsKII, LUDGATK HILI. U,ZoX: Ld BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET! TAMES LILLYWHITE FROWD. and CO. a <J K„w Illustrated Price. List for 1873 !S now read,, MI* will be sont post fixe to any ajiphcan • Cricket and British BSS 2 tlio bost quality^"d moderate price. Observe the address. A NFWINGTON CAUSli\VAY, LONDON. TT-rpW>ASS'IMrTKA COMPANY (Limited). TTPPEli AbbA.i T {or saio of Assam Tons U —Agents in all Pr?nVttions. Prices per lb. 2s. 6d.t direct from the particulars apply to Head Depot. Sg and3s. fid. *orI'JrT Agents "Wanted. ^• K^l^^r^AXF#i^HAINS^ eqoa.1 in OROIDE tjOLD A will vrfm a lifetime; post free appearance to lR-carat gnW, C(1_ aml 10s_ fid. Cluster for 5s. 6d. and 7s. 2s'. 6d.,5s. 6d.. and7s.6d.: single rings, set with Ali^ka diamo obtained bycuti-mg hole in fitnnG ring, 5s. Cd., 513^ o* & # ^Cnrf pins, 2s. 6d.; cross68t o»rd;brooch, 4s. 6d.; earrings, :'gleeve links, 2a. 6d.; shirt N° METCALF AND CO., „ !MTT S AND WATCHHAKKRS. JEWELLERS. SI^vlrsMI^lAN >)A^, MAKERH. Baffin at 8. Premises.lbi'' 19, COCKSPUE STP.EET l,OHBO;r, ESTABLISHED 1812. "Ile AND f PROCTOR AGRICULTURAL ClIEMISTS, CAIHAY, BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY bi'KKPAHED BONE MANURES. FOR GRASS, CORN, ROOT, AND 3THER C llO PS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. WORKS,—CATIIAY, BRISTOL. AGENTS—Mr G. Griffiths, Wiae Merchant, Pembroke „ Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. Evans, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. CARSONS'$ifei PAINT, PATKONISED BY PATltONISED UY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, THE DUBLIN BOARD OF WORKS, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, | THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAL COMPANIES, THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT J THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLLIERIES, IRON MASTERS, &O. 8,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of OUT-DOOR WORK, And is proved, after a test of upwards of 80 years, to surpass any other paint. It is especially applicable to Iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings. Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, GartS and Wa§g°nsj Gates, &c., &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE .LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to'be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," thus avoiding the waste of paints sold mixed ready for use." • PerCwt. COLOURS. PerCwt. WHITE 1 TRADE MARIG BRIGHT RED 28/ LIGHT STONE DARK RED BATH STONE PURPLE BROWN J 26/ CREAM COLOUR.>32} /^KcflRosioM^m BRONZE GREEN j LIGHT PORTLAND STONE ff p £ ll!7' \Cm CHOCOLATE 20/ PORTLAND STONE ^manufactured!^I BLACK 20/ BUFF (for STABLES) .j h'Spf BRIGHT GREEN* LIGHT LEAD or SLATE 28/ MEDIUM GIIEEN L0# OAK COLOUR 26/. DEEP GREEN LEAD COLOUR 2oj tuuts ix auxiaiwac tuu« BLUE ) Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes Ac. OARSONS PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES^ &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations ia the United Kingdom. PRICES, PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.G. And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK. DUBLIN. NO AGENTS. PHOSPHO JSL GUANO. PREPARED ONLY FROM PACIFIC ISLAND GUANO BY THE PHOSPHO GUANO SEACOMBP, Co., LIMITED. TRADE MARK. CHESHIUE. IRADri IIARK. IS THE BEST MANURE FOR ALL PURPOSES. PHOSPHATES SOLUBLE, AMMONiA FIXED, ANALYSIS GUARANTEED. A^EjVTS:— Mr John Sime, East Hook, Haverfordwest. Mr John Bennett, Wolfsdale, do, Mr Caleb John, Eglwyswrw, Newport. Mr T. D. Francis, Bryn Shop, Llanybyther. MESSRS. HILTON & WALTEEW, Liverpool, Factors to tho. Company. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA AND THE CITT OF LONDON. .» .•» Vmoeror of Russia lias conferred on Mr J. Banson the nppointment of Gold. smith \:z'VX' '-•l'lr^c,lsAMliSr"'• ",i,,ic ,'r"d"<:lio"ol0,14 CMM' P"M o Ibe Fmpcror by llir Corpot.lion ol tbe C«y ol ]>EXS0S t J # V • I > Xo the Q ieon and Royal Family. Tn H. R. 1J. the Prince of Wnli s (special appointment.) Maker of the Ch onograph, by which the Derby and all /jT great races ore timed. Frze Medallist of Locdon, (m II f'ublin, and Paris. il dflfffllfc /I LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C.; & 25, OLD v^^aEMr T BO N D ST R t E r. T \xr 1 >ENS0N invites attention to the tin- el VV 13 equalled adTantag s which he is enabled to gtfer to ptiro' asers by tbe H9c; ofsiratn power and the employment of a large et'iff of skilled English and foreign workmen. The highly salislaotory per- formance of bis Watches and Clooke il recognized by the Press and the Public. The prices charged in every __vvy^^ instanci-, are the Liwest, compatible with sound work- V] OVELTY. bEngl;sh Clocks far superior to foreign, N dcsigied by English Arl;sts, manufactured on U -tiH ,he Pren'ise8, and to be obtained oniy at the IIIf fil-tLJli, i^i-=«y Mf~—'y- lo|_ PHfllB above establishments. Clock Cases made to har. If I llafXjf1*' B| moniz-. with the architecto e of mansions, conniry IT 'flVvH TP11/ fl bouses, &c., and with their furniture. V \VTATC1IES. From L to 200 Guineas. Riilway m "» Guards, Sailors, St.Idlers, Minere, and Work- > III en's %aches (oi cxi rti Sirength ) y;\ BLOCKS. From 1 to 1,0C0 Guineas. JEWELRY and Plate for Presentation, &c. Watches and Clocks repa red by skilled woikmen. ^ld Jewelry, Sil-er, and Watches exchanged. Watche< sent to all partp, s»fe by post. Merchants aud Shippers supplied. The new Pmnphlcis on Turret and Chnrcb Clocks i tfcc Perpetual C»lendnr, <^ith Testimonials). Watches and C'o> k»,- Jewelry and The above ske ch represents tfccP P^ i Plate (profusely illustrated), sent post fiee each lor Independent Seconds; ft.eyics» • two Stamps. without bcinc reset from minutes, hours,' {- W. Benson's New Work, "Time and Time Teller*, !TV8 weeks' tonS, and years; show old and new Hurdwioke, Piccadilly. Plain 2s 3d., ,i?IM phases of the mocn and variations o eat C'AU'XI0N _The PubMc ftrc ca#lioBrd gflin8l mU. and cold. representations and attempts to fell Spurious Imitations. W& A GILBEY'S WINES & .SPIRITS-—^The undermentioned WINES & SP'RITS, boUled by W & A GILBEV, and bearing their Seals anil Labels, can ■ rthfain!d from their Agents at the same prices as at Head Establishments. be oDtainea I & GILBEY'S List of 200 varieties two descriptions of each class of WINES nd SPIRITS are quot.ed below, one on account of its moderate price, and the second for its fine quality combined with greater age. AGENT G. V. HARRIES, Chemist, 36 High Street HAVERFORDWEST WlflES p„ Ptt SPIRITS Bottle Dozen B^e r« »i iA PO"RT from Portugal A good-\ Castle UP Q-IN Distilled from the best) kLlJwt Wi^ with excellent flavor, well j 1/9 211 unmalted Corn, aiid highly rectified at our 12/ 241 i vears old at time of bottling) own DistiHery. 33 per cent, underproof) Tb PORT from Portugal A fine) Castle PROOF OIN Distilled from the best) CaStle B POB A u matUred. V 2/4 28/ uumalted Com, and lughly rectified at our S 2/10 84/ 8Uyws oldattime of bottling ■> own Distillery. Strength, proof J ^r^TRW PORT A fruity) Castle UP IRISH WHISKEY) Castle t SPAjNI»«- north-east V 1/3 15/ Drilled from fine Malt, and matured in our V 2/3 27/ \Vme of g^dVearsoldTtime of bottling) own Bonded Stores. 33 per cent, under pf.j of Spain, ay -po TIT The finest) Castle DO IRISH WHI8KEY1 Castle 3 SPANISH north-east of > 1/9 21/ The finest old Dublin Whiskey, matured in I 3/3 39/ I £ ln^^yePa« old at time of bottling our own Bonded Stores. Strength, proof) „ JA from Spain A) Castle UP SCOTCH WHISKEY 1 Castle lA SH^ bie for Luncheon V l/Q 18/ Distilled from fine Malt, and matured in our > 2/3 27/ pure Sherry su.^ ^6 0f bottling > own Bonded Stores. 33 per cent, under pf. j °T ^inn^' 3Js-ETrRY/rout S/ain A\ Castle SO SCOTCH WHISKEY) Castle C Pale SHE Sherry, mode- V 2/4 28/ The finest old Scotch Whiskey, matured in 3/3 39/ ratelydry ryears oid at time ol bottling J our own Bonded Stores. Strength^ j „ ivrATtSAIjA frottl S'Ctfy) Castle UP BRANDY Possessing the"! 4 ^Sf^Vate flavored Luncheon or Dinner V 1/4 10/ wholesome qualities aud much of the fine} 2/3 27t Winf fvearfoTd atTime of bottling • ) flavor of Cognac. 33 per cent, under proof) « 3-}. «»pctT.A from Sicily) ,lf> Castle PROOF BP-ANDY Possessing the^ ^Thffin^t dry and delicate WineP^Ki«d| 20/, wholesome qualities and mi,ch of the fine} 3/ 36/ Sicily 7 years at time flavor of Cognac. Strength, proof ..) A rtr itJTf.T front France A pure) Castle D COQ-NAC An excellent^ Castle A CLAR excellent beverage ? 3 12/ Brandy of fine flavor, from the Chambaene I 3/ 36/ Snfm a?s Upwards of a year in boule) districts of Cognac. per cenT uX^f | 86' at all !?_ T,EX/«"! Frt!ie ) 1 id 10, Castle FO COGNAC The finest Cham-1 flavored wd well-matured Medoc Wine, j 18/ pagne Brandy well matured by great age 1 4/9 67/ possessing bottle characwr^^ •• Strength, proof .J r.. QATTMUB Silver Foil Quarts! 2/1 25/j; Castle UP JAMAICA RUM A well- C Snarkling dry Champagne, with Pints { m l4/G matured Jamaica Kum, and of a soft mellow I 2/3 27/ finefevorand delicacy flavor. Strength, 33 per cent, under proof) flAUMUB Gold Foil Quarts) 2/6 30/ Castle JO JAMAICA RUM lhe-j j «-fw »/, ;rs™;3,K;oir'lmrt^b.>™}3'3 •* SPARKLING CHAMPAGNES AT REDUCED PRICES rot,Z 1 CHAMPAGNE A pure Quarts) 2/2 26/ j' Ca.sile 3 OHAHPAMEAcV AO. Soarkling Wine for ord.nary use, p;nts )■ of Lhammnc usually sold und.r Q'" I 3/6 42^ from the Champagne district >1/3 1» J spccial brands and at hiRh prices pintsf 1/11 23/ & AU Settles (except for Spwkli#g Wln»« ar«(*wgei. id eacs. wtsn Is aUowei when returned Communication between Haverfordwest and Saint David's. I) A V I 1) LAMB BEGS respectfully to announce that he has contracted with the postmaster General for the conveyance ot. the Mails to and fro between Haverfordwest and St. David's, and that his contract authorizes him to carry passengers. On and after the first of January the Mail will leave the Mariners' Hotel at 6.30, and arrive at the Grove Hotel at -The Mail will leave the Grove Hotel a#*&. 15 p.m., and arrive at Haverfordwest at 5 p.m. Passengers' fares to aud fro 7s 6J each. Single fares 5s. Haverfordwest, Dec. 31, 1874. -(ES'fABLISHEl)-(842 ) JOHN ROBIlTsON AND Co. m r ) v MANUFACTURE MANURES, Of high Quality, which are sent out in good condition, at moderate prices, and uunng the past Z7 season several important prizes have been awarded for roots grown [ruill them where the com- petition was unrestricted. DISSOLVED BONES CORN MANURE GRASS MANURE SUPER-PHOSPHATE MANGOLD & TURNIP MANURE And other kinds for Special Crops. Also LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, FromSeedasimported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & CO., BRISTOL, or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, Kilpaison House, Pembroke; Messrs. R. anJ J. Jones, Haverfordwest. C L ED DA U B R E W E R Y, BUIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G E () K G E At. G R E E N. MALTSTEH & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial I Manures. G¥ EEFTTo"HZ WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREEl HAVERFORDWEST, AGENTS FOR lUYliS' SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LI HE, LAWES' PATENT TCRKIP MANURE, AND L Â W E S DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. TO SUNDAY GEO. M. HAMMER, A vrrt SCHOOL FURNISHEU, INVENTOR, and MANUFACTURKit of the OSBORNE, QUADRANT, and ROYAL (PateiH) >CHOUL-l>liSK.S & SEA7 A ctnri/ t Which eacbcoiubine a Sloped Desk, Fla- Table, and B-teked Sp&t tor Lectures, aio JJAY-bCHOOL Illustrated CaCogue o' Doks, Se»ts, Tab es, Gal enes, Easel-, UlacKboard>, &v.L Post fretTwopence. The Methodist College, Belfast, and a large number 81 other MANAGERS Colleges and Schools have beer fitted bv G M. H. 108, ST. MARTIN'S LANE, CHARING CROSS, LONDON. \V C. FLINT & Co., ACCOUNTANTS, Commercial Inquiry Offices, 58, OHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C. OUR system of Debt Collecting is much approved- I-OUf Registers and Reference to Correspondents at once show Debtor's ability to pay. 2-No Spending good money aftir bad. 3-Special faoilitii'S in County Courts. 4—Judgment against. Debtor in twelve days. b-Attendance to prove Sleht unnecessary. ti—Coanniasiort, 5 per cent. undergo, 2i per cent. above. 7—Prompt Remittances. NOTICE—In thin Otttop,adebt,sfter application is made, is not left to die a natural deht. Prompt, efficient, and voluntary advice is Riven to Subscriber as to best mean;! of recovering same. frin London, a clerk waits upoii him ('n the oouotry by post,; and obtains from him such instructions at will en • able us to recovei debt wiihout any further trouble to Subscriber, and without any attendance ot Subscriber able us to recovei debt wiihout any further trouble to Subscriber, and without any attendance ot Subscriber bp ng necessary. WKYFEVER and coinC I swiauNC^Bo rr^5 if inhaled on the first symptoms will at once remove them, and even when a cold has been neglected and become severe, it will give immediate relief, and generally cure in one day. It contains no narcotic, and never produces any unpleasant effects. Address DR. DUNBAR, care of F. NEWBBRY and SONS, 87, Newgate Street LONDON, B.C. rOifERVOUS SUFFERERS. READ ml "SECRET FRIEND." rPHlS Wonderfui Medical Guide not only gives the Jl cause, but shows how a-permanent cure can be effected in all cases of Nervous Debility, Depression of Spirits. Timidity, Impaired S'ghi and M' n.orv, Pains in the back, Lnesitode, Spermaiorrl cea. IrlJ- pediments to Marriage, Stricture,Secondary Syinp:oui», and AllVeneieal Disease*, without tbe use of Mercury. Dr B rnes's long experience in the treatment 01 al: Sexual Dresses baa enabled him to treat file nn>st Invetcra'e cases with marked success This "aiuai.le work "THE SECRET FRIEND," is illuKtr.iteu with numerous cuses and testimonials from Patients ex- piessiiig their deepest graiitude fur having been le- Stored to health and manly Vigour. To the married aud single this book is invaluable. Sent post tree secure front observation on receipt of two stamps. Iggr Address, Dr. "Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square Bainsbury, London, N. Important to Country Patients. DR BARNES ma 1 be consulted personally or by D letter, in al1 pi i Illte and coi fidential cases and tor the benefit of NervotiL, tiflerert, who cannot visit iim, he will, on receiving a desciiption of their case, enclosing a stamped envelope for reply, be ready to give his opinion upon the nature of the case, and the principles 01 treatment necessary to effect a perlect cure Address, DR. BARNES, 1. LoDsdale Square, rat.bury, London, N. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE.—"Sic Deute ronomy, chap, xii, verse 28.—Clarke 8 World atned Blood Mixture-Trade Mmk.—" Biooci Mixture." 'he great Blood Purifier and Restorer, for cleansing and clearing the blood frcm all impurities, cannot be too highly recommenced for Scroiula, Scurvy, Skin Di-eases, and t-toret. ol nil kinds I is a never failing and I enuallCnI cure. It Cures Old ISores Cures Ulcerated Sores on the neck Cures Ulcerated sore legs Cures Blatkheadi or pimples oil the face Cures Seurvy sores Cures Cancerous Ulcers Cures biuod and skin diseases CIlIe. Glandular Swelling* Clears the Blood from all impure Matter From whatever cause arising As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the moet deli- cate constitution o! either sex, the propuetor solicits sofleiers to yive it a trial to test its value. Thousands ot Testimonials from all parts Sold in bottles :¿t; 6d each, and in rases, containing <ix times the quantity, Ils eact)-ButlicienL to etteet a jermmienl cure in the ^reat majority of long standing iase#,—by all Chemists and Paient Medicine, Vendors throughout the United Kingdom aud thu world, or cut to an) aocirces on receipt ol (ill or 132 stamps by F. J.CLARKE, Chemist, High Street, Lincoln. Wholesale All Patent Medicine Houses. rf by G. Hauies, Chemist, aiid W. H. Rees, ufordweH. ONE MILLION STERLING J-hs been paid as COMPENSATION FOR DEATH 8c INJURIES Caused by ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. liON. A. KINNAIIID, M P. Chairman. Paid up Capital and Reserve Fund £ 180,000- ANNUAL I sCOME £20U,0;;0. Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' Standing. Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, the Lo.'ai Agents, or 64, CORN HILL, & 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent tor Haverlordwest: Mr n. BARHAM, RailwRv F.tiitinn. PEOPLES EDITIOS 1 NEW SPECIAL MEDICAL WOHK. I BY DR HENRY SMITH. NOW READY-FREE EU.'nOY, By poet, in envelope, one stamp (to pre-pay posiapc.) DEBILITATING DISEASES; thdr CAUSE ant CURE. A WARNING VOICg IO YOU I H AND MANHOOD. By BENny SMITH. M.D.,o| I I the Royal University of Jena, Author of "T-. V'). tir.,teer's Maiioal," The Warning Voice," &e. Tt:i«. woik gives Dr Smith's Treatment (the result of Twenty Six years special practice) tor the Cure of all the Nervous system, Nervous Debility, Menial & i'bysi- ¡ eal Depression, Palpitation ot tie Heart, Noises in the I j Head & Ears. Indecision, Impaired S ght and Mei.-xirv, Indigestion, LoNe of Energy. Pains in tbe Back, t.'onst i pation, Blushing, Hvstiria, Timidity, Seif-distrutt, Uisaines. Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Muscu- lar Relaxation, &e., resulting from exhaustion of Nerve Power, the effect of Overtaxed Energies, Ener- vating Habits, and other abuses of the system which if neglected, end in premature decline and death II GIVES INSTRUCTIONS AND PRESCRIPTIONS Ilitlitrated with Testimoniala fiom grateful patients- with means of Cure used in each ('8-c, Also Al)VICV TO YOUNG MEN ON SUBJECTS OF GREAT IM POM. rANCE. Sent tree by post on receipt of one penny stamp. ••This h a work which every young roan shou'ri read. The moral tone which pervades every pace wi-h sound advice is invaluable, especially when comir,2 from the pen of a physician whose success has pivet hm a placc a.i.on^t the eminent Specielists of the rtge. —jjtruing thr « c/e. Third Thousand. By po.t. seven stamps in er-Hone \i7 OMAN; iier Dutie«, Relations, and Po-itioi VV Subjects treai* d: Girlhood, Maidenho' Courtship, Maniage, Motherhood, Female Kdueaiioti' I'\male Hen th, Female Hygiene, Domestic Mt<nu> e itc., &c. It is a treatibe on subjects of v.;al imi oi l ante ;o W<>man. UK\UTIKUJ LY ILI-UsTEATEt) A\ iTH ENGUAV1KOS ON WOOD. "This is an extiemelv we. »ritten and most ir. terl,,Istirog wuik, evincing a thorough umstt ry »n i e fu'j-t, and cotitaininif the \aLimt.le irforii.aiioi for woman Review, June 27 1874- Address, Dr H. SMITH, », Burton Cresc. ni LOI" din, W.C. CONSU A LONDON PHYi-IClAN BY LETTEt WITHOUT FEE. DU H SMITH, the Eminent Specialist !or ih- B cuse ol ail detiUtauug and coniasiotis dtseasi "WtLf- FOIt THK "RKytiFIT 01'' COI'STRV PATIKNTS WH-* CANSOT CONSULT HIM l-KJ.ffNALLir, 01' rCCeivji g lies criptiou ol ease, send hit* opin:on, with ai: vice and directions for the InGIí. sacci-sstui'.r«i,oi to health and vigour. Ad^ross,Dr H. Smith, 8, Burton < I IMPURE UKmoyRE# CASSELLSfCOFFEES. t V SELL'S OIMRNTA|L«)FFF.E'-»s of a »e J leftion of Hie finest of I ri i.i. In the process of roasting arH pHnutrig the full strength an,j fine aroma are pn's-rvioi. sen-'ering it equal to Ihe M Coffee so arnch prized in <)RIF.XTAL CMTJNTRIES IHE PERFECTION ol COFFEE Price "i? per ib. r^ASSKLL'S COFFEES are supplied at l- ls 2J,, v_ Is 4d., li i'.d and ls 8>I., and Is idd per ib., fh Ctni»tersi 'id aii-"ig!it one ounce toone p >nnd, by Agen-ts, (iroccrs, Chemj-ts. Confectioners, & "through out thp kingdom CASSELL'S PURE UNCOLOURED TEAS. (■* .SELL'S TEAS are pure and free from anv J fa;ing powder or o-iit-r injnriau> mstter. the Green as weli as tbe Black is the natun.l eo'our of ti e lea', it has not thetelore the bri-ht green hue "if O linary Green Teas, which are faced by ihe Cbine-e with mincra powder or other co'onrjng matter to give them appearance. Bv the nse of I I AS rea purity and unIform good quality are at ail tinges eu sured. CAS'ELI.'¡; PUKE UVCOI.OI.KEI) TEA 2, 2S id., and 2> 8d., per lb, CASSEII.'S PURE UNCOLOUNRN TTA, finest quaii. tie-, 3s. 3. lid, anc 4-, per lb., in PacKets oi i oz to 3 lb. Sol y "fente, Grocers. Chemist*, ConfeclitHcrs, &;o* throughout the Kingdom. GENCX-—To place CASSKT.LV well kno vn TFA AND COFFKKS within the reach of every family in hI' Kifigdom, Agents are required in every neigh" t^CUrhood no1 yet 'ollv suppHcd. For term-, ;ip;>lv to CASS ELL, SMITH, Sl Co., Fenchurch Stter!, Loudon. M-SAAL-T-EN'S C" WORLD'S o]IA JE S ONE HUNDRED REASONS Might be given why JIlrs. S. A ALLEN" WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER should be used by every intelligent human being in pre- ference to every other Preparation for the Hair; but tea will aufiice, and here they fit. 1ST.—It never fails to renew, revive, and restore the original youthful colour and appearaftee of the Hair, in every case of greyness, no matter from what cause It arises. 2ND,-It will revive the growth. 3BD.-It will give the Hair a natural gloss. 4TH-It will restore life and vigour to the roots of the Hair. 5TH.—It will stop the Hair from falling off. 6TH_It is a superior dressing for the Hair. 7TH.—Its perfume is most agreeable. 8TH.—Hail Oil or Perfume is never required with It. 9TH.—Its good effects are permanent. 10TH, AXD LASTLY.—Forty years of trial have established its superiority and ex- cellence. No preparation has ever attained to such renown as MRS. S. A. ALLE:S-'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. The imitators are macy. — Vorbum set sapienti." 1' PRICE 66.. IN LARGE BOTTLES. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS— 114 and 116, Southampton Row, London; 35, Boulevard Haussmann, Paris; And Soll1 by all Chemists and Perfumers tlironplioiit the World. HAN 9S ALM MAQNOLIARALM BEAUTY. A few applications of HAGAN'S MAG- NOLIA BALM will give a pare, blooming complexion. Its effccts sire gradual, natural, and perfect. It does avray with the flushed appearance caused by heat, fatigue, and excitement; removes all blotches and pimples, dispels dark aud unsightly spots, drives away tan, freckles, and sunburn, and by its gentle but power- ful influence mantles the faded cheek witii youthful bloom and beauty. In use iu America for the last twenty-five years. Sold by all Chemists and rerfun ers. al 3s. 6d. Every Bottle is enclosed in o handsome French Cardboard Toilet Catoe EUROPEAN DEPOT- 114 & 116, Southampton Row, LONDON". W.C. PoWELCS Embrocation HPHE EXTRAORDINARY SALE, wide- spread popularity, and wonderful resul's of I'OWKLL'S EMBROCATION appae startling to those yet uuaqnair.tcd with tho pruperties of this emollient. Its marvellous efficacy has been attested by H.R.H. the DCKE D'AUMALi", tho RIGHT nox. TIIE LATE EARL Of CLARENDON, KG., the RIGII", BOX FRANCES CQVNTESS WALDE- (mA VE, the RIGHT HOX, Til E COCX. TESS OF RADNOR, and m.y other eminent persons, copies of testi- imotiiils accompany cach bottle. ^T^HE TORMhNTING and Sleep-Destroying I'ains of Kheuuiatism, Gout, Neuralgia Sciatica, and Stiffness of the Joints, Pain- ful ^weMijigs, tjiiicli! yield toils emollient influence. The Preparation is st>id by aU Sciatica, and Stiffness of the Joints, Pain- ful SiN-eliiligs, tjiiicli! yield toils emollient influence. The Preparation is suld oyaU Chemists, at lul. and 2s M, 1.'& VAN DUZER & RICHARDS, SOLE PROPRIETORS. LABORATORY— U4 & 116, SOUTHAMPTON ROW,