Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



IMPERIAL ATT ST K IAN LOÃ-N MONTHLY DRAWINGS: Prizes; X25,000 je22,000, £ 20.000, £ 15.000, £ 10,000, .105,000, &c, &c, down tn £ 18 U \RANTKl.l' by tli.' Imperial AnstriMi. Go*err.- J in, Drawings in puMic under ^upenntendcru i Of novrrmncn. Offleials.-Sharcs witich entitle tip H-'Mit to a cbsnre of winning ary of the IIhove Priz 8 he hnd at it raeh-Six Si mv*a entitling to ü, Chance, com An.-ly o.-ly to -be AGF.NCV FOB I tjm). IS GKNKVA VT'.V 'n- res ,re to be sent DIRECT 'JO GKNKVA. either u ]htk Notts, Cruss.d or Post-office Order P«y»b:. lit. Itlp ;{J..ner, rot Office to the Manner, Alt OTTH I'liSK II Geneva, who will also supply Pro gttitis on prepaid application. I^ATxT^T^hTlnCK. O K A VF.L, LUMBAGO. Rff F,UM AT18M. tiOUT, DISK AS Kb. o( tin ^'DNEYS, anil BLADDER, STIilCl UHE, &c. ])r. De Roos' Compound Renal Pills. *re celebrated nit over tho word a* he most xnfe■and remedy for the above d..nger<>u« complaints, *H-rl.'nrKeit of ar.y kind. S"»n» in the B atldpr, Hiid Dii. *8*<«*of u.o K-('ney« andUrwry Organs geosntllj. Wufc tonic properties. they agree with the mo*. ■*f,,cntc stomach, strenetheu'be digeguvp org-ins, in '»•« tbc app. iite, Improve the eennat health and I three days will ePect ncnr>, when opntba, cubits, an ?" df,,erroiis m-d'eines of that class have utterly .oil. I Isili 4, 6d 11- a"d 33« per box. Tho^'cob brVted I'ilLs nre an infallible remedy in the «>•». Sin,Bv ,h,'r •»»d« lmvc been annually restored to »ual b, wjien nthr- ,n"dirine has lat'-d. Their r^st -upeT orrty oter'priTvt'hine «■Ise in the curool iheahovecomplamtii nnuerv I ack nowledgeri, the ext aordtnary de- #'an/r I ( r Bine- their first introduction is »"h«ut nn ^dent In no instance tavt they ever been o "own to fail, «produce t Ito-,e Afa-.geroit,. symptoms so «f'cn resultinV !n"n concha, eobeb-, »%P°n,,n'' and «M*r mS «M,atV Terorted to 1 hey ieqj c "e'«hcr confinement nw^WRf of diet, and,ma> ju tly fmiiidered th* <«5v *«tc cfbcaciotis remedy (or all of tbo«r Awarders for wbiob they are recom- mended. "rIle MOST WONDERFUL PILLS IN THE WOULD. ..t)1\ h Roos' Pilulae Vitro, or Vege- table Life Pills. t\ LL sufferer* fromccncral nervousnesn, and morbi 1 feeiint* low npirits lo-» of-H .harwting dreams, ^nnec9«g«ry fears, mental irritability, 'allure oi tbe in< n- ,nd bodily powern, weakne*» oi the ner»e», lii ad- n«iWi.tniha bead, piJdineM. ^digwt'on, an I ik 8Tii-ptonjf« "f ebronio riiM «*e, will bail with joy .'he dt,co»ery of Dr. Do Koo«T L'fe Pil f, whtch »pe«hl «■ almost mapicdlly remove pain and diBease ofwbat- »*er "a-ure, re-tore eh. erfnlne^ to the sp1"*> »S*W»* *'i h;<»r, a: d strengthen ..H on *hich 5*a,th and life depend. Tfcey contain^.pa.nclo "'ercory, but «re purely ve({et«.b.e, a^d tor all affec- \,0n" ol the liver, flatulency, Wb*, fick headach f.iness, to.s of appetite, lownecs ot ppirtts, fens ;n» oft„in«^ „tUrapit of the stoinnch. pa'"8 be- !*een the shn«M^, and the **lreM118"nHI1f01inf 'n,,iRe»Uon ».M| corral dcbill y. they will be otind f th x"mPbd eOleacy •, ai d It tc no nmall1 advantagei th*t ;ry <-an taken at md) tin e witbont dnnger from Wet Cold, or nwesaitv for restraint (torn businegB or pica They HC, mildlv on the bowels, without pain or impart strength to tbc Mcroach, promote » hrHl,h.V ■♦-rtion ot the liver, tbu" prevet.tinc, or, when firing the jaundice and d»op»y, clearing the k. n'*«»»OVIDI{ hallowners and pimples, pori'THig 'h«f ll^^cuig the ner»e», and n)nrvellou^ly mv.gora- »)»t'm. Fen.ales of all ace» will find fc^W>v«luahlp, and should never be without thiHi» TL« ] Jcl., 2, Od., 4s 6d 1J »nd 3S# per box. Life in re ill, life is earnetil* Ar.d this world i" mal the goal: • Du"t thou art-to dUllt returneet. W 1\11 not spoken 01 the soul. ?«-'in many tatv. may fliese o td words be so early b OVer <h<Bo.<y: if only recourse be had to r. Do Poos, World Famed Guttee Vitse or Life Drops. 10h,°"« Effects ore really magical in restoring lost tone *,inhe Astern («r.sing from whatever c««wj, reinvjgor- and enlivenir* tho whole cor^real irome, ami "rRdu»l|y, bnt eff eti.v, bitttdilrg up the most shat- institution. „ Althoueh tbi* tr«?y rtp.»«t*l recuprratire tonic it. Ilih ^or*ard «s 'imtoartin^ iiv^ ^rtality, it is net too Ihin <0 s*y *'h'n* ty i,s means N* '•« is at it were. nervous and debnm^i, who were sinking into an early grave; whilst to llio»e »jl^VMrer yf»rs it will gently ai.d serenely protract Cn« r,0,»ol life. 'I hou«ands apparently hopeless »ivcn np by the faculty *C now in the enjoi- V?L°f hr«l'h, (life's greatest bied-irg). a Itving test.- thf-j, '° the unsj.takablo vuiuc ol this remarkabl JdM i '• Hundreds ot testimonial", too numerous to •*«. h« "»»>• »eci. by anv ot.c. This I'rcparatiotr t- ph'asnnt to take, and none need suffer It j. "Ucb a niir culous medicament is >n existence r,,O,,tnmen(le', with ihe utmost confidence in a I >uVt n'T»O«« Debility, Defect ve Circ..l»tion, Irr- %heiv.«' «U liiood, Languor, La-siM«de, Depression o ?itfp P!,» Indigestioti, Pain Hid Palpiuiion m the HrrH,i'>inB Dreams. &c. Persons ot Mut lour dl'hi itatcd ffinnles and those on whom the weai 01 ,lf« beginning to tell, ahould persevere *h,i ,V> wi'h.his Lite reviving Tonic for one month. ^h„ y Willie Mtonlsb.-d at >ts results. Ail tli08 Hiii,.„ v,M"ec other nie«n».galvanic and electric «r- B»tl » without any l)ei.eficiHl result, are ear- *IHH r,l'ommended to make fair trial of this tncdicme, c'l>lt>, "i" foncoeted on the highest scientific pn>- <«„, > '"variably succeeds. The »;ie»t suceess atlei:- OUUji,1 ,h'" wonderful disooYtry b<i* led to a host ot wortlileu# imitations. Pi ice lis and das 1,0111 ANT NOTICK TO THE PUBLIC.- S^L' Of Dr. De ttoos" Preparations bears the «n0, T^nt Stamp, with il»e worda W ALTF.II D'' °r,W 'on,' in White Letters «.n » Re i Grout d, Dy ^wt.. H,"t M«)e» y'8 Honourable C. romissioners, hV'Otie can pO-si'-ly be genuine. Va. LtE f°rafd medieines aie sold by every patent 5. °*lri rnd°r in the wor d, ot most (Jheimat- 2 l'HH d'ttcul'y occur, will be 'orwa.ded bit u •) Prr return, on reccipt of thearooun by "0O8,43, Hulford square, Londou, W.C. afd nervous sulTere-s should read the Advla.r,* by \V. Db H'os, M.D.,wIhI 'NJ.' "'Oat important information, interests g t> |UI>K ,n',n i sen', poM free reretpt ol t weUe tt(t, il T,Mr U*n, Medical Pull'sher, 14, Hand- °lborn( Loudon, W.C. Marriage rightly nndorstood, '*es to itie virtuous and the good Paradise below.' A>. J«»n Published, Po?t free fistamps. •"pL M| £ 1',caL WDUK ON MARRIAGE.—By ?^ h twiiiv rmn practice. A practical e,1"1 Pln«,("fl *es before i ntering the wedded state, ,I,M'«vt>oi.B lor the speedy removal of a;! ti4r 'a<ic;iia and impediments which too often h '*nt, rppV,m» therein tt also treats oil the cause ol lJ"hsi«i'.k cline.,o*o» manhood, nervous debility, e,l,m l5'"permatoirl re*, impotence, extreme « 8'yntss, iiir«| aeity lor >tudy or business, |>«U," ""Piety, and the numberless iDBrmitiM, «».loRtiv,r"n> youthtui atwses or excesses ot adult to* Uirlt Wi,h 'he highly successful and thoroughly "I treatment, whvuby suflerers may t'Jo0nitflr,stoml to health and happiness.—Address, •L. Publisher, '27, Verulam strict, London, Remedy for Covighe, Colds, ^4 aii~8> Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, 1111 Cheat Affections. ^ECTORINE A K | Grf. «Zu in bottles, at U ljd, 2. 9d, j, euclt- 'Ojjj 0 Jh# proptleters upon receipt of stamps. v"». S1QNEHOUSE. St. Saviour'e. Vicarage, .Nottingham. »• *ARS,D August 18/4. »1e as an i,* can strongly recommend your Pecto- iV> t,i",1 'Tal«able Cough Hemcdy. I have given (v my own lamily, sna have al»o supplied '"Maor?tt7ir«fro'"»'y Parl6* anrd Of ttK' R,'ei na "iba8 ^1vc" immediate relief. 1" so,, eI'<rtoH« 1!K M'ep'ess niglitt, one or two doses 3. s ftTp c c had such a good rfiect tliftt p^r— '^diiy^. a Rood night's rest t.nd the Cough ha> Mi A !<?penred- 8 Y J'f '1-> St. Ann's Square, Manchester^ lvur tri.'j r ec,°''ne is superior to «ny Medicine J £ CTV^ 0r or Colos." iQRmp. j L'°lds urea the worst forms of Coughs and C"res Hoarseness ORIJ^ j. ^LV«S i'liiiiediatv relief in Bronchitis is ,be best medicine for Astbina t £ ^,T<JRlNE L"?,68 Whooping Cough cure a troublesome tickling Cougn, | l>jc Sampii0',8 lhValuahle in tbc Early ;tngCIi 01 Con ORInf' LUUB- R^L'eves all Affections of the Chest, MT6ro"' SMITH & CLARKE, Mannfactu- eniists, Park Street, Lincoln. ?!!cellor Sir C. H.tll granted a pcr&etun ^•'hanj.ior n.?0"18* ir- Musoi.. (Jhemisl I Jj S°ld foy 'rp USln8 'he word fectorine.' Het^awes-t.N' chemist, Castle tiqiiflio, »B. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men -J on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION, AND 1APPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render n arried He unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read hy all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a floppy old age.—Post free on receipt of two stamps.—Address. Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. Old Sores and Old Skin Diseases. The Reed% of these disorders are efToHnally expelled bv thii penetrating Unfnient, not only from the mrerficml pnrts. hut. from the internal tissue? likewise. Any case, even of twenty yeart standing, speedily yields to its influence. A Certain Cure for Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throat Asthma, <§so» For curing sore throat, diphthv-rin,, bronchitis, asthma, ttebt- Bess of the chest. -Mt P:\Ï11 in the side—which instant, treatment alone ppsvenls i^M^atitig into more serious maladies, thii CictffKt has the same powers over chest complaints as a bhster possesses, without causing pain or dehility. Old asth>m»H<: m- VRlids will derive marvellous ease from the use of tlis which has brought round rawir such snfltcww It-established health after every other means had sigtefSy Jailed. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Sores, and Ulcers. By rnbbirifj the Ointment round the nffected parts, it pene- trates to the tissues beneath, and exercires a wonderful power on all the blood flowing to, and returning from, the disease 1 part. The inflammation di minifies, the pain becomes le intolerable, the matter thicker, n.d a cure is soon effected. 11\ all long-standiiV; cares, HiHovtv, 's pills Fbonld also b" \.4"11. as they will thoroughly expel, all depraved hu»;o^ifs tYoJm tha body. Gout, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints. Gout and Rheumatism arise from inflammation in the parts affected. Toleffect;t permanent cure, adopt A coolinp diet, drink plenty of water, take six of Jlollowny's Pills night and mortisnir. unci rub this Ointment most effectually tvrieo vlfty the suffering pnrts; when used fimnltaneously, they dti" inflam- mation and depression f-r.m the system, remove afi enlargement of the joints, and leave the tSsie#s and muscles lIu. and uncontracted. Erupttos on the Skin. la this of complaints, no matter the ape, the re*, ot %h& r ilnt* <">» under what name the disease may be classified, it be cured if this Ointment bo well rubbed into the system, fcnd Holloway's Pills hkca night and morning to purify tho fclood. There is nothing deleterious in the composition of Jf-'lloway's Ointment., on the contrary, its ingredients possess the most soothilii;, purifying, and strengthening qualities. Abscesses, Erysipelas, Piles. TTnvarying success attends all who tt'eat these 'diseases aneordinf? to the simplo printed (directions \ri-np'^fyi rejAHd each IV,t. A little attpntioa, modi r .te pertTrt-nTreie, i»«i WilUug ex pfn<e. will epable the most diftidrti^ t,6 'cotiW.fct IItly case to t linppv IssWft witfeoi'i't ext^simr 'ttitSDf ihtoait-ies to anyone. The aTrt>sis tTie Inflammation, restrains the *;veiteA ye^s. 6ieislh? oYiMtbented skin, alleviates throbbing 4m-.i ErtiiirtiUij pains, and gives immediate c-i-e and ultimate cure. Both the Ointment and Pill,- should be vtcdin the Jullonxng complaints .'— P.nd Lers Corns (Soft) PcaMs Bad Breasts Fistulas £ :■>« -Hiroa** B.,n!3 Gout Skin Disea-os Buuions G In tub ilar Scurvy Chilblains T.umbajo ^ore J lends Buuions G In tub ilar Scurvy Chilblains I T.umbajo I ^ore J lends Chvipptd TTandi 1'ilen lumours Contra.'t-Hl and Stiff Ri-euinaf^m Lkcrs, Joiiits ScreStrp! J Wounds Thp O"itm«*nt pml Fills are- id at Professor HoU.OWAT'r. Sstnbli-hm-ut. f.«S, Oxford tr*et, Ijr-ndon also by nearly •verv respectable Vendor ..f A'e iieine throughout the Civilised iVnrld, in I'ots r.n-1 l!o\e<. at 1 1 .}d., 2.. ::11., 4s. Od., lis., 22s.. and 33s. each. The smallest I'd, of Ointment contains one ounce and the .'nial!" 1, no: of ri))? toot dozen. Full printed-direction* are n^xed to ei- h Pot and Box, and tan be hud iu wj> lan-.n-'r-e, even in Turkisb, Aiabic; Armenian, 1'Ci J.Jl. VY ClliUCoS. No. 16-L "ARCHIMEDEAN" AMERICAN LAWN MOWERS. 'v AWAUDBB Grand Diploma of Honourable Mention, Vienna, 1873. Silver Medal, Vienna. 1870. Silver Medal, Hamburgh, 1869. ^ITfteS'lSED Br Her Graeiota Majenty THE QUEEN, Bis Royal llitrhnesR THE P.UINCK OF 'WALES, Her Itnperi.l M.j^ty TflE EMPKESb OF O^RJiANY Hie lunierial Mi.j'stv 'J'H EMI'KKOK OF AUSTRIA. The lale EMPKKOR OF THE FRENCH. The YlCKHOY Ol? EGYPT, And mnny of the Nobility and Gentry ol Great Brltaio. This Lawn Mower will cot Long and Wet Grass (as well as Dry and Short) wthout Clogitng. Is specially adapt, d for Cm tinn Slopes, Sleep hmbankraents, untle,r Shrubs, and clooe up to Trees, Ac. Extremely light in Draught, Simple in Construction, well made, and not liV-ly to g.,t out of order. It can be used eiLher with or without Grass Box. Every Mower is warranted to give ample satisfaction, and, if not approved of, rn ay be returned, within a month, aiad the amount paid will be refunded. OPINIONS OF THE PliKSS. Far puperior to any of onrs."—Vide The Field. Kematkably easy to) work.Vide GanJeMr.' MII,a.dJlt. The quickest, most simple, efid most efficient mower ever useil."—Vide Gardeners' Chronicle. We feel bound to recommend it 1o our readers aa one of the best mowers we have M yet made acquaintance with."—Vide FiertU World. BEFORE PURCHASING A LAWN MOWER send for our Catalogue, which contains Opinions of the Press and Testimonials from Gentlemen of High Position in the Horticultural World, Noblemen, Clergymen and others. PRICES FROM ONE GUINEA. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations in Grast Britain. WILLIAMS & Co. (LIMITED), MANUFACTURERS and PATENTEES, 33 King William Street, London, E.C. SELLING AGENTS: JOHN G. ROLLINS & Co., OLD SWAN WHARF, THAMES-STREET, LONDON; WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BKLLK SMJVAGK YAIII). LUDGATK HILL I.ONUO.N an t ll\CHKLflln; WALK, DUBLIN. „ CRTCKET I CRICKET! CRICKET I JAMES LILLY WHITE. FROWD. and CO, New Illustrated Price.List for 187, is now reaft,, -u £ will be sent post flee to any nppli.-n'it. n_ j Hrittsh Mnnnf-eturers of every artio e nsen in H v. llnusn Sports generSy. of the list qualitj- and moderate price. Observe the address, 4 NEWINGTON CAUS f".UrAY. LONDON. TTI'PLR ASSAa COMPANY (Limited). U -Affents jn all Provincial Towns for Rale of Aiiyam TejB AKeius.;u uii y -iHoms. IVicoh p«r lb. 2s. flu., direct from the particulars npi>ly to Head Depot. m 'K?rfz William s"r°et> Londom_As £ cnts_w^te<L ^ROIDK" G'OLD"ALBEET CHAINS, eqna! in £ attwix/ „ „0!d will wear a lifetime; post free appearance to 18^tcK1^ 7,. 6d,aud Ids. Od Cluster for :»s. 6d. and is.Gd. La.u?cna r1>!lo rings set wiUi A'a^a incd by cut,ing We in stono ring, OF- fid o' n £ Gd_. BOarf pins.2s. fid.: crosses card ;brooch, 43. oa.,cam g sleeve links, 2?. Gd.; shirt Ss.; necklets, is. 6d., lOCKets, 3- 0f].; braef ets, .Is fiJ.; studs, 2s.; F„o11^lreVr^'rt keys2=.fid. Post free. 1-nce List free. -,IT Oi± 1 (71 m METCALF AND CO., m „"LVrnq isn WATCHMAKF.RS. JEWELLERS, SILVfc-RSMirHS AND maKERS> D?-Bi,SdIS^CI^,MaU. in tho year 1^5. have removed to Established at 8. ^'t^r'new.pren-.ises 19, COCKSPUR hi plain figures. »rd ifdesired. woistant sent wi^ post free/ ESTABLISHED 1812. H. AND ~T~PRQCT0B AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL. ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPEClX't^ PREPARED BONE MAN IJf. R E S FOR .iif.Tt:: GRASS, CORN, ROOT, AND ^J'HER CROPS) ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE-OF LIME. ——— 'JJt«N WORKS,—CATHAY, BRISTOL. > AGKNTS—Mr C;, Giilfiths, Wine Merchant, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. Evans, Aberayron. V- Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application. CARSONS PAINT, PATBONIBBD BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R, H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, THE DtjstiK !5^6ABD OF WORKS, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, I TKB COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAL COMPANIES, 'E" THB INDIAN GOVERNMENT J 17HE RUSSIAN GOVEIINMENT, ) COLLIERIES, IRON MABTERS, &C. 8,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of OXJT-DOOR WORK, And to proved, after a test of upwards of 80 years, to surpass any other paint. It is especially applicable to Iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings-y Biriiges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and Waggons, Gates, &c., And all exposed work, effecting a Saving oi more than 50 per cent., its it is cheaper, and lasts Vwice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It {« eoM ift line powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryer" are ftWes"#.ry. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," thus avoialivg the waste of paints sold "mixed ready for use." 0 • Per Cwt. COLOURS. PerCwt. WHITE 1 ^RADE MARIO BRIGHT RED „ 28/ LIGHT STONE !■ ^^=5=-^ DARK RED ) BATH STONE PURPLE BROWN 26/ CREAM COLOUR >32/ ^TicosRQSioy^ BRONZE GREEN LIGHT PORTLAND STONE ff W "M CHOCOLATE 20/ PORTLAND STONE BLACK 20/ BUFF (for STABLES) .j BRIGHT GREEN LIGHT LEAD or SLATE 28/ MEDIUM GREEN .(49/ OAK COLOUR 26/ DEEP GREEN ( LEAD COLOUR ». 20/ taamee &i siaciaNEns n«u. BLUE ) Prepared Oil Mixture for th* AilU-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &o. OARSONSY PAINT, For PtJSLlC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, bad is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMED, &o. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. PRICES, PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT 3PQSf FREE ON APPLICATION. I" WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVA0E YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. And 31, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. NO AGENTS. • J,. -=- IIJIOSPJIO.m. GUANO.. PREPARED ONLY FROM PACIFIC ISLAND GUANO BY THE PHOSPHO GUANO 8EACOMBF, Co., LIMITED. TRADE MARK. CHESHIRE, TRADE MARK. IS THE BEST MANURE FOR ALL PURPOSES. PHOSPHATES SOLUBLE, AMMONIA FIXeD, ANALYSIS GUARANTEED. in urn i iläf-" — A Cw E Nl"S Mr John Sime, East. Hook, Haverfordwest. Mr John Bennett, Wolfsdule, do Mr Caleb John, Eglwyswrw, Newport. Mr T. D. Francis, Bryn Shop, Llaaybytliei\ Mr David Vanylctn, Merchant. FisUgviatd. MESSRS. LILLTON & WALTIiEW, Liverpool, Factors to the Company. W & A GJLIL. Y'0 xnAXu ^AIi ijiuxil v/ iuSXiJ 1-ROM J-R. M••<• ukRM.lXY siXP 1!U.\ dA R 1' Owinc; to the favorable recommcn-Hlion of I be Me:iical lycs^n, t\v: i„cK,K in the consumpt ion of Na iit;t 1 Wi,.es h,, <lun„,r Mi, p,,t y: »'.p,, a.tac J -t. ;.M niciui..».c<l contains «>me ot the k'imj,' v-iuel'.c.s ol c;.ch ,.t .va.uiat i-'i;lllrUl,K-" while <.fi-orinK ^'t n-rceable v.tnHv of o con.utncs t.,c W tn-.b w.ill i,o (OUM>I <» quality'and value at tt.o prices cha'd. The mo'xra.c* ol U.ese iocs ate accounteu lor to a will be forwarded on application. A G. V. II ARB-IES, Chc-nist, 36 His'h Street HAVERFORDV/EST NATURAL RTD WINES NATURAL WHITE WINES lio'lle 1 wen Bottle Dozen Castle A ClARET TWfoarfiare.s-1/ IS/ Castle A WHITE BURGUNDY •• 1/6 18/ Castle B GLAHET15/,cait!eJB WHITE SURCUhDY •• 2! 24/ < .mil .iro as jm V ,n 0 ,| — Castle C CLARET I wiio^souir ^1/6 18, castle A SAUTERNE •• •• 1/3 15/ Castle D CLAULT 24/ j casUo B SAUTERHE 2/ 24/ Castle 1 RED BURGUNDY •• 1/3 15/ C;tlc A WHITE HUt:CAf IMI 1/6 13/ Castle 2 RED BURCUhDY 1/0 10/ v ^ie B VVIS.TE HUhCARIAH » 1/9 21/ Castle 1 KASLOWliZ KUKC/>.niAN I/O 18,' I Ca<tlc A HOCK (Sldl). 1/6 18/ Castle 2 KA LOWITZ Hli.'GAIi AN 1/9 :1, B :JOC:{ (stni) 2/ 24/ The above "Wines can fce suprl- cd in Tiv.t. at half the prices mentioned, with Aue a 6u. per dew*, i int • added. SPARKLING TJHAMP/GNE—Attrntii n is ehictfcd to tlw reduction in j t ice of the following Cliamp:igiics, namdv. U Iocr duzen etsch nst ic i & te I toic, whoksomr Wines rol- oHihaiy Use Cistle » & are (Jlian'.pa^n s tt.uaiiy sold to tins connii) special and at lnKh prices Castle 4 & 4A. are hi^b d. Wines of cxtia <|«; anu Castle 5 & 5a are the highest classed Champagnes produced m France inespccthe 01 price. O-FC 1 />»*,■ WMM{ R*? C-'< 64/ f o-.nrts 2 8 32/ Castie A D,y CHAMPAGNE ( 2/5 20/ Castle 2 Fruity GHAMPAC<E| I)ims 10 18/ C«nc3 /■>»,>■/CHWACHEft— -3/6 48/ Ca5l,c 5 D'J CHAMPAHNEf <>5/6 66/ Castle 3A Dry CHAMPA HE( 1/11 23/ j Castle 6A VcryDryCHAMPACHE ( rmts 2/11 35/ SPARKLING SAUMUR WINES,-Thcsc dty Sparkling Champagnes from Saumur are of most excellent quality, and are highly recommended by the Medical Profession. SAUMUR eM™ .For particulars of more than 200 varieties of Wines & Spirits aeeW&A Gilbey's Book of Priced xiTK KMPEROR OF RUSSIA AND THK Cl^Y OF LONDON. „. Tmn„riBi the Emperor of Russia has conferred on Mr J. \V. B-nson the appointment of Gold- in sppreoiation of Mr Ben.on'e artistic production of ttio Gold Casket presented ^h?im.ror by the Corporation of the City ol Loudon. The above Mw'ch reprints tic Perpetual Calcndar, I I,I niiu r v\atoh. t lie hands, .nUepi'iibciit • ime to .jtne for leap year, without being 1 geconds, minoHes, hours, keep a Pe'P61" 18 vt.arSi show old and new R/IIT'PI«« ,H'- NI°CN; AND TARIATIOUS °F BEAT aind cold. JU I VV Uenson, •f • J • -I To the Q'iet n and lloynl Famil}'. 'ID ii. R. 1J. the Prince of SViilrs (special appoinsmeut.) Maker of the Ch onograph, by winch ih<> Derby and all great races, are timed, l'r.ztJ Medl\lIi8t of I..or:dun, Dublin, Imd Puris. LUDGATE HILL. LOVDON, E.U & 25, OLD BOND M'ltfclir. JVVT I >ENSON invitee attrntion to the un- M TY B equalled advantag a which he is enioled to otter to pure aser* Ijy the a»c of at, grn powtr and the employment of a larj-e »t«ff ot f.kide.1 English and loteign workmen. The higlpy satislacton per- ffiriunnee of his Wntrhes and Cb i ks is rccogn zed by the 1 rcss IInd the Pnhlic. The prices charged in every li Kt.ino', are ihc l.»wei.t, compatible with sound work- ni'iiiHliip nnd hi^li finish. NOVKLTY. Knglish Clocks fHr Buporior to foreign, ed hy Knglish Art sis, manufactured on the premiss, an I to tie obt-itud only at the above establishments. Clock Oases made to liar- in <in ise with the arch it tctu e of itihnsioi.s.couulry houses!, &c., aiul with their furiiiture. W A •CURS. I'rom I to 200 Guineas. Railway Uuatds, Sailois, Soldiers, Mmerp, and VVork- meiiV U'a ches (ol esira »irength ) ^~1LOCIv,s. rotn 1 to 1,00 Guineas. J KWKLUY and Plato for Presentation, &c. VVutches and Clocks repaired by billed workmer,. Old Jewelry, hd»er, and Watches exchanged. McLe* sviil io JII par(Ht .site Ly ji06t M 4'l'C ii auto II al Sliip|Ki> bu | p r (i J,l;eT'!< iynpl'letK o'< 'June; and Chnn h Clock? (w, h Testiinonial"), U atchc. and Co- k*. Jewelrv and Plate fprofuwly ibustraUd), sent post (,co each lor two otam >6. two Stam >6. J. W. lienaon's New Work, "Time and TimpTellerc Snt'as61 iLir,iw'cke' p,ccadilly. plrtin 2s 9d.|, CAU1 ION.— Ihe Public are cautioned against mif jepresentat;oui, to »-elISf-nrion. Bridge Street, Haverfordwest, and West Street, Fishguard. JAM E S R OCH, FARM k FURNISHING IRONMONGER, GAS FITTER AND PLUMBER, TIN PLATE AND WIRE WORKER, &C,, J BEGS to announce that he is carry ins on basinets at tho above places and having jd«t retimed e Birmingham, ^Jieffleld, and other market* with a well seleoted Stock of Cutlery, Klec'ro pa e « Furnishing anil Builders' Ironmongery, Lamps, Paints. Colour" and Oil", Bar Iron, fUeel.Spad**• l> » Arm*, Powder, Shot. Caps, Cartridges, and Cartridge Case*, &*c ho is prepared to offer Good*, quality and price will bear comparison with tltoae of any other house. Purchasers cau yely On oei s "erred, »nd orders promptly executed. ~~T' In »oliei:ing a share o! public patronage, be will use erery exertion to thecoflnoenc^ ot a i j kindly favour him with a visit. J. I?. wi»heg to call tho attrntion of the public to a quantity of well selected Goods, for the coming season, viz., Travelling Trunks, Hip. Sponge and other Baths. Toilette Ware, French and Half t<ter Bedfteads, Children's Cribs, &<• Straw and Millputl Maltre'ses, Matting, Mats &•' good white flock at 34d p?r in, and ornamontul tiriitc Shavings, F-nder and Fire Irotif, &e. Oils, Paints, Colour?, Vamisb, 1 urpenttne, &c Lathe, N«ils. Slntes-, Bricks, Tiles, Locks, Uingcs, Screw; Latches, &• Sheet L«*ad, Sheet and Perforates Zinc, Felt, &o ALL OLD AND NEW TIN WORK DONE TO ORDER. (ESTABLISHED IS42 ) JOHN ROBINSON AND Co. BRISTOL MANUFACTURE MANURES, Of high Quality, which are sent out in gooil condition, at moderate prices, and during tbe past season several important prizes have been awarded for roots grown from them where the com- petition was unrestricted. DISSOLVED BONES CORN MANURE GRASS MANURE SUPER-PHOSPHATE MANGOLD & TURNIP MANURE And other kinds for Special Crops. Also LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, FrOill Seed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & CO., BRISTOL, or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, Kilpaison House, Pembroke; Messrs. R. ant) -J. Jones, Haverfordwe t. C L E DDAU B R E W E E Y, BLTLUGK STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G L<: O IT G E M. G R I': E N Mi LTSTEB & BEEWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. Bridge Street, Haverfordwest, and West Street» Fishguard. JAM E S R OCH, FARM k FURNISHING IRONMONGER, GAS FITTER AND PLUMBER, TIN PLATE AND WIRE WORKER, &C,, J BEGS to announce that he is carry ins on basinets at tho above places and having jd«t retimed e Birmingham, ^Jieffleld, and other market* with a well seleoted Stock of Cutlery, Klec'ro pa e « Furnishing anil Builders' Ironmongery, Lamps, Paints. Colour" and Oil", Bar Iron, fUeel.Spad**• l> » Arm*, Powder, Shot. Caps, Cartridges, and Cartridge Case*, &*c ho is prepared to offer Good*, quality and price will bear comparison with tltoae of any other house. Purchasers cau yely On oei s "erred, »nd orders promptly executed. ~~T' In »oliei:ing a share o! public patronage, be will use erery exertion to thecoflnoenc^ ot a i j kindly favour him with a visit. J. I?. wi»heg to call tho attrntion of the public to a quantity of well selected Goods, for the coming season, viz., Travelling Trunks, Hip. Sponge and other Baths. Toilette Ware, French and Half t<ter Bedfteads, Children's Cribs, &<• Straw and Millputl Maltre'ses, Matting, Mats &•' good white flock at 34d p?r in, and ornamontul tiriitc Shavings, F-nder and Fire Irotif, &e. Oils, Paints, Colour?, Vamisb, 1 urpenttne, &c Lathe, N«ils. Slntes-, Bricks, Tiles, Locks, Uingcs, Screw; Latches, &• Sheet L«*ad, Sheet and Perforates Zinc, Felt, &o ALL OLD AND NEW TIN WORK DONE TO ORDER. (ESTABLISHED IS42 ) JOHN ROBINSON AND CO. BRISTOL MANUFACTURE MANURES, Of high Quality, which are sent out in gooil condition, at moderate prices, and during tbe past season several important prizes have been awarded for roots grown from them where the com- petition was unrestricted. DISSOLVED BONES CORN MANURE GRASS MANURE SUPER-PHOSPHATE MANGOLD & TURNIP MANURE And other kinds for Special Crops. Also LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, Froai Seed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & CO., BRISTOL, or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, Kilpaison House, Pembroke; Messrs. R. ant) -J. Jones, Haverfordwe t. C L E DDAU B R E W E E Y, BLTLUGK STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G L<: O IT G E M. G R I': E N Mi LTSTEB & BEEWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. GREEN & JOHN; WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY STREET! HAVERFORDWEST, AFIEMS FOR LAWKS* SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. 'PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. ESTABLISHED OVEE 153 YJ3AR8. Upper Market Street, Haverfordwest. JAMES DA VIES, (^Late Baillieu Davies,) LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S BOOT & SHOE MAKER JAMES DA VIES, (^Late Baillieu Davies,) LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S BOOT & SHOE MAKER IN returning thanks lor the patronage bestowed upon him and his late Partner, be^s respectfully to aiinouuce that he is prepared to execute all orders iu Boot and Shoe i*Iitking in the newest styles, and at moderate prices. J. D's Goods are home made, and employing only the most skilful workmen, the workman- ¡ ship can be guaranteed. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED I vm-FEVER and com ALKARAM y9^Vfii\-U N^h B 0 if inhaled on the first symptoms will at once remove them, and even when a cold has been neglected and become severe, it will give immediate relief, and generally cure in one day. It contains no narcotic, and never produces any Unpleasant effects. Address DB. DUNBAIt, care of F, NEWBERY and SONS, 87, Newgate Street, LONDON, B.C. rj .fE nvous su F F m E n s. ¡ HEAP irtit u SECRET FRIEND." 'I'M! IS Wonderful Medical Guide not only gives the JL cause, but shows how a pcrtmini'r.t cure can be eficcted in all c.see of Nervous Debility, lJqltcs-ion of Spirits, Timidity, Impaired Sight and Mtmory, Pains in the back, Lassitude, S[>ero>atorrl OPH, 1m. pediments to Marriane. Stricturp.S- conda^y Symptoms, and All Vctieiral Di>-paNe«, wnbnut the u>-e of Mercury Dr Barnes's long txpiriencc In the treatment 01 al: j S xuat Diseases has enabled him to treat the m<>M invetera'e cases with marked success This r-jtuald-' I work "THE SECUET FRIEND," is illustrateo with numerous etises and testimonial from Patients ex- ptps'.i) g thpir deepest pratitude for having befn re* stored to health and manly vigour. To ibe married and single this book 18 invaluable, hent post tree secure from observation on receipt 01 two stamps. Address, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square Bainsbury, London, N, Important to Country Patients. DR BAKNKS ma tie consulted personally or by lettct, in all pi irate and confidential case* and tor the benefit ol >eivous MiftererB who cannot »isit aim, hv.4 wi 1, on receiving a deaci'iptii'n of their ,-ase, eiic.nMnn a stamped envelope for :eply, be ready to pive bis opinion upon the nature of the case, and the principles ol trealment necessary to elleci a perfect core,. IW Address, DR. BARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, Bjirn-btirv. London, N. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." HHUMHIAAMII WORLD FAMED IkyAs Trade Mltrk, Blood Mixture." THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER l-or Sciolulri, scurvy, Skin Ui-cuM-c, nini soie 01 all kinds it is a never failing aud permmioot cure. It cures (,Id Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sure Legs. Cures Blackheads, or ruuples on the f).t.e Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures (Jancerous Ulcers. Cures B'ood and Skui llieeasei;. Cures Ulandular Swetiin™ ClcuiiBC8 and Cures the L.ood from all miure Matter. FIOIlI whatever cause arising. All this mixture is idesMint to the taste, and war- ranted lie,- iro n oiiyiliuiff ii'jiiriwt,^ 10 the mos-t di li- chte coiittiiulion ofeithor sex, the Pi oj.rietor sulieitf suflerers to give it a tria to ust its vi;ui'. Thou.-rtiius of I > j,1 iinouials fiem ai parts. Sold iii boit'es 2- (i!, i nil in cart"> ,!ilblti)lig t.); times the quantity, lis eaci -hy all CnK.viisTS ui » I' AT EN l' MEDICINE VENDORS, throuR'iout th, worlii, or sent to any aadiess, on receipt ol 3J or 132 stamps by F. J. CLA fRE, CHEMIST. H;gb Street, Lincoln, Wiioiessle -All Patej,t Meujcine Houses. Swbjrtb.-B. J. Ubmrcll, ciiamist, &c, Market place. ONE MILLION STERLING Has hct n raid as COMPENSATION lOll D EAT I &, IN JURIES Caused t-y ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS, BY THE RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. BON. A. KINNAIRD, M P. ChllirmlJn. Paid up Capital and Reserve FtluJ £ I bO 000 I ANNUAL I \CUME £ 2tO,)JO, I Bonus allowed to Tn-nrrr> of Five Years' Kta„jin- Appy to the Clerks at the Railway Støliunll. t- Local Agcms. or t.1, CORN 111LL, & 10, REGENT STREET. LONDON V\ ILLlA.M J. vax, Secretary. Agent for Haverfordwest: Mr H, BAKHAM, Railway Station. PEOPLES EDIT]OS NEW SPF-CFAL MEDICAL WOLIK. BY DR HKNKY SMITH. NOW RliADY— FKEE KDITION. By post, in envelope, one stamp (to pre-pay postage.) DEBILITATING DISEASES; TH-IR CATWW CLRK. A WAdNlNti VOIC7, TO YOUTH AND MANHOOD By HENRY SMITH, M.D., A the Roval University of Jei.a, AUIIk r of I. VI" uT.teer's Mauaal," '• The Warning Voire," &o. Tui- work gives Dr Smith's Treatment (the result oi Twenty Si* Vi-are special practice) for t t>e Cureol III Di-eai-es n" the Nervous aysiein, Nervous Detiility, MentMl.V Physi- cal Depress-on P«lp;»«ti.rn ot t e H -art, NOIMS in the Head & Ears. i>ion,Impaired S.glit and Me.morv. Indigestion, Loss of Energy. Pan.* in lie Hack,Consti nation. Blush nir, H)st< ria, Timvlity, Self-d's^rofit Dizziness, love of So itude, UruundieM Fc»-r», Mufpu lar Relaxation, Sc., resulting from exh.iugtion 01 Nerve P wer, the ith-ci of ()>ert«xed Ener^i.-s, Kner- Vating Habits, and other shuseh (of the system which, if m gltVrli d, end ill premature d- eline and d, nth GIVES I .\S I RUCTIONS AM) PRIt;SU,O P lIO:\i: I illustrated with TetaoiouiaU Iroui wratelul pHt ents; w itli means ol Cute used in each n-t*. A>«o ADVICE TO YOUNti MEN ON SUBJECTS OF GREAT 1M- 1 OBI'ANCE. Sent fr<e by po=,t on receipt of on. p-. nuy stamp. "This in a work which every young man sboul. read. Tbe moral tone which pei vades every pape with soui.d advice is invaluable, es|>e irt!ly when romii, from the pen of a physician »i os* nir, e«t> lia,, I h m a place a oni-st tin; etniutut bpccialibtsof tti^ age.— Atornifg Lhr-nicle. Third Thousand. By post, seven stamps iu er-vi>lnr>. W7 OM A N i He: Dutie-, Kela'ions, and PasiUo hut jeits treiv.d: Girlhood, Mai,lei I,o. CourtsbiF), Aiaiuaae,^r'.oou, p. „M|e tdIIC(1„0,'i F tiiale He. tii, Fe i"l- Hvgune, 5)i)tue>tic Mc-irne I &c., &c. It is a Ireailse on sui.j cts of v. a! unro, a,ice to W'ltiiar. f j BH.\UTIFi:ltY ILI.USTRATKD "ITH E Gl'.AVINO' ON This is un extremtl, v>e I »ritte.; a i,i jr. 3 ter. stir.g woik, ^vfic-iu a U»>g!» sul j, it, and coi'UVing 'he n.c -l laiuH'.li- fur., u 4 for woman.—l.omii-u freviric, Jtin- 27 1874- j] A.itlress, Dr 11. SMIill, e, li-jrio., (J. u-c. i." JL,! duii. W.C. Ii OXSU A LONDON 1'tlYoIClAN By 1.11 R H n 11 lit >(ii' r J nil II >.M iTH t.- K- i;.e:.i i -or M,. I' •L/ CUlC Oi a<l •" >1 •'» i-lt j' WII.I. Folt '1111\. lI't.gnr .,1' (;"1'11: P,J:; '¡ L' OAJ.SOT CO.xht'Ll- HIM fHKsoNAlLV, O H ceiMi.f' drS- p «riptioo ot tlieu case, seud bis uj>ip (,n, win aJ. r tvice and directions 'or the mot. s .cctbslol rottcraucu o health and vigour. »Aad.efcs.Dr H.Sui-tii, L,1 -3rs.uondoB, "WTEIIS5^EE 1 i 1 SELL'S ORIENTAL COFFE E consists of t. lection of the finest growth of East In he proceu of roasting and criadinir the full. stieng'.h and fine aroma are pres -rve. rendering it rqtml io 1 he <>>ffee so much priied in ORIENTAL COIJNTRI !.S THE PERFECrTON of COFFEfe Price 2; per lb. C^ASSELL'S COFFEES are supplied at.l- Is 2i„ J la 4d„ Is Cd and Is 8d., #d 1" Kid per !b n Canl-ter^t 3d air-, one «ii ice tooi.e poand, by-Agcn-ts, Grocerg, Cliomists. Coufeciionti t b r n" crb out Ih" Uitr«;>"iom CASSELL'S PURE UNCOLOURED TEAS. C SELL'S TEAS are pure and free frntn v facing pr.«der or other injurious matter, <■' a Jreen as well ae the Black is the natural colour of t. <i edf, It lia- nf)t there!orl t,he gy-en hue t rdiiiary Green Teas, which are faced t.), the ( hin< a with minera powder or other colouring matter t'i g- a them appearance. By the use Of I'tas r- t. vllritr and uniform good qualiyare at a.i times 'f1 9 trfd. CAS«ELL's PURE UNCOLOURKD TEA 2- 2s -Id., c d 2. 8J.. per lb, CASSElL'oS rPRE UNCOl..oVRfJl TE. tinr.t q:i?; tins, 3*. 3- Hi}, ana 4 per lb., in i'acktts o! Ol to 3 I1). Sol y Agcntt, Grocers Chemist*. Cunft ctLiners, '\C thnmghont th' Km',do n. GENt;Y —To pla.-e ("assell's well known Tr- t l\ -iND COFFKES w ithin the reach of ev.-ry lamiiy in fhe Kingdt)m, Az,-ntQ aier,-quirt:d in every neigh* ourhood no1 (ullv supplied. terms, apply to OASSELL, SMITH, & Co, sO Fenchurch Stieet, London. M-SAALLEN'S Cr world'S ESTO -R, Ek *HA,^RE?TOF^E^ Wir ONE HUNDRED REASONS Mipht be Riven why Mrs. S. A.ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER should be used by every intelligent human being in pre- ference to every other Preparation for the Hair; but tea will suffice, and liere they are0 1BT.-It never fails to renev, rcrire, and restore the original youthful colour and appearance of the Hair, in every case of yeyneas, no matter from what cause it arises. 2XD—It will revive the growth. SfcD—It will give the Hair a natural glOih. I tiB—It will restore life and vigour U the roots of the Hair. STH.—It will stop the Hair from falling off. 6TH-It is a superior dressing for Lbs Hair. Tra—-Its perfume is most agreeable, RTIL-Hatr Oil or Perfume Is never required with It 9TH.-Its good effects are permanent. 10TH, AND LASTLY.—Forty years of trial have established its superiority and ex- cellence. No preparation has ever attained to such renown as Mas. 8. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. The Imitators are many, Verbum saf sapienti." PHICE 6S., IN LARGE BOTTLES. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS— PRINCIPAL DEPOTS— 114 and 116, Southampton Row, London; 35, Boulevard Haussmann, Paris; And Sold by all Chemists and Perfumers throughout the World. HASANS MAQMOUABALM Beauty. A few applications of HAGAN'S MAO- NO LI A BALM will givea pure, blooming complexion. Its effects are gradual, natural, and perfect It does away wilti the flushed appearance caused by heat, fatigue, and excitement; removes sll blotches aud pimples, dispels dark ami unsightly spots, drives away tan, freckles, and sunburn, and by its geutle but power- ful lnfluen-e mantles the faded clicet with youthful bloom and beauty. In use u: America for the last twenty-five years. Sold by aU Chemists and Perfumers, a 3s. 6d. Every Bofye fs enclosed in handsome French Cardboard Toilet Case. EUROPEAN DEPOT— 114 & 116, Southampton Row LONDON. W.C. powenjs EMBROCATION rrHE EXTRAORDINARY SALE, wid.. spread popularity, and wonderful rcsn s Of POWLI,L'S EMBROCATION apf* I startling to those vrf unamiai-iud vri :t the properties of this emiljjent. 1 t marvellous efTlcacy has been attested j H.R.H. the Dl'KE Ii'AL'MALli, ti i HJGHr HON. THE LATE EARL Of CLARENDON, K G., the RWUT HON", FRANCES COUNTESS WALT) I > GRAVE, the RIGHT HON. THE COC" TESS OF RADNOR, anj many 0'1 t eminent persons, copies of whose tef r wortels aceempany cacl, bottle. yHE TORMENTING and Slccj.-De.troyi, g -L Pain? ot Kh';uiii„tijm, <;«ut Neural; a Scialiea, and Stillness of the .Toints, fa l- ful *»we,lings, ,>u;ciily yield toltsemolli< it ii.fiucuee. The Preparation is so id J1 C^ niibtp. at is. Ud. and 9s SM. VAN DUZER Sz RICHARDS, SOLE PROPRIETORS. LABORATORY— e 114 & 116, SOUTHAMPTON ROW, LONDON, W.C,