Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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3VJPFBIAL. AUSTRIAN LOAN MONTH! Y DI.ANMNGS: Priies: £25,000 £ 22 OOO, 9200009 SIS-0007 £ 10,000, £ 5,000, he, fcc, »n t £18 UARANTEED by tb« Imperial Austrian Gojern- 1 mem Drawings in public under superintendence of Government Officials.—Shares which entitle tfce Holder to H chance of winning auy of the above Fi.z a can be bad at jEi each-Six Shares entitling te, I; chances cost £h.-A ppiy oily to the AGBNCV FOIl Puiitte FrNDs i,.q GENEVA (S^'twrland). Remit- tancesare to he sent Dili LCT TO GuNMA.e < ill Bunk Note*, Crossed Cinques, or Post offcee nler* payable at Ibe Genera! Fo>t Office to tbe Maragtr, Sir OTTO HOSE in Geneva, who will also supply rro- Bpectuses gratis on prepaid application. PAINS ID tbe BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, 1>ISKA8ES. of tbe KIDNEYS, and BLADDEK, SIRIC1 UBE, &c. Dr. De Rocs' Compound Renal Fills Are celebrated all over tbe wor'd as be most saf- and speedv remedy for tbe above d"W?I"a of anv kind, Stone in tbe Bladder, ai, U s Uncharges ot any *i TTrinarv Organs generally, eases of tbe Kidney. mo,. Posses m>R tonic P^rttchen ;he digestive org >ns, in oate stomach, auetii|illa „enerB| health, had in ease tbe appetite, 1'™P wben opaiha, cubet -.avid hr** davs wllle^-a.g of;bat c^ass have utterly ^i.d •11 dangerous medicines of that^ box M*"p 111 ire an infallible remedy in trie These celebrated I ills uge aVoT)r> mRny t),ou_ ost obstinate cases. Hy re;t0red to health, when sand8 have b(\en hH9 (ai'od. Their vast superiority every otheV?e„ w in ,lf curc of the above eomplatnt- ever everything else tri aordinary de- is universally acknowledged and toe d tion u tnanrf for them ever si*c; their hrst without precedent. In no wanc b> *mvt0XDt Sn known to tail, or produce those a«ng e often resnltine from copaiba, cube*, tur?^,D £ ire other medicines usnaVy to. I bey y neither 'remedy for al> ■tapes'o^Yboge disorders for which they are recom- mended. THE MOST WONrERFUI. PILLS IS THE WORLD. Dr. De Roos'Pilule Vitse, or Vege- table Life Irilis. A LL .offerer* f,on,(e"en,l S"™, A fe.lioB.lo- mri»SV,'X« .1<be m™: nnnece^sary fears, mental ir the nerves, bead- tal and bodily powers, weakne" o« the n and ,cbp. noises in the w"l with joy o-Ver svrrp'oiriK of chron (t A-, which speedilv the discovery of Dr. De Boos L e P j s,whc ofPwhflt_ nature,reMorechrerfnln Dn whjfh the body, ay^ f ^hev do not contain a paiticle health and life depend. They ftruJ for sn «ffec- of mercurv, bnt are P"r*J? biiP't sick headache, fions e( the ^Vto'Towne^'of'ppirits, senna- I dizziness, loss off>PP'» !of ,he Btomach, pains bo- lions ^f,u'De'j fn,i the distress arisinp from tween the shoulde^re, they will be found of Indigestion and general :s^0 pmall advantage that neSamplrd efficacy and tfr^m wet they ean be taken t: ,„traint trom bnsiness or plea or cold, or for ^weU. without pain or ■ore. They act mildly on 'he~ach) promote a griping, irnpart strenff h eTentinp, or, when Healthy action of the uver, jroD8V. clearing the present, curing tbo jaundice P^ purifying the •kin, removirg fal.owners a# P rrej{oul,iy invigora- blood, bracing the nerves, a„ Rtfe(1 wni find «ng the whole sys'err F fce w„hout them. te' £ 7i £ *w%ir"33' t t a»i — red I'turnefl. Du*»t —TO Was not' the .oul. 1n many caFeR, roilY these aid words T)6 80 early .aid oyer the Body, if only reconne be bad to Dr.De Roos' World Famed Guttse Vitse or Life Drops. whose effects are really mBpl|a'!e'"e7caust')f reinvi^or. H. (»r„ing "S'trme, n„d «»»«•►»•mo" "• cred constitution. Although this truly W"Vflo-rUlit?!U^n"^too not put forward IB imparting "V4- t it were much to say that by its means Nt» u imparted to the nervons n, whilst to those evidently sinking into an early g 'repejv prntraet of maturer year, it will gen ly »i.d^ serene y p .h, do., o. life. T • °;t*XTo?hc cases, diven np by the faeul^ty. n living testi- ttentof health, (life » greatest b retnarkabl Baory to tbe unspeakaHe a> too cumerf ns to Blsdicine. Hundreds of testim < prepara>i0n i* publish, may be £ K° Ind 5inePISed suffer •Xtremely pleasant ^°n^'dican,Pnt is in existence. i the Spiritit, Indigestion, Pain And in the Ite.dil, with tbl. Life retiviog Ionic on" dant on this wonderful discovery has e d g3g humble and worthless imitations. Pnce per Bottle. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE Every package of Dr. De Roo^ wefrds^'WALTER Db GoTernment S)am^,h7t Le,ter6 on s Be l Ground, by Boos, London .n hlte Commi8Sioners, order of Her Ma)es^^y ■ » genuine. DR. DE %ithont which none C»» P. J by every patent W world lamed ^f^^rof mo.t Chemists or; Medicine Vendor in occur, will be'forwarded ,e rs"m'bJ DB.DB Roos, 43, Holford square, London, W.C. Debilitated and nervo^ffere.s should1 read the Medical Adviser,' by W. DB Roos, M^ich contains mos* important ,"for"1Bt'° r't ce|pt 0f twelve every young nun 8ent Post. ? D v'luhpr 14 Hand- • Mr LAW(S, Medical Publisher, 14, Hand court, Holborn, London, W.C. « Marriage rightly understood, Gives to the virtuous and the good A Paradise below.' Just Published, Post free 6 stamps. Av ..vninAI WORK ON MARHIAblii.—By NEW M ED1CAL w UHB. o ract prac;Jca| a Physician of y ,er,np tbe wedded state, guide to both sexes before entering i With plain instructions for the spee y disqualifications ond ™ treats on the caused debar happiness therein, it aiso i debilitv Wilns*ITtbe'back%'pe"rn^fttorrhiea, "y.'tbtoi 'tv*- «'l"c'p;10°*0;X'1 •He,logtthtrwith he big'1> ",l P l' | tale mode of treatment, whe.eby ^une'< rs •»»? peedilr be restored to health ami happiness.—Add ee ilr Johnstone, fublishtr, 27, Verulam 8trHt, London, E.G. HaxvellotiB Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, Consumption, and all Chest Affections. PECTORINE Fold by all Chtmists, i« bottle. at Is ljd, 21 9d 4lCd, and] Is each. Sent by the proprietors upon receipt °^st""?P"- Jrom Rev. J. STONEHOUSE. St. baviours Vicarage, Nottingham. Angullt 1874. Dbar SIR,-I can strongly tlne as an invaluable Cough Remedy. I ba g fair trial in n.y own family, and have &l*o s P to persons snflering from Cough in my parish, every instance it has yiven immi-diate relief. som Rases, alter passing bi.epless nights, one or two doses f the Pectoriue havp hadi such a, good effect that per- 0U8 have got a gor night's rest hnd tbe Cough has Poedily disappeareo. Mr A. KOLFE, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, ays;—"Your Fectoiine is superior to any Medicine J ave ever tried 'or Couuhg or Co'nH." ires the worst forms of Coughs and Colds ^ECTORINE cures tioarseness pECTORINE gives in-mediate relief in Bronchitis ^ECTORINE IS tbe fiest medicine for Asthma 2;ECTORINE cures Whoopir.g Cough pECTORINE will cure a troublesome tickling Cougn, ^ECTORINE IS invaluable in the Early btngeso' Cou- sumotiou "ECTORINE relipves all Affec(i.on -if the Chest, Lungs, and Tbroat, lpftPGW*d ODIY SMITH CLARKE, Mnnufactu- riug ChuuiibtH, Pa:,k Street, Lincoln. *»* Vice Chancellor Sir C. Hal granted a perpetual injunction, with cotSts, agi.cst F. Mason, Chtoiist Uothecham, for asing the word Peotoriue,' ••Id by T. Phillips, cUeuaist, Cftstle Square, *verfotdwesu \K. HTJNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men- on HEALTH, ITS RESTORATION,. AND dAPPY MARRIAGES.—When to marry, with advice to those who contemplate marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render n arried lite unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should he read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a nappy old age.—Post free on rl'(.ti°¡,t of two stamps.—Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. D.1 Impurity of the Blood.-Enfeebled Existence. This medicine embraces every attribute required in a general and domestic remedy; it overturns the foundation of disease laid by defective food and impure air. In obstruction or con- gestions of the liver, lungs, bowels, or any other organs, these Pills are especially serviceable and eminently successful. They should "be kept in readiness in every family, being a medicine of incomparable utility for young persons, particularly to those of feeble constitutions. Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and Lowness of Spirits. These Pills effect a truly wonderful change in debilitated constitutions, as they create a healthy appetite, correct indi- gestion, remove excess of bile, and overcome giddiness, headache, and palpitation of the heart. Mothers and Daughters. If there is one thing more than another for which these Pins are famous it is their purifying properties, especially their power of cleansing the blood from all impurities, removing dan- gerous congestions, and renewing suspended secretions. Univer- sally adopted as the one grand remedy for female complaints, these Pills never fail, never weaken the system, and alway a bring about what is required. Disorders of the Kidneys. In all diseases affecting these organs, whether they secrete too much or too little water, or whether they be afflicted with stone or gravel, or with aches and pains settled in the loins over the region of the kidneys, these Pills should be taken according gi to the printed directions, and Holloway's Ointment should be well rubbed into the small of the back at bed-time. This treatment will give almost immediate relief even after all other means have failed. Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. Persons suffering from any disorders of the liver, stomach, or other organs of digestion, should have immediate recourse to these Pills, as there is no medicine known that acts ou these particular complaints with such certain success. Nervous Debility. Persons who feel weak, low, and nervous, may rest assured some serious ailment is looming in the distance, against which instant action should be taken. These renowned Pills present the ready means of exciting energetic action on the liver, liberat- ing accumulated bile, and lifting at once a load from the spirits and expelling a poison from the body. Holloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the world for the following diseases Ague Asthma Bilious Complaints Blotches on the Skin Bowel Complaints Debility Dropsy Female Irregularities Fevers of all kinds Gout Headache Indigestion Liver Complaints Lumbago Piles Rheumatism Retention of TTrine Scrofula, or King's Evil bore Throats Stone and Gravel Secondary Symp- toms Tic-Doloreux toms Tic-Doloreux Ulcers Venereal AffectioM Worms of all kind* Weakness from whatever causey &c., &c. l'he Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor HOLLOWAT'S Establishment, 533, Oxford Street, London, also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., Us., 22s., and 83s. each. The smallest Box of Pills contains four dosen; and the smallest Pot of Ointment one ounce. FuU printed directions are affixed to each Box and Pot, and fyri be had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic, Armenian, Persian, or Chinese. No. 15-1. N. B.—Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by applying at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. ABCHIMEDEAY A MKRIOAN LAWN MOWERS. .r r. r. It >f '■ 1 x | Grand DiplouiR of Honourable Mention, Vienna, 1873. Silver Medal. Vienna, 1870. Silver Medal, Hamburgh, 1869. P,Tiw".¡:;r:n BY Her Gracious Majesty THE QUEEN. His Royal HifrhnrRB THE PUtXC"; OF WALES. Her Imperial Majesty THE EMPRESS OF GERMANY. His Imperial M-jf.sty THE EMPEROR OF AUSTRIA. The late EMPEROR OF THE FRENCH. The VICEROY OF EGYPT, And many of the Nobility nml Gentry of Great Britain. This Lawn Mower will cut Long ami Wet Grass (as well as Dry and Short) wiihout Clogging, Is Rpeclal1:r adapted for Cutting Slopes, Sleep Embank- ments, under Shrubs, and close up to Treei, & Extremely light in Draught, Simple in Construction, well I a, ie, and not likely to get out of order. It can be used either with or withoat Grass Box. Every Mower is warranted to give ample satisfaction, and, if not approved of, may toe returned within a. month, and. tne amount paid will be refunded. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Far superior to any of nurs.Vide The Field. Remarkably easy to work.Vide Gardeners1 Magazine. The -quickest, most simple, and most efficient mower ever used."—Vide Gardeners' Chronicle. We feel bound to recommend it to our readers as one of the best raoweis we have as yet made acquaintance with."—Vide Floral World. BEFORE PURCHASING A LAWN MOWER send for our Catalogue, which contains Opinions of the Press and Testimonials from Gentlemen of High Position in the Horticultural World, Noblemen, Clergymen and others. Price3 from Twenty-five Shillings. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations in Great Biitain.. WILLIAMS & Co. (LIMITED), MANUFACTURERS and PATENTEES. SELLING AGENTS: JOHN G. ROLLINS & Co., OLD SWAN WHARF, THAMES STREET, LONDON; WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON: and BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET! JAMES LILLYYVILITE, FUOWD, and CO.'a New Illustrated Price List for 1878 is noiv ready, bad will be sent uost fru; to any apiiii.ant. Manufacturers of every iii^icle used in Cricket ana British Sports generally, of the best quality and moderate price. Observe the address, 4. NEWINGTON CAUSEvVAY. LONDON. TTTPERTSSAM TEA COMPANY (Limited). E_J _A"ents in nil Provincial Tovns for snle of Assam Teas dii-e.'cffrom'the C..mpany'a Plantations. Prices per lb. Ss. 6d., 8s.. null :;0. 6d. For furthor particulars apply to Head Depot, gr)"i(i„r w-liiftm.Rtreet. London. Agents wanted. ROrDE^GOLD ALBERT CHAINS, equal in U* appearance to 18-carat gold, will wear a lifetime; post free inr s_ /»j mill 7r fid Lo'iE 7s. 6tl, and 10s. Gd. Cluster rfues' set with Alaska diamonds 2s. 6d.t 5s. 6d. and 7s. 6d. ;singl« stone ring! to 6d.; si.e of fl^rr obt. ned by cutang bote fa pA.rri • brooch 4s. 6d.: earrings, 4s. Ca.; soari Pins, 2s. oa., crosses, •2s • necklet*' 2s lockets, 3s. 6d.; sleeve links, 2s. 6d. shirii stub 's solitaires 2s.; poucil oase. Ss. Cd brackets 5s 6d. S^f ii^gs.toM.;Albert keys. 2 s fid. Post free. I'nce LUt free. —W HOLT Sr> All Sa'nts'-road, Westbourne-paj^k. roudon,W. NOTICE ol, n]EM*C>'V.-fl-I.- KiTCAlf AND CO, JEWET,I,r-.P,13. k,\T-L) Dnr,4ST-NG-CASI,'&' Eatablished at 8, Fall Mall, in the year ISio. have removed to l their neiv preicise 19, COCKSPUR STEKKT, LONDON, S.W. Visitors to London are iuvitcJ inspcct tatirjarge Stock, mi table for presents, at very low prices. Every article marked in plain figures, apd 10 per cent. discount allowed for casn. AN 19, COCKSPUR STEKKT, LONDON, S.W. Visitors to London are iuvitcJ inspcct tatirjarge Stock, mi table for presents, at very low prices. Every article marked in plain figures, apd 10 per cent, discount allowed lor casn. A» *isi8tant gent wifi goods for selection if desired. ,0, ■- P-ustrate<i oafrloyue post free. (l ESTABLISHED 18 12. V-SiH. AND "T l'FiOC'l OR AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MANURES* GRASS, CORN, ROOTF FORAND DTHP-R. ,C,ROPS,- # ALSO* f > AW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. ■ WORKS,-CATHAY, HRISTOL. AGENTS-Mr G. Giiffitlis, Wine Merchant, Pembroke t. „ Tho*r<ns Park" Cardigan .:<,5\ „ J. N. Evans, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application Hi* titi I'HOSI'llO «l A\0. PREPARED ONLY FROM PACIFIC ISLAND GUANO By THE PHOSPHO GUANO V^gglP/ SEACOMBW, Co., LIMITED. TRADE MARK. CHESHIRE. TRADE MARK. o IS TBE BEST MANURE FOR ALL PURPOSES. PHOSPHATES SOLUBLE, AMMONIA FIXED, ANALYSIS GUARANTEED. G E NJRC* Mr John Sime, East Hook, Haverfordwest. Mr John Bennett, Wolfsdale, do. Mr Caleb John, Eglwyswrw, Newport. Messrs. Harries and Francis, Bryn Shop, Llanybyther Mr David Vaughan, Merchant, Fishguard. i ■ MESSRS. HILTON & WALTREW, Liverpool, Factors to the Company. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA AND THE CI Y OF LONDON. His Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia has conferred on Mr J. W. smith to the Imperial Court, in appreciation of Mr Benson'e artistic production of the Gold Casket presenteu o the Emperor by the Corporation of the City of London. -The above sketch represents tie Peiroiuai ualpndar; Independent Becoiids. Keyless Watob. The hands, without being re-Bet from time to time for leap year, keep a perpetual register of seconds, minutes, hours, deyf, weeks, months, and years; show old and new styles phases of the moon and vanations of heat JXIT 13ENSOH, W • l> To the Queen and Royal Family. To H. R. B. the Prince of Wales (special appointment.) Maker of the Ch onograph, by which the Derby and all great races are timed. Prize Medallist of London, Dublin, and Paris. LUDGATE HILL, LOS DON, E.G.; & 25, OLD BOND STRFF.T. |>ENSON invites attention totbeun- W Jj equalled advantages which be is enabled to offer to purchasers by and tbe employment of a large staff of skilled English and foreign workmen. The highly sat.sfaotorv per- formance of his Watches and Clocks is recogn-aeri by the Press and the Pnblic. The prices charged m every instance, are the loweBt, compatible with sound work- manship and hi¡,b finish. NOVELTY English Clocks far superior to foreign, designed by English Artists, manufactured on the prcmisce, and to be obtained only at the above establishments. Clock Cases made to bar. monize with the architecture of mansions, country houses, &c., and with their furniture. WATCHES. From 2 to 200 Guinea#. Railway Guard*, Sailors, Soldiers, Miners, and « ork- rnen's Watches (of extra strength ) LOOKS. From 1 to 1,00 Guineas. j EWELR Y and Plate for Presentation, &c. Watches and Clocks repa'red by skilled workmen. Old Jewelry, S her, and Watches exchanged. Woiche* sent to all parts, Fooitc by post. Merchants and Shipprrssupplied. The new Pamphliis on Turret and Chnrcb Clocks (with Testimonials). Watches and Clorks, Jewelry and plate (profusely illustrated), sent post free eacn tor ty ) Stamps. J. W. Benson's New Work, "Time and Time 1 ellein, published by Hardwicke, Piccadilly. Plain 2<1 act.; e,CMJTION.-The Public are cautioned against mis. VEPN K ntation# and It -.ENIPIS tP *ell Spurious lmitfttioa '1 u Ipswich may be described as the birthplace of Chemical Manures." X-Igx JOSEPH ilS0N& CO., IPSWICH, XfigX MANUFACTURERS OF f^^lTY ISulphuric Acid and Chemical Mn.nnppr.f^AUTY1 (One of the oldest Firms in the trade). j MESSRS. JOSEPH FISON & Co. having established a Depot at Swansea are now prepared to deliver their Manures free by Railway at any Station in South Wales. To Farmers-.— These Manures have been found not only to produce a large yield, but also to improve the quality of the crops for which they are applied, to strengthen the soil, and to benefit succeeding crops. Full particulars may be obtained upon application to any of the Agents of the Jb irm, or to the Head Offices. To Merchants and others having a connection with Farmers:- quested ti S/bv™«"» to tho I««l Office., ul to e»cl»e ».efereooe. TPQWTPH AND BEAMFORD. HEAD OFFICES EASTERN UNION MILLS, IPSWICH. TJR —N^SUB-Agents are appointed, but all Agents being in direct communication with the Finn orders received through them will have the same attention as if handed to the principals. OARSONS PAINT, PATfiONISBD BY HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, THE DUBLIN BOARD OF WORKS, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, I THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAL. COMPANIES, THE INDIAN GOVERNMENT j THB RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLLIERIES, IRON MASTERS, «C. 8,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of OXJT-DOOE "WOHK1, And is proved, after a test of upwards of 80 years, to surpass any other paint. It is especially applicable to Iron Roofing, Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and Waggons, Gates, &c., &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a'fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, «r dryers are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Diiections for Use," thus avoiding the waste of paints sold mixed ready for use." Per Cwt. COLOURS. PerCwt, WHITE 1 TRADE MARtC SarTRMP LIGHT STONE «• •• 26/ Sw??MSroiorR 139/ BRONZE GREEN j CREAM COLOUR.. tfpAiNT.Mf^^ f'HO^OTATV on1 LIGHT PORTLAND STONE ^9 BLACK 20' pufp^stablesV "j BRIGHT GREEN UGHT IEAD ^r^SLATE 28/ MEDIUM GREEN L,/ OAK Colour • 20/ DEEP GREEN \*2I LEAD COLOUR 26/ ■«**» 41^iahokkbs HMJ* BLUE ) Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &c. CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, See., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. PRICES PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.C. 6 And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. NO AGENTS. LANGDALES CHEMICAL I MANURE, Co., LIMITED, NEWCASTLE ON T Y*N E. SALES, 40,000 TONS ANNUALLY. ———— DEPOTS—ABERYSTWITH, CARDIFF, AND CARMAETlflSN. —————— V'> < IN thanking the agriculturalists ot South W iles for the support given to them-ia fSfe corrntie^ of1 Cardigan, Glamorgan, and Carmarthenshire, Langdales Chemical Manures Co. Limited, 0 C, announce that they are now prepared to make arrangements for a district agency in Pembroke- shire. Applications to be made to the Head Office, Newcastle-on Tyne, for terms. (ESTABLISHED 1842 ) JOHN ROBINSON AND Co. BRISTOL MANUFACTURE MANURES, Of high Quality, and send them oat in good condition, at moderate prices, including ZD t, CORN M A. N URE Which contains Non-volatile Ammonia, with other Fertilizers carefully combiued, and may be safely substituted for Guano.^ Price, f9 per ton. DISSOLVED BONES MANGOLD & TURNIP MANURE GRASS MANURE SUPER-PHOSPHATE And other Manures for Special Crops. Also, LINSEED AND COTTON SEED CAKES, From Seed as imported. Apply to JOHN ROBINSON & CO., BRISTOL, or to their Agents, Mr Jesse Harvey, Kilpaison House, Pembroke; Messrs. R. and J. Jones, Haverfordwest. CL EDDAU B REW ERY, BRIDGE STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, G E 0 it G E M. GREEN, MALTSTER & BREWER DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. Agent for Miller and Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. green & john; WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, QUAY S TREE7 llA VERFORDJVEST, AGENTS FOR Ll\VES' SlWEIiPHOSPHATE OF LIME, LAWES' PATENT TURNIP MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PERUVIAN GUANO. A QUANTITY OF MANURE SALT FOR SALE. ESTABLISHED OVER 150 YEARS. Upper Market Street, Haverfordwest. JAMES "DA V IES, (Late Baillieu aid Davies,) LADIES' & GENTLEMEftPS BOOT & SHOE MAKER TN returning thanks for the patronage bestowed upon him and his late'Partner, begs respectfully to announce that he is prepared to execute all orders in Boot and Shoe Making in the newest styles, and at moderate prices. J. D's Goods are home made, and employing only the most skilful workmen, the workman- ship can be guaranteed. | Repairs Neatly Executed f WfK-FEVER and com ll^mNG^IorriPi each Which *» if inhaled on the first symptoms will at once remove them, and even when a cold has been neglected and become severe, it will give immediate relief, and generally cure In one day. It contains no narcotic, and never produces any unplennant effects. Address DR. DUNBAR, caN of p, NEWBERYand SONS, 87, Newgate Street, LONDON, E.G. rOHEBVOUS SUFFERERS. REAl) THE "SECRET FRIEND." 'PHIS Wonderful Medical Guide not only gives tbe JL cause, but shows how a permanent cure oan be effected in all cases of Nervous Debility, Depression of Spirits, Timidity, Impaired S'ght and Memory, Pains in the back, Lassitude, Spermatorrhoea, Im- pediments to Marriage, Stricture,Secondary Symptoms, and An Veneteal Diseases, without the use of Mercury Dr Barnes's long experience in the treatment of all Sexual Diseases has enabled him to treat the moet Inveterate cases with marked success. This Tniuahle work THE SECRET FRIEND," is illustratea with numerous cases and testimonial* from Patients ex- pt.essiiig their deepest gratitude for having been re- stored to health and manly vigour. To the married and single this book Is invaluable. Sent post iree secure from observation on receipt of two stamp?. CØ" Address, Dr. Barnes, 1, Lonsdale Square 1 Barnsbury, London, N. Important to Country Patients. DR BARNES ma be consulted personally or by letter, in all pti »ate and confidential cases and for the benefit ol Nervous sufferers who cannot visit bim, he wi 1, on receiving a description of their ':1\8e' enclosing a stamped envelope for ;'eply, be ready to pive his opinion upon the nature of the case, and the pinciples ot treatment necessary to effect a perfect cure. iSRS" Address, DR. BARNES, 1, Lonsdale Square Baamsbury, London, N. » FOR THE BLOOD IS THE L1FK." BZnSB! WORLD FAMED F: ratililiM^CTia-d ForScrofu TY, Disease?, and sore ot ah kinds it is a never failing and permanent cure. It cures old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Bl«ckhea<Js,or Punplee on the face. Cares sourvy Sorep Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cores B'ood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swelling*. C eansea and Cures the Blood from all miure Mutter. From whatever cause arising. 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