Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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SERIAL, AUSTRIAN I-. DAN MONTHLY DRAWINGS: ^fises: £ 25,000 £ 22.000, £ 20,000, 000, £10,000, £5,000, &C, &c, flown to £ 18« f^UARANTEK.nhv the Imperial Austrian G'vern- TT ment Drawings in public under superintendence of Govern rrienr Officials.—Shares which entitle ti e bolder to a chanc of winning any of the shove Pitz » **nbo had at £ 1 each.—Six Si.ares entitling to C Ranees cost £ 5.—Applv only to tlie AGENCY FOR PUblic FUNDS IN GENEVA (Switzerland). Rennt- are to be sent DIRECT TO GENEVA. either HI Notes. Crossed Chi que- or Post-office Orders |8yah]c at the General Po>t. Office to itie Manas." r, *Ir OTTO HOSE in Genera who will also supply Pro- *Peciuses gratis on prepaid application. KA 1 X^rTTh ^BA CK7O RAVEL, LUMBAGO, i RHEUMATISM, GOUT, DISK.ASKS, of the Sidneys, and BLADDER, STRICTURE, &c. I)r. De Rocs' Compound Renal Pills *re oeicbrated all over the world a« he most safe and 'Deedv remedy for the above dai^erons complaints any kind.S-onoin the Bladder, and !> of the K'dney- and Urinary Organs penerall). live tonic prlpert* rate stomach, strencthen tlie duts and in e^R° the ai)DPtit2 improve the genera. bcaiUi, ana In *r £ da-Vvd!effct acure, whenc^naiba, '•11 livwL**™ oftbst class have .a^d « 1*d «> 8d.. 4s 6d lis., anil** per h.o>l. These celebrated Pills-™ "J ostobstina'e ease>. By■toejr hertlth, when 55 nown to fnil, or produce s\'mptoms so W«„ t.S™ <»'*»»"• "Wirt medicines usually resorted to. Illey £ ) Ntfeer confinement nor change of diet, and may Considered the onlv sate efficacious remedy for all those disorders for which they are recom- ^nded. 'fliP,/ MOST WONDERFUL PILLS IN THE M WORLD. Dr. De Vitro, or Vege- table Life Pills. .l' LL from cenerlll nerV0\18neS8, and morbid ^V^rU^eierS dreiimq, Qtlecep8ftry fearp. mentlll irritability, failure of the MeD- -ftCEST* & "Ko«? "L"™p» N alraoet magically remove pain and .r nature, restore cheerfulness to the FPirit, vigonr to Jsr^-ss^Hrtis ,:exampled efficacy; and it is 110 !lmsH that thty can be taken fit »nv tune without danger trom wet J cold, or necessity for restraint from ti,e. Thev act mildly on the bowels, without pain or Hoping impart strength to the stomach, promote a Sthy action of the liver, ihu* preventing or vhen t>ent curing the jaundice aT.ddropRy.clcanng he vS. removing sallownees and pnnpiPN P^U^ng U^ JS>, bracing the nerves, and marvel onely invig R the whole system. en'a ps wj,hout them. invaluable, and «bouM never■ «■ Pt,c« Is lid., 2s 9d„ 4a 6d., 11 f., »"d *Ss Per box- Life is real; life is earnest, # And this world is not the goa ♦Dust thou art-to dnst returned. W*a not spoken of the soul. ^itkK — the«e s id words 1)6 so csr>y uil*TQ case?, may tne«e s LL« O»CT the Body, if only recourse be bad to V Be Poos' World Famed Guttae Vitse or Life Drops. Nfi effects jire reallv magical in restoring lost tone system (Arising from whatever cause) re,nvipor- and en'i*enir<t the whole corporeal frame, and (r ^ally, bnt effecti .v, building up tbe most sbat- constitution. k^though this truly ws/tn^l recuperative tonic is S.tfS.rd l"P»r«»g I' wer. gflV that bv its means M* ,(e is at it were, ,0 the nervous and debUtU^. ^ho were J^ntly sinking into an early grave; whilst Jo lho^ tv, "turer ye»rs it will gently ai>d sere P i? close of life. Thousands of •PPare1t^h(I,°^oJ! np by the faculty, are now in; the enjoy^ W Itof health, (life's prestest blessing), a p,kdhi, fey to the onspeaka>>le value of .bis re^rk.hl^ ^'cine. Hundreds of testimonials t°o rnmer CV'«h, mav be seen by any on*, Th- Prepara. on i kLTf«»ielv nlpns'iot to take, and none n^ed suner J^'Wsuch a miraenlous medicament ia 'n ^'stence >i>rniiMrf^ris l with 'bp utmost confidence in a 1 OfTrTo«^lity Defective Ci'rc'n!ni."ii, itu- fc^of'\he Blood, Langupr, La.simde, Dfp-ess.on of $i!| P'ritg Indigestion, Pain and Palpi'a'ion in the IL*> Harrassing Dreams, &c. Persons of studious Cl. debilitated females, atul those on whom tbe wear 111" ,par of life is beginning to tell, should persevere with this Life reviving Tonic for one month, lhc-v will be astonished at its results. All those MjHav« tried other means, galvanic and electric ap- I|<*s, &c without any beneficial result, are ear- recommended to make fair trial of this medicine, tjh c,i being conoooted on the highest scientific prin- fi?*t invariably succeeds. The great success atten- QI'L0" this wonderful discovery bas led to a H°8T and worthless imitations. Price 1 8ottie, w^MPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC.— «!?> pack. of Dr. De BOO.1 PW™ which none can possibly be Da'te,)t CiS>orlri famed medicinesi are sold by every paten ik Van^AP in flip wor)<3« iDOSt Oucniibi or, O'd the least difficulty occur, will be forwarded b^Pe Free) per return, on receipt of the by "^liRoos^, Holford square, London, W.C. jL^el>ilitated and nervous snfferers should read the «Cfl>al Adviser,' by W. DF- Roos, M .Dwhich '»ota'n8 most important information, interesting to »t, young man sent post free on receipt of twelve \„PM)Y Mr LAWES, Medical Publisher, 14, Hand- ^V^fiolborn, LondoD, W.C. Marriage rightly understood, Gives to the virtuous and the good A Paradise below.' A Jnst Published, Post free 6 stamps. MEDICAL WORK ON MARRIAGE.—By a Physician of many years practice. A practical Ve*o both sexes before entering tbe wedded state, SCP a,n instructions for the speedy removal of all l^siiticotiong 8ruj inapedimenis which too oltcn NJ happiness therein; it also treats on tbe cause ot ?%»^t0re decline,toss of manhood, nervous debility, [W. 'i the back, spermatorrhajn, impotence, extreme »i»«Au^e, shvness, incapacity for study or business, I '%u-,<,or society, and tbe numberles- infirmities, I lHP l,tig irom yeuthiul abuses or excesses ol adult with the highly successful and thoroughly treatment, whereby sutterers may ijr j Jy be restored to health and happitiess,—Address j "O, 8t<>»e, Publisher, 27, Verulam street, London, ^^arvenous Remedy for CoughB, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,Cousumption, aU Cheat Affections. ^ECTORINE *>y all Chemists, in bottles, at Is lid, 2s 9d §e *H(i I* each. ]} ^y the proprietors upon receipt of stamps. ev- J. STOREHOUSE. St. Saviour's Vicarage, v, Nottingham. August 1874. —lean strongly recommend your Pecto- »airtti ,1IlTa)uable Cough Remedy. 1 have given it Pert.8 my own family, and have also supplied K.ety ijjs?ns •flering from Cough in my parish, and in to "»ait il llHS R'ven immediate relief. In some p er Passing sUrp/ess nighrs, one or two doses ct0|,ine hav 1 .id such a goor. effect that per- {<lilya. ^°ta jjo' night's lest M.d the Cough Las K.Mt .lH'eaiM,. If "Ol Fl-. S-. A: s.v Sqii M .I'd e='cr, 1011 I e> oiii i>- M }' 11. r to til.y Yidit'iiit 1 5^fr" fl 8 the w.-rst forius of Coughs and ^t l°JttN-pC"re,i fx>c,atne^a vtSrJOftiiup 81ves iQjmediate relief in Bronchitis ls hm medicine for Asthuia ^S°inSE'ur,e8VVtiocPin?cuQSh v °ure a troublesome tickling Cougn, ^Cf8l||,>ption 'Iiva'ua'[)le *n the Early fctagesol Oon- K re^iRVes all Aflec'ion the Chest, 8nd Tllro" SMITH CLARKE, Manufactu- V & e»^ists, Pa»'k Street, Lincoln. li ^h*KlL0,1.t"!«f?intC<0r granted a perpetual *01, fnr ?06ts» agt.ast F. Mason, Chemist by r U61fl8 Ihe word 'Pectonne.' j ^West, chemist, Casile Souaie, 1 \R. HUNTER'S Special Lectures to Young Men on HEALTH, ITS KESTOKATION, AND iIAPPY MARRIAGlr.S.— When 1< marry, with advice to those who contemjiLite marriage, pointing out certain impediments which render married H'e unhappy, and directions for their speedy removal. Should be read by all who value health, strength, and manhood, and wish to attain a nappy old age.—Post free on receipt of two etamps.-Address, Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. I *—— '— r UniversHl Vatrouags. 1.:1" hY. c-ttfFarer.s fror.i giii.&i.:>r h-•:•.» tiixense mkehpcai: nnd follow in t-Ue ri .•<r.fx' vlieir iv-tornti<m of health to t! •• t; ..f > A 01 .tmknt AM) I'ima Rheumatism in tin mtisclr- ,.r t'out.y pains, neuralgic tortures, cram])-; uml »j«iniu'<lic twitches ilejuirt. under tlia emplojineut of th>-e je:ii"'li"s. Bad Jejrs. all kinds of wounds, iileers, muvs. Imni-. (utHrnWi- iutlainiiiations, arc quickly compuTed. Tin- reputation HoII«.'way's (Jintment nnd riB., Ii "(! ncqnirod tliroii^liout. tin* liahitable Globe shan't imluce every afltieted jwon to pve thi-111 a fair trial boiurc despairillg or reli« ■ ir olianfloniiis; llOp Scorbutic Humours. -Scald Heads and Skin Diseases. Scorbutic humours arise from an impure stole of the blood, a&5; in most ca*»\= the liver and stomach are the orguhs at T<lult.fhpsp Vills will spewlily restore themtoalivolth.v action; while the Ointment, if well nibbed jllto theaflticted parts at least twice will soon eure any case of skin disease. Soldiers, sailors, and miners use this famous 1 (intment in an parts of tha world. Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Sore Throats, Coughs, and Colds. This Ointment will cure, when every other means have failed. It is a sovereign remedy for all derangements of the throat n)]dchc-t. Settled coughs or wheezing will 1*! promptly removed by rubbing in the Unguent. Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. — Old Wounds, Sores, and Ulcers. It is surprising how quickly a sore,uleer, orwound, deprives the body of strength and unfits it for the duties of life, and it is no less wonderful to watch the effect of Holloway's Healing Ointment, when it is used according to the printed directions, and assisted by appropriate doses of the Pills. Gout and Rheumatism. le Will be cured with the greatest certainty if Irfrge quantities of the Ointment be well worked into the afflicted parts. This treatment must be jierseveringly followed for some time. and diily assisted by powerful doses of Holloway's Pills. These purifying and soothing remedies demand the earnest attention of all persons liable to rheumatism, gout, sciatica, or other paiuful affections of the muscles, nerves, or joints. Piles, Fistulas, and Dropsical Swellings. This incomparable Ointment is earnestly recommended to all suffering from, or having a tendency to, dropsy. The wor.-t cases will yield in a comparatively short space of time when this Ointment is diligently rubbed into the parts affected. In all serious maladies the Pills should be taken to purify the blood and regulate its circulation. Both the Ointment and jP?H<! should be used in the following t-vtnplaints Bad Legs Corns (Soft) Scalds Bad Breasts Fistulas Sore Throat3 Burns Gout Skin Diseases Bunions Glandular Swellings Scurvy Chilblains Lumbago Sore Heads Chapped Hands Piles Tumours Contracted and Stiff Rheumatism Ulcers Joints Sore Nipples Wounds The Ointment and Pills are sold at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Establishment, flSS, Oxford Street. London; also by nearly every respectable Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civilised World, in Pots and Boxes, at Is. ]'(I., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., :ns.. and 33s. each. The smallest Pot of Ointment contains one ounce and the smallest. Box of Pills four dozen. Full printed directions are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can be had in any language, even in Turkish, Arabic, Armenian, Persian, or Chinese. 210. 1,)-1. K, B.-Advice can be obtained, free of charge, by applying at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter. N I ARCHIMEDEAN77" iJlKRIOAN LAWN MOWERS. Kx i "■ S4- I (if 1 hi"j, n. ,l II Grand Diploaia oi Honourable Mention, Vienna, 1873. Silver Medal. Vienna, 1870. Silver Medal, Hamburgh, 1869. PATKOMSKO iiy Her Graoioas Majt atv THli QUK.KN. His Royjtl HifrhnfSH I ill1. PRINCK Oti1 WAIjKS. Hf-r Imperial Majesty THE KMPRKSS OF GKBMASV His Imponf) M. je.I\' TIf K KMPKROK OF AUSTttIA The latp m)Pn]K)U OF THE FKKNUtl. The f) Y OF KGYPf, And laany of the NoViiliiy slid Gentry of Great Britain. This Lawn Mower will cut Lou;; an i W"t Grass (as well I as Diy and Short) without (Viogoring. Is fcpeciallv adapted for Cutting Slopes, Sleep Kmboik- mpnts, under Shrubs. and close up to Trees, < £ c. Extremely liiht in Draught. Simple in Construction, well made, and not likely to net out of order. It can be used either *ith or wilhout Grass Box. Every Mower is warranted to give ample satisfaction, and, if not approved of, may be returned within a month, and the amount paid will be refunded. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. I Far superior to any of ours."—Vide The Field. P.cmarkably easy to work."—Vide Gardener«' Magazine. The quickest, most Bimple, and most efficient mower ever used."—Vide (iardnirr.i Chronicle. We fee: bound to recommend it to onr readers as one I of tbe best mowers we have as yet made acquaintance with.Vide Floral World. BEFORE PURCHASING A LAWN MOWER send for our Catalogue, which contains Opinions of the Press and Testimonials from Gentlemen of High Position in the Horticultural World, Noblemen, Clergymen and others. Prices from Twenty-five Shillings. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations in Great Britain. WILLIAMS & Co. (LIMITED), MANUFACTURERS and PATENTEES. SELLING AGENTS: JOHN G. ROLLINS & Co., OLD SWAN WHARF, THAMES STREET, LONDON; WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON: and BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. ft CRICKET! CRICKET! CRICKET! JAMES LILLYWH1TE, FRO WD, and CO.'a New Illustrate Price Ijist for 1873 is now readj, will be sent post free to any applicant. Manufacturers of every urtiolo used in Cricket and British Sports generally, of tho host quality and moderate price. Observe the address. 4, KEWINGTON CAUSKWAY. LONDON. UPPER ASSAM TEA COMPANY (Limited). —Agents in all Provincial Towns for sale of Assam Teas airect from the Company's Plantations. Prices per lb. 2a. 60." 8 and 3s. Gd. For further particulars apply to Head Depot, 60. King William-street, London. Agents wanted. OROIDE GOLD ALBERT CHAINS, equal in appeorance to 18-caiat gold, will wear a lifetime; post free for 5s. 5d. and 7s. Of). Long chains, 7s. M. and 10s. Gd. Cluster rings, get with Alaska diamond",2s. 6d.,f>s. (id., and7s. 6d.; sinpla stone ling, 5s. 6d.; cill) of finger obtained by cutring hole in card; brooch, 4s. fi t.; earrings, 4s. Cd.; scarf pins, 2s. 6d.; crosses, n- cklet 2s 6L; 'ookets, Ss. fid.; sleeve links, 2s. 6d.: shirt studs. 2s.; »oli;aires, 8a.; pencil case, 8s. (id.; bracelets, as. 6d.; ec-nrf riu-'K. Ss fid.; A Xrikoys, 2«. Od. Post free. Price List free. ~~W. tiOu t. S.\ Ad Saiitts'-road, Westbonrje-mrk. J_ond.nL. W. NOTIC2 OP iR'jBlS/CO'V ..AJ±*Z METCALF AND CO.. JKWELLETtS. SILVlilisjMITHS AND WATCHMAKERS, DRE^SlKG-CASii » TUAVKLLING-BAG MAKERS. Eiteoliiahed at S, Mail, in the year J825, have removed to their new premises, 10. COCZSPTJFu STB^-ST, LONDON. S.W. Viiitors to Losdon we anis'. .1 1:1 "&DlJ(:, tbetr iaige Stock, •nitabl" for prewnts. at very low ptit«s. Every article marked n plain, and 1» nei oont. discount allowed for giifcU. Aa teistant sent wi<t soods for se,loot,ion if desired. Ifcustrated caj^igne post free. Bath & "West of England Show, Bath Meeting, Shed 55, Stant333. ESTABLISHED 1812. I H. AND f FROCI'OR, AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, CATHAY, BRISTOL, ORIGINAL MANUFACTURERS OF SPECIALLY PREPARED BONE MANURES. FOR GRASS, CORN, ROOT, AND OTHER CROPS; ALSO, BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIMfv W ORKS,-CATHA Y, BRISTOL. AGENTS-Mr G. Giiltiths, Wine Merchant, Pembroke Thomas Parker, Cardigan J. N. Evans, Aberayron. Full Particulars with Prices, Post Free on application P][OSPIIO GUANO. PREPARED ONLY FROM §jft|g|a PACIFIC ISLAND GUANO BY THE PHOSPHO GUAK0^^7 SEAOOMBtf, Co.. LIMITED. IT V- CHESHIRE. ? TRAOE MARK. IS THE BEST MANURE FOR ALL PURPOSES. PHOSPHATES SOLUBLE, AMMONIA FIXED, ANALYSIS GUARANTEED. | A«E1%TTS:— Mr John Sinie. East Hook, Ilaverforawest. Mr Johu Bennett,, Wolfsdale, do. Mr Caleb Oolm. Eglwyswrw, Newport, Messrs. Harries aud Francis, Bryn Shop, T.laiiyb^ther Mr David Yaughan, Merchant, Fishguard. i MESSRS. EILTON & WALTEEW, Liverpool, Factors to the Company. THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA AND TH$CI Y OF LONDON. MIR Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Russia has conferred on Mr J. W. Benson theft"PP01"t™"f Go,,i: smith to the imjierinl Court, in nppreciation of Mr BeDson'e artistic production of the Gold Ca>kei presented o the Emperor by the Corporation of the City of Lon-dori. rwT I >ENS0N, • VV • I> To the Queen and Roynl Family, To H. R. H. the Prince of Wales (special appointment.) Maker 01 the Chionograpb, by which the Derby and all km ik great races are timed. Prize Medallist of London, IS _|i—|_ |1 I'uhlin, nd Paris. l\IB LUDCATE HILL. LOSDON, E.C.; & 25, OLD V*jiP3§|BBy BOND STREET. t WJ I >ENSON incites attention to the un- mj W # \j equalled advantages which be is enabled to offer to pnrol asers by the nsc of steam power and the employment of a large stsff ol ski led Engluli «nd foreign workmen. The highly satisfactory p<r- formance of his Watches and Clocks is recognised by the Press and the Pnblic. The prices charged in every | instance, are the lowest, compatible with aouud work- V] OVELTY. eKnglish Clocks far supciior to foreign, desigi.wl t»y Kiigli»«> Artists, manu/actured ou if J&\ >' a r the premi-es, and to be obtained oi»I>- at the S If |*</IjMffrl M aboveestablishments. Clock Cases made to liar. SlKTAt^ monizewitbtlicarchitectnreof mansions,country 111 P 1 M hou-es, &c., and with their furniture. { IIVt^P^lS iyi/JH "VITATCHES. From 2 to 200 Guineas. Kiilwny A W Guards, Sailors, Soldiers, Miners, and Work- o r /Sv B rnen'd Walshes (of extra strength ) j fll jjj CL0CKS- From 110 ,,(l° tiuineas* J aD<1 ^'ate ,or ^resent»tion, &c. Watches and Clocks repa red by skilled wo^kinei!. t)U Jewelry, S'l«er, and Watches exchanged. w,.che« sent to all parts, by post. Merchants anil Shipperssupplied. I The new Pamphlets 011 Turret and Church Clocks w— i u „ t, fwith Testimonials), Watches and Cocks, Jewelry and The above sketch represents the P«;««»-. Calendar, t (profusely illustrated), set post flee each tor Independent Seconds. Keyless Watch. The hands, VtVmnfi 1 nrithnin bein,r rr mt from time tn timn for lon^ j Lnrt t7 Npw Time Tellers, keep a perpetual register of seconds, minr. es, hours, b Hardwicke, P.cwdiUv Plain 2s 9d days, weeks, month", and years; show old and n«w A „ } U11|j> styles phases of .lie moon; and variatnns of neat b,^XION._The Pub,ic> are cautioned a*ain.rt mi, V^DrPhf-JlTftTioT)*8 Rnrl ft »; t r> "e) I Spui TOUfl I (I) itiati on "Ipswich may be described as the birthplace of Chemical Manures." JOSEPH FISON & CO, IPSWICH, X|gg\ oil Sulphuric Acid and Chemical Manures, QIJAL (O)ie of the oldest Firms in the trade). MESSRS. JOSEPH FISON & Co. having established a Depot at Swansea are now prepared to deliver their Manures free by hallway at any Station in South Wales. ed To Farmers:- These Manures have been found not only to produce a large yield, but also to improve the quality of the crops for which they are applied, to strengthen the soil, aJid to benefit succeeding crops. Full particulars may he obtained upou application to any of the Agents of the Firm, or to the Head Offices. To Merchants and others having a connection icith Farmers j Messrs Joseph Fison & Co. are prepared to appoint Agents for their Manures in districts in which they are not already represented, and gcntltmen of position and influence, who may wish for such agencies, are re- quested to apply by letter to the Head Ottices, and to enclose a bankers reference. WORKS* TPSWICH AND BKAMFOKD. HEAD OFFICES EASTERN UNION" MILLS, IPSWICH, v t> n0 sUB-A«ents are appointed, hut all Agents being in direct communication with the Firm orders received through them will have the same attention as if handed to the principals. ( < I CARSONS PAINT, ] F L'ATHONISBD BY 0 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, ] THE DUBLIN BOARD OF WORKS, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, I THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, I RAILWAY and CANAL COMPANIES, TUB INDIAN GOVEKNMBXT | THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLLIERIES, IRON MASTERS, &C. 8,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds of 1 OXJT-DOOR 'WORK, And is proved, after a test of upwards of 80 years, to surpass any other paint. It is especially applicable to Trnn Rnnfiriff Park Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, Carts and iron ttoonnb, Waggons, Gates, &c, &c., and all exposed work, effecting a J Saving of. more than 50 per cent., j as it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and f CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. < It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryers are necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to Directions for Use," thus avoiding the waste of paints sold "mixed ready for use. I'erCwt. COLOURS. tjt?TTMTT ruti PerCwt, WHITE TRADEMARKS BRIGHT RED 28/ RATHTSTn\^ PURPLE BROWN 26/ SREAMIolour:: ::U ?5^f*wK,m LIGHT PORTLAND STONE I ft %LELV■' J|*JI 20' PORTLAND STONE | tSoJ-^ Blltf HT GREEN BTTVF (fnr START I S0NS« liiilGHl (IKHISM LIGHT1 LEAl^rskii-E V.'W OAK COLOUR 26/ DEEP GRLr N LEAD COLOUR 26/ Cuuis AUMUWiwis hau, BLUE J Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &c. CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIC EDIFICES MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &c., is unrivalled, and is the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, FRAMES, &c. 2 CWT. Delivered Carriage Free to all Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. I PRICES, PATTERNS AND TESTIMONIALS SENT POST FREE ON APPLICATION. WALTER CARSON & SO NS, LA BELLS SAUVAGE YAED, LUDGATE HILL, L0IB0I, E.C. 0 And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. NO AGTENTS. • II< |LAJ\GI)ALES CHEMICAL I MANURE, Co., LOOTED, N" £ C "VV CASTLE ON T Y 1ST E. I SALES, 40,000TONS ANNUALLY. DEPOTS—ABERYSTWITII, CARDIFF, AND CARMAKTliEN. IN thanking tlie agriculturalists of South Wales ljor ?tie support given to them in the 'counties of! Cardigan, Glamorgan, and Carmarthe?i?hirt:, Laug.lales Chemical Manures Co. limited,' announce that they are now prepared to make arrangements for a district agency in Pembroke- shire. Applications to be made to the llead Oiiic-cv New*i&st;le-ou Tyue, for terms. (ESTABLISHED 1842 > JOHN ROBINSON AND Co. BRISTOL MANUFACTURE M A nr u ae U S, Of high Quality, and send them out in good condition,■moderate prices, including j CORN MAN TJ R E Which contaiins Non-volatile Amanonia. with other Fertilizers carefully comhiued, and may be saieiy .nbsHtutcd tor "ouitno.^Price, ZE9 per ton. ¡ DISSOLVED BONES MA^OLD & TURNIP MANURE m GRASS MANURE Sl^ER-PHOSPHATE 1 And other vx Special Crops. Also, LINSEED AND CSOTTON SEED CAKES, Frot 3 Seed as imported. Apply to JOHN' KG BIN SON & ( ji)., BRISTOL, or to their Agents, Mr Jesse ITarvev, Kilpuisou House, Pembroke; Messrs. R and J..tones, Haverfordwest. CLE D D A J B B EW E B Y, BRIDGE STR EET, HAVERFORDWEST, j G E O K G ,E~M7 G R E E N. I p 1: F.Lv I v P-4P' -7,-l t MALTSTI05, & BREWER! -Ae JTVI C T DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL SEEDS. j Agent for Miller ant I Johnson's Celebrated Artificial Manures. G R iif, N S .111 UN. I WHOLESALE A ND FAMILY GBOCERSJ QUAY ST liEEl HAVERFORDWEST. T \(IE\TS FOR LAWES' SlIIMiliPHOSPHATE OF Li HE, LAWES' J'ATJ L\T TUR-Nlll MANURE, AND LAWES' DISSOLVED BONES. PER U V 1 A N GUANO. A QUANTITY OF4 MANURE SALT FOR SALE. I; ESTAB: WISHED OVER 150 YEARS. 11.. Upper Market Mreef, Haverfordwest. 11 jl JAM IS S ~T) A V T TT! R. |i (L tte Baillieu Davies,) [ LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S BOOT & SHOE MAKER 1 TN returning thanks for the patrc tcage bestowed upon him aud his lale'Partner, begs respectfully to announce that he is pre graved to execute all orders in Boot and Shoe Making in the newest styles, and at moderate pr tc es. J. D's Goods are home mad and employing only the most skilful workmen, the workman- ship can be guaranteed. Repairs Neatly Executed utv FEVER anf,icomf RlKAnJkM -J. V, which. v. if inhaled on thp first synn?it^ma will acoiice veiKove them. tttnl when a cold 1\ I.Hi anci Beware, it will give iiiiiu jiiiate Tel iel. und ijeuepirit "ure in one day. It. coteia? D" nfircotic, and lir.T^r produces any lit II ¡ -effects. AJUJl Vii. Dl'NBAK, -"ire ot "V Ity Mid SON8, I XcJ-gate .Street, XOtNJ joN, R.C. u TOWEUVODS SCPFKEERS. KKAP Trfl "SECCRET FRIEND." TH IS Wonderful Medical -G^iide not only gives the JL caune. bat shows how permanent care can ho jflected ie aU cases of Neri toviti Debility, Depression < Df Spirits, Timidity, lnrpaired Sight and Memory, Pains in the back, Lasbit ,udle, Spermatorrhroa, fm- Dediments to Marriase, Str; ic-tore,Secondary Symptoms, ind AllVerieceal Disease*, without the u*e of Mercury. Dr Bnrnes's Jong experie lice in the treatment of a); Sexual Dipcfises has enat jle<J him to treat tbe TBOSI inveterate caces with nia rkwi success This "raluatile work THK SECRET FIViEND," is illusrrarea with numerous ftxaet and to,iti(oonials from pRttents ex- pressing their deepest gratItude for 'having been re- itored to heafrtib and nmnty t 'gour. To the mllirrjpd aud sin^ie this bccrk is invahiahle. Sent post free secure trotu. observaewn on receipt of two sta tn pn. tW Address, Dr. 'Baoaes, 1, Lonsdale Square Barnsbury, I ,ondon, N. Imp-ortant to Ocwmtry Patients. DR PAR5.ES ma/ "be. ■consulted personally or by letter, in all prn>>rt« and coufidential cases and tor the benef t of Net vorie sufferers who cantiot visit bim, he will,, on receiving a description of their jaee, inclosing a. stamped <»ivelnpe for reply, be ready to five his opiedon upon (the nature of the case, and tin ptnciples o) treatment, necessary to effect a perfect cure. Ð" Altrlress, DR, KARNES, 1. Lonsdale Square, Ba.irusbury London, N. 'FOR THE BLOOD IS/THE LIFE." WORLD FAMED Ii' PTTrfilirMilhlTI Foi SctotL Ja. Scurvy, Skin Oif-eosee, ani bore cu u.'i liind s it is a Pie^er failing and permareut cure. it oores old Sores. Cares TJIcerated Sore Legs. Cures IHlackheads, or Pimples on tlie face, (.Jares iSanrvy Sores. Cures, Cancerous Ulcers. Cure ) Blood and Skin Diseases. Cure s Glandular Swelliuge. Ciea pses anu Gates tiie Blood frOlI. all [), )urc ;ter. 11) Fro in whatever cause arising. As this mixture is ijleasant to lue ta?t>\ and wit: ranted tr. 3e from .ujyihhig injurion# to the IlJÚH de! .•»u* «oi»t uttuHur. of either sex, ibe Proprietor solicits sufferer;, JO give It a trial 'ei#t its tjiiup. T liu ivanof- of Te6iituo;nab irotn uli part". SaJp in botti^s 2s 6d, and in cases containing six !imo t> J" quuntitv, tj" tfci. hy aii CH "MIS on«! j PATi jiST MEDlCtNK VENDORS, • i(fhoot th *or,(j, r sent to ..liY a<idre»>, (.0.1. recH|'t (n SO or ¡;5:¿ pw nv J. CI^APKE; CBE.>t!Sf, li'pu Street, LiocoJn, i Wholesale A Paiei" Medicine HOURC>. SW^ietta, J lloweii, ciiettt'SU &c, ACCIDENTS BY FLOOD AND FIELD. ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS May be provided against by a Policy of the j RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY. The oldest & largest Accidental Assnrancc ompany I HON. A. KINNA] RD, M.P., Chairman. SUB S C RIB E l) CAPITAL £ 1000,000 ANNUAL I.NCOME £20.5,001). I £1,120,000 have been paid as COMPENSATION ¡ A fixed sum in case of Death by Accident, and a Weeisly Allowance in the event, of Injury, may be secured at moderate Premiums. Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' Standing, Apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, t e Locai Ageiws, or 64, CORN HILL, LONDON; ] WILLIAM J.YIAN, Secretary, Agent tor Haverfordwest: ,j Mr H. BARHAM, Railway Station. T PEOPLES EDITION- I NEW SPECIAL MEDICAL WORE. By Du HENRY SMITH. NOW READY-FRFF EUiTlON. By poet, in envelope, one stamp (to pre-pay postage.) I DEBILITATING DISEASES; their CAUSE and CURE, A WARNING VOICE TO YOUTH ft AND MANHOOD. By HENRY SMITH, M.D.,0f l the Royal University of Jena, Author of "The Vol- 1 the Royal University of Jeba, Author of "The Vol. 1 uIJteer'¡¡ JUanoa)," 4 The Warning Voice," cte. This 8 \york givee Dr Smith's Treatment (the result of Twenty$ Six years special practice) for the Cure o< allDi%ea»esol V the Nervous system, NeryousDdnhty, Mental iv* Physj. 1'81 Depression, Palpitation of tlie Heart. Noises in tbe Head & Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, I iid'gestion, Losa.f E13ergy, pail,'$ in the Back, Cot)-ti: ation, Blusbsnff, Hysttria, Timidity, Seit-disirust, I' 'izziness, Love of Solitude, (.-iroandleas Fenrs, M uscu <ar Relaxation, &c., resulting from exhaustion of k Nerve Power, the eliect of 0««.rtaxed Energien. Kuer. I I vatin« Habits, and other abuses of the synem which, if neglected end in premature dvcl-.i>e and death. GIVES INS 1 RUCTIONS AN I) PREsCKl P MOWS. Illustrated with Testimonials trom grateful pat ents: with means of Cure used in each ca-e Also AbVlCE TO YOUNG MEN ON SlJBJLt-lS OF OU^.Al livf- PORTANCE. Sent tree by j ust on receipt of one pent-y stamp. 1 "This is a work which every young man srn-u'.d read. The moral tone which pervari. x ever?1 pa^t v. i h sound advice- is tnvaluabie, espc. ia!iy when coming J (rom the pen of a physician whose success b»siMvt!ii h.m a t,iace A!:«0Di!st tbe eminent Specichstc of lie j age."—M<rniny Chr\'nicie. | Third Thousand. By post, ae-vets stamps in er-'ei-.r^- I j W'tjMAN; Het Duties, Relations, and P„- iii-n Subject treated: Ginbood, Manle ^t»o Courtship, Mariiace, Motiierhooo. Female Edncaii r. Eeuiale Hca'.tb, Female ilygitue, Domestic Mtiiici;-e (.vc., &c. It is a treatise un tubjoctb of vual iutpou' ance to Woman. HEAITTIFULLY II.LCI,IATEII WITH R.NOU WISOs 0;.0 Wuo D. "This is an extremely we:wrrter. aud mr>st ii; erestiug woÜ;, evincins a tin rougtt mastery ul •; e subject, and contaiuing the. most valua'de inforoiati. n rer woman,"—London Kexieir, June 27. 1674- AiloiDr li. SMITH, a. Uurton Cn.6C.nt, Lou- tJU, W.C. t'ONSU A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTEU WUHol-TrKh. I H. H. SMITH, the Euiintnt Specialist for the JL./ riiiC oj 1:1.11 ,j, biUiaWug I1hJ cvui&:t<0ue diseases § WILL Foil Titf liBNEKtT OF COUNTRY TATlltNTS W}!i. 1 CANNOT CONSUl.T HIM WEK->OSALLS, O'l receiving 1U.1— criphon ot tl>eir i-ase, send IMP. opin'On, with wi- § (» »cc and directions ?-jr iln ia.-? vfiacceesicL r^toractbC j o health «nd v:prs>ux. H s. i»rH. ireseas-i w

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