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prehended that the Board had not agreed to such a proposal; they had determined to supply the materials, in order to ensure their good quality, and he was of opinion that the Contractors ought to apply for them in the yard. He mentioned this, because he had observed a tendency on the part of the Surveyor to keep up as much as pos- sible their staff of day labourers. The Survevor said that if he were so disposed it was to save expenditure, for it was a fact that contract work was more costly to the Board than when done by their own men. Mr. Lewis did not believe it. He was sure the labour done by the Board was more expensive, and the public knew it well. when they observed the dilatory manner in which their men worked, and the carelessness with which they were looked after. Mr. Bryant would not make a proposition with respect to this job, as the tenders had been sent in, but in future he trusted that the Surveyor would not introduce anything so important into a specification without the sanction of the Board. The tenders were then opened and laid aside to be examined by the Finance Committee. WATER TANKS. Only one tender had been sent in for the erec- tion of the three water tanks. This was from Mr. Jacob Morgan ofPontypridd. Mr. Lewis could not understand what we wanted with water tanks now that we Were on the point of getting water-works. If there was a doubt about getting water-works he might think them desirable, but in the present favourable state of the money market he thought there would be no difficulty of getting the required amount to carry out the works. He certainly objected to these water tanks at the presenttinie. Mr. -Brvant thought the permission 1" the owners of the ground on which they ere in- tended to be put ought to be first obtained. The further consideration of the question was then adjourned to the next meeting, as there was but one tender sent in. COURT STREET SEWER. The Surveyor stated that the'sample of bricks proposed to be used by Mr. Prichard, of Aber- dare, whose tender had been accepted, was smaller than in the specification, and he wished to have the Board's instructions as to what should be done. Mr. Prichard was called in, and, after a con- siderable conversation respecting the respective qualities of a number of bricks brought for the inspection of the Board, Mr. Bryant asked him whether in his tender he had included that part of the sewer abovethe tram-road, and which was marked in pencil on the plan. Mr. Prichard, in reply, said that he had not; he had made his calculations to carry out the work according only to the written plan, and that he took no notice of any pencil marks. Mr. Bryant feared that this had been the case, and be thought it was useless for the Board to give instructions to their Surveyor unless they were carried out. In fact, his conduct was such that he appeared to think himself master of, in- stead of servant to, the Board. It was distinctly told him when the plan was before considered that the Board wished an extension of the sewer, and that this extension should appear on an amended plan before it should be examined by contractors. He had disregarded this order, and the result was that possibly some of those who had tendered had included the extension, whilst others, like Mr. Prichard, had omitted it. The Surveyor said that he could not amend the plan, as he would have to take new levels. The • xtension would be done according to the agreed schedule of prices. He denied that he was in- structed to amend his plan, and said that his authority and guidance were the written minutes of the Board. The minute book was then referred to, in which it appeared that the Surveyor was instructed to amend the plan, by introducing the extension. Mr. Bryant, in justice to the other parties who had tendered, thought the Board ought to adver- tise for fresh tenders. One had offered to do the work for kl26, and another for £ 175, but the question was, what the latter had included in his tender. The difficulty in which the Board was now placed was entirely due to the omission on the part of the Surveyor to carry out the re- solution agreed to. The Surveyor said that he had no time to amend his plan, having other contracts to attend to, even assuming the order to be definite and clear, which was doubtful. The chairman being appealed to, said the order of the Board was not doubtful, it was quite clear. Mr. Prichard then said that even if the sewer were only to be carried out as sketched on the plan, he would object to carry out his tender, as he had been deceived in regard to tipping ground. If the Board found him a convenient plan for tipping the waste earth, he would not object to sign the contract. The Surveyor had told him that a tipping ground could be had. Another long and angry discussion took plaoe between the Surveyor and several members with respect to the promise of finding a tipping ground. 11 was ultimately agreed that fresh tenders should be advertised for, and that the Surveyor's plan be amended. MARKET SQUARE. The Surveyor reported that he had consulted W. Thomas, Esq., and Mr. C. H. James respect- ing a pavement in front of the Market Square, and both these gentlemen had agreed to the work bping carried out. He thought the pavement would cost about £40, if an opening of 14 feet were left as an entrance for vehicles to the market. Mr. Thos. Williams didn t see any good of a pavement there, unless it was intended for the accommodation of those who, in the habit of erecting booths in the front, or unless a railing were put behind it. Mr. Lewis thought it would be a very great improvement. Mr. Rosser: The Board is pledged to the pav- ing and channelling of High-street. It cannot now be discussed. Mr. Lewis thought that a chain and pillars would be an excellent thing. Mr. Bryant said that a pavement there would be a great public convenience, and it being in the main street, we should also have regard to its decent appearance. Some of the members suggested that another application should be made to Dr. Thomas whether or not he would object to the erection of posts and a chain, but Mr. Rosser did not think it necessarv, though he would not like to act dis- courteously towards iVIr. Ihomas, for there was a path there before the wall was taken down for the Market Square, and unless it was paved soon the town would lose its claim in their right of way. After some further discussion, it was agreed that Mr. Thomas should be consulted, and that the Surveyor should prepare an estimate by next meeting. MISCELLANEOUS ORDERS. The Board ordered that Albert-street be maca- demised; that the owner of the narrow gully leading from the Temperance Hall to the Tram Road side be ordered t) repair and pave; that the owners of property abutting the water course, Dowlais, be ordered to carry out the recommen- dations of the Surveyor with respect to drainage that notice be given to Mrs Parkes to erect privy accommodation and that leave be given to the Troedyrhiw Building Society to build 20 houses at Troedyrhiw. With respect to the nuisance said to have been caused by an alteration in Mr. Gunn's premises, the Survevor reported it was more a matter for the County Court than Board of Health enquiry. The report of the Inspector of Nuisances was handed to the Surveyor, in order that he may see to the complaints. A petition was read from the occupiers of the Carpenter's Arms and■ the-fteighbourhood respect- ing a, well that had been injured, owing to the erection of a privy ordered by the Board. Ordered that the Surveyor inspect the spot. A petition was also read from the labourers of the Board for an advance of wages from 2s. per ■day. Messrs. Rosser and Lewis thought the wages of the labourers were quite equal to those paid to a similar class in the Iron Works, and with this advantage to the labourers of the Board, that they were never cropped if they failed to work owing to wet weather. Mr. T. Williams thought the application was not opportune, as the provisions were now at a very low price.- Ordered (we understood) to wait until everybody thought the times were good. THE OFFENSIVE PROJECTION IN HIGH-STREET. An excellently drawn up memorial was read, signed by rearly 100 of the principal tradesmen and others, calling the attention of the Board to a projecting building in High-street occupied by Mr. Richards, hair dresser, and which they thought should be taken down, it being a great detriment to other improvements in progress. They also urged that they understood the owner had no objection to it being taken by the Board at a fair valuation, and, in addition, that the re- versionary interest would not ask any compen- sation for the ground required for the improve- ment. Mr. Brysnt said that after the able manner in which the memorial had been drawn up, and the forcible arguments which it contained in favour of the Board purchasing this offensive building, it left him nothing to add in support of the peti- tion. He always felt a desire to improve thj ap- pearance of the town, and to extend the public conveniences of his fellow townsmen, and in order to endeavour to carry out the wishes of the me- morialists, he would propose" that the Board pledge itself to remove the obstruction in High- street, should the sum required for it be con- s dered reasonable, and that Mr. Purchase and Mr. Russell be appointed to communicate with the owner." He named these gentlemen, as they were so successful in arranging for a kindred purchase with the Trustees of the Wesleyan Chapel some time ago. Mr. Harrison Along with the Surveyor, I presume." (Great laughter.) Mr. Rosser seconded the proposition It was the duty of the Board to make an effort to obtain the building, in order to continue the pavement on that side of the wsy. This obstruction was offensive in appearance, and obstructed the view in the principal street. There was one ad- vantage in considering this question, that the building stood alone there would be no occasion to interfere with any other property, and on its site, in a line with the other houses, could be built an excellent shop. From what he knew of the owner, he was sure that his interest in the welfare of the town, and happiness of its inhabi- tants, would induce him to deal most honourably with the Board. The resolution was then put and carried unani- mously. The Board then adjourned. THE BARD OF PEN-HEOL-GERRIG. DEATH has of late been sweeping away many of the old people of this neighbourhood: men and women whose memories were filled with recollec- tions of the early settlers, and whose love it was to quote the old sayings of the great men ,who flourished in their day. Very long did their me- mories extend-to the time when the Guest family was represented by a plain, unsophisticated wor- thy, who occasionally attended our Wesleyan Chapel, and the Crawshay of the period was only in wealth distinguished from the men around him. These long-memoried people knew the history of every conspicuous family; their obscurity; their days of humble and hard fare their rise, slowly and sometimes b.v unprincipled means, to be the magnates of the district. When carriages rolled by, or young gentlemen and ladies fluttered along, or staid and demure couples passed near a lounging resort, then would comments pass fnm one to another of the ancient gossips, detailing in- cidents of the past which few of those concerned would like to hear. For let us get up in the world let us clamber up the hill, by means dis- honest or infamous, and we expect the riches gained will hide the past. Money will shroud our ignorance and cover our frailties. If we sin- ned, where is the prayer book ? church-going shall be our law. If we wronged, we will atone in charities, to the poor, the needy, so that Esq. flourish by our name, and the subscription list be seen by all! But never mind. The remaining few of those troubled with clear recollections will soon fade away, will fall as the seared leaf falls, and then the gossiping witnesses of the past will throw no shadow over the future. We have known many of these worthies, and have derived considerable pleasure in their coiftpamonship. Some of them were unlettered and rugged; holding unorthodox views in reli- gion, and rather ultra in their political opinions; but there was a freshness, a quaint originality about them that was peculiarly gratifying to meet with, so full is the world of nanlby pambyism, of puppyism, of conceit and arrogance so abundant are beings, differing not in language, action, or ideas, as an able writer expressed, more than one potter's figure differs from another. Falling in with one of this old school was like exchanging the restraint of set forms and customs for perfect freedom of exchanging the tame invariable walk of down one street and up another for a ramble along the bold mountain range, with a southern breeze in the teeth, and the fragrance of a thou- sand wild flowers sweeping around. One of the earliest of this class with whom we became acquainted was Wm. David Richards, of Penheolgerrig-better known far and wide as Billy Davy Richards. He was a schoolmaster; a bard; did the literary duties of Penheolgerrig people acted as secretary to several clubs and in the evenings smoked a pipe and talked politics or gossip, bardism or antiquity, with a select knot of friends who, be it known, held him in as high an estimation as the schoolmaster was in Gold- smith's Deserted Village." "Billy" was the oracle of the stony hamlet wherein he lived. People alluded to him as a man of considerable abilities. He was consulted on all matters, and with everybody his voice had weight. He was great in accounts—skilful at a petition-many of the latter, from time to time, were sent from him to Mr. Crawshav— and ad- mirable in concocting a letter. Did a friend wish to pla-e a brief and humble tribute to a son, a daughter, or one still nearer and dearer, Billy was the man. Had a father or a mother anxieties about the path their son should tread, Billy was referred to. Were writers anxious for fuller in- formation about the place and the people, Billy was sought, and over a pipe and a glass of gin the old heart would expand, his memory would wax clear, his utterance become rapid, and his eyes shine with honest enthusiasm. None who knew him would deny him the possession of virtues and of traits worthy of esteem but he was frail; his evening steps were always directed to the same goal, and sometimes, one must con- fess, the wooden leg would falter considerably on its homeward way. In early life he became a collier, lost his leg, injured his arm, and then, very wisely, forsook that unpleasant calling for the easier one of teach- ing boys. He had always been fond of society. Some insinuated he once attended the Tom Paine meetings; others thought he knew something more than from hearsay of the feverish times in the Chartist days but, when questioned on these points he was positive in his denial, and would change the subject to one more congenial. Poor Billy! Educated and trained he would have become a man and possessing as he did all the fire and zeal of aWelshman, might have carved his name in more honourable characters than in the ledger and on the bar door of his neighbours. A little while ago he was taken ill. Iu company with a friend we visited him. His poor worn emaciated form was a study—the feeble limbs were shrunk, and the once keen eye flashed no longer. We were told that he knew us not, that his mind wandered. He heard this, and nervously denied its truth. He looked around with a pecu- liar expression of intelligence upon his haggard face—said 'tis the writer in —— alluding to our friend, and then fell back exhausted. A few days afterwards the tired frame yielded to the enemy—the struggle was at an end, and Billy now lives no longer but in the memory of his friends. Poor Billy In face and form he was not an Adonis. He reminded one of the gnarled and wiry, the storm bent! and dwarfed oaks upon our hill sides. With the common short- sightedness of this world the well grown and slender poplar is too often preferred, and the other passed by without notice. Yet the poplar is a thing of the day, the other endures for an age. We cut deeply into one and find it sub- stanceless, worthless, save for show. We examine the dwarfed oak and find it of the true genuine kind. And we learn, that in better soil, a different location, and under different circum- stances, there were inherent powers within that ruggred^mass that would have displayed them- selves in the stately form and ample proportions of the monarch of the woods. So with men. We meet eternally with count- less representatives of young man-ism; well- conducted, soft speaking nobodies, who swarm up in one's path, and fall away in crowds, leaving no impress anywhere but on the parent's heart. But a man. such as Billy, was a rarity. In a variety of ways he told us that had he been taken by the hand, and tended in the important years of youth, we should have had to number him among the able men who claim Merthyr as their birthplace, not lament, as we do now, unfeignedly, that so much vigour and ability remained unde- veloped, so much worth remained concealed, and, save by a few. never known. As the encrusted gem only discloses its value when, from illusage, the angles flash forth a rare brilliancy, so it was only in Billy's days of poverty and adversity that his worth became conspicuous, that young and old gathered around him, and with a friendship that had no shade of selfishness in its formation, steadily adhered to him until the hand of death smoothed his wrinkled brow, and stilled his troubled heart for ever. K. A.B E.RDARE ENGLISH BAPTIST CHAPEL.—The Sunday School anniversary services of the English Bap- tists were held on Sunday and Monday last. In the morning of Sunday, the Rev. G. P. Evans of Swansea, delivered a discourse, founded on The secular advantages of a religious education." In the afternoon his lecture was on The life, times, and labours of Robert Raikes," and in the even- ing h;s discourse was founded on the words, The Son of God." During the services, seve- ral of the senior scholars recited pieces selected for the occasion from the composition of Mrs. Abdy Cowper, Mrs. Hemans, Montgomery, and Milton, which did not fail to elicit visible marks of approbation. Hymns adapted for the occa- sion, and beautifully printed on coloured paper, were plentifully disbursed throughout the chapel. The singing of the children and choir, especially the former, was of a very superior character nor must we fail to mention the very efficient manner in which the organist did his part. Of Mr. Evans's sermons, (as his character as a preacher is well known,) it will be sufficient to say, that those of last Sunday fully equalled, if not sur- passed, any of his former pulpit efforts. The por- trait which he drew of the Son of God, especially towards the close of his lengthy discourse, was exceedingly beautiful, and rivetted the attention of the immense audience. It was, indeed, sub- lime. At the close of the sermon. Mr. Evans made an impassioned appeal on behalf of the Sunday School, which was liberally responded to by the congregation. On Monday evening the children were regaled with their usual treat of tea and cake, to which they did ample justice. j ice. After which the teachers, joined by a few friends from the church and congregation, sat down to tea. At seven o'clock the chair was taken by Ebenezer Lewis, Esq., Bwllfa, who opened the proceedings in a neat and appropriate speech. Mr. John Lewis, Commercial-street, then took a review of the church and school, remarking that during the past two years the members had in- creased five-fold. He then called upon a lady in the congregation to present Mr. Evans with the small token of their affection which they had pre- pared for the occasion. This was an elegantly worked purse, which contained twenty guineas. Mr. Evans replied in a most feeling address. Various addresses followed, and votes of thanks were given. At half-past nine o'clock the meet- ing broke up, after two days of pleasurable and profitable excitement, which will long be remem- bered by the friends in the English Baptist Chapel. VISIT OF MR. GOUGH.—On Tuesday evening last, May 25th, Mr. Gough delivered one of his Orations in the Temperance Hall. Mr. D. E. W liliams, of Hirwain, was unanimously voted to the chair. A correspondent in your paper of last week announced that Mr. Gough's Oration was delivered last Tuesday week. Either your cor- respondent must have wilfully sent you what he knew to be false, or else he showed himself little worthy the name of a correspondent, by taking the report of others of a meeting in which he was not himself present: and, indeed, if he is a resi- dent of Aberdare, his local knowledge and his in- terest in local affairs must be very limited, else he would know when Mr. Gough was to deliver his Oration. Tuesday night was very anxiously looked for by the Trustees of the Temperance Hall, as well as by the committee of the Tempe- rance Society,—the former feeling anxious in con- sequence of a silly report that was propaga ted here by some enemies of the Temperance cause, that the Hall would break down" on the occasion and the latter feeling anxious for the success of the meeting, inasmuch as some people were com- plaining of the high prices of admission, and using their best endeavours against the meeting. We are, however, very happy in being able to say that these silly reports proved utterly false, that there was not the least sign of the Hall "breaking down," and that it was tested by its being comfortably full. It is quite useless for us to endeavour to give a report of the Oration. Mr. Gough must certainly be heard and seen before he can be appreciated as an orator. We have asked the opinions of many, and "they all agree that the oration gave universal satisfaction. The audience contained some of the leading men of Aberdare, and we can well say that the security and convenience of the Temperance Hall have been established satisfactorily with all classes. .J H. BLA I N.A. BLAINA PETTY SESSIONS. FRIDAY.—(Before Capt. Maruk and F. Levick, Esqr.) The Guardians of the Aberystruth parish ap- plied for the removal to their respective parishes of several aged paupers who had sought admission to their union. Granted. James Gregory and James Jones were charged by P. C. Carpenter with fighting at Cwmtilery on the 16th instant. According to the constable's statement, the defendant Gregory was the fight- ing champion of the neighbourhood, often com- mitting breaches of the peace.—The 3encli fined them 10s. each.—Wm. Mayberry was ordered to pay the costs in the above case for aiding the transaction. BEER HOITSE CASH. -Daniel Jones was charged with having his hous» open for the sale of beer at prohibited hours.—Dismissed with a caution. HIKWAIN A meeting of the friends of Mr. Rhys, who was until recently furnace manager of Mr. Crawshay's iron works, at this place, was held at t.he Cardiff Arms, Hirwain, on the evening of the 21st last., on the occasion of his leaving the neighbourhood for the Dowlais works. Mr.Woodison, late agent of Mr. Crawshay, was nominated to the chair, who after the customary introductory toasts, proposed that, for the occa- sion on which they had met, the health of Mr. Rhys. Wishing him prosperity in his new sphere of action, the chairman complimented Mr. Rhys on the success which had hitherto attended his career, acquired and merited by his assiduity, talent, and energy, and bis obliging disposition. \1 Rhys replied in appropriate terms. Success to the Coal and Iron Trade," coup- ling therewith the health of Mr. Crawshav, was proposed by Mr. Lloyd, the Superintendent at the Hirwain Railway Station, who remarked that on the success of this trade depended the welfare of England and Englishmen. They were unques- tionably the two most important articles of com- merce the world produced, and had been the chief impulse given to attain for England the proud position she at present occupied they were with- out doubt the substratum of her commercial wealth, and had conduced in a remarkable manner to place this country first in the rank of nations. Without these we should have heard of no rail- ways, no electric telegraphs, nor steam vessels, which now carried the commerce of' England to all parts of the globe. Mr. Lloyd concluded by proposing the toast, which was responded to by Mr. Rees. Mr. J. Lewis proposed, Success to the Vale of Neath Railway Company; the health of Mr. Joshua Williams, their General Manager; and the health of Mr. Lloyd,"—which was responded to by the latter gentleman, who remarked that there could be no hesitation in asserting that the Vale of Neath Railway had been of immense benefit to the neighbourhood since its construc- tion, as all railways were wherever they were laid down. If not equal to the Press as an Engine" of civilisation, Railways were second to none other. Wherever the locomotive penetrated, there advancement in wealth, intelligence, and social progress followed. The comfort and safety of railway travelling was compared by Mr. L. to the old four-in-hand stagers and the advantages shown were vastly in favour of the present mode, -a much more extended intercommunication of ideas took place, prejudice was allayed, and the fetters of superstition were severed education followed in the track of our iron roads, which now bisected Britain and the thanks of the commu- nity were due to those gentlemen who had laboured to establish them. He had not the honour of the acquaintance of any of the directors they were no doubt gentlemen of great influence in the neighbourhood, imbued with the liberal vews of the age, and advocates for pro- gress. With Mr. Joshua Williams he had but a short acquaintance, but he understood by his energy and business habits, he had risen to the high position he at present occupied on the Vale of Neath Railway. He had, he wa informed, risen from the ranks, and, if so. there was all the greater credit due to him on that account. As for himself he had come a stranger amongst them, but if he only performed the common duty, in- cumbent upon all men, in his social and official position, he should no doubt ultimately merit their esteem. Mr. Lloyd then returned thanks. Mr. Woodison proposed Agriculture," and remarked that as much had been said in connec- tion with the coal and iron trade, great progress had been made in all parts of the country in this branch, and unless we advanced in the same ratio in agriculture as we did in other matters, he feared we should recede in commercial engage- ments. Mr. Williamson, farm agent to Mr. Crawshay, responded. The Town and Trade of Hirwain," proposed by Mr. J. Lewis, was responded to by Mr. Sims, chemist. The health of the Host and Hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, suitably proposed by Mr. G. Kirk- house, was responded to by Mr'. Moore, in an effective and feeling manner. Several other toasts were given, and songs sung, during the evening the enu,tainment being also enlivened by a Welsh Harp, played by Mr. Morgan, one of Mr. Crawshay's workmen, in a very creditable manner. After a most agreeable evening the company separated. 11 MOUNTAIN ASTT TRADE has been exceedingly dull here for the last few months. At present, however, we are gratified in observing a little improvement in the collieries of Messrs. Nixon and Powell; and not only that, the building trade has its sign of flou- rishing. We understand that a building society has commewced at the Jeffrey's Arms. It appears to be well supported, and we doubt not the econo- mical system which they adopt will encourage shareholders to invest more money. The build- ings which the club contemplate erecting will also meet the wants of those who will be employed in tL> extensive collieries of Messrs. Nixon and Co. NARROW ESCAPE. — A very narrow escape occurred between this place "Bd Navigation on Friday last, the 21st instant. As J. E. Dawson and T. J. Roberts, Esqs., of Aberdare, were going in a phgeton to Newbridge, the horse suddenly ran close to the hedge, causing the vehicle to strike against the bank, which resulted in its overturning. The occupants were, of course, greatly alarmed, but received no material injury. INQUEST. — An inquest was held on Mon- day, the 17th instant, at the New Inn, by a respectable jury, before J. Morgan, Esq., Deputy Coroner, upon the body of David Llewelyn, aged 56, who met with his death on Satur- day. Several witnesses were examined, all of whom testified that about three o'clock on Saturday last, as they, eight in number, were coming up the shaft of the Deep Duffryn Colliery, about 100 yards from the bottom, the carriage suddenly jerked, causing the deceased to fall over to the bottom, where he was found dead, with his head and body severely bruised. It yet remains a mystery as to the cause of the jerk of the car- riage. as the rope and all other machinery in con- nection with the pit is uninjured and in perfect order. A verdict of accidental death was re- turned. During the examination the agents of the Deep Duffryn Colliery were present, and rendered every assistance in the enquiry, by ex- planation. RHYMNFiY TREDEGAR is said to have made 1000 tons of flunge rails last v eek. We are glad to hear it and beg to assure our friends there that we shall not be long behind them. A NEW MILL is now in course of erection, which will add between 30 and 40 puddling and heating furnaces, with a powerful engine and its concomi- tants. to our present working power.—The large reservoir in course of construction at, Blaen Rhymney, will meet a want which our expended manufacturing resources makes felt with increas- ing urgency every hot season. When it is com- pleted altogether we may congratulate both mas- ters and men, not only of Rhymney, but of the neighbouring works, on the manly struggle by which they have passed the culminating point of the lat. severe crisis, without, on the one hand, any contraction of employment, or on the other any of those irritating and injurious movements which have borne such disastrous fruit, in the driving away of half our trade in the export of coal. Let us hope that for this endurance the workman will get his immediate share of reward in the good time coming. A MEETING of the colliers of this district took place at Tyr Phil, on Wednesday, the 19th inst., to deliberate upon the dispute which ha^ occurred between Mr. T. Joseph and his men in the colliery of Graig Rhymney. It was conjectured that about 500 were present, and the whole of the proceed- ings were marked by great dedfirum. First of all a ring was formed, in the centre of which the principal speakers were posted. A roll of names was then called to ascertain the attendance of responsible workmen, after which several speakers addressed themselves to the point at issue, and delivered their opinions freely upon the cause of the strike. Resolutions were proposed, and car- ried unanimously, to the effect that Mr. Joseph's men were fully justified in standing out; that this attitude be continued, but that no violence or molestation be offered to any workman for com- plying with Mr. Joseph's terms. The meeting then dissolved peaceably. Let Mr. Joseph con- sider this matter, and if it is possible by a timely conciliation, avoid the results to which this may lead. THE NATIONAL SCHOOL.—It is much to be re- gretted that the completion of this fine building has been indefinitely postponed by the inability of the contractor, Mr. Chapman, to meet his engage- ments. There is an opinion, indeed, that the dilemma will prove a convenient mode of avoiding the contract. We ha\ e no means of verifying the statement, and hope it is not true. There have been alterations in the original design, which have been mutually allowed for and agreed upon. so that unless the contract was taken too low at first we do not see that this should produce any loss. -The continued deprivation of a separate school for the National Establishment is a very great inconvenience to the inhabitants, and we hope that no time will be lost in putting the affair into other hands. Six weeks' work now will make the building fit for the reception of the children, and the two rooms when thrown into one will form an excellent one for lectures and concerts the rooms being 100 feet long, 30 wide, and well heated by hot water apparatus. i D- TREDEGAR As w" were walking about this town the other day, hoping to get upon the traces of improve- ments spoken of lately, we passed sharp round the Red Lion" corner, struck by a sudden thought that if they were to be tound anywhere Irishtown was the best place to visit. There was no disfippoidtment. Ecce Siqnum. A semi-cir- cular massive piece of 4-feet wall proceeding from the gable of a house, and facing a sort of plaza,' distinguished only by dilapidated bricks. An en- trance to this mysterious place is made by an up- right stone-slab standing for a stile. W, hat can it be ? Not an Indian Sammy house, for there is no abomination for worship, before which the naked Hindoo leaves his handful of rice or silver, Yet, if the filthy god be absent, it seems that there are devotees who bring their offerings in kind, in all kinds. Perhaps, after all, this is its true purpose; and. if so, it must have been erected as a tribute to the habits of the colony which surrounds it. Certainly, however, in future times, when Tredegar possesses its Board of Health, this curious monument of our sanitary progress will be looked upon with as much curi- osity as those ancient tumuli," disclosing civi- lisations of c" flint" and bronze," which have long since receded before the age of brass. NOTHING LIKE LEATHER. ,-There lS a roart dig- nified by the name of Queen Street, which affords a short cut across the Rhymney mountain to those who will tread the heather in defiance of wet shoes, and which shows a remarkable advance upon the principles of M'Adam. His plan of laying down broken stones, now asserted to be treble the expense of regular paving, has been modified by the Tredegar Surveyors, by mixing them with an equal portion of rubbish, consisting of shale, ashes, tin, and leather scraps! The ex- periment has not been tried yet, though the mate- rials lie ready carted to the spot; but there is no doubt that the additional firmness and tenacity the road thus gains will amply justify the fore- sight of the wise men of Gotham. FOUNDLING.—Company shops have at all times been famous, not only for filling the bellies ar clothing the backs, but for adding fresh mouth- to the population of our works. Indeed, the ene- mies of this system assert that peculiar facilities exist for doing so in them and nothing is more possible than that in the purchase of some bit of of finery, these additions should be the indirect result of the small talk thus originated. How- ever this may be. it appears that the fine body of young men serving in these establishments, are not always anxious to assume the duties of paternity, and accordingly we learn that an infant was found on Friday night deposited at the door of the Tre- degar Company Shop, labelled For the father inquire within." We regret to say, however, tha' no one would own the soft impeachment," am eonsequentiv the parish had to assume the dutie- of parent. We have heard that the child has bee; christened E. W. Door, in allusion to the spot i which it was found. Perhaps some light ms fall yet on this obscure matter. SOME people complain bitterly of the" 0] 1 time." They are always out of their reckonir ,r when a trip by railway gives a jog to the tiresom monotony of their lives. Numerous again are vexations to which railway time subjects thequi denizens of the country, whose visits are dislo cated. and matrimonial hopes blasted, bythe sil den descent of the Greenwich Observatory B): at noon. Tredegar people, however, have a pecu- liar grievance which they call Time ecclesias< i cal." They complain, poor simple folks, that clock fixed half way between their Market-place and Sirhowy is of no benefit to them, not recol- lecting that this affair is regulated by canon law Let them hear the church at least, if they cannot hear the church clock. Time is too valuable a thinor to be wasted over the transitory affairs of a market house, and cannot be better employed than in preaching to mice, which, in a building of this kind, are proverbially poor. BucKwooD.—CONCERT.—A concert of secular music, consisting of solos, glees, duetts, Welsh airs, &c., &c., w; s given at the Carpenters' Arms. Blackwood, on Wednesday evening, the 19th inst.. conducted by Mr. John Thomas, of Tredegar, and under the patronage of < Marsh. The whole of the singing was very creditable, and Mr. Caird also displayed good taste and skill on the piano- forte. Mr. Jenkins sang several airs with deli- cacy and taste, and was encored, but we believe the gem of the evening was the Witches Glee," sung by Messrs. John Thomas, T. Cosslett, and Job Thomas, which quite enraptured the audience. and was sung qsrite worthy of professors; indeed, we question whether we heard anything equal to it before on the Hills; the glee, Trip away," was also deservedly encored. After returning a vote of thanks to the Chairman, Captain Marsh, of Tredegar, and Vice-chairman, Mr. Waters, of Tredegar, which was duly responded to, in very appropriate speeches, the meeting separated, after enjoying a most delightful evening. ROCK PETTY SESSIONS. WEDNESDAY, 19TH MAY, 1858. (Before the Rev. E. Leigh and Captain Marsh.) Ellen Nash, of the Bush Inn, Tredegar, charged Thomas Edwards, collier, of the same place, with breaking a clock and damaging a door in her house on the 16th instant.—Defendant allowed to settle. Will. Rees, haulier, charged John Fletcher (both of Tredegar) with an assault, which, being proved, he was fined Is. and costs. Samuel Vowells and four other men, who were subsequently discharged, were charged with steal- ing certain articles from the house of John Hurn. -The case was remanded for the production of further evidence. Thomas Llewelyn and five other puddlers were charged with leaving their employment at the In' Rhymney Iron Works without giving due notice. —Sergeant Longdon deposed to apprehending the fugitives at Middlesboro' in Yorkshire. Ihe Bench decided upon allowing them to return to work on payment of costs, to which all assented, except the man named, who was committed for two months' hard labour. — Hammond and Barrow, the wholesale stationers of London, convicted of forging acceptances to the extent of £ 200, have been awarded fifteen years'transportation DEATH OF JOHN O CONNELL.—lhe Dublin Freeman's Journal of Tuesday announces the death of Mr. John O'Connell, the second and favourite son of the lateD. O'Connell. It took place somewhat unexpectedly on Monday evening, at Kingstown, the cause being a severe attack of bronchitis, contracted by sitting in a damp garden chair. The best beloved son" of the great Liberator, he inherited many of his eminent qua- lities, and was always regarded by his illustrious father as the heir of his renown. His acquain- tance with Irish affairs was comprehensive and accurate. He had thoroughly mastered the poli- tical history of his country, and could always draw on his acquired knowledge to illustrate any topic in debate connected with Ireland, Had he risen in another period of our history his name would have been associated with some of its greatest minds; but coming so soon after the O'Connell, and, unfortunately subjected to those party animosities and attacks which followed tie death of his father, he was deprived of that dis- play for his political and intellectual powers which a more auspicious era would have presented. We are sure this melancholy event will tiJl all Ireland with poignant grief. He loved his coun- try with an intensity scarcely surpassed by tne passionate adoration of his father, and I ways to him a source of regret that circumstances prevented him from establishing an independent existence for himself in the roll of Irish patriotism 11 He has left, we believe, a numerous and youthful family—too numerous, we fear, for his limited fortune.