Papurau Newydd Cymru

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S0 0 C3- IR,.A. 3VC JVC .A. IR; SO ABERDAREX /J M .X Conducted by J. G. MOBG^/N, M.RC.P., Member of the London tytwersity. A -I' -L 4 JL J MERTHYR TYiDFIL POULTRY, VEGETABLE, FRUIT, & FLOWER-SHOW. PPESIDENT E. T. CRAWSHAY, ESQ.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the FOURTH ANNUAL SHOW OF^FTIULTRYJ VEGETABLES, ERTJIT, and FLOWERS, will take place at the MAKKET HOUSE, MER^IIYR TYDFI^ on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 18th ancT19th JULY, 1860. y^ ft ERTJIT, and FLOWERS, will take place at the MAKKET HOUSE, MER^IIYR TYDFI^ on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, the 18th ancT19th JULY, 1860. y^ ft Lists of Prizes and all other particulars will be forwarded, on appliemion being mm s to he^Secretary, Mr. H. W. HARRIS, No. 143, High-street, Merthyr. y' n IP Parties desiring to make the Society's Catalogue a medium fgy^AdvertisingAwni pie lse'communicate with the Secretary tor terms. yr ) ~y SUMMER GOODS! SUMMER GOODS! E. MEREDITH, WATERLOO HOUSE/ 52, SIGH STREET, ME B T H YB^TY^ EL&, BEGS respectfully to announce to the inhabitants of Mertliyr his retuwHronv^he Londgjfand other MarWs with a large Stock of NEW and FASHIONABLE GOODS suitable for the iouufo; Season. X N.B.—E. M. calls particular attention TO the HAT ajrtl CAP DESARpJttENT. x i TOWH EBICK WOE/ESj. IMPOBTANT TO BUILDERS, CONTEACTOES, AND QZ&ELiS. IMMENSE saving by the use of BRICK as a material for Building, in preferenpero 0^i»r-efiecHng a saving of 25 per cent, at the present reduced prices, which are as^itfIlo\H:—l*? y Good Building Bricks 20s. per 1000. Fire, prime qualitv/aitto k.. 1.. y.. 30s. per 1000. f* The above prices, for Cash only, and a considerable per centage^srfiowed on kff^eiiwfuitities. Me*hyr, May 26th, 1860. JC LOOK TO THE CONDITION OF YOUR IL owner of Horses and Cattle m HORSES AND CATTLE. 777 Hi should use E. R. GAY'S CONDITION UM gHH^nf POWDERS in all cases of loss of appetite, vital energg, ssc. It im- proves the digest' ive ions par new vigour to old, sic s, and enables them to peptfmn ubI th labour without being distressed. Want of condition in a&orse is grnierally^hdicated by thejroughness of the coat.- which the above Powders will speedily remedy. One tifal wWpe^noufffi to prove that it is the best preparation for increasing the appetite, purifying the blood, mfiiig fmne\co(>tV(ind preventing all diseases incidental to Horses and Cattle at Spring and Fall. The lewder beiqg sA Indian produce, is prepared from the recipe of one of the principal Veterinary Surgeons in England, and Jias Jjbfii used for many years in several of the largest liverv stables in London. h Prepared only by E. R. GAY, Dispensing Chemist, 55, g treet, Merthyr Tydfil, in packets at Is. 6d. each with full directions for use. AGENTS Aberdare: Mr. W. J. Thomas, Chemist, Commercial-street; Pontypridd, Mr. R. Smyth. Chemist. er Agents in course of appointment throughout South Wales, who will be announced in future advertisements Carriage paid to all parts of South Wales on Orders for 12s. and upwards. |TC^^>{ CLEANLINESS, LIGHT- NESS, ELEGANCE, D D A TY. ZD 'I 0 1 10 B D TEADS 1 N f,x' E T THOMAS begs to announce that he has now ready for inspection a large Stock at such prices • as will defy competition, having regard to quality. T. T. also invites inspection of his Stock of Foot, Hip, Reclining, Slipper, and Shower Baths, and Loysell's Patent Hydrostatic Coffee and Tea Urns, in Tin and lironze, at exceedingly low prices. Observe the Address :—Opposite the Bush Motel, Hiqli Street, Merthyr. PAPER HANGINGS. A Large STOCK of PAPEE HANGINGS XX, to be SOLD OFF^dt AeflTE^GTSAFK Office, High-street (oppoi<fte xlfie[/wlajilfet House, Merthyr.) Persons intenmirfVto Decoj^fe their Houses are solicited to inspec^fbe rAerljk'aiid Prices, win li cannot fail of giving^atisfaction^^] Licensed Agent for America and Aus- tralia. J. DAYID DA VIES, ||>\ 29, zryioy steeet, liveepool Five minutes' walk from Birken- Good accommodation for Twtvellers, with or without Board, on re^sonabJOl terms, y PBEE STOBJT FOE( MGG^E. THE above bec^/to inrnn ffliosejjffo wish to Emi- grate undpr his ausmcesJthajr it is necessary for their protection that theyjshouu^vrite to him previous to leaving their homes, sta in c time of their depar- ture and the route of their travel, in order that he may meet them on their arrival in Liverpool, to conduct them to his Establishment, as many are led astray and taken to other houses by designing and interested par- ties, where they are imposed upon to the greatest extent. PAINLESS TOOTH EXTRACTION Eli. GAY, DENTIST, begs to intimate that ho • has perfected an ELECTRICAL APPA- RATUS for the above purpose, and nrawbe consulted daily at 55, High-street, Merthyr (opjwsite the Market- square.) Y j Decayed Teeth and Stumps esteawed without the least pain.—Scaling and Cleaning, SsAstonjfnng, 2s. 6d.; Artificial Teeth siipplied.VThesfVxeelrenyMiiieral Teeth are perfect in their resmblaricqrVo iWure, and are ot everlasting wear. J E. R. Gay's Tooth Essence, for the IMMEDIATE RELIEF of Tooth-ache.—In Bottles, 6d., and Is. each. E. R. Gay's Quinine Dentifrice, for Beautifying and Preserving the Teeth, Strengthening the Gums, &c.— n Boxes Is. each. BUGS DISAPPEAR LIKE MAGIC! AFTER using Harper Twelvetrees' Bug Des- .L73L troyer, which kills them by ljiillions, and utterly destroys the element in which they breed. None can possibly exist after a single drejafng. Sold in packets at 3d., jiid., ajra Is .4 and bottkfs 6d. and Is. each, by all Agentsior Hytptv Twpfvetrees' Soap Powder. Post free iovJta. A PENN2TPACKFFITOT HARPER TWEWETREES' JTOISONED WHEAT will kill hjrodreds <6n imeeymiJ sparrows on the spot. No risk oor danftr toylnn*mn life, nor to oafs or dogs. Crops ijray be entirely Wotected by scattering this poisoned \^Hcat over scfd h€ds. Sold at Id., 2(\ 6(1., and Is. Agents wanted Patentee, Harper Twelvetrees, Bromley, by-Bow, London,E. Sold by R. Thomas, T. Rees, and E. R. Gay, drug- gists, Merthyr, J. James, chemist, Dowlais. Prichard's Dandelion, Camomile, Rhu- barb, & Ginger Pills HAVE long been before the Public. All persons, therefore, who have not already tested them should not delay giving them a trial, to prove their qualities for the cure of Indigestion, and all Bilious disorders. Prepared by W. PRICHARD, Apothecary, 65, Charing Cross. London. In bottles at Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis. 2 To Mr. T. Rces. Chemist, MMiyr. Sir,—I feel it a duty to the Proprietor of Prichard's Dande lion, Chamomile, and Rhubarb Pill^as well as to those of the public who may sufler from indication or bUious hcadacbes to offer -my testimony—basedofi exper^cei^to thpfr value as a Teunedy for stomach complaints, and Jreeasea/urising from constipation. I have noJresitatioiliVstatipc^Jiafc whether as an aperient or as a iM<ficiii a/id a jrofl foorodipestion, these Pills cannot be surpassed v^wniftt they hrfve this advantage also that they canJoe talfli without l^ar of inconvenience or injury by persons;»tfhose oceapatiln exposes them to every kind ot unfavourable weather. havfe^hvsys recommended these Pills when occasion offered, and/In every instance they have given satisfaction.—Your's obediently, MATHEW THOMAS, Brewer. Merthyr Tydfd, May 17th, 1360. To he had through all Medicine Vendors. N.B.—If taken according to the directions ;^iven with ofleh packet, these Pills never fail in producing tile eftect desired, • COMFORT IN WEnUNG! NO PKN CAN T THE great superiority of th^TELEGRAPH PEN, sold at the TEII'.GJ*<PH OMceH It is^dapted for every Land, is an ajmlgamjiiion/of Wie>?st metals, and being anti-corp»^sii/eAwm last^wicp^as long, and' wiite immeasuraMy superjkr to any o*>fhe Pens usually sold. A trial/ravited. SydatlprfTper dozen, or 2s. per gross box. THE SUFFERERS OF MERTHYR AND THEIR CURE BY PlILVEEMACHER'S PATENT GALVANIC ANTI-RHEUIATIG CHAOI BANDS. MR. PULVELIMACHER informs those invalids whose maladies are considered beyond the aid oi medical skill, tha.t he has appointed Mr. T. LOVE- RIDGE, Chemist, Merthyr Tydfil, to be especial Agent for the sale of these singular VOLTAIC CHAINS. Mr. LovJSRiDGE will give applicants EJITFY informa- tion respecting their curative powers, and the proper method of administering them, so asensure ir/me- diate and certain success. Nearly eWHvv iorin of ifiseasc is ricrmaiiently and miagically cutr^l>jrjwearing^neover the part affected. In all thos^rcassfl wher^medicir.e or ordinary appliances: prove fu»ale, yfeTpIiaijR act like a For miles round rnan^uifaofts Jtava^lready'vbeei. marvellously relievei'l—^(re maflacles ci/red, principally consist of paralysis, emKpsy, llisiAs. ai^umatisui, gout, lumbago, sciatica, rijiBity, stfflf jAafe, urethral disor- ders, hysteria, loss W voice,^hydpehpndria, deafness, debility, constipation, and palsy And the alleviation of neuralgia, tic doloreux, heayf ear, taee, and tooth ache, is so astonish in" and dhjftctl so instantaneously, that sufferers may test the in cnee of the Chain before- hand at the depot. After seeing and feeling the phenomena produced, the suiferer may still further he astonished and convinced by perusing the extracts taken from upwards of 100 medical, scientific, clerical, and philosophical works referring to the erficacy ot this new discovery.—Pricc 5s., 10s. 6d., 15s., IBs., 22s.—Visit the depSt a?id read the documents from parties cured.—J. L Pulverrnaehttr and Co., 73, Oxford..street, London. Agent for CARDIFF,- Mr. J o i", Chemist, &c., Duke- street; BRIDGEND, Mr. JOHN PRICE, Chemist, &U.- NEATH, Mr. HTJTCIIINS, Chemist, &c. MERTHYR: 1r;IR. T. LOVEKIDGrE, CHEMIST, &c. A /rn*s £ mmv<K\ ^fc—ttgMPfiwwuriium aawft PATIWT CORN A Delicious preparaKon *udd^gs,\ Custards Blanc-Mange, itakes, T*e^frred to the best Arrowroot, and when simpls/boilof with milk, is the most light and wholesome diet wVchildren and inva- lids; and served with jelly arid/milk or cream, is the most wholesome and inexpensive dessert for dinner or supper. BAKED PUDDING, (From recipes on packages.) Nearly four table s'poonfuls of the Flour, or three and a hall ounces to one quart ot milk; boil three minutes stirring it briskly; allow it to cool, and then thoroughly mix it with two eggs, well beaten with three table spoonfuls of sugar. Flavour to taste, and bake for half an hour in an oven. FRUIT PJE.—Bake or stew the fruit with sugar, put it into a pie dish, then pour over it Corn Flour boiled with milk, in the proportion of four ounces of the Flour to one (jnart of milk, then brown it before the fire, or in the oven. The Lancet states:—" This is superior to anything of the kind known." Obtain it where inferior articles are not substituted. Sold in 4, 8, and 16 oz. packets, at 2d., 4d., and 8d each. PAISLEY; 77a, Market-street, Manchester; 11, Temple-lane, Dublin Iroumonger-hine, London. THOMAS LOVEEIDGE, Wholesale and Kcuvil Agei t for Merthyr and th*- j taiglibouib&H!* SAML., CHAS., & FRJPJJK^AEER TAILORS & WOOJIMM JPRA^EES, 48, Park-sp>tet~ NEW COAI, YARD IN PEN YD POT YAED, MEETHYE TYDFIL. HUGH MORGAN respectfully in r the Public JLl that he has opened the alioye/¥fir(>Mr the singly of the best HOUSE COAL, whica will Irel deliv^ed in the Yard at 7s. lOd. per ton, oiHs.>2dj5 pen draft. The quality of this Coal is noty^virnaSsi crby Wy in the district. f) X All orders promptly yrfltendedAto, and full weight guaranteed. PRIMROSE HILL, MERTHYR. MR. KERNICK begs to informants Friends and the Public that the duties of/m$School wilJ/T)e re- sumed on MONDAY, the instanlif Terms jffer anmlyiV Boarders under 1 (Wears of%|J.. JTO Guineas. Ditto Jtbove /) ,y:,22 Daily Pupils/^T. A. 4 )} A quarter's riotice, or tl^ n (yment of a quarter's charge, is required before the removal of a Pupil. EDUCATION. DEAN STREET, ABERDARE. ISS BRkDDY respectfully mforms the i abi- MISS J3RADDY respectfully ipt&rms the infiabi- tants of Aberdare and its npigliliotrhood Jmat the [duties of her School will commerce oiitlL 16Ul instant, land she hopes, by assiduous auentlonQfc?the welfare of those confided to her care/4o ae^Ube ayiliare of their patronage. i July 3,1860. y BLENHEIM HOUSE ACADEMY, LEA, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Distant from Gloucester ten miles; Ross five. CONDUCTED BY Mr. IRVING, F.S.A., Licentiate of the Royal College of Preceptors, London. Terms:- Under 12 years of age, 22, and above, 25 Guineas per annum. No increase in the charge is made when Pupils are placed under 12, and con- tinue after that age. AT this Establishment, noted for salujrrity of situa- tion, Young Gentlemen are pjxfpared for the Learned Professions, Military, Nftvalyflnd Civil Services, the Oxford and Cambridge Middle/Clals Examinations, and Commercial pursuits. Tha/coursfof instruction embraces the Greek and Latjjr (which is taught generally, and without anj^cntrgeyDy a resi- dent Master, a native Qf^ran<l»ermM; Spanish, Mathematics, Music, Ivriting, PtaSJical^and Survey- ing, Merchants' Accounts, &<t%, &<L The system of /tuition is lalcilatm to insure the pupil's rfipid progress in his Jtudhd. The prominence is given to religion which its Aiportance demands. Reports of conduct and progwws re issued quarterly, and rewards periodically distributed—by which, and' other means, a spirit of emulation is excited, and the full powers of the youthful mind are drawn into action, without any recourse to corporal punishment. Parents may rely upon every attention being paid to the health and comfort of their children, as the domestic arrangements are on the most liberal scale. The premises being only half a mile distant from the Mitcheldean Station of the Hereford, Ross, and Glou- cester Railway, are of easy access to pupils travelling by the South Wales line, or by way of Abergavenny and Hereford. A Prospectus and View of the House, with Inclusive Terms, if required, which are extremely moderate, will be forwarded on application to the Principal. The School will re-open the 18th JULY. NUMEROUS REFERENCES. Established by the present Principal 1838. ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL—Two MILLIONS STERLING. Total Annual Revenue exceeds £ 300,000.—Accu- mulated Funds in hand over £ 700,000. FIRE.-Nearly the Largest Company in the World. LIFE.—Large Bonus declared £2 per cent. per annum on tl e Sum Assured.—Division of Profits every five years, to Policies then in existence two entire vears. THE "TIMEs.The City Article of the 24th July, 1856, states that The transactions of the Royal Insu- rance Company appear to have been of a perfectly satis- factory character." Article in the "TIMES" of the 6th August, 1859.-At the Annual Meeting of the Royal Insurance Company yesterday, the Report for the year 1858 stated that the premiums received in the Fire department amounted to £ 196,148, showing an increase of £66,088, or more than 50 per cent. in three years. PERCY M. DOVE, Manager, &c. Midsummer, 1860. ( LOCAL ARGENTS. MERTHYR REESlAVIKS>»52, Weljington-street. Abergavenny .A. Jafoes Jones. Aberdare ,X. f\1.. IIy. S. Rampling. Cardiff .yy U. V/J. Williams. L.Y, Jabez M. Haine. Llanelly f).1. G. Boulter. Neath D* /••••• J- Morgan. Pontypridd T- Wm. Davies. West of England an South Wales District: Offices :2, road Quay, Bristol. Local Boar/l of Consultation:— Philip W. S. Miles, Esquire, Chairman. Geo. O. Edwards, Esq. I James Poole, Esq. W. C. H. Mile*, Esq. Albany B. Savile, Esq. Physician: Dr. Symonds. Surgeon: Samuel H. Swayne, Esq. Bankers Sir William Miles, Bart., and Co. District. Manager Henry B. O. Savile, .Esq. NO MORE PILLS NOR ANY OTHER F MEDICINE OR NERVOUSNESS, ICFDIGESTION, CON STIPATION, &s. /Senfcjfree by post for two stamps, the Invalid's Own Guide, 64 pao-es, THE NATURAL RESTORER 0 PERFECT HEALTH to the most enfeebled, hflit pleasant and natural means, which removes indiaestlon, constipation diarrhoea, torpidity of liver/f»rsistin £ headaches^ nervousness, biiiousm^s, dejffcondqpcyy' low spirits cough, asthma, incipi&it consttlttrtioh, /Ability, dropsy' spleen, &c. Londorf: Mann Ne/heW Booksellers. 39, Cornhill. L/ PERFECT HEALTH WITHOUT PHYSIC OR EXPENSE. DU BARRY'S DELICIOUS HEALTH RESTORING FOOD THE REVA- LENTA AR4BICA, at a cost of about a penny per meal, speedily cures constipation, dyspepsia (indigestion), nervousness, flatulency, distension, phlegm, biliousness liver complaints, histeria, neuralgia, sleeplessness, acidity, congestion, blood to the head, headaches, loss of memory, indecision, nervous fancies, palpitation, heart- burn, eruptions, impurities, fevers, irritability, low spi- rits, diarrhoea, dysentery, noises in the head and ears, debility, diabetes, pains between the shoulders, cramps, spasms, nausea and sickness, sinking fits, colds, catarrhs, cough, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, debility, gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, also children's complaints, and saves fifty times its cost in medicine. It does not interfere with a liberal diet, but imparts a healthy relish tor lunch and dinner, and restores the faculty ot diges- ion and nervous and muscular energy to the most enfeebled. We extract a few out of many thousand cures :—Cure No. 1771. Lord Stuart do Dccics of many years' dyspepsia. Cure No. 49,832. "Fifty years' indescribable agony from dyspepsia nervousness, asthma, cough, constipation, flatulency, spasms sickness and vomiting, have been removed by Du iiarry's ex cedent Food.—Maria Jojiy, of JJY 111, Norfolk.—Cure No. 53,816 Field Marshal the Duke of Btuskow, of dyspepsia, constipa tion, nervousness and liver C^MJWAIUTS, which had resisted al baths and medical treatment.—Kuie No. 47,1^1. Miss Eliza beth Jacobs, of extromi^nervousfflfs, indigestion, gatherings low spirits, and nervous fanciifL-^lBure N<Y4>4,816, From the Rev..IAMBS T. Campbell, SvjicrMinc Rectory, near Farnham, Norfolk, 5tli December, LSATNTFCNTLCUMN, in all cases of indi- gestion, and PARTICULARLY. wlienXthe LI^R is more than usually affected, 1 consider DuVUarry'4 IIEU&lenta Arabica Food the best of all remedies. It Wanlatektbe bile, and makes it flow in cases which would not ajltiit o?/nercury in any shape. In short, a healthy flow of bile is on of its earliest and best symp- toms—Similar testimonials from Dr. Ure; Dr. Harvey; Dr. Bright; Dr. Campbell; and many thousand other respectable parties who can be referred to. Sold in canisters at Is. I*d-; lib., 2s. 9d. • 21b., 4s. 6d. n)b., 22s.; 21ih., 40s.; super refined quality, 51b., 22s. lOlb., 3Hs. The 101b., 121b., and 241b. Canisters car- riage free, on receipt of post-office order, by BARRY DU BARRY & Co., 77, Regent-street, London; Fort num, Mason and Co., 182, Piccadilly, and all grocers -f-, ENT I- and chemists. I AGENTS -Aberdare, Messrs. D. R. Evans, H.J, Thomas, John Jones tkynoiawr, Mr. 0. Meredith: Merthyr, Mrs. M. W. White, Mr- T. Loveridge, Mr W. Stephens, Mr. £ Oay> Mv. T. H. Williams, stocer • Tredegaij Mr» Peaty • Ebbw Vale, T; y, v MR. TITUS JONES'S NOTICES. CEFNCOEDYCYMMER, NEAB MJSETHYB. TO BE Z-ETy with immediate possession, THAT well-known. HOUSE, called the "CRFK JL HOTEL," near the Cemetery. The Ouse, which is recently built, possesses every con ven^nceJor al arge trade. There are Stable and necessary outhouses, and' there is/attachtd a "Penf^arge well-fenced Garden, with trellispa su^tmei/hou^es, orna- mental plants and ever greets,^and Jthe aniole well adapted for an extensive ojrf-door bumitep'Trade. The Stock and Furnitur e may Wtakdf at a valuation. The cause for letting the house irit consequence of the death of the late Mrs. A,sprey. For particulars, apply to Mr. D, AspREY, China Warehouse, High-street, IVTerthyr; or to Mr. TITUS JONES, Auctioneer. No. 1, Castle-street, Merthiyr; MERTHYR TYDFIL. CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN LEASEHOLD PROPERTY* TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. TITUS JONES, At the GRAVEN ARMS INN, TWFFII's Well, on THURS- DAY, JULY 19th, 1860, a/Sev EA for Eigjrt o'clock p.m. (subject to tho condjfionfj th produced), ALL those SIX comndct andl|el«)U»t COTTAGES or DWEL^INGrHOJ?SElft 'wm pantries, gar- dens, and othWcpnWn^ncei q^l'ralso TWO' STA- BLES, situate rf^org'sK-strfeJ^Tawen-terrace, now in the occupation of'resj^tawftenants, producing at a very low rental (compaifed^Xvtth otli £ r Cottage is in the same locality) the sum oy £ 36 Is. 6d. The above Property is held under a lease from the late Mrs. Morgans, of Bolgoed, for 190 years, about 88 of which are now unexpired, subject to the ground rent ofjE3 4s. only. For further particulars, and to view the premises, apply to the owner, Mr. W. HARRIS, near the Grawen Arms; or to the Auctioneer. No. 1, Castle-street, Merthyr, July 3, I860. MR. DANIEL DAVIES'S NOTICES Mr. DANIEL DAVOJSf Auctioneer, Appraiser, and Gepdral Commission tA ent, j y/ RESPECTFULLV r- in re to his numerous Friendjs apllfiuppoVteH fo^me Patron- age he has received f agh ears, and begs to solicit a continuajxfg of eup Offices, Ivor S^et, Dowl;Jfe, JxEl Albion I: an, High Street, MerthyfT yf » lbion 1, Personal attendance giveq^n Merthyr, every THURS- DAY. Rents collected. Fire and Life Policie s effected on advantageous Terms. Dowlais, June 2nd, 1859. MONEY ADVANCE*T ON FREEHOLD & LEASEHKflb JpRp PERTY, by the Perpetual Invcstmom, JLMdf^dia Building Society. London^ to be repahKW«™tMjTOnts within 1 £ years, at 5 per cent. pei>^niWm.4-^pplica.lion to b £ made to Mr. DANIEL DAVIEH, ^Mictioneer, &c., 19. Ivor-street, Dowlais, Agent formertjhyr Distract. TO PARTIES ABotlT TO I Sil. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE QmsfoMwM ^Mr. DANIEL DAVIES,—A few/Eig«-d% CLOCKS, in mahogany cases, quite neatf, dar ted good time-keepers. Prices from M th. 19, Ivor-street, Dowlais, June 28th, 1880. > MR. T. H. EVANS'S NOTICES. THOMAS H. WAKS/ Auctioneer 9, BUTE STE^Tj^ABlfeiiibra, Agent to the Consols AlfeockfiJn in connec- tion with-Goveriimffnt ag^uritics. TOWN OF ABERDARE. To SCULPTORS, MASONS, BpfLDERS^&e. TO LET, and immediate possession, may bemad, THE BUSINESS and PRJBMLBHSOF Mr. WM. THOMAS, Sculptor, ConmierciVl-plpice/Aberdare. The Stock, which is reduce^f to ha twen arc valnation. The above premises are suitable, *viWi\g little alteration for any other trade or busihess>wher\a antral situation is an object. The premises are ow d upon lease, of which nine years are ex red, texceedingly low rental. This lease will be disposed/of) if desired.—For further particulars, apply to Mr. THOMAS, on the pre- mises; or to Mr. T. H. EVANS, Auctioneer, Aberdare; or at the TELEGRAPH Office, Merthyr. JOHN PR CE, y Auctioneer, Appraiser, Aunt Souse, Estate, andjdenem-l Smjenj. FIRE AND LIFE P ICI c.-ACCOUNTS ANB/RENTS COLLECTED. 4, Polar-plac redeg-, pri 1860. £ 10 reward, ft WHEREAS on the Night o^the 26th of June list, some evil disposed pers/n did malickfusly Stab and otherwise ill-treat a BONY \Aelonoifig to Mr. EDMUND WATKINS, MmeiAcWmbfrgoed,—now, whoever will give such i'nfbmiariAn as/^nall lead to the conviction of the Offender «ryffendo(re will receive the above Reward. y Information to givoE. WATKINS, as above; or at the^Police OfRofe, Mferthyr. Dated this 2nd day of July, I860. RHYMNEY. :F!:R-_A_ADIIX:ON^R, (Late of Plymowth Surgjfy, Merthyr), pEGS to inform the inhabitants of Rhymnoy and surrounding neighboured thatVhe has commenced business as a CHEVII.ST iid DRUaGIST^inthe pre- mises near the Church lately op^pied byiBr. William Davies, Grocer), witlym extcnsive\Stock/ra Drugs and Chemicals of supeii<Sr qualj^V aid btfpes, by strict attention and moderate el rges to went their patronage and support. M. J !r Physicians' ^Prescriptionv anuJamily Recipes accu- rately dispensed. Jjf Oils, Paints, Colours, and-Varnishes: Tooth, Hair, Nail, and Paint Brushes; Patent Medicines and Per- fumery, &c., &c. Teeth carefully extracted. HEALTHFUL EM&CISE. WILLIAM WALTER esp full informs the v v Public that he has jus^talAn t>e ALL COURT TAVERN, near the Courjr Hou\e, Mferthyr, together with the TENNIS COUIO' ^Gentlemen desi- rous of having a gamyut+He iVn<Vent and healthful exercise of Ball 'ayihi Very attention, and the use of the excellent Hall and .Ball on terms that cannot fail to-#ive satislifCTfijn.V The utmost order will al wa/s be preserved, so that Gentlemen may amuse themselves without the fear of objectionable interference, or anything that may detract from their pleasure. PUBLIC Wo ICE ITIOUND, on the premises of^ha»^J^rk/view Inn, 1 Merthyr, about a fortnigjft a^, a \fray GREY- HOUND BITCH, of tan coJ^^ana>apncfi*s to answer to the name of Fly." 'Me may have her on giving proof of ownership aWKpfiyiyfr the expenses incurred, by applying a the abode Ijtn. If she is not applied for on or before/he 14th of ruLY next, she will be sold, without further notice, to recover the expenses. Merthyr, June 17th, 1860. IMPORTANT NOTICE. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, Is the only Starch used j/h Hfy/mq/esty's Launch/ y. V AND as some unprincjjffed Bartifis ajre now making 0 and offering for side an atiqac of the GLEN- FIKLD STAKCH, we J^rehtVauft;N^Jl our customers to be careful, when >)Turchasi%, tVsee that the word Qletifield is />n eacfcf packet, ttffcoj^which is feloay. WoiHJiRHPooN and Co., Glasgow and London, | WA NTED,—EMPLOJflOlM bj a Wng Man 16 2 rears of age, TCJJ strcMg, Lnd w«n educated.— Apply t'» Mr. SAXinsf^LuctionGlr, uWllegar. Wi.NTED,—A good SHOEIWG SMITH, wht^ias been accustomed to light shoeing..xlabMal wages will be given to a sober, steady, and^p^fclk-, man. No one need apply unless they call rapau :e \bd- timoni;als to the above qualificatioja^-wApp y if^the Office of this Paper. 'JT > WANTED, at a PawnbrokefJs Office in Merthyr Tydfil,—An activo, inj^HfgenYYOUTH^gpble of keeping accounts. IWwlll nunity of acquiring a knowled t esin sq, a.1 in addition, receive good wage Alip o r. AM JACOB, 38, Wellington-atreet, Mert^yr. W"ANTED,—A Young Lady as to the Millinerjr. Also, a OiSpeafkblJ Yarfth to the Drapery trade.—Apply to J^DNfls, AnclprHouse, Mert hyr. JLHT IMPORTANT TO TAILORS. WANTED immediately.—TJ^fO, first-rate WORK- MEN, able to go ttwfmghr {ill braneiSes of the trad e. They must bn op^^r^aaBctep^Apply to J. L. J ONES, Tailor, Dr^ffeL.&t, Fost Office, Pontlottyn, Rhjfmney. 'L y y^ ALL persons having any Claim against th>-Es.tate of the late RICE LEWIS, of Court^nd. House, Gentleman, are requested to send in f^samyto us toy examination and payment, on or bejpfe the 2lit instaift^ when all persons indebted to tjnesaid fixate ar^also requested to paiy. C. H. and E^JAMESf t SoliciMrs to tU Tri stees. 4th July, 1860. *S/ 1!34, High-str§»*fMerthyr. A NOTICE IS HEREBY, GIVEN, f°r the parish of Merthyr Tydfil are willmg to receive. TEp&KRS for the UKASS now growing upon the C,em«rfery ^fcefneoedv- cymmer. The Hay must be pt&n d? Tfe Grounds Tenders must be sent to mendf; latar th inT2 o'clock in the Forenoon of Saturdgyfthe^Sth ii stai t. R0F'IW°J Jii iflTH, Clerk. TO DRAPEESy A BUSINESS to be DISPOSEp^OFjV the^est situation in AHE'HAMAN. A^OODLOPBORTWFITY for a Young Man with a moderata^^ij^^rfsnin^to com- mence business.-—Apply he jjremisesJiiext door to Messrs. J. and W. Sj*!§, CheiQitsl to Mr. W. HARRIS, Draper, Mitf-street, AlWtlape; TO LET, .y WITH IMMEDIATE POSS I N, A DWELLING HOUSE, m/% Sfclnerse^ace, Thomas Town, Merthyr^fell aAptrti$fr a res- pectable family. A good s^ly^f^Jterl/n the pre- mises.—For particulars, affply iffTfflr. JSHAPTON No. 1, Somerset-place.^ 1 jr 1 Merthyr, June 27th, 1860. j \y\ TO PUBLICANS. TO BE LET, and may be entptiid immediately, THE "ROLLING MIL ble cd PuWfif JL House, Nantygwenit er. e ahpftilnn is well situated, and vntfefegaM t<(ihekmoumot busi- ness done in it, it wm be sufficient tL^fate that the present tenant hasrlived there movejurmity years.—-For rent, See., apply to Mrs. WAT si Lamb and Flag Inn, Merthyr. TO BE LET, And may be entered upon dia Y, A PUBLIC HOUSE sittL-ate in Horse-sttep^TDOWMIIM Ttx is well adapted for business, and a^suitaffle pflrsoiywould soon command in it an exten e and pta Ie. Com- ing-in trifling.—Apply to MrTJErfkiN THOMAS. Pantyscallog, Dowlais. TO PUBLICANS AND OTHERS, TO BE L yS THE MOUNTAIN ASH A s, I on -street.- JL Enquire of Mr. Wix<luASfj LL MS, White Lion Inn, Merthyr. A TO SCHOOLMASTERS & TO BE LET, and may be eMtcpdffa mtely, Merthp-Applyto^Tr. EVANS, Timber Merchant, Mertliyr. PONTLOTTYN, Riiyxiqzy. TO LET, A HOUSE and SHOP, situate ad'abow. It is/ln one of the best situations tor bu^Mss inJPont- lottyn, and is well adapted for ehifeil aiDrdper or^lrocer. The premises are recently ep&etedl, Md posfH&s every convenience for a family he wij/be Let on Lease, or Sold, if desir^a.—Applf to Wv. WILLIAM BOSTON, Pontlottyn, Rhymney. TO DRAPERS.. TO BE LET, and may be entered on the 25th of July next, yS "y A SHOP and PREMISES^u^l^igb^treet, Merthyr, near Zoar C^ffpel, anWnow in/the occu- pation of Mrp. Isaacs. The Shop/Is mte^onveniently tor the business of a Djwlper, m in i goo^Wtuation, and the House M convenient for tNtteqilimffients of a family. Rent moderate.—'For partic^parsjKapply to Mr, J. LLEWELLYN, Cefji(!oedycymm TO TALLOW CHANDL TO BE LET, and may be e riate AN excellent CHANDLER^, witl £ /PJMWS^com- plete, all in good y&fkinesdfd r^tuarein Ivor- street, Dowlais. Thejmve offijfe ai exp*?lfent oppor- tunity for any jjptfve man bus desirous of realizing an extensive trade.—Appitf to Mr HENRY PROSSER, 19, Charlotte-street, Dowllis. MILLINE RY & DRES MAKING. THE MISSES ISABELU^ ALICE PR^CE, 0f 62, Church-street, jPftEDEaiiK beg/to return thanks to their numerpds f'rien(M thp^great encou- ragement and patrojmge thmhflire rag^ived since their arrival from LonjJ^n, wh|ie they acjjrfired a knowledge of the most ajjpfwed FivsmVns hft/rfe Season. PPRENT ES ANTED. Tredegar, Mon., June 26AK, i860. JOHN GAB Builder, Contractor, Arctifcci lAppraiser, Valuer, M., (7 J y^ THOMAS TOW^J^SB,TSYUY/ Plans, Specifications^^md Esijkiates, jtm the shortest notice. XX Experienced Workmen in every branch of Building Trade constantly erfiployed. D. E. JONE^I, Practical Clock & atcw k Near the SavinyT Banh()DlfylaA?t: Watches and Clock^ and Jeweilerv/of every des- cription, repaired on the premises. NOTICE TO BUNDERS. PLOUGH BUI]^RAENPO>3LFETY. TENDERS are requi. b«i OTe 24»JULY instant, JL by the above jjaKaly, %^BaltolNG FOUR HOUSES in Troedyrhiw. XPaifcujilfarsiAay be obtained by applying to Mr. EDWAJH^ JONES, Crawshay's Arms, Merthyr. 1 Tailor by Appointment to -thel&th Glamorganshire or Merthyr Tydfil Mifle Volunteers, 11II Y S N 81 TAILOR & APER, Shi^trQ&Bjpmn. Orders by Post or otherwise promptly attended to, All is not Go^tbat gators." J- R- \/Acurwg,) Llanelly, will deliver hjf/po|«ilaV WE^SH LECTURE, on the above subjecJ/Tn APEL, DOWLAIS, on Aly Vth, I860, for the benefit •'of Beulah Chapel. W Lecture to commenpe at Seven o'clock p.m. TyrifTi. r,l y Vv. i<i v y Tanner, Bridge CONTINUES to produ V/^i her for Work C and Wear. When^oifjpM^y^ i- Boots and Shoes, see that the leaJhiCTB of iyi- Tannage An Apprentice wante o e Curri ry Bjteiness. WHEN TOP ASK S GLENFIELD PATENT ^SI^A^CH SEE AT E T, ( As inferior kinds areojfcmsubstitiHed.4-W< TIIERSPOON and Cp*fwIasgow aij^ LorWon* ? — ■