Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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SCHOOL, (L 0 Xberdare, CpttdV&ttfi by J. G. MORGAN", M.R.C.P,, s Member of the London University. SUMMER GOOL) S R GOODS! BE. MEEEDJStf^^T^bffo^HousE. 52, SIGH 8 TRsEEptT, jMljyRT STB TYDFIL, EOS respectfully to announce to^rtie inhabitams ovflferthyr his return from the London and other Markets with a large Stock of^EYV and FASHlQJfABLE GOODS suitable tor the coming Season. N.B.—E^M^alls particular at ion to the HAT and CAP DEPARTMENT. THOMAS TCTWZET ISIR/ICIEC WOSKS. IMPOETANT TO BUILDERS, C0NTE^f6m AND OTHEKS.. IMMENSE saving by the use of BRICK as a material fpjj^uiJdin^ im pmpf&nee to Stone—effecting' a saving1 of 25 per cent, at the present redded prieal, wflicjj^reas follows;— Good Building Bricks 20s. perlOfrtJT | Fire, j9imcu|<fality, ditto 30s. per 1000. The above prices, for Cash only, and ^'considerable pefp^ltage allowed on large quantities. Merthyr, May 26th, 1860. ^IQOK TO^RAE^COTO YOUB labour without being distressed. Want of coijtlifi^^ by the roughness of the coat, which the above Powders will speedily remp<Jy. One trial -wmAx epough to prove that it is the best preparation for increasing the appetite, purifying'J™e btood^mnnka fine•omt, and preventing all diseases incidental to Horses and Cattle at Spring andJ/all. (File Pow lerMieinc^fn Indian produce, is prepared from the recipe of one of the principal Veterinary S*rfgeons in JShglar d, and^ifas been used for many years in several of the largest livery stables in London. J Prepared only by E. R. GAY, Dispensin^hem >*755, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil, in packets at. Is. 6d. each with full directions for use. AGENTS Aberdare: Mr. W. J. ThomasfChemist, Commercial-street; Pontypridd, Mr. R. Smyth, Chemist. er Agents in course of appointment throughout South Wales, who will be announced in future advertisemems. Carriage paid to all parts of South Wales on Orders for 12s. and upwards. CLEANLINESS, LIGHT- NESS, AND D BILITY. 01 r- s T THOMAS begs to announce that he has now ready for inspecii^qa large Stock at such prices • as will defy competition, having regard to Quality, T. T. also invites inspection of his Stock of Foot, Hip, Reclining, Slipper, and Shower Baths, and Loy sell's Patent Hydrostatic Coffee and Tea Urns, in Tin and Bronze, at exceedingly low prices. Observe the Address :-Opposite the Bush Hotel, High Street, Merthyr. [JISL IMPOETANT TO EMIGRANTS. Ulr '> ..JGJFELF OID FOX INN, Cambrian, Australian, and American House^U, EAIJ: STREET, DALE-STREET (within two minutes' walk of the Exchange Railway Station, amHn vbse prMiinity to all the Docks) LIVERPOOL- THOMAS LLOYD, Proprietor. f! (J Parties requiring correct information relative to TUne of ^MinJflPrdvpions required—in short mr-thin"- con nected with Emigrating to Australia, America^Sr othampafti, an J wjJfdo not wish to be detained in Liverpool are respectfull requested to communicate with^fiioMAs LLoydt as abtivd.-Well-Aired Beds on Reasonable Terms —Dry akd desirable Storage for Passenger§J^Luggage, freest' CllargCii' {No Connection with Mr. LloJtU?of Union Street. TT *>'«««■ ?ay b<Lma!?,e to Me|f": Davies, and Phillips, Groce^O'icforia-sfcroet; Mr. Win. Gould, Tydfil's Wil Wr Thoma Harries, Globe Inn; Mr. Morgan Williams, Registrar of Marriages, Kerthyr K.Thomas Esq, the Worn • Fcv T V -7v, iv Bose Cottage, Aberdare Mr. Thomas Havard, and Mr. Daniel Davies, Auctioneer, Dowlais. COMFORT IN WRITING! NO TEN CAN TELL THE .great, superiority of the "J1KCT, GRAPH PEN, T sold at the TELEGRA^T Otiyek. It is adapted for every hand, is an amplg'amatten gfj the he^HSetals, and being anti-corrosive, mil m^hocejxlong, and; ,u write immeasuraWfsupmjor td any i Pens usually sold. A trial invited. "sLld n t 3tL/fler dozen, or 2s. pergrossbox. J THE SUFFERERS OF MERTHYR AND THEIR PULYEEMACHEE S PATENT GAL7ANIC AITI-EHEU11T1C CHAII BANDS. MR. PULVERMACHER informs those invalids ■whose maladies are considered beyond the aid ol medical skill, that he has appointed Mr. T. LOVE- RIDGE, Chemist, Merthyr Tydfil, to be especial Agent for the sale of these singular VOLTAIC CHAINS. Mr. LOVERIDGE will give applicants every informa- tion respecting their curative powers, and the proper method of administering tliejpr-so as to ensure imme- diate and certain success^^NeaVly every form of disease is permanently and npgicallyotred by wearing one over the part affectecL/ln all ,frR3se cases where medicine or ordinary appliances proVe the/plains act like a charm. S\ j For^afues rouira many*sufFepfs have already^been Twrvellouslv relie^ed-fthe Htffladies cured, principally consist of paralysis, epilepsy, spasms, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, sciatica, rigijiifv, stiff joints, urethral disor- ders, hysteria, los of voice, hypochondria, deafness, debility, constipation, and palsy. And the alleviation of neuralgia, tic doloreiw, head, ear, face, and tooth ache, is so astonishing, and effected so instantaneously, thafSfiffe'rers may test the influence of the Chain before- hand at the depot. After seeing and feeling the phenomena produced, the suiferer may still further be astonished and convinced by perusing the extracts taken from upwards of 100 medical, scientific, clerical, and philosophical works, referring to theetficacy of this new discovery.—Price 5s., 10s. 6d., 15s., 18s., 22s.—Visit the depot and read the documents from parties cured.—J. L PuJvermachei and Co., 73, Oxford-street, London. Agent for CARDIFF, Mr. JOY, Chemist, &c., Duke- street: BRIDGEND, Mr. JOHN <PRICE, Chemist, &c.: NEATH, Mr. HUTCHINS, Chemist, &c. MERTHYR: MR. T. LOVERIDGE, CHEMIST, &c. "A Jk'Qr v •>, PATET^v^X CORN F.LOU1K ADelicions preparation for Puddings, Custards Blanc-Mange, Cakes, &c., preferred to the best Arrowroot, and when simply boiled with milk, is the most light and wholesome diet for children and inva- lids; and served with jelly and miik or cream, is the most wholesome and inexpensive dessert for dinner or supper; BAKED PUDDING, (From recipes on packages.)— vi/ table spoonfuls of the Flour, or three and a naif oiinces to one quart of milk; boil three minutes, stirring it briskly; allow it to cool, and then thoroughly mix it with two eggs, well beaten with three table spoonfuls of sugar. Flavour to taste, and bake for half an hour in an ovsn. FRUIT PIE.—Bake or stew the fruit with sugar, put it into a pie dish, then pour over it Corn Flour boiled With milk, in the proportion of four ounces of the Flour to one quart of milk, then brown it before the fire, or in the oven. The Lancet states:—"This is superior to anything' of the kmd.known." n Obtain it where inferior articles are not substituted. Sold in 4, 8, and 16 oz. packets, at 211., 4d., and 8d each. PAISLEY; 77a, Market-street, Manchester; II, Temple-lane, Dublin, 23, Ironmonger-lane, Loudon. THOMAS LOVERIDGE, 69'1f Wholesale and Retail Agent for Merthyr ami thr ifeighbourlio'jdj SAM.L., CHAS WATJE, <<- 0 Ar-EP 48, Park-Qeei BfiSsi'OL. IMPORTANT NOTICE. 3-LENFIELD PATENT STARCI-1, Is the only Starch risedxn Jldf\ U:s i u Ltnrfiirju A as some unprfncirdect ] artijs are^Jow ir.rJdnw XJL and offering i«T sale 'tin ii iita ioja^ef the GLBN- FIELD STABCJFF we herebj cai itijjirall our customers to be careful, when purchasin«J/?o see that the word Glen field is on each packet, c py which is felony. WOTHERSPOON and Of:, Glasgow and Londoii. Licensed Agent for Amorioa and Aus- tralia. DAVID DA VIES, „/T IV" s 29, UNION STREET, LIVERPOOL headJUfmding. heaù mUng. T Five minutes' wrdjs^rom Birkcn- headJUfmding. Good accommodation for■ Travellers, with or without Soard^jmreafonabji: je/p/is. HE abwe begs t</inform thp^e who wish to Emii grate under his^usp/ce^that it is necessary.for their protection that tiiey tKould write to him previous to leaving their homes, s, ting the time of their depar- ture and the route of their travel, in order that he may meet them on their arrival in Liverpool, to them to his Establishment, as many are Jell fl"tt'Hy.mrl taken to other houses by designing and interested par- ties, where they are imposed upon to the greatest extent. r PAINLESS TOOT 9" 1)1 EXTPA^TIOK 1 T7* P. GAY, DSNTIS^)E^J^I^^ATEIHA.T.HE has perfected a^LEdTRKAI/APPA- ll ATUS_fbr the abi^r purp^e^Jljtd •may^ibe consulted daily at o5, High-s^et3ImlWPfoppu*Ke the Market- square.) Decayed Teeth and Srnmpa cmracted without the least pain.—Scaling and CJ^nyKSs.; Stopping, 2s. 6d. • Artificial Teeth supplied. ThisSfexceJlent. AlineralTeeth. pcrfect in their resemDlance to nature, and are of y€verlf.sting wear. E. R. Gay's Tooth Essence, for the IMMEDIATE RELIEF of Tooth-ache.—In Bottles, 6d., and Is. each. E* R- Gay's Quinine Dentifriee, for Beautifying and Preserving the Teeth, Strengthening the Gums, &c. n Boxes Is. each. Prichard's Dandelion, Camomile, Uha- barb, & Ginger Pills HAVE long been before the Public. All persons, therefore, who have not, already tested tlieni should not delay giving them a trial, to prove their qualities i for the cure of Indigestion, and all Bilious disorders, Prepared by W. PRICHARD, Apothccarv, fio, Charina- Cross, London. In bottles at Is. Ikl., 2s. 9A., 4s. 6d., I and lis. To ilr. T. lines, Chemist, Merthyr. Sir,-—T feei it a Uuty to the Pricbard's Dande. liou,_ GaaTnomiie, aiul Rhubarb Pilisyitswell as to tlioss of the public who may safler from indiwstioii or bilious headlehcs to offer my testimony based^rti uipe.-ienuc—to their value as a remedy for stomach complaints, aad diseases ajirfnc- from liave tsill constipation. I have n^esitation/il safrtIPI; Ujefwhetbor as an aperient or as a/fiedieine.adiptcir for yKfyreslion, tKse 1111, cannot be sippassedi wWUiTtbcy ha*f this advat;>r"e also that thej^fii be trtfcni Mllout fe«(f of ineonvenience or injury by ils w c oc apanofl cjipoaes them to every kind of unfavourable weatjler..1. have/<nWays recommended these Fills when occasion «lfere<, ajuJSin every instance they have given satisfaction—Yi/;r's „ „ „ MATliEW THOMAS, Brewor Merthyr Tj'dCI, Way, J7fcf ISfi'). To lie had through all Mf 'dicinc Vendors. N.B.—If taken accordiini- to the directions given with each packet, these Pills never fail in producing the efect desired, t, NOTICE TO BUILDERS. PLOUGH BUIL SO IETY. rtUENDERS are required, >^th^24«Ji] ^xilistant, ± by the above Socip&f, j*f ■ lEDI^ G FOUR HOUSES in Troedyrjriw. raiiicul trs may ic obtained by applying to MTT EDWARD J rawshay's Arms, Merthyr. -Z TO BUILDERS^, &c. BEULAH CHAPEL, mWl^inniedigMy to undergo considensMe I ffl/f-P v*. ME^TS and REPAIRS.. The Sjjpdfication VaWie spprfon Monday and Wednesdav^tfxt, at fiA side of the Rev. J. WILLIAMS, 2S7.0road-STROI>C, Dojmis. MRS. SMITH ,,r oi BEGS to call attention to her Faslnon>We Assortment of GOODS, just received, in fhg^Millinery, M^pt.le, Dress, and Fancy line, and hemes^ by oonstMKatten- tion, to merit a portion of th^ffatrantge ofj^rfj Ladies of Merthvr and its vicinity^/ s? ,1] 55, HIGH^nm&UEWfHYR. The above Eusip^s will m m>cum on WEDNESDAY, the 18th of JuLf, 1860. Js NEW COAL YARD IN PENYDAREEN YARD, MEETHYIL TYDFIL. HUGH MORGAN /Kpectfiilj^mforras the Puhjic he has opened the Ya§i for the s«fpply of the best HOUSE C<).U<wIiicli -tfffj, dgj^ered in the Yard at 7s. lOd^p^fton, or & SWTjh^ctraf't. The quality ol' this Cpafis not^syrpftsedJDy any in the district. A I All ordeperpromptly ten c, o, and full weight guaranteed. VALE OF NEATH AND SOUTH WALES RAILWAYS. CHEAP EXCURSION. ON SATURDAY, .1 Up^h/t,4>^TR^1vTvill leave MERTHYR^ JJni, callkl^ at Aber- nant and Hirwain^for ^a»fiea7 Llnn^fh', "Pembrey, Ferry Side, Carmarthen JfltMion, ST Clears, Whit- land, Narbert^Tload, Clariitston JWad, Haverfordwest, and New Milford (MilfortTHaWj, returning from New Milford at 3.0 p.m., on Monday, July 80th. gggT For Fares and other particulars, see handbills. PRIMROSE HILL, MERTHYR. MR. KERNICK begs to inform-fos Friends and the Public that the duties School wil^'ne re- sumed on MONDAY, the lGjifof .TOiAjinstaj*r Termffpertmimvi: Boarders undej^D yeaiVof age.j/5.0 Guineas. Ditto abov0 j ><22 „ A quarter s notice, of^hp' payment of a quarter's charge, is required before me aemoval of a Pupil. EDUCATION. DEAN STEEET?>5M)AEE. MISS BRADDY re^f€ctfhlW informs the inhabi- tants of Aberdarp and its/neidhbourWtrthat the duties of her Scl^T wiUicorfilnekie An tl«n6th instant, and she hoDpgJoy iissiuiousjatteiijj^'ffto the welfare of those confined to her ^re, fco^cure a share of their patronage. July 3, 13G0. BLENHEIM HOUSE ACADEMY, LEA, GLOUCESTEllSHIRE. liiitant, from Gloucester ten miles; Ross five, CONDUCTED BY Mr. IKYING, F.S.A., Licentiate of the Royal College of Preceptors, London. Terms Under 12 years of age, 22, and above, 25 Guineas per annum. 'No increase, in the charge is madu mbvn Pupils are placed under 12, and con- tinue after that age. AT this Establishment, noted for salubritv of situa- tion, Young- Gentlemen are prepared for the Learned Professions, Military, Naval, and Civil Services, the Oxfordrand Cambridge Middle Class Examinations, and Commercial pursuits. The course of instruction embraces the Greek and Latin Ciasses, French (which is taught generally, and without any charge, bv a resi- dent Masier, a native of France), German, Spanish, Mathematics, Music, Writing, Practica £ ^and Survey- ing-. Merchants' Accounts, &c., &c. The system of tuition is calcukted to insure the pupil's rapid progress in his studies. /The prominence is given to religion whu^its imp/rtance demands. Reports of conduct anjj^progress ar«<iRsued quarter! and rewards periodically DISTRIBATECTJ/bv whkrfr and other means, a symt of emulalynl is excitadfaml the full powers ofi^e youthf'uMnjndVfre .drawj/mto action, without anyi'ecourse forcorpc/i-al puni,s^Sent. Parentsnnay rely np4i ev/ry atteiffion being paid to ««ie heaith and comfortjjf chjMren, as the domestic arrangements are on the m t eral scale. The premises being only a mile distant from the Mi telle!ft%n s i >n of ptfe Hereford, Ross, and Glou- cester I? n 1-v xi e of easy access to pupils travelling by the S-.UMJ U line, or by way of Abergavenny and Hereford.. J -A Prospectus and View of the House, with Inclusive q, if required, which are extremely moderate, will be ÍOl'wal'tlHr! onapplicfltion to the Principal. /i 'flie school will re-open the 18th .J-IJLV. ¥&+■ "TEB.OTTS ETT?T?HEU"CES. Estiibh dhy the present Principal 1838. j Mo MO EE MLLS NOE ANY OTHEE MEDICINE IjlOR NERVOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, C()NSTIPA1ION, &c. Sen-W¥ee by post for two' stamps, the Invalid's Qjssn^Quide, 04'pao-es THE NATURAL REg^^rlER /j5F PERFECT HEALTH to the niMMffvfeeble^l by a nleflsant and naturathleans, ^irffre*ftv<#flRd^ratl«fl5^eon8fipation diarrhoea, toj^wdity of tltt li^r^^rtfreisting headaches itervousjjesrg; dJ^londency, low spirits, cough, asthma, ineipieTitwetfnSumptjon, debility, dropsy, spleen, &c. London: Mann/Nephews, Booksellers m Cornhill. PERFECT. HEALTH WITHOUT PHYSIC OR EXPENSE. DU BAERY'S- DELICIOUS HEALTH EESTOEING EOOD THE EEVA-. LI'iNTA ARABICA, at a cost, of about a penny per meal, speedily cures constipation, dyspepsia (indigestion) nervousness, flatulency, distension, phlegm, biliousness' liver complaints, histeria, neuralgia, sleeplessness, acidity, congestion, blood to the heatf, head aches, Joss of memory, indecision, nervous fancies, palpitation, heart- burn, eruptions, impurities, fevers; irritability, low spi- rits, diarrhoea, dysentery, noises in the head and ears debility, diabetes, pains between the shoulders, ernmps, spasms, nausea and sickness, sinking fits, colds, catarrhs cough, asthma, bronchitis, consumption, debility, gout! rheumatism, hemorrhoids, also children's complaints and saves fitly times its cost in m^inciae. It does not interfere with a:liberal diet, but imports a healthy relish for lunch and dinner, and restores tie faculty of diges- ion and nervous and mugcuiar eiE^-gy to' the most enfeebled. We extract a few out af many./housand enresCare No. 177], Lord Stuart dc jQfcics of mawyears^iyspepsia. Curo No. 49,832. I1 ifty yoitrs inucs^ribKijly aawy from dyspepsia nervousness, astlna^reougl!, 'constipatioo^flatulency, spasms sickness and vomiting, luge 1/cei remqjred by J)a iiai-rv's ex (■client Pood.—Madia JoJlOof Lyr n, Norfolk.—Cure No 53 816 Field Marshal the Duke hi Plu .ktyfi-, of dyspepsia, eons'tipa tion, nervousness and livoecomp'i liflts, which had resisted al e baths and medieal treatment.—(Kue No.-47,121. Miss Eliza beth Jacobs, of extreme nervousness, indigestion, gatherings Iov,r spirits, and nen'ous fiuicie/.—Cure No. 54,816. From t(ie iiev. James X. Campbell, Syd^rstone Rectory, near Farnliam Norfolk, 5th Becember, 1S.W Gentlemen, in all cases of indi- gestion, and particularly when the liver is more than usually affected, I consider Dn Harry's Revalenta Arabica Food the best ot all remedies. It regulates the bile, iiiid makes it flow in cases which would not admit of mercury in any shape In short, a healthy flow of bile is one of its earliest and best symp- toms.—Similar testimonials from Dr. Ure; Dr. Harvey- Dr Bright; Dr.CMnphelI,- and many thousand other respectable parties who can be referred to. Sold in canisters at Is. 1 gd.; lib., 2s. 9d.; 21b., 4s. 6d. 121b., 22s. ■ 241b., 40s. super refined quality, 51b., 22s. 10lb.,33s. The K)tb., 121b., and 2411). Canisters car- riage free, on receipt of post-office order, by BAJlRY Da BARRY & Co., 77, Regent-street, London; Fort num, Mason and Co., 182, Piccadilly, and all grocerj and chemists. AGENTS :—Aberdare, Messrs. D. R. Evans-, H. J, Thomas, John Jones Brynmawr, Mr. O. Meredith* Merthyr, Mrs. M. W. White, Mr. T. Loveridge, Mr W. Stephens, Mr. E. Gay, Mr. T. II. Williams, Mocer Tredegar, Mrs Peaty; Ebbw Yale, T. Y. Lewis, ¡ MR. DANIEL DAVIES'S NOTICES Mr. DANIEL DAVIES, Auctioneer, Appraiser, and GenerqjSTjommission Agent, EESPECTFULLY rei-urns biS^shicer/ tlyanks to his numerous Friends an up t," or kite Patron- age he has received forXie last yearf, nntUrfegs to solicit a continuan of theip-suppprtV' yS Offices, Ivor Strait, DowlaifjA an/l Albio nn, High Street, Merthy J/ I Personal attendance given in Morthj^every THURS- DAY. Rents collected. Fire andfaffie Policies effected on advantageous Terms. S Dowlais, June 2nd, 1859. MONEY ON FREEHOLD & LEAS^HCffiJ) JROE«l5Ty, by the Perpetual tuknd, and^Building Society, London, to^replm bv iiMalin^fts within 15 years, at 5 per>e^nt. per flhnym.—Application to be made to ANIEL D r, etioneer, &c., 19, Ivor-street, Dowlais, Agent forfMerthyr District. TO PAETIES ABOUT Tp- EUlNISH. TO BE SOLD BY PRN^RFE CONTflCT, by Mr. DANIEL DAYIES^<A few^EigM-dSV CLOCKS, in mahogany casesj/tfuite J&w, jintp'warrarffed good time-keepers. Priros from to £ 5 eaej>r 19, Ivor-street, Dowlais, JuJe 2«th^60. MR. T. H. EVANS'S NOTICES. -¡- THOMAS H. EVANS, Auctioneer t Valuer, 9, BUTE STBBET, ABERD^R^ Agent for the Consols" Insurance^issocfetion jn con/' nection with Governmpjft Seaurilyl T NEARLY half the Premurffis naid frqm year year le le are entirely at tliewm of niAlnsilred, arm can be withdrawn at any moment.—Forvfurtler jwrticulars, apply to T. H. EVA S. \R TOWN OF ABERDARE. To SCULPTORS, MASONS, BUILDERS, &c. TO LET, and immediate,possesswtfmay be had, rpHE BUSINESS and PREMffiE^Vf Mr. WM. |_ THOMAS, Sculptor, Comja^rcipl-pjfflbe, Aberdare. The Stock, which is reducejJ<to be taken at, valKJuioii. The above premises are stable, witlj|a little atferation, for any other trade or bj*gmess,We'a cental situation is an object. The ppffiiise^Ttre lW hekKupon lease, of which nine years are unexpired, Jt an/exceedingly low rental. Thislejsrse will be exposal#)?, if desired.—For further particulars, apply to r. HOMAS, on the pre- mises; or to Mr. T. H. EVANS, Auctioneer, Aberdaye: or at the TELEGRAPH Office, Merthyr. SALE BY MR. WALTER PERROTT. TREDEGAR, MONMOUTHSHIRE. WALTER PERROTT Has received instructions from the Proprietors to offer for SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the TALBOT INN, 1REDEGAR^ on THURSDAY, the 26th day of JULY, 1860, at Five o'clock in the Evening, subject to the conditions then to be produced, the following valuable B LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MONMOUTHSHIRE. Lot1.-TW0 COTTAGES, Gardens, and Ap- or X purtenances. fin the occupation of "'V • Wm.Williams,Joseph Thomas, Thos. Parry; John Williams, Daniel Pierce, Thos. Evans, and ThomasWilliams, LOT 2.—TWO do. do. are situate in Park- Thomas, Thos. Parry; John Williams, Daniel Pierce, Thos. Evans, and ThomasWilliams, LOT 2.—TWO do. do. are situate in Park- LOT3.—TWO do. do.< row, Tredegar, and LOT 4.—TWO do. Sc Stable. are let at the weekly rent, of £ 1 2s., and held under a lease held under a lease iromtheTredegarIron t Co., at the ground rent of £ 5 lis. per annum, 29 years of 1 which are unexpired. LOT 5.—TWO COTTAGES, with their Gardens and Appurtenances, in Cwmrhos, Tredegar. LOT 6.—ONE ditto ditto ditto ditto. In the occupation of Robert Davies, David Harris, and Rich- ard Jenkins; held under a lease from the Tredegar Iron Company (29 years are unexpired.)-Lots 5 and 6, ground rent jEl each. Lot 5, weekly rent 4s. Lot 6 ditto 2s. 9d. LOT 7.-SEVEN COTTAGES and Appurtenances, situate in Market-place, Tredegar, in the occupation of John Thomas, William Roberts, Joseph Evans, J. Tho- mas, Mic. Price, Evan Rowlands, and Thomas Francis; held under a lease from the Tj>edegar Iron Company, at the ground rent of X4 1. 19 years of which are unexpired. Weekly rent, 114. Id. LOT 8.—ONE COTTAGE, Garden, and Appurten- ances, situate in High reet, Tredegar.. LOT 9.—ONE dit ditto ditto, adjoiafng lot 8. LOT 10.-UNE Ittn ditto tto, adjoining lot 9. These are occupied by William 11 aiotflv, Hugh Pugh, and John Wjrfte, at thefvf$kly vejA of 2s. each, and are he id under a leasdtfrAjh the Trgfiegar Iron Cornpanv for 29 Wis, at the gjkuttl rerU/of £ 3. LOT xl. CROWN • INNVsvith Brewhouse, Field about five acres, Gardens/and Appurtenances, and Smiths' Shop, let to Messrs. Jenkins and Marsden, at the rent of £50 per < Hum. This Property is held under a lease from tM Tredegar Iron Company for 71 years from the 25th of March, 1810, and subject to the ground rent of £ 13. LOT 12.— FATY O COTTAGES and Gardens, situate at Argoed, Monmouthshire, held under an unexpired lease of 65 years, granted by Thomas Williams, Mary Williams, and Thomas George, now in the occupation of good tenants, at a ground rent of 21s. per annum. Rent 15S. per month. BRECONSHIRE. LOT 13.—The BUSH INN, with Brewhouse Stable large Garden, and THREE COTTAGES adjoining1! situate at Bukestown, in the parish of Llangunnider' in the above county, in the occupation of Thomas Co1- lins, Walter Lewis, Henry Phillips, and Lewis Lewis.'at the rental of 13s. 3d. per week. The above are held under an agreement tor a lease of 99 years, from His Grace the Duke of Beaufort, subject to the ground rent of 12s. per year. LOT 14.—ONE COTTAGE, Garden, fNr;arI.y aAjoin- and Appurtenances. Ground rent "'R'Jot Id, m 10s,; weekly rent 2s. ,9d. J :re °.^uPa- LOT* 15.—ONE ditto ditto ditto.) ,ouo'-)avid Ground rent £ 1; ditto 2s. I wVanT r!'1 | Wm. Jones. LoTiG.—TWO commodious COTTAGES, Gardens and Appurtenances, situate at Scwrfa. Dukestuw] in the occupation of John Clee aad William Pritchard as weekly tenants at, 2s. fld. and 2s., held under an ncrree- ment, for a lease for 99 years from His Grace the Duke of Beaufort. LOT 17.—SIX COTTAGES and Gardens, situate near the Victoria Inn and Catholic Chapel, iu the aforesaid parish and county, in the occupation of Thomas Grif- fiths, lienry Parfit, and others; held under an agree- ment for a lease from His Grace the Dufce of Beaufort, subject to a ground rent of 22s. per year. Weekly rentals, 6d. LOT 18.- FIVE COTTAGES, Gardens, and Appur- tenances, situate at or near the Brick Yard, Cwmnant- ybwch, in the aforesaid parish and county, in the occu- pation, of William L. Davies, Watkin Morgan, Daniel Davies, David Herbert, and Morgan Owen held under lease from His Grace the Duke of Beaufort; weekly reijt 10s. (id.; ground rent 5Cs. per annum. For further particulars, apply to Messrs. C. H. and F. JAMES, Solicitors, Merthyr; or to the Auctioneer Tredegar. WHEN YOU1 ASK FO GLENFIELD I SEE THAT T I As inferior kinds nr^^i^trbsufjutetJ.—OTHERSPOON 10 an( Glasgow aadusMon. HEALTHFUL EXERCISE. W1LLIAM WALTERS respectfull^^informs the Public that he has just taken thXl^OURT •i'AVJiltJV, near the Court Housc/Merthjf to^etliT with the TENNIS .COURT attach/fl. Genifemeirdesi- rous of having a game at the/ninocerAf arad. haftfthful exercise of Bail Playing wijniave twer-J atten/fon and the use of the excellent Brffi CourAdlZn £ that cannot fail to give/^islaciiAi. The utmost ordeiyVill alwavfAw pV^erved, so that Gentlemen may amuse themselvW; wMout the fear of objectionable interference, or-anytlii«& that may detract from their pleasure, n MR. TITUS JONES'S NOTICES. CEFNCOEDYCYMMER, NEAR M BRTHYB TO BE LET, with immediate possession, THAT well-known HOUSE, called the "CEFN HOTEL," near the Cemetejj< The House, which is recently built, possesses eveajfccui venience for a large trade. There are Stable a*ro CyacMiojise, with the necessary outhouses, an inhere if afflfpeJied a very large well-fenced Garden, trelliseu lummer hj>»ses, orna- mental plants and/vergrg0tk, "nd the^whole well adapted for an ex^nsive^ut-cfaor summer trade. The Stock aiyTl^urni^nje may be^ffken at a valuation. The cause for lettinaMrhe *(mm is in consequence of the death of the late Mrs- Aswrey. For particulars, apply o Mr. D. ASFREY, China Warehouse, High-street, Merthyr; or to Mr. TITUS JONES, Auctioneers" No. 1, Castle-street, Merthyr. MERTHYR TYDFIL. CAPITAL INVESTMENT IN LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. ■ TO BE SOLD AUCTION, By Mr. TITUS JJtffES, At the GRAWEN ARMS INN, Tynnl's Well, on THURS- DAY, JULY 19th, 1860, irf Seven for Eight o'clock p.m. (subject to tho coij^miens tfijm prodjurced), ALL those SIX confpact aAd w«-buHt COTTAGES j'TL or DWELJ»I^VG HOLMES, witn pantries, war- dens, and o r co ene an-dalso TWO STA- BLES, situate at JVIOTO n-strect//Grawen-terr:i.'e, now in the occupationmt resp jctablVtenants, producing at a very low rental (<*Jmpai 3d j/ith other Cottages in the same locality) th^rtim of\ JSC Is. 6d. The above Property i/held under a lease from the late Mrs. Morgans, (jKBolawd, for 99 years, about 88 of which are now unexpired, subject to the ground rent ofjE3 4s. only. For further particulars, and to view the premises, apply to the owner, Mr. W. HARRIS, near the Grawen Arms; or to the Auctioneer. No. 1, Castle-street, Merthyr, July 3, 1880. TO LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POSS SION, (1 A DWELLING HOUSE, BUT Sfl4iersi-nJ?!ce Thomas Town, Merthj^rfwelladapt/d fhpa res- pectable family. A ood pply frt Jtvater oiTthe pre- mises.—For particulap^pplyfil) Mr/Jojtf SHAPTON No. 1, Soiner et- *) Merthyr, Jun^a7th, 1860. TO BE LET And may be entered upon medi ly, A PUBLIC HOUSE calle^the ffiUn SELL,' situate in Horse-stre^TDowhtos. Itis well adapted for business, and a/^uit.aJ*Mk pew^on/would soon command in it an extenshie aii<\ profltablyfrade. Com- ing-in trifling.—Appbr to MR. JW £ IN THOMAS, Pantyscallog, Dowlas V TO SCHOOLMASTEBS & 0 TO BE LET, and may be ~i>ntere*Con 'fynwdiaiUy. A SCHOOL-BOOM, in/?^em^raBCfo^treet, Merthyr.—Apply to Mr. BENAMATEVANS' Timber Merchant, Merthyr./ /y PONTLOTTYN, BHYMNBY. T olLS^i A HOUSE and SHOP^/Mfmafje asuftov^ It is in one of the best sjjtffatiofis bushes in Pont- lottyn, and is well adjurotLfcr either a Draper or Grocer. The premises arc^K&erUlyl erW'ted,yi<iid possess every convenience for a family.^Tlie 4Kove will be Let on Lease, or Sold, if desired '—Awftly to Mr. WILLIAM BOSTON, Pontlottyn, Rhymncy. TO D E A P E B S. TO BE LET, and may be July next, yS A SHOP and PREMISES^Jtuate in High-sf*eet, Merthyr, neaa- Zoar Chapel, and nlw'lii tji^occu- pation of Mrs. Isaacs. shop i/Tfitten conveniently for the business of a D per, i aTVood situation, and the House is convenxmtfoiflbe r qu e ts of a family. Rent moderate^^For parftula -s, arppjly to Mr, J. LLEWELLYN<'CEFNEOEDYCY/IME] yf MILLINERY & DRESS MAJxINGT~ rpHE MISSES ISABELLA PRICE, of 62, Church-street, TRBDM<J^, beg ftp return thanks to their numerous friends for tl^gfcSt enffoti- ragement and patronage tha^'have mcmpd siryst their arrival from London, wliejx<they ac^ujreil/a knowledge of the most approved Fashions ofjhe Season^ APP NTICE, 1, NTD Tredegar, Moi*rf J une 26th, 1^00. 1/ JOHN GABE- Builder, Contractor, Architect, Jhipraiser, Valuer, i THOMAS TOW^MS^HYII. Plans, Specifieations^jful Esfm ares, the shortest Experienced^JJdftkmen in (wer bamch of Building TPfade constanwy ei j^loyed. D. E. JON/S,~P Practical Clock & IfciiicM yillakG^, Near the Savings/'BMnt^JI^wlaiy Watches and Clocks, and JrWllcry or every des- cription, rejiaired on me premises. JOHN PEICE/1 >- Auctioneer. Appraiser, and- Acf/imtamt, Ucj/fsc Estate, and G-ener) FIRE AND LIFE P0IICM8^FF.^ED^ACC0U15TS AND REM COD^CTBD/ T 4, Polar-place, Tretfegar, Apri^86('| £10 REWARD. WHEREAS on the Nicht of th^6fh of Jun/last, some evil disposed pers >n/md jmalicioiydy1 Stab and otherwise ill-treat a POJ/Y bdldbein^to Mr. EDMUND WATKINS, Fararer, kRvvIRNINi^oed.—now, whoever will give such mim-maxionVs sjmll lead to the conviction of the Offen or^ftlendm^wi]] receive thp above lie ward. (\ A. Information to be given tB Mk/E* WATKINS n= above; or at the Police Officfi7 W^hyr. Dated this 2nd day of July, ]$(!() TO MASONS. W immediately,—1THIRTy good WALL- wJ, b' t0 build in tlie Tunnejxtnd^]jridges on the Vvhitcome and Riccarton Cj>rffracts, ,,ear Haw'ck ijorder Union Railway. y' Six Shillings per dav^-ST ten^urs will be iiifen to good Workmen in t>c TnniyM, Mil Five Sliiffin-'s and Sixpence per davjfelroutsid^Mrlf^ yS Application t<fbe ma«je WJvff. Jos; r.i^RrTso^ Glvn- Neath • Viiiou^ Docks' or the l:oiemail on the Works] Also, a good FOn "AlAN ANTED, for Tunnel Masonry. „ WILIyWM RITSON Contractor. Dated 9f.!i July, 1860. R H Y M N E Y. IF' 33. 1ST Zj X IsT DaxO 2sT, (Lute of Plymouth SurgeryyMerthyr), BEGS to inform the inhabi><fnts of liRhymne<^ and surrounding neiulibourluxH thaj^he lias coMftnenced Business as a CHE vtldTaHfl the pre- mises near the Cliuvcli f^tely oAupievl byMr. William Davies, Grocer), v.itb/ri ex^nsivV -,f Drugs and Cliemieals of sujK^r qualfty, lud'Jfopes, by strict attention and mwlSrate chargis, toWwl their patronase andsupport. Y Physicians' Prescriptions and/Family Recipes accu- rately dispensed. Oils, Paints, Colours, and Varnishes; Tooth, Hair Nail, and Paint Brushes; Patent Medicines and Per- fumery, &c., &.C. Teeth carefully extracted. J WANTED,—EMP £ w a Young Man 16 years of age^fCTy stp<togJ ami well educated.— Apply to Mr. SAjevr, Aj^tioijeeJjr^degar. RANTED,—A Young Lady as Ml^APMl^flCE > V to the Millinery. Also, a>fespedl^|)le >*outh to the Drapery trade.—Apply toJ^JoNfil, Ahafior House. Merthyr. f l/f WANTED, at a Pawabro'■- ■'s OfHce-*iiy/^CTthyp Tydfil,—An active, intei-igenj^lJUTfft capable of keeping accounts. He will b»rfe an^pfMimify of acquiring a knowledge of the^ffnucaB^Vindl in^imdition, receive good wages.—AJTO^TO i\f3. AIII-.A JACOB' 38, Wellingtoii-street e tljyr. j I'/] W. EVANS, Tanner, Bridge Street, MpftfJtv*, CONTINUES to produce the Uf^I^lurf^Vi>rk C and Wear. When you ixlrchjsa and Shoes, see that the MerfHtfyv 1 .uiiiage An Apprentice wap^d to th u- y Business. "All is not Gold that glitters." Jl ,R- MORGAN. UrU'urwg, I LIhth-IIV, will deliver his popular WELSH ttBTURE on the above subject, in MoRrA^HA]|Ei^oWL«s on S" Lecture to cormnence'i Se1 en o^lock p.m TICKETS,*ffll. e L Tailor by Appointment to the\2th Glamorgan shire or Merthyr Tydfil Eifia Volunprfrs. RHYS T. TAILOE & woolly P SHIP'STRPDF, BRECON YS Orders by Post or otherwise pijprap l/atteuded to.