Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

4 erthygl ar y dudalen hon


JULY, 1860.

JULY, 1860.I



CAUTION J THIS is to give Notice thataH^cr^n4 with or without Dogs, foujifl Tl%p^singJpf sejirch of Game, or for anv-tJther purao:e, QK^he Ysgubor Fawr and Pantycynferth Fai-j^jPen- oerrin, or Cwmporth Farm, Ystraui'oirte, will be prosecuted as the law directs. MR. JOHN PEICE, Wholesale Provision Factor, 2G, Wellington-street, MeijXyr. Home-cured Welsh Bacon of*1ie^st' the lowest majjJ#^pric^S |1 PRIME WELSH MIFCB, BY MSLAFFA, Always o c, at re ona I STOKES Back of High-snreep^^Entranc^4p Chapel-street. TO DRAPERS. TO BE DISPOSED F, ^4 N excellent Ready-Money BJP^INESSin. JrV. the above line, in the jy<t situa|j(M| in Dowlais The premises arel«e largestHTlfejiF;" convenient in the neightxmrhood# whlft munerative businessjirffs been d^r for th^last 10 years. Satisfa^y reasiH^ fori its^disposal, and any further particin^rs ■fill Wgiven on' application to Mr. EVA)N bojrbs. Draper. Merthyr. The above is an opportunit at seldom occurs to any Young Man with a moderate capital. Prichard's Aromatic Steel Pills AR E successful in all cases of>«Jfeeblcd healU^- where the vital flu^p'Tias bec<»neijjSte-^ riorated, and physical ejxfgies TOstefl A&^vveak- ened. Prepared b<^W. Eiwdkinu^Apothe- cary, 65, Chapflf Crq«, in/bAfS aris. lid., 2s. 9d., 4sr^a., and lit it of Messrs. Smyth, and Rees, cheriistsLaferthyr; James, chemist, Dowlais; Tih I clieinist, Aberdare; and by order of all medicine vendors. AEKIENDLY BIT OF CHIT-CHAT between Mrs. SCBUBWELL and Mrs, THRIFTY, about" HARPER TWELVE. TREES' SOAP POWDER." SCRCBWELL. But do you mean to say that you have washed all that lot of clothes before breakfast this morning ? THRIFTY. Oh yes, it's easy enough now to get rid of all the slap-dash, steam, and dribbling slops on a washing day in good^fimeX I can always ipake quick work of Tj^shing iy- itsingv" Harper TwelvetrecsU^p Ptwd^^and it niak-fts tiie clothes heaujpiiJlv^cH^ and white too, I c<& assure yoii/1 merJA' Ml them 20 Hi mutes, and lmn^niem uo 3 drv.^J* have never used ariynitog cyual to ff, and LJf^e tried all sorts of tlj*fgs in By time. Jn fact, one reason why T like "Haflbcr l>prfvetrces' Soap Powder" over other Washing*nPowders is, be- cause it is soft and einollj^fit to the hands, and makes such a fine nice 1 ler. Besides, I never rub our clothes, and. ou know how black my Jim's shirts get at the Foundry. Patentee: Harper Twelvetrees, "The Works Three Mills-lane, Bromley-by-Bow, London. Sold by E. R. Gay, T. Rees, and R. Thomas, druggists, Merthyr Tydfil, and bv grocers and druggists everywhere, in Id. packets, and 6d. and Is. canisters. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. A CURE FOR THE AFFLICTED!Pos sessed cf tins remedy eveiVriian is his own Family Physician. If his \/fe q»childj*4f are troubled with eruptions of/Gie sfeii, wwesymi- mours, white swellings, s^re astln^, or any other external ailmont, a AsrseN^riiyr use of the Ointment is all thx. is necessity a radical cure. f Pit of and Fistulas./ Tiie cures vvlium thi^|^ntm(!nymccts, in heal- ing Ulcers oflong stiunBrtg anlpvhioli liave re- sisted all othCT applications, asftVdl as in curing Piles, Fistulas, have been s0 countless and so ^notorious throughout th<> yorid, that anv effort to give an adequate detaHed statement ui tln-ir number or clihracter would be ain. It js suffi- cient to say that the Ointment has never proved inefficacious. Great Household Reined' The diseases of the skin, to which 'ciiildren are most subject, such as encrustcu sores on the head and face rashes, ringw mi, tetter, pimples, kc., are quickly relieved by tiis ongucut. B th the Ointment and fill., should lie used in the f'lO.Qvlnj case»:— Bacl Jejrs Corns (soft) Rheumatism Hid breasts Cancers Stales 5ur!.1= Coiitra;'tcd ami scrn nipples Bullions r'.ilV joints Sore-tliroats llile of Moselic- J'lept'anl iasia Skiu-diseases tots and Sand- Fistulas Scurvy fdes Gout Sui-e-hcads oeo-bay Glandular swcl- Ti'.m':urs Cinc^o-'oot jnicrs Ulcers Chilblains Lumbago Woi'ds Cbappod hands Piles Y-Ivs Sold at the Establishment of PROFESSOR HOLLO WAY, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar), London, and by all respectable Druggist* and Dealers in Mediciues throughout the civilized I world, at the following pricc.s:—Is. Iil 2s. 9d., 4s. (id., lis., 22s., and 33s. each Box. j There is a considerable saving by taking the larger "izes. N.B.—Direction? for the pruidatic; ot patient I io every disorder are aftLted to each Box. t MF- DAVID PRICE'S NOTICE, DAVID PRIO-E, Auctioneer, Appraiser, A<*dutfant, Mouse and Land Merrf\\ Fire and Life Policies aj^ct ^antageous .ta 'on and Land Merrf\\ Fire and Life Policies aj^ct Punctua' attendee <V)jj infers entrusted Private Residence—38, as-street, 8, Merthyr Tydfil: Mr. ABEL S. JONES'S NOTICE. COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE. LONDON WAREHOUSE DEAPEEY ESTABLISHMENT. TO BE LET BY PEIV.iTE COKTSACT, for a term of years, ALL those large and commodious Premises adapted for an extensive r-raperv business .the pwperty of Mr. Samuel 1. Draper, and now^Ccupied by him, situate/n QfcmmeEeftfl- Wreet, Aberdare, where he bfo camVif&Q the >K)ve trade for the last 12 yaftrs, and fata «6ioh 'lej^nres to private life. i /The premises consistjn a K^Mhon^O feet by 21 feet, wifh Pla^f Glasi^ndoTOTand re- plete witl, the most/modo* fix\reAnd arnli- ances. Show Roc^Hat %)S¥ROO|!L The dwelling tfart consisti?4)f sjffting room,par- lour, k'.t^hen/n'ith every ot>fer convenience, seven bedrooms, also warehojlCe and outhouses. Commercial-street fo the principal tho- roughfare for the large fast-increasing popu- lation nf the town, and affords the very best traniiig chances fi r visiting and casual cus- tomers, acd,t:;c piCKiises advertised are centrallv m ,an<^ directly on the main road from the Taff ale and Vale of Neath Railway Stations, .omeach of wLich hundreds of passengers e ortli thrice a day. The whole of the premises are in perfect re- pair, and will be Let to respectable and trades- manlike parties only, at a rent quite moderate in comparison with the present rates charged for premises in the same trade in the same town. For further particulars, apply to ABEL S. JONES, Auctioneer, at his Office, Commercial- street; or to Mr. S. LEWIS, the proprietor. June 13th, 1860. v LORD BAGfL AN INN, MERTHYR. ^F>EES GABE announces <fl^li^dommercial JLt Friends and above Inn h^s even' conveniej/e f«<\hife^ccommod ation, /"tind the Goods of* the very best quality. *1 JT Horse and Trap kept"WHire on reasonable terms, and Orders for them by post promptly attended to. ■ MERTHYR SUND AND. THE TOWN BAND jXealler,/Mr. W. MATTHIAS) will AveM7coircERT of .SACRED MUSICjjn&ETiTUL'ynext, after I^Three o'clock Tp.vaJ^at w^Wi^ows. near the Canal Bank, to hie supjSjrftedVi^voluntary con- tributions. Coliector, W\THOM:AS, Com- mission Agent, Bridgestredff. FREE PASSAGE TO AUSTRALIA. Wanted iityfnediately, for South Aw- tralia, i STRONG, healthy Men, who 1 Stf are accuston>efl to Farming HkntEMT' Pursuits- Serafol Maids of^good ^harac^erfo^;irdeljreeo^harge The^rolfowinQ|la!^r/lM,e most m aomand:—Plou^men-^Bg^eros. Bullock Drivers, HerdsW; a few wlteelgJ^hts, Masons, Smiths, Carpenters, S^W^ers, aWT Copper Miners. Apply personally for jfcplkfltion forms, pro- ducing character, to DAVIES, Govern- ment Emigration Agent, Circle, Tredegar. Insolvent to be heard, at the County Court of Glamorganshire, holden at Cardiff, in the said County, before John Maurice Herbert, Esq., the Judge of the said County Court, at the Town Halt at Cardiff aforesaid, on Friday; the Twenty-seventh day of July, 1860, at the hour of Ten in the Morning precisely. EORGE HARM AN, a Wnftpmt in VJT the Gaol at Cardiff, ii^^ie connty of Gla- morgan, out of business ybefoA tlfen of No. 2 Rntlan8«lace, in the t^wnv«f SfaanM(f, in the said-bounty, surveyor aira \rchi^et/ hou6e- k4>uilde^, and c«ntracer,/Jkul darjm; the last six montMs of his residence afjJ' aforesaid, having a worksBor^md premises near tke lte^f Lion, on the Ojmtermouth Road at Swansgb aforesaid, where he carried on the said business of surveyor and architect, house-builder and contractor. HENRY MORRIS, Insolvent's Attorney. Pursuant to the several Acts for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in England.-On the 26th day of June, 1860. rpiIE County Court of Brecknockshire, holden X at Brecknock, upon the due filing of the Schedule of DAVID MORGAN, sued as David Morgan, commonly called and known as, and sometimes using the name of David Thomas Morgan, lately and for five years last past and upwards, of Church-street, Twyncarno, Rhvmney Iron Works, in the parish of Bedwellty, n> the county of Monmouth, market gardenep^eeds- man, haulier, common carrier, buwl^h4«^confec- tioner, dealer in oils, colour^ chi\y glass, hard and earthenware, potatoej^lrjclSrer, grocer, prpvision dealer, general^oeakt ^gomiRnd lodg- ing house keeper, now a Pris i he Gaol of Brecon, in the couafy oree ock, whose ctse rw es Estate and Effects Jjdfve IreenVested in the Pro- visional Assignee Ify O^der dotf made in that behalf; and up<n/refere*fie o^\e Petition and Schedule of thr said Pri*>naf for hearing made to this Court by Order of tije Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors pursuant to ths said Acts; it is ordered and r.ppointed that the said Prisoner shall be brought up to be dealt with according to the provisions of the said Acts before the Judge of the said County Court at Brecknock, in the said couaty, on the TIIIRTY-^?IRST day of JULY instant, at the hour of Ten in the morning precisely, of which all Creditors and persons claiming to be Creditors of the said Pri- soner, for the sum of Five Pounds or more, shall have Notice by service ot a copy of this Order, made within such time and in such manner as is prescribed by the Rule of Court in that behalf. By the Court. TAKE NOTICE. 1. If any Creditor intends to oppose the said Prisoner's discharge, Notice of such intention must be given to the said Prisoner in writing, which may be left at the Gaol, two clear days before the day of hearing above-mentioned, ex- clusive ot Sunday, and exclusive both of the dry of giving such Notice and of the said day of hearing. 2. The Petition and Schedule will be produced by the proper Officer for inspection and exami- nation at the Oitice of the Court in London, between the Injurs of Ten and Three, on this Notice heme: exhibited ;wuid copies of the Peti- tion and Schedule, or such part thereof as shall be required, will be provided by the proper Officer according to the Act 1 and 2 Vict., c. 110j sec. 105. N B.—Entrance to the Office in Portugal- street, Lincoln's fnn Fields. 3. The dupUcatc of the Petition and Schedule, and. all hfeoks, papers, and writ ings, filed there- with, will be produced by the Clerk or Assistant Cierk of 1\ae rud Countv Court, for inspection and examination at the Office of the said Couaty Court at Brecknock aforesaid, and copies of the Petition and Schedule, or such part t.h<reoK a* shall be renuirc-d will be provided accordingta sec. lOW of the Aft. FEW and COMPANY, No. 2, Henrietta- street, Covent Garden, London, AMnte for I'AMD WILLIAM MORRIS, of Mertiiyr Tydfil, in the county of Gla- morgan pud of Cetncffedycymnier, in tli, s'Mu-ity of Brecon, Attorney ot tne Insolvent*Debtors' Court, M'd attorney f"r tne r;;d(' Insolvent in the matter thit' Petition.