Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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Family Notices

I £ 11Y M N Til Y.


I £ 11Y M N Til Y. THANK Go l, cur hay harvest is nearly finished, and whatever may become of wheat and potatoes, the main ar!icle of folder is secure. Sir James Hall says fodder is often so scare in the high lands of Scotland, that the cattle are frequently known to eat each other's ears in lieu of grass or heather, which the frost bound soil re- fuses to their needs. Of course a hard light preceeds these flagrant violations of meum and tuum. We have not yet been so hard driven here as to cannibalise to any great extent, but it must be admitted that a great consumption of finger nails look place before we could get up to the scratch of ten-pence a pound for cheese, bacon, and butcher's meat; and though we do not dine on hay directly, the price of it is felt in a three-penny cabbage. Potatoes are coming in now, but sadly enough a good part goes out to ti e wash-tub again. and even here the high rate of oats and hay is manifest, not only ia the price but the weiehts of the itinerant vendors, and we do hope that if they will feed their half-starved nags on the road at our expense that they will at last give them the bad potatoes and leave us the good ones. ANOTHEK ACCIDENT ON THE LIMESTONE ROAD. -In spite of the numbers of people who have been killed on this road by riding on the trucks sent up to the Trevil for lime, it seems impossible o prevent foolish persons from periling their lives for the pake of a paltry two-mile ride to Dowlais. Last week James Morgan and his wife were going to the Yale of Neath Station for an excursion to Swansea; as both were walking on the (ram-road, he met a friend, and turned in to drink with him, while his partner walked on. An ctigine coming up the road, he must have a ride, and jumped on one of the trucks but before he could get clear, the carriage came to the coal stand, when he got jammed between the wall and the truck, and was taken up insensible. He was taken up and carried home on a shutter, while some one ran to overtake his wife, and rec?] her from the thoughts of a pleasant excursion to a perhaps dying husband. The man was found to be less hurt, however, than was expected there were no bones broken, and he is said to be reco- vering from his injuries. TREDEGAR. THE "MONSTROUS" TEMPERANCE FESTIVAL.— If Hoi ace had had Tredegar in his eye when he wrote— "Nulla placere diu, ncc vivere carmina possunt quae soiiibuntur aqucc potoribus." (No songs please or live long which harp on the teetotal string), he could not have said a thing more apposite to our text. Six months ago all Tredegar was revolutionised by Cheap Jack," and the teetotal millenium was seen to be near at hand by enthusiastic stargazers through a bot- tomless beer barrel carried on top of a pole. Unfortunately, however, after highland fashion, the people were baptised into the new faith in hot water, which did not cool more readily than their devotion. Nor was this all. It appears that a number of black sheep, or rather wolves, crept into the fold, and abused the confidence of the unsuspicious elect, among whom we may place foremost Mr. Thomas Howells, grocer; for there hid long existed in this town a Temperance So- ciety, and if devotion to the cause gives a title to eminence, Mr. Howells must be named as its chief; for years and years, when the great tern. perance heart quailed under the powerful organ- isation of licensed victualism, would this un- daunted teetotaler walk 20 miles to meet the deputations of the parent societies, and rather than confess failure, pay the defaulters' subscrip- tions out of his own pocket. No wonder, then, that Cheap Jack should appear to him as the Temperance Messiah, or that he should receive proselytes into his heart and his books, when they so touchingly avowed their conversion. But benevolent enthusiasm is a bungler at a trades- man's ledger, and the consequence of Mr. How- ells's simple faith is, that many of his dearest converts have gone to spread the truths of tee- totalism in the western hemisphere, without giv- ing themselves time to pay their debts. Thm Mr. Howells's'affairs have suffered by this inju- dicious missionary haste, and that brings us, after a most unconscionable preface, to Cefn Goleu, where the friends of temnerance are invited^Q publicans, who are more exacting now than ever; and ncjiey that they can point to a false prophet, deride the .notion of a true one. Besides, this unfovtan -te ticket reminds many backsliders of the monthly deductions made in ridiculous good faith at the office on account of Temperance Hall shares. For all this, if ever there was a fair claim to assistance, this is one, and we were glad to find it more generally r-sponded to than the present aspect of the movement warranted us in believ- ing. Before we go to tea, let us remind the class of men who owe their existence to the defects of our representative system, that a time is fast ap- proaching in which the poor victims of.' intem- perance will not be impoverished and insulted at the same time; and that, if their own interests have net suffered by a great reformation, it is that no honest, earnest-minded man has set about the task in a rational manner.—We have men- tioned Cefn Goleu, but the heavens proved un- propitious had and rain descended in torrents till three in the afternoon, and all thoughts of an out-door tea parly were ¡:: ivcn up, and the Town- hall was hastily fitted up for Lhe occasion. This proved a serious blow to the success of the spe- culation; and though the Hall was well tilled, th", expenses of advertising, labour, and mate rials, will leave, we fear, a small margin of profit for the man whose benefit it w;is mleiided to promote. After tins iame conclu-ivn of ;i fefif, .flltarscferistics ana tendency oi tHe msuruirons as they exist at present. One thing appears certain, from the experiment of the last six months to get the business done without drink, and that is, that they will stand or fail with the public house system. In Tredegar fifteen or sixteen public houses are permitted, all with first class licenses for day and night work, and they pay enormous rents, so as to constitute a powerful phalanx of county voters at an election, at which doubtless the landlords always vole the way. Besides the enormous custom such houseR must get in a voluntary way, many ot the clubs in this and all other towns in the district, have been got up by the landlord interest, to secure a climtele or regular body of consumers, and such is the influence they can bring to bear that many of the clubs would come to an untimely end were they to stand apart from tho drinking customs. If the providence of the men could be directed into a better channel at once, we should say let them break up as soon as possible, for scarcely of them will stand the test or old age, imtf^thn.t isji-y no means certain, and in the mean tiiftfi it is BE- tor to let things contmue as they are till th<*yevil works its own remedy. Another feature in the Tredegar clubs is the bulk of their savings is in the hnuds of the Iron Company wfe eertahily g-ve a biir interest for the money. the ar- rangement is suggestive of an unjSfo'standing VI me: is likely to hamper the freedom of the oocnilive,should matters proceed tosn e.Jremity. uiub buildings are open to the sameoojet iiou and Ll fact, eovi.sic'eri'ig the little care for ttiC phj sicnl w. 1being of the workwcn by employers in South Wales generally, and in tire Truck d'triets espe- cially, wo hold it to be every mvtu'a uufcy to avoiu. i identi(ving himself with the interests of the locality as much as possible pecuniarily. This may appear harsh doctrine to many who can fiud independence in a leisehold house, and £ 10 at death. But the number of complaints we receive daily of the injustice of masters, operating in every way but a nominal reduction of wages, convinces us that the only attitude a working man can take up is one which will leave him perfect freedom of action to remain here, to go to the North, or to emigrate to America, just as his own wishes cr his interest may direct. In towns in most of the iron dis- tricts the grievance appears almost to pass the bounds of endurance. One man loses his earnings in dead work; that is, labour produc- tive of no immediate return to the master. The collier complains that in the coal he is cropped so excessively that it occasions a great diminution of his wages, while his brother miner sees his ore lying on the bank for years exposed to the wea- ther, and in the meantime can hardly get as much )f it cast or paid for as will afford his family bread. With these facts staring us in the face, we say to every man, Silve by all means, but never part with your money It may be all very fine to live in a house of your own but it is yet finer to carry that house in your pocket: it is prudent to guard against sickness, not by such expensive toys as sick clubs, with Adam and Eve proces- sions, and midnight debauches, but by vigilance and economy. If employers, 0 workmen can- not make their speculations pay without aiding themselves by establishing a truck shop, it is time for you to take your spare cash into your own hands, and say, "Let us try." Thanks to steam navigation, you can now look over the whole world for masters. If men are treated more like human beings in the North, you can go there If wages are at double, while provisions are only at half the rate, in America, £20 will take you all, bag and baggage, there; and it visions of a golden Australia flit across your imagination, with the same money you can even get there, leaving your children to keep a home for their mother till you can fetch her. While we admit that the simple people who insure their lives by means of a house and a club, arc perhaps the valuable class of working men a company can get, we cannot help comparing them to those generous insects the aphides, which, when visited by the ants, exude a sweet liquor, which, aecording to Newman, the ants greedily devour. The readiness with which this supply is afforded to ants alone, has caused the aphides to be styled Yacca formicaria. Men, however, are not aphides, and thus we may cau- tion our working clnss not to be so foolish as to become a great milch cow for the benefit of their masters. MERTHYR BOARD OF HEALTH. Tnis Board met on Thursday, when the fol- lowing members were presentGr. Clark, Esq., (Chairman); G. Overton, ESqL; Messrs. W. Jones, G. Martin, D. Rosser, J. Bryant, E. W. Scale, E. Purchase, T. Williams, and L. Lewis. The minutes of the last meeting having been read and signed, the following report from the Surveyor was read :— Merthyr Tydfil, August 2, 1860. To the Members of the Merthyr Local Board of Health. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen,-I have examined the nuisance complained of at Elizabeth-street, Dowlais, caused by the smoke from the bakehouse, and recom- mend that the owners of the property be called upon to raise the chimney-stack three feet higher. It would be a great improvement to the apDearance of the street if the bakehouse were set back to the line of the adjoining houses. The approach to Hjll-street, reported at last meeting, may be much improved by having additional steps put in the middle of the lane, and a pitched gutter on each side, which will cost about £ 5. The Tail Vale Railway Co. have delivered a plan and notice relative to certain alterations they are about mak- ing for widening their railway at its junction with the Cefnforest road and the Parish-road, near Pontygwaith, which I beg to lay before the Board. I have to report the following parties—viz., Isaac Morgan, John Evans, and Howell Morgan, for not' com- pleting the houses at Mountain Hare, in accordance witi the deposited plans and the permission granted thereon by the Board on the 18th of August, 185D,—none ot the three houses having any privies. As the present contract for hauling and team work will expire on the 17th instant, it will be necessary to advertise for new tenders. It may be as well to state that I have found the system of contracting for the haul- ing to work exceedingly well. I find that the team work for the first six months in 1859 cost £ 159 2s. 3d., and during the six months of the present year, £ 15i8s.ld. which gives a saving of £ 104 14s. 2d. in the expenditure of the Board: there has been about an equal quantity of work performed during both periods. I beg to submit to the Board a plan and section of a new road to be made on the Trebedda estate by Mr. Anthony Hill. It is proposed that this road shall be 20 ft. wide, in place of 30 it.; and as it will only be built on one side, i am of opinion that the width will be suffi- cient. The cottages are to be built on the east side of the road, and are to have gardens on the west side 100 ft. in depth. I have to report Mrs. Enoch Williams for having railed oft a portion ot Coedcae Court ad joining her house,which 1 am informed is public property.* The following parties have submitted plans for per- mission to huiId-viz. William Williams, two houses and stable, and William Rosser one house—both at Moun- tain Hare; David Thomas, one house in Davies-street; John Prosser, two houses in Wyndham-street; David Evans, additions to shop in Francis street; and William Simons, two houses in New Cross-street—all in Dowlais, to which leave may be given. There is also an application to build a boundary wall to the road leading from Church-street to the back 6t Oourtlaud Terrace. I have made a tracing, showing the proposed line, which I think will be a great improve- ment to the iomiity. f. I have the honor to be your obedient servant, ALFRED TAYLOR, C.E., Surveyor the Board. 'It was stated by home of the members of the Board that the portion of Coedeae Court railed off by Mrs. Enoch Williams, was intended to prevent the continuance of a nuisance in that. part; hut as the entire corner had not been taken in, and the railed off part had only removed the nuisance lower down, the Hoard agreed that if she asked permission, and agreed to rail off the entire corner, that she be allowed to do so by paying a nominal annual acknowledgment. TIUILDING PLANS. When the building plans were submitted, Mr. Brtunt, pointing to two or three of them, usktd the surveyor if he knew by whom they were drawn out. He had heard they were drawn (u in the Buard of Health olfice by the surveyor's pupil, The surveyor admitted that they had been drawn out by his pupil, but denied that. he had any advantage from the work, or that he wa influenced m any way by the circumstance. His pupil. generally did them after hours for oraetice and in order to obtain a few shillings pocket money. Mr. Bryant submitted that the practice was coutrary to the agreement, of the Board with the surveyor' who was to undertake no private prac- tice. It might be true that literally he (the surveyor) did not do this piivate work/but couid Jie, without actually doing it himself, approach nearer to a breach of his agreement. To s.'iy the least of it he stood in competition with priv?«io draughtsmen, which was not fair when paid a high 8swy out of !;e ruihlic money. The «»h?.irman d;d :;ot. believe ».».">>t- iu;. Taylor would.s,e Inarmed h; favour of any pUu cri;wn oui by hid jjUpu, ¡èl hu t tiu'.re a proof" io dIe contrary, tor ajiiong i he vor.v pun is obje/.ted to was one drawn om uy ids pupd. There was one adv«;n'rtge in the r1\B made by Mr, Tayior's pupil, tiu't ther wer- intelligible, which comu not; be said of most oi the plan* submitted. lIe (the chairman) highly approved of the general conduct of the surveyor, and it would be a prfy that any thing should occur to shake the confi- dence of the Board in him. and therefore, with- out intending a censure, he would advise him to order his pupil to discontinue the practice in future. Mr. KoRgr r agreed in the remarks of the chair- man. If plans were allowed to be made by the surveyor's pupil, the public would have no con- fidence in the surveyor, and all plans rejected, unless madf> ) y his pupil, would be attributed to pf vate feeling. Mr. Bryant would in future have verv little confidence in the recommendation of the Bur- vcivor, for ho had recently recommended a pl%n submitted by Mr. Thomas, Bethesda-street, for the erection of a house which would not only block up nine or ten cellars in the back, hut part of which would be built over a public passage. It was altogether a most objectionable plan, and he would appeal to Mr. W. Jones for his opinion of it. Mr. Jones agreed in the remarks of Mr. Br". ant, and thought that no house ought to be built with the rear abutting on such a filthy plare. The surveyor said that he passed the plan re- ferred to on the principle that it lessened a greater evil and nuisance existing there before. With regard to the plans, as the Board objected, he would instruct his pupil not to do any more. The plans were then passed as recommended by the Surveyor. A letter was read from residents in Mary- street. Dowhiis, complaining of a piece of unen- closed ground in the neighbourhood being a nuisance. Mr. Martin said that he had visited the spot; and there was certainly great reason for com- plaint. It appeared that the ground belonged to Mr. Frederick, who had obtained permission to build two houses upon it some time ago. The Clerk was instructed to writfl to Mr. Fre- derick to abate the nuisance immediately. The boundary wall proposed to be built by Mr. W. Evans, of Union-street. just below Court- land Villa, and leading to the back of Courtland Terrace, was highly approved of by the Board, and permission was readily granted for its erec- tion. Mr. Bryant drew attention to the Local Go- vernment Bill" now before the House of Lords, and having explained an objectionable clause in that bill, suggested that it should be opposed by petition with the seal of the Board. Mr. Clark would agree to any practical means to oppose the measure, but he thought it was now too late. He did not approve of a svstem of legis- lation that took advantage of the incautiousneu of the public, though "in this case the measure was a benefit to the iron trade interest. Mr. Overton considered the measure of vital importance to this town. and would propose that a deputation from the Board wait upon the Go- vernment, in order to support the withdrawal of the clause objected to. Mr. T. Williams seconded this, but the majo. rity of the members thinking it was too late, the motion was not carried. After some other business of minor importance had been done the members separated. MARKET INTELLIGENCE. LONDON CORIT-MAEKET, (MARK-LANE, Mon- day, August 6.)-The weather is still unsettled, and since Saturday a good deal of rain has fallen throughout the south of England. The temper- ature continues low for the season; but, notwith- standing this the accounts of the growing cropw speak of some improvement. The progress is, however, very slow, and unless we have very much fine weather, harvest operations will not fairly commence in less than a fortnight. At the provincial markets, on Saturday, trade waff generally dull, but it was only in exceptional instances that prices were lower. The fresh supplies of English grain at Mark-lane to-day were moderate, but the foreign imports of wheat, barley, oats, and flour were large. Trade was rather unsettled, but without much change in general quotations. English wheat, of which there was a good deal left unsold from previous markets, was held for late rates. Foreign was without change. But; few floating cargoes are now off the coast undisposed of. The last price paid was 54s. for Marianople. Flour is easier to buy. N orfolks 39s. to 40s. American barrels, 29s. to 30s. Indian corn was 2s. per qr. dearer. Barley met a good demand for feeding. Beans and peas were a slow sale at late rates. Oats were more freely purchased at former prices, many cargoes, recently arrived, having gone to store. METROPOLITAN CATTLE-MARKET, (Monday, August 6.)—There was increased supply of stock of all descriptions this morning, consisting of a very large proportion of foreign. The condition of both cattle and sheep from our own grazing districts was better than of late, although stifl below what might be termed a good average. The trade generally was dull, the largest supplies inducing buyers to be more reserved in their ope- rations. For a prime beast here and there about last market rates were paid, but prices on the average were quite 2d. per stone lower. The same remarks will apply to sheep. Lambs and calves were also a slow sale at 2d. per stone de- cline. Pigs were in moderate request at the quotations. BOROUGH HOP-MARKET, (Monday, August 6.) The accounts from all districts coming worse. The market has opened this morning with consi- derate excitement, and an extensive business has been done at a further advance upon last week's prices. Sussex pockets, £ 6 to £6 158.. Weald of Kent do., £6 6s. to E7. Midland and East Kent do., £ 6 10s. to L7 10s.; choice molding do. £7 15s. to i9; super higher. Duty, £ 80,0C0. Our "special correspondent" has had another turn through the plantations, and reports most unfavourably of every district. Here and there a picce is to be found which will do a little, but none could be set over 5 cwt. an acre, whilst the great majority of the grounds won't average a poekct. The duty fluctuates between £80,(X)() and £90,000, but his firm conviction is it will not realise £õO,OOO.

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