Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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MEETimi TYDFIL UNION. To the 'Members of the Board of Guardians. TI.EMES, it be the intention of the Boa'd to ji^'eet a division of the Medical District of Llar.Vtlfisi], Llanwonno, and parent Gellygaci, I -lieg to offerSnyself as a CancUjHfte for the Lower part ot If I should have theJronour tf securimy the majority of your snffrX^es, I A>JS\ Kv ai^/Carnest attention to all the^uties wllicl^'i^yj^" devolve >.ipon me, to LA/M tiiA (Wifideuc^nus reposed in me. "Tu Gc\tlemet^^ Your obedient Servant, ROBERT HUNTER, Licentiate of the Rpyal College of Physicians (Edm'.); Member of the Royal College of Sur- S-poas, England (Registered.) August 1st, 18G0. LOVEEIDGB'S RHEUMATIC RJMLLS, J'OK THE CURE OLJF RHEUMATISM A C UT K Jen UON X C AND MUSCULAR; PATSS IN TH« BA^C PAINS AKD G;UIIIVESS II\ *IE II^AD; X COSTIYBNESS, -k 1,1 i^IGESTIOf Pi-epiired bv TVf. v JJIMW; E. Mpniber of the of ifcrraw'• ritain. LIST ot F I," f Mr. Crosswell; Abcrdarf;, Mr. Evmis NewWwlge and Trcforest, Mr. B:?ssett; Hirwaun, Mr. Sims; Dowlnis, Mr. Lewis; Brynmawi-, Mr. Jones; Neath, ;v> llihberi; Aberditr.-», Mr. Orchard,. Mill-st ^ct; lihyuiv.ov, Mr. Dixon, chemist; Ebbw Vaie, Mr. B. A.. Geoge.—Wholesale Agents, Messrs. | Barclay and Son. London. BUGS DISAPPEAR LIKE MA GlC>s AFTEU using Harper T we] vetrc, Bus: Destroyer, which kills them by Tnil- lions, utterly destroys the element ln^vlncb they breed. None can possibly existjrfter a single ^SohMu packets at 3(L> HVm^p bottles 6d. and Is. each, b^J Aafnts for Harj»ei Twelvctrees' Soap Powd E«ft^iree iorlpc A PENI^x PACiv"F-Tttr TTA11PE R rLWlJvL^r Wl1 R K KSr POI- SONED WHEAT wiirVilv liund/eds of mice and sparrows j*n the^spot. No x/k nor dan^r to human lienor tJVats oAdo^T Crops may be entirely ,»o«ctoi »» £ »>»* wheat over seed beds. 3«d at 1(1., M., oa., inrt Is. Acronts wan tod Patentee; Harper Twelvetrees, Bromley,by- Bow, London, E. it? T? Sold by R. Thomas, T. Rees, and E. R. Gay,, druggists, Merthyr; J. James, chemist,Dowlais B. A? George, Ebliw Vale. HENRI'S HORSE & CATTLE FEED TTENRI'S PATENT CATTLE FRED is the H most perfect proration of tlje day for COWS, ( ALYES, or SHEC1? as hvSdrcds of Testimonials certify..Price 42s per cwt -HENRI'S PIG MErU<24s. per cwf,. HENRI'S PATENT MJipICATEi> HORSE ri.;j) administered rightly, will qmeklv iv- stmv Horses that are/fck ^o^fien feed, mto snlendid and health/without mtei- 12s. S M f HENRI'S PBS) ISVYTNLY »»« '»' l>n„: to wIhuii ot a„ ir Clnl, orders must, be given, and I.«»t Ohitc L.atit, made payable. London Depot, 40, King WiWa-mstreet. Mfci'thyr and ABO-rdare, THOMAS LOYBKI&UK, j Merthyr. ^rieffard's Dandelion, Chamomile, Rl^lbarb, & Ginger PiUs, TXQR Infngestion. and all forms of Bilious and JH T^yef*Coaiplaints. These mild vegetable family aperients are j)arH^fflarl/Iytfu-tli 1 e for inactive bowels and sickJfeadachesMmsing from derangements of the Jrtoinaclil&c., tjjeir action being certain and dObctupL risk or in- convenience. y S In bottles, Is. l^«<\2s. kc^^s. 6d., and lis. Prepared by W. Vnlbn.dpb, Apotliecary, 60, Charing Cross, Londotf. To be had of A,fcsq Sm)rth, and Rees, che- mists, Merthyr; Junes, chemist, Dowlais Tho- mas, chemist, Aberdare; and of all Medicine Vendors. The Greatest Boon of the Age! TEA DOUBLED IN STBENGTH1. REDUCED HALE IN PRICE Sea Sickness and the ill effects of' Drink prevented and Health insured, by using MAGNUM PROMOTUM. OIL THE INDIAN TEA. IMPROVER. -Tea, which alone is simply a refreshing beverage, by* the admixture of this INVAI.UAHLR COMPOUND, is made so strengthening and mjfrtfltious, so bene- ficial to the nerves, that im»^iiugrant or family should be without it. jS b It effectually prevejjrfs sea^jektmss, and not only imparts a riclyraste Mid jiore strength to the Tea, which hj/so resefolCT as/to show no trace of its pn*<eiicew/Bfct, Jatinsf as a tonic on the stoi n achy/s tre^ uTl 1s thjr^vhole system, rendering^rt equfelly deliij^re to the man of busiuess/5r pleasuM as lie the most dclicate female. >4 One Penny PackiVwill last a week in most families, and will sieve half the 'i'ea. Sold in packets at Id., 3d., 6d., and Is. each, with full directions for use. by various trades- men in Pembroke, Swansea, Cardiff, Newport, Gloucester, Bath, Bristol, Liverpool, and Lon- don. Wholesale orders to be addressed to sMr. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Gleheland, Merthyr; I Mr. 1U.88ETT, Druggist, Pontypridd; Mr. DAVIS, Druggist, Cwm,avon; or to Mr. GEORGE jiuHfiS, Soie Apent to the Manufacturers, 13, Deanstreet, Portland-squai-e, Bristol. MR. DAVID PRICE'S NOTIC* PANTYFUND, TWYNVRODYN. PANTYFUND, TO BE SOLT) BY AUCTION, By fffr. DAVID PRICE, kt the ANGTIT, ITOTF.T,, T*Terfliyr, on TURI;DAY, AUGUST Wth, 1860 (subject to such condi- tions as will be then produced), ALL that substantially-built DWELLING r\ HOUSE and GARDEN (well cultivated), with sufficient Ground to build three or four more Houses thereon, the property of Mr. JOHK TF.VKIKR, Mason. The Honso contains, on the first floor, two ircre-sized rooms and pantry. The parlour It ,r^pr'' ar r' ^ns cunboarda^nd recesses therejs ^lso a kitchen in fbehgHc.partiverectH, which cup be finished little outlay; also in oven in the yard. JPfie second floor contaiM our bedrooms. Thtr jrarden is fenced in and aJ'^pd with apnJ<C currant, eamttberrv, ;md other tree*f ahJn'fy^, distirfit from the bouse, wither dwfn fofuffis the^fo. The pur- Protluce of the The said nre/t^gos are/K^ld under a leaoe from l Court Esttffe ?fop^9 years, about 95 of which are unexpired, at e low ground rent of L4 ION. or the whole, affd is also conveniently situated for Dowlais and Plymouth Work?, The Auctioneer pans the particutarattentioa •f Capitalists to the above, as the situation is one "F the healthiest in the locality, and not often such n chance is to be met with. Further particulars may be had of the Auc- tioneer. Sale to commence at 7 for 8 precisely in the Evninsr. 38, Thomas-street, Merthyr, r «' Aug. 14th, 1860. Mr. ABSIi S. JONES'S NOTICE. COMMERCIAL STREET, ABERDARE. LONDON WAREHOUSE DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT. TO BE LET BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, [ for a term ofyeart, i J A LL those large and commodious Premisj^ adapted for an extensive Drapery business, the property of Mr. Samuel Lewis, Draper, and now occupied by him, situate in Commercial- street, Aberdare, where he Iras carried on the above trade for the last 12 yeffre, and from which he retires to private life. ~Y A The premises consist dra From cnop, 30 feet by 21 feet, with PlafWGlass Windows, and re. p'ete with the most modern JixSMresVad applU ances, Show RoomyElat Roo re I &e. The dwelling p!arr conskfc orsittii^froom,par- lour, kitchen, T^tli evwy Vtber /convenience, seven bedroomaf also njarehowe an outhouses. Commerci^street lams tM/principal tho- roughfare fof the large anl fa&tj|ncreasing popu- lation of uie town, andKaff^ras the rery best trading chances for visitinjf and casual cos. tomers, and the premises advertised are centrally placed, and directly on the main road from the Taff Vale and Vale of Neath Railway Stations, from each of which hundreds of passengers issue forth thrice a day. The whole of the premises are in perfect rev- pair, and will be Let to respectable and trades, manlike parties only, at a rent quite moderate in comparison with the present rates charged for premises in the same trade in the same town, For further particulars, apply to ABEL 8, JONES, Auctioneer, at his Office, CommereM* street; or to Mr. S. LEWIS, the proprietor, June 13th, 1860. 950 A YEAR CERTAIN. WANTED, to represent a first-class Insu- rance Compan^^m "The Hills,"—A. person of intelligenc^and good character, and thoroughly acquired ^|th the district from Pontypool to Mpfthyr. Payment will be made by Commissionfand £ 30 will hfguaranteed the first year. Tne Ad&Syts nuuitended to super. sede "any emloymS^Lin wbfl^i the party may be lWhVbel?«W 7* 0r influential ruinations Will W ™ DAVID EVANS, Iiffity Rhys, AEAR Aberdare. Friohard's Aromatic Steel Fills ARE unrivalled for restoring vigour to debili. tated constitutions, in boxes, Is. lid., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., and lis.—Prenared by Wtt. PRICHAKD, Apothecary, 65^^haring Cross; and of all medicine vendors y^elper^fa^4,1860. MnPHchard. \S S Sib,—I have enclosed f^postaga^tampg, please to forward^dne bos^t Xraimat^rSteel Pills, at 2s. 9d. per bax.-JP.S. t receiv^more benefit from theirjam th)n]«]] olherjnedicines I have ever takowTbr twent^yeaip^lfst one thing and then another, but mpUlady quinine and iron in its various forn*7jas well as poisonous drugs I know not of.—Yours respectfully, W*. HARRISON, Colourman, near Swinley Well, Belper, Derbyshire. HEALTHFUL EXERCISE. WILLIAM WALTERS respectfully in- forms the Public that he has just taken the BALL COURT TAVERN, near the Court j ( House, Merthyr, together with the TENNIB COURT attached. Gei^mendesirous of having—— a game at the Ball Playing will hay^ evWniwntion, and the use of the excellent lW O^||rMB^Ball on terms that cannot fail to gw|i^sffe$ro The utmost order *afelwj||p^e! preserved,so j that Gentlemen may a&jmr fi^mselves without T the fear oi objectionable iTmfere»ee,or anything that may detract from tlieiflmleaSUre. IJOLLOWAY'S A CURE FOR THE AFFLICTED!—Pos sessed of this remedy everv man is his own Family Physician. If his wife or children are troubled with eruptions of the skin, sores, tu- mours, white swellings, sore throats, jasthma, or any other external ailment, a persevering use of the Ointment is all that is necessary to produce a radical cure. Piles and Fistulas. The cures which this Ointment effects, in heal- ing Ulcers of long standing and which have re- sisted all other applications, as well as in curing Piles, Fistulas, nave been so countless and so notorious throughout the wo^d, that any effort to give au adequate detaiUln statement of their number or character WOUJK be ^IN. It is suffi- cient to say that the Ointment VK never proved inefficacious. f V Great Ijpnselioldnpmcdij !j The diseases otthe skji^to which children are most subject, si/rcli ase^rcbted sorearon the head and face, ra^b/s. riufew nii\tetteijj^)imples, &c., are quickly jerlievey^i liis migu^nt. £ th //IF and&plls shipd be used in the Bad lejrs )Jr Rheumatism liad breasts Cancers Jf ScatdB Burns Contra^ja and sore nipples Jiunions slitt joints Sore-tbroats Bite of Mosehe- Fle;>liautiasis Skin-diseases toes and Sand- Fistulas Scurvy flies (.out Sore-heals oeobay Glandular swel- Tumours Chie^.i-i'oot linjrs Ulcers Lumbago Wounds Ch:in>ed hanfls PitM Yaws Sold at the Establishment of PKOPESSOB JTOLLOWAV, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bitr), Loudon, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following prices:—Is. lid., 2s. 9d., jMs. 6*1.. Its., 22?., and-33s. each Box. There is a considerable saving by taking tho larger sizes. J\T.B.—Directions for the guidance of patient -n everyT disorder are affixed-to each Box