Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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[No title]



which does not teach that honesty is the best policy." (Hear, hear, from Mr Green). Mr C. H. James said he did not intend to maka a speech. He would only say that after having saved himself a year which he used to give to the British School, be would not say to the Catholics you shan't have our money, and yet give the rates to a British School. Mr Clark said he intended to follow the example set by some others by not speaking. He would not have risen, were it not that his silence might imply a want of respect for Mr Johnstone who had addressed them, for while he did not agree with him in some of his conclusions, he en- tirely concurred in the principles he had laid down. Rev C. Griffiths reminded Mrs Crawshay that the Board had not yet decided whether the Bible was to be read or not, and also reminded Mr Charles James that they did not give any money to British Schools, but only to Board Schools" Mr Johnstone briefly replied to MrsCrawsky, reminding her that he never heard of any one objecting to children being taught in school that honesty is the best policy, but that that was moral, and not religious, teaching. He assured Mr Charles James in particular that if he felt his conscience wounded by having withdrawn his £5 sub- scription, the remedy would not be hard to find- He was sure the managers were quite liberal enough to take his subscription if he chose to continue it, and that if he went on paying the money as before, he would relieve the rates by the amount of his subscription and that it was idle to speak of British Schools being relieved when he knew that these schools were Board schools, the properly of Pro- testants and Catholics alike, and in which Catholics had a share in the management, whereas the Catholio schools Were closed against all Protestants. On the resolution being put the result was as follows :— For the motion :—Revs F. S. Johnstone, Cornelius Griffiths, and O. W. James. Against the motion:—The Chairman, the Revs John Griffith (rector), Wm. Green, Fathers Millea and Bruton, and Mr C. H. James. Alrs Crawshay did not vote. The Chairman The resolution is lost. This concluded the public business, and after an order had been signed for a sum of JE250 from the overseers the Board separated.