Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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WU.KIN-3 N.VLLKY, COAL AYD C 0 K S B RO K E R S, MERTHYR TYDFIL. T) ETAIL YARD opened at the Vile of Neath _J\ St. ion, un the site lately owned by MR. jENKTXS. o, the Yard. Be-.t qualities of coal, of uiniu -stioced weight, and at l:itcst Market prc.-s# 6062 OLD P LPKRS ,1) PAR.CHMENTS, — -i/' ■■ r.i-:S T. JEI'rillivi and SON'S, Whole-ale ami Export stationers, &c., Cuuynge BUUUMIV.S, ItodeiUt-street Bristol, are prepared to give a very fii.-rh price for any sort of OLD PAPERS for re-manufacturing into Paper. Ac. upon receipt of instruction addressed, Waste l'epsrtrsient," Ba;;s will be sent for pCLckinz the same, and, upon receipt of Coods. the value will be forthv-ith remitted. Their present prices will be found mnuh in excess of that usually given by dealers and others. C04j QASSF.LL'S PURE L^COLOURED TEAS & CASSELUS COFFEES. ASSELL'S ORIENTAL COFFEH consists of J a selection. oC the finest growths of East India. In i'1- process oi' roasting and grrindiii? the full .stmrrth and tine aroma are preserved, M.iderin? it equal to the Cotter so Ul' pri'/ef! in Oii! K.VTAL COU.N'TUiES, 1'IIE PEKi- i2tlKX» ol COFFEE. Price 2s. per lb. CVSSELL'S COFFEES are also applied at Is. Is. 2d., is. 4d., I*. Cd„ 1*. 3d., and U. V"h \r !<> ia Cam. tei-3 and from one oti" so one pound, by A?jnr.s, Grocery Chemists, Confection, .to., tlnou;;b.01tt the '.kingdom. CASSELL'S PURE UXCOLOURED TEAS. C.\3SEIJL'S TEAS arc pure and free (ran any lacing powder cr other injurious matter, 'he Green us woi'i as 'he Bltu-k is the natural colour of the leaf, it has_ ii«t therefore the bright grceu hue of ordinary Green Teas, which arc faced by the Chinese with mineral powder or other colour- ing matter to give them appcaranee. By the use of CASSBML'H at all en- urcd. C'ASSELI.'S PCRB UnCOT.OCEKD TEA 2S.2.= 4d. lUl'l 23. Sd )'" U'. CASSBLL'S PLKE ESCOLOL'RKD TKA, finest qualities, 3s., 3S. od. and 4s. per 11). in Packet* of 2 oz. to 3 lb. Sold by Afjents, Grocers, Chemist', Confectioner*, 4" the kin-i AGENCY.—To place CASS-ELL'S well-known' Tr\s YNTT> COFPF.KS within the r-"aeh of every family hl the kingdom, Ajrents are required in every neighbour- hood not yet fully supplied. For terms, apply to CAnSEtL. Sxnu, & Co 80, Fcnehurch Street, Louuou. 0019 "ANCHOR" LINE. "FIFE- N> < L A S e, O W fCl. it,. V NEW YORK. of :ire GLASGOW FOR NEW-YORK EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, (Ciiuug at MoviUe, Lutuii I't.yie, to l-'mV.rk Tassengers.; F V l iib SALoO* CABIX, 12, 13, 1-t. AND 15 OVIXRIAS. "I TO XCW-Yoik, INTRRMEDIAT! rM.lfT ^TON. llalti- ST £ KKA( K. BIX GRIS.A.S. IMORE:C'(Quebec Passengers Rooked at Lowest Fares to a'l parts of tile United States and Canada. For furth;r particulars apply to HENDERSON BBOTHKRS, 21\ Foyle-stveet, LOfHtoni Ie; ry or -1:1, L'nion-street, Glasgow; or to J. 3ioi.. AN', S'-Y. a-i o.. ».ardiff J. T. MORGAN, 1'.), Glebelaild, Mer'.hyr XyoiU; or to G. EAIILOW, 17, Well-street, Dowlais, To prevent disappointment, intending Passengers are re t) Ti,-kets foni Lcc; of t!.i "Anchor" Lino before leaving home. CO .0 CAKPIIT VO NEW YULiK. y T>,IRECT STEA51 CNI- j 1 T". jLJ OA I'ioX ill'.XV. :.KX T!i !•" £ H I S T 0 L C II A N N E L jCm: %S. AND "'FIT: UNITED STATK.S t'F AMERICA A:\L> CAXAD.V. The SOUTH WALES ATLANTIC STKA.'dsifip COM- PANY'S New, first-class, full-powt-red, Clyde bnilt..steamships, GLAMORGAN, 2,5"0 Tons 5e0 li p.; PEMliROKIi, 2,500 Tons, 500 h.p. CAlDIA RI If i':S, a,000 Tons, 600 li.p. or other First-class Steamers, will sail regularly between CAR- DIFF and >.EW YORK, These Steamships are built expr ssty for tht- T'-ade, and fitted rp with ail tlu latest irllprrvc:n""t.s for t! e comfort and con- venience of Cabin and St;;vaee I'asscnga.- Steerage gees provided" Uh muttresiies. A Stewardess cairied for the female Emigrants. The GLAMORGAN will Sail on Wednesday, Octobcr Sth, to be followed by the l'E.,il;UKE. i'or further particulars apply to \V. J. Presswell. 3, Oastlo- stre.:t, ilerthyr; or to E. O. i'rice. or Isaac Thomas. 2-4, Seymour street, Aberdare; or to Mr. 11. A" Lewis, Postmaster, EbbwVale; or at the Coarmny's Oiiice, 1, I)ock Chambers, Ctoiid. "ALLAN"' ROYAL MAIL LINE SHO-TTTJIT ?EA L'A.SSAOK TO CANAOA. AND TiiE UXI'i EO STATEs.—Shortest Route'o the West. The superb Steam- ships of this Line now mn 'U -eet every Tuesday aud Thursday from Livekpoou to (,|UE:;E«j, forwarding Passengers to NEW Yobk. and BOSTON, and to all CITIKS and Towns in cJ.IDA and the UNITED STATES. PiiOM LI ERl'OOL TO QUF[>EC. North Anseriean, Tue Oct. 7 Circassian, Thursday, 22 Caspian, Thursday, 0 Canadian, Tuesday, 2>s l'Inenician, Tuesday, „ 1-t Polynesian, Thursday 30 Sannatian, Tliurs.. Oct. 1<» Manitobar., Tuestlay, Nov. 4 Nova Scotian, .Via St John s N.F. S Halifax, Tues Oct -1 I The Mail Steamships for HALIFAX,, and L'AI.TI- jionii, sail as f<siio«'s Forwarding Passengers by llail to all parts of the Middle "Western, South Western and Southern States. Austrian, Tuesday, October 7 I Nestorian, Tiusday, Nov. 4- Cabin Passage to Halifax, Portland, Quebec, P.oston, New York. Norfolk, Baltimore, or Philadelphia, Ki.s iSs. ori;lr) 15s. accordini; to accommodation, including ProvUi.-iti.s bu, not wines or liquors, which can he obtained boar. U-turn kets at reduced Rates. A limited number dÎ interoiv-iiufe passengers taken in each Steamer, at jfc>> os. including Leds, Redding, ar.rt all necessary 4 apart from steerage. Applications fur berths to be made in advance. Steerage I'assage to St. J oiln, Halifax, Portland, Quebec, Boston, New York, Norfolk, or Baltimore, £ « tte, including e. plentir'v' s eply of cooked provisions. Steerage Stewardesses are carried by this line to attend to the wants of female passengers and children. Baggage taken from the Ocean Steamhip* to the Ea iUav Care of Kxpe.we. Any information required concerning Canada, can be obtained from itr. Dixon, 11, Adam btreet, Aueiphi, London, Agent for the Canadian Government. Pamphlets on Canada supplied gratis by our agents. SK"B'Kst ROCTK to SAN FRANl'ISCO, via the pA' IFIIJ ItAILKO VI). 'i'HKoCOII TICKETS issued OIl th" most farourabls terms. For i-'rei^ht or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHi-iRS J; CO., Alexandra Buildings, James Street, Liv- rpool, and öé., Foyle Street, LoiidoPdenv. or to MR. JOHN COPELAND, 124, High Street, Merthyr and Mr. J. T. MORGAN, ID, Glebeland-street, JMertiijr COMPANY'S SPEOJAL Noticu TO Emi- IRANT.-S. \e a«lvise Passengers to obtain their lickets from our Aj;cDt- before leaving home. C0/2 Tin; best and Cheapest Route for Passengers from fclie West of England to the United States is by the RE AT WESTERN STEAM-SMI.L" LINE BRISTOL AND SEW YORK. FIRST-CLASS }SCRE\V" STEAMSHIPS TWS Line are intended to SAIL as LAI'LAN L>, 1,;)00 Tons SATURDAY, October 4 LADY LYEETT, 2,000 Tons SATUKDAY, NOV. 1 AIIKATXON, 1,50.) Tons BAXUKDAY. NOV. 8 C'OiLS'Vv'Al.L, 2,000 Tons (l»uikling) Cabin Fars to NEW York, 13 Guineas.—Return Ticke's, 20 Guineas. Intermediate B- guineas; Steemge C I<UINEI!S; incltnling fare from any Railway Station IN THE WEST of ENGLAND AND South 'A ales, to <?W York, Boston, or rhiladeiphia.—Mattresses provided. The Vessels of this Line do not can at any Irish port, but proceed from Bristol to New York. Passengers may be booked through to all parts of the United States and Canada. on very moderate terms. To secure berths ->:t; apply to Mark WHITWILL and Son, Grove, Queen-square, Bristol, T, e —or to J. T, Morgan, li), Olebelaud-street, Mevthyr Tydtil John Morgan, Post-master, Pcntypool and Brown, Newport, Alon. G. F. Webb and Co., Cardiff jo,t,,s and Bros., Swansea J. Callaway, Mountain Asli C. Y. Howard, Creenilcltl, Llaneliy George F. Price, Churcli- street, Pontypridd. Passeng-rs are recommended to obtain their Tickets from our Agents before leaving home. 0 jo 1 EMPLOYMENT IN AMERICA. I JLJM. T>SRSONS desiring EJIPLOY- tkly X MI NT in the CNi'l'ED STA i i-; or Canada can lia?n, on Personal App! eaii«n, 3B8BSagBR^ the raic of »< ajtcs (which in talnbrnia are very high,, Passage Fares, and other oilieial Pamphlets, efireulars tc., tree by post oti receipt ol two aUffifs, \)0;:3 AMERICA AS IT I' A volume of official information upon every part of THK UNITED STATES, Wages, &c., Price Sixpence, post tree. Apply to USED &. Ktu, United States and Canadian Emj. gration and Banking Agency, 3d Finobury Circus, London. ALTEKAlitor OF DAYS OF SAILING. CORK, ART, AND CARDIFF. ——— A..x 'SjtlRST-CLASS PASSENGER jrJ- ss'TEAMKUS leave Coax lor -'EWporx and CAUDIFF, with Gooils aud Passeugei-ji, every Monday, cadidg at Ali;.i-oi.o, retuiaiii^ fr°m Sfyvreitr every Weunesdav, and rom Cakoifp every Ihursday until further notice. Fares: — Cabin, i7s. dd.; Deck, 7s. Cabin Return Ticket, available :or one montii, i1 's. for uarticuiars see small Bills. AGENTS. Cardiff—Mr Eo C. DowfTf&, shipbroker, Bute Docks; Newr.orr—Mr. JAMES iI.VI>J)oCKS. Ijl), Cork—CiTY OF CURK SlJSAil Packut Coxpafy, LIHIXED. I

