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MESSES. H. W. HARRIS AND TAILOR'S NOTICES. _h- MESSRS. H. W. HARRIS & TAYLOR, AUCTIONEERS, APPRAISERS, ARCHITECTS, SURVEYORS, HOUSE. ESTATE, AND GENERAL AGENTS, NEW AUCTION Yl A JLt T, COURT STREET, MERTHYR, BEG to infoim the Public thai all matters en- trusted to their care will be punctually, promptly, and arefully attended to. Plant, Elevations, and Specifications Prepared. Works in nil Branches of the Buildi) £ Trade Measured and Valued. — QUANTITIES TAKFN ODT FOK ESTI- MATES, &c. Messrs. HARRIS & TAYLOR announce that they hold PERIODICAL SALES BY AUCTION ar the above Mart. where Articles of Furniture and othar Goods intended or next Sale, may now be received. 7383 Q.LENFIELD. Q. LENFIELD. THE QUEEN'S LAUNDRESS SA'YS THIS STARCH IS THE BEST SHE EVER USED. Q.LENFIELD. Q.LENFIELD MR. DANIEL DAVIES' NOTICE. Established 24 Years. MR. DANIEL D A V IKS. AUCTIONEER AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT, 7334 19, IVOR STREET, DOWLAIS. ON SALE. JUST RECEIVED FROM LONDON, New and exceedingly fine PIANOFORTES AND HARMON LUMS By tbe best Maken, Mil EDWARD LAWRANCE. PROFESSOR of Music, (Conservatorium of i. Music, Leipzig), and Organist of St. David's Church, Merthv* has always on Sale. on highly advantageous terms, exceedingly Fine PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS, but by the best Makers only,-Address, Mr. EDWARD LAWKAKCB, 2, Courtland Terrace, Merthyr. 7335 TYDVIL SCHOOL, MERTHYIT 1YDFIL. HEAD MASTER:- JOHN J. COPLAND, M.A., {Successor to the late EVAN WILLIAMS, M.A.,) UNIVERSITY GRADUATE AND CLASSICAL PRIZEMAN. IN this School Boys will be prepared for the I- Universities, the Public Schools, and the various Public Examinations.—Mr COPLAND has successfully prepared Pupils for ihe London Matriculation for the College of Surgeons, the Law, the Oxford and Cambridge Local, Ac. Private Lessons given at periods suitable to the convenience of Pupils. The School re-commences after the Christmas Vacation on Monday, January 24th, 1876. Mrs. Copland's LADIES' SCHOOL re-commenoes on the sirae data. 73S8 DANCING CLASSES. MRS. COP LAND, TYDFIL SCHOOL, MERTHYR TYDFIL. RESPECTFULLY announces that she has just PC formed a Series of DANCING CfjAMRs which meet every Thursday Evening. The class for Young Pupils will be from Five to even o'clock and for Young Ladies and Gentlemen, from Eight to Ten ■o'clock. An Adult Class as may be arranged- The-e clasoes will be conducted by Madame Eyre, pupil of Monsieur Coulon, Monsieur Ellis, and Madame Rae, (of London,) dsc., &c. Terms— Half a Guinea per quarter, payable in advance. It is desirable that intending Pupils, or others who may wish tojoiu these Classes, should send in their names to Mrs. COPLAND, on or before Thursday next, in order that the necessary arrangements may be completed as soon aa possible. 7310 PEOPLE'S EDITION. IMPORTANT MEDICAL WuRKS. BY DR. HENRY SMITH. Twenty-first Thousand. By post, two stamps in envelope. GUIDE TO HEALTH; or, ADVICE and INSTRUCTIONS for the Cure of Debilitating Diseases. By HEMiY SMITH, M.D., of the University of Jena, Author of the Volunteer's Manual," kc. GUIDE TO HEALTH ia a Medical Work on the Treat. ment, by Medicines only, of Ntrvous, Mental and Physical l'ebility, Lowncss of Spirits, Indigestion, Dimness of Sigh:, Want of Energy. Irritability, Deafness Epilepsy, &c., re- sulting .rom loss of nerve power, which, if neglected, end in premature decline. tjives INSTRC CTIONS by which Thousands have been restored to health. Illustrated with cases and testimonials from grateful pa dents, with means of cure ueed in eacL case. Also AliVlCE TO YOUNG MEN ON i- UBJ KCTS OF VITA L IMPOKTA N CE The Pamphlet will be sent free by post, to any address, on receipt of two penny staums. Third xhousand. By post, seven stamps in envelope. VVr OMAN. Subjects treated Girlhood, Maiden- j hood, Courtship, Marriage, Motherhood, Female JLaucation, Female Health, Female Hygiene, Domestic Medicine, &c., Ac. ii..B.-A Special Edition, BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSIHATED BT KKGBAVUJGS ON WOOD. Cloth gilt, Oue Shilling. NOTICE —The abovemeuical woi ks will be sent direct from the Author in an Envelope on receipt of the amount in stamps. Address Dr HENRY SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent, London, WC CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN EY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. T"VR. H. SMITH, the Eminent Specialist for the •M-J cure of all deb litating aud contagious diseases, will tor the benefit of country patients who cannot consult him personally, on receiving description of their case, send his opinion, with advice and directions for the most successiul restoration to health ana vigour. 7336 Address, Dr. H. SMITH, 8, Burton Crescent. London, W.O KERNICK'S V E G E T A B L E PILLS IF you suffer from Headaches, Bilious Complaints, Indigestion, Costiveness, Rheumatism, or Tic-Doloreux. TRY KERN 1 UK'S VEGETABLE PILLS. They are easy 10 swallow, being very small, require no con- finement in doors, strengthen the sv"m, and have been tried by thousands, who pronounce them to be the bevt medi- cine in the world. Cefn, Merthyr, September 9th, UJtl9 "Dear Sir, — Daniel Humphreys, weaver, Ynysyfelin Factory, near this place, sufiered from severe pains in the stomach for four cr live years, and had tried many things for It, but all to no purpose, until he happened to meet your agent in Merthyr the first teg pills he took did more good for him than all the others he had ta-,en put together, and by the time he had taken the six pills he felt totally free from pain and ever bince-that is for the last rive years -he keeps your pills in his house, and whenever he feels any similar symptoms he has only to take two of your p lis and he is all right again and Mrs. Humphreys also, who usually suffered from tlstuleucy, has found them the best remeay for an attack of that sort He wishes to send you this n thanks to your agent, who was so kind to him.—I remain ours obediently, ROBERT PRICE.' Thoui>»nUs of other Testimonials, equally gratifyiug might be published. KERNluK-S PILLS" give energy to the system, need no special rules with regard to diet, and are universally declared to be the Best Medicine of the kin ever discovered. PREPARED ONLY BY P. KERNICK, MANUFACTURING CHEMIST, ¡ DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. Sold in Boxes at Is. lid. and 74a. By the appointed Agents and most respectable Chemists and Druggists, with directions for restoring and preserving health K EUNICE'S VEGETABLE WORM LOZENGES Are the most efficacious remedy ever introduced for Worms' They may Le taken by children of all ages with perfect safety and are also useful for children of delicous stomachs and pale complexions. ——— "bin,—A woman gave two of the lozenges fcr five morn- ings, and by so doing the child got rid of no less than eighty -DANIJEL MORGAN, Nelson." • .Harris, of Cefncoed, miner's child, had got rid of worms in a week, whilst taking a box of your worm lozenges. and she has improved wonderfully in health since."—JNO, PRICK, Cein, Merthyr. won A customer of mine, a short time ago, bought a box of your -rv!r,ii.MZehBeS t2tI^th.eIr effect on his child, who was very ill. e« >K f ,v?y 8°d rid of !oriy large worms aud so many small onesthattheycould not reckon them."—JAMES MEVKICK From Aix. MORGAN, kerCiarr&n.- oeild n,e <2 dozen of fftofiaStoSSir* • curing all the chillren 111 this PREPARED OXLi B 7350 S. P, KERNICK, MANUFACTI iStJ CHEMIST, DU K.E-STJ&EET, C K D [ K K. old in Boxes at Is. lid. and 7, :'y the appointed £ 4 gents and most respectable Cheut .tsanct DiuggUts WHY GO TO BRISTOL AND PAY MOREF THE "TELEGRAPH" STEAM PRINTING AND PUBLISHING OFFICES. 50, HIGH STKI'.ET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET-SQRUAE) MERTHYR TYDFIL. RETAIL STATIONERY WAREHOUSE. 49A, n IG H ST E P. P. Wi LLIAMS ANNOUNCES that having every facility, which Steam Machinery and the Employment of the most Competent Workmen can render, for the execution of Printing Ordets, he respectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage. His Charges lor Posters, Bill Heads, Circulars, and every kind o" Printing Work, are as Moderate as any in the district, and at least ten per cent. lower than the usual Bristol prices. For Expedition in the execution of Printing Work, the TELEGRAPH PRINTING ESTABLISH- KENT will bear favourable compari.,on with any Plinting Office either in Bristol or the Principality whilst for COLOUR PRINTING, Cards, Printed Headings, and work requiring special care and taste, the resources of the Establishment—embracing as it does, an assortment of almost every kind of Plain and Fancy Type, and the engagement of a numerous staff of efficient Compositors—ensure these desirable advantages. TO THE TRADE. Printing, Binding-, Ruling, Paging, and Perforating for the Trade, At the TELEGRAPH Printing Office, Merthyr Tydfll. GOOD Workmanship—Moderate Charges—and Promptitud in the Execu- tion of Orders—have been the prominent features in the business operations of this Establishment for the last Twenty Years. Goods of the value of £2, and upwards, delivered Carriage Free at all Railway Stations in South Wales. SOLS AGENT IN MERTHYR FOR THE EUREKA INKS. GENERAL STATIONERY. NO Person studying economy will buy WR'Ti NG PAPER by the quire. The Wholesale Purchaser buys his Reams by weight, and so does every Retail Purchaser who appreciates the maxim that a Penny saved is a penny earned." PLAYING C&RDS At various prices from Tenpence to Half-a-Crown per pack. g Ro7;¥iT7^oFBooks Of every thickness, plain and interleaved, supplied at per gioss or per dozen, at as cheap a ratie as any House in the Kingdom. For the execution of every description PLAIN AND COLOURED LE I T EK-PR ESS PRINTING, By Powerful Machinery, driven by Steam Power, the TELEGRAPH Office possesses facilities unequalled in the District, and can undertake the delivery of work in quantities at the very shortest notice. QIUCULARS, CARDS, CiiEQUE BOOKS, QONDITIONS OF SALE, \J CATALOGUES, CLUB RULES, OSTEIIS) H^xND BILLS PAMPHLETS, AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, AT THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE ACCOUNT BOOKS TO ANY PATTERN, IN EVERY STYLE OF BINDING, Manufactured on the Premises AT THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE. FOhM8 RULED & PRINTED TO ANY PATTERN FOR QOLLIERIES, IRO WO RKS, MERCHANTS, TRADESMEN, AT THE TELEGRAPH OFFICE. THE BINDING DEPARTMENT HAS CAREFUL ATTENTION, and every means is adopted to secure Elegance and Durability in the work produced. ACCOUN r BOOKS Ruled to pattern, and bound in every form of binding paged and indexed. CHEQUE BOOKS I Of every description supplied, Numbered and Perforated. -p' TO WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS. PENS, Ink, Envelopes, Taper, Penholders and Pens, and Slate Pencils, supplied to Shepkeepers for fcale, and to Hawkevs, at Wholsale Prices, THE "TELEGRAPH" PEtf Has been a public favouv ite for the last twenty years. It is still unrivalled as a pen for common use, and No pen can tell its many merits. It is anti-corrosive, and is therefore more durable than any other kind of pen, whilst for ease in writing it is the nearest approach to the Quill. Sold at 3d. per dozen, or 2s. per gross. COLOUR BOXhS (ENGLISH AlND FOREIGN), Ftom 6d. to 3s. each. These Colour Boxes, as supplied at the TELEGRAPH Office, obtained the Prize of the (Society of Arts, and are specially recom- mended by that Society for general use. WHITING PAPER An excellent quality can always be had at the TELEGRAPH Office, at Is. pe* lb., and Envelopes at from 4d. to 6d. per 100. Those who purchase under this system save fully 60 per cent. THE TRAVELLING DRAPERS' POCE.KT LEDGERS Are made in all sizes, paged, and indexed, if desired. They are strongly bound, and calculated to bear "knocking about. I jffiontitttff I Are informed that for Mourning Stationery and Memorial Cards, the t assortment at the Telegraph Office will be found ample. THE ADDRESS :— THE "TELEGRAPH" PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 49a, and 50, High Street; Merthyr Tydfil, 7333 NOTICES. BUNCH OF GRAPES YARD ALE AND PORTER STOBTS, HIGH STREET, MERTHTK TYDFIL. I W. MOSELEY, SUCCESSOR TO MESSRS. J. JONES AND Co. gOLICITS a continuanbe of the liberal support a-carded to them in the Sale of their UNRIVALLED BOTTLED ALE AND STOUT, He calls Public attention to the fine quali-y of his ALLSOPP'S BRILLIANT BOTTLED ALES and UUJNNESS'S NOURISHING STOUT, which he deli vers at following Pricts: ALLSOPP'S INDIA PALE (bright as Sherry) 3a. and 4.. per dozen. GUINNESS'S STOUT (half a pint of which ia equal to a large sandwich and a |g)asa of water, Dr. INMAN) 4s. per dozen. He also delivers by Cart Messrs. Allsopps Ales in kílll, at 21»., 24s., 27s., and 30s. OBDSRS BY POST OR OTHERWISE PROMPTLT ATTENDED TO. THE TtJADE SUPPLIED. 736; A GOOD PIANOFORTE MAY BE HIRED Frotnf2 2s. Od. PER QUARTER, I ON THE THREE YEARS SYSTEM. THOMPSON AND SHACKELL, 101, OXFOKD STHEET, SWANSEA, AND AT CAHDIFF, DESIRE to call Special attention to the above notice, and would warn the public against the so-called Second' hand Pianofortes now so freely advertised at what is said to be less than half the original price. The Pianos supplied by Thompson and Schackell are warranted, and by the best Makers only. ) SPACIOUS SHOW-ROOMS AT 101, OXFORD STREET, SWANSEA, AND QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF, Containing without exception the finest Stock of Pianofortes, Harmoniums, and American Organs in South Wales. N.B.—The "Bn »" Model Harmoniums, as supplied to the Marquis of Bute, price Twelve Guineas, in handsome Rosewood, is the very best small Harmonium manufactured. Harmoniums from Four Guineas. 7339 The Cheapest Furniture W arehouse in Merthyr is at 6 it 7, Victoria Street. MOiNEY SAVED IS MONEY GAINED. THE 15 PER CENT. REDUCTION Made up to the Public if they purchase at MOSES GOODMAN'S FTHJiJiUctE ESTABLl vIIVJbLN f, 6 & 7, vICTOM A-STB EKT, MERIRYR TYOi-iL. WORKMEN and TRADESMEN will thus secure substantial advantages, which, as respec-s the purchase of Furniture, will fully compensate for tlierccent REDUCTION IN WAGES. The Furniture offered is 1.trge? magnificent, and well assorted, and of the very best Manufacture in thi Trade which he confidently oners, bo.,h in respect of Quality and Price, as unsurpassed in Merthyr or elsewhere. Settles, Benches, T. blet, Ac., siulaUe for Pcblicanp, to be Sold Cheap also a number of Emigrants' Boxes. Llkewice other Articles too rumerou.s to mention, equally cheap ai.d a'l well made — New and Secoad-Hand FURNITURE of every description.—M. G. pledges hnnseJf tliat a.l Goods sold him are made on the premises, and of the tmt description. Parries leaving the neighbourhood, wishir g to CV'SJ OTE of their C oods. may call and they will have the utmost value foT he same Two PIANOS for Sale, in kood order. A lnrKe stock of ILLON BEDSTEADS oa hand at tha Old Prices. MONEY LENT ON GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. RINGS, ETC 731 86 & B 7, q! (r 1 S T a E b f JIEHTHK. f; T 1 i F f L. M. W-. R 0~B E R T S, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IBONMOFQER, WHILST thinking his numerous I'atrone, for their kind favours during the past, respectfully invites them to an inspection of his N EW STOCK, compusing a large assortment of FURNISHING AND OTHER IRONMONGERY. I Special attention is i avited to his Stock of GROCERS' TEA CANISTERS, SCALES, &c., at prices which will compare favourably with those charged by Bristol House*. The attention of OAt<PEINTERS and JOINERS is invited to a large assortment of Planes, Saws, Edged, and Joiners' Tools of the best Makers. ) BUILDERS SUPPLIED- AT WHOLESALE PRICES. l)e*le> in (jUs, Colour*, Roofing f,ll" on A Vulcanized Iniim Rubbtr Goods. PLUMBERS,, TOLT.-HASGINn, & GENERAL TIN-PLATE WORK EXPOUND 1 BY COMPETENT WORKMEN. 7362 BELLE VUE WINE AND SPIRIT VAULTS, HIGH-STREET, MERTHYR TVDUL I HBNSI "WILLIAMS, j PJROPKIETOR. j WINES. | SPIRITS. 1 OLD PORT, from the wood the lest Wine BRANDT (MarteU's k Hennessy's, d" for invalids l er Bottle. 2 4 I in bottle some years) Per Bottle 4 10 ft 5 3 Very choice Old 3 6 RUM (Jamaica) 2 10 I Katural SHERRY, entirely free from spirit 2 6 Ditto, old. blended$6 Very choice Old Brown Sherry 3 6 j WHISKEY, Irish, mild, not fiery 2 10 CLARET-St Jnlien deMedoc, free from Ditto, ditto, old, blended 3 4 acidity • • 2 6 1 Ditto, Scotoh, very choice 3 8 | Finest OLD TOM—GIN 2 8 ALES AND PORTER. i EAST INDIA PALE ALE-Imperial I SAMSON-The strong Ale on record. perdoi 7 6 I pints. Per dozen 56tBestDublinStout do 5 61 (Is 6d per doz charged for bottles—refunded when retnrned). j 7365 NO SUNDAY BUSINESS. j R EE S THO MAS, i CREMIST, FAMILY VINE AND SPIRIT DEALER, 14 3, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR, RESPECTFULLY INVITES ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING LI8T OF WINES AND SPIRITS PORT OR SHERRY K 6d.. 2s., 2s. 6d., 3s., 3s. 6d. and 4s. 6d. per Bottle. PORT OR SHERRY, from the Wood 10s., 12s., 14s. and 16s. per Gallon. GIN 2s. Id. and 2s. 6d. Per Botile. 12s. and 14s. per Gallon. RUM OR WHISKEY 2-. 2d., 2s. 7u. and 3s. Id. per Bottle. 12* 16s. and ISI. per Gallon. ¡ DUNVILLE'S WHISKEY 3s. 6d. per Bottle. HOLLANDS 2s. 8d. pe- Bottle. j RUM SHRUB 2s. per Bottle. PEPPE RMINT 2s. per Bottle. BRANDY, Pale or Brown. 2s. 3d., 2s. 8d. and 3s. Id. per Bottle. J FRENCH BRANDY, Pale or Brown, 3s., Is. 6d., 4s and 4s. 6d. per Bottle. Do. do. 21s., 24". and 28s. per Gallon. RECTIFIED SPIRITS OE WINE 56 O.P., 4s. Id. per Bottle. MOET AND CHANDON'S CHAMPAGNE 72s. per Dozen Quarts. 7364 aGBNT FOR MESSRS. FELTOE & SONS' "SPECIALITE" SHERRY, AT 30s. PER DOZEN. ,'to- W. MEREDITH, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, CARPET WAREHOTJSEMA3ST, AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHER, &c., 125, HIGH STtlEET, AND 52, GLEBELAND STREET, MERTHYR, JgEGS TO INVITE THE ATTENTION OF PARTIES ABOUT FURNISHING TO INSPECT HI8 LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF CABINET AND UPHOLSTERY FURNITURE <JAKPEJv: OUHiAiN MATHJRIALS, BHASS & IKON BKDSTEADS, &c. DuNiNG & DilA^IiSG uOOM. SU?TES, lJS MAHOGANY, OAK, WALNUT, Ac., Ac BEDfvOOM bUiTES IN MAHOGAlS Y, AM ERICAS BIRCH. ENGLISH ASH, POLISHED PINE, JAPANNED WOODS, &c., &c., READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. oabpets. tbif ^APESTRV0 Whlio pa'tienl&rly invited, the Stock consisting ef upwards of 10,000 yards of BRUSSELS, 1A PASTRY, KIDDERMINSTER, FELT. DUTCH, TWILL, and other makes, havihg been selected witn g re and judgment from the Best Manufacturers, and amongst which will be found some of the most elt«a unique patterns, to be obtained only at this Establishment. The whole having been purchased ob tne moit aoivan tageous terms is marked at the lowest remunerative profit, and verv considerably below prestsnt VELVET PILE, AXMINSTER, and TURKEY CARPETS supplied upon the shortest notice, at LOrtWJi^ BEDDHTO". E I -M) -T I-q FEATHER BEDS, SPRING, HAIR, and other MATTRESSES manufactured upon the premises by experienced W orkmen upon the shortest notice. AN IMMENSE STOCK OF PlEtt AND TOILET GLASSES IN GREAT VARIETY FLOOR-CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, ETC., IN ALL WIDTHS. COCOA f IJiiE, CHINA, AND MANILLA MAI TIN S. etc. Residences, either large or email, completely Furnished in a few hours' notioe. [7343 II C. LEACH- BILL POSTER, AND TOWN CRIER, G3, CARDIFF STREET, AKEPOAKE. All Orders promptly attended to. 73' i MR. JOHN DANIELL, Of the DOWLAIS INN, DOWLAIS, BEGS to intimate that he has commenced business as ACCOUNTANT and COMMISSION AtJENT, and will be prepared to undertake the duties or an AUCTIONEER. All makers entrusted to him will receive his prompt and careful attention. Offices at the Dowlais Inn. T367 MERTHYR AND DO>VLAIS STATIONS. M NI BUSES AND DOWLAIS as Itnoier:- a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m Leave Merthyr 8-55 11-15 12-0 4.55 655 Arrive at Rleriliyr 10-0 ]2-:>0 2.40 6-40 J00 fAPES: Merthyr to Donlais Station 9d. Dowlais to Merthyr 6d. 7346 23, IRONMONGER LANE, LONDON. (THII OLD HOUlla.) JOHNSTON'S CORN FLOUR IS THE BEST. TO OBTAIN THE BEST Ja- ISK FOR JOHNSTON'S CORN FLOUR. It Is rich in flesh-forraing and heit-givinj properties, and when boiled with milk affords complete and per ect uou rish- uent for children and persons of weak digestion. It is de- cioux for Puddings, Custards, Blancmat ge, eke. 7873 MR. EDWARD LAWRANCE, Professor of Music (of the Conservatorium of Music, Lcipzig, and Orgmnist of St. David's Church, Merthyr, æc), BEGS to announce that he has resumed his Pro- fessional Duties at Merthj 1-, and VISITS ABBRDARK AND MOUNTAIN ASS ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. Mr. Edward Lawrance can always receive additional Pupils. Terms for Pianoforte, Singing, Harmonium, and Harmony Lessons, &c., .tc, may be known on application at MR. E. LAWBANCE'S RESIDENCE, 7335 2, COURTLAND TERRACE, MERTHYR. FREE EMIGRATION TO QUEENSLAND. FREE Passages are granted by the Government to Female Domestic Servants of all kiads, who are quite free to engage with whom thei please at th, best wages they can get. Wages jE25 to .£50 a-year all found. Free Passages given to Agricultural Labourers, whether caarritd or single. Wages j630 to JE60 a-year with board and lodging. Assisted Passages to Mechanics on payment of jEt. Wages as under:- Blacksmiths 12s to 14s a day. Shipwrights 10s to 12s a day. Carpenters, ,12s „ 14s Tailors 9s „ 10s „ Shoemakers..0s 10s Mineis. 10a „ £ 1 „ The above need not want work a single hour after landing. Apply personally or by letter to AGENT-GENERAL FOR The above need not want work a single hour after landing. Apply personally or by letter to AGENT-GENERAL FOR QUEENSLAND, 32, Charing Cross, London, S.W.; or to VV. J. Press well, Thomas Towa, Merthyr Tydfll; E E. Burgess, 15, Victoria Street, Merthyr, South Wales T. Foley, Foley's Hotel, Neath, and J. C. Manning, Western Mail Office, I castle Street, Swaosea. 7369 "ANCROR" LINE I UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS. I' GLASGOW TO NEW YORK :J The Steamers of this Line are despatched from GLASGOW FOR NEW YORK EVERY SATURDAY. Calling at llovati, LOUGH. FOTLK, to Embark Passengers ¡ FARES: SALOO*. CABIN £ 13 13s., Z14 14s., tndjeie Ifts INIKKKFDIATE, £ 7 7s I STZJKRA- 9 £ 6 k Intern c late and Steerage Passengtrs Booked through to I all parts of the Urn ted States and Canada. 7347 Apply to HBNDBKSON BROTHJXS, Glasgow oro J. MOlt- GAN, SON, and Co., Cardiff; J. T. MORGAN, 19, Glebeland, Merthyr Tydfil; or to G. BAALOW, 17, Well-street, Dowla s. EllCT R ICITY I S La 1:£ PULVERMACHER'S PATENT GALVANIC CHAIN-BANDS BELTS, BAT- I 31 TlsRIES, RECENTLY IMPROVED. Approved by the Academy of Medicine of Paris, and other Medical Authorities in England and abroad. The lemarkable efficacy of these self-app'tcable Voltaic arrangement* <s so widely knnwn that in contradistinction to those unprincipled advertisers who can only publilih statemeots on their omit authority, Mr PctVtitMAcaza pre- r iers to suomit the testimony of others, amontrst whom are included many great scientific and medical autho- J rities. T. eM uniinpeaehable testimonies in favour of the asarveilous curative powers of tkis Medico-Galvanic system bcinc too numerous for insertion here, are compiled in the pamphlet, ] GALVI rsK, NATURE'S CEIU RXSTOHBK or IMPAIRED 1 VITAL EKIKOT," J seat po t free fori stamps. The mass oi evidence therein is supplemented br the following paragraph recently ) found in the standard work (p. 76.1867) of John K;ng, M. D., Clinical Professor <A Obstetrics, at Cincinnati: • These Chains are very useful in many Nervous Disorders: ■ Muscu'ar Debility Aphonia Rheumatism Hemiplegta Epilepsy Dyspepsia I • Paralysis Torpid Livef Paralysis (Blad<,e•) j Central Paralysis Asthma |Chorea Spinal Paralysis AjaenorrLoea Impotency Neuralgia Dysmenorrhea Writer's Cramp J Sciatica Bplnal Iriitaiiou Hysterical Cramps Stiff Joints Nervous Debility and Contractions Hysteria Constipation Loss of Smell 1 Hysteric ParalysisJDeafness (Nerr's) jLoss of Taste, fcc." « For Turther information and price list apply to I r L. PULVERMACHER'S GALVANIC BSTABLiaH. MENT, 194, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. 734g | 1 # f GEORGE'S /PILE ft GRAVELX 5 A I PILLS. J C Z pao»ai>Toa, II Q T g V J. L FIEORGE, K.R.P.S JJ 3 Though you have auffarad anAdaapalred for years and tried Remediaa in Tain, be aaaured there 18 still a safe and apeedy cure for you at a email coat by using GEORGE'S PILE AND GRAYEL PILLS, which are now recognised by all as being the best Medicine vet discovered (or FILiB AND GRAVEL., as well as for the following pains, which, f In Ninety-nine Cases out of every Hundred, are caused by these painful Maladies PAIN IN THE BACK, FLATULENOY. GRIPING, OOLIC, f A SENSE OF WEIGHT IN THE BACK AND LOINS, DARTING PAINS IN THE REGION OF THE HEART, I LIVER, AND KIDNEYS, CONSTIPATION, R PAINS IN THE THIGHS, 80METIMES SHOOTING DOWN TO THE CALF OF THE LEG AND FOOT, SUPPRESSION AND RETENTION OF URINE, PAINS IN THE STOMAOH, AND ALL UVER COMPLAINTS. Thousands have besu eared by them Pills, and many who bad bten pronounced JiopelMS haTi been thorongnly restored so haalth by their nse. ONE BOX WIU. CONVINCE THE U08T SCEPIIOAX- O* THEIR ERNCACT. J In order to tvit all vho may ie nftrint from ?l tHete MalaAitt, Vh Proprietor prepare! tfa TereiabU Rmtiy »n thi fMomng form* ■" No. 1-OEORQE'SPILB* GRAVEL PILLS. No. 2-GBOROB'S GRAVBL PILLS I No. 3—QBOBQ-B'S PILLS FOA THE PILES. Important Testimonial* from Doctors, Chemists, and Invalid*, from aU parf of th* country, will be forwarded to any addrtu on rseeip* of a itamped envelope. Sold in Boxes, Is. lid. and 2s. 9iL, by all respectable Chemists; by Post,Is. 4d. and 8s., in postage stamps. BVXBT BOX J8 PROTECTED BY THE (JOVKRNKENT NTAttP. NQTIOM.-Th* tin." PILE AND GRAVEL PILLS" « CWif M, and sntmd at UMiontn' mall LONDON ;—Barc'ay, Suttos, Newbery, Sanger Barren Squire, & Ct. Bft i,f,: u Collins and Rope", Poarce b Co. Stc. t Li VKKVOOL —Evans, Sons, and Co. Clay, Doi.d, and rase | I'sime .Iud CQ. 7349 NOTICES. THE MERTHYR AND DOWLAISEUL!). ING SOClETY ARE prepared to L?nd, at the fhorfcc: t notice, Sums of £100 TO XIOIOOO. Re-payable In Monthly or Quarterly Instalments. Borrowers in this Society have special advances not obtained in other Sociot es, or from private Individuals. The legal costs are paid bv the Society, and the indenenrlpnoe of the Borrower, so long as his stipulated re-payment ave made, is secured by the Reg sliar under the Friendly Society's Acts. -Tire utmost Secrecy is maintained. c The Directors announce that they are prepa cd o receive bums of Money as Loan Deposits, subject to the follow ng rates of intereet:— £ t per cent, at two months' call: £ il at four montus.' and £ '> per cent at six months' call. For particulars, apply to Mr. E. IIOF.KBTS, at the omce of the Society, 34, Victoria street, Merthyr. 7351 — READY-MONEY ACCOMMODATION.—Pcr- sons of any trade or profession, ma'e or fomile, resi- dent in London or Count y, obta'n wi.liout the usual Loan office loutine, delay, Law Cos is, or L fe Insurance) from £ 10 to £;;00, at 5 per cent, for any term not exceediet; 5 years (repayable to suit their convenience, oy P.O. ordT or cheque, .\c upon Note or Hand, Life Po'icl s, Furniture (without removal or publicity), Live end Dead Stoci, PJant, or any available Security. No renuine appli- cation refused.—For fu'ther nai ticulars, and Pjospectas, appty personally (preferred) or bJ letler, enclo ing stamp for reply, to Mr. T. KAIKKE^O, 117. Brixton Road, London, 0. w., near Kennington Gate. 7405 DO YOU WANT MONEY? IF so, the Mertbyr Tydfil and South Wales Loan and Discount Company are now lending Sums fvom £ 2 and upwards at the shortest notice, to H useholders and others. Forms of npplicatious for Loans, together wi h the Rules, can be had by applying at the Offices, 38. BeUel Street, or 19, Dynevor Street Georgetown, Meitnyr Tvdfll. P.S.— Money advanced to any amouut on Surplus Stocks, and every kind of tangible Security. 7352 L. J. DAVIES, Manager. MOISEY TO LEND- FROM £ '2 upwards—to Tradesmen, Farmers, Workmen, <fcc., on persoDolsecur ty, Furniture <w tliout removal), Trade Stock, Unseasonable Goods, Ac RepaynK-n; can be arrausred to suit the Borrower's convei,ienop.-ilo Office fees; distance no object; no genuine applc.itions refused —Ap.ily personally or by letter, enclosing stamced directed envelope, to H. M. BEIRNSTEIN, 189 and ISO Hi <h Street, Dowlais. 7-J3 MONEY! MON&Y!! MO^NEY MONEY immediately advanced from £ 2 and upwards, on Persona? fc county, rc-i ayablc by easy mstalmeutf. No Bills cf Sale required, thus saving all extortionate charges. Apply to A. B. JACOA AND SON, 76, High Street, bowiais, and at 38. Wellington Street. Merthyr. T/Siit Cash advanced on Deposits of Jewellery, Plate, Pianos, &c. IMPORTANT NOTICE. THE SWANSEA ROYAL & SOUTH WALES UNION FRIENDLY SOCIETY. (REGISTERED BY J. TIDD PRATT, ESQ.) Chief Offices-41. WIND STREET, SWANSEA. HAYE Opened District Offices in Pontypridd and Aberdare, Mr. D. O. THOMAS being appointed juistrict Manager for Pontypridd, and Mr THOMAS MORGAN, 68, Hate Street, Aberdare, is appointed District Manager for that place. jEMO paid in the District. 7370 ""r" -=:=- -=-=- The Marvellous Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Ho -feness Asthma, Bronch-ti Consumption, and all Chest ATcc/ions ip E c a: i jsr is. Sold by all botvles, at Is Ibl.2s 9d. 4s 6d & 11 Sent by ihs Pr iprieto s upon receipt of Stamps. From Rev J. STOREHOUSE, St. Saviour's V c\r-ige Nottiugha-n. AUGUST li.4. DEAlt Can *trong'y recomtiend your Pee.o, e as an invalu ible Cough remedy. I have given it a (.JÎ. t in] in my own family, atiu have also supplied i, to persons surfe.'i'l:r from Cou.,ki .1) my parish and in every inslaucu it h.3 given immediate rttiet. In some cases, after passi.ig steep'ess nights, one or two do»es of the I'ectoriae have llad such a good efTect that persons have got a good night's rest, and the Cough has speedily disappeared. TMr. A. ROLFE, St. Ann's Square, Manchester, >. • i ine is supeiior to any Med.cine I have t e I ot OTITIS or Colds." PECTOKINE cures the worot forms ofjCourtis and Colds PECTOBINE cares Hoarseness PKCTOK NE gives immediaLe reliefin Bronchitis PECrORINE is the best Medidoe for Asthma PECTOKINE cu es Whooping Coujh PECTORINE will cure a tioublesoine ticaltn? Cough PECroRlNE is invaluable i J the Early ataje-, of Con- sumption PEcTOttlNE relieves all Affections of the Chest, Langs, and Throat. s Prepared only by SMITH AND CLA. UKE, Manufacturing Chemists, Pa,k Street, Lincoln. Vice Chanaellor Sir C. Hall granted a! in junction, with costs, against F- Masoii, Chemist, llotherham for uting the word" PecLorine." LocAL AGENTS: Mr. L. P. Jones, Ebbw.Vale 731a Mr. W. J. While, 128, Hi^h-Street, Merthj. Mr. Rees Th iuias, 143, jtrest, .kJertht r'. Sir. T. W. Evans CommMCial-Street.Aberda.e. ONLY two medicines really act upon juiver one is Mercury or Blue Pill, tha other Dandelion, rhousands of constitutions have been destroyed by Meicury, Blue Pill, or Calomel. The only remedy is DB. IUNG''¡¡ DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS. which act very gent'y on the Liver, giving immediate relief n all cases of Bile, Indigestion. Sick Headache, Loss of ippetite. Giddiness, Spasms Heartburn, Flatulency, Nervous- less, Gout, and all disorders of the Stomach and Liver. Sold by all chemists and medicine vendors,in boxes at Is. 1 jd. Is. M. 4s. 6d. or for stamps from J. HOKKE, 47, Mortimer- itreet. Cavendish Square, London. W. 7357 RELIEF FROM COUGH IN TEN MINUTES. HAYMAN'S BALSAM of HOREHOUND, far Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all disorders of the 3hest and Lungs. It promotes expectoration, abates fever, tnd allays the cough. Agreeable to the palate, it is admi- listered with ease and safety to CBIL-DKEN as woll AS ADULTS. [t will be found to give instantaneous relief, aud if perse- rered in it will scarcely ever fail to effect a rapid cure. IMPORTANT TESLIMONITL. Amport Firs, Andover, May 29th, 1869.—Sir,—I have for ome years had your Balsam cf Borehound for A rs. 4. B Vebster, and intended writing to tell you how much beneflt he has derived. She was considered consumptive, but the ialsam has quite restored her, and she is now quite strong. I lave recommended you dozens of customers, and all hare cen pleased w ih it.—I am. yours, Ac., H. B. WECsTNi.. N.B.—There is a saviug in taking the larger bottles. Wholesale Agents:— W. Suttoa & Co., Barclay & Sons ,ondon Collins & Roper, Bristol; and Evans, Sons, & Co., .iverpool. —— CAUTION—As unpriclpied parties are offeriu; an imitation or sale, the public are lequested to observe that the words 'HATM^S'B BALSAM 0*' HORKIIOUND are stamped on the icttle. without which none are genuine. 73;g THE SOUTH WALEa IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE, HIGH STREET, (Opposite the Vale of Neath Railway Station) MERTHYR TYDFIL. W JAMES, P^opKr^ToT?, RHFI SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY SHOP. FOR FURNISHING IRONMONGERY YHE SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY SHOP, FOR IRON BEDSTEADS 11UESOLTH WALES IRONMONGERY SHOP _L FOR PETROLEUM, PAP AFFIN, & BENZOLINE OILS. I^HE SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY 1. SHOP, FOR PARAFFIN &- BEN ZOLINE L\Mi>S HE SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY JL SHOP, FOR HAYWOOD'S BEST CtilLEV.Y HE SOUTH WAI,E8 IIION-I-IONGERY JL SHOP. FOR BRUSHES; SCRUBBING. BLACKING, SHOP, FOR BRUSHES: SCRUBBING, BLACKING, LAUNDRY, AND lJALUSTtiR. THE SOUTH WALKS IRONMONGERY SHOP, FOR GREEM,LADE.j PLACES, PATENT SASH TOOLS, & DUST-RS. THE SOUTH WALES JKONMONGERY SHOP, FOR CARPENT^US1 and MASONS' TOOLS, &c. <HlT~ SOUTH WALES IRONMONGERY fmOP, FOR BUiLDKliri' AND GENERAL IRONMOINGERY. RI^HE SOUTH WALI<IS IRONMONGERY JL SHOP FOR LUBRICATING 01LS,ANTI- FJ.IL OTION dull OTHER GRALASIIS, WASTS, kc. 7369