Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

6 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



THE NEWS BUDGET. The Duchess of Beaufort at a. Farmers' Club.-At the annual dinnercf the Badminton Farmers' Club, which was presided over by his Grace the Duke of Beaufort, the health of. the duchess was drunk with great enthusiasm. Her grace, in response, said: "I thank you very much for the kind way. in which you have drunk my health. I have great: plea- sure in seeing you all here, and I hope it will not be the last time I shall have the pleasure of meeting so many kind neighbours." Adopting a Foundling.—An interesting incident has j'llst marked the closing of the, Council-General of the. Rhone at Lyons. The members of the council were assembled at a farewell' banquet, in the chakt of the. Tete d'Or-park, when Mdlle. Grand) the daughter of the proprietor, presented to the company an infant which had been fctind' tM" previous evening on the banks of the lake of the park,' abandoned by its mother. M. Aries Bufritp'immediately proposed that the little orplum should be adopted by the Council- Gejieral, and i subscription opened for it. This was at once conaented to, and a sum of upwards of 560 francs was collected on the snoot; The name 'of G-rancl- Conseil was then fixed upon for the foundling-Grond from the'Siatoe of the oWnerof'thetfealet' and Geiiseil after the collective title of'its adoptive parents, The terrible eatast' •opfce that provedfzttalto six persons on.the railway in the South of Fj.svee has been carefully investigated by the local as^liorities. It is now ascertained that a wretched ni-feismadlittlje boy, about nine years of age,. piaced upon %tie rails, at a short distance fram .each o-iier., a. nnml^r of stones, and then quietly Said, himself behind vines to watch the e&eefc <of his --mischievQas labours. When fue saw tha dreadful.'-he .quietly went: lome. The ,fasuly. of the boy ,hp4 .g'<$xe to witness a, j bull-fight at&esas&ixe, ,an-d-he availed, himself absence to «ai*y out tHs diabolical'project, which ended ja this <daplorable loss of human life. I* Treasure feo^e.—Ht will be semembered deposit ofsilwr coins cr; Edward t4\o First and the Titiid w.i- lately fc-Jii(i in a A claua to cm was ^itt in on tn3 part of: tlie; crowm, as tr-ea^x.c1 tio/e, arMff the corns Tiore, fGNvarded iotiihe Treasury w ith a view todeposWin. the A plan i< r thcir -local distiibiiti >n was: also swggeafced by the tprevious owner or holder, a.nd it is a.t iecsgth ordered by the 'Lards of the l.reasury that the ■ coins be returned to ilalton, with on, the (pact of her ,M:ftjesty'for .tile holder, to. diSpo e <f ths s -as he sees prefer. -Abortion is 'dsstined for Yorkshire and tM rest for private coliecfcsons. summoned s-patwabroker before a Lordon mat .*tr;ite rte other ;day!te show eatise why fee detained a chain. ■tPhieigawnbwsfer brought a cross stooapoas'agafinst the cosiplarnant iSor fraud., "'end the "aBSgistrate, while ordering tka restoration of the&T!}ides,'nemmitted ithe complainant for trinf. forob.taiEiillg;mtYil<9yunder false pretences. His ",as th&—Se offered a base imetal chain in pledge, «ad when askou if i.was silver ;lie replied. Oh yes, don't you see where it has been tested '?"he sham teste having hem. makie before tie '■ electrotvpisig, and hating, ccnseqeeiitly. ;«11 the &p- ipearance of a genuine^rial..t Affecting Instance o'f Reverse-cf For time.. ■At the-"Worship-street Police-eotirt,-feat'-week, a Ban ;wlts chafed with steCling. lead *renhlhr> Sfripty hocse. 'Hg admitted to the constable wlis apf reJafedod'liinr that he 'i ad taken &e !lead. a3)8fIad<Ml,' morufnMfyl It certainly is a very paltry &db/-fbr-zifr niy titee I have broken into--<«aei robbed jowiLev' shops. See: what it is to be reduced." ;vSlteg £ > Farming in Vietstda, Austral is—/ correspondent in ike Field,, in asEs-wrer-to G. M.r who '-wishes for information on thp «heep'fatssadng in Victoria, says-r—UI may^ ifesCf tthat -iiie ',capifalli srtg- quireJiTo rnako a gcoa star^'#6uH'^i 'at/least.#potr; £ 5-000 to ^10,0»*G. It is n«t at all uncommon ix invest much larger sums in steep, stasisns. A f}Ô6nil of mine with ^61a.;§.30 in hard cash Jro? been \natiiir for several years without beasg able u.o meet witibiS. suitcb^ investrue^f'. £ 5,0Gt? tr 000 scarcely be sufficient for a it 'necessary to purdkase not Qasly^he;fe&eep, but a Fidorable proporiic 1 of rhe g4jdxind;a': „ £ 1 an a^rc T~" havfehad fourteem years' exp^Vi6)lb^S"; a stock-de inNictoria, fror.i x lience I zActred °'E3 niic you-s ago, but I hivo kept npmy, with tu xsolony, and think *the above ;gtfet^tess|i,will be oori'ealat the time. ,• Attempted JTurder at JiOKjf -"borougii.— 1 e deliberate atteiOJ at murder was .ma,de at Lougi- boroisgh last weeik.}.by Sanmei.Marshall, a frame--imti_ his .victim behagy Elizabeija feaves, ik,ndl^dy of tl e ..Boat Inn. Alfekeugh a mamed man, with a Csaa.By, .Marshall has, -since the tL-ath of Mrs, G^a-veB- husband, been -r constant *<lsitcr &L the Boat lEt: which caused iii- wife, an iitl'sirious woman, to loai ''liim. As soonaas he because lawarexf his wife's -de- parture ,he went down with xazer, and at ouoo began to CjUane^AV jlrs. G^a i.t /Afiter some timeillae seized 3i«3"^ai:d nuvle a cut act her throat. She %kivx: her head feacK to avoid the blo\s when the razor .eaught her <j1 eok, li Cioting a dc„e^ gash six inches leng, which serrly severed the LoNvcr lobe rfthe ear, ar>d extended lo tl.e V of the ll.eek .-As-she fell seneol^ss on the floor, he coolly Tv&Bsgd. äway.. Mr. PJLirMT", surgeon, was at er 20 sent for and closed the wound. _Police-co3% tabic «Kj.wby, on in sesrcZi of the crooner, fo-j.S d him couching under a hedge in field close by, razor lying open underneath hun. ,Ðn being told the^-cSiarge, he said,4 "I she dead,-for!lmeant hef to be?" Pointing to the ri'Zf he -a'c' J o the ofRcer^ ""Fo-ih.r.d better ta>e charge d! that: ".asid whilst <m. his way to the police- stati.on'b:e said, I -i be hung fer her yet, and die like .amé1J,1;" 'WheJl,2,hthe station fceseeEiec unconcerned, 's andfell-asleepinhis cell. The prisoner was brought before the Loughborougu magieferaies naad remanded, ,the woman being-still in a precarious state. 1 r gton two jyoxmg .menj named Peter Kenwriglit .and William parkin, went to the'ilaouse of JohaMee,J "■ Haydoct- «treet,;Ond. borrowed ,9, gun. Meewas js-t at home, Ipt'his-,K3fe, oh.being a ked by Eenwrigi-t if the gan WBSloaded, said she old not know.. The ,young men then went together 1 the shop of Thomas Lowe, tyrtelier, Y'inwick-strccb. Kenwright ,wenti¡.ofioLowe' s ho^seior tin purpose of procuring a powder-Sask and ghoi-bag, eaving Drirexii, who held the gi r,, at the shop door. jPurkin stosd with the g-an nesting on his foot but by some means he let it faH,sad\theiimmEier comii^g in coisi xct with iffoe ground, am exploaisn was the result. She .greater, part of the confers were lodged in iiiejasad of a boy of Lowe's, four YIi,LrS of age, who. was a&kyiqg aboisii' in the shop. The !bQy was killed instantly. Durkin, in a state of great eUsrmj went to the fpefee and f^ave "himself isto custc^y. The chief constable, however, finding thai th^re .was 110 blame attaehQ# to Mm, did not detain Mm. The Waifcmg, Virgin & £ Yieovaro.—A recepi letter from Eome says that the extraordinary success sof this miracle has "o'er-Uapt" itself as to have 1^3. to; a quarrel aiboiit the plunder between & jpriest .add' a bishop, which bids fair to bring the ujiracie itself, into The receipts of the ohui-ch of Tieovaro since the Madonna t.cok to winking in it •liaw3 been on an average .3,000 crowns (about £ 600) a Wesfc. The Bishop of Tivoli, in whose diocese tae is, put in for a shais of this sum, bat the GIÚm was resisted by the cure. The latter seems 1E0 have the law on hi.3 side, lor the Mshop, in despair of gottjxg any money, now gwes out that he has never seen the image wink its eyes, and tfcjiat he doubts. whether ii does. Acclimatisation Society of Great Britain. -r-At the special meeting of the council of iliis society, n. Mr. Hawkins presiding, Mr. Francis read a memoran- dum with respect to the piscicultural establishment; After iWme, discussion the following resolution was agreed to" That Mr. Francis be authorised-to erect a building and apparatus for fecundating and latch- ing fish, ova on his premises at Twickenham at an expense not exceeding < £ 100 (such apparatus toremain the property of the society), to engage a man to assist iQ'^iKih operations for a period of sixteen weeks, at a salary of 2os. per week; to spend < £ 10 for the first year for the npply of water to the apparatus, and £ 10 in HefcS; on behalf-of the society/' Mr. Francis an- srniiecu Ihit the increase of funds' which he had alreauy obtained for the society on account of the proj^t^d ^-piscicultural branch amounted to between ■0 and £ 80. This was only the result-of a public meeting held at a period of the year when most of the. gentlemen interested in sporting were out of town. A, letter was. read from Lord Walsingham, stating tha^ he would be glad to increase his subscription to .society, if, as has been proposed, they should turn Jjeir attention to pisciculture." The secretaries were car§C.-ea to reply to his Jordship, thanking him for Jjis offer/and a's the experiment was somewhat, perilous to_±he small funds, of -the. society, any flirthe- itid which his lordship might be disposed to.-x^n^er would .be thankfully received. Suicide through. Intoxication.—Dr. Lankester held an inquest at Clerkenwell Workhouse, on the body of Francis John Lethbridge, a pattern maker, who hung himself in his -workshop in Baker's-row. The deceased was given to drink: he had been on the drink for three weeksyand forthe fortnight intoxi- cated. He told a fellow-workman that he thought he should go out. L of his mind, and oil, Moilday morning was found hanging and quite deal. The coroner had no doubt that druntenness had' produced unsoundness -11 of mind; and t'IIohghtitM<jury shönldrecordthe fact in their ver^i' T!k^ jury l'eturneli a verdict "That the deceased • had' committed suicide in a.;n unsound "state of mind, pVoduqed by habits c.f intoxication." A Quaint Amusement— Many. English visitors to Paris will remember Lassagne,. one. of the most irresi&uiLly m'i.^h ^^o\cwi a 01 "f. comedians,, and whose, full dix llery the moi». depressed of could not^ long, witness without being cheatQdintOà p 9 laugh. Tha pa^r. fellow died, a lunatic not long ago, and .111 a sketch of him, recently, published there occurs the following anecuotej-j-tecJcn-e he gofe mad enough to be »ia>Je?*^d to rcevra^Bt he ui1 vised'for himself a 'in;;uw avjiijiseinont., .wor.tky5 it may be. said, of L a mad^ias, U<it-to YTiink ■ mi^iiu-iope might have resc.rte,ct.. as; a,1 mpajis of- ^i/udyang h««ncca nature. He .u «d to his pocket ^ttii^oppcr i/oney, and get into (iii oi-iiibu^, sed-ling h-iffib.elf n«ar, "0 conductor. In the iPtiis omiiiou^es it is customary for persons to pay after theyigSet :111; if they aee far from the con1. their laoii-e;? is passed 1EMra hand to hand;;ai«S trt change .Is ^etiirseu to thcA in; like manner. iLsis- «>&fne wasj always ayady with a (hand held out to reooive tiw fare fieia th<lse: seated feeyond him, but Whea he handed back the change received from the conductor it is, few sous taken "irem his own poc»«L "iBfe .was his d@!Sg'ht then to watch the face of the. pass^rtj^er,.whoi, fcaiving given aiten-gflus piece m order thit,six'might feq taken from, it, reeved back ten or Ma-iare wai'paid. The pas- j senget reeouaited, and- eiMifid by pocketing ] the chain-go.. .Lassagii^ 'then laughed, .-as the. French ^1 say, iCw) ^?e (t/i,/Bit.. lt'e:-ased to declaare.iiiat he never once.sitw J 111 jnevi^turned. ii S&G2Xpa,fl.g the Steam R«jeas. e have gw>d roelieve tMt the Government has committed. itself to an overt c.ct in the affair^Oi %he steam Sra3&« ..air Ivilt H Birkenl^es* h "^Ve are i^fonrci that Earl en Wednesday, dinp-s^ched t>y ^vrittcr mi-; "t\<a^o-itive order to ] aii-o to yrerent io?ving tfeir yards wi^.hont m ami le <rrp!a^ *'<r. tiieir destination,1 a»d a •Fiistaina\ilcPrefert^<n "Co th'> owner or^-yvners for7iiey are GOH^lTiirtfd. Itas tEiow affiriBed, moreowft, that the Fre&A A*a,foas- •Jsattijtfihas beencppeeJed to s-s to'^V-a possibility orn'in- pc^silKlity of 8s French sufe^eb-havulg ofdaasedi^cggelq o £ mis stamp of an Knfh^h shipbuilder, Tx?^ic ij. '(fe-iai-Bed to ha* e come a 7 rop€" neyly fr«rs lis F 'I" ce]lei'c\ ii&z no Fr?sAt eni has siay legr." ^Ight 'fe possess or ^rare^a «e war. eitlkJpr for him- or < n ^vff of other-4-—^>' n{ ->i "A G-alla&t Aetof-a STa^al. Very 2". l?nt a-i" determined ct «7r- ppifoftcfe& 11" Com- ^fcinder E#« ard Wilmcsi, of-the Euryahrs, fia^liip of' tkk last. While the ship wa;3 at anchor at "V>h ham a «rse of'"e fe-marine sentries a^c^MtWement-, in«taDCiy sank;* with) a '■^c\ man ohal m- s'iU er;: board t6 •oommanier WilnMWLifiD ak-s t3ritical.aaism.e35t', jumped^ r-v erhoarC, and, d^terbusly pljioed himseif Under .tto dmAvniii^ ttaoi', i, -ought tism to th€ ■s,urface.,«,xid safely -era. board. This iswrt'&^e first* aefr of tha uatm o- ifci. hiiii. o^iosr ?h.^ "i^e^rformo^ itasbhife Jicsi'noe spa tiic «,ot, whisk was Vefite a^ft- dental, t as most IttKunat* on thii two valusaoie nvefe, • GOES"! littal of-Th-Ece Bur ford-art jfienry ^ates, F sen, w Thomas Jui.ct-, wbf? rpTig.ti'- T.p on.«B- a,a a chargo. I oi g & T. a-.jO'l* t ~o\e ittftii trriJJ <:a=, tLccS ~M 1. Sa]\- » ^cnt, 'man le^-In^g ftt Il4ai1^wiyilla^ ^Voodferd The^ p^soieis -vhire 1 oit6rn:aboitt'011 'tl.e iiitcr-• iicktrt o?fcfh6 itH. la^«hile tr* 'tii •r° v, ei 0 rp- glged ith their /.aek-Ot, r the a ico cr the ga,t-^= Mi4-" Srlle heard 1 nc SP~ 1 the ..4: She ran. upfefcJL a d sav. "ti. e i -o cr >YI^j ,,0 u 'dot of, the Atf^adiow into hhe fMu&en.- -She ■tai^adf r alarm,fci'a gardents r id ot^ec servants ran aftJr him alt, 1 Le the- prisoners: resists bat wear, ailtlmptely capUr. -d ■'m %-jmoved the pr'ic-^tatifffia. wa *3, d c the p i soners, but the .raisrii^- cru + •«% '1 v d-roovered ir a ditèlc by the ore1 a. —Tl 0 p r sa;a they we-e *rii oc nt,it 101^ r 's jp-ripg beeio. prow d by the palu*e, .iey were fc."v con-mitted fcr ."ial a the. cn^ong esfcLO^s of th' C> v/f Cr-minal Gaurt.Old Bailey- > XiC^d Clyde".s S-kster.—Wli^r his Hjghne»!e the,Bake of G«abi'ddga, and otfer-ii^liiiersons ofr miliitary a^tiioL.»n 4.1c, _lth cjfe&itsble foeJng, pro-j, po-mg monuniec.i taLcrd Clj d«u, ±l.e fcllo? mg fact's shotildlloe called fe .'fih$"attentioú. The^gakant and ■ducr f 1 field-nj^ ba^ left; oniv aat^e a sister, vho, urnjiea- i<Le Lmitatio:. rj 1„ 3 irten^ of aolB-V' A\hich ws? an ciclnary onCjXj.he^.iaiitle, not, oven th'- de lgnat^n of Lo^o lraL^e," from.lvm, and J- Miss GssepceB. Now, fl,AOV\S of CJydc'-j f-no famaj ccra/in.ors _n £ iar-a, and !?a,olcc^, \cro, a.aei th:ir ha&laad t Jcatl1, raised to dignity iy F-peecJ jiterferenco QC_XL» crovj-Laa* $Tefl t,ts^ the rank <sf-a^vsife of a lLC:2B-, and Lady l^.avpfo<|s:' to the the wjft-3 of -bar^ixtst—^it SjBrtaM^ y, oiJd seeiu. «k. ja^t that "the sapje -special Inte|ce of th< c O',E should EOUI.ER noibSBy, or, £ Ki ^.feast, up«a. the-sole surviving1 ^in^Eeds .the 'Wtcr (jr. one of the l?e&i and most a&cfa.- 9tfirxi&sg this ,-Gountas ever bingBilar .Bankruptcy Case.—A %aed ltwagsxsai importer of aer^can sc-tuk* mafebiaes, w o ha.(J .&een declared ,a .bankrupt, wrap charged, at .<S..ExMhaU,with disposi^r çfapart of cstate.isi- »m|> tely^rior to his bajoiruptcy with. intent -to de&audihis -creditors. Icu\ X.^nt stated thsst after-the he was coryinced that: -here was,no framl comiEitted, and. the-Court would icherefore dis- charge Ahe prisoner. Mr. ficg said that &e wished thai j.o lynioiiey should be Sfsawn to-svards client becaspe. 'the ^prosecution was a dangerous OE.S, He-re was a, jBfoeeQKtor who wa* Jfthctolf a couvdetei. thief, and he and his friends had contrived to obtafe from the baaefaupt j £ 700 worth of property shortly ibefore the bafflefniptcy. The bankrupt's intention had been to indiai iUoncss and his so-called 1; cornz2vio-.ion agents" on a dharge of conspiracy, but Honesstsok time by the "CtrtToek and favo t^e bankrupt Ho castody. was not now prr^nt or. he might ride away in one øí her Majesty's c&i^iages (laughter1. The friend of .Honess, who pawned the goods, had been tried, convicted, and soiite;iccd ;to three years' penal servitude. acquitted Mr. Ken', of any desire to screen such peysoss, but hoped in a few observations iSaade by the aldermap, his client would I p relieved of ;any imputation QB his character. Mr. Alderman A&is said Mr. King had managed:the case very well, ,anf he had very little to say about it. fat the first instance he thought as io one charge the evidence was clearer, but upon the c, oss-examination of tfje wit- nesses, he was convinced t-iat there was no -fraudulent intent the meaning of the act. The suBtssons was accordingly dismissed, ar.d. on the application of Mr. Hill, the property found by Packman, the defec- tive officer,, on the bankrupt, was ordered to be dc- liveyed up te'She assignees. Stealing, Cats-l-A man, nanjsd Lecolas. appeared recently before the Tribunal of Correctional Police of. Paris, charged with stealing and killing., two cats, the property of a widow named Bupont. The com plainant stated that as her house was infested with rats and mice she was obliged to several cats, but could never keep them long, as they were always' stolen as soon as they got fat. Having been, told by a neighbour that the defendant dealt, in dead eats, she went to his house and there found/the sking of her, lost animals. The defendant: admitted that the eats were, found in his possession, as well as thirteen others, ani that he had about the same number every day, for it was his business to buy dead cats of the rag-pickers and afterwards sell their skins and other proceeds. As to the complainant's twoeats, he Iiad purchased them of a young rag-picker napied .Jules, but he .did.n.o.t JiiiOtV his family name. At this moment a woman exclaimed, But I know it;: his name is Dupont; he is the complainant's son, and he always kill his mother's cats as soon as they are fat enough for.sals.II saw. him sell the defendant the two cats in question." The President having told her to come forward and state what she knew, she went on. to say that shs had long knswn the |de-feB.darft, wliy wis « £ holiest1 fcfeh, and got-his living-by-buying- dead cats and- selling their skins to the furriers, their fat to the frying shops, and their-flesh to the low eating-houses—at least all that m did not eat himself. This statement was confirmed by other evidence, and the tribunal-consequently ac- quitted the defendant. Outrage on Cattle.—We are. sorry to record a fearful act of cruelty and apparent revenge committed in the county of Clare. Four in-calf cows belonging to a farmer named Henness'y, who lives at Oarhuoreagh, near Kildysart, were maliciously, stabbed with a sharp instrument by some miscreant at present unknowa- After one of the cows had been-stabbed it was driven forcibly into a limekiln, where it suffered additional torture, and from which it Was extricated next morning with' great difficulty.. At the last" assize' for this county, Mr. Macnamara, solicitor, appeared before the grand jury to claim for Hennessy compensation to the amount of £12 for malicious injury done to a cow belonging to him that had. been killed at night in the field. The graiicl jury awarded the compensation claimed. The Pearl ChaJleDge.—Some time ago we stated that Mr. Faxquharson had challenged anyoneto produce a finer pea-tl than that in his possession. The time expired on Saturday, and Mr.. Farquharson wa-s ex- tremely disappointed to find that no competitor had accepted his challenge. He feas now offered to stake another ^615—making aE20 ili all—against any British peavl that may be found superior to the. one M his. pos- sesion, including the," Great Pearl-" belonging to the Buke-of Athole,. add also the pearls in the Scottish crown at Ed^imrgh G^stle. The chalkmge will be open for six days, on the expiration of which, if there is nO competu-ion, Ife. Farquharsoa intends to retain the pearl for the inspection of her Majesty the Queea. on her arrival at llalmoral. The .pearl will then "be exposedforsalo. We understa-ad It is valued at about £100. A Brien-d, to Jerusalem Boaies,—A donkey race .has been feeid at greatly to the aaansewient of some three thousand- spectators who asseteblod to witness so -n-el a, sight. Madame Urbaisti 'Saijtfczzi was the originalpfgpcger of the race, and dotibt the 'Wliole donkey creanaon feel indebted to laJy for once putting th«m. < ajaewhat ON a par sdth that-.more&bble animal the lessee besides, it was c&» for thefe bene t Tho ^■•11 was headed—■Society the eaconra<- <, o* 't i^Loratiiig .ca.ce. l&iday, at •'Lr^e o la k in the KEar-le, Eax3es'an4steeplec"l<'4 5 t prize, .SOf.,f<M: :a.sseB ot .three yc-ars old and spv .rrx"«. Second prize, -2uf,, for ThSBèwmthree years old. aad upwards. • Dlard prizes 30f.. f<x donko;,<■ awi of all, k:nd- qi'pfl agj)^. and of any country. The distance 'for eacsa Jace, 1.010 me £ ro?. .free. All es.gagem§di;s wili be re- ceives. half an Ja»or -before the race." L.). t A Race for^TtSCJty.On "the u t. "tiaree Gortf,derate p8sxrateerscaea,lftaken prisoners -on the ecaeaiam of-tie oaptusa, 9^ th&!T.acioa,y.,i'fwka rywq&ppn- fiiBs4 m. Fort .^qston, mjaae. ^t es5f pe. Watching, ^eir ,opportm.%r&#y«s^^fide4 in-scaling iae Walk, anperceived. by qm Th^oramted. along the aftey ssc'ely rerMthjp?^ the ground, fello-Y^pp^eec^} "Xscatenoxit .B^ed, »&vy—a&oa.5.ierft>ted to escapei.-j. feae* but, cnfortiaBS»«ejr•' £ «» ^e whole i'¡;f,.7w,¡,,¡¡was(ldi.n1õvered. iLn alarm •te.ven, and- a --parasJt^msfaa&ly com- anenced; who got the 'T •f s 'ft^ta'^get" tliiee^rff^^Xp^f aj^de', to am °pp»a^'j*S«Bay^d|ere iSer seiss.ct a eip&tyr .§|Jii^ (ressel..ttotjifwere n«t SE^lie^; tfeee-^ood or 0! ji 1 ua^t, thty!c<MJ d n otja tA a- ce-tters were ser^^tfe frem, s atf k.- -Q iovrt.4 -»a— tl; were res^r^J t Dear Booni r i made ne resistance, Cant. Birming;iha:m ,Pob,.court fec«e women -«aeoe.. charged with hemnag coasasitted- aa -«..9SH.uib oa aea-oM-Imfc- >voi. is <Mien do St t'^i^yrijj to tu Court tiiftts8^ie*caoifl-iiot.sri4»fc grown- u.-p daa^hsitr w^is oafed u,p&tt &o ^.1> £ rpr„t. _!T*he old la bepd&gr jl^pi^heT &oia*,led somg 5 so^nd^^fei .the.a^^hte^'sgisai:, wh>qh qthtj., the uwiasi, cpj^^aNirc, jsyeioi^d >> t last ta^e (f ris, bak»wig jaaSt rpn^ccr the e«s\i4s. jit a&jccdmg —il -r V-H-p* ljo>u, 0 < iiif t-ci.iv..a 'I r^'i }ik ^outjtw V° 1J ~G c i r«. v.iOiX tisu roc c c ^j/:i<yv hu.ifiUfj, the sl^lrteei ifciGa accent. animediatejy^t^oijM^i'^siaj BOiSnIaaa snreti can't >JS £ ss then pim^edec1 £ <r+fMl her tals .m cventiii^h. -^ucef00^4 f31 ^0 of^sp^pgcippH^ f-cd. ji,- ,1. r&j 1.1 for .idu< ktx' -nhtn sj-pssid, ai,a«->d Jiai to u e^ £ » Epglish'teiighie; fr& she didTBt-sgvgrkit'pto^nly, The the Wr^wicksZxA'Q Magi. the of most of <iuf -readers that a ,coo,ity meeiapg of tjpe ¥"ap^iskskn magistrates, pros^kd ov Was Le Vcirwiii j> isv" ^v'eej s 24,0, to cxp f^s, to liO" .Majesty tltss: jokaa^arobataipi.|*aeh A^jiibiijions that at Astom-ptask, ^hich re^v^ea.iy?^" i^ath of tit .Female Bloi^jjjj<a^. to pr««BMfflto'.nse -ifcir onflneaoe •'to in. Wtoifltiefee^ure'for• "uture Tk' -following- repV "has been atcex^ed frcss ser Majesty—b-i-geldie Br.Cife-T, Aug. 2i" .1863.—Mp 3).eMiJi09:;d JuO jpi — ve j:,i>i iroir .^bii^'g tif* CvKjix:aECii^Gi i.he t'j, "o piuj>re«^, }.he gsa- Tincation vif i whi'h Tier jVltje^v has is^i, that the JE&gistratea. of the cvennty sef \Virw MA lw .liiifKM- iLO i->ly r&Mi ed to ijrerciae -»i.aie v cr fciice,.x/iey- BOS-^e^i to prevent the lepctip^jn \A S'lch (Lmg ro,io aur^. degrading; ac. that Tit.Cm i-itelv wnd^d fa y '&? .he poor KToraan (sh~ jitmgercb you. "The Loi€ Xosh." '• C. B. £ a.*i t Ifllie aa Whitoa&apel Cfcireh.—<i'a Jlaturday. Mr. Kc«r ^nreys. one <A t". 0 Middlesex C0Ti02ters, ;-33esEmed. ui Angel ,1'aver-i, Backstreet, WMtecfeapeii the aci<n Kied im-Wtigauon respiting the re^nt:^jcfe:aordirKiry di^^overy oi the of chilia:^a.iji-,the^*oof of tl c belfry ci White- chap^i Church. 'TJ¡e eyiaence addoced brought out some very revoSii.g' details in refwre- «e tli-e, looge- ness with which: it he bodies of s+ -b p r trea,ted. It was also made cle^i tc^ the possible, facilities e^sl for the dispossl-.ef the bodies of murdered childrer, iter a long ion the .Jisry returnedta, verdict, in t*je case ofonebpdy," That .cm the 22ndifiay of AsgBs-t-the deseased chiH tmknawii, being ar infant o £ tender ags, was found in the roof of Wfiiitechapei CI wch, and that frQan the lapse <?of timenhere was no eadence to prove: how the Eaid child tad come by deatlj,: and !ths? jury find tg?on evidesqe that it is fee practice of .undertakers tlr receive certificates for taie hi rial of still-lorn chil- dsen from asadwives or an." other females; amcl the feel tfe?,t such -a- practice .af-^rds facilities for the f>erpetratksi of abortion they recommend thas any person ;bsrymg, .or assisting to bury, .a still-born child, without a proper medical cer- tifie,atc, shall inegr the penalty of And igae jury declare the sexton o!f' Whiteohsioel Church, guilty of great, irregulaiity in burying still- borii chadren in aetesed churfibyard,- a-iidin destroying the certificates, and Me. not accomntisg to his s-LLperiorz in guah cFses; and isfeat he was failty of culpable negligence ia his care of the church, which wag in his change, and the entrance to which wag entirely in his keeping. And. the jury jsaconimend that the officers of the parish should commigjieate the recommendations above contained to the Sectary of State/' The pro- ceedings then terminated. Another CoB-tinental Duel.—One of those senseless duels whicfe. are now, t'jrtunately. nef rly out of vogue eves 011 thg- Continent, took place at'Milan, on the 1st insi,, between M. Fll^d Filippi and M, Matchovich, editor of the O crto The cause of the quarrel was an1 article which {3,'ppeared in the paper detrimental to M.FiliTOi, the facts stated not being true. The .editor, disclaiming any h^ii m the matter.^ said he was ready to' give the «at ^faction demanded. So these two men met and fought, first, with pistols without doing any harm, then with words, for the determination was they were to fight till one was hors de combat. M. Filippi received.a very severe, but not dangerous, wound m the face—it extended from the right ear to the nose—and M. Matchovich two slight wounds on the arm. Having done so much they shook hand's, the one gentlemen stating that he was perfectly satisfied, the other 'that! he regretted the article having appeared, and that he entertained the. greafcect esteem for his adversary; and honour was, sati -fied When recovered (-says a contemporary) they are both coming over to the Donkey Show. Officers and Crew of the Florida -Captain Maffitt is forty-two years old, and is the oldest officer onboard.. All the-.officers-Were born in the Confederate States, and most of them were officers in the United States' Navy before the outbreak of the war. Of the other officers none are more than twenty-three. The men mixed.- ffhere are one handred able seaman. on_ board thtf-JTlorida, and about thirteen õffic8:fŠFünfniîë'Îellõ,v¡orare from the neighbourhood of .Brg^ti. ;Captei?i Maffitt-^ays that he has hardly ever takes ^pris^wwt spine.of the crew of the prize have come,sayi Should like.,to serve-with .you,;sir,.Generally speaking, he, refuse but if he sees very likely fellow he takes him on. Capt. Maffitt was a lieutenant in the United States': Navy before, the outbreak,, and in thatcapacitydistinguishecl himself greatly. In 185S he commanded the brig Dol- phin,, when .he captured the slayer: Echo, with four liuna-td slaves onboard, and took her into Charleston. For this feat his health was drunk at a public dinner at Liverpool; and it is a curious fact, for those who maintain^ that the civil war in America was founded on .the slave, question, that the commander of this im- portant Confederate cruiser should be the very man who has distinguished himself actively against the slave trade. In 1859 Captain Maffitt commanded the United States' steamer Crusader, and captured four slavers. Sensations Wanted in Australia.—Those two spirited and enterprising gentlemen who netted large fortunes a, short time since by a speculation with our English professional cricketers, Messrs. Spiers and Spend; are now in;London, and open to an engagement with any first-class Britisher who would" draw" in their thi4-v4iig- colony. They offered Mr. Dickens a tremendous' sum to give readings over thóre, but he declined With thank^, for the present at all events. The brilliant reoeption'of the cricketing eleven is very There is little doubt, however, that the smart Australians will-capture some cele- brity or other,- and carry him back with them in triumph, New Parik at Dundee.™-A magnificent-park, the gift ot- Sir David Baxter to the people of Dundee, was opened on Wednesday witli 'great ceremony. The cost of the park and the bitildings in it is estimated at • £ 30,000. Lail Russell was present, and received a warm welcome. The noble, earl was presented with the freedom of the burgh, and in his reply, touching up6n the topics of the day, he referred to one 'subject of rmoife tha,n jiassxag interest. He stated that the efforts of the Government would be used to "defeat any attempt to engage our people in enterprises incoii- i&Menl with neutral position." s.y QUthfalBurglars. At the Birmingham Police- «ourt a verv c:s,x.raoi-Qinarj- case of youthful .depravity occurred.Cwo.boys, ten years of age, named William Bateman #^d Joseph Brewn, were charged with having burglariously broken in%o the house of Mr. Mole, cow- Ar r- keeper, -Riid stolen- tS^refrom a q&antity 01 wearing apparel.' They were <a!so charged with stealing some harness "from the of Mr. Caswell, cab proprietor. 'Frdto Hie evidence it-appeared #iat early on: Thursday morsmg Police-constable Redden found the prisoners of Blootesbuxy, with articles of the s'bove description in their possession. He took th<6fe into custody on of stealing the pro- j^!ei4y: and afterwards ascecta-ned that during We d- i^day thfe'premised cf Mr. Mole were broken tiSfe$,'an&th&'w«srinij apparel stolen, and that during ^b3 «ame night the name'? had been piuicined from &>*» stable offfr.C' oil 5"hp r risoners pleaded guilty, ted also admitted that thev had each beea convicted ^ibor&k-Scfeakfig, besides "which'- they -had been' before -The magistrates on another charge; They were ordered Go be sent t- +be P-i 1 -eet In '—trial <3cLocI for four |x?r.r-. 'Billiards.—Is it, s. Lawful u-aaBse ?—An action bfopgkt in the Sheriffs' Court, London, to recover 1-2s. fid.' for certain ganjps of billiards, plaintiff 'being p hotmi&5»per, and dffendant a copamerc-ial traveller. —fiis'-feoAotir": d tMnk ^ou are''out of court, Mr. Clayton, on rvouB. own. particulars.;—Pkimtitf Sow. sir P^lii&IOim^r ^e-u 'sai e{ games' of b&liards," and kiOTWl .rf rms Hosttoastealle'd for jact'ol^^rk^menl, B, and 9 Vict., but 1* r»' not in aeart,5- ana it was suggested that p1 cxfLid.reCoVf* for' the'IS4 8?- the table.— His Sojioar SuiM!kr^ it gaM^ Of'■Mllar'as, ana I hoM itiisan'imlawful game.—TainiiifT:' The point in this er^art some'time s.go, and then I re- vio-vdrexj. i. verdit?t.—3i[r. Bachaiians Twásînthatcage, ttad-t-he su-oiect matter was of a■ 4erj different 'kind. Tfr t < 1 was fcrtthe hire of L-Y a Hm Een t i 'Yes, that is another t ]?l&mxa' Biit welArID required to "take[out; a-license for bihiarri&~i, aadi^it .wcialti. be iiard if -we efflnot i-eoorer.-— His Rjnour • 'tt'lf-- e game of «kill and chance "nd may be ealfed gamblii^j' btit: defendant does not appear. How feng would.lie have the tables before 12st* 6d. would*,0 drie ;Pkiisitiff:—Oh, ISe.- 6d. could be run oft lirtyro hours.—His HoTiour;: Weil,.as .defendant is notiteifi you -wnLse^aver fort-he use of the taMes/but I do act think that feUiaras is a-lawful garac for the plaintiff.' The WoIverli £ Enpton_ £ E.d Dudley Mys- teries;—On Tuesday the inquest was resumed" in Wolvesfeam'pton -on -the body of the-man, William Cheenery, -who dead, and his body in a state far advanced hi decompositioijy in the house in which,'for a fortnight before he was Blurdered, he-had lived wrJh a wosaam earned Bosannah Steadman, who the day before his corpse was discovered was also found :il;ead in an empty house at Dudley. Some evidence having'beQTi''t.a..ken,'tihesa:bstajioe of which has been already befor-e, the publis, the coroner next proceeded to -take df!:w depositions -of Mr. Fras. A. .Nesbitt aaad Mr. Gihbr-K, the surgeoas who had made th mvrtem exanimstion. As regarded the woman, 3Ir. Nesbite. was unable speak to the cause of her death; biit,:a bottle of.3*,u3anum was feund upon her. 2is to the ma,n, Mr. Gibbon said Frocix the whole in- vestigation .and examination, I am of opinion, first, "h at the deceased died from injuries to the head and a gssat loss d blood (apparently several quarts) j second, that these injin-Lee .a-nd -tlus' violence were infected by ssene person OT persons other than the debased himself; third, that after death t'he body was lahLout and a TiHow placed smder its head; fourth, that the body was painted p: ¡hl.'ushedcyer with tolerafcly 'hot g&a tar (probably with a view of pre- ventiffiig- detection from.smell as Jong as'possible); and, fifth, a sheetond counterpane had been placed 011 the body, and tucked under the head by some person I or persons other -than the deceased. Some other evidence having been taken, the iiiqn.esi was again adjourned- Y/ilful Destruc-tfon of Briefer—On Monday jaaornmg it was ascertained that no less- than from ,13,090 to 14,600 bricks fead been destEOyed by being Sampled upegiduring the previous night,"in the briek"^ V«5 belonging to Mr. Jo:m Tetlow, situate in Cow- i^i^.4 i e, A htoji. It seeas that the bricks made by Kr. Teflon have, for some time, been the work of vaTÍGt;-fJ members of his-OWE family only.Notwith- e<ta this, abGuttwo mov&hs ago, a large number of were destroyed, but of which no publicity was made at the time.: A fortnight ago Mr. Tetlow engaged- wo additional men, who, although they had applied to be admitted members of the union, for some reason or otikr refused; and, Mr. Tetlow having retained theja in his service, it is conjectured that he has been made to pay the penalty for go doing. The number of batte, denlolisbed is seven, which have taken upwards of three weeks' labour, the cost being 6s. lOd. per 1,000 for moulding, &c., and Is. 6d„ per 1,000 for casting the clay, to which has to be added the payment of quarterage, &c. Mr. Tetlow has offered a reward for the apprehension of the offenders.- A Folieeman Charged' with Murder.—A police-constable at Bury (Lancashire) has been com- mittedto the New Bailey, Manchester, on the charge of murdering- his wife, in February last. In that month the body of a woman- was found in the Bolton and Bury Canal, at Pendleton, about two iriiids from Man- y I chester. There was a, bruise on one arm, but nothing to- exeiie-. suspicion of foul play, and the result of an inquest was the finding of an open verdict of Found drowned," Up to the time of interment the body had hot been";identified, ^ft has now transpired that the prisoner, left Bavy with his wife the night before the body was found, their supposed åntentionbeing to visit the wife's sister, who resided at Pendleton. The pri- soher,"Who was in plain clothes,, returned to Bury-the same1 night, without his 'wife. In answer to inquiries" he told some people that she had gone to Ireland, and to he, mentioned -other places.The. wife's sister i'esidmg: in Pendleton, became very uneasy about her Aid,hearing of the o dy iv:d:in the canal, jsvent to inspect the clothes, and'identUled" them'as' belenging to the prisoner's wife.' The matter was then- communicated ■ to the Bury. police, who apprehended him, took hiff be-fore the on Ti-iogdk), and was by:-them sent to the New Bailey, oh .rttnand. Meantime the police-are "engaged- in -getting^up evi- dence against the prisoner, and it is expected applica- tion will be made to the Secretary of State for power to exhume the body of the woman found in the canal. Spirit-ism and insanity.—In spite of every effort to prevent thes.prea.dof the new doetrine-of the visitation of the spirits of the dead, to those who are in possession of the peculiar gift called medium, when in. a. state of the disease (forsuch it must be called; is aJxeeting a large number of females in different parts'of. France. In one of the lunatic asylums of a department one-third of the patients under confinement there have the origin of their ia- firmity in demonology. There is seldom any violence exhibited in this form of insanity, but a state of exaltation which might lead to suicide or the commis- sion of crime. Soporifics seem to be the remedy principally relied on. Moral remedies seem to be perfectly inefficacious. No attempt at recalling the patient to reason by argument or by experiment seems to produce the slightest baneSt.—f<,< f's Latter. Improved Separate Dwellings.— Since Alder- man Waterlow has introduced to public notice an idea of improvement in the homes of the million, the subject has become popular; the -Times has given space to the letters of S. G. 0., who disclaims, against the shelter provided the agricultural labourers ly country landlords, whilst block after block of buildings are being erected at New Cross by Mr. James Mortimer, of 47, Greshari-street, who appears to have hit the right nail on the head, namely, the complete separation of families in small houses, at cheap rentals, each separate dwelling having all the comforts and con- veniences given to houses of the highest class, and bearing a remarkable comparison between the accom- modation now afforded to the mechanic and the Working man in town, where the families are too closely associated to add either to health or morality. Mr. Mortimer's plans cannot fail to be appreciated EE a great boon to the building trade; for, whilst he shows that the erecting of moral homes can be a profitable investment, he at the same time assures the philanthropist that money expended in this way will give a better return for capital than is obtained from common modern buildings, and likewise add to the morality of the nation.

- Money Market.

The Corn Trade.

Hide Market.

Cattle Market.

[No title]