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Trostrey Hill Farm, Within two miles of the town of Usk. Prime Flock of 150 Sheep: 24 Ht'ad of Cattle, 5 Cart Horses, 1 iNag Coir, 4 two-year-old Cart Colts, 4 Store Pi^s, well selected Agriculiurailniplements, Wheat, Barley, Pea?, Hay, Clover, Root Crops, I &c., &c., the property oi Mrs. Catherine Knight, Who is relinquishing farming pursuits, WHICH ME. JAMES GRAHAM, Jan., has been favoured with instructions to SELL by PUBLIC AUC- TION, On Wednesday, the 2ftth of September, 1865. PARTICULARS SHEEP.—S2 very superior young and sound Cots- "old ewes, 60 good-conditioned and wel-lbred lambs, 5 capital ram lambs, and 3 yearling rams. CATTLE.—7 good milch cows, to calve in good Season 2 barren ditto, 7 two-year-oid steers, 2 two- year-old heifers, 4 steer calves, 2 heifer calves. HORSES.—1 cart horse, rising 6 years I cart mare, rising six years; I cart horse, risiug five years 1 cart horse, rising nine years; 1 mare, rising nine Years; 4 two-year-old cart colts, 1 two-year-old nag Colt. PIGS.—4 good sture pigs. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.—Broad-wheel wag- Son, 2 broad-wheel carts, 1 narrow-wheel waggon, t Water carriage, 4 useful ploughs, 2 pairs of iron iiar- rows (nearly new), I pair of iron drags (nearly new), Pair of light wooden harrows, scuffler, 2 horse hoes, ^attibridge roller, wooden roller,winnowing machine, blower, chaff machine, 2 Banbury turnip cutters, 5 Sheep racks, 2 ladders, haul rake, 8 dozen hurdles, BUtjdry pikes and rakes, sacks, measures, ropes, &c., &c. HAENESS.—2 sets of short harness, 4 sets of long harness, 2 sets of G.o. harness. CORN.—2 ricks ot wheat, about 400 bushels 3 ticks of barley, about 400 bushels l rick of peas, about 200 bushels. HAT.—About 20 tons of well-made hay, in 2 mows 1 mow of clover, about 14 tons. ROOTS,—7 acres of first-class Swedes, and 6 acres of turnips. Refreshments at Eleven, and the Sale to commence punctually at Twelve o'clock. The Sheep reared on this Farm for many years Past have been distinguished for their soundness and excellence. The Cattle are well-bred, and the Imple- ments in good working condition. Dated, 6th September, 18(15. Old Rectory, Llangalluck-juxU-UsL MR W. J. HAKDS has received instructions to SELL BY AUCTION, On Thursday next, the lith of September, 1865, On the above premises, the neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE belonging to a Lady leaving her fesidence. Catalogues may be had of the Auctioneer. Sale punctually at half-past Two o'clock. ABERGAVENNY. S. & E. TROTTER, ARE now delivering, free by rail or road to a reasonable distance, their GENUINE MALT LIQUORS, In fine condition, at the following Prices:- BIT FEB. BEER 50s. 25s. 12s. 6J. BUR.TON „ (STRONG) i50s..t 26s. 12s. 6d. XXX MILD ALE. 42s. 21s. 10s. 6d. XX „ 36s. 18s. 9s. (id. STOUT 42s. 21s. 10s. 6d. THE BREWERY, ABERGAVENNY. February, 1665. Jf T. EVANS, iff Boot, Shoe, and Gaiter Manufac- gik turer, and Currier, HBbJK 16 and 17, CROSS STREET, Btt ABERGAVENNY, DE^S to cal1 the attention of the 15 Public to the LARGE STOCK of BOOTS and SHOES of every ■Sj|j||| description he has constantly on hand. WFJLLFF RIFLE GAITERS made from the JSiiii prime8t Cowhide, on the most ■gjpllpW Reasonable Terms, Suitable for Shooting or Walking purposes. A it W CTRUE yyC^LOiiHCQ This Ten is imported icith the leaf not Coloured, is highly recommended by medical and scientific men, and combines purity with Jiue Jluvour and lasting strength. Sold by Chemists, Stationers, and Confectioners in aU parts of the kingdom. lrsk—Robinson, Bridge 8t. I Hertford—Ilatton, Sl,ChuMtj Newport—Napper & 00., grooers. Street. P-Ulgm-nMy—Movsixn,Post-office Ditto—Mills, Broad Street. Ditta-.8tephQll6, High Town. IMMEDIATE CASH ADVA IS CES.—Money lent X in sums of not less than £ 100, on Personal Security, at a fair rate of interest. Also a large amount ready to be advanced on Freeh-old Securities, for a term of years, at from 4 to 5 per cent. interest; charges moderate, and the strictest eottiidenee ob- served, Full particulars forwarded per post, on receipt of six postage stamps. Office hours from ten to three.—Apply to Mr. SYDNEY T. EVANS, Land and Estate Agent, Old Masonic-Hall, Newport, Mon. ONEY TO LEND.-To TRADES- .iji. MEN, FARMERS, & OTHERS MONEY ittioiediately advanced on good personal security, or -Leasehold, Copyhold, and Freehold Property, from ^50 to jE5000, at 5 per cent interest. Up-wards of five hvndred thousand pounds have already been adpanceci.—Apply to Mr. C. JOHNS, Licensed Appraiser and House Agent, 4, Prospect Place, .Stow Hill4 Newport, Mon., (near the New Presbyterian Chapel). N. B.-All applications by post to. contain stamps for reply. GREAT REDUCTION IN DRAPERY, On and after 1110NDA Y, the 11 ih of September. TONES and POWELL, BRIDGE STREET, USK, beg to announce to the n Public their intention of submitting for SALE a large lot of REMNANTS in every description of Drapery, and Surplus Stock. The whole will be offered at prices considerably UNDER their ORIGINAL COST, in order to effect a CLEARANCE for tlie Autumn Geods. A very cheap lot of Prints, Linseys, Flannels, Calicoes, &c., &c. Clark's Series of Guide Books. "TVTO. 1.—CAERPHILLY CASTLE. An historical account of this extensive Ruin, and also of CASTELL COCH, with descriptions of the RHYMNliY VALLEY and CKUMLIN VIADUCTS, with Three steel plates. Price Sixpence. N°' 2.—CARDIFF and ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD, with Historical Accounts of the Castle, Llandaff Cathedral, &c., with plate of Cardiff Castle. Prico SixpeHCf. ]^0. 3.—TINTERN ABBEY and the WINDCLIFF. A full description of this splendid Monastic Ruin, and the far-famed scenery between Chepstow and Monmouth, with two views. Price Sixpence N°. 4.—CHEPSTOW and ITS NEIGHHOURHOOD, containing an account of the Objects of Interest to Strangers in the Town, and the Walks in its delightful vieinity, with views of the Railway bridge and Castle. Price Sixpence. The above may be had of the Booksellers in the several neighbourhoods at the Railway Book-stancs, or post free, from the Publisher, J. H. CLAITK, Usk, for Id. extra. The Champion Liver & Stomach PILLS- THESE PILLS are compounded from the — recipe of one of the most eminent physicians of the present day (who, from purely philanthropic motives- knowing their excellent properties by expcrience-ha, been induced to give the beitefit of them to the public fit large). They are prepared by an able and experienced chemist, and are acknowledged, by the faculty, to be the most valuable mpHifint? for ull disorders of the stomach, and d-rangements of the liver, ever prepared. It, is a well-known fact that most of the diseases incident to the human race, arise from a disordered stomach, and irregular state of the bowels, and for want of a suitable remedy, taken in time, thousands of (at first) simple mala- dies, become serious illnesses. To guard against this great evil, and to preserve the blessings of health, these pills are confidently and earnestly recommended. They act generally on the constitution, cleanse the blood of ell impurities; regulate the secretions, and give tone to the stomach; correct the morbid condition of the liver, regulate the bowels, and, by removing all impediments, restore elasticity and vigour to the whole frame. TESTIMONIALS. Jaiiuuiy acuii, te^s. SIR,-I have been In the habit of taking the CHAMPION LIVER AND STOMACH PILLS for some years, and I can safely say they are the best medicine for Stomach Complaints that I have ever taken; and previously to their becoming known to me I had tried a great number of different kinus. They never fail in giving me inat,eint rtlief, and having received so much benefit from their use, I think it but right that I should recommend them, as I do whenever I have opportunity. JiAKY WHITEFIELD. Castle Farm, Gwehelog, near Usk, March 26ih, 1864. Sin,—I am glad to be atle to bear testimony to the great efficacy of the CHAMPION LIVER AND STOMACH Prus. Pre- viously to my being recommended to try ttietd, I suffered much Iré.1ll Asthma, but since i have been in the habit of taking these pills, when 1 find an attack coming on I have only to take one liose to obtain certain and speedy relief, and by repeating the dose two or three times I am restored to my usual health. I am sure that these pills have saved me a vast amount of suffering, and I therefore, with pleasure, give you permission to make what use you like of this le.,timohial, as, if it should be the means of inducing any persons afflic. ed as I have been to try the medicine, I shall feel that I have done them great service. To Mr. CLABK, Usk. THOMAS PRICE. Penarth, near Cardiff, 24th October. 1864. Mr. CLARK, Usk.—Sm,—! enclose 28 stamps, and shall be obliged if you will send me two boxes of the CHAMPION LIVER PILLS. You will think I am consuming a great quantity of them, from the number of boxes you have sent me; but the fact if, since 1 have been in this neighbourhood, I have recommenJed '4 the pills to several persons here who suffer from biliousnei-s, like myself, and they all agree that they never took anything that did them so much good. I think if the pills were sold in this neighbourhood, a great many more people would take to them, because they would be sure to recommend themselves. IlENR Y ELLIS. Gwehelog, near Usk, December, 1859. Sm,-After suffering for several years from acute pains in my side, back, chest, and stomach, and after calling in several medical IDPn, ..1111 trying every remedy, I still suffered sovcrely from the complaints. At length I was induced to try the CHAMPION LIVER AND STOMACH PILLS, sold by you The first box gave me great relief. I then purcha,ed a second box, and It completely removed my complaint, and I am now in perfect health. Having received so much benefit from these pills myself, I think that I am only doing a service to the public in recommending them. JOHN KOBEUTS. To Mr. CLARK, Bookseller. Usk. Pontypool, January 20th, 1860. Sm.-For some years I suffered very much from an affection of the Liver. The medical men to wiom I applied gave me pills which removed the complaint for a short tilll". but it retimed as bad as after ever a week or ten days. Hearing of the CHAMPION PILLS, I resolved to try them, and I am happy to say, that after thking a few doses, I felt much better, a id il is now three months since I have experienced an) rei urn of my old complaint. It I have the headache, or pal" in the side or shou'ders, I take a couple of the CHAMPION FiLLa at night, and I f« el ali right the next day. WM. MOKGAN. 6, Setile's Buildings. New Swindon, Feb. 24, 1863. Sttt,—I am wishful to inform yjn of tile great benefit I have fotmd from taking tie CHAMPION PILLS From my childhood I have been much troubled with indigestion, which caused me great suffering, and I was never many nays without it, until a friend gave me a few of these pills, which is the only meùcine that give. me relief. MAlifA RICHARDS. Llanbaddock, near USk, Feb. 9, 1863. SIR,—lam very glad to be able to recommend the CHAMPION PILLS. I have tried everything I could think of for the Liver Complaint, but never found any medicine do me so much good as these uHLa. Mark of X MARY ANN IVIERII.M.AN. 16, Christian Street, Stockport, 15th Oct, 1862. SiR.—PleMe forward me anothei box. of the CHAMPIOM PILLS, for which I enclose fourteen stamps. I find them such an excellent medicine, not only for my elf, but also for the whole of my family that I never like to be without some in the house. I believe you when you say they a.e the "most valuable medicine for the Stomach and Liver ever prepare.1, for 1 have tried many different sorts of pills, but shall never want to change again while 1 can get these. YV ith best 'P^ts, J™a Mr. CIA&BL, Usk, Moo. ALIKLI) LDWAXiDS. Sold in Boxes (with directions for use) Is.lgd. and ?!&, each. 9 (A Saving by taking the Large Size). LOCAL AGENTS: Mr J S Meredith, Bookseller Aiwugeham E Martin, Druggist fflamtumm Mr J Pope, Druggist Okepttow „.Mr W E Ciark, Bookseller Momrwutk .Mr. W. Spencer, Druggist. Jfwpo-rt. Mr T J Jones, Chemist, High St. pontypool Mr T Roderick, Druggist. Usk Mr. J. H. Clark. Sold Wholesale by Messrs. BARCLAY & SON, LONDON, and Retail by all Medicine Vendors, .y.B.-ft meet the convenience of persons at a distance, J. II. CLARK, Usk, will fto-wai-d « wa:, Free 1Yv Fast, for fourteen postage stamp). o A. 1\1..[ IS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the GAME on His Grace the Duke of Beaufort's under- mentioned Properties is STKICTLY PRESERVED, namely, in the parishes of Raglan, Llandenny, Itton. Lansoy, Llanvihangel, and Woolvesnewton, in the Woods called Wentwood, Chepstow Park, V edd w, Cefn Garrow, Gethly. the Hale, Xuckpant, Ravens- nest, and Purcas. also on the Lands in the parish ot Newchm-c! in the occupations of Messrs. Reader, Roberts, Williams, and Nicholas, and on Lands in the occupation of Mrs. Dowle, in the parish of Chepstow. The Tenants and Woodwards are particularly re- quested to call upon all parties sporting on His Grace's Estates to produce their authority. The Cards are not transferable. OSMOND A. WYATT. Troy House, 16th August, 1865. NOTICE ia hereby given that the GAME on GKJEEN-MEADOW Farm, in the occupation of Mr. Williams also on the PJJTTINGKLE Land. adjoining Cefn 11a Land and PKESCAKROW Land, adjoining the same, all in the parish of Llanbaddock, is STRICTLY PRESERVED. SARAH ROBERTS. Hendrew, August 29, 1865. rnjIE OA \fR nn tile STEVS FAJJV situated in the L parishes of G-wernesney, Lianftw rn, and Liange- •new, is STRICTLY PRESERVED. (Signed, o JOHN EDWARD WILLIAMS. GAME.—NOTICE is hereby given that the Game G on all the Lands and Woods in my occupation, in the parish of Llangeview and elsewhere, is PRE- SERVED, and any person found trespassing will be prosecuted. THOMAS JAMES. FFIIE GAME on CWMBWRWCII FARM, in the par- JL ishes',of Llangibbv, Panteg. and Llanbaddock, is STRICTLY PRESERVED, and any person found trespassing will be prosecuted. Signed, LEMUEL JAMES. A BALL will take place at the Black Bear Inn, Bettws Newydd, on Wednesday, the 13th of September, 1865. Tea and Music, Is. 6d. IMPORTANT NOTICE.-In order to secure tbe benefits from the use of PATENT MEDICINES, it is absolutely necessary that they should be taken in a fresh state. The importance of this cannot be too much dwelt upon if, indeed, it be not sufficiently attended to, the purchaser may expect to meet with disappointment instead of a cure. J. H. CLARK particularly calls atten- tion to the advantages which he as a bookseller pos. sesses, in receiving fresh supplies from the manufacturers in his weekly book parcels from London. NOTE PAPER AND ENVELOPES STAMPED. •with Crests. Initials, Mottoes, or any Design, at 1. H. CLARK'S, Bridge-street, UHIT. FORTEMONNAIES — PURSES—WALLE IS- I. POCKET BOOKS—PENCIL CASUS and PiLoT lQ\ IVE::J. at J. H. CLANK'S. TO EVERY ONE possessing a GARDEN.-Th& Jl COTTAGERS' KCSCHES, FECIT, AND FLOWER GARDEN. "rice oidy One Stilling; or post 3roe for 1-1 stamps. Sold by J.. H. CLARK, Bookseller, Usk. rjpO PARISH OFFICERS.—Surveyors' and Over- II seers' Rate and Check Books, in accordance with the Act, may be had of J. H. CLUm.. Bookseller, lJsk. STATIONERY of all Accontit Boobs rnled ;J and made to any pattern; and Periodical Publiea* tions supplied by J. II. CLAnK, Usk. PERFUMERY, POMATUMS, and SOAP- of 1t.. the most approved kinds, on Sale at J. H. C^VBK'S.. Bridge-street. U "k: PATENT MEDICINES of all kinds, of genuine A- quality, constantly on Sale at J. H. CLAKK'S, Bridge. fitreet, Usk. HpIIE ROYAL FARMERS' Fire, Life, and Hnil JL Insurance Institution, an old-established and safe Office, in which Lives, Houses. Furniture, Stock^rops, find Farm Produce of every kind, may be Insured at as low u rate as in anjr of the First Class Offices. J. H. CI.AI!K, Agent for Usk. IMPORTANT TO ADVERTISERS.—The » Usx OBSERVER has the LARGEST CIRCULATION in the COUNTY OF MONMOUTH of any Newspaper published. Being issued in the centre of the County, and widely cir- culated in both the AGRICULTURAL and MI- EHAL Districts it is decidedly the best medium for Auctioneers, Soli, citors, Tradesmen and others to make their Notices known to the Inhabitants of Usk, Abergavenny. Ponty. pool, Gaelic on, Bl&enuvon, Raglan and the surrounding Parish, m. LILES' EATING HOUSE, TEA, COFFEE, & REFRESHMENT ROOMS, 21 Flannel Street: Abergavenny, PONTYPOOL UNION. CONTRACTS FOR PROVISIONS,, &c. ALL Persons desirous of Contracting with the GUARDIANS of this Union, for ihe next THREE MONTHS, for BREAD, FLOUR, MEAT, GROCERY, CREESE, BUTTER, MILK, RICE, CLOTHING, SHOES, COAL, SOAP, CANDLES, SPLIT PEAS, OAT. MEAL, and other Articles of Consumption, for the Work- house of the said Union; and also for supplying the several Parishes in the said Union with BREAD and FLOUR are requested to il'-ljver tôeaJed Tenders at my OFFICE' on or before the 13rh dAy of September next, and send Samples to the Union Workhouse on Thursday Morning, the 14th day of September next, by Ten o'clock. The BOARD will receive Tenders for supplying the Pontypool. Abersychan, and Usk Districts, with BREAD and FLOUR, separately. It is competent for any Person to Tender for any of the Articles Separately, and the BOARD will not under- take to accept the Lowest Tender. FORMS OF TENDERS MAY Rill HAD AT MY OFFICE. Security under a Penalty of TEN POUNDS, will be required for the performance of the Contract, that the G-oods supplied are of ihe Quality Contracted for. EDMUND B. EDWARDS, Clerk of the Board of Guardians. Town Hall, Pontypool, 31st August, 1865. THE COTTAGE LIBRARY, CLOTH BOARDS, ONE SHILLING EACH. TALES. I Cowper's Poetical Works Anna Lee Longfellow's poetical works Arabian Nights Milton's Poetical Works Basket of Flowers Moore's Melodies Cabin Boy's Story BIOGRAPHY. Christinas Eve & other Tales Life ot Wellington Evenings at Home Lite of Washington Fashion and Famine Lite ot Napoleon Bonnparte Lamplighter RELIGIOUS WORKS. Lfim Rivers B^gatzky't GoUlenTreasury ALtbel Vaughan Brown's Concordance ALtbel Vaughan Brown's Concordance Planter's Daughter Bunyan's Piigrim'sProgress Queechy Banyan's Choice Works Rose Clark Christian's every day Book Robinson Crusoe Dady Cornforter Sandior(I and Merton Sacred Garland Swiss Family Robinson Smith's daily remembrancer Tales oi Rich anfi Poor Sunday School Reciter Tales of Married Life MISCELLANEOUS. Temperance Tales Fables True Riches Boys' Own Conjuring Book Uncle Tom's Cabin Buehan'sdornesticmedicines Wide Wide World BnfFon's Natural History HOVELS. Clater's Every Man his own Children of the Abbey Farrier Children of the Abbey Farrier Cooper's Spy Clater's Every Man his own Farmer oi'Inglcwood Forest Cow Doctor Fatherless lraun_y 1 Cottage, Kitchen, Fruit and HtrogfliTaor-Brothcrr • Slower Garden Mysteries of Uclolpho Culpeper's Herbal Nick of the Woods Domestic Cookery Book Old English Barott SONG BOOKS. Pamela Comic Album and Minstrel Rob of the Bowl Crochet. Romance of the Forest Diprose's National Song ScottIsh ChIefs Book St. Clair of the Isles Popular Song Book POETRY. Byron's Choice Works Sold by J. H. CLARK Bookseller, Usk. BOOKBIND INC. PERIODICALS BOUND at the following Charges p at J. H. CLAUK'S. Bookseller, TJsk. In Cloth, \-bound bound or-2-bound Roan, in Calf, plain, Lettered, Lettered, Lettered, per vol. perrul. II, d. s. d. s- d. Demy 18 mo. Child's Companion J uvenile Missionary Magazine > 0 10 10 12 Gospel Missionary Magazine ) Demy 12rno. Baptist Messenger The Church .'••' :i Churchman's Magazine Christian' Penny Magazine Notes on Scripture Lesson ,10 13 18 Penny Post f Tract Magttziue Bible Class Magazine J Railway Library • Demy 8vo, Boy's Own Magazine ~) Boy's Monthly Cl 6 1 0 2 3 Blackwood's Magazine ) Blackwood's Magazine ) Royal 8vo. All the Year Round Chambers' Journal Englishwoman's Domestic do.. Good YVords Coruhi 11 Magazine \1 10 2 2 0 St. James'Magazine j Temple Bar Magazine j Evangelical Magazine Maeinilian's M«gazine Imperial th-o. Once a Week "i The Quiver 2 0 3 0 4 3 Leisure Hour ) Demy 4to. CasseH's Family Paper Cassell's Natural History English Girls'Journal \2 6 3 9 6 0 Family Herald. j Ladies' Treasury Sunday at Home Royal -lio. London Journal ) Reynold's Miscellany 3" 0 4 3 6 6 CasJsell's Paper, enlarged. ) illustrated London News ..6 6 7 6 9 6 Music 0 0 Õ 0 7 0 Call and Morocco Bindings at proportionate charges. SCHOOL BOOKS. — Guy's, Mavor's, Butler'* New London, Universal, and other Spelling Book?. Arithmcticb Dictionaries Catechisms Histories- Copy and Cyphering Books of every description and price. Sold by J. H. CLAKK, II»k. BRUSHES and COMBS, and other articles for the Toilet, of the best shapes and manufacture, at J. H. CLARK'S, Woodbimk IiorLe, Bridge-st., Usk. CCHURCH SERVICES and PRAyER BOOK. J in Plain and Elegant Bindings, in great vnristy ,T. H. CLASS'S, Bridge-street, Usk. WANTED, an APPRENTICE to a BLACK- SMITH.—Apply at the Office of tliis Paper. rr-0 WAGGONERS.-WANTED, a steady, sober, I. married man, as WAGGONER. Cottage on Farm to live in.—Apply, Higga, Trelleck. 0 &oTernmeiit^ation for 1865. FREE AND ASSISTED PASSAGES.—Female Servants (unmarried), Farm Servants, Agricultural Laborers of all kinds, and Mechanics and Artizans, (when re- quired,) are granted FREE and ASSISTED passages to Australia. All Candidates for Passages must send their characters, and particulars of their family (if any), age, occupation, and place of birth, to the Selecting Agents, Newport, Mon. By Order SCOTT & SON, Agents for the Selection of Emigrants. A Great Quantity for Little Money. 120 Sheets of full-sized Note Paper 6d. 100 good Cream Laid Envelopes 6d. PostSvo. Pocket. Account Book with 140 ruled 1 pag es, bound in parchment, with brass clasp ) Post 8vo. Pocket Account Book with 200 ruled t 9d. pages, Half-bound strong. Foolscap 8vo. oblong metallic Memorandum Y Book, 212 pages, with clasp, pocket, and > 9d. pencil } Foolscap 8vo. Pocket Account Book, 174 15d. ruled pages, Half-bound J Ditto ditto, with clasp. 5d. Pocket Book, with 144 ruled pages, pocket, ) flap, and elastic band. ) Church Services, with gilt edges and clasp, from 2s. 6d. each. Prayer Books from 6d. each. AT J. H. CLARK'S, BOOKSELLER, USE. Barrow's Autibilious & Liver Pills. I SAFE AND NEVER FAILING REMEDY O. in all diseases of the Head, Chest, Bowels, Liver, Weak Digestion. Dizziness, &c. In boxes, at 7|d. and is. lid. each, or post free for 8 or 14 stamps, from S. ROBINSON, Chemist, Bridge Street, Usk. Barrow's Pectoral Balsam OF BLACK CURRANT AND ANISEED, FOR the Cure of Hoarseness, Coughs, Cold, Short- ness of Breath, &c\, and a most speedy relieT for that troublesome complaint Asthma. Fall directions accompany each bottle. Sold in bottles, Hd, and Is. lid. each. To be had cr most patent mcdichie vendors, and of S. ROBINSON, Chemist, Bridge Street, Usk. TROUBLESOME COUGHS CURED BY THOMAS'S EMULSIOI OF SYRUPS. rpHE efficacy of this Syrup in affording prompt L relief to those sulfering Irom Coughs, Colds, Asthma, &< has tully established the remedy in public estimation, nnd, owing to its wonderful curative powers, the demand has become universal. It has a pleasant taste, and ia therefore well adapted for Children in eases of Hooping Cough, Common Coughs arising from Colds, Teething, &e. Sold in bottles, at 7id., Is. li-d., and 2?. 9d. each, whole- sale by SUTTON, & Co.. 10, Bow Churehvard, London; retail by the Proprietor, T. RODERICK, Chemist, Pontvpool; Wit, SPENCER, Chemist, Monmouth; J. H. CLARK. Bookseller, Usk; J. POPE, Chemist, Blaenavon; THOMAS J. JONKS. Chemist, High Street, Newport; and most Medicine Vendors. npHE FOLLOWING PERSONS 1 are AGENTS for the USK OBSERVER," through whom Papers may be obtained, or Advertise- ments forwarded. Abergavenny Mr Meredith \Llansoy Mr Griffiths „ 15. Morgan Llangicm.Mrs Evans Davies Lla?idenny.Mv Wintle Mr Richards, Market Llanarth.Mr W. Hunt, grceer Abersvchan.Mr Martin, drug. LlaWf/lil>y.Mrs Llewellyn Hetties Mr Williams London.Messrs Mitchell & Co. Jilaenaron.ii.r Rees, bookseller Red Lion Court, Meet St. C' Thomas, books. „ Mr li Jaques, 5, Chatham Cardiff.Jslv Dunmore, books. Place, BlackrViars Chepstow.Mr Clark, bookseller Jfonmouth.Mr Rees, painter „ Mr Taylor, „ Ifeicport.lrB Read, High St. Mr Grifiilhs" Mr Johns, Commercial St. Croesyceilog Mrs Jenkins Newcastle.Mr Weare llr "Willis, g-rocer Pontypool.Mr Hushes, books. Dingestow Mr Smith Edwards, Mr Morgan Mr Richards, Market Goytrey.1fr Pupe Pontnetcydd Mr Knapp Grosmont Mr Price Raglan.Mr Jones, grocer Kingcoed Mr T Jones k'<hirene1cton.M¡' Chas. Jones Llan. Torymynydd. Mrs Lewis Tintern Abbey .Mr W Jones Llanvellierine Mr Watkins Trelleck.Mrs Jones, grocer