Papurau Newydd Cymru

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BRECON MARKETS, 23rd Aug.—Wheat, imperial measure, 5s. 4d. to 7s. barley, 4s. 4d. to 4s. 9d. j oats, 2s. 8d. to 3s. 4d.; malt, 8s. 6d. to 9s; beef, per lb., 6d. to 7d.; mutton, 6d. to 6|jd.; veal, 5d. to 6d.; lamb, 6d. to 6|d.; pork, 5|d. to Gd.; butter, lid. to Is.; skim cheese, 5d. to 5|d geese, 2s. 6d. to 4s., ducks, is. 9d. to 2s., fowls, Is. to Is. 6d. each eggs, 8d. per doz. BRECON PETTY SESSIONS.—August 21st, 1845.—Be- fore J. Powell, Esq., and W. Lloyd, Esq.—Mr. Ay than Powell, the person appointed by the market committee to collect their tolls, was charged by a huckster with ille- gally detaining a quantity of gooseberries, apples, and other fruit. It appeared that the woman neglected to pay, when called upon, the sum of sixpence due to the market committee for toll, upon which the defendant took from her the fruit and some trays upon which it was placed, and subsequently sold them for the sum of six- pence. The magistrates thought Mr. Powell had rather overstrained his duty, and ordered him to return the trays—the woman to be in the loss of the fruit. James Jones appeared to prefer a complaint against Evan Phillips, for a brutal, dangerous, and unprovoked assault; but the defendant did not appear. A constable swore he had served him with a summons, and thereupon a warrant of apprehension was ordered to be issued. INQUEST.—A coroner's inquest has been held on the body of ————— a pauper belonging to the parish of Garthbrenyg, in order to the elucidation of charges of a most important nature preferred against a medical gen- tleman of the neighbourhood. The charges are under- stood to be brought forward at the instigation of a rival practitioner. We have heard the quotation, When Doctors disagree, who shall decide 1" applied to this case but we think, however, it is a much more serious one than a mere private squabble. We decline at present publishing any particulars, as the case will doubtless form the subject of further investigation. IMPORTANT RAILWAY MEETING AT BRECON. The first meeting, in Brecon, of the Directors of the Welsh Midland Railway, took place 011 Saturday last, at the Castle Hotel. The board meeting was, of course, private but part of the business of the day was to lay before the landed proprietors of the county, the various lines which had been explored from the town of Birmingham to and beyond Brecon, and to take the views and wishes of the gentlemen whose properties would necessarily be inter- fered with, relative to any deviation of the line which any particular interest may lead them to desire. The town of Brecon, as the great centre of the Welsh Midland, was a proper selection for holding the meeting and we observed that Viscount Hereford; Mr. Williams, of Penpont, the Lord Lieutenant of the county Lloyd V. Watkins, Esq., of Pennovre Walter Maybery, Esq.; Captain Stretton, of Dau-y-Park; H. Allen, Esq., of Oakfield; Rev. Hugh Bold; Rev. Thomas Powell, and Rev. Thomas Vauglian; Colonel Charles Wood, and the other great owners of land on the intended course of the railway through this county, were in attendance and so much general satisfaction was felt through the district at the liberal course of policy pursued by the company, that the bells of St. Mary's were set ringing, and other demonstrations of gratification, were generally visible throughout the town. After the conclusion of business matters, the directors and several of the gentry and clergy of the neighbour- hood, sat down to a dinner served up in the best style of the superior establishment of the hotel. The chair was taken by J. Palmer Budd, Esq., of Ystalyfera, one of the deputy-chairmen of the company, supported by James Ackers, Esq., M.P., for Ludlow, as vici. After the cloth had been removed, the Chairman gave the health of Her Majesty the Queen, which was duly honoured Prince Albert and the Royal Family followed. Ou the Army and Navy being drank, Arthur Wood, Esq., being called upon, returned thanks. The Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese was the next toast given. The Rev. Hugh Boll, of Brecon, rose to return thanks, and having done so, said he should take that opportunity of assuring them that, although not a mem- ber of their company, and occupying a position [as chairman of the committee of the Brecknock and Aber- gavenny Canal], which he considered rendered it im- proper for him at present to held shares in it, yet he entertained the most friendly feelings towards their under- taking, and was ready to assist by any interest he might possess in the county. He was confident that ou this county, situated at such a distance from the metropolis, a line of railway would confer peculiar and great advantages. He had, therefore, only to hope that it would benefit the proprietors as much as it would the inhabitants of South Wales, who owed a deep debt of gratitude to the promoters of the Welsh Midland Rail- way. He had the pleasure of knowing one of them who now sat at the head of the table, and therefore he begged to propose the health of Mr. Budd. (Applause.) The toast was drank with three times three. The Chairman begged to thank the company for the kind manner in which his name had been received, in connection with his humble services in the promotion of this Railroad, and said, that they had arrived at a time when the increased activity of human life, required fresh facilities for social and commercial intercourse. He therefore had hailed with delight, the rapid growth of a means of communication adapted to unite closely toge- ther, the most distant places. If the inhabitants of this county could be enabled to travel themselves and to convey their produce in three hours, a distance which now occupied twelve hours, they could hope to keep pace with places which already enjoyed those facilities. The great undertaking in which they were this day engaged, had this tendency, and would unite the rich mineral districts on the other side of the mountain barrier, with the rich agricultural country on this side, besides con- necting hoth with the populous manufacturing towns of the centre, and the North of England. It would thus enable them to convey direct into those districts, the products of Wales, avoiding the circuitous route by sea and by the Severn, with the frequent, troublesome, and expensive transhipments. It would, he was confident, also extend the benefits of civilisation, and in this res- pect place Wales fully on a par with the other parts of the kingdom. Mr. Budd then proposed the health of Penry Williams, Esq., Lord Lieutenant of the county, which was drank with the honours. Thomas Davies, Esq., Llangattock Court, returned (h inks. The Chairman then proposed the health of Colonel Wood, which was drank with great cheering. Arthui W. Wood, Esq., said, he was sure they would believe him when he said that nothing could be more gratifying to a son than to hear the name of a kind and affectionate father thus received in the county for which he was member, and for this he begged to return his most sincere thanks. Mr. Wood then stated that his father had not been able to attend this meeting, or to visit his constituents at as early a period as usual, in consequence of his mother's illness; but he was happy to say that she was now much better. Mr. Budd had alluded to his father's attention to this undertaking, and he could assure them also that its success had been the wish of his heart from the first; and his motive was a firm belief that it would greatly advance the prosperity, not only of his own little county, but of all South W ales. His constituents well knew that he was one of the old school, and as far as habits and predilections went, he would, perhaps, prefer investing his money in old- fashioned ways but he thought this line of railway would do so much good, that he did not hesitate embarking his capital in it. He then proceeded to poiut out the advantages which must result from bringing this county nearer the manufacturing districts and the metropolis. He said that if any district would derive benefit from a rail- road, it was emphatically this; he knew that a work of such magnitude could not be carried out without inconveni. ence to a few; but he trusted that a sense of public utility would go far towards reconciling any such parties to what was unavoidable—for he could confidently assert, that on the part of his brother directors, no effort should be wanting to accommodate all parties as much as possi- ble and concluded by stating his belief that the line would not only benefit South Wales greatly, but also amply remunerate the capitalists, who so kindly brought down their money into this county. The Chairman gave the health of Chatles Morgan, Esq., M.P. for the Borough of Brecon. (Drank with cheers.) John Parry De Winton, Esq., of Maesderwen, rose and said, that a most important toast had been placed in his hands, and he should have been most happy if it had been in his power to do it justice; he could not, however, think of proposing success to the Welsh Midland Rail- way without a few words respecting a project which must confer such extensive benefits on his native county. Happily, in one point of view, and unhappily in another, its inhabitants resided in deep but fertile valleys, which supplied them with all they wanted, except markets,— and these were now about to be afforded them. The old red sandstone formation was separated now by a moun- tain barrier from one of the greatest mineral basins in the world. He had long been connected with Merthyr and its thousands of industrious people, and knew that in consequence of the prohibitory cost occasioned by hauling produce up an ascent of a thousand feet, they were al- most entirely supplied with provisions from the distant shores of Ireland to the exclusion of their immediate neighbours. When, however, the farmers of Breconshire and Herefordshire should be emancipated by the Welsh Midland line, from those heavy charges which amounted to nearly 'is., or even 3s., per sack, they would find a good and steady market for their produce. But this was not all: it was a true adage that "time was money," and if they could accomplish as much in three hours as they once did in a day, he need not waste their time by point- ing out the advantages which must necessarily follow in fact, a communication would be open to them from Land's End to the northern extremity of the kingdom. One most important advantage, however, still remained for consideration: he referred to the increased facilities for procuring the necessary article—fuel. At present, coal sold in this town at 16s. per ton, and in some parts of the county at 27s.; but when this line was carried out, it would enable poor people to enjoy the comfort of firing, at the rate of from 8s. to 10s. per ton. Under these circumstances, he was sure there was no one present that would not cordially respond to the toast. It was worthy of remark, on such an occasion, that the first locomotive ever tried, ran from Merthyr to Quaker's Yard on the common tram-road, and conveyed the first load ever moved by locomotive power. That being the case should not all Welshmen exert themselves to supply the country which first gave birth to locomotion with good railroads 1 He felt convinced that the directors would do all in their power to accommodate the gentry of this county, and to preyeut any iugouYsnieace to the 1 public; many who once opposed railroads were now con- vinced of the advantages they produced, and the facilities they afforded. Under all those circumstances, he felt much pleasure in giving << Success to the Welsh Midland Railway." When he gave his name as a member of the provisional committee, he had given up the South Wales line because he considered that this would prove m'rè beneficial to his own more immediate neighbourhood, as well as to Herefordshire, Radnorshire, and Cardiganshire by connecting them with Swansea and Merthyr. At the same time, he thought the inhabitants of those districts were much obliged to those strangers who devoted their time and their money to such a beneficial object; and, therefore, begged to couple with his toast the name of their vice-chairman, and the other gentlemen who had embarked their capital. (Applause.) L. V. Watkins, Esq., supported the toast. James Ackers, Esq., M.P., returned thanks on the behalf of the directors. The Chairman said it was now his duty to propose the healths of several parties who had honoured them with their presence at their board meeting that day. The principal object of that meeting had been to consult the landed interest and the inhabitants, with regard to the course which their line should take. Situated as he had been on the other side of the ridge of hills, where the great works and mines, together with the great focus of the population of Wales was to be found when he saw consumed around him hay from Somersetshire, flour, oats, and bacon from Ireland, and pit timber from the Isle of Wight; when, in fact, lie saw that all the prime articles of consumption by that dense population were sea-borne; when he found that beyond those hills there existed a rich country, full of all those necessaries of life, suffering under the want of a sufficient, market for its produce; when he found, too, that the agriculturists of that country were suffering from almost a dearth of fuel, that lime sold at 6d. to 8d. per bushel, and coal at a high price per ton and when he also found that through that country a direct and speedy communication would be obtained with the great works of Staffordshire, as well as with those great marts of commerce, Liverpool and Birkenhead, and that all those advantages might be obtained, if they could once pierce the little ridge, which divided them from their neighbours, he felt it an object of paramount importance to endeavour to unite two countries mutually useful to each other. He felt, too personally interested for he knew that if he, as an Iron- master, could send the proceeds of his furnaces direct to the markets of Staffordshire and of the North, instead of sendiug first a considerable distance to the South, with the delays and expense of chartering vessels, and the in- conveniences of loading and unloading repeatedly, it I would greatly conduce to the prosperity or his trade. It had been justly remarked by Mr. De Winton, that time I was money, and if he could bring to market the produce of one day 011 the next. and at the same time could receive ample supplies of food for man and horse, who should say that this would not be beneficial and remune- rative to all parties? It should not be forgotten too that through Carmarthen, Llandilo, and Llandovery, there had existed the old post road to England from time immemorial; towns had grown up along that road, and he could see no reason why they should divert travelling from the well accustomed course, particularly when they found that the gradients of the inside country, were far superior to the coast line. Therefore, taking all these things in consideration, knowing that it was not im- practicable, believing that it would be very lucrative, and fully convinced that it would be for the benefit of the public generally, as well as to the interest of the part of the country with which he was more immediately con- nected, he had taken the project up warmly, and had now the pleasure of seeing it progressing most satis- factorily. On the part of the directors then, he had to thank the landed proprietors who had met them that day in such a friendly spirit, and begged to propose the healths of Viscount Hereford and the other landed gentry who had that day favoured the directors with their attendance. (Drank with cheers.) Lloyd Vaughan Watkins, Esq., returned thanks. He said that no one could feel a warmer interest in the undertaking than himself, and that he had taken shares in it, as well as in the South Wales line. from a con. viction that they would be both highly beneficial to the principality. The Rev. Hugh Bold, in a very complimentary speech proposed the health of Mr. Gibbs, principal engineer I engaged on the survey. Mr. Gibbs returned thanks, and said he could not take the honour of being engineer upon himself, for he divided that with Air. Stephenson, with whom he was in daily consultation. Mr. Ackers, M.P., in a very able speech referred to the benefits which the promoters of this line had derived from the assistance and experience of the directors of three of the oldest railwaye in the kingdom—the Birming- ham and London, the Midland Counties, and the Man. Chester and Leeds, and concluded by proposing the health of Joseph Hegan, Esq., of Liverpool. Mr. Hegan said it had been matter of surprise to him, that while distant parts of the world were supplied with improved means of transit, Wales had been allowed to slumber, but such was not the case now—she was fully awake in the determination to be put on a par with hitherto more favoured portions of this kingdom. From the highest to the lowest there was manifested no difference of opinion, and the only wish seemed to be to ascertain the best means of carrying out the desired object. This railway had not originated from mere speculators, for it owed its birth to their respected chairman, and to him alone. His letters in the public papers—which would never be forgotten in Wales—had awakened the spirit of enterprise, and had set minds thinking how the object could best be carried out, and but little was therefore necessary to convince the public of its utitity. Mr. H. then reiterated his sanguine expectations of suc- cess, and said that though the Welsh in former days had shown that they knew how to raise a barrier against their foes, he had no doubt they would reduce their fast- nesses to admit their friends. He impressed the necessity of union in their future proceedings; every one, however humble, had influence in his own circle, and he exhorted each to exercise it to the utmost for the common good. Mr. A. W. Wood proposed the healths of the solicitors, Messrs. Barker, Rose, and Norton. Mr. Rose returned thanks. Mr. Ackers, M.P., in a neat speech, proposed the health of Mr. Rawson, of Bridgend Place, Kent. He said that after public attention had been directed to the subject by Mr. Budd's letters, Mr. Rawson had come forward in the most liberal and generous manner, and at once offered from his own pocket, to defray the heavy expense of a preliminary survey thus the line had nothing to do with the Stock Exchange from the commencement, and he certainly thought that the thanks of the people of Wales, as well as of the company, were justly due to Mr. Rawson. (Cheers.) Mr. Rawson said, that as he was unprepared for such complimentary notice and reception, they must excuse him from making a long speech, for he could only give them his very sincere thanks, and express his hearty hope that the project of which he was one of the originators, might exceed the extent of their most sanguine wishes. Of this he had not the slightest doubt, when he saw around him so many gentlemen of engineering skill, great local knowledge, influence, and public spirit. A few who had entertained some objections, had met them that day, and he hoped that he might say that they too had been conciliated; in fact, they had met not one enemy, and had been surrounded by universal friendship. Mr. Parry De Winton said, that he had now to propose, as a toast, the name of a gentleman who had not personally assisted them but as he had sent his son, Mr. Joseph Bailey, M.P., to their support, he was sure the toast would be responded to, particularly as they were indebted to that young and talented gentleman for the ability he had displayed in forming the connection between that Company and the Hay Railway, and which gave them a foretaste of the manner in which he could perform his duty as a director. The father was worthy of such a Ion, for his liberality of feeling and straightforward conduct had rendered him popular among all classes. Mr. De Winton then referred to Mr. Bailey's enterprise and commercial judgment, which had enabled him to embark the whole of his fortune in the Nantyglo works with luch success as to render him now one of the first capitalists of the kingdom. He concluded by proposing the health of Joseph Bailey, Esq., M.P. for the county of Worcester. The Chairman then proposed the healtb w Mr* Parry De Winton, and expressed the regret felt by his friends at Swansea when he left that neighbourhood. Mr. Parry De Winton, briefly returned thanks, stating that he always looked back with pleasure to the time he had spent among his Swansea friends. Mr. Ackers, M.P., proposed the health of Mr. Pritchard, the Secretary, which was accordingly well received, and duly acknowledged by that gentleman. Mr. Parry De Winton having alluded to the good feeling manifested by several members of (he Brecknock and Abergavenny Canal in attending the meeting this day, although, probably, the line would, by bringing in coal, affect a material part of the revenue, gave the health of Walter Maybery, Esq. Mr. Maybery briefly acknowledged the compliment. The Rev. Thomas J. Powell, of Cantreff, having very neatly complimented A. M. Storey Maskelyne, Esq., on the eloquent manner in which he had advocated the pro- ject of the Welsh Midland Railway at one of the prelim- inary meetings held at Llandovery, proposed that gentleman's health. Mr. Storey Maskelyne rose to express his grateful thanks for the honour conferred upon him as one of the directors, and spoke at considerable length with great eloquence and felicity of expression. He observed towards the conclusion of his speech—" The Cambrian traced his descent from the Briton both people are proud of their common parentage. May it be ours, by removing the barriers, whether of mountain or of lan- guage, to assist in completing our entire assifnilation." The health of Mrs. Palmer Budd, proposed by Mr. Ackers, M.P., was acknowledged by the chairman, and that of Sir Charles Morgan, Bart., proposed by John Parry De Winton, Esq., was acknowledged by Philip Vaughan, Esq. Rev. T. J. Powell proposed the health of Mr. Day, solicitor, and that gentleman in a neat speech, acknowledged the compliment. The health of Thomas Davies, Esq., of Llangattock Court, was proposed by Mr. Pritchard. Mr. Davies, in returning thanks, expressed a strong desire to see the Welsh Midland line carried out. Mr. Ackers, M.P., in proposing the health of Messrs. Vaughan and Bevan, the Local Agents, at Brecon, paid, a high compliment to their discrimination and to their exertions. Mr. Vaughan returned thanks. The Chairman having now vacated the chair, Mr. Ackers, M.P., the vice-chairman was unanimously called upon to take his place, and after an elegant tribute to its public utility, Mr. A. gave "The Press," coupling with it the name of Mr. J. "Williams, of the Silurian, Mr. J. Williams acknowledged the compliment. Mr Day, after some very appropriate prefatory remarks, gaye "The Ladies. The health of Mr. A. W. Wood was given from the chair, and acknowledged by that gentleman in his usual straight-forward manly style. Several toasts and capital speeches followed, and the harmony of the evening was kept up under the able presidency of Mr. Ackers for some time longer. [We are indebted to the courtesy cf the Editor of the Silurian newspaper for this report of the important proceedings on Saturday last.] "——————————'— ————————————————

[No title]

Family Notices

FRIDAY. AUGUST 29. 1845.