Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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BRECONSHIRE. BRECON INFIRMARY,—Sept. IBM. IN. OUT. Patients remaining last Week 5 47 Admitted since 0 9 -———— 5 66 C ured and Relieved 0 6 Dead 0 0 Remaining. —5 50 Physician for the ensuing week Dr. Lucas, Surgeon.&c. Mr. North. The Duke and Duchess of Beaufort arrived at Llan- gattock Park, on Tuesday last. This is the second visit of the Noble Duke and suite to this place within the last twelve months, and which is hailed with so much joy by the inhabitants. A man and woman have been committed to Presteign gaol for trial at the sessions on the charge of committing the robbery at the Gross-keys, Rhayader, some time back. BRECON MARKET, 13th SEPT.-Wheat, 6s. to 6s. 6d.; barley, Is. to 4s. 6d.; oats, 2s. 8d. to 3s. 4d.; malt, 8s. to 9s. per imperial measure; beef, 6d. to 7d.; mutton, 5|d. to 7d.; veal, fid. to 6d.; pork, 5jd. to 6|d.; butter, lid. to is. Id.; akUtt cheese, 5d. to 6d. per lb. geese, 3s. to 4s. 6d.; ducks, Is. 3d. to 2s. 3d.: fowls, lOd. to Is. 6d. each eggs, 6d. to 8d. per doz. BRECON RACES.—These races are held too late in the week to allow of our publishing a report in this number, as our advices from Brecon are obliged to be made up early on Wednesday morning. The rain came down in torrents during the whole of Tuesday, giving but poor hopes of sport to the usual sprightly character of the meeting. A capital entry of horses has, however, been made; and if the plenitude of "heavy wet" that has been sustained will but allow, we yet hope to hear of glorious scenes on the turf. THE GARTHBRENGY CASE."—The investigation of this case, conducted by Assistant Poor Law Commis- sioner Wade, was commenced and concluded on Monday last. The evidence is not allowed to be published, but is, we understand, very much the same as produced at the inquest. We are told by a person who assisted at the investigation that the examinations occupy 36 foolscap pages. The case now depends upon the award of the Poor Law Commissioners, who will decide upon the exa- aminations taken, and the report of their Assistant Com- missioner. Whether the opinion of Col. Wade is favour- able or not to the accused is, of course, a mystery, but which like many others will be soon solved. In a letter to the editor of the Hertford Times, Mr. Batt states, with reference to the report of the proceedings at the coroner's inquest:—" I observe, at the conclusion of your report, 'that the Board of Guardians of the Brecknock Union have forwarded copies of the evidence and inquisition o the Poor Law Commissioners, who, it i» expecle wi immediately cause their Assistant Commissioner, Wade, to make a more minute investigation. Sir, I beg to state that it was I. and not the Guardians of the Union, who first forwarded a copy of t e depositions and inquisition to the Poor Law Commissioners, and that I did so on the day after the inquisition was held, demanding from them a further inquiry. I have to re- quest that the public will suspend their judgment on the case until the particulars of the investigation are pub- lished, and which I pledja uiyseii snail oe uone at full length." ABERMAIDE ESTATE. —This hc.aitii'ul r. important iroperiy was brought to t'le hammer on mrsdav the 28th uit., at the Bollevue IL>tel, Abery-t viih. The room was filler! by a very large lumber o'' nionied m 11 and influential landowners. Mr. George Goodo did t'«e honours with his usual an ability. Amongst the bidders was Lew s Pugh, Esq., late proprietor of the Cwmystwith Mines, who offered £ 37,000 another gen- tleman bid jE 40,003; and ultimately the property was bought iu at £ 44,0J0. At no previous sale of an estate ia Wales has such a high price beeu offered for land, reaching as it did in this instance 110 less than thirty-six years' purchase the vearly rental of the estate being fiioo. — BflECON AND MERTHYR RAILWAY. On i hursriay week a Meeting of t.-e Directors nf the a'inve hne, was held at.ihe Castle flat-1, Br-ron for 0f conferring with ih^ laudown-'rs 111 the neighbourhood wiio.e iiropcrty will be affrcted bv the uii;l.»rtakmg nti.1 thoti<h, of CiHKSP, the v>rc!i iiiinwry rt of tJie uiei'ti'ii* w;js uriv ■to( u •iave ground* for stating that -be inmost unanimity of foe!i prevailed, ^and tha* the necess ity arrangements were efTede i. At six o clock, a h;j;]i!y rev>ertab!e and ir>ne,enMd party joined the directors at the dinner tao'e, and rartook of a sumptuous entertainment laid out in a manner which fully sustained :he hi*h character which the Cast e has attained. J. Hutching. Bsq., too* the chair, supported by ,\Ir. Taylor, Seere'.arv of the Cjinainy, as vico-ehai". The health: of" The l'rinc". AlH.rt, a id the toyal Family," and ''The iii>rd-Lieutenant of the Co uity," having heen duly honoured. The Chairman proposed "The the member (or the COUf\ty. (Drank with cheers.) Mr. A. W. Wood returned thanks. He declared his firm belief that the undertakings they had inct to promote w >uld conduce much to the prospe itv of the whole of So ith Watt's and also prove amply remunerative to those who hid embarked their money and given th n assistance to the projects. John Parry De Winton, Esq., said he had to propose a toast to which he was sure every person present would da due honour. They had that day t:,e pleasure of ihe company of a gentleman who was a native of the greatest Republic in the world, and he trusted that the good feeling which existed between England and tile United States of America would never be diminished, (applause) the waves of the broad Atlantic might roll between, bilt they were still the same people in blood and ancpstry-equally descendants of the Anglo Saxon race. Mr De Winton then very eloquently referred to the mutual interests of the two countries as markets for the produce of each othT, and concluded by proposing the health of M r. Rovd, an attache of the American Embassy, which was drank with cheers. Mr. Boyd rose and said that lie could only assure them that he fully reciprocated the good feeling so kindly expressed towards his country, and he believed that the same sentiments were entertained among the well-informed and thinking por- tion of the community in both natio¡¡- lIe ctJ\lld wish that the same feeling arising in this instance from common descent were common among all the nations of tile world, and then we might hope for the desirable advent of universal peace- (applause.) Theycoutd only, however, deal with things as they arc, and unfortunately there was a mass of prejudices to be combatted among mankind. btit he hoped they won't speedily give way before the light of increasing intelligence, and that they should soon have to conirratulate each other on the existence of a more correct understanding. The Chairman then gave the health of John Powell, Esq,, of Watton Mount, with prosperity to the town of Brecon. Mr. Powell, on rising to return thanks, said he felt great gratification in responding for the town of lirec .n, thou h on the other hand, he felt his inability to do so efficiently on such an occasion as the present. The town had now arrived at a most important epoch in its history he could oniy con- sider locomotion, by the means hitherto ex!sling as being in its primitive Itate-or comparatively speaking he might com- pare it to a kind of Texan travelling. What canals and tramroads had been to the models of tran-it previously exis'ing; railways were now to miils, and the changes they would effect would, certainly, be much grea'er. The gentle- men around him had schemed a mighty plan f >r extending the benefits of modern improvement, and he for one itdt deeply grateful to them for the very cfnriant and great scheme by which those advantages would he brought into this district of the country, trusting that it would he carried out to full success, and venturing to hope that in their own persons, they would share in the general prosperity which they would confer. For his own part. he thought that the Merihyr. and Brecon line of rail way would conducM more to the prosperity of the town of Brecon and iis neighbourhood, than perhaps, the greater por ions of the plan. This part of the country was, in fact, unknown to the world, and nodllng could be a clearer proof or this want of knowledge than the comparative disregard of the great resources of South Wales which had hitherto existed. It was quite astonishing to men who, like himself, frequented Lon- don much, to nnd the extent of the prevailing ignorance of all matters relating to the Principality. With a coast line of country, South Wales possessed almost unbounded mineral wealth, with very considerable agricultural resources, but their means of transit and of cOliHnunica\ion had hitheito been untrtificial-for he really could not call the turnpike- road system artificial, and this afforded the only explanation of the extraordinary neglect to which he had alluded. To the. promoters then of the Welsh Midland and its branches, they owed not only their sincere gratitude, but their most efficient support, and in the belief that their liberality would never be forgotten, he begged to propose the health of the Directors and success to their railroad. J. Palmer Budd, Esq.. returned thanks in an eloquent speecbt in which be supported Mr. Powell's views of the untried resources of South Wales. Various other complimentarr toasts were subsequently given and heartily received.


Family Notices

General ittigcfUang*