Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

10 erthygl ar y dudalen hon


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foreign mnttlligrurt.






THE SYSTEM OF "PROTECTION." Suppose a man wishes to buy a. silk gown for his wife. He is asked 4i. Gd. a yard for French silk, of no very particular fabric and palteru., Why ? Because, unless a heavy duty is levied on French silk, the Kngtish manufacturer cannot com- pete with wie foreigner j am| for 0llr 0.y|J ()arta> we th|nk ()jjg an unanswerably good argument for levying the duty on the French article. J ° 3 You want to buy a ribbon; you are asked something exor- bitant per yard for one ot good foreign fabric. VVhv ? Ik-cause unless the home producer is protected against foreign com- peti'i-'n, every ribbon loom in Coventry must cease to work. You want a pair of kid gloves-you are asked 34. (>1. for an article which fetches less than 2s. iu faris. Why ? Because the Eughsh glove-maker must shut up shop unless he is pro- tected against trench competition. You want a superfine merino coat—why have you to pav such an enormous sum ? Because unless the competition ot Spanish cloths is checked by a heavy import duty tiie ciothiers of Yorkshire cannot carrv on their trade. You order a bottle of ordinaire ciaiet for dinnel-Whv have you to pay 4s., at least, for that which costs perhaps IUJ. al Boulogne? Because you are bound by treaty to levy so much more duty on French than on Portuguese wines on condition t/wt jJortvgq( wrtqin of your imnuj'uc- j 'ures: i. e., you encourage jour home m .nuf c ure1, l y levy* [ HI>>. a duty on 'rench wine- on or itoct the <os;ars of your olo ties. Why? Be a,|5C vour colonics are hound in ic.lurn to i;ike your inatnracturP" And so it is throughout. Frnm the hat on your h ?ad to th15 shoe fin ,:nar foot; PVprVtll!n! yoi can wear or u<e, it he a tea-tray of puprer mache, a .riuket, or a watch, ali, a" i, protected. \mi there CH n b^ NO !ou >T !hat 'his si *;tem ot* protection j encoum :e l prod i-ti > i The security afforded 'by 1- *i.-la-i»'a imo o eme .t :,0 m I h si, that many of 'he anid, S m'5' hiihly protected —silks, for instance, and the ma-mla tore"' papier ma-he—have attained to an amazing tot. h i f p«ric* ti >n, though tl-ey ColnnOt compete i.) all ooen market win' iori'i "'eis, heea ise the c >s( nf manufacture in Enqiand is °] tieczssUy muck greater th in it is on the Continent Tins wc sec that on.- whole national svstem <>f trade a't^ commerce rests uyon protection. 'The natural resources EI1:!hnd are vcrv inferi >r to those of many cunt ies—t1-'1 bv the application of skill, and capital, and untiring industry) wp have been raised K) ?hf summit of |>r .sperity and pj*i'f' fh, wc must rr-mcn¡:I"r that ir is .In artificial prosperity. IØ talk of tr. e tiatie carried Oil by II country in s'lch c¡reurn- st;II1("" is to talk sheer nonsense. Free trade may <,xi,t, an; indeed, must exist, hctwern savage tribes. Toe skins of brood of b trhai-iaa* may he exchanged for the tomahawk* «" ano her; but in the complicated interests of a vas, e npirc- au empire ndiose d nniuions are to he found under every la' tude — an empire that must raise annually a revenue o: 50 millions ot money to carry en its regular goverum-'nt—it i' nlaiti that 10 dream ot free trade i, little short of insanity' Where is the mischief of protection? If the fanner i< pro" treted, si is the glover, so is the hatter, so is th" spirit mcf ribbon maker; nay, so is the cotton spinner aud the papet maker. wickedness of factious men, who inake a trade of sedi-ion tumult, all might be prosperous, for all are equa ly bound uf in the general welfare. We have become a gieat and glor'o"4 nation by artificial means; but if ue take "up ihe m re ab- str»et principles of a stupid and hnrd-henrted economy, shall assuredly overthrow our tia'ional wealth and po.v.r at blow. Now about what arc her Majesty's presumed Minister* [[.orii John Uiissell and Co.] deliberat N^ ? AIM I! reoealtii| the corn la ws of England in the best method—i. e, the thod most likely to secure themselves in power. And wh-i' would th" effect of ,his repeal hê? Its first, III 1st oovi mS and necessary effect would Ue to derange the wlple monetary si/item of ICni/laiid. There is liaroly a security in the country which would not be affected l>v i.. I: must necessita e a total revision of our l ixa io >. 'J'he revenue will IIC defici tit fJr the public exigencies Ireland, too; What will he ihectf rC of such a measure on that unhappy country ? At present, I I'.neh-.nd cou«nm s an immense prupoiliou of the gra n uf Ireland t/po-i the tree trade system, by which trie pi ice mise:!es of that country wiil he multiplied four-fold. We c nnot believe the pcoplp. «f Ihiilaad to be so mad a* to wis.i for 'he pissin> of a measure which must entail such iinir.ediate and dreadful dis iess and confusi>n. Bur let them not h-> deceived if the corn laws are repealed let no one suppose tint any sort or production wlil maintain its protection when you have crippled the means aud in' creased thc burdens of thc immense mass (If people no* <»«* pendent ou agricul'ure, you cannot, in common justice, PX!»<*«:• them to pay <1 ilt ice for everything else. — Herald

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