Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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C A R D I F £ A N D BRISTOL &tcam TJ PRINCE OF WALES, LIV. MATTHEW JONES, COMMANDER; The New and Fast Boat, SIVIFT, JAMES CLEMENTS, COMMANDER; 0) A RE Intended to Sail duiing the Mouth of JAN., U 1851, from the Bute Docks, Cardiff, and Cum. II- berland Basin, Bristol. r, CARDIFF. BRISTOL. Ie.. From Bute Docks. From Cumberland B,,$iu. ff Prince »f Wales—Mondays, Swift Vlomlays, Wednesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridavs. and Fridays, J SWIY)—I'USSILIIYS, Thursdays, Piince of Wales—TUESDAY! J AND Saturdays. Thursdays, and Saturdays. JANUARY, 1831. JANUARY, 18,J1. 10. Friday « morn 10,Friday 10 morll J 11, Saturday «»» L1> Saturday I0^ LNOM it 13, Monday 11 å mom, 13, Monday 1J Aftrr r. 11, Tuesday 1 "ITER | 14, TUESDAY. 2,T after P "15, Wednesday. 2 alter j 13, V\ ednesdav. 3 T after T LR>. Thursday alter 116, Thursday' A MORN I?. Friday 34 after IT, Friday. 5 rourl! IS. Saturday 4J after Hi, Saturday TF møru *?' .PIOI,D*Y 6 MOR" Monday R\ morn ',E, V" <»orn 21, Tuesday SIMUR.I ■>*)' -N6 "T MORU Wednesday 9 morn 23. riiursday 8| MORTT S3I TLLURSDAY' 94 MONI L'N,U> «i morn -4, Fiiday 1 OA morn -J, datur A} 10 morn 35, Saturday J q morn Carriages and Horses to be alongside one hour previous to the time of sailing. REDUCED FARES: —Alter Cabin, 3s. Fore Cabin, Is. 6d.; Children uniterTwelve years of AGE, Half-price. Refreshments may be had on board oil moderate terms. Four-wheel Carriage, 20s. Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn by twe horses, 15s One-horse Phaeton, or Gig, 10. Two-wheel, drawu by one llwlse and driver, 53s. Horse and Rider, Alter Cabin, 8* Fore Cabin, 6s. Od Cattle,5I.; HOR»EIT 6s. each SHEEN, 8d. each Lamb*, Gd. each; Pigs, Dogs, and Calves, Is. each.—ShiJ.JJII,JJ and LaHdm; Live Stock at ritk .f their OWNERS—These Fares include every expense. NF'Tlcrc.—Goods Delivered free Itf Hauling and Dock Dues MI Cardiff. SIT" NOT Accountable for any Goods without.SHIPPING No'rs <«4T Goeltli will be Hauled from the Warehouses t<» the • ACKCIS, at the EXPENSE of Ihe Companies. No Fees to Porters. Merthyr, Newbridge, Aberdare, Swansea. Neath, Aberavon Cairbridge, Bridgend, Lu'iutnuent, and Caerphilly. — Goods ferwarded to the, Places in Spring WAGGONS, Kailwav, and I.ack-u\, Canal lioats lIumedlately Oil arrival, UNLESS ordered by 4Uy particular conveyance, In whIch CdS" they wiil he de- posited in the .Ste,I?II packet Warehouse till called for, at risk *"(I EXPANSE oi Con«ignue.— B'reii>hl t" BE paid on delivery. Packages, PARCEL*, &c., forwarded tll "JI parts oí Ihe KINGDOM without ilelav .when sent tit either 4t: the Steam Packet Ofiic«s in Cardill ur Bristol. FURTHER information as 10 Freight, FITC., will be readily ob- tained by applying to the AGENTS— C. H.BKVAN, Agent, Packet Otlice, at the Hute Docks, ARDIFF or to E. I'. I'll ;I s Kit, Agent, No. 12, Ouay-streel, Bristol, tor the PIVLNUI'. ur sv.-M.II.> racu.. W. U.HAUVKY, at the Packet Oiffce, Bute Docks.Cardiff; or to Messrs. W. and 11. 11 RTSi V. LI.. Corner of St. Stephen's Avenue, Quay, Bristol, for the SWIFT Packet. Goods received for I,*ie PIUNCg JF W AI.KS, 12. Quay- street. —Goods taken for the SVV 1 Fr, at Corner of St. Siephe.U'S Avenue, Quay. -= T I MITE II TRADE. J. & J. GRANT & CO., IN rettlrnifisr sincere thanks to their numerous Custom- ers and Friends in the Counties of Glamorgan and Monmouth and the surrounding districts, beg to all- nounce that tlie.V have just Imported an extraordinary LAITRE ami splendid STOCK of Dalhousie and Quebec PINE, OALV, ELM, BILiCtI, and ASM IIM ii F. Ii, and about 30,000 Pine and Spruce Deals of excellent quality. Palings and Hackmatack Railway Sleepers also, Memel Timber, Deals, AND Staves of the best description. J. & J. (J. & Co. have ahvays on hand a tame Stock of Hridjjwater BRICKS, SLATES, LA I"IlS, &c.. &c.; also, fine and well-seasoned .MAHOGANY, BIRCH, and PINE HOARDS. From their loni$experience in the Trade, having very extensive Establisinents in Nortli America for the lasr 22 years, where, as well as in this Kingdom, they have been engaged in the Wholesale Trade, they are consequently enabled to sell at remarkably Low Prices. Owing to their great success, they have, in addition to their large Establishments in Cardiff, Merthyr, and Aber- dare, commenced business in connexion with Messrs. GRANT, BitorHints, & Co., Newport,and Messrs. Munuo, GRANT, & Co., Swansea. Cardiff, Sept., 18;,0. IMMENSE SUCCESS OF TH E NEW MODE OF TREATMENT A « adnp'ed bif LaUemand. Hicurd, Deslandes, and others of the Hospital des Veneriens, a Paris, and now uniformly practised in this country, BY WALTER DE ROOS, M.D., 35, EI.T PLACE, HOLBORN HILL, LONDON, AUTHOR OF I HL MEDICAL ADVISER, 163 pages, improved edition, devoid of teehnicalitie-, addressed to all those WHO are sulleriu^ from Spermatorrha;A, or Weakness, and trie various disqualifying forms of premature decay resulting from infection, and youthful abuse, that most delusive prac- tice by which the vigour and manliness of life me destroyed, even before nature b»S FULLY E3tabli*iied the powers and samtnaottheconatttntion. It contains also an elabo ateand carefully written account of the anatomy and physiology of the Organs of b.)! It sexes (illustrated by numerous colored er.GT:I%ings), with the Author's observations on Marriage. it" DUTIES and binder- auce*. The modern pl:tn of treating Gle »T, Stricture, Sy- philis, &C. Plain directions for the attainment of health, vigour, and consequent ha;>;>ines». Thus rendering it, what its name indicates, the friendly adviser of all who tnaybe sufl'EIIN" frnn the consequences of early error,—A Work which may be consulted with every assurance of complete BUCCI'S-1 and benefit. May be obtained in a s?ale l Envelope through all Book- sellers, at 2s. 6d., or to avoid difficulty, will be sent direct from the Author, Post free for <4U Postage Stamps. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. Extract from the Medical Gazette and Times.—"Fortu- nately for our country, a more eflicient (because certain) mode of treating these deplorable complaints is at IliA in- troduced; AND we hail the time a" not far distant when such diseases shall be comparatively unheard of; WE would earn- estly recommend all persons afflicted witti any kind of generative derangement to avail themselves of the informa- tion contained in almost every page of DR. DE ROOS' Work, which we unhesitatingly pronounce as the best extant. The MEDICAL ADVISElt is indeed a boon to tiii Public, as it B is the two-fold advantage of plainness and being written by A duly qualified and skilful mau, who evi- dently well understands It's subject.— Daily Times. "This is a work of superl.tive excellence, and one we should recommend to the perusal of all; in fact the in- formatiun lherein cunveyed is quite essential to those 01 either sex, who contemplate marriage."—Record. Many a Man, wh') unmarried and miserable, is now en, during ill silent sorrow and penalties of former folly (per- haps committed in ignorance), ha I H^ POSSESSED such a book AS this, would have been a happy hus'->u»<h louu'1'" parent, and useful member of society—Dispatch, January 19. The diffidence and fear of exposure, consequent on these affections .frequently prevent pei sous applying °R s. L <iuct, Until great mischief lias been inflicted on t ie cons I u on and powers of life. 1t W hoped the perusa ot this work will teach such persons the evils of delay, ami lea them at one to H-EK .hat assistance wl.iciralone W.I^E .he. from the honors of ao existence protracted njudst long enduring Wreichedness, both mental and ph)si»a>. Lasting benefit can only be reaSJllably expected at the hands of the inielligent and practical physician, who, de- parting from the routine of jiuniral practice, devotes the whole*of his studies to this class IF dheases, the lamentable neglect of wuich by ordinary inylical men, and their futile attempts at cure by mercury at'i other equally dangerous llwdicincs have produce 1 the NV^T alarming results. From the great extent of 'I'. DE ROOS' practice for many years, and his former^ >NLlection with the various IU-titutious both III Lundo* AND Paris, for the relief of tho.e afflicted with Debilit' Syphilis, Secondary Symptoms, Stricture, Gleet, Venerea'°R Scoibutic eruption- &c., of the face and body he LI-^ BAD perhaps unusual facilities for observing the PECULIAR'15 and consequences of each parti- cular stiiire. Hence IS enabled confidently and consci- entiously to the removal of every symptom (not excepting the M >st >Veierate or long standing) in as short A time as is eon«i=te( wth safety, or return the Money. Country patien' wishing to p.ace themselves under treat- ment will be mi.lti;! JII the d.-tail of their case-, and to pre- vent trouble n letters from strangers will be replied to unless they co.aiu £ I ill c>Jsh, or by Post Otfice Order,pay- able at the H-born Office, for which Advice and iVIedicine will be sent. Patiellts corresponded with lill cured. At hoineJR consultation daily, from 10 till 1, and from 4 till 8 (SUIUYS excepted), unless by previous arrangement. SKIN DLEASES. NERVOLTS DEBILITY,SCROFULA, SWFHIN^S OF THE BUNES, GLANDS, &c. De Hfs' Concentrated Guttce Vita, or Life Drops. It is as-3 NANLE implies, a safe and permanent restorative of MA/ V'KOL,R' WHETHER deficient FROM residence in hot ARISN G from Solitary Habits, Youthful Delusive ExceES' ECTLON' ^CC" aUo be found a speedy eor- rectI °' those dangerous symptoms, such as Pains and SI»'nS 10 'F Bones, Joints, and Glands, Skin Eruptions, 8,-HES and 1 unples, Weakness of the Eye-, Loss of Hair, IYASEAND Decay ot the Kose, Sore Throat, Pains in the T-E, Back, Loins, TCC., Obstinate Diseases of the Kidneys d Bladder, Gleet Stricture, Seminal Weakne-s, Loss of -emorv, Nervousnes-, Headache, Giddiness, Drowsiness, -'alpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Lowness of Spirits, ■Lassitude, and General Piostation of Strength, usual.Y re- uniting from neglect, or improper treatment by Alercury Copaiua, Cub.-b aud other deadly poisou>. From its peculiar properties in cieating new, pure, and rich blood, (thereby cleansing and strengthening the whole system,) it removes barrenness, and soon restores the organs to "011 lid h",dth "Vt'1I "f.r all other r..medle- (WhllOh It"n: Usually a depressing tendency) have failed; hence its uni- versal success in FIOIALF: complaints. Alav be obtained with directions, &C..throush all Medi- cine Vendors, at 4s. (id. and lis per bottle, or four eleven SHILLING quantities in one large bottle for 3-3s., by wtiich lis. ^'ill be saved; or will be sent securely packed irom the Es- tablishment, on the receipt of the price by Post Oflice Order payable at the Bolbora Olice. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO. RHEU- .i\JATH¡,U, GOUT, INDIGESTION, DEBILITY, STRICTURE, GLEET, &E. DR, DH UOOS' COMPOPND RENAL PILLS, AS their JUline (or THE KIDNEYS) indicates, are the most s-ife „Nd CHICDCIOU- REMEDY ever discovered for the above dangerou c I am s and Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Or6AI a generally, whether resulting from im- prudence or otherwise, which if neglected, frequently end in stone In the bladder, and a lingering death. For Gout and R h C in a 11 S> D T. p r C O S. o n of Spirits, Excitement. Blush- ing, Dislike ol Society .INCAPACITY fOR Study or Business, Loss of Memory, Contusion Giddiness, BIOOLI TO ,JLE ,]EAD drowsiness, Sleep without Refreshment, Groundless Fear* INDECISION, Wretchedness, ]*ervo«,„eS8> and even Insanity itself. when (AS is of (en tile case) ARISING FROIN, or combined *»H Urinary Diseases, they are unequalled. liY their «Iu- ^•■Y action on acidity of the stomach they correct t,i|E and »NDIGE8!ION, purify and promote the Renal secretions— *herebv preventing the formattonot Stoue.and EST^LIU.ING FW life the healthy fundion* of all these organs. MAY be obtained at Is. 1J<U 2I. M., 4S. bd.„D lis PER tbrou"h ail Medicine endors in the Kingdom, or *OULD anyAdimoulty occur, they Willi3e sent free on receipt OF 'HE price in postage stamps, by DR. DE Roos. I'D PREVENT FFTAL'DON the public by uopnncipled PERsoNS HER MAJOSTY'S HouOurableCoininissioners ol S ainps "AVE di eeted.the NAME of the Proprietor to he engraved on TIIF. N LVU LUL I,TILUV ,I KIO IMEDICMES, in WHITE I Government Stamp affixed to all tns LETTERS, on a red ground, without which none I G; BY James, Phillips, AND Evans,, Robert., ^'«M;ST, Conway; Hughes, Chemist, "*mist, Hijti-treet, Carnarvon; Edwards, Hughes, Chemist, Holyhead; Beale, CL.enis U;H \LR^% Wrexham; Ward. Chemist, High-street, <-<- '• IR'CE BROTHERS, PO.t-o/fice, Bridgend; TL.<nas <1: JOPPOSITE AnCel), Merthyr; White, Chemist. Gui dh 1 JFUARP, Carman hen Williams, chemist, High-^tree F ;»»; Davie., Chemist, and Potter, Herald-oflice Haver- H Trjweeks, Chemist, Pembroke; Evaus,Chemist. SWANSEA; MOO re, CHEMIST, J3r*>«D-I»tree • VN"*UI-*U; Stephens, Chemist, lii»»h-streeFT MEITHVR y* M Y* Ferris & Score, Drug»ists, Unfon-streef, bri-tof HEM U Chronicle, office, Shrewsbury Chillcoit, Book- J) TR' Broad-street, Leominster; Ilook (opposite Green JEFK0' HERETHRD: Fairor, Beacon-office, Monmouth; »IREP[NM COMRNERCI!IL*9TREET' AND Phillips, CHEMIST, LL>gh- • Newpo.t; of all whom may be had KR TJD E MEDICAL ADVISER difliculty occurs in obtaining the ABOVE, • vmge Stamps ta THE Establishment, filllP THE ABOVE COMPANY'S POWERFUL STEAMER « T A L 1 E S I N DAVID DA VIES, COMMANDER, TS intended to ply between C.ULUI^F & BWSTOL X during the Month ot JANUARY, I80I, as fol- lows :— CARDIFF BRISTOL. PrOlIl the Bute Docks. From Bathuut Bauu. 1, Wednesday 3{ alter 2, Thursday O, mom 5 Fridav '5 morn 4, Saturday 6 moru S! Monday !• 6 morn 7, Tuesday 8 MEM 8 Wednesday 7 moru «J, Thursday 9 morn 10, Friday 8 morn U, Saturday .10 morn 1 A, Monday LLI morn 14, Tuesday 2! after 15 Wednesday 2 after U;, Thursday 4} alter 17 Friday -• 31 after 18, Saturday 6 morn 20! Monday <5 mum: 1 Tuesday 8 morn S2, Wednesday 7 moru 2! Thursday JJ morn 21 Friday 81 morn 2,\ Saturday 11| morn 27, Mondav 12 morn 28, Tuesday after 3!», Wednesday 2 after 30, Thursday 4} after 31, Friday Scatter) Carriages and Horses TO he alongside One Hour previous to the lime of Sailio! REDUCED FARES :— After Cabin, 3s. Fore Cabin, Is. 6d. Children under Twelve Years of Age, Half-price. A Boat will be in attendance at Rownham, free or expense. Refreshment* may bo had on Board on moderate terms. Four-wheel Carri^e, 20. Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn by Two Horses, 15* One-horse Phaeton, or CIG, 10s.; Two-wheel drawn by the One Mors, and Driver, IDS.; Horse and Rider, After Cabin, 8S.; Fore Ctbin.hs Hd.; Cattle. 4s. Horses, OS. each Sheep, K)d cach Lainh*, 9 1. each L ITIS, lloas, AND C.lives. Is. each.— Shipping and Landing Live ATOOK.NT risk of ibeir OWAEIJI,-These Fares iucludc EVERY exp«use %J Not iircoantable for without Snipping Notes, For further particulars apply to Mr. 1 IIOMAS JOHNS, Agent, Facket-ottict-, on the Wharf, or at the Bute Docks, Cardiff; or to Mr. It. II. JOHNSON, Clare-street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. Goods hauled TO and from the Packet at the Company's Expanse, both at Cardiff and Bristol. —No l"ees to Porters. The Taliesin statts from Bathurst B;isin, Bristol, for the convenience of Passengers. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Paeket gi*E Notice, that they will not be accountable for any I'assengers LUGFJA^E nor will tiley be answerable fur any Goods, Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by lire, leakage, or otherwise), unless booked at their odi re at Cardilf or Bristol, if above the v.itue of forty shillings, unless entered at its value, and carriage ill prupurtioll paid fur the same at thc time uf booking. Goods consigned to order, or Iwl taken away before six u'cluek in the evening of the day of landing, will be warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees. All Goods to be considered as liens, not only for Freight and Charges due thereon, but also for all previously unsatisfied Freight and Charges due by Con- signees to the Proprietors of the said I'acket. Disputed weights ur measurement, claims fur luss ur damage, &e., camiot be allowed unless written notice 01 the SEME be sent to the ollice on the day of delivery. .7 HEALTH, HAF'PI.VKSU, and EFFICIENCY 111 IjL the VARIOUS DUTIES OF LIFE are intimately connected. Tnoiisands DRAG o;I a miserable existence, worried with Ind gestion, lull imbecile from Nenou9 De. bility, wasting with Scrofula,r eaten up with Rheumatism, and tens of thousand*, through morbid melancholy or some minor derangement of health, are incapable of either fully eujovillg the c(JI)1fJrl..¡ uf Ijtl" or satisfactorily performing the duties of their station. To all such, whatever may be the nature, Catre, or extent of their illness or inefficiency, a speedy and effectual remedy is now o fered in the recent discoveiies of Dr. N.ipier. His medicines, directed to the root of the evil, (Debility and derangement of the Nervous Vital power) remove disease by GIVING nature strength to tllro v it olf. renovate the whole frame, both in body and nurid, and permanently invigorate tll.ISC powers 011 which Health, Happiness, Energy and Longevity depend. For the better accommodation of the Public, Dr. Napier's invaluable remedies lire now issued, at a cheap rate, in the form of Patent Medicines. Sold in Loudon, by Neville and Boydd, -J3, Maddox-street, Regent-street; Barclay, Fa;ringdou street; llaii'.ay & Co., Oxfoid-s.reet; Frout, Temple-bar; and R. Johnston, (iS, Coinhill. A paper of Ca.e, and Instructions, with a box of Pills, sent post free ror fourtee:1 PENNY stamps, aldressed to Dr, Napier, 23, Maddox-street, Regent-street, London, by whom or bv Ills medical secretary, letters of enquiry are promptly answered without a lec. From the yotlimjhamshire Guardian, Nov. 28th, 1850:- Dr. Napier's Neurotonic fills hid fair speedily to ACQUIRE as distinguished a reputation iu thi. vicinity as they lIave gained 111 London autl ulher parts 01 the kingdom. lliehud J uyUpS of No. G. Peunyfoot Stile, Nottingham, is well known to have been a cripple, anti a mart) r to pain aud DISEASE (ur the last 1 f years, lie hils been twice all in-patient uf the Nuttiagltall1 General Hospit il, aall had besides used all th" mealls of cure within his reach, not only without benelit, uul he actually grew worse aud worse, and began at length tll look for a speedy relief iu death. (II this state he applied tl) Dr. Napier, wÍlu being unwilling tu take money frum II poor maLi, ill so hopeless a condition, supplied him at once with medicin,* gratuitously. The happy conse- quences are, that Joynes is entirely relieved from all his paius, has quite recovered the use uf his right hand and ann, which were rd. 11 years utterly \>ilTaipp<1, and is ill full expectation of ultimately recoveriuj Ilw use of his fuot. II is ease lias excited much astonishment and interest lhruughout the neighbourhood. Some hundreds of others in this neighbourhood are now taking Dr. Napier's medicines tlie elfects are in every case, highly beuelijial, III som. almost IOlracullll/s. HEALTH WHERE'TIS SOUGHT; L(fi HOLIJOWAY'S PILLS. CURE OF A DfSORDBlIBD AND STOMACH, WHKRS IN A MOST HOPlCLESS STATK. Kxtract of a Letter from Mr. Matthew Uurtey, of Chapel Hall, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the \i>th of January, HkJl). To Professor llolloway, SIR,-Your valuable Pills have been the means with God's blessing, of restoiin; inc to a state of per e< T ie« 1 1. an at a lime when I thought I was on the brink ot the grave I had consulted several eminent Doctors, who, atier doing what hey could for me, stated thatthey considered my case as hopeless. I ought to say that I had been suffering from Liver and Mo. mach complaint of long standing, which during ihe last two vears "ot so lIludl worse, tbal every one considered my con- ditloll as hopdes3. I as a L«st resource got a Box of your Pills which soon pave relief, and by persevering ILL their use for some weeks, together with rubbing night and morning your Ointment OVER my chest AN<I stomach, and 'JGHI have by their means alone got completely cured, and to the astonishment of myself and every body "HO knows me. (.SIGNED) MATTHEW HAKVEY. CUKE OF A CASK OF WIJK S KS ■» A V 3 DH15IL11\ OK FOUR VK A ITS' SI AS131N(3. Extract of a Letter from Mr. William Smith, of No. 5, LMle Thomas street, Gibson-street, Lambeth, dated Dec. 12, 1M- Tn Profcssur llolloway, SIFT,—I BE^ 10inform you that for nearly live years I hardly knew what it was to have a .lay's health, sulfering from ex- treme weakness and debtlily, WITH constant nervous head- aches, giddiness, and sickness of the stomach, together wi'h a great depression of spirits. luseJ to think mat nothing mid bcn. rtt me, as I had been to many medical men, some ot whom, after doing all that was 111 their power, informed me that they considered that 1 had some spinal comprint beyond the reach ot cure, together with a very disordered state ot the stomach and liver, making my case so complicated that no- thin- could be done for me. One day, being unusually ill and In a dejected slate, I saw your Pills advenned, and resolved to give them a trial, nunc perhaps from curiosity than with A hope or being enred, HOWEVER L soon found myself better by taking them, and so I went on persevering in their use for six months, when 1 alu happy to say ihey ellected a perfect cure. (Signed) WIU.IAM SMITH, (frequently called Edward). CURB OF ASTII.U 1, 0f TWENTY YEARS' STANDING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. J. A", ireyiton, 7S. King-street, Sydney, dated lUth of November, To Professor 1l.,lIoway, 81It.-1 have Ihe pleasure of informing yon that many ex- traordinary cllres of Asthma havc IJCe" effected bv means of your Pills. One is that of a Lady residing near the" Razors back," who after having for twenty years been IInab e to make the slightltst exertion, sulTering very fearfully iCOID shtJrtnest of breath, coughing, and spitting, but is now, to use her own expression, aide to run up to the IO,J of that mountain. Ano- ther case is ihatof Mr. Caton, tailor, lluichinsou's Building. Clarcuce-sUeei, WHO was so dreadfully l ad that he was con. lined entirely 10 his bed-room lor six mouths, prior to hiS commencing with your Pills, aud attended regularly by hiS medical mail, who pronounced him to be in a dying state, YET he, likewise, io mv knowledge, lias been restored 10 pertec^ he, likewise, to mv knowledge, has been restored 10 perfect health by the use of your Pills, and rubbing your Omtmer^ night and morning into his chest- (Signed) J. TTYDON THE li-AUL OF ALIHWIWUGH CUlHCO OF A LIVKli' AND STOMACH COMPi.AtST. Extract of a Lstter from His Lord,kip, dated Villa Messina Leyhom, :2bt February, 1845. To Professor Hoiloway. SI I!,—Various circumstances prevented the possibility of my thanking you heforo IhlS time tor jourpo iteness in senG- ING me your Pills as you did. 1 now ial;e tins 0pportunity 0i sending you an order for the amount, and, AT 1 10 >atne tim. to add ihat your Pills have effected a cure ot a disorder in my Liver and Stomach, which all the most EMINENT o T IT AC I LY at home, and all over the Comment, had not been able to effect; nay, not e"en the waters of Carlsbad and am N 1A t wish to have another Box and a Pot of the Ollllluent, IU ease any of my falllily shollld ever require either. Your most obliged and obediemaervant, (Signed) AL.DUOllOllfill. These celebrated Pills arc wonderfully efficacious In the following eomplaiuis. F Ague Femaiclrregulariiies Scrofula, or King s Asthma Fevers of all kinds Lvil Uilious Complaints Fits Sore i'hroas BiotchesontheSkioCont Stone and Gravel BI)WED Complaints ifead-ache Secou iarySymptoins Colics Indigestion Tic-L-'ouloureux Constipation of the Inflammation Tumours UOWILS Jaundice Ulcers Consumption Liver Complaints Venerea! Affections Debility Lumbago Worms of all kind* Dropsy Piles W eaknessfrom what Dysentery llheiimaiistn ever cause, s.c. lice. Hr.\SI\Jl;¡s Retention of Urine Soldat the Establishment of Professor HOLLOW AY, -44 Strand (near Teuiple Bar), London,and by most all respectable DRUGGIST and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world", at THE following prices—Is. 1 £ d., 2s. 9d., 4s. TI.I., lis., 22, and 33s. each Box. There is A considerable saving by taking the laiger sizes. W U —Directions for the guidance of Patieuti in every ) disorder ar" atfiul1 to each BOJ. An opportunity for the Investment of Capital seldom to be met wxtn* To Drapers, Grocers, and General Shopkeepers. AN OLD-ESTABLISHED BUSINESS, XN the centre of the Mineial District in Monmouthshire, doing a good General Trade, TO BE DISPOSED OF the Premises either to be Sold or Let. Letters, pre-paid, addressed A.Z., GUAUDIAN Office, Cardiff, will meet with immediate attention. Nov. 18,181)0. NEW DECIMAL PALM CANDLES, 7d. per lb. Ten to the lb. rpHESE CANDLES, though ugly, burn well and JL without guttering. They are admirably adapted for all who require one which emits a great light. For Artisans, Turners in Metal, Sempstresses, Tailors, Shoe- makers, for the Windows of small Shops, and for persons of weak sight, where the light is of primary, and appear- ance of secondary importance, these Caudles are incom- parable; in short, one Decimal Palm Candle gives the Light of Three ordinary Candles, and does not require snuffing. Sold by Grocers, Candle Dealers, and Oilmen, ann wholesale by PALMER and Co. (the Patentees), Sutton- street, Clerkenwell, London. ^CUPISS'S CONSTITUTION HORSE BALLS. R!^0 Sportsmen, Agriculturists, Postmasters, and all X Proprietors of Horses, these Kalis are particularly recommended in all cases of swelled legs, cracked heels, loss of appetite, and vital enery; for Coughs, Colds, Fever or Inflammation, they are the best Medicine that can be exhibited, moreover their operation, though effectual, is so mild, that th"y require 110 alteration of die', and if given with a bran mash on Saturday night, will not interfere with the ensuing week's regular work. NEAT CATTLE. The Constitution Rails are strongly recommended by many highly respectable Gentlemen, (see 'Iestunoiiiulsj for Cows and Oxen as a most valuable Medicine in cases of Hove or Blown, Scouring or turning out to GRASP, or from bad food, Gargate, Hide Bound, Loss of Appetite, Staring1 Coat, Distemper, Epidemic, or Influenza. Bul- locks fat much faster by occasionally giving a Ball. PREPARED ONLY BY FRANCIS CUPJSS, M.R. V. C, Author of the Prize Essay of the Disease of ihe Liver of the Horse," Diss, Norfolk; and sold by all respectable Medicine Venders in Town and Country, in Packets, six Balls each, 33. Gd. per packet,withawrapper giving full directions for the use of the Balls, and treatment of the Horse whilst taking them. Also a Pamphlet of Testi- monials from many Geutleme;: who have used the Balls in various Complaints. Any Gentleman using the Balls may consult the Pro. prietor gratuitously, either personally, or by letter, post- paid. FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, Price 1*. 1 .}< per box. rllHIS excellent Family PILL is a Medicine of JL long-tried ellkacy for currectlng all disoidcrs of Ihe Stomach and Bowels, the C'lD!Dtll\ symptoms 1)1' which are Custiveness, flatulency, Spasms, Loss of Appetite, Siek ifcad- achc. Giddiness, Sen," of Fulness after meals, Dizzinessuf the hyes, Urowsiness, and ains ill thc Stomach alld H"w,.ls; indigestion, producing a Torpid state of the Liver, anu a eon- sequent Inactivity ol the Bowels, causing a disorganization "f every function of the frallle, will iu this most (xcettentprt- paration, by a little perseverance, be effectually removef). I wo or three doses" ill convince the afflicted of its salutary etfects. The stomach wiil speedily regain its strength; a healthy action nf the liver, tJ<, and kidneys will rapidly take place; and instead of listlessness, hc"t, pain, and jaundiced appearance, strength, aciivity aud renewed lieahlt, will be the quick result of taking this medicine according 10 the directions accompanying coch box. These Pills are particularly efficacious for Stomach Coughs, Colds, Aguts, shortness of breath, and all obstructions of the Uritiar PASSAGES; and, if taken after tou free an indulgence at ladle, lhey qncHty restore the system to its natural state of repose. Persons of a FULT. H \BLT, who arc subject to Head-ache, Giddiness, Drowsiness. alld Singing 111 the hars, aiisiilg from too great a ow of (3;"011 to the Head, should never he with- out tiieiii, as many ilangerous symptoms will he euiirely car- ried oil by their immediate use. For FE Vi A LE ■> th<-se Pilis are most truly excellent, re- moving all obstiuctions, the distressing Head-ache so very prevalent wnh the sex Depression of Spints. Oulncss of Sight, Nervous Affections,, Pimples, and Sallowness of the Skin, and give a healthy and juvenile, bloom 10 the comple>n. To MOL'HEIVS they are confidently recommended as the best medicine that can Oc taken dining pregnancy; aud for children or all ages they are unequalled. As a pkasani, safe, and easy Aperient, they uniie the recommendation of a mild operation with the most success, ful ellect, and require no restraint of diet, or couiineinetit during their use. By regii-atiug the dose, according 10 the age alld strength or the panent, llley become AMIABLE fHr every case, iu either sex, that can be required; and for FI I. I) hit L Y PEOL'LK they will b-f-und 10 be the most com- fortable Medicine hilherto prepared. Sold by T. Prout,'22'J, Strand, London. Price is. Hd. and 2s. 9J. per bo* and by ihe Venders of Medicine generally THROUGHOUT the Kingdom. ° J Ask for PIT VMI'ION'S PILL OF HEALTH, and ohserve the name and addiess of I'LL out as Prout, :2\1, Straud, London," on liie (ioveinineiit Stamp, UtiDEli 110VAI. FAfHUNAGE. t PERFECT FREEDOM PlfOM COUGHS IN TEN MINUTES AFTErt USli, AND INSTANT UBLIKF AND A RAPID CURE FOR ASTHMA AND CONSUMPTION, AND ALL DISORDERS OF THE BREATH AND LUNOS, is INHUKEII BV DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. TIIE truly wonderful powers of this remedy have nailed _i. foith testimonials from all ranks of society, ill all quarters of the world. The following have just been re- ceived — CURE of ASTHMATIC COUGH of LONG STANDING. CITY-road, Haverfordwest. Sir.—I am H ippy to inform you that 1 have experienced the greatest benefit from taking only two boxes of Dr. Locick's Pulmonic Wafers, which you were kind enough tftrecomfmnd me. Previously to myt ikiog thein I c<>U:d scarcely wi'k without the greatest ditliculty of breathing, and my cou.11 would then increase to such a degree that 1 was NEARLY suffocate i. I had not for in my months sleni for more thall lulf illt hour at a lime; but I am now able to sleep all night without cmghing. lean truly recommend them to those who ure similarly affected, as a most invaluable remedy, AND YOU are at perlVct liberty to Illlke my case public if you think proper. I am, &E., JOHN JOHNS. Cabinet-maker. The above WAS communicated to the Proprietors by Mr. O. E Divis, Chemist, Hiah-street, Haverfordwest. ANOTllEii SURPRISING CURE OF ASTHMA. FIOM MR.^ William Howeii, (J irtletf, Haverfordwest. 'Having been afflicted for many years with a violent co.igh and asthma, and having tried all other medicines in vain, I was recommended to try Dr. Locock's Walers. I seiu to you for II box, and to MY O REATA^TTII^HMENT, 1 found riliet the very lirst nigm, and liive continue i to get better ever since. Their EFFECTS are really won ler UL. My appe- tite is now good, wuereas formerly 1 could scarcely keep any food on mystcmtch. I have myself since recommended them to sever >1 P:'rs;nn, who have all received the irreatest relief from them. (-igued) W.\L. BUWEN. CUKE OF TWENTY YEARS' ASTHMA. Extract of a letter from M. Grose, E-q., Redruth, Gent emeu,—Please to send me an Us. box of Dr. Locdck's Wafers by return of post, and also a few of your lists of cures, that I may send them to those of my friend* who are similarly afflicted with asthma. I thank God that I have found more benelit from three 2s. 9d. boxes which I have taken, than from all other medicines I ever took for the hst twenty vears, and I am in hopes that I shall soon be "«••'JlicifAEI. GROSE. l\HCIIAEL GROSE. IMPORTANT TESTIMONIAL. From the Rev. O^ETI Thomas, Holyhead. Dear Sir,—Dr. Locock's Wafers do a GI eat deal of ^OOD to my voice. I K°t a bad cold from a damp bed about 35 years A„0 A:1D MV voice was very bad ever since, giviug great pain to me when preaching or singing— .nd I am ver/ fond of singing. lused ma ty different medicines, and some of them did good for a little time; but Dr. Locock's is the best of all-it clears IIJY voice, and stops the coughing instantly. I have never found'anything yet to compare with if. I have been 33 vears a Wesley M mini-ter. and all the We -leynn Methodists in the principality know me; 20 YEARS of which I have lived at Holvhead and I am known personally to all the first men of that body, many of whom have admired the effects o' the wafers in clearntr the voice and stopping the coug-h-they never got such medicine before. My wife, ever since Christmas, hiis been very well after takins: two boxes. I am a witness ot their power to stop A frigh'ful fit of coughing in an instant. I, as a W e-leyan pr. njhpr, call upon all preachers and singers of every deno- mination to take these Walers for improving the voice and curing coughs. You may publish my testimonial for the excellent Wafers if you wish. I »m, vonrs trulv, OWEN THOV1AS. IMPORTANT TO ALL WHO SING. From Mr. Edward Page, Director of the Choir and Organist of St. Marie's Catholic Church, Newport, Monmouthshire. Gentlemen,—Having frequently suffered much from relaxation of the throat, I have often been obliged to resort to various preparations but since I have had the good for- tune to try Dr. Locock's Paluionic Wafers, I am now but seldom obliged to resort to them, for the extraordinary good effects tliev produce are most surprising. Even when the throat appears to be completely ex- hausted, sttd the voice to be nearly gone, two or three (01 at MOST four) will, in the short spare of half an hour or so, completely restore its flexibility and power, and they act as innere temporary exciting remodv, nor do they leave any lassitude after. Having felt the great value of the temedy ] feel it a duty to generally recommend it, as I an con- vinced that ail persons will find immense benefit from the general and perseveri.O^ jt. EDWAiW PAGE, 10. Stow Hill, Newpor'. The naviculars of hundreds of cures may be had from every agent throughout the king. om. To Sin-en. and Public BP. akeis tliey are invaluable, AS in a few hours they remove all hoarseness, and wonderfully increase -he powerS and flexibility of He votce They have a pleasant taste. 1 nee IS. 1^1 2?. 9J., and lis. per box.—May be had of DA SH.VA 6C Co., 1. Bnde- lane, Fleet-street, Londou. AHO, may be had, • DR. LOCOCK'S FAMILY APELUFNT AND ANTI- BILIOUS WABEIih. A mild and gentle Aperient and Stomachic Medicine having a mrsc agreeable taste, and of great efficacy for re- gulating th* Secretions and correcting the action of the Stomach and Liver. Sold at Is. L$d., 2s. 9.1., and Us. per B°X" A'DR LOCOCK'S FEMALE WAFERS, The best medicine for ladies. Have a pleasant taste. Price t; LLd., 2S 9d.,and lis. pei box. ALL PILLS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES ARE COUNTFKFEITS. IMPII-I-ANT CAUTIOS.—Many Medicine Vendors when asked for DR. LucocK s .MEDICINES attempt 10 sell" Pills." ••Wafers" aid other prepara LOM under nearly similar mines instead—because they obtain a larger profit by the sale of such counterfeits than can be obtained by vending the genuine medicine. The Publl c IS therefore cautioned that the only genuine has the words "Dr. Locock's Wafers" in white letters on a red ground printed in the Government L\V BO I' ES a I e \A g e n t S: Evans, Son, & Hodgson, Wholesale Druggists, Exeter. Agent for CARDIFF, Mr. Griiliih PhilliW, Druggist; MEITTUYA, Mr. White, Bookseller, Hizh'Street; NKWX'ORT, Mr. E. J, Phillips, aud Messrs. Rogers & Co., DruggUts; TBEDEGAB, Mr, Crowe, Medical Hall. Sold by *11 MEDICINE Veoderif THE CARDIFF AND MERTHYR GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER OFFICE, AND GENERAL PRINTING AND STATIONERY ESTABLISHMENT, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. PRINTING, in all its various Branches, executed in the most modern and superior style, on very reason- able terms. Publications procured from. London at regular intervals. The following popular and interesting Works are now on Sale: — REMARKS on the ARCHITECTURE of LLAN- DAFF CATHEDRAL, with an ESSAY towards a HISTORY of the FABRIC; with ENGRAVINGS. By EDWAHD A. FREEMAN, M.A. Price 8S. A DESCRIPTION and HISTORY of CAER. PHILLY CASTLE, and CASTELL COCH. 13y GEO. T. CLAUK, ESQ. Price 4s. CASTRA CLWYDIANA; a Systematic Examination of the Camps on the Cbvydian Hills. ILJF V. WvKNE FFOULKE8, M.A. Price 2s. 6d. NOTES on the ARCHITECTURAL ANTIQUI- TIES of the DISTRICT of GOWER. Bj EDWARD A. FREEMAN, M.A. Price 2g. VIEWS of the EXHIBITION of 1851, on Note, Letter Paper, and Cards. ENVELOPES, with a view of Cardiff CASTLE. A Variety of BIBLES and PRAYifiii BOOKS, handsomely hound. THE MABINOGION. PART 7. By LADY CHARLOTTE GUEST. Containing the Dream of Maxen Wiedigi Llud, and I.levelys, and the History of Taliesiu, i'.ice 8s. STEEL VIEWS OF PONTYPPIDD, On India Paper, Is.; Proof Paper, 6J., alld Letter Paper, 2d. each. Almanacks and Pocket fiooksfor 1351, IN GREAT VARIETY. TO ADVERTISERS. The Proprietor t»f tile CARDIFF & M :RI F RN GUARDIAN avails himself of this opportunity of caHiÍ1g the altelltiOl1 of Professional and Commercial Gentlemen to the eligi- bility of his Newspaper us a GENERAL ADVEUTISISG MEDIUM, inasmuch as it is the ONLY CONSERVATIVE JOURNAL published in the Counties of Glamorgan and Brecon, and has also a constantly increasing circulation in Alullmonthshire and adjoining Counties. An early Edition is published at the OHice, Duke. street, Cardiff, on Fiiday Mornings, in time to be for- warded by the first Mails. BOLDEROS POWDERS FOR THE CURE OF OFFENSIVE BREATH.— Ihe larye sale is a suf- ficient guarantee of their ellicacy—a certain cure even in the most stubborn cases. Soid only by Mr. Boldero, in boxes, 3s. Gd. and 7s. Cd. each, at No. 8, Lower Jaines-street, Golden-square, and forwarded into the couutfy on receipt of a Post-ofHce Order, or Postage Scamps for ihe amount and the carriage. if Mankind are liable to one Disease more man another or II lucre are any panlcular AtIecllous allhe Human Body we require 10 have a knowledge of over the rest, It is cer- tainly Ihat class oE Disorders treated oE iu lhe New aud IIII- proved Edition of the''SlLlisT FRIENU." The Authors, in thus sending funh to the world souther Eùitlon of their Medical Work, cannot refrain from expressing their gratiliCa- tion at thc continual SUCCI" attending thclr .efforts, which, conjoined with the assistance of Medicines, exclusively of their o.«ii preparation, have been the happy cause of ii.itT"ai- ing and averting the Atemat ami Physical miseries attendant on ttiose peculiar Disorders; thllS (HOVIng the IdCt, tlut sul- fering humanity must always derive tile greatest alhilulaues frolll duly qualified Members of tlw Medical Profession, adopting a parricl/lar class of disorderil for their exclusive study, in preference to a superficial knowledge of all the din- cases that attiict ,I aukllld. •Messrs. fi. 6c L. J'EIUIY can with conlidence oiler hope energy, and vigour to thusc whose CuustllullUUIi have become deolliLated fcom generative lifseasc,¡, nervous aud mental uri- tabilitv, local or constitutional weakness, &c., aud begs to ac- quaint those so sulfering, tflat one of the firm may be person- ally cunsldled daily at 1\0. W, ISeruers-stieet, O"furIJ-strecI, Loudon, from 11 nil •>, ami ttOn5tiH8tu the livening aud on Suuday frOIll II 1111 I. THlliTY-KlFl'H EDITION CONTAINING NIN IU;IIIWY FOit J'IH; PREVEN- TION OP DlSEAMi. Illustrated by 26 Anatomical Coloured KngravingS on Steel, On I'hysical Disqualiifcations, lJeltemtwe Incapacity, and Impediments to Marriage, A New and IlDlJloveo Edition, enlaiged to 196 pages, price 2-.6d.; by post, direct Irom the Establishment, 3s. (jJ. iu postage stamps. 'inn-: SILKNr FRLtfND is a Medical Work, _L written In language dc".Jl.lnf ph,fesslollalleCl1nic/tIItICS on the physical disqualiiicatiotis affecting the generative syMein ILl both sexes. It contains au elaborate and carefully written account of the Auaiouiyand Physiology of tne Organs m Mau which aredircctly and iMitfecttyeuuccrnt-diu the func- tion of generation (illustrated by coloured engravings), and the Causes and Consequences resulting Irom the baneful practice by which the vigour and manliness of Life are euer- valed and destroy ed, even b til ore nature has fully established the powers and stamina of the constitution. Local and gene- ral debility, nervous irritalJillly and excitement, consumption, ludigestion uf the most feadul and exhausting kind, intense melancholy and depression of the spirits, and partial or com- plete extinction of the reproductive powcis, &c., aie thus produced. 111 the SlLKNT KUUND, the chapter devoted to lbc ClJnslderatl\Hluf these dreadful complaints contains also 81. accauut of the means by which they n.ay Lc prevented auJ removed, so as to lestore the sufferer to the lull enj >y tuent of health and the functions of manhood. The work is illustrated by the ddail of cases, and by 26 coloured engravings on steel, thus reidering it what its name purports it to be, the true but silent friend to allsuliering fiom the consequences of early error and flce,-a work which may he cowitlltcd without exposure, and with every assurance of complete success and beueiii. BY R. aud L. PEHRY, CONSULTING SURGEONS, 19, Unners-street, Oxford-sireet, London. Published by the Authors, and sold by Mrange, 21, Pater- noster-row; Hannay aud Co., 03, Oxford- street hanger, 150, Oxford-street; Gofdou, Uti, Leadftthatt-street, Starte. :J, I itchhorne-slreet, Haymarket, Lonilou Newton, 16 and IIJ, Cliurch-stieet, Liverpool; Priestly, Lord-street, Liverpool; Ingram, Market-street, ,\1¡),\lchester. D, Cal/lpheIl, 131>, Ar- gyie-street, Glasgow It. Lindsay, H, lilins-row, Edinburgh Powell, b'8, Graflon-street, Dublin and by all book- sellers and Patent .Medicine. Venders in' T own and Country. I'AUT Till'. KLUST of ihis. work is dedicated to the consi- deration of t he A iiatomy and Physiology of 'he generative functions. It embraces" a succinct account of all the organs in man which are engaged in the important function of the reproduction of the species, and the mode in which sclf-anusc operates to the injury of the human frame, and the destruc- tion of the special AUD vital powers. This is nlustiaied by six eoloured engravings. PAIIT THE SEOI.ND treats of the iulirruities and decay of be system produced t.y over iudui^eiic.- of he passions. The existence of nervous and sexual Ueoilily aud incapacity, with their accompanying Irani of symptoms and disordeis, are treated by the chain of connecting results lo tnis cause. this section is illustrated by three coloured engravings, which fully display the elfects of physical decay. PART THE rutltli couuius ail accurate description 6f the diseases caused by infection, and by the abuse of mercury primary alld secondary symptoll/S, erupllons "f the skin, sore throat, inflammation of the eyes disease of the bones, jonor- riuea, gleet, stricture, &c.. are shown tu depend on tins cause. Advice for the treatment of all the>e diseases and their con- sequences is tendered in this section which, it duly followed up, cannot fail in effecting a cure. The I'ait is illustrated by seventeen coloured engravints, l'Allor THE FOURTH contains a Remedy for the Preven- tion of Disease by a simple application, by which the daligei of infection is obviated. Its action is simple but suie. II acts with the virus chemically, and destroys its power on the system. This IIlIpOrtaut parl of lbe Work shollld \lot esc"pe the reader's notice. PAIIT THE FIFTH treats of Marriage, its obligations and dlsqna 11tiea11ons. The causes winch lead to happiness in the marriage state aredwettupou and those wllleh are indi- cativeol misery and domestic inquietude. The natuic,origin, and treatment of physical disqualifications are also described, and lemedK s lor this state form an important consideration in ilns suction 01 TAC work. The tM.T-HiL HAI..M OK SYIUACUM is employed to renovate the impaired powers of life, when exhausted by the influence exeited by solitary INDULGENCE on Illt, system. Its action is purely balsamic; its power in reinvigorailng the frame in all cases of neivotis and sexual debility, obstinate gleets, impoltMicy, barrenness, and debilities arising from venereal excesses, has been demonstrated by its unvarying success in thousands of cases. To those persons who aie pre- vented entering the married state by the consequences 01 early errors, it is invaluable. Constitutions lielaxed, weak or decayed, Trembling of the Hands, Head-ache, Paintings, and l'et»al<* Complaints, are under Its illllnediate intlueucc; and when the system has re- ceived it shock, and is imprudence ami inat- telllion in the, early part lit life, 1'1' i« sinking uncJe" lh" atJ- vance of years, or hy long residence in hot or cold climares (his medicine will afford imihedvSiie assurance of returning strength, by giving toue to the muS^itiar system and oigaus of d IgestlOlI. All cases of Local anil <ieiieral Debility, Nervous Irrita- bility, and lixciteuient. Consumption, Indigestion of the most fearful and exhausting kind, intense Melancholy, Depression ol'the Spirits, Partial \>r Complete Kxtiucuoti ol th Repro- ductive Powers,and Non-retention ol U rIlIC, Me permanently cured by the Cordial Balm of Sy"acnm, aud patients restored 10 the lull enjoyment of health and functions of manhood. Price I Is. per bo.lie, or four quantities in one for 3Hs. The CONCISN I'U VI'KU Dl'T lii!SI Vli FSSUNCB, au aiiti-syphilitie rellledv. for purifying 'lie system iron venereal contamination, and is recommended for auy of the varied forms of secondary symptoms, sucn as eruptions ot the skin, blotches on the head and.face, enlargement ot ihsthtoat, tonsils, and uvula; threatened il^strue(ioii 01 the nese,palate. &c. Its action is purely deter.-d'e, aud its beneacial lufJuence 011 the system is undeniable. Scurvy, JSc.irnutic Humours, Old Wounds;' Ulceis, Sor- Legs, Venereal Ulcers and Sores, Glandular Swellings, Krisi- pelas, Leprosy, King's Kvil, Pimples, ''leases oi the Skin, Cutaneous Kruptions, on any part of ihe i.'ody, and all Impu- rities of the blood. Price lis. and djs. er bottle. The £ .5 cases 01 .Svriacutn or Concentrated Detersive gs- sence can Ollly be had a: 19, llerneis-street, Oxfoid-street, Loudon; whereby there is a saving of i.1 12s., and ihe pa~ liellt is entitled to receive advice without a fee, winch advan- tage is applicable only to thosc who remit ilj for a packet. PERRY'S PURIFYING SPIiCIFIC PILLS constitute an ellectual reined;/ 111 all cases of gonorrhoea, gleet, stricture and diseases of the urinary organs. Price is. Jd., 4s. tid. and 1 Is. per box. COl/snluuion fcc, if hy letter, £ 1. — Patients are requested to be as minute as posiible in the description oi their cases, stating Age, Occupation, and position in Society. .\Ies>ts, Perry are III attendance dally at IU. lierners-street, Oxford-street, Loudon, lrotu II to 2, and l'rotn 0 toff; 011 Sundays trU1I1 11 tu 1. Sold by Thomas A. Roberts, Chemist, (Jonway: John Brown, Chroiiic.le-oflice, Jlaogor; Robert Griffith, Chemist, High-street, Carnarvon; William Edwards, Chemist, Den- bigh H. G. Hughes. Chemist, Hotyhf-ad John Healer Chemist, High-streei, Wrexham; (0; Ward, Chemist, II igh- street, Brecon; Philip Price, Post-ofiice, Uridgcud Walter Thomas, Chemist (opposite Angel), Mcnbyr; J.W. White, Chemist, Guildhall-square, Carntarthen; W, Williams, Che- mist, High-street, t.ardigau; O. h. Davies, Chemist, Haver- fordwest; Joseph Potter, Heraid-oihce. I la\ertordw st H. C.Treweeks. Chemist, Pembroke; Tllomas l. vans, Chtinist, High-street, Swansea; John Moore, Chemisi, iJroad-soeel. Newtown; Thoinas Stephens, Clieniis', Iligh-vu-ert, tb\r Tydvil Ferris and Score. Druggists, Unmn-streei, '.insto'l Johu Watton, Chronicle-otfice,Shrewsbury James CI.Mlcoit, Bookseller, Broad-street, Leominster Draper. Chemist, Broad-street, Hereford T.Farror, Bcacon-ofnre, Mo iiuouil. j E. V. Jenkins, Commercial-street, Newport; Phillips, Cur mist, High-»tteet,Newport; and at the CARDIFF & MER IHYK GUAEDI AN-OIRCO, Cardiff FTLL of whom may be hud tb. >* SILENT FRIEND," t


[No title]