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CARDIFF AND BRISTOL Steam iIIIaclltt, prince OF WALES, MATTHEW JONES, Commander, 1$Intended to Sail during the Month of DECEM- S- ^El{, 1852, from the Cute Docks, Cardiff", and from ^Hhursi ij.isin, Bristol, calling at the Hotwells, where a j aititiM; Room'for Passengers is provided opposite the -linjr I,int:Ci aud they will be put on board, or landed, ee of charge. CARDIFF. 1 BRISTOL. From Bute Docks. | From Bathurst Basin. IS02. I DEC., 1832. ,0> Friday 2$after | 11, Saturday 5J room j". Monday 5^ mora 14, Tuesday 7j morn ^PiltK'srluy 6,i morn 16, Thursday morn '■ 1'iiday 74 murn 18, Saturday 10,} morn '■ 1'iiday 74 murn 18, Saturday 10,} morn 10 £ morn 21, Tuesday H after Wednesday 12$after 23, Thursday 3 after Friday 2\ after 25, Saturday 5 morn F .\Iu:s by both Steamers After Cabin, h,; Fore Cabin, Cd. Omnibuses are in waiting at Cardiff, on the arrival of the ^niers to convey passengers to the South Wales and Taff "■V Stations without delay. I'll v^'—Horses, Carriages, Cattle, &c., intended for the Jlil.lh CE OF YVAMSS to be shipped and unshipped at (v rst Basin, Bristol. rnages and Horses to be alongside one hour previous to the time of sailing. "efroshment8 may be had on board on moderate terms. Fotu-wheel Carriage, 20s.; Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn j? ,w° horses, 15s.; One-horse Phaeton, or Gig, 10s- {.°Ur-wheel, drawn by one horse and driver, 13s. c0r'e and Rider, After Cabin, 6s.; Fore Cabin, Si. 6d.; Horses, 5s. each Sheep, 8d. each Lauibs, 6d .acli; Pigs, Dogs, and Calves, Is. each.—Shipping and incjUlins Ij've Slock 8t r'8k of their 0wners—These I'ares ude everv expense. NoTiCE._Goods Delivered freo of Hauling and Dock in Cardiff. Accountable for any Goods withoutShipping Notes Goods will be Hauled from the Warehouses to the ilÜel8, at the Expense of the Company. No Fees to Porters. c **erthyr, Newbridge, Aberdare, Swansea, Neath, Aberavon °wbri(tge Bridgend, Llancrissent, and Caerphilly .—Goods jrw<rned 10 these Places in Spring Wagons, Railway,and ^ck-np Canal Hoais immediately on arrival, unless ordered y <>Hy particular conveyance, in which case tliey will be de- j|' si'ed in the Steam Packet Warehouse till called lor, at rislc. f e*pense of Consignee.— Freight to be paid on delivery. Parages, Parcels, &c., forwarded to all parts of the p without lhdav,*»hen sent to either of the Steam c ct Officcs in Cardiff or Bristol. Paul,, r information as to Freight, &c., will be readily ob- aPt>'>'ng to the Agents— 0 — liiiv A n Agent, Packet Office, at the flute Docks, > or to E. 'J', 'i t)RNlilt, Ageut, No. 12, Quay-street, "ristol. Goods received at 12, Quay-street, Bristol. p oe above Steamer arrives at, and starts from Bathnrst j^stn, Bristol, which is within iii«ht Minutes' walk of the ^^■TStutiun. CARDIFF, NEWPORT, & BRISTOL STEAM packets. 1'HF. BRISTOL GENERAL STKUl NAVIGA- TIO¡..¡ COMPANY'S splendid Paddte Steamers, c &IVIFT, DART, AND USK, Hii!°"'ler su',able Steamers, with or without Pilots, and Hi, 'erty to Tow Vessels, are intended to Ply during e ^loinli of DECEMBER as follows".— CARDIFF AND BRISTOL —SWIFT. Hutu Dockst Cardiff, From liafhurst Basin, Bristol* 1«:>2. M | DEC., 1802. Saturday 3.1 after j 10, Friday aflcr jg' ^"es(lay mora 1 :>, Monday ™ morn j "iUisday 7 mum 15, Wednesday 6 morn • Saturday 8} morn 17, Friday 9-i mom Tuesday 13 noon I 20, Monday 12.V after 'I'iiursrlay ;.i after | 22, Wednesday 2i after Saturday 3J morn | 24, Friday 4 alter PARKS After Cabin, Is. Fore Cabin, Gil. j,uihuses are in waiting at Cardiff of the ^<u'U'w!r '° conve-V Passengers to the South Wales and Pair Railway Stations without diday. ^U'lp -—"or3es» Carriages, Cuttle, Ike., intended for the |j 1 to be shipped and unshipped at Bat burst Hw»i«» r,s'°l. Carriages and Horses to b« alongside One Hour pre- •!l"s to il)e time of Sailing. ''etrcshinents may he had oil Board on Moderate Terms. *our-whccl Carriage, 20s.; Fo'ir-wheol PI»a"lon, ilrawn y 1'wo Horses, 15s. <»in>-hofsc Fha»*tt>n or Gig, 10*. Four- J*hce| ilrawn by One Horse and Driver, !•$" Horse and ,Ivier, Alter Cabin, 8s.; Fore Cabin, G#. GJ. Cattle, 4s. (>rsts. 5*. each; Sheep, 8d. each Ijauibs, (id. each Pigs, i>08«, and Calves, Is. each. —Shipping aad handing Live KLoCk, at risk, of their Owners.—Ihese Fares include every **peuse. ^OTICI:. Goods delivered free of Hauling anil D>ck Du<s Cardiff. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping «"ies.—Goods will he huuled from the Warehouses to the acket> nt the Expense of the Company. No Fees to Porters. Herthyr, Newbridge, .lbttrdne, Swansea, Neath, Aberavon "bridge, Bridgend, Lantrissciil, and Caerphilly.— Goods '0fVvarucd to these Places in ."ipnng Waggons, Railway, and '•ocK-up Canal Jioats,immediately on arrival, nnle.-8 ordered ) any paiticular conveyance, in which case tbey wiii be dt.- Nsitcd ill the Steam PaCKet Wurenouse till called for, at "sk and exponse of CoHiignee.-Krr'iglit to be paid on dtli- V';ry Good- Packages, and Parcels, ote., ^c., forwa-ded to "Parts ot ihe Kingdom without delay, when sent to either ot the ht.t.atti Packet Oliices in CardltV ot Bristol.— Further 1¡'folloari,)II as 10 I'Yeigot, &c., will he readily I1tJ'i:lII:cd by ""I'pijing to the Agents,— o y* • K. II A^ent, at the Packet Office, Bute Docks, or to Messrs. W. & 11. H AIM Nl-LI., lirmol Got'» eain Navigxtion C'o.'s Ofllce, Q iay, lhistol, foi S iVil'T fleket. IIi Good taken for SWIFT, nt the Bristol Geueral Steam Na» 'giiuon Company's Olhce, Quay, ISristol. t>T:ie above Steamer arrives ar, and starts from Bathnrst 'asm, Bristol, which is within 8 miinucs' walk of tliu IJaii- uj' Siatjon. NEWPORT AND BRISTOL —DART AND USK. ^rom Batharst Basin, Bristol. | From Rodney Wharf, Newport, "so-, lb.")2. | UKC,lSj2. 1 Saturday., Q morn J 11, Saturday 31 after Monday 7 morn 13, Monday 6 morn jf* I Uesdny 7.J morn 14, Tuesday morn '> Wodn'-sday 8 morn 1">, Wednesday 7 morn Thursday <J morn 10, Thursday 7.j morn '> Wodn'-sday 8 mom 1;1, Wednesday '7 mum 1 G, Thursday !I morn Hi, Thursday 7.j moru Friday niurn | 17, Friday 8 morn 8, Saturday IO.j morn J 18, Saturday II morn Mjnday 12J after j 20, Monday 11 morn ^1. Tuesday 1^ after 21, Tuesday 12 noon j-, Wednesday after 22, Wednesday 1 after Thursday after 23, 'Thursday IJ alter Friday 4 after 21, Friday 2^ after Saturday J mom I 2.i, Saturday 3.} ilium FARES: After-Cabin, h,; Fore Deck, 6d. ta our.w|j(,e[ Carriage, 10s.; Taro-wheel Carriage! or Ligilt j 'lue:on,8s.; Two-wheel Carriage or Light Phaeton drawn .nc)iorse,with!)rivor,t2s. Horse, 51.; Horse and hler, lis.; Dogs, Is. each. 'h |7:i'l'nS room is provided opposite the landing place at eh° olvvells( where Passengers arc taken on boaui tree ot nt,ar8e -bout fifteen minutes after tiie time stated in the vertiscment lor Sailing from Bathnrst Basin, •p SOUTH WALES RAILWAY. ^'ns leave Newport for Swansea, 7.4,> a.m., 10.55 am., "io p.m., 4..40 p.m., and 7.15 p.m. J' *rrive at Newport from Swansea, 8.5."> a.m., 10.43 a.m., p.u),, 3 45 p.m., 6.5t> p.m., and 9.15 p.m. pe^ ^IAMS'S PACKET COACH daily from the Car- U)"l'S Arms> Newport, on the Arrival of these Packets r°"gh Caerleon and U>k, to Abergavenny, Crickhowell, anil j^'ecou, and from the Golden Lion, Abergavenny, ibree I/s before the time of Sailiti;; for Uristol. Ur(her particulars may be obtained at Hie !>riitol General Qea,n Navigation Co.'s OlHee, Quay, Bristol, where all uc'iages, I'arceU. See., should be addressed. j "'U« and other information can be obtained of Air. JolIN °Nl'*s, Uownham Wharf, Hotwells. Agmt at Newport, Mr. R. 1'. JONES, Hodney Whalf. NEATH, GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, and Entered upon Immediately, pHE detached Family Residence, situate close to the Town of JN'eath, called GLYN-LElUOS, containing !lu,erous principal and secondary Bedchambers, Umw- lng-room, Dining-room, Library, and Domestic Offiaes of description; ample Stabling, Coach-houses, Lofts, £ <nv-liouses, and other Buildings; with Lawn, walled ■•^iteheu Garden, Orchard, and rich Pasture Land, com- Prising altogether about 23 Acres. —The Property is lithe Free. For further particulars, and to treat, apply to Messrs. Llewellyn and lvandail, Solicitors, Neath. ON NERVOUS AND GKNliRATlVii DISEASES. Ntw Edition, Illustrated with 45 Coloured Engravings, and containing the newly-discoveied pRliVKN 1IV IS LOTION. J»st Published, the 67th Thousand, price 2s. 6d., in a sealed envelope, or sent by the Author, post-paid, for M40 postage stamps, ANHOOD: the Causes of its Premature Decline, with Plain Directions for its Perfect Restoration. jJ with Plain Directions for its Perfect Restoration. A Medical Ueview of every l^onn, Cause, aud Cure of Ner- vous Oehility, Impoteucy, Loss of Mental and I'liysic-il Ca- paclly. "hcther resulting from Youthful Abuse, the Follies of Maturity, the effects of Climate, or Infection, &c ad- dressed to the Sufferer in Youth, .Manhood, and Old Age; wHh the Author's Observations on Marriage, its Duties and disqualifications the Prevention and Cure of Syphilis, and other Urino- jenital Diseases as a4iopted III the Ilew Mode of Treatment by Daslandes, Lalle- ltt"hd aud Ric°rt'> Surgeons to the Hospital Venerian, raris. J*. L. CurtiSi Surgeon, 15, Albeuiarle-strcet, Piccadilly. I With tiii.- Ne« a'ul ^nlar8ecl Edition of MANHOOD, which is "ow translated >«"> hve languages, will be given, the Al*lhor's Prescription of a 0'dluleCtlug L«"0Q f°r the ^e" ^■lioiue Ufor^consu 1 tatioda^y> from 10 till 3, and 6 to 8. T.LVIFWS OF I HE WORK. <» *« r-„rtis.—We aStee with tlie Author 'bat NHOOD, by j. l- c(;iSS ijel„g objectionable in l'ie ),S0 lar f,°m .iiies being opposed, every fa- ciu. -^ot youth, or dithc ujation aud to strengtlieu 0( > should be given to their receut distressing events «t flopi,'l0u we nee<1 bul l;e,er l0A demies at Carsbaltou and v^°ur Military and Scholastic Acad- a»i Miliums 0f feel no hesitation in saying, d ugefai_wjie- ouety to whom the book will not bo eptor, or sueti person hold the relation of a V ^'Jiuan.iiw, Evening Paper. lesiify that the -4any of our most eminent physicians .jd bv tbe ^■"Ctice of these delusive, so justly con''e' others, ^ulhor, is a greater source of derangement than a ^lid, as is also observed by the truly nitelligent S'f j'ujtj^ Illg of our f'tivate Lunatic Asylums and Insane 1 tJ,P probably the chief cause of many patients being tl> ° crp. and aluiost amnsuperabteototacie to their recove y -Medical lieview. jt "Cunison itiauhood.—Fortunate for a country *l)l' aid us youth put into practice the philanthropic a" maxims here laid down—jne cause of matrimonii* '"iserj might then be banished from our laud, and the race the enervate be succeeded by It reuewal of Iht: hardy, vigoious spirits of the olden run>>—Chronicle. Published by the Anthoi, iu»l also in sealed enveIop"s by Sherwood, PIper, alld Palernoster-row Haiinay, t;a, Oxford-stri-et; Manu, 39, Corahill, London; Guest, bud-strect, lluUJinghaUJ; Hcy wood, Oldham-street, Alan- <:h.srer; ltow"ll, Ô, Chnrcli-Slreet, Liverpool; Campbell, 13G, Argylc-stieet, tilasgow Hobinson, 11, <Jreenside-»treet, kuinburgh iierry and Co., Iti'il, Croat Hiiiain-street, Uuu- u; and by all booksellers aud Chemists in the United Kingdom,_AUo, *t the GU4KHUN Nifwspaper Oflite, C«4|fft THE FAST-SAILING STEAMERS, "JENNY JONES," DAVID DAVIES, COMMANDER, AND TAL I E SIN WILLIAM DAVID, COMMANDER, ARE intended to ply between CARDIFF and BRIS- TOL during the Month of DECEMBER, 1852, as follows :— [Arriving at and starting from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling at the Hotwells, where Passengers will be Landed and gm- barked at the llownliam Ferry Slip, free of expense, at which place a comfortable Waiting HoolU is provided.] CARDIFF. BRISTOL. From the Bute Docks, j From Bathurst Basin. Dec., 1852. | Deo., 1832. 10, Friday after 1 10, Friday *5 morn 11, Saturday. 3J after 11, Saturday *6 morn 13, Monday. 6 morn 13, Monday 6^ morn 14, Tuesday.. 6 morn 14, Tuesday. 7! morn 15, Wednesday. 6J morn 15, Wednesday 71 morn 16, Thursday ? moru 16, Thursday 8i morn 17, Friday 71 morn ¡ 17, Friday 91 morn 18, Saturday 83 morn 18, Saturday 10! morn 20, Monday 10J morn ) 20, Monday. 12,} after 21, Tuesday. 11| morn 21, Tuesday. l<j after 22, Wednesday I after 22, Wednesday 2} after 83, Thursday 14 after 23, Thursday after 2;1. Thursday. 14 after 23, Thursday 3i after 24, Friday 25 after 24, Friday 3^- after 25, Saturday 3J mora 25, Saturday 5J morn NOTICE.—The Cardiff Steam Navigation Company give Notice, that they will not be accountable for any Passengers' Luggage; nor wil I they be answerable lor any G00.18, l'ack;t<s, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by fire, leakage, or otherwise), unless booked at their office at Cardiff or Uristol, if above the value of forty shillings, unless entered at its value, and carriage tn proportion paid for the same at Ihe tillle of booking. Goods consigned to order, or not taken away before six: o'clock in the eveifingofthe day of landing, will be warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees. All Goods to be considered as liens, not only for Freight and Charges due thereon, but also for all previously unsatisfied Freight and Charges due by Con- signees to the Proprietors of the said Packet. Disputed weights or measurement, claims for loss or damage, &c., cannot be allowed unless written notice of the same be sent to the oliice on the ùay of delivery. To and Fro from Bristol, 10th, lltli, and 27th. REDUCED FARES BY BOTH STEAMBUS:—After Cabin, is. Fore Cabin, 6J. (ioods and P.»rrcls forwarded with dispatcli to Lantrissent, I'on Ta!bot, Neaih, Swansea, Lla:\Utly. Carmir-, thgo, Uerihyr, Aberdare, Pontypridd, Cowhridge, Caerphilly &c.. &c.; "Iso to and fro." London, Manchester, 13iuuiughal1l' and all pa-ts of the kingdom. Omnibuses are in walling at Cardiff en the arrival of the SledUllHS II) convey Passengers to tbe ltailway:Slat¡'H1S and all parts of toe To vn. Refreshments may be liasl on board on moderate terms. Four-wheel Carriage, "20s.; Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn by Two Horses, 15; One-horse Phaeton, or Gig, IOs.; Two-wheel urawn by the One Horse and Driver, 13s.; Horse and Rider, After Cabin, 8s.; Fore Cabin,6s.hd.; Cdttle.4s.; H(¡rs"s,5s. each Shcep, 8e1 each; Lambs, (jd. each Pigs, Dogs,&Calves, Is. each.—Shipping & Landing Live Stock, at risk of thpir Owners.-Thfse Fares iuciudc every expense Not accountable for any Goods withoutShipping Notes. Goods liauied to and from the Packet at the Company's Expense, both at CariiilV and Bristol. — No Fees to Porters. The above Steamers, for the convenience of Passen- gel's, start from Bathurst Uasin, Bristol, which is within 8 minutes' walk of the Great Western Railway Station. Go.>ds delivered free of Hauling ami Dock Due* in Carditf. Further information as to Freight, &o., may be ob- tained by applying at the Company's OIKee, Bute Docks, Cat-dttt; or to Mr. John EVEIIARD, Clare- street liall*, Marsh-street, Bristol. E. J. THOMAS, General Superintendent. SECRET SOlUtOW.-CERTAIN IIKLP. IN SIX LANGUAGES: FOR TVT-SiiVKNTii EJlTiON. Illustrating the Dew mode of treatment adopted ùy Lalleui iiid, Hicord De^landes, and others, of the Ilopital des Veu6ri*us à ParIs, aa i IllI.V uniformly practised ill this country, BY WALTER BE ROOS, M.D., 3,3. ELY PLACE, ILOBUJITN fhn., LONDON. finUE .MEDICAL ADVISER, 011 the various dis- JL qualifying forms of premature decay resu'ting from infection, MId YO:ltltlul a use, b/ whici the vigour af/ll mmt- liness of life ;.re de-tr.iyed, even before the powers of na- lure are fully established. hcolltains also chapters Oil the anatomy and physinlojty of both seies (illustrated by nume- rous coloured engravings), with tile Author's observation on ;\larriJ!!c, its Unties au 1 hmderan. ei. Plain diHetiollS for the attainment of health, vigour, and cousefjumtt happi- ness. Thus rendering it, wnat its uama purports it to be, THE .MEDICAL FUIEND of all who imy be suffering from the consequences of early error,—a Work which may be consulted with every abllr,1:¡CC of benefit. AI iv be obtained Hi a sealed E ivelojje through all Book- sellers, at 2s. (id., or to avoid difficulty, will be sent diieet ftoo the Author, Post fuse for 42 Postage stamps; und where sectesy is necessity, it may addressed in any name, or by initials only, to he ielt at any Post-ofiice till calledior. Agent, for Bristol, Mr. Kiti £ nookselier, Small Street; atid Sold at the GUAIIDIAN OFFICE. Cardiff. Sold ,11so uy Gilbert, *19. Pa,ruoster-ruw; Strange, 8, Amen (Jorner Collins, 113, Fleet Street; Hanuay o t, an i Sanger, 150, Oxford-street, London Jones, 5, Pal'adise- srreet, Liverpool; Hey woo!, liO, Dean's Gate, Manchester Kaimes & Co., Leitb Walk, Edinburgh; Campbell, 321, Argy'e Street, Glasgow; Powell, I:), Westmoreland Street, Dublin; and obtainable by order of all Booksellers and Medicine Vendors. REVIEWS OF THE WORK. "Ju5t Ihe book everyoudy ojght ro read once in their life, and tile sourer the better we »ay.—Pi>r,eer. "Tue information therein cjuveyed is really essential to those of either sex woo contemplate marriage "—Record. It contains piec:sely the information tooofteIl studiously kept 1rom he young and thoughtless.—However, the knov, led;;e tuns/, come ôome time, and happy is the person who does not become Ls possessor 10J J:¡"Puli!irian. NOTICE TO THE AF FLICTED. From many experience al. the various hnspitaJR in London aad Oil the continent, Dr. D; ltoot is enauied to treat, witll the utmost cerlainlY of cure, ever-y v.iriet y ofdij- ease nrising from 8u!it:try habits, excesses, and infection, whether pnmary or secondary, which, froll neglect or IIIJ- proper treatment, frequently end ill gravel, rheumatism, indigestion, debility, skia pains in the kidneys tlack aud loins, aqd a lingering painful death The lament- able neglect of these diseases by the majority of medical men, aud thÚr attempts to cure by tbe use uf those dan- gerous medicines—mercury, copaiba, cubebs, &«., have pro- duced the most distressing results. Sufferers will therefore do well to apply without delay to Dr. De Boos, who gua- rantees 1\ speedy and perlect care, witllOut the above medi- cines. thus preventing the possibility of any after sympto ns. This truth ilas been borne out in thlHlSIJllds of illstallcCS j aud he furthelo guamntees to cure the most inveterate cases ill as short a time as is consistent with safdY, without hiri- daance from business, or change of diet, &c. Listing benetit can only he reasullitbly cx;)ect?d at the hauls of the ju licious practitioner, who departing from tile routine of general practice, devotes the whole of his studies to this class of diseases. A id to those who can show their possession of the requisite qualifications, tite utmost couli- dence may be extended. PERSONS IN THE COUNTRY will be minute in the detail of their cases; and to prevent trouble, 110 letters from strangers will be replied to, unless they COlltain £ 1 by Post-ollice Order, or otherwise, for advice and medicines which will he sent to auy part of Ibe world, securely packed from observation or accident. Patients corresponded with till cured. Females, on all occasions, attended to with the most ho- i10urable sccrecy and delicacy. Post-office Orilers to be made payable at the Holborn Office to Dr. WALTER DE Boos, 35, Eiy Place, Ilolborn Hill, Loudon, where he may be consulted from 11 till 1, and 5 till 8 Sunday excepted. A cure effected or the money returned. Those deemed incurable are particularly invited. The Concentrated tiuttce Vita, or Life Drops, are unparalleled for their eihcacy in renovating the im- paired powers of life, and re-iuvigorating the frame h) eases of nervous and sexual debility, its also purifying the blood from all poisonous infections, the abuse of mercury and from secondary symptoms, such (IS swelling of the bones, loss of hair, decay of teeth, eruptions on the head, face, and body enlarged and sore throat, threatened destruction of the nose, palate, &c. To those persons who are prevented entering the marriage state by the consequence of early errors, they are invaluable, and for all complaints incident to females, they have all established reputation. Price 4s. 6d. aud lis. per bottle, or four lis. quantities in one large bottle (lIr 33s„ by which lIs. is saved. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, INDIGESTION, FLA- TULENCY, HEADACHE, NERVOUSNESS, DE- BILITY, STRICTURE, GLEET, &c. DR. DE ROOS'COMPOUND RfiN AL PILLS, as their name Renal (or the Kidneys,) indicates, have ocenlong established as a most safe and ellicaeious remedy for the above danger- ous complaints, discharges of any liind, retention of urine, and Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs gene- rally, whether resulting from imprudence or otherwise, which, if ueglected, frequently end in stane in the bladder, and a lingering death. For Depression uf Spirits, Blushing, Incapacity for Society, Study or Business, Confusion, Giddiness, Drowsiness, Sleep without Refreshment, Fear, Nervousness, and Insanity itself, when arising from, or combined with Urinary Diseases, they are unequalled. By their salutary action in correcting bile and acidity of the stomach, purifying and promoting the renal secretions, they prevent the formation of Sto..e, and establish the healthy functions of all these organs. ONE TIUA.1. will convince the most sceptical of their sur- prisillK properties. Price h. l £ d, 2s. 9d.. 4s. 6d., lis. and 33s. per box through all Medicine Vendors. A considerable saving effected by purchasing the larger sizes. CAUTION.—There being highly injurious imitations of hese Medicines einanatiug from a selt-styled doctor, who copies this announcement, sufferers will do well to see that the stamp, affixed to each box and bottle, is a BONA FIDE GOVERNMKNT STAMP, bearing the words, Walter De Roos, London," in white letters on a red ground, and to guard against the recommendation of the spurious articles or any other medicine by uupiincipledVendors, who thereby obtain a large profit. TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC FROM FRAUD, her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners have directed the name of the Proprietor to be engraved on the GovernlPent Stamp affixed to his Medicines, without which, none can possibly be genuine, aud to iruitate which is felony. Sold by James, Phillips, and Evans, Cardiff; Roberts, Chemist, Conway; Hughes, chemist, Bangor; Griffith, chemist, High-street, Carnarvon; Edwards, chemist, Den- bigh t Hughes, chemist, Holyhead; Beale, chemist, High- street, Wrexham; Ward, chemist, High-street, Brecon; Price Brothers, Post-oflice, Bridgend; Thomas, chemist, (opposite Angel), Mertbyr; Walkins, High-street, Aber- gavenny; White, chemist, Guildhall-square, Carmarthen yVildams, chemist, High-street, Cardigan Davies, chemist and Potter, Herald-ufiice, Haverfordwest; Treweeks, chemist, Pembroke; Evans, chemist, High-street, Swansea, Moore,chemist, Broad-street, Newtown; Stephens, chemist, Hiirh-street, Merthyr Tydiil; Ferris & Score, druggists, Union-street, Bristol; Watton, Chrouicle-ollice, Stirews- y. Ciul'cott, Bookseller, Broad-street. Leominster; look' (opposite Green Dragou), Hereford Farror, Beacon- 'dice Monmouth; Jeukins, Commercial-street, and Phil- r Chemist, High-street, Newport; and obtainable t S'uch all Medicine Venders, of whom also may be had • •TUB MEDICAL ADVISER." N jti —Should difficulty arise in procuring any of the t bv sending the amouut by Post-office Order, or stamp* tp35, Ely Place, Holborn Hill, fcoadou, they will be Mi Itfweiy plcl'l' tu TAKE NOTICE. L. WALTER, GREAT BRITAIN S TORES, CARDIFF, BEGS leave to inform his Customers, and the Public in general, that he intends Retiring from Business, and leave Cardiff in a few Months: he, therefore, gives Notice that all Accounts due to him must be Paid by the First of January, or otherwise he will be obliged to recover the same by Law and all Accounts due by him to any party here or elsewhere must be sent in before that date, and will be paid on demand. L. WALTER takes this opportunity to call Public attention to the fact, that he is NOW SELLING OFF the WHOLE of his STOCK, which is well known to be Extensive and of First-rate Quality, at such Reduction as will ensure a clearing of the whole in a few months.- CALL AND SEE. Cardiff, December 1st, 1852. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO INVALIDS .es1^ GENUINE ASAM TEA. EPORT of the ANALYTICAL SANITARY COMMISSION, vide The Lancet, Annual 2nd, 1851:—"ALL THE JTI SAMPLES OF ASAM TEA WERE FOUND PURE." At the GREAT EXHIBITION, the Company received a MEDAL for the purity and excellence of their Teas. The peculiar recommendations of ASAM TEA are attested by the rigid scrutiny and close analysis to which this newly- discovered species of Tea has been subjected by Chemical and Medical Practitioners. The flavour of the Tea is agreeably piquant and aromatic. As a stomachic beverage, it is perfectly wholesome and refreshing, and, unlike other Tea, does not injure the nervous system. Good Black 4s. 4d. per pound. Fi"L?Pick^ 6s." 0d". I 1(1 one-pound, half-pound, quarter-pound, and two- Fiue Mixed 4J* 8d. „ ounce sealed packets, conta ning the full weight of Finest Mixed 5?. 4d. „ Tea, exclusive of lead and paj er. Fine Green ^s. 0d. „ Fine Green ^s. 0d. „ Finest Picked Leaf 7s. Od. „ j CAUTION.—Every Package bears the Arms and Address of the ASAM TEA COMPANY, 11, Crooked-lane, King William-street. London; without which the Tes is not gennitt. • SOLE AUTHORISED AGENTS FOR THIS DISTRICT. Fishguard .Mrs. H. Harris I MerthyrTydtit.Mrs. Williams, confectioner, Ilich-street Haverfordwest.Mr. A. Beil, draper, Bridge-street Newport(Mon.).Mr. M. Evans, Library, I-ligh-street Knighton Mr. W. Edwards, bookseller Swansea .Mr. J. Harris, Chemist, Oxford-street Laugbarne .Mr.J. Collins, Grove House Uslc (Mon.) .Misses M. and E. Edwards, milliners, Laugbarne .Mr.J. Collins, Grove House Uslc (Mon.) .Misses M. and E. Edwards, milliners, Llanolly Mr. G. Broom, stationer Bridge-street AGENT FOR CARDIFF,—MR. HENRY WEBBER, "GUARDIAN" OFFICE, DUKE-STREET. AGENTS WANTED HOWQUA'S MIXTURE AND MOWQUA'S SMALL LEAF GUNPOWDER. THE MOST LUXURIOUS TEAS AT R E D U C E D P R I C E S. MESSRS. BROCKSOPP, SONS, & CO., of High Street, Southwark, London, Sole Importers of the 1"1. celebrated HOWQUA'S anil MOWQUA'S TEAS, have much plea-ure in announcim; to the Public that, after a pro- tracted ne^ociation with tile growers of these Teas, they have obtained such concessions as enabled them to reduce the prices so materially, as to bring them within the reach of an extended circie of purchasers. In these days ot pretension, when the art of puffery is exh lusted to palm oil' upon the public mere rubbish under a decorated disguise, it would seem almost hopeless to advertise a good article without bestowing a few superlatives upon it, but a3 "good wine needs no bush." so good Teas require no adventitious sids to recommend them. The llowqua's and Mowqua's Teas, imported by Brocksojip, Sous, & Co., have been kuown to and appieclatcd by the public for very many years. J 3 REDUCED PRICES. Ilowqua's Mixture per pound C.itty Package 5s. Od. Mowqua's Small-leaf Gunpowder, ditto 7s. 2d. Semi-Howqut 4s. 8d.—— Semi-Mowqua 6s. 4,1 per lb. 3 None are genuine which are not India Catty Packages, secured with the Seals of Howquaand Mowqua Metdiant^^atuon^s £ 0_ Sllbmit tlie following prices for the'r esteemed PACKAGE TEAS, which will be found excellent for Family consumption. Good Conzou to Gunpowder 4s. Od. Ditto particularly recommended for Family use 43. Od. j Ditto strongly recommended 5s. Ud. GENUINE PATENT ROASTED COFFEES. The Treasury Minute, permitting the admixture of Chicory with Coffee, having been rescinded by an Order in Council, dale,1 iJtb J ily 1S5^. Croeksopp, S^os, & Co. are at length enabled to compete successfully with other Its-" scrupulous by the recognition that ^rincip e for which they iuve so long contended. Tbey beg to call attention to the subjoined list of prices for pure Codees, packed in 1 lb. tin cauisters, and in tinfoil packages of 1111 size: to preserve the aroma. Fine Plantation Is. 4d. Finest Oid Mocha 2s. M. Fiue Rich Mocha. Is. 8d. AGKNT5 FOR THIS DISTRICT. CARDIFF Harriet Simpson, Bute Docks. HAVEKFOKDWEST. "William Thomas, Grocer. MEIHHTK. Ti'NF-IL DAVIO LEWIS, Chemist UASDILO Jotiu Ja nes. TIIO»I*S 'STRVEHS. Chemist. LLANDOVERY R»HS Bishop, Stone Street, CARMARTHEN lames Lloyd, Grocer. Elizab rh Lewi*. Draper. GWESPYB, near Holy weli, Joseph Profitt. NEWPORT ioseph Grout, Stationer. UAVJIKFOIIUWEST II. E. Potter, 2, Victoria Place. SWANSEA Jonathiu Dury, Grocer. Thouias Williams, Chemist. TENBY lliehtrd .\la-ou, Bookseller. UAVJIKFOIIUWEST II. E. Potter, 2, Victoria Place. SWANSEA Jonathiu Dury, Grocer. Thouias Williams, Chemist. TENBY ltkhlrd ,\Ja-n". Bu¡)i;s.I:cr. Gwvnne llarrie-, Chemist. Bi:ui\niT.R.Phillips, Exhibition Hal I,Beaufort Iron Works CJ,' Applications lor Agencies,accompanied oy res legible references in London, may be addressed to Messrs. Broeksopp Sous, & Co., Ili^b-street.Southwark. LIVERPOOL BLACK BALL LINE OF PACKETS TO AUSTRALIA" smrs. TONS- SAIL. 'e'orLUile (nt,w sliii)) i,.)(io 2'2ad Dee, 1'H.SHHI OE.uiy 1,500 Melbourne it Oeeloiu; 1st Jau Eliz.Harrison (new ship) a,Ot.(t) jMelUourtie & Sydney 2oth Jan. David Molver 1,80d jMeibourue To follow. tiioldeu Age (new »hie) 2,000 .Melbourne To follow. Collector 'Melbourne Po follow. Marco Polo 2,5i,(! M.-lboume To i'ol.ow. Flora M'Don-.ild l,.r>(J0 [.Melbourne To follow. Lady liulwer 1,8'J!) Melbourne To follow. splendid line of well-known First &VX& 1 Class Packets T WICK a MONTII for AUSTRALIAN PORTS. l'or lull particulars apply to JAM ES BAIN ES & CO., Cook-street, Liverpool Or to T. CUN'DY HOKE, of), Strand, Swansea Who forward nil kinds of Merchandise, Packages, Parcels, Letters, to all p'lits of Austral'a and United States or' America, by Steamers aud Sailing Vessels, in the most expeditious and reasonable manner every information as to rate of freight given, aud a'ivances tnude on Consignments to their friends in Australia, as well as immediate oiders at sight on deposits of Casii here. Throw physic to the LIO!rS,-Illi none of it."—Shalspcre. UNDER T1IE AND PATRONAGE OF Til E THE PRINCIPAL QUEEN. NOBILITY. Ro P ft' S ROYAL BATH P L A S T E R S supersede the use of Inward Medicine for Coughs, of the f it Croup, flojping Cough, Influenza Chtonic Strains, Bruises, Lumbago, Spinal aud Rheumatic Allectious, Diseases of the Chest and Local Pains. MORE "WONDERFUL CURES SELECTED FROM MANY OTHERS TOO NUIISROUS TO PUHLISH:— INFLAMMATION OF THK LUNGS. Fore-street, Liuieiiouse, Juno 1, 1850. Messrs. Roper and Sou, I be" to state your Royai Bath Plasters cured me of an attack of inflammation ot the Iuugs. J. HORNSiiY. CURE OF AN ALARMING TAIN IN TIIE SIDE. To Me<°rs. Roper and Sou, (Jentlemen 1 had a Plaster for Mrs. Kennedy for an alarming numbness alld pain 111 the side, which led lue to fc-ar a paralytic stroke. She is 67 years of age. I applied the Plaster to her side, and the pain aud numbness entirely left her in three weeks. EDWARDKENNEDY. 32, Cattle Market, Shellielci, Aug. 10. 1848. I WONDERFUL EFFECTS ON ASTHMA OF 20 YE ASS STANDING. I I .I Soulbury Hou-ie, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. Gentlemen,— Having been afflicted with an asthmatic eougii for the last twenty years, and being within two hours' ride ot Loudon, I beg to inform you that I have during the last fifteen years consulted more than one of the (n-t physicians of the day, aud the only good I have re- ceive! has been a temporary relief, after costing me pounds upon pounds. Since the commencement of the present month, I was advised totty one of 11 Roper's Koyai Bath Plasters" for the chest, and so great has been the benefit al- ready received, that I consider myself in duty bouudto write you this testimonial. I have suffered so much of late, especially upon awaking in the raoroing, that 1 have fre- quently been two hours in dressing, while the perspiration has been running down my face the greatest part of the time. I now dress with ease in half au hour. Trusting your invaluable discovery will be rmde knowlI throughout the country, for the benefit of the utllictert. public, I am, Gentlemen, yours greatlv obliged, WILLIAM BLUNDY, M.C.P., aged 40. To Messrs. Roper & Sou .—Dec, 20 1851. COUGH EIGHT YEAltS' STANDING. 18, Joy street, Beltilst, Feb. 19,1852. Sirs,—In the month of December las-t, I tried one of your Royal Bath Plasters, having for the lafit eight years been troubled with a violent cough, tightness of the chest, and ditliculty of breathing, from which I have fouud so much benefit, that I will thauk you to send me another by return of post. Your's "respectfully, PHILIP EMERY, Comedian. To Messrs. Roper and Son. REMARKABLE CURE OF COUGH ATTENDED WITH TAIN IN THE CHEST. Cross Keys Hotei, Hull, March 16, 1851. Dear Sirs,—I certainly shouild JJut have been able to spend the winter in this cold dacap town, uuless I had worn one of your Plasters. It relieved my cough in a few days after being applied, and soon caused the pain in my chest to cease. The Royal. Battt Plasters are indeed an excellent remedy. I shall not fail to recommend them to any of my friends who su frer from coughs, pain in the chest, or indigestion, Aud am, dear- Sirs, your's respectfully, S.JACKSON. Lakenheath, near Miildenhall, Suffolk, Feb. 2, 1852. Dear Sirs,-About twtlve months ago, I was recom- mended by a gentlemen to try your Roper's Royal Bath Plaster, which I did, and have found it very beoeficial. Before using the R >yal Bath Plasters, I had been subject to coughs & colds especially duriug the winter months, scarcely free from a cough a 'Week together the whole winter but since I have woerk the Royal Bath Plaster, (which I have without intermission since,) a cold or cough has such a different effect and by taking a little care, soon leaves me. If this should be read bv any subject to the same distress- ing complaints, I would recommend them to try the same means, and I have uo doubt they will agree with me as to the effect. I remain, gentlemen your most obedient servant. Messrs. Roper and Son Sheffield. WM. F. NEWTON NOTICE !-The words, RopEB.'s ROYAL BATH PLASTER," en- graved outheGo- jr y SdTapA1;^ tor's Autograph J on the back, thus These truly Invaluable Plasters are compounded on Medico-Chemical principles, from British herbs, and the Gums and Balsams of the Eastern clime- Where shrubs yield balsam, and where flowers and trees Distil some genial balm for all disease." Prepared only by ROBERT ROPER and SON. Chemists, Sheflield. Full-sized Plasters, Is. I I'd. and for Children 9 £ d. each; or direct by post, on receipt of Is. 4d. or ts. each.—For the use of Hospitals, inlirmaries, Dispensaries, Poor-Law UUIQUS, the Medical Profession, Family use, and Chaiity purposes, &c,— in Tio Cajses, at 4s, tid„ lis., 22s., 3ds, each case. OjBEWARE OF IMITATIONS J—Be rpartiwlw ft wk IWRQSW9 IIC- DOBBIN'S AUSTRALIAN LINE OF PACKETS. FOR MELBOURNE, GEELOXG, POJa PlilLIP, AND SYDNEY. rip H E nnJerinentinneil Ship will bp po:d- lively dispatched lrom Bristol as fol- UAT.: UP SUIR. BUKTHKN CO MMAN!> £ tt. SAIt.lNO. -1- KldZViiBTU" J iOO A. linnt'oi-k. jlGthDec.lBoi The above Ship will be titled up and provisioned in the first style, regardless ofexpense. Third-class per Kail, and Deck Fare per Steimer, paid to I For Particulars of Freight and Passage apply to WILLIAM DOB 15IN, I Australian and American Kmigintion Offices, 31, Prince-St., ;mj 0n tlie Grove, Bristol. I N.B. Mr. Dobbin will continue to despatch First- class Ships to Australia and America, Monthly. II E A L T H F O LITX" I I I L L 1 N G I I V:1' v. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. I EXTi?AOIJDIXARY CtTRii OF Lose; OF HEALTH. !)ISOIvl!EI< liU STOMACH IV DIG KS HON, AND DETERMINATION OF 15LOOD TO THE II EAD. Copy of a Letter from Mr. John Llovd. of Krw-wen, near j II arlech, M crionethshire. S To Professor HotloWAV, SII:I avail myself of the first nppoltullity of informing yon, that for a very long period I was afflicted with a dan ter- 5 Otis giodincss and frequent swimming in the head, attended by a loss of appetite, di.iordered stomach, and generally im- paired health. Every means had failed to give me any per- manent relict, and at ienith it bccAtue so alarming that I was .ealiy afraid of going about without an attendant. In this melancholy condition I waited personally upon Mr. H ugln-s, chemist, H..rlcch, for the purpose of consulting him as to what I had better do; he kindly recommended your Pills, I iried them without delay, and after taking them for a short lime I am happy to bear testimony to their u ooderfnl e/ficacy. 1 now restored to perfect health, and enabled to resume uny usual duties. You are at liberty to publish this letter :in any way yo.) may think proper. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, June 61I1, 18o2. (Signed) JOHtf LLOYD. MILvACULOUS CURE OF DliOPSY. Extract of a Letter from Edwar<J Uowley, F.sq., of India Walk, Tobago, dated April 8th, 1852. To Professor HOLLOW AY, DEAR SIR,— I deem it a duty I owe to you and the public at large to lnfotm you of a most miraculous recovery from that dreadful disease, DROPSY, and which, under God, was effected by your invaluable Pills. I was tapped five times within eight months, and skilfully treated by two medical practitioners, but could, not get cured, until I had recourse to your remedy, and notwithstanding all I had uudergone, this miraculous medicine cured me iu the course of six weeks. (Signed) EDWARD KOWLEY. INFALLIBLE CUKE OF A STOMACH COMPLAINT, WITH INDIGESTION AND VIOLENT HIHD. ACHES. Extract of a Letter from Mr. S. Gowen, Chemist, of Clifton near Bristol, dated July 14th, 1852. To Professor HOLLOWAY, DEAR SIR.-l am requested by a Lady named Thomas, just arrived from the West Indies. to acquaint yo", that for a period of eight years herself and family suffered from con- tiuual bad health, arising from disorders of the Liver and Stomach, Indigestion, loss of Appetite, violent Head-aches, pains in the side, weakuess & general debility, for which she consulted the most eminent meu in the colony ,but without any beueticial result; at last, she had recourse to your invaluable Fills, which in a very short time effected so great a change for the better, that she continued them, and the whole family were restored to health and strength. Further she desires ine to say, that she has witnessed their extraordinary virtues in those complaints incidental to children, particularly in cases of Measles and Scarlatina, having effected positive cures of these diseases with no other remedy.. (Signed) S. GOWEN. A DANGEROUS LIVER COMPLAINT AND SPASMS IN THE STOMACH EFFECTUALLY CUltEU. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Bostock, Druggist, of Ashton. under-Lyne, dated July 31, Ib52. To Professor HOLLOW A Y, DEAR SIR,—1 have much pleasure in handing to you a testimonial of the efficacy of your Medicines. A person in this neighbourhood with whom I alIl well acquainted wac afflicted for a long time with violent spasmodic pains in the stomach aud liver, arising from frequent colds, smells of paint, and the effects of, a stooping position which he was obliged to assume in his business. The spasms were of an alarming character, and frequently left him in a weak and de- bilitated condition. At length he heard of the salutary effects of your invaluable Pills,and was induced to give them a trial. The fir st dose gave him considerable relief", and by fol- lowing them u p in accordance with your directions, they have acted so womi-erfully in cleansing the liver and stomach, and strengthening the digestive organs that he has beeu restored to the enjoyme nt of good health. I remain, dear Sir, yours faithfully, (Signed) WILLIAM BOSTOCK. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the following complaints. Ague Femalelrregularities Scrofula, or King's Asthma Fevers of all kinds Evil Bilious Complaints Fits Sore lliroats BlotchesonthcS kin Gout Stone and Gravel Bowel Comptaii us Head-ache SecondarySymptoms Colies Indigestion Tic-Douloureux Constipation of the Inflammation Tumours Bowels Jaundice Ulcers Consumptioa Liver Complaints Venereal Affections Debility Lumbago Worms of all kinds Dropsy Piles W eaknessfrom what Dysentery Rheumatism ever cause, &c. &c. Erysipelas Retention of Urine Soldat th4t Establishment of Professor HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand (near T«cnpie Bar), London, and by all respectable Druggists and Dei lersiu Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the follo wing prices-Is. l £ d.,2s. i),I., 43. Gd., Its., 2&s„ aud 33s.each box. There is a considerable saving by taking the Uiger sizes. N.U.—■ Direction,s tor the guidance of patients ia every tligofQer pie utiuei) to each ijUJiJ t CARDIFF GAOL. ALL PERSONS desiring to CONTRACT for the following PROVISIONS, for the next Three Months, are requested to send Sealed Tenders to the Gaol, addressed to the "Visiting Committee of Magis- trates," at Twelve o'clock on SATURDAY, the 18th of DEC. the Contract to commence on SUNDAY, the 2nd of JAN., 1853, and to continue in force until the Sunday immediately preceding the Easter Quarter Session, 1853, for the County: — Bread, per lb., weighed in separate half pounds each, best seconds Potatoes, at per cwt. Oatmeal, at i per cwt. Coals, at. per ton. Soap, at per cwt. Candles, at per I b., best dips Rushlights, at per lb. Rice, at per cwt. Barley, at per åo, Salt, at. per do. Terms of payment at the end of the quarter. 9th Dec., 1853.







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