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Il I 8 T Ö L GEN £ S|4L St ft AM I fiabigattoit Company. OFFICE, QUAY, BRISTOL. fJIHE following or other tiiHftble STEAM VESSELS. « >•« r, -,tr in occurrence, are n'$. i0 s -• < BASIN, BnwTor 'ha u»rt' ■ mil S,vin" tor Vtai: vhitlv w«U •« Basin), and as wi'i- with liberty to Xi»w Vrstei;. ¡'i. 1855* CA.StflfF ir.dRK* V • L s:irt •« Star," or Usk." frtfft hvit.Pvctn&H:$f>: Av»« Basin, Bristol 1*i< i!.y, May IV.. iiir » Mayl». 7 morn *>»•'ij, m. SJ-^nuaj1. ••• »1. 9 morn e\'Tuv.-i' 82. 9 morn |QU as. S ii j Wedi* •• as. lol morn /■Vh-rvJij 84..v Tnuj«< 11 room r fiosi. 2\.„ iiji jB»m j FriUay, 25. 12} »#« • Ur, JtyC ":r 1#\('( j -¡.hrel' 26. 14 after ~u<i Fru •*>Ii A o-»i» fith I Swift' & Usk. ihs. & 2i>tU, with *1 as- ill* and Usk.' x'a ».«» •• ■&&«■■ i" ",I, 8j. for- Cabin, Is. 6d. S'K .{; "e-j ti*j x, "0 TI- .I^U ..0 Ticket be taken), /■ it?r C*L. Kevs Oa'c .1, 2.«. ^FV-'TOET. • LV.hln «*s. lJarfitt. "r.usj i-'rom Briitol. r.Z*y, May :n M»y «l. 84 mom T?«ur«d 2I. VJ SLM ?' w..o.<! 23. 10 morn ^-tt'rd* ..C.i. 1'? a?>>B J Pr4 j, 25.124 after ,r#i Jabin, Is. 6d. HI &V T Ssr." -t x, <■<: Carmarthen. t C.- linj »t Tenb). • r, ;iit 4,. t May 7. 74 mom I! « fcfcfr (/ £ #•?■ •• 15. 4 worn i"i. v, a mart. ?u«*Uy.22. I morn ) Y- ■>-«/» ir i.J aeon i Tuc»i;,5"t 29. 3 after tarts:—Samf f. T'Aiirtr J iiio'' ai'jft Star." V-3»5 ^itttrt. From Tenby. "h¡ 7 n.•••a • T«f« !ij. May 1. 7 morn 3j S :>i i;:t»yr 7.- 104 mom y s- -i »isM} F?»iUr, 11.. {{ mora f 4- f morn j J5. 7 morn h- 1 ;n';u i T!iu;»<iaj, 17. 11 morn W !'■) mcrn T 17, 22. 11 morn 2i„. • Y-. t 25. 5 morn •:i *f<e» [ 29. 6 after = jrci iS* Cftititfu uudrr 12 years, 6s. 6d.; Rer- < p, 'r.r.. >«. ■ :-i-:1strward's Fen); Deck, 61.; u. -v.4i '-tr iage, 42s.; l'air-Horse l'baeton, 311. Gd.; Small oue-borae úo., :¿$s.; Gi" 20s.; Horse jOs. Dog, 3s. MtLFORD. PATER, & HAVERFORDWEST.—" Juno." < Fnm Bristol, From Haverfordwett, Tueld. :\1. II. 9.J moru I Calling at Pater & Milford. Tuesday, 15. 6 morn Thursday,May 10.. lJi morn We-due.tJ" 23.. 1U morn Thursday,t7.. 5 morn Weduel4. 30. 10 morn Thursday, 24. 11 worn Fares:—Same as Tenby. DUBLIN.—"Rose." Captaiu Burgell. From Bristol, Fridays; frot Dublin, Tuesday*, The whole of the above Vessels are fitted np for the con- veyance of passengers and goodn.— Female Stewards on Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care, and should be alongside two hours before sailing. J Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol GeMe. Steam Navigation Co.'s Office, Quay, Bristol, where all Goods, Packages, Parcels. See., should be addressed.— Hills and other information supplied by Mr. J. Jones, Uownham Wharf, U»twells. ( In Lundoo-Spread Ragll, Regent Circus Piccadilly, and Gricechurch-«treel, City H. Uasderwt)O.1, 56. HaVlnarket. AOENTS.—Mr. Joseph Morgan, Tetby Mr. John Rees, Htwetfordwext; Mr. Palmer, Milforc.; Mr. James, Pater; j Mr. W. U. HARVEY, Cardiff; Mr. Martin. IIfracombe Mr. Robert Stacey, Carmarthen and Mr. R. Jones, Newport. NOTICE.—The proprietors of the thove Steam Packets will not be accollhlable for any Cabin Passenger's Luggage (if lost or damaged), above the value of £ ?; nor for any Deck Paasengt-r'n Luggage (if lost or damaged), above the value | of 20* uulrss in each case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the same at the timeof delivery nor will they tie answerable for any other parcft above the value of 40s. (if lost or damaged) unless entered ts such, and freight in proportion paid ter the same at the tibe of delivery. Not accountable for any Goods wlthcut Shipping Notes. t AH tetter* seeking information to te post paid. CAUTION TO ¡JM THE PUBLIC. CROWDEN AND GARROD'S Patent INDIA RUBBER KNIFE BOAKD. the Clellpelt and best article produced lor cleaning knives in a luperior mllnner with little labour, great dispatch, and wihout needlessly wecring them out. The universal satisfaction given to everyperson who has tried one, combined with the extraordinarydetnand for the PATENT INDIA HUBBER KNIFE BOARD. tave induced a few individuals to impose on the public a spurious imita- tion. We warn them not to be deceived. I To prevent disappointment, please se. the names of I CBOWDEN & GARBOD are on the Board. betM. yott buy it. I tfsr None others are itenuiue. • f Read the annexed copy of a letter from tie Patentee of the Material:—" Having been informed th. our Patent ( India Rubber Floor Cloth is being used bYlome persons for coveriog boards for koife-deaninc with aview to pro. tect the public, we hereby give notice, that tlat article it not suitable for such purpose, and that Mess*. Crowden ■ and Garrod.of Falcon-square, London, are tbeORLV per. t aoMS we supphr witb the material made siprsitj by u« for knife cleaning.. E. GouGB.nd Co. "Kamplulicon Works, Greenwich, January 25th, 1855/' Sold wholesale only by the manufacturers, ClOWDEN and GA RROD, Successors to Thomas Kent& C(" Falcou- square, Loo,lon. Retail in every town, by Irounongers, Bruthm^kers, Coopers, &c. Price froto 3..6d. 10104. each. MANUFACTURERS BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT ) TO THE QUE5N. J Obtained the Prize Medal Great Exhibition, 851. COCOA, vehen first introduced into this Co\ntry, 1 was, from its price, a luxury. Tbe great reducion in < price, now renders FRY'S CHOCOLATli^ and crnOAS articles of every day consumption amongst all clauses J S. FRY and SONS have all the advantages whk es- Derience, and a Manufactory on a UrKe scale can cotmand FRY'S FRENCH CHOCOLATES, which are qs«i at the ROYAL TABLE and by the FIRST NOBILITY, are delicious, both taken as a beverage, and for eatink_ Those who wish a cup of really fine delicious well-froted Chocolate, to pass softly off the palate, should obtairt th8e articles. Important directions are contained in each pa^. age. Most persons have never tasted this Wverage in p*- tection. FRY'S CHOCOLATE BONBONS are delicious atj < nutritious condiments for the Rsil«ay Carriage, for Ii walids, the Nursery, and the Luncheon table—and e*R551'" 4 Adapted for presents. Their celebrated SOliUBLl COCOA is so moderate in price that no person need resor to other makers. It witttto farther than inferior qpalitiei I «hus purchasers obtain roost for their money by! "JK FRY and SON'S SOLUBLE COCOA, in Green and Gold or in Hexagon Packets, will be found of eacellent quahty. FRY'S HOMCEOPATHIC and DIETETIC COCOA- I light, nutritious and delicate articles—10 invalids invalua- hie-the finest Cocoa Nuts are used in their roanufateture. Also, FRY'S GRANULATED COCOA, possesses per- fect and instantaneous solubility, and is equally good. FRY'S COCOA NIBS (tbe Kernel of the choicest Cocoa Nuts), producing a fine and lull-flavonred beverage. S. FBV and SONS' name on the label will warrant them perfectly genuine. J. S. FRY & SONS. BRISTOL, Manufacture all kinJ. of Chocolates and Cocoas. FRY'S Chocolate or Cocoa Paste, Chocolate Powder, Broma, and Soluble Chocolate, are articles of easy solu- tion, require no boiling, from either of which a cup of Chocolate or Cocoa may be made in one minute at the table. FRY'S PATENT COCOA has invariably maintained the highest character for quality and flavour. Sold by Tea-dealers, Grocers, and Druggists in Great Britain and Ireland. ( Be careful to observe that the name of Fa* & SONS' IS on the packet of each article. Enquire at all Grocers for Fry and Sona* Rook on Cocoa-Grill is. TO SOLUBLE COCOA DRINKERS. USE FRY'S HEXAGON PACKETS. Special tocat agent* for the sale of this valuable Cough Medicine are named below; but should any difficulty arise io procuring it. the it. lid. boxes are aent free by post on tbe receipt of 16 dampl, and the 2s. 9d. boxes (whilcli con- tain three times tbe quantity) on receipt ot 40 stamps, addressed Woolley, Chemist. Maidstone. PATRONIZED BY THE FACULTY. WOOLLEY'S PECTORAL CANDY I For tbe Instant relief and speedy cnre of ASTHMA;COUGHS;COLDS; And aU Pulmonic affections, has received the stamp of public approbation. THE triumphs of this remarkable Cough Lozenge, -t. in cases of Asthma, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, and Tightness of the Chest, become constantly more and more astonishing. Cominou cough, when no physical disorganisa- tion exists, and sore throat, immediately yields to its healing influence, it strengthens the lungs to resist the effect of ■udden changes iu the air, and it healthily braces and invi- influence, it strengthens the lungs to resist the effect of ■udden changes iu the air, and it healthily braces and invi- gorates the chest. No remedy can be resorted to that affords •uch real ease and comfort to the chest, which so unelogs the lungs or so pleasantly clears the voice, as WOOLLKY'S SECTORAL CANUY. For aged persons it is invaluable and none, whose lungs are in the least susceptible of cold ought to be without it. Although powerful to conquer disease aud exerting a decidedly purifying influence on the blood these lozenges disagree not with a delicate constitution • on the contrary, their influence is proved by a very large e*peri» enee to be uuiforraly sulutify and atrengthemnf. villi dl- .eetioQ8 for KM accompany each bos. Thefoll0wingc|ktes(e|ecte(] fromamongstthemanv thousand *?re* WOOLi.BY'S PECTORAL CANDY (waul 0 space not allowing the insertion of more), are stern, in- controvertible facta, which there is no gainsaying and, shou Id any ou 1 their authenticity, the original letters can be in- spected ai .he Proprietor's Laboratory. WONDEBMJLOCIIK or A COUGH op SF.vf.n YEARS' DURATION AFTER THK re„t med,caL adVICE HAD FAILED. Plymouth Foundry, Plymouth, Devon. March 22. 1850. T$■? *° Jour*elf the public io inform yoo of 8raa* benefit I bave derived from your Fectoral Candy. 1 bave been troubled with a aevere cough for the last seven years, *(f I have had the beat medical advice, 1 could obtain no permanent relief, until 1 fortunately tried your Candy, and after ta ing two small boxes, I find myself free (from cough. *ve u'y parinUsion to give publicity to •bis statement; A am, yours, 8cc. To Mr. Woolley. JOHN EDMOND MARE. ANOTHER EXTRAOHDJNARY CURB OF A BAD COUGH. Glasgow,27th January, 1»54. Dear Sir,—Having derived great benefit from Wbollev's Pectoral Candy, and having suffered greatly for the last four years of a b.d cough, what can 1 do less than dedicate this ■ote to you, aud hope you v»>" 8,ve 11 lam sir, y«ur obedient servant, JOHN JAMESON. EXTRAORDINARY CORE of a casE OF ASTHMA OF TEN years' DURATION Reddilch, Worcestershire, March 17th, 1851. Sir,—I have the pleasure of informing you of the cuie of a aieter of mine, of asthma of ten years duration, by you Pec- toral C^ndy. 1 am. yours truly. JAMES DU<j°,NS»Te,DPerance Hole,« N. B.—I could tell yon of another cure, but the person said he should write to YOII himtetf. This was the person who re CMuuended it to my siller. AN EFFECTUAL CURE FOR WINTER COUGHS. Mr- Woolley,— Medical Hall, Tiegaron, Dec. 1, 1854 Dear Sir,—1 think it a duty I owe t0 yourself and the pub- He in general, to inform you of the benefit that maoy persons bave derived from the use of Your Pectoral Candy iu ihis town and neighbourhood, especiall, ill aevere Winlef Coughs, whieh ate very prevalent here. You have my permission to elYe every publicity to the above, al I ihinli every tlulIerer from coughs and colds ought to try your invaluable remedy. I am, dear S.r, yours truly, J. D. MOIIGAN, Chemist. CAUTION.—As a variety of Lozenges, Waters, and •ablets are advertised containing ingredients of an injurious Jatur^ the public are particularly requested to ask for WOOLLIiYS PECTORAL CANUY, every box of which V* the words Woolley's Pectoral Candy" engraved in white letters, on the red ground of the Government Stamp, Without which none is genuine. Prepared by WoOLLEY, Chemist,Maidstone; and sold by *11 respectable Chemists and Medicine Dealers throughout he world, in boxes at Is. I$d,an4 2«.9d. each, AGENTS IN THIS PlSTRJCT- CARDIFF Ifr. W. L. Evans, Chemipt, Hehhivb D»ri# and Stcyhepif THE FAST-SAILING STEAMERS, "J E N N Y JONES," DAVID DAYIES, COMMANDER, AND "TAL 1 ESI N," DAVID GEORGE, COMMANDER, ARE intended to ply between CARDIFF and BRIS- TOL Juring the Month of MAY, 1855, as follows :— rArrivin); at and starting from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling at the Hotwells, where Passengers will be Landed and Em- barked at the Rownham Ferry Slip, free of expense, at which plaee a comfortable Waiting Room is provided.] CARDIFF. BKISTOL. From the Bute Doekt. From Bathunt Basin. MAT, 1855. 1 MAY, 1855. 21, Monday 7I morn 82, Tuesday. 9J morn 23, Wednesd J morn ) 34, Thursday h- lli morn 25, Friday 111 morn 26, Saturday 21 after t To and Fro from Bristol, 31st. NOTICE.—The Cardiff Steam Navigation Company gtve Notice, that they will not be accountable for any Passengers' Luggage; nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged hy fire, leakage. or otherwise), unless booked at their ollice at Cardiff or Bristol, if above the value of forty shillings, uules" entered at its value, and carriage In proportion paid for the same at the time of booking. Goods consigned to order, or not taken away before six o'clock in the evening of the day of landing, will be warehoused at tile risk and expense of the consignees. All Goods to be considered as liens, not only for Freight and Charges due thereon, but also for all previously unsatisfied Freight and Charges due by Con- signees to the Proprietors of the said Packet. Disputed weight* or measurement, claims for loss or damage, &c.F cannot be allowed untf" written notice of the same be sent to the office on the day ofdetivery. Fares: After Cabin, 3(.; Fore Cabin, h. 6d. To & Fro same day (provided a to & fro ticket be taken), After Cabin, 48.; Fore Cabin, 2s, Goods and Parcels forwarded with dispatch to Lantrissent, Bridgend, Port Talbot, Neath, Swansea, t.tanetty. Carinai- hen, Merthyr, Aherdare, Pontypridd, Cowhridge, Caerphilly, &c.. &c.; also to and from Loudon, Manchester, Birmingham, and all parts af the kingdom. NOTICB.—Goods for the above Steamers will be received at Bathurst Basin, Bristol, and will be collected in Bristol, if required, at a moderate charge. Goods will also be received at Clare Street Hall, subject to a charge ior hauling to Bathurst Basin. Refreshmenta may be had on board on moderate terms. Four-wheel Carriage, 20" Four-wheel Phaeton, drawn by Two Horses, 15«.; One-horse Phaeton, or Gig, 10s. J Four-wheel drawn by One Horse and Driver, 12< Horse and Hider, AfterC"bin,a. Fore Cabin,6s.6d.; Cdtlle.4s.; Horses, 5s. each Sheep, 8d each; Lambs, 6d. each ^PIES, Dogs,&Calves, Is. each.—Shipping & Landing Live Stock, at rilik of their Owners. —These Fares include every expense e- NOT accountable for any Goods without Shipping Notes. Goods hauled to and from the Packet at the Company's Expense, both at CardIff aud Bristol. —No Fees to Porters. Parcels for conveyance will be received at the Angel Hotel, and will be punclliitlly forwarded. Further information as to Freight, &c., may be ob- tained by applying at the Company's Office, Bute Docks, Cardilf; or to Mr. JOHN EVBHKU, Clare- street Hall, Marsh-street, Bristol. E. J. THOMAS, General Superintendent. FOR STOPPING DECAYED TEETH. TATUONISBD BY HER MAJESTY, THE QUEEN, AND HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS PRINCE ALBBRT. MR. HOWARD'S PATENT WHITE SUCCEDANEUM. FOR filling Decayed Teeth, however large the cavity. J' It is superior to anything ever before used, as it is placed in the tooth in a aoft stale, without any pressure or pain, and in a short time becomes as hard as the enamel, and will remain firm in the tooth for many yeare, rendering extraction unnecessary, and arrests all further progress of decay. All persons can use the SUCCEDANEUM THEMSELVES WITH EASE. To be procured only of Mr. Howard, Surgeon Dentist, 17, George.street, Hanover-square, London, who will lend the Succedaneum free by Post to any part of the kingdom, with full directions for use euclosed. Price 2A. 6d. aud alt. iu Poatage Stamps. HEALTH MORE PRECIOO S THAN GOLD. DR. ROBERTS'S CELEBRATED OINTMENT, called the POOR MAN'S FRIEND, is confidently re. commended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every description a certain cure for ulcerated sore legs, if of twenty years' standing; cuts, burm, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore bre»ti>, piles, fistula and cancerous humours and is a specific for those afflicting eruptions. hieh sometimes follow vaccination. Sold in pots, Is. LJD. and 2s. 9d. Also,his PILULE ANTI SCORPHULIE.coufirmed by more than forty yeais' experience to be, without exception, one of the be«t alterative medicines ever compounded for purifying the blood, and assisting Nature in her operations; blnce, are useful in scrofula, scorbutic complaints, glandular IweUina- particularly those ot the neck, &c. They form a mild and superior FAMILY AFFERENT, that may be taken at all times without confinement or change of diet. Sold in boxes, at h. Hd.,2<.9d..4s.6d., lh., and 22.. each. TESTIMONIAL. Communicated from Mr. A WHITAKHR, Bookseller. Sheffield liuNTLEMBN,—Scarcely a day passes but somebody informs of the wonderful effects received from the use ctyourvatuabte Poor Man's Friend. A lady called at my shop the other day expressly to desire ma to acquaint joJ with the following case: Her son, a little boy abuut nine >ears of age, was severely aØ1icted whb enlptions 00 the head, so much 80 as to render it necessary to have the heall 8havell. The eruptions, how- ever, continuetl to increase until the head WI1I completely covered wilh scabs. At this lamentable crisis she WI1. iuduced to try your Poor Man's Friend, and one Ss. 9d. pot made a complete cure.—I am, Llcc., ANTHONY WHLTAKER.' Sold wholesale by the Proprietors, BEACH and BARNICOT, at their Dispensary, BiUDPORT: and by the London Retail Houses—by all respectable Medicine Venders in the United Kingdom. OBSBBVE.—No Medicine sold under the above name can possibly be genuine, unless BEACH and BAHNICOT, late Dr. Robert", Bridport," is engraved on the Government Stamp affixed to each package. >LD DR. JACOB TOWNSEND'S AMERICAN SARSAPARILLA. 'PHIS is one of the most extraordinary and valuable Medicines in the world. Its superiority over other pre- prations of like character, made in this country, arises from th mode of manufacture, and the advantage of obtaining at) working the root in its green and fresh state. The root wltn brought to this countiy, is dry, vapid, and almost taste- Ie" its virtues and juices having all evaporated; while it oft, becomes mouldy, musty, and partially decayed, so that it iquite unfit for use. ENGLISH TESTIMONY. V give a few of the many communications we have re- ceivj since we have been in England, from those who have expijenced the great benefits of usiug this celebrated medi- cine They must have some weight in convincing tbe public of ii^reat value. 49, Davies-street, Berkeley-square, Sept. 1, 1851. Getlemen.— I have much pleasure in testifying to the numcms thanks 1 bave received from various persons who have ,KEN Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sargaparilla, maAY of whomWill be happy to give you testimonIals Ihould you re- quire CM. 1 am doubly pleased to be able to speak to the good t'.ecu 1 have seen myself produced by the Sarsaparilla for I HIST confess that although I was not prejudicial, 1 was rather optical as to its virtues, whicb I would not have be- lieved possessed, bad I not seen it.—I am, gentlemen, your Oldlenlservant, JOHN JAMIKSON. Mea,. Poincroy, Andrews, and Co. FURTHER IMPORTANT TESTIMONY. Great Cure of Piles. 17, Phelps-sireet, Walworth, Feb. 22, 1853. Gent^nen,— I wal.1Bieted with the blind Piles, aDO was under itdical treatment for three months but obtained no relief, earing of Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, I obtain* some. and after taking it a short time, tbe accu- muialfd"rrulJI matter copiously discharged, and I almost immediacy obtaiued relief. I still continued its use for a T time, ant,„T only found relief, but a cure, and am now free from pail 1 most sincerely recommend it to all who are •UPilailyffecied.—I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant, MessrsPomeroy, Andrewa.and Co. WM. HYDE. 8, »hley-terrace, City-road, London, June 9, 18.)2. Gentleien,—Please send me again three quart bottles of Old Dt. Iwusend's Sarsapaiilla. I feel much better, and the GEOERIGYGTEM greatly improved, and I hope t shat) be all right wb the tbree now ordered-I am. gentlemen, yours very respecUlly, JOfiai W, MpNOH. Messrs. Vmeroy, Andrews, and Co., 3T3, Strand, William 'earn, I. High-street, Southsea, writes," ] have taken sever bottles of Old Townsend's Sarsaparilla, aod derived benji from it." Rev. J. W. Wilson, Wesleyan Minister, at iggleswade, writes, June 7, 1S54, I have de- rived much toetit from taking Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla." FemalComplainti— Great Cure of Nervousness. Loiiuon, Jane JO, 1852. I Gentlemen..VIY wife has been long afflicted with a ner- vous complaii from which she suffered severely. Able I physicians ANDMNY remedies were tried in vain, but I am happy to infornyou that she has entirely recovered by using r a few bottles of)td Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. > Messrs. Pomtoy, Andrews, aud Co. J. R. PETERSON Piples, Blotches, Eruptions, Sfc. The same MA^E$Aid of these as in the cure of the severer chronic inaladit; the Sarsaparilla and the Ointment will effectually wipe/If all disagreeable eruptions, and render the > lurface dear lid beautiful. Ladies troubled witb rough, r pimply skin, o\ GL0SS masculine Surface, will dowelltouse 1 these medicineijf they wish clear, delicate, and transparent complexions, tothiug can exceed their efficacy in this respect. 48 of a Disordered Stomach. Iwer Urosvenor-street, Grosvenor-sqtiare, July ai, UJ5.. I Gentlemen,— beg to inform you I hat I have been using your Medicine, 1, Townsend's Sarsaparilla, for a complaiut iu my stomach, FW which I suffered a long time, and 1 am happy to say it LS cured trie. Ilhall be happy to answer 1 any letter of inm-y as [ am satisfied your Sarsaparilla is worthy of all the.COININEndatiou 1 can give it. Messrs. l'omertaud Co. JAMES FoRSYTH. Sick Headac, case 0f many years' standing. The following i&NE 0f (hose cases arising from a disor- S dered state of the erine functions, which affect the whole ( system, and bring < some of the most distressing sufferings. T This lady hassuffetj more or less for ten years, and has uow J entirely recovered I the use of Dr. Townsend's Sarsapapa- R rilla. She says Berkeley-square, Jan. 15,1853. Messrs. PomeroAnd Co.—I bave used your Dr. Town- send's Sarsaparilla R lick headache and general debility, ■ arising from a disordE(J state of my system, and am happy • to inform you that Ibas completely restored me to former r health and strength I experience a degree of comfort, H buoyancy of spirit, UUTE„Ewed strength, which I have not a known for ten years, \(J4 GREAT benefit atone induces me to I, write an acknowledging Disliking my name ta fqlllQ 50 before the public, I giva.Y initials only, y 1 co MRS. E. W. T. 0." Ilalf-pints, 2S. 6d, ^JNTS, b.; Small Quarts, 4s. 6d. i Quarts, 7S. 6d.; and moths, Us. J Six Mammoths sent free for 60s, y0M £ RQY» ANDI-vvs.ap Co,,Sole Proprietors, J Ww«b9»»«<73, EVERY EVENING TO BELFAST AND THE NORTH OF IRELAND, VIA FLEETWOOD, In connexion with the London & North Western Railway <i\1. TIIHE Royal Mail Steamers leave X FLEETWOOD for BELFAST jP^-EVERY EVENING, (Sundays ex- iili-^TiaiTilP cepted), at or after 7.35 p.m., and RETURN from BELFAST EVERY EVENING (Sunda)s excepted) at 7 p.m. Passengers are booked through to Belfast VIA Fleetwood, at the principal L. and N. W. Railway Stations. FARES—BIRMINGHAM TO BELFAST:- RETURN TICKETS. Available for 14 days 48s. Od. 39s- 4d. Second do. do. do. 2653d. 39s. 4d. See Bradshaw's Guide, page 141, or apply to KEMP and Co.. Fleetwood. BRITISH AND COLONIAL MARRIAGE INSTITUTE. OFFICES,—1, Wtlbeck-streer, Cavendish.square, London, Legally Established in 1847. AS a medium for affording introductions to partiei unknown to each other, who are desirous of form- ing suitable alliances, also for giving genera) information to Emigrants and otheis. Many hundreds have been happily Married through this channel during the last 8 years, and such unparalleled suc- cess is the best guarantee that all can be suitably married, irrespective of age, appearance, or position. Ladies and Gentlemen who are anxious to Marry, but who cannot find suitable partners among their own circle of acquaintances, should apply immediately, and not wait in the too often fallacious hope of being more successful next year, &c., and thus waste the most valuable time of life seeking au object that can be obtained in a short period. Detailed prospectuses, with forms of applications and all particulars sent free <under cover) on receipt of 12 stamps HENRY CHARLES BUTLER, Manager. Reference to Bankers, Solicitors, aud others when necessary. VALUABLE APERIENT MEDICINE. HUNT'S APERIENT FAMILY PILLS. THIS excellent Medicine has now been before the j, Public for Ha'f a Century, and. has the advantage of being prepared by qualified Medical Men. Many are the Testimonials of its efficacy and success. A a general Family Medicine, to be resorted to in every ordinary ailment and in- disposition, these Pills will be found invaluable. Many per- sons use no other Medicine than these Pills, and some have said they could not live without them. they combine the admirable qualities of gentleness of operation witb efficiency. For persons afflicted with Indigestion, Pains and Giddi- ness of the Head, Sluggish Action of the Liver, Costiveness of Bowels, for Attacks of Fever, Influenza, Rheumatic and Dropsical Affections. they are invaluable. rrhey will also be found of singular efficacy in Colds, Coughs, and Shortness of Breathing; and in cases of Determination of Blood to the Head, a" indicated by Drowsiness, Dimness of Sight, Pains in the Head, &c. Officers of the Army and Navy will find these Pills an ad- mirable appendage to their medicine chests, as they retain their medicinal virtues in all climates. Ladies even of the most delicate constitutions will find these Pills particularly beneficial, both before and after their con- finement; nor can they be too highly recommended for the general use of Students of Colleges, Schools, Emigrants, &c. They are also an excellent preparatory in the use of medicinal waters, sea bathing, &c. Prepa ed and Sold by Messrs. HUN r (the original Pro- prietorA).47. Gl'. PULTENKY STUElil', BATH; aud alao by Messrs. Barclay & Son, 95. Farringdon-street; Butler, 4, Cheapside Sutton, 10. Bow Churchyard; Edwards, 67, St. Paul s; Newbery, 45, St. Paul's } Sanger, 150. Oxford street; Dietrichsen aud Hannay, 63, Oxford street, London and by the Vendors of Medicine generally throughout the Kingdom; in Boies Is. lid. each, and also in Family Boxes (containing 3 Boxes) at 2s 9d. each. gaf The trial of a single Box will prove their superiority as a general family Medicine. N.8.-The late Sir Richard Bedingfield was so partial to thtse Pills, that when he travelled on the Continent, he used to take a small canister containing 20 Boxes; that be might have sufficient not only for his <«wn use, but also to supply his fiiends with the same. RUPTLRES. PATENT W LEVER TRUSS, requiring no steel spring round the body is recommended for the following peculiarities and advantages :-lst. facility of application; 2nd, from liability to chafe or excoriate 3rd, it JWHHE'S MOC-MAIN PATENT maybe worn with equal comfort in any position of tbe body by night or day 4th,it admits of every kind of exercise without the slightest (/y\ inconvenience to the wearer, and is perfectly tB r concealed from observation. •• We do not hesitate to give tothis invention tt ) our unqualified approbation and we strenu- ously auvi-e the use of it to all those who stand in need of tbat protection, which they cannot so fully, nor with the same comfort, obtatn from any other apparatus or truss as from that which we have the highest satisfaction in thus recommending-"— Church and State Gazette. Recommended by the following eminent surgeons Wm. Furgnson, Esq., F.K.S., Professor of Surgery iu King's Col- lege, Surgeon to King's College Hospital, &c.; C. G. Guthrie, Esq.. Surgeon to the Royal WestminsterOpthalmic Hospital; W. Esq., F-K.S., Assistant Surgeon to King's Col- lege Hospital; T. Callaway, Esq., Senior Assistant Surgeon o Guy's Hospital; W. Coulson, Esq., Surgeon to the Mag- dalen Hospit-il; T. Blizard Curling, Esq., F.R.S., Surgeon to the London Hospital; W. J. Fisher, Esq Surgeon-iu-Chief to the Metropolitan Police Force; Aston Key, Esq., Surgeon to Prince Albert; Hobert Liston. Esq.,; James Luke, Esq., Surgeon to the London I'russ Society; Erasmus Wilson, Esq., F.R.S., aud many others. A descriptive circular may be had by post, and the Truss (which canuot tint to fit) can be forwarded by post by sending tbe circumference of the body, two tnches below the hips, to tbe manufacturer. MR. WHITE, 228, PICCADILLY. LONDON. Price of a Single Truss, I6«.,«ls., 26*.6d.,&3ls6d. Postage,ts. „ „ Double 3ls. 6.1., 42s„ Si52s.6d. Postage, ls.8d. Post-Office Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE, Post- Office, Piccadilly. m ELASTIC STOCKINGS, KNEE l -i CAPS. &c.— I be material of which these o are made is recommended by tbe Faculty, as M Ii being peculiarly elöstic and compressible, and ISj 81C the best invention for giving efficient and per- IIS manent support in all cases of Weakness, and g 1 Swelling of the Legs, Varicose Veins, Sprains, II be. It is porous, light in textuie. and luex- pensive, and is drawn on like an ordinary stock mg. Price, from 7s. 6d. to lbs. each. Postage 6d. MANUFACTORY, 228. PICCADILLY, LONDON Specimens may be seen at the Crysta) Patace. NO MORE PILLS OR ANY OTHER MEDICINE. For indigestion, (dyspepsia), constipation, nervous, bilious, and liver complaints, cough, consumption, and debility. Du BARKY's delicious REV ALENT A ARABICA t FOOD saves 50 times its cost iu Medicine, and cures the above complaintll and their consequences, such as:- Flatulency, distension, acidity, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, nervous headaches, deafness, noises in the head and ears, pains at the pit of the stomach and between the shoulders, diarrhoeat dysentry, impurities and poverty of the blood, scro- fula, asthma, dropsy, rheumatism, gout, nausea and sickness during pregnancy, after eating, or at sea, tow spirits, spasms, cramps, epileptic fits, spleen, general debility, inquietude, sleeplessness, involuutary blushing, paralysis, tremors, dls.. like to society, unfitness for study, loss of memory, delusions, vertigo, blood to the head, exhaustions, melancholy, ground- leIS fear, indecision. It is, moreover the hest food for iufauts and invalids generally, as it never purges or turns acid on the weakest stomach, nor interferes with a good liberal diet but imparts a healthy relish for lunch aud dinner, and re- stores the faculty of digestion, and nervous and muscular energy to the most enfeebled. Analysis by the Professor of Chemistry and Analytical Che mist, Andrew Ure, M. D., F.R.S,, Stc., &<•.— London, June 3 1-849.-1 and it to be a pure vegetable Farina, perfectly whole some. easily digestible, likely to promote a healthy action 0 the stomach and bowels, and thereby to counteract dyspepsia constipation and their nervous conseqvences. Andiew Ure, M.U., F.R.S., &c., Analytical Chemist. IMPORTANT CAUTION against the fearful dangers of spuri- ous imitations :— The Vice-Chancellor Sir William Page Wood, granted an Injunction on the 10th March, 1I3.H. IIg..¡Q.t Alfred Hooper Nevill for imitating Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica food," BARRY, DU BARRY, & CO., 77, Regent-street, London. A few out of 50,000 cures are here given Cure No. 71, of dyspepsia, from the Kight Hon. the Lord Stuart de Decies—" I have derived considerable benefit from D. Harry's Revalenta Arabica Food, and consider it due to yourselves and the public to authorise the publication of these lines. Stuart de Deciea," Cure No. 49,832—" Fifty years' indescribable agony from dyspepsia, nervousness, asthma, cough, constioation, flatu- lency, spasms, sickness at the stomach and vomiting, have been removed by Ou Barry's excellent food — «• Maria Jolly, Worthain Ling, near Diss, Norfolk." Cure No. 47,121.—" Miss Elisabeth Jacobs, of Nazing Vicarage, Waltham-cross, Herts: a cure of extreme oer.. vousness, indigestion, gatherings, lo# spirits, and nervous fancies." Pure NQ. 48,314.-14 lttiu Elizabeth Yeoman. Gateacre, near Liverpool: a cure of ten years' dyspepsia and alt the horrors of nervous irritability." Cure No. 3906.—Thirteen years' cough, indigestion, and general debility have been removed by Da Barry's excellent Revalenta Arabica Food. Athol-street, Perth. James Porter. Bridgehouse, Frimley. 3 April, 1854. Cure N0. 52,422.-1 have suffered these 33 years continually from diseased luugs, spitting of blood, liver derangement, deafness,singing in the ears, constipation, debility, shortness of breath and cough, and during that period, taken so much medicine that 1 can safely say 1 have laid out upwards of a Ibuu8and pounds at the chemislland doctors. Indeed 1 was in utter despair 'and never expected to get over it when I was fortunate enough to become acquainted with your Revalenta Arabica which. Heaven be praised, restored me to a state of haalth which I long since despaired of attaining, My lungs, liver, stomach, head and ears are all right, my hearing per- fect, and my recovery is a marvel to all my acquaintances. James Roberts, Wood merchant. Plymouth, May 9th. 1851. Cure No. 48,615.—For the last ten years 1 have been suffering from dyspepsia, headaches, nervousuess, low spirits, sleeplessness, and delusions, and swallowed an incredible amount of medicine without relief. I a in happy to say that your food has cured me, and I am now enjoying better health than 1 have bad for many years past, J, S. Newton. No. SL Dr. Wurzer. It is particularly useful in confined habit of body, as also in diarrhoea, bowel complaints, and hemorrhoids. Also in bronchial and pulmonary complaints where irritation and pain are to be removed, and in pulmonary and bronchial consumption, in which it coun- teracts eftectually tbe :troublesome cough; aud t am ena- bled with perfect truth to express the conviction that Du Barry's Revalenta Arabica is adapted to the cure of iuci- pient hectic complaints and consumption. Dr. ROD. WURZER Counsel of Medicine and practical M.D. in Bon. Colonel H. Watkins, of Grantham, a cure of gout Mr. Joseph Walters, Broadwell Colliery, Oldbury, near Birming- ham, a cure of angina pectoris j aud 5Q,ogu other welUknown individuals, In canisters suitably packed for all climates, and with ful instructions—lib, 2..9. 21b, 4s. 6d., 51b, llll. i 121b, 22s, super-refiued, lib, 68,; 21b, lis.; 51b, 22s; 101b, 33s. The affections of the kidneys and bladder, such a", stone or lalb. and 121b canisters are forwarded, carnage free,ou re- ceipt of post-office order. Barry Du Barry, and Co., 77, Regent-street, London; Fortnum, Mason, and Co., pur- veyors to Her Majesty, 182, Piccadilly; and the following country Agents:— Cardiff. J. B. Hopkins, John Hibbpft Aberdare.A, R. Evan3. Uryqmawr J, W. Vaugban, Cowbridge „ John Parsons. Mertbyr Tydvil Mrs. White, C. W. Gay, Chemist Monmouth Dyke & Co., Thomas Farror, Neath W. Hibbert, A. Haymsn. Newport .A. Clements,Stamp-office,Matthews & Co Swansea., Jonathan Prury,G, Barker^ Co iHIHlHIIinHIMM CharteaPw, ON SPERMATORRHEA AND ITS EFFECTS ON THE NERVOUS AND GENERATIVE SYSTEM. A Medical Work, Illustrated with Forty-five Coloured En- gravings, and containing the RECIPE for the AUTHOR'S NEWLY DISCOVERED PREVENTIVE LOTION. Just Published, the 71st Thousand, ptice 2s. 6d., sold in a sealed envelope, by all Booksellers, or sent, post-paid, by the Author, for 40 postage stamps, MANHOOD: The CAUSE and CURE of its PREMATURE DECLINE, with Plain Directions for Pertect Restoration to Health and Vigour; also the removal of Spermatorrhoea by a New and Simple mode of Treatment, without resorting to dangerous practice of Cauterization, being a Medical Review of every Form, CAUSE and CURE of Nervous Debility, Impotency, Loss of Mental and Physical Capacity, whether resulting from Youthful Abuse, the Follies of Maturity, the Effects of Climate, or Infection, &c.; addressed to tbe Sufferer in Youth, Manhood, and Old Age with tbe Author's Observations on the Prevention and Cure of Syphilis, Spermatorrhoea, and other Urino-Genital Dis- eases, as adopted in the new mode of Treatment by Deslandes, Lallemand, and Ricord, Surgeons to the Hospital Venerien, Paris. By J. L. CURTIS, Surgeon, 15, Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, London. At home for consaltation daily, from 10 till 3, and 6 to 8; Sundays, from 10 till I. This work, which for twenty years has stood the test of pro- fessional criticism and empirical hostility, treats in a plain, and sympathizing manner on the various disqualiifcations and impediments arising from nervous excitement and de- bility; and to Invalids suffering from the consequences of Secret Errors and Excesses, it will be found invaluable as a Monitor and Guide by which tbe shoals of Empiricism may be avoided and a speedy return to health secured. REVIEWS OF THE WORK. Curtis on Manhood.—Far be it from us to misdirect our pen or sully our pages with a notice in any shape that would taint the purest mind or pander to one evil principle of hu- man nature; but the book under review, so far from having a tendency of the kind, is one calculated to warn and instruct the erring, without impartiug one idea that can vitiate the mind not already tutored by tbe vices of which it treats."— Naval and Military Gazette, 1st Feb., 1861. We feel no hesitation in saying, that theie is no member of society by whom the book will not be found useful— whether such person hold the relation of a parent, preceptor, or a clergymau "—Sun; Evening Paper. Sold, in sealed envelopes, by the-Author also by Piper and Co., 23, Paternosi«r-row; tiannah,"63, Oxford-street; Mann, 39, Cornhill, London; Guest, Bull-street, Birming- ham; Heywood, Oldham-stieet, Manchester; Howell, 6, Chureb-street, Liverpool; Campbell, 13i, Argyle-street, Glasgow; Robiuson, 11, Greenside-side-streei, Edinburgh; Powell, Westmoreland-street, Dublin; and by all Book- sellers and Chemists in the United Kingdom. This book can be sent Post-paid, without Extra Charge, to the East and West Indies, Canada, Australia, and other British possell8ions. THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY For NERVOUSNESS, RELAXATION, & EXHAUSTION, Protected by Royal Letters Patent, And sanctioned by all the great Continental Colleges of Medicine. DR. DE ROOS' celebrated GUTTLE VIT^; OR, LIFE DBOPS, are the great European Remedy Spermatorrhoea, Exhausion, Nervousness, Debility, Ner- vousness, Deoihty, Aversion to and incapacity for Society, Study, or Business, Siiakiugof the Hands and Limbs, Indi- gestion, Flatulency. Shortness of Breath, Asthma, Con- sumptive Habits, Dimness of Sight, Dizziness, Pains in the Head, Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Sore Throat, Pains in the Bones and Joints, Scurvy, Scrofula, and all those disfasesfor which mercury, sarsaparilla, &c., are not only employed in vain, bnt too otten to tbe utter deslruction of the sufferer's health. Their almost marvellous powers must be felt to be believed. Hundreds of apparently hopeless cases, which had been given up by the faculty, have been speedily cured, and many thousands have derived almost miraculous relief, wheu everything else had signally failed. The Guttae Vilae are the result of long practical investigation of the remedies best adapted for these diseases, and in addition to the great test EXPERIENCE, they have received the sanction of many of the highest medical authorities throughout Europe, as entirely superseding all those questionable reme- dies which have too long been the sole reliance of the medical men of tbis country. Price lis., and four times the quantity at 33s. per bottle, of the following Agents; the £5 Packages containing twelve lis. quantities, by which dEl 12s. are saved, can be had from the Establishment only. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, GOUT, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS & BLADDER, STRICTURE, &c., &c. DR. DE ROOS'S COMPOUND RENAL PILLS, are celebrated all over the world as a most safe and effectual remedy for the above dangerous complaints. Discharges of any kiud, Stone in the Bladder, and Diseases of the Kidney and Urinary Organs generally. Possessing tonic properties, they aglee with the most delicate stomach, strengthen the digestive organs, increase the appetite, improve the general health, and iu three days will effect a cure when copaiba, cubebsland all dangerous medicines of that class have utterly failed. Is ld& 2s. 9d., 4s. Cd., t la. and 33s. per box, of all the Agents below Sent post free on receipt of lit. 3d., 3s* 5,12- and 35" in Postage Stamps or by Post-office order These celebrated Pills are an infallible remedy in the most obstinate cases. By their use alone many thousands have been annually restored to health, wheu every other mediciue haù {ailed. Their vast superiority over every thing else lit the cure of the above complaints, is universally ac- knowledged, and tbe extraordinary demand for them ever- since tbeir first introduction is without precedent. In no instance have they ever been known to fail, or to produce those dangerous symptoms so often resulting from copaiba, cubebs tnrpeutine, and otber medicines usually resorted 10. They require ueithfcr confiuemeut nor change ol diet, and may justly be considered the only really safe and efficacious remedy for all stages of those disorders for which they are recommended. By the introduction of the above, the Proprietor has no desire to supersede his own pcr,¡on..1 usefulness, but there are doubtless many whu from natural d IfIiJeoce, sense of shame, or fear of discovery, would bear their amictionsin sileuce, rather than apply for aid, or unbosom their sorrows to those frorU wholll tbey may reasouably expect sympathy and relief. To such it is believed the above will be an ac- ceptable boon, for besides their uniform tfflcacy, the sufferer can safely conductfrwcase without the knowledge of a second person, and thus cure himself speedily, privately, aud at the least pOSiible expense. CAUTION.—Sufferers must guard against the recom- mendation of spurious or other articles by unprincipled Vendors, who thereby obtain a larger profit. To protect the public, her Majesty's Honourable Commissioners have directed the words "WALTER UE ROOS, LONDON," to be printed in white letters on a red ground on the Stamp affixed to the above, without which, none can be genuine, and to imitate which is felony. Sold by James, Phillips, and Evans, Cårdiff; Roberts, Chemist, Conway; Hughes, chemist, Bangor; Griffith, chemist, High-street, Carnarvon; Price Brothers, Post- office, Bridgend; Thomas, chemist, (opposite Angel), Mer- thyr; Watkins, Hgh-stfeet, Abergavenny; White, che- mist, Guildhall-square, Carmarthen; Williams, chemist, High-street, Cardigan; Davies, chemist, & Potter, Herald- office, Haverfordwest; Treweeks, chemist, Pembroke; Evans, chemist, High-street, Swansea, Moore, chemist, Broad-street, Newtown Stephens, chemist, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil; Ferris, Score, & Co., Union-st., Bristol; and obtainable through all Medicine Vendors, of whom also may be had "THE MEDICAL ADVlSJm." ON THE TREATMENT OF SPERMATOKRHCEA, and other URINO GENITAL DISEASES, by a Novel, Safe, and most successful Method. Seventy Anatomical, Explanatory, Coloured Engravings. In Six Languages, Fifty-third Edition, price Ss. ttd. in a sealed envelope througb all Booksellers, or sent post free from the Authors for 42 Postage Stamps. 'PHE MEDICAL ADVISER, on Nervous Debility J. and the various forms of Premature Vecay. boib mental and physical, axsiug from youthful excesses, infec- tion, the effects of climate, &c.; remarks on the use ot the Microscope, and the questionable treatment advocated by cer- taill writers followed by practical observations on marriage with plain .directi,ons for the prevention and removal of cer- tain Disqualiifcations, rules ior self-management, &c. By WALTER DE ROOS. M.D., 10, BERNEBS-STREET, OX- FORD-ST BEET, LONDON. Agent for Bristol, Mr. Cook, 5, Simms's-alley, Broad- mead; and Sold at tbe GUABDIAN OFFICE, Cardiff. Sold also by Piper. & Co., 23. Paternoster-row Mann, 39, Corn-hill; Home, 19, Leicester-square; Gordon, 146, Leadeqball*street, London; Heywood, Oldham-street, Man- chester; Howell, Church-street, Liverpool Watt, 14, Elm- row, and Robinson, Greeuside-street, Edinburgh; Love, Bookseller, Glasgow; Berry, 162, Great Britaiu-street, Dublin; aad obtaiuable through all Booksellers. l\.E VIEWS. The information therein conveyed is really essential to thoke who contemplate marriage.—"Becard. It contains precisely the information too often studiously Itept from the young and thoughtless.—However, tbe know- ledge must come some time, and happy is the person who does not become its possessor too late."—Politician. The above work, which contains the practical remarks of nearly a quarter of a century, and treats in plain and sym- pathising language on the various impediments and dis. qualifications to marriage, particularly recommends itself as a safe, unerring, and infallible guide to tbe speedy restora- tion aud permanent preservation of health and vigour. For want of a book of this nature many a once promising youth who started fairly on the voyage of life, has been awfully and irretrievably wrecked on tbe shoals and quicksands which beset his course. Tbe necessity and importance of the work are further shown by the fact, that there are few persons who do not at some period require such Utformation as may be found in its pages. While, therefore, it affords a whole- some lesson to the inexperienced, its perusal may also "e I instrumental in averting the serious consequences of,ir.dia- cretion from those who have unhappily iucurred thew: aDd as the treatmeut recommended has been uniformly successful in many thousand of parallel cases, the read<-jr may the more confidently anticipate for himself the s?;me beneficial result- PERSONS AT A DISTANCE can be successfully treated by correspondence only, on remitting the usual fee of £1, when advice & medicines nlVl be promptly despatched secure from observation. Hours for personal consultation daily from 11 till 4, Sunday excepted. Post-office Orders to be made payable at the Holboru Office to Dr. WAMStt D2 ROOS, 10, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London. N.B. Should difficulty arise in procuring any of the above, enclose the amount per Post-office Order, or other- wise, to 10, Berners-street, and they will be aeut securely packed per return. THE SECRET INFIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND MATURITY. Just published, price 2s., free by post from the author only for 80 Stamps, NERVOUS DEBILITY; its causes, symptoms, 1* and cure. An essay on Spermatorrhoea, with Practi- cal Observations on a safer and more successful mode of treat- ment of the diseases of the Generative System,obtaibed by the useof the microscope in detecting and distinguishing, by urinary examination, the real cause and effect of every variety of complaint, whether arising from solitary habits, excesses, accident, or climate. To which are added, Commentaries on the Physiology of Marriage, with precautionary hihtson the evils emanating from empirical practice, and on the dangerous remedies advocated by various writers on these importaut disorders. By SAMUEL L'AMERT, M.D., 37, Bedford Square, London, Doctor of Medicine, Matriculated Member of the University of Edinburgh, Honorary Member of the London Hospital Medical Society, Licentiate of Apothe- caries' Hall, London, &c., &c. The essential object of this treatise is to point out the fear- ful consequences resulting from certain habits, irregularities, and excesses, which have produced more misery ID youth, degradation in manhood, and premature decay at all stages of life than perhaps any other class of disease known to modern pathologists. Its perusal is particularly recommended to persons entertaining secret doubts of their physical condi- tion, and who ate conscious of having hazarded the health, happiness, and privilege to which every human being is entitled. Published by Piper & Co.. 23, Paternoster Row oj and may be had of Hannay & Co., 63, Oxford Street; Gordon, 146 Leadenhall Street; or from the Author, who may be con- sulted daily, from 11 till 2, and from Sull 8. u his residence, 37, Bedford Square, London. Cardiff; at the GwarduN Office: Bristol; 0, Cwwk, SELLING OFF. GLASS & CHINA WAREHOUSE, 8, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. S. ROBERTS RESPECTFULLY tenders her sincere and grateful thanks to the Gentry and Public generally of the Town and R Vicinity for the very liberal support they have accorded her shice commencing business and informs them that, it being her intention to TAKE DOWN and REBUILD the Premises now occupied by her, she will, on and after this date, Dispose of her present Stock at a Reduction,-for Cash, of 15 per Cent. on original Prices. IW On and after the FIRST of MAY the Business will be conducted at No. 17, ST. MARY STREET (Opposite the Post-Office), DURING THE ALTERATIONS at No. 8. CARDIFF, March, 1855. WARWICK HOUSE, 11, HIGH-STREET, CARDIFF, IS now replenished with an entirely NEW and magnificent STOCK of FANCY and GENERAL DRAPERY, an inspection of the various departments, and a comparison of Prices is respectfully invited. MILLINERY. All new, an unusually large display of Parisian and English novelties, at Prices considerably below thoie of any other house. All the leading styles in Crinoline, Tuscan, Straw, and Fancy Bonnets and Hats. MANTLES. All new, the best styles of the first French and English designers. Customers may purchase from a large Stock, or select materials and get made to order on the shortest possible notice. SHAWLS. All new, an immense Stock of the most splendid goods, in French and Paisley Wove, Indian Tissue, and Cashmere, at prices to meet the wishes of every one. FANCY DRESSES. All new, « rich and varied display in Alma Checks, Poplins, Bareges, French Lamas and Silks, at unpre- cedented prices. MOURNING Of the best class, at prices very different to what are usually charged. Estimates and lists of prices on application. All orders promptly executed, and parties waited upon, at any distance, at their own residence. Mourning Silks, Paramattas, Cobourgs, Crapes, &c., in great variety. GENERAL DRAPERY Will be found unrivalled for extent, variety, and cheapness. Linens, Sheetings, Damasks, &c., of the best standard makes, and can with confidence be recommended. Several Bales of Honocks's Long Cloths, very prime, full yard wide, 2s. lid. per dozen. Hoyles's and others' best Prints, yard wide and fast Colours, 3fd. per yard. 4 Woollen Cloths, Moleskins, Cords, Shirts, Ties, Hosiery, Gloves, Caps, &c., which can be guaranteed for durability. Ob,erve tlte Address,-WARWICK HOUSE, 11, HIGH STREET, T. M. WILLIAMS, PROPIETOR. T. M. W. tenders his grateful thanks to the very many who have already so kindly patronised him; and pro- mises that no amount of attention and exertion shall be spared to render his Establishment worthy the confidence of the Public, being well assured, that, to advance his own interests, his whole duty should be to study the interests of his Customers. SHOW ROOMS OPEN on TUESDAY, MAY 15th. THE PROVINCIAL (WELSH) AC*ft INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital, tZOOOoa < 1 FIRE—LIFE —ANNUI TIES. C The only Insurance Company Established in Wales.) Chief OfficesHigh-street, Wrexham; London Branch: 35, King-street, Cheapside. TRUSTEES. The Right Hon. the Viscount Hereford, Carlton Club, D. Jones, Esq., M.P., 39, Dover-street, Piccadilly, and Pall-mall, and Tregoyd, Rreconshire. Pantglas, Carmarthenshire. Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, Bart., M.P., 18,St. James 8- The Very Rev. the Dean of St. Asaph, Deanery, St. square, and VVynnstay Park, Denbighshire. Asaph. Sir Charles Morgan, Bart., 32, Portman-square, and Tredegar Park, Monmouthshire. Jo^n Beaton, Esq. Chatrman of the Denbighshire Sir Robert Henry Cunliffe, Bart., C.B., Acton Park, Quarter Sessions, Plas Heaton, Denbighshire. Denbighshire. John Williams, Esq., Bronwylfa, Flintshire, and Reform Colonel Myddelton Biddulph, M.P., Lord-Lieutenant of Club, Pall-mall. the County of Denbigh. Chirk Castle, Denbighshire. Thomas Brassey, Esq., Adam-street, Adelphi, and 56, Colonel J. LI. V. Watkins, M.P Lord-Lieutenant of Lowndes-square, London. the county of Brecon, 60, St. Jamea's-street, and Pen- novre Breconshire Henry Thomas< Estl-' Chairman of the Glamorganshire Frederick Richard West, Esq., M.P., Carlton Club, Pall- Quarter Sessions, Llwynmadoc, Radnorshire. mall, and Ruthin Castle, Denbighshire. Hugh Owen, Esq., Bransbury Park, Islington. DIRECTORS. William Wright, Esq., Gresford Bank, Wrexham, Chair- Charles Hughes, Esq., Wrexham. man. The Hon. W. H. Yelverton, Whitland-Abbey Carmar- Richard Venables Kyrke, Esq., Pendwyllyn, Wrexham. thenshire. John James, Esq., Elwy-house, Wrexham. John Williams. Esq., Bronwylfa, Flintshire. Richard Champion Rawlins, Esq., Hope Mills, Wrexham. Evan Thomas, Esq., Ffynonau, Brecon. Thomas Painter, Eaq., Wrexham. BANKERS.—The National Provincial Bank of England. SOLICITORS IN SOUTH WALES.—Messrs. D. Thomas & CONSULTING-SUROBON.—T. T. Griffith, Esq., Wrexham. Banks, Breeon SOLICITORS.—MeMrs. Edgworth and Pugh, Wrexham. SECRETARY TO THE COMPANY.—Anthony Dillen, Esq., SURVEYOR.—Richard Kyrke Penson, Esq., Oswestry. INSPECTOR OF AGENCIBS.—Robert Williams, Esq. CONSULTING-ACTUARY.—Grimth Davies, Esq., London. I LONDON BOARD. The Hon. W. H. Yelverton, Whitland-Abbey, Carmar- Thomas Gratrex, Esq., (Bailey, Gratrex, and Co.) Old thenshire. Chairman. Bank, Newport, Monmouthshire. The Hon. R. T. Rowley,47, Berkeley-square, and Bod- Colonel Walter Powell, 120A, Pall-mall, and Nanteos ryddan, Flintshire. Park, Aberystwith. D. Jones, Esq., M.P., 38, Dover-street, Piccadilly, and N.VRR«. U.„ U U JTI J Panulas, Carmarthenshire. BAKERS Messrs. Hanburys and Lloyd. John Williams, Esq., Reform Club, and Bronwylfa, CONSULTING SURGEON: John Propert, Esq., 6 New Flintshire. Cavendish-street. H. B. W. Williams Wynn, Esq., 4, Cloak-lane, and 20, T T> T? Park-street, Grosvenor-square, SECRETARY—James Bennett, Esq. LIFE DEPARTMENT. POL I C I E S GRANTED on PARTICIPATING and NON-PARTICIPATING SCALES. P Eighty per Cent. or Four-fifths of the Profits will be apportioned to those Assurances effected under the Par- ticipating Scale, thus affording all the advantages of a Mutual Office, without any of the risks to the Assured. Policies indisputable.—No charge made for Policv Stamps. PAYMENT OF CLAIMS.—AH Claims paid within 341 days of satisfactory proof of death. Loans granted to persons assuring in this Office on Personal Security. INDUSTRIAL BRANCH. Premiums received Monthly or Quarterly. Rules and Tables of rates to be had on application. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Rates of Insurance moderate. FARMING STOCK Insured at 3s. per cent. with permission to use Steam Engines on Farms free of extra charge. No charge made for Policies transferred from other Offices. N.B.—Persons proposing to assure in this Office are saved the trouble of a ^personal appearance before the Board. THE WONDER OF WONDERS! f t VCA J r HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. ASTONISHING CURE OF DROPSY. Copy of a Letter from Mr. David Simpson, of Collingham, t dated 4th September, 1854. To Professor Holloway, „ SIR,—It is with great pleasure I have to inform you of a r most wonderful cure of that dreadful malady, the Dropsy effected on my daughter. by the use of your invaluable Pills She bad been under medical treatment for a long time with- out deriving any benefit, although she was tapped twice, ap d fourteen pounds of water taken from her each time. Af ter suffering very severely for some time, she finally had recor irse to your llills. and in four weeks was completely cured, after every other remedy failed to do hei the slightest gor d I therefore feel bound to make this statement public for the benefit of similar suffere»s.—I remain,Sir. yours eM jently (Signed) DUID Sty PsON. WONDERFUL CURE: OT ASTHMA. ( Copy of a Letter from Mr. Joseph. VViiU^ef Hydr Cheshire dated the 5th of Augairt, 18M.. To Professor Holloway. DEAR SIR,—Mrs. Newton (a lady well \'010Y n in this towu, residing in Hanover-street), was afflicted I Jr years with a severe attack of Asthma, difficu) iy of br**r hing aud a most violent cough, causing severe "ains in her » ide, particularly whenever she took cold i -hr, tried many re medies, and con- sulted different individuals, without der ivijjg any benefit. At last she came to us, and I advised he r t.) take your Pills and use your Ointme'U(i—after a few weeks, by perseverance with your tewedirs, she was conside rably better, and, by I continuing the "same, in three •she was perfectly cured. I remain, dear Sir, ye ura faithfully, (Signed) JOSEPH WILD. INDIGESTION AND BILIOUSNESS! EXTRAORDINARY CURE! Cop'y of a Letter from Mr. James Henshall, c f Ashton-under- Lyne, dated the 28th J«ne, 1054. To Professor Holloway, DEAR SIR,-( was for a considerable -period afflicted with Indigestion, attended with frequent sir kness, loss of appe- tite, giddiness, headache, drowsiness, a od dimness of sight, an oppression at the pit of the stomacb and the other atten- dant evils of a generally disorganised c onstitution. A hhongb I tried a variety of reputed remedie 4, I was not benefitted and finally 1 became so bad that life was almost insupportable to me. At this period I commenced, using your Pills, and in gratitude am bound to confess th, t after a few doset: I felt considerably better, and in six we eks was radically cu.'ed by this medicine a'.one, after every other remedy had failed to afford me the shglllest relief. I remain, dw r Sir, yolirt faithfully, (Signed) JAMEs HENSB" .LI.. MOST SURPRISING CUll E OF A DISEASED L [VER OF FOURTEEN YEARS'STANDING. Mas. DOBSON.of Dartfor d, was afflicted for fourteen years with a diseased liver an J spitting of blood, and sh t was candIdly told by every OUt who saw her that it was an utter impossibility that sheco'ald ever be cured. A year md a half ago, she became so 'much worse that she was oblig id to be carried up and down stairs. Her friends then con reyed her to Guy's Hospital, but they refused to receive her e xcept as an in-patient. aDÙ it was feared that it would be imp oui- ble to relieve her of her sufferings. Four months ag' » she resolved to have vtco,,irse to Holloway's Pill, and determ itted to give them a fair trial; she did so, and the result was that in nine weeks this was perfectly cured by these reme dies atone, and is now able to walk as well as ever she was in her life. The truth of the above is well known at Dartford, and can be vouched for by several persons of respectability there. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in tbe following complaints. Ague Femalelrregularities Scrofula, or Kipe& Asthma Fevers of all kinds Evil Bilious Complaints Fits Sore Throats BlotchesontbeSkin Gout Stone and Gravel Bowel Complaints Head-ache SecondarySymptMas Colics Indigestion Tic Douloureux Constipation of the Inflammation Tumours Bowels Jaundice Ulcers Consumption Liver Complaints Venereal Affectiooa Debility Lumbago Worms of all tmtdt Dropsy Piles Weakness from what Dysenterj Rheumatism ever cause, &c. &c. Erystpetiis Retention of Urine Suld at the Establishment of Professor HOLLOWAY, 244 Strand (near Temple Bar), London, and 80, Maiden Lane, New York and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following 1: prices~ls. l £ d.,2s. 9d., 4s.6d., llsH 22L, and 33a. each Box. XT, There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. [—'Directions for the guidance of patwats in every Mi »$a«4 to eaeb bo*, J GREAT REDUCTION in the PRICE of JAVAL GUANO..—The FRENCH GOVERNMENT having reduced the export duty, this CELEBRATED MANURE is now offered at a diminution of the original prices of 50 per cent. Sold in Casks, sealed, and gua- ranteed, with t'ae Analysis, by Professor J. T. WAY, Chemist to the Royal Agricultural Society. Samples, prices, and info rmation, at 6, GUILDHALL CHAM- BERS, Basing hall-street, and Depot, OLD SHOT, TOWER WH. ARF, near Waterloo Bridge. ORSI & AR MAN I, Sole Consignees and Importers, N.B.—Agents wanted for the Country.-Apply by letter JUST. PUBLISHED, A NEW DISCOVERY IN MEDICINE. T HE GOLDEN REFEREE, with Plates, 112 pages, on the rational Treatment of Sper- m atorrhcea, nervous debility, low spirits, lassitude, weak- r ese of the limbs and back, indisposition and incapacity for study and labour, dullness of apprebension, toss of memory, aversion to society, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness, headache, involuntary discharges, pains in the side, affection* of the eyes, pimples on the face, sexual infirmities, &c. "The important fact that these alarming complaints may easily be ret.loved is here clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new a ad highly successful treatment as adopted by the author fully explained. Critic. Sent post paid, fin a sealed envelope, on receipt of 18 stamps, by Dr. Fa TNKLIN, No. 4, Francis-street, Golden- square, London, at..d sold at the Office of this Paper, and Cambrian Office, Swansea. Price Is. MEDICAL All) SOCIETY, 4, Francis-street, Regent-street, London.—Established for the sup- pression ot Empiricisn t, exorbitant fees, and and for afford- ing aid to the afflict(-A, who may not have the means of paying the high fees u tuslly charged by the profession, of who have been the dupe of ignorant pretenders. All oisr eases of a certain class successfully treated by correspon- dence, and a cure guaranteed in every case. Letters must I contain lQø. by post-office- order or stamps, and a full detail of the case, when medicince and advice shall be sent, as will in most cases effect a certain cure.—The Medical Friend, with anatomical plates and prescriptions, free on I receipt of 6 stamps to covr T postage,—Persons at a distance are invited to try the cetiebrated "Trocbis Benidictus." No. 1. is a remedy for relaxation, spermatorrhoea, and ex- haustion of tbe system. No. 2. effectually, in the short space of a few days, completely, and entirely eradicates all traces of those disorders which capsules bave long been thought an antidote for, to the ruin of the health of a vast proportion of the population. No. 3 is the great continen- tal remedy for that class of disorders which, unfortunately, the English physician treats with mercur v, to the inevitable destruction of tbe patient's constitution, ;ind which all the sarsaparilla in the world cannot remove. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 are alike devoid of taste and smell, and of all nauseating qualities. They way lie on the toilet table without their use being IUlpecaed.-Sold in tin esses at € 6d. each; frea by post, Is. 6d. extca divided into separate doses, as admi- nistered by Valpesu, Lallemand, Roux, -&c. To be had only at the sole Dep ot, 4, Francis-street, Air-street, Regent- street, London, wbi *re all letters are to be addressed to. FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH.—The F manifold advi ntages to the Heads of Families from the possession of a MeJ icine of known efficacy, that may be re- sorted to with confi. deuce, and used with success in cases of temporary sickness,, occurring in families more or less every day, are so obvious to all, that no question can be raised of its importance to en :ry housekeeper iu the kingdom. Tbey are an eac ellent aperient, create appetite, relieve languor, and invigor ate the spirits, and if taken after an in dulgence at table tb. y quickly restore the system to Us na- tural state of repose. For upwards of uine years (writes Mr. Thomas Province of Winchmore Hill), I have experienced tbp. efficacy of this excelled Medicine. I bad long previously been afflicted with headache and indigestion but a friend having induced me to make a triall of Frampton's Pills, I now inform yoa that a few doses C. ve me great relief and during this long period of time i hawe taken them in preference to any other medicine; and I have the happiness of saying that 1 never bad a better state of health, which I attribute to Framptoa's Viiis. I beg further to add, that this Medicine is in general use toy my family. 8110 we know of nothing to equal it." persons of a FULL HA BIT, who are subject to Mead. I ache. Giddiness, Drowsiness, and Singing in the Ears, arisin 'rwB UMi great a flow of Blood to tbe Head, should never be v -ithowt them, as many dangerous symptoms will be entirely ca tried off by their immediate use. ?or FEMALES these Pi!ls are truly excellent, re- mo ring all obstructions, the distressing Head-ache so very prex alent with the sex, Depression ot Spirits, Dulness of Sigh t, Nervous Affections, Blotches, Pimples, and Sallowness of Ih, i Skic, aud produce a. healthy complexion. To MOTHERS tli-ey are confidently recommended -s the best medicine that cau be taken and for Children of all age I they are unequalled. A. a pleasant, safe, aad easy Aperient, they unite the re- comme idation of a nuld operation with the most successful effect. By regulating the dose, according to the age and strength of the patient, they become suitable for every case, in either wlt- thatcan be required. Sold b) rail Medicine Vendors. Price Is. ljd„ 2s. 9d. pet box-See < oallle of Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, Lon- don," Oft t Stamp. [A RCARBJ *■ JOHN THOll AS, (ILIA TEl OF COtWB R 1 D\G 30 AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, HOUSE AND COMMISSION AGENT. AGENT TO THB LONDON MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OFFICE, I A, WOMANBY-STREET, CARDIFF; AND 4, ROMILLY-TERRACE, CANTON. TEETH, MR. RICHARD B. B OULTON, SURGEON-DENTIST, ;65, CROCKHERBTOWN, CARDIFF, SUPPLIES the loss of Teeth upon first-rate principles in Design and Workmanship. They are superior .0 anything yet introduced. Extracting, Stopping, Children's Teeth Regulated, &c., ind all operations in Dental Surgery performed with :ase and safety. Charges strictly moderate.—No Charge for Consultation Attendance Daily from 10 to 5. CRAUFURD HOUSE CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, & CHEMICAL SCHOOL, MAIDENHEAD, BERKS. MR. PEARCE has pleasure in announcing that the increase of his Pupils has led to extensive altera- ionsin Craufurd House, combining every arrangement or convenience, comfort, and health. During nine years nedical attendance hats been required once. The various branches of polite and useful Learning are aught in the most approved, expeditious, and effective nanner. Discipline is maintained and good habits are ormed by careful training and vigilant superintendence. The Pupils speak French constantly, many as easily s English. German is spoken. There are singing and )rawing Classes. A Band of Music is being formed. icience is taught experimentally. The younger Pupils ,re under special and appropriate management. The vigour, cheerfulness, and enthusiasm in Cricket, gymnastics, Swimming, daily rambles, and frequent xcursions into the neighbouring country, attest the scope nd encouragement afforded to the development of boyish eelings and physical strength. The Terms are from JE30 to JE40 per annum. References »f the highest respectability will be sent on .pplication. PATENT IMPROVEMENTS IN ANDREWS COKE OVENS. J. anTREWS BEGS to call the attention of Ironmasters and Coke Masters to hi. PATENT IMPROVEMENTS IN 30&.E OVENS, and his COKE DRAWING AP- PARATUS, whereby they may be rendered, under all jossible circumstances, more durable than there in com- non use, and may be protected, to a great extent, from he effects of the intense heat to which they are exposed. When in the oven, the apparatus may be applied to the lushing of the coke from the oven and by this means no ron is required in the oven during the coking process. rhe peculiar construction of these improvements renders he oven, with any description of coal, capable of con- certing 15 cwts. of coal into coke in a given time, and vith a given area of oven, more than any other coke iven that is now in operation, by which a great saving is iffected over any ordinary oven. In many instances full íO per cent. is saved in the making of the coke alone, a nuch better yield is the result, and the coke is of better [uality. No person ought to be without Andrews' Patent Coke Ovens for the locomotive department. The latent right charged at the rate of 20s. the oven per an- mm, if paid half-yearly; but to parties paying in advance or the ovens, for the whole unexpired term of the latent, the patentee will allow 50 per cent. on any num- ler of ovens built. Applications for licenses and other information, to be nade to the patentee, 17, Fair Oak-terrace, Maindee, Newport, Monmouthshire. MINING ENGINES TO BE LET ON HIRE or J\t FOR SALE. Mining Engines may be set to vork without fixing Chimney or Engine-house, and the alue of the mine tried 1I.t a small cost, by the Hire of tlEDWIN and HALL'S Patent Portable Pumping and (Vinding Engines are strong, simple-mounted, on iroad Waggon Wheels, Horse-shafts to remove at plea- ure. Several are ready for immediate delivery, either o be Let at Rental or Purchase, of 10, 12,16, 25, to 40- lorse power, and will be delivered, at any Railway-sta- ion. For Terms and Prospectus appiy to Messrs. tfedwin and Hall, Engineers, 92, Blackfriar's-road, London. LLANDOVERY. ro BE LET, UNFURNISHED, rHAT beautifully situated and commodious Cottage Residence, called SACKYILLE-PLACE, within a luarter of a mile of the above town. It contains— !)rawing-rooro, Dining-room, two Kitchens, Pantry, Offices, &e., on the ground-floor, and 8 rooms above itabling, Coach-house, &c.; an excellent and well-stocked warden in good cultivation, and about half an acre of Lawn or Meadow well supplied with water. The Vale of Towy Railway is in course of construe. ion to Handovery, and the Welsh Educational lnstitu- ion offers great advantages, rendering this a moat lesirable residence for persons with a family. A Gar- lener' or Man-servant's Cottage adjoining can be had, f required. Fishing in several rivers, and a pack of Carriers kept in the neighbourhood. For further particulars, apply to Mr. WM. MORGAN, ELailway-office, Handover). -au FOR MELBOURNE DIRECT, To the Consignment of Miles, Kington, & Co., The splendid fast-sailing British-built Ship, "RAJAH OF SARAWAK," SHEPPARD GILES, Commander, A 1, 13 Years, 1,000 Tons Burthen. Sat magnificent Poop Cabin Accommodation, and sa- jerior Second and Third Cabins. This fine yeaseloffer. 1 favourable opportunity for Shippers and Passengers, M ihe will have quick despatch. For Freight or Passage apply to MILESES & KING- rON, 61, Queen-square, Bristol. »EAGLE" PACKETS LINE OF AUSTRALIA. RPO the consignment of BRIGHT BROTHERS, and Co., I Landing tbeir Passengers, Luggage, and Cargo im- mediately on the Vessel's arrival in Hobson's Bay. For MELBOURNE, Forwarding Passengers to SYDNEY, HOBART TOWN, GEELONG, ADELAIDE, LAUNCESTON, See., the magnificent Clipper Ship, SHACKAMAXON," 1,376 tons register, 2,000 tons burthen—Captain John B. Teulon-29th MAY. Her passenger accommodations canuot be surpassed in any ship afloat. Apply to GIBBS, BRIGHT & CO., Liverpool, or to JOSEPH ELLIOT, Bute-street, Cardiff. Money Orders on Australia granted Free of Charge. IN C H AN C E R Y. PIC TON v. BEETE. SOUTH WALES, COUNTY OF GLAMORGAN. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Pursuant to an Order of the High Court of Chancery, made in the above Cause, with the approbation of the Judge to whose Court the said Cause is attached, on TUESDAY, the 22nd day of May, 1855, at 1 o'clock. at the BEAR INN, COWBRIDGE, by Mr. FREDERICK CHIN NOCK, the person appointed to sell the same, in several Lots, as after stated, ALL that FREEHOLD ESTATE, called and known as the LLANDOW ESTATE, situate in the Village of Llandow, in the County of Glamorgan, consisting of Three compact Farms, in a high state of cultivation, all having good Farm Houses, and well arranged Farm Buildings, including some of the richest Land in the fertile Vale of Glamorgan, and let to old and most respectable tenauts also, a capital Corn and Grist Water Mill, with Miller's Cottage; also, an excellent House and Shop, with Land Ten Cottages, with Gar- dens and several small pieces of Land; the whole com- prising about 500 Acres, and producing a Rental of JE618 per aonum. The Estate is interseeted with excellent Roads, and i. distant 4 miles from the Market Town of Cowbridge, 6 miles from the Bridgend Market Town and Railway Station, on the South Wales Railway, 6 miles from the Port of Aberthaw on the Bristol Channel, and 16 miles from the Town of Cardiff. The Llandow Estate bae been divided for the purpose of sale into 13 Lots but in case it is not found necessary for the purposes of the suit, to sell the whole, 10 many only of these lots as it shall be found necessary to sell, and in such order as shall be fixed on by the Auctioneer, will be put up for sale. The Estate may be viewed at any time, and Particulars with Plans obtained gratis, at the Bear Inn, Cowbridge the Cardiff Arms, Cardiff; of Mr. Jones Cwmbury, Iscoed, Ferry-side, Carmarthen; the Railway Station, Bridgend; of Messrs. Cooper & Hodgson, solicitors, 3, Verulam Buildings, London; Messrs. Trinder and Eyre. solicitors, 1, John-streeet, Bedford-row, London; Mr- Wm. Bevan, solicitor, 6, Old Jewry, London Mr. H.S. Turner, solicitor, 42, Jermyn-street, London; Messrs- Conerdale, Lee, and Pania, solicitors, 4, Bedford-row,. London; of Messrs. Coulthurst, solicitors, 13, New Inn, London; and of Messrs. Chinnock and Galswortbjy Land Agents, 28, Regent-street, Waterloo Place, Lon- don. THE APPS" BREWERY. •• APPS" ALE. "APPS" PALE ALE. "APPS" XXXX. SUPERIOR STOUT AND PORTER. THE peculiar excellence of these Ales, indepemJetifTy .L of being (as says the Lancet), "clear, spartlmgand refreshing," is derived from the presence iu the Appa SPRING," from which they are brewed, of the fiaest tonia and saline matter in singular combination. More need not be said, as the certificate of tfoe> well known Chymist, HERAPATH, is in itself sufficient. In bis letter to Rev. J. L. HARDING, owner of the "Appa" Estate, he writes as follows :— Bristol, March 17tb, 18'53. Sir, I take it for granted you have received my report of Feb. 19th, in which I have stated your Spring to be a good Brewing water, with Aperient and Toniepro perties, and consequently you would be justified in desigj mating it a Medicinal Water, WILLIAM HERAT 'ATH. The same great authority bears evidence to the purity and excellence of the Ale — BRISTOL LABORATORY, April 21 /th, 1854. "To the Proprietor of the Apps" Brew ery." Sir,—I have examined and analysed four t .pecimens of your Beer of various strengths I find them clear, sound, and well brewed, and if you continue to M anufacture of the same quality, I have no doubt your Bee [s will become popular. I remain, Sir, Yours respectfully, WILLIAM HERAPJT CH, F. C. S. These celebrated Ales and early Octofc er brewings are now ready, and may be obtained in Ca.ea g on application at the "Apps" Brewery Store, Charie tte-street, Bute- street, Cardiff. Account collected moal '11,