Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

13 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



HOUSEWARMING DINNER. MOUNT 8TUABT HOTEL, BUTE DOCKS. On Wednesday last, Mr. Alfred Cooper's housewarming dinner took place, in celebration of his succeeding his respected father in the business of the above hotel, on which occasion Richard Evans, Esq., presided, and Mr. Wm. Lewis, tailor, &c., Smith-street, officiated as vice-president. On the chair- tnan's right sat the late landlord, Mr. Wm. Cooper, Mr. Henry Clemer.ts, and J. R Reece, Esq. on his left Mr. W. Woods, Mr. J. Lord, and Mr. Stockman, of Bath. The vice-chairman Vas supported by Mr. 1). Davies and Mr. T. Elliott. The hpacious-room was tastefully decorated with the flags of various lations, aud amongst them the English, French and Turkish Irere most conspicuous. e Upwards of sixty sat down to a spread," in the language f one of the guests, "worthy a prince." Not only were the rlsual dishes of the season but the delicacies also, early though k may be, placed on the table in planteous profusion. To con- sy an idea of the good things provided, we beg to subjoin a illl of fare of the recherche productions of the Cuisine Artis- Ijque Frtincai* et Anglaii," Mock turtle and other soups, salmon garnished with fried ))out, soles, lobster and shrimp sauces; round of beef, roast quarters of lamb, legs of mutton roast and boiled; ham, glazed: i."hes of boiled fowls, of curry chickens, with sauce do. of e-tlets, Italian sauce; patties; stewed breast of veal, boiled ieiigues, lobster salads made dishes, dishes of roast chickens, nries, orange, do., Italian creams, rhubarb tarts, and other e-rtry, plum puddings, &c. &c. These were followed by an isgant dessert of English and foreign fruits, confections, &c., Ij., and the wines were excellent. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, as rveyors, had spared no expense; the dinner was put on the* lo hot from the kitchen, an ample number of experienced iters were in attendance, and the whole was highly credi- le to the establishment, and such as could not fail to satisfy a most *».«tliiw « *«#te. In an antir-oom were stationed aral excellent musicians who discoursed sweet music during evening. ne cloth having been withdrawn, the Chairman gave in tession "The Queen" and" Prince Albert and the rest of Royal Family," which toasts were drunk with the utmost lty. he Chairman said he was sure they all felt a deep interest lie next toast he was about to propose, more particularly in e troublesome times. The army and navy had always • n themselves to be valiant, and he thought in the pre- Crimean war they had shewn more valour then ever they lone before (hear, hear). He begged to give the allied es and navies of Great Britain and France. The toast lrunk with vehement cheering. R. Iieece, Esq., the officially appointed surgeon to those e line who may be stationed in Cardiff, returned thanks 'half of the army. Samuel Jones Reece in a very humourous address in i he said he had been three days in the navy, returned Is for that branch of her Majesty's service. i Chairman next proposed The Bishop and Clergy of tocese." he Members for the borough and County," was next d with three cheers. Chairman said he had next to propose the health of one Jbm they were all much interested; although an infant, a yet lie had done but little for the town and port him- Sfet his ancestor and his trustees had done much. As a P)f this, the house which they were in would not have bluilt if had not been for the greatness of his father's lyki planning and carrying out their noble docks. The SIf enterprise of the late marquess, and also his many excel- lertues were so well known to all present, that he would not v& to trespass on their time further than by proposing tealth of the youthful Marquess, and may he long en- JOiything that has been laid out by his noble parent." (T'ast was received with the greatest applause, and drunk ufling with three times three). 'sperity to the trade of Cardiff" was next proposed auud cheers. Vice-Chairman, in acknowledging the compliment, said wife entered the room, he little thought that he should haeen called upon to fill the vice-chair; he certainly exll to have sat at the table as a private individual. As jhtii drank the town and trade of Cardiff," and as he had P^radesman resident therein, he begged to respond to the ™?He was pleased to be reckoned amongst their number. '•'they looked through the windows of the spacious aP%it in which they were seated, and viewed "the forest °' that was in their docks, they had to thank the potther of that yonng gentleman whose health they had '|U 1 k- what would be the use of those docks if they had tradesmen who were able to grapple with the trade, an,Ang to carry on the business of the port as it should be ? It Ihe pleasing to the trade, as well as to all present, to see locks so crammed. He believed Cardiff stood in trade secoj none, and it must be pleasing to them to be placed in SI)ortaiit and increasing a town. Stby Mr. Charles Pardoe, Nantgarw, Batchelors' Far Tjhairman next proposed The Press, the great bul- warl,he land and the medium of all education. Modkinson (GUAEDIAN) returned thanks. 8( y Mr; Johnson, of Bristol,—" The glorious Trafalgar." •J■- teece, Esq., rose, and said he had very much pleasure in Prop; the health of their Chairman (cheers). They all knevi, and therefore he was sure lie need not say one wore the hope of making the toast acceptable—that woul an act of supererogation (hear, hear). He was sorry sometleman better calculated to do justice to the toast had not :ipated him; as such had not been the case, he pro- posecir worthy chairman's health with much pleasure, and hopes would not be the last occasion on which they should meethe convivial board. (The health was drank upstand- ing, musical honours, For he's a jolly good fellow, and so sivery one.") c Thainnan said he rose with feelings of much embarrass- mentioned by the very flattering manner in which his healUl been received. He felt much obliged to his kind triemo had proposed the toast, and to the company who had armly received it: they had heaped upon him honors he wot deserving of. lIe was most happy to meet them at thivivial board, and to render every assistance in get- tingiieetings for the promotiou of good-fellowship. Hav. *1^ 1 Cardiff now 2d years, he knew nearly every one in the t, and he met thein as brothers (hear, hear). When his viy friend, Mr. Cooper, asked him to preside on the °cca> he felt his incompetency but could not refuse his solicinw under these circui^stanees he hoped they would look. his short comings," for it was with that confi- dents accepted the invitation, and lie believed he might consthat they would indulge him in that respect (hear, hear cheers). Mr. Evans concluded by again thanking the cany and drinking all their very good healths, accom- pany his best wishes for their happiness (applause). Tt ice-Chairman proposed the next toast, observing that business of the town could not be carried on efficjy unless they had experienced men at the helm of at. The Town Council of this borough had great and ;iy difficulties to contend with, and were highly entit to their respect and esteem. He begged to prop the Mayor and Town Council of the Borough chee Chairman next roee to propose the health of Mr, AlfrCooper, their host, a toast which was received withd and long-continued cheering. He remarked that, Cooper was eminently deserving of much sup- port, lie had earned their respect and esteem by his urbar of manners, and his civility and courtesy at all time ear, hear, and cheers). If there were anything at al descent, their host ought to prove something ex- cellefor his father was, as they all knew, "a hearty goodlow." (Hear, hear, and cheeis. A voice, He's a stur.") Appearancesaadgoodexamptesometimes went nothing, but in this instance, if he were any judgitey would find that the son would prove himself wortof go excellent a parent and would walk in his falhesteps (hear, hear, and applause). He begged to prop" the health of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper," and he trustthey would enjoy a long life of prosperity and contii to prove themselves worthy of the support he was they would meet with. The toast was received withmendous cheers and musical honors. Mtlfred Cooper, in returning thanks said-he had this been placed under additional obligations, be- caus^eir worthy chairman, in the first place, with all the llness of a liberal and generous heart, and with all ttfiue feeling of a gentleman, had promised to presiand for which he felt greatly indebted, as being the liest act he could do to him or his father. He had t) laid under auother obligation, by the very kind mancin which the company present had received and drunhe health of himself and Mrs. Cooper. Such a mark respect was gratifying to him, to his father, and all w, were near to him; and in reply, he could only state,iat if his endeavours to please had met their appro, he WaB highly gratified. He saw around him manyintlemen whom he did not expect, and he was awareat many were absent whose business would not permif their being present; he, however, took the will for thdeed, and begged to return to them, as well as the ctpany present, the thanks of himself and wife, and irtneiugjoii to drink their very soocl healths, Son-Mr. C. J. Thomas, Bristol-" The English. man's reside." Thaice-ehairman said, if there were one toast more than bthur that he wished to propose, it was the health the late landlord, Mr. W. Cooper, a gentleman they h.known for many years in business—one whom they h always much pleasure in meeting, and whose heart ik in the right place. He had erected that noble buildiifn which they were now assembled, and he did not kty of any one who had laid out more money in the tow and he was happy to say, with great advantage to hinrif. He begged to propose the health of Mr. Coopeihd prosperity to the establishment. (The toast was drfc with musical honours.) Mr. ooper, in returning thanks, said he felt deeply sensibUf the kindiess which had beeu paid to himself and It more so that paid to Mason. He had been absent arly twelve months, but" he could assure them there We many tines that he had thought of them, and of the hdness he had received during the years he had lived aitngst then. Mr. Cooper in resuming his seat was lOlly applauded. Songby Mr. Pardoe,—"John Jones was a farmer, highly tspeetabl- A rOld of to"ts were drank with the usual after dinner uhusiasP, and the party broke up at a late hour, highly lalified, several wishing that the worthy host would ake it an annual affair, instead of a solitary instance^ shoWng what he could do when he liked.



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Family Notices




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