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EVANS S CLOTHING STORES, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICK, MERTHYR TYDFIL. GREAT WXNTER SALE OF BOYS' & MEN'S CLOTHING & GENERAL STOCK OF OUTFITTINC, COMMENCING ON SATURDAY NEXT. EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED. MEN'S BLUE BEAVER AND MELTON OVERCOATS, 16s. lid., Regular Price. 00*. MEN'S BLUE BEAVER OVERCOATS, 22s. 611.. Regular Price, 30s. MEN'S TWEED OVERCOATS WITH DEEP CAPES, 10s. tid., Regular Price, 25s. (id. MEN'S TWEED SUITS, 12s. lid., Regular Price, 28s. 6d. MEN'S TWEED TROUSERS, 2s. llid., Worth 7s. lid. A Large Selection of BOYS' SUITS, BOYS' OVERCOATS Sold at Nearly One-half Regular Prices. MENS SHIRTS, DRAWERS, MOLE and CORD TROUSERS. SCARVES, BRACES. RUGS, UMBRELLAS, &c., All Reduced. TERMS CASH. D. J. EVANS'S CLOTHING STOKES (OPPOSITE THE FUST OFFICE), MERTHYR. SAVE MONEY UY CALLING TU INSPECT Ot-It SPECIAL PRESENTS FOR NOTHING WITH OCR DELICIOUS TEAS. Two Strong Glass Tumblers with -J-lb. of Tea at 6d. itAN'UKACTCKETl's STOCK OF 2.000 Strong Large Buckets. One with -J-lb. of Tea at 16. Thousands of other Articles as Presents and equal in value. NOTE Till', ADDRESS VICTORIA TEA COMPANY, LTD., HIGH STHEET, MKRTHYK. CLEARANCE SALE OF WINTER GOODS. R. EDWARDS, Opposite the Railway Station, MERTHYR, IS NOW OFFERING THE WHOLE OF HIS SURPLUS STOCK OF WINTER GOODS, COMPRISING CAPES. JACKETS, DRESS MATERIALS, QUILTS, BLANKETS, &c\, at a Great Reduction. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. V'or tl<c c-omplcU' cure of Coughs, Cold. and all affections of the A Throat, t'he-t, ,aid I.un~ The fii^t flo.-e will ~ive relief it) ten minute-. Unlike any other preparation it clrirs the throat, lik (ji-oh es the nhle^ni and leaves the Bronchial Tubes and Lungs M m M in a healthy condition. For Asthma,BroiK-!iitis,llo;irseiie?s,Short- m.-ss of Breath, Influenza. Tightness ami Oppression of the Chest, Wheezinjr. &c\, it acts like MAfilC and a few doses will be found t« affect a permanent CTRK of these mo-t distressing disorde a. This remedy is admitted by thousand? to bw tbe World's Great Medicine. II you have a cou;„'h or slight cold. Tf TT TT TP ^t;r A'VT ^K,v bir,: If rou are Asthmatic or Weak iu the M M M I I m ■■■■ FAREY S COIGH SYItlP Chest,tryoneboitleaudproveforyour m W B B A •elt, its immediate effect for removing A nd th« niost lolent eou^li cauzhs of lotigj standing lo?s of voice, v.ill in a shert- time be re- abating feverish colds. mOl ed. TESTtMONY OF ITS EFFICACT KEE" POURiNC IN. A tidy \rrites Am tr",1 eilip; on the Continent and alII ijuitc out uf jour celebrated Cousfh Svrup. I'lease send per return t'volarjre Bottles. K. parcel post, to Tost Otlice, Marseilles. The only cure I na-r had after IP trying all the advertised preparations. I I THIS TKSTIMOM-M. IS '.VVRTII RK.U'IN'i. B J B M trying all the advertised preparations. I I THIS TKSTIMOM-M. IS '.VVRTII RK.U'IN'i. B J B M TVRIR SIlt, T w as ir1"aJi,jed f0r month, unfit for work ow in>{ to -.c.. ("re Cough and Asthma. I was told of your Syrup, and two bottles completely eujwd me and enabled me to follow my usual work."—trold in Bottles. 1.1A and 2." each. Of all Chemist- or can be obtained post free for 15 and ^6 stamps from the proprietor. J. rAHRY, Chemist, M. Canterbury Itoaci, \iiThurn, LondOI1, N.W. CHRISTMAS. CHRISTMAS. MESSRS. J. E. DA VIES & CO., BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THEIR GRAND ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR L. now (>i*t) with a Grand Selection of Useful Novelties suitable for CHRISTMAS NEW YEAHS PRESENTS IXCMDINO ALBUMS. WRITING DESKS, HANDBAGS, PHOTO' FRAMES, AN 11 A MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF JAPANESE NOVELTIES AND WARE. AN INSPECTION EARNESTLY INVITED. TEMPLE OF FASHION. HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL. [2627 New Iron Frame PIANOFORTE. Full trieUord. Check Action. Latest Improvements. Handsome Rosewood or Walnut Case. Sent FREE to any station on receipt of Gash— £ 21—Cash. 10 Years Warranty Given. AMERICAN ORGANS. Finest MaKers, from £6 to £100, HARMONIUMS, Special Church Damp Resisting, from £4 to £60. SKILFUL TUNERS Sent Everywhere. HEINS & CO., BRECON. A LSO AT HEREFORD, ABERGAVENNY, and ROSS. \| Boots and Harness Tlio Cheapest and Bes>t Printers in Mprthyr for all ■ lTX "T'terpr^f as a aba.s. kinda of Commercial and Artistic Frintinsj arc— and soft as r'/ ot Adds three ° WIIW tiwes to J ear and aUsxa pol- TI^ILa FRINTITsGr COMPANY, ItflLB uraiL ':s—-X HxJsibiticc TIMES OFUCF, JOHK tsra^KT, WW HEBAt Highest Arraras. (Next to Temperance kali), MERXHYK. Tina 2d., 6d., 1; an-l 6d. ?-4thorSTsk"c.' '"aifiw Fjtimate; gi ven for ery kind of Priuting ou mWHPrlvVl I application to the Manager. 1 4 I MERTHYR FOOTBALL CLUB DANCE, THVllSDAY, FEBRUARY ?/«?, 1835. 2834 IIIGHER MUSICAL EDUCATION. MR. D. C. WILLIAMS, I PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, (Ex-student of t-he Lniversity College, Carditf winner of the prize Cajitata at the National Eintaddfod, 1892 and Assistant Master to Dr. JasEPH PABRY) HAS the honour to announce that he has taken up his residence in Merthyr, and will be pleased to recei\e Pupils at 167, Plymouth Street, or visit them at their residence?, and impart instruction in the follow- ing subjects :—PI AN Oi'OKT E, ORGAN, SINGING, and PRACTICAL COMPOSITION. Arrangements will also be made shortly to arrange WEEKLY CLASSES in Harmony, Counterpoint, Canon, Imitation, Fugue, and Orchestration. TERMS, which are moderate, may be had on application to Mr. WILLIAMS, c o MI. J. M. WILLIAMS, 167, PLYMOUTH STREET, MERTHYR. DOMESTIC ECOXOMV. CHEAP FUEL. COKE! COKE!! COKE! WHEX WELL BROKEN AND YIXIm WITH SMALL COAL FORMS A CHEAP AND EXCELLENT FUEL FOR HOUSEHOLD FIRES. It is also very efficient for I-aising steam, heating Greenhouses, Conservatories, etc., and for USE in all kinds of Grates and Stoves—slow combustion or otherwise. PRICE AT THE MERTHYR TYDFIL GASWORKS- 6s. 8d. PER TON. Orders received at MERTHYR TYDFIL GAS OFFICES, Picton St., Merthyr, WILL HAVE PROMPT AND BEST ATTENTION. lit Xovfmhtr, 1S9 [2602 WOOTTON, THE PEOPLE'S CASH DRAPER, CLOTH HALL, MERTHYR TYDFIL, IS NOW SELLING Grand Lines in Real Welsh Flannel Shirting, better was never made at Is. Oid. per yard for Cash also Stripes anll Checks for Men's Drawers. BLANKETS, 5s. lUtl., 6s. ll.^d., 8s. llJ.d., 10s. 6d. to 21s. per pair. Buy these and 3*011 will very likely live long. SHEETS, 2s. 6d., 2s. lUd., 3s. 6d., ;>s. I l id. Sleeping made easy. m I BLUE AND GREEN QUILTS, 4s. llid., 5s. 11 id., 7s. md. to lis. 6d. WOOTTON Serves Crowds of Smart Buyers Every Week. TERMS CASH. NO CREDIT. PRESS ON To WOOTTON'S THE UP-TO-DATE CASH DKAPEK. G. M. & R. GUN SON, G7 AND (58, HIGH STREET, MERTHYR TYDFIL, FAMILY GROCERS, Flour, Corn, and Provision Merchants, CONFECTIONERS, DEALERS IX GAME, WINES, & SPIRITS. I Ales and Stouts in Cask or Bottle. Patent I Medicines, Proprietary Articles, Cigars. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEA AT Is. Gd. IMPORTERS OF CHOICEST DANISH BUTTERS. PlHCE LIST ON APPLICATION. G. M. & R. GUNSON, 67 & 68, High Street, MERTHYR TYDFIL. PRINTING I PRINTING I PRINTING: For all kinds of Printing, executed ;n in the Best Style, and at Moder ate Prices, go to the to TIMES PRINTING COMPANY, John-Street, MERTHYR. JOHN F. SEAL, AUCTIONEER AND HOUSE AGENT. BEGS respectfully to thank hii numerous patrons J) and the public generally for their liberal patronage during the past seven years, and trusts by continued attention to bubiness to still merit their confidence and support. HOUSE PROPERTY sold by Auction or Private Treatv. Sales of FURNITURE, &c. effected. VALUATIONS for MORTGAGE, PROBATE, See. COLLECTION OF RENTS. J. F. S. gives special attention to this branch of his business, and at present is favoured with the COLLECTION OF OVER 500 HOUSES. Owners will save much personal trouble by placing their Properties in J. F. 8. hands, besides finding their nett incomes much increased. N.B.—Appointed to Levy Distresses for Rent. Unsolicited testimonials. OFFICE 5, CASTLE STREET, MERTHYR. t28.18^ THE GREAT REMEDY. VOOUT v PILLS FOR tiOLT, EHECMATItm, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, N; KA.VJIA IHC K\erucimius l'ain is quickly RELIEVED, and eurcu in a FEW days, by these celebrated Pill". SURE, SAFE, AND EFFECTUAL. Sold bv all Chemists at Is. Ed, and 2s. 9d. per box. [171-96 A FREE!. FRE6! Post Free to any Address. SAFETIES SAFETIES JhbtTSkv S^^TIF»^! Important to Ajifiits. PEAJERI and others. Wholesale EIB*' con- ,^PE|0)*YPJH|J^N T AIM!IG 1,000 (ON? XUo'isand) Machines, VBMJSDR R>.EV/ and SECOFD-HAR^D sent Post Fr«C to *™^ANV address. TO per cent cheaper than oti,t,r makers or agente. Why pay more or fancy prices!' SIN-le machine at wholesale price. WRITE at once for the URWT and most complete list in the CYCLE trade. Sterling ■> al'je and no LARGE profits. W. R. \V\RRILOW, ( yvle OVK.S, Kcjenl St., ^"eTton-='H>er-Mare. [2326 j Situations Mantcft, &c. j IF YOU WANT A SERVANT, a-SITUATION, a HOUSK, AI'ARTJ.'K.VTS, or toBuv, SnL, or EXCHANGI; ANYTHING, ADVERTISE j In the PREPAID COLUMN of the Merthyr Times, at the following SPECIALLY CHEAP RATES: 20 WORDS 0(1. 20 WORDS FOR THREE TIMES, Is. THJIKK SIX WO H 1)3. OXK TIMM. TIMES. Ù. s. d. s. d. 20 Words 0 6 16 2 0 32 Words 1 0 20" 3 0 40 Words 13 26 36 48 Words 1 6 3 0 4 6 The above is the Prepaid Scale for Wanted, To be Let, and To be Sold Advertisements only; for other Charges apply to the Manager, Times Office, Merthyr Tydfil. I Postage Stamps or Postal Orders may be sent in Payment. RESPECTABLE BOYS Wanted to SeTTT^ Merthyr Times in Merthyr and District.— Apply to the Manager, Times Office. TO BE LET.—A commodious STABLE and SMITH SHOP. Good position.—Applv, Edmixds, Coiner House Inn, Merthyr. [2827 AGENTS WANTED, Whole or Spate Time; commission and bonus.—Ireton (Limited), 92, Gracechureh-streftt, London. WANTED, a good Plain Cook.—Apply, Temple of Fashion, Merthyr. [2852 tl IODG1NGS, and use of Sitting-ioom, Wanted"; Jt-J must be near Market-square Buildings.—,J Tiynex Ottitfc- [2853 QPLEND1D PRINT PATCHWORK QUILTS, kj Is. 6d. Cretonne ditto, 2s. 6d. each large sizes.—Mrs. Cmn ix, 32, Addington-street, New- Cross, Manchester. 2796 AGENTS wanted £ 26 per quarter, paid weelclv splendid opening; exjierience necessary; specimens free.—Address, Compo Works, Farnworth Bolton. YI7WNTED as GENERAL SERVANT, strong W- young girl in Clergyman's fami)v (smaH).— Apply wich references Mrs. BOWEN" HUGHES, Llanishen, near Carditf. [2842 MADAME DESMANE'S Female Preparation .1. should be known to all. It never fails.— Write or call, 2, Westbourne-place, Plymouth-road, Merthyr. Advice and information free of charge. 157-9 of all J ranks and ages. Lessons by Post. The surest road to promotion. Send Id. stamp for svllabu* — T. A. SolTHEEN, M.E., Late H.M. Tns^etor of M ines, the Unir ersal Mining School. Derby. 151 202 \Vtllu to Ivnow that the Merthyr ▼ ▼ Titan is the cheapest and best house in the District for every description of Printing. Our stock of tyjxj in all the latest designs is not to be equalled in town. Write or ask for quotations before going elsewhere. Work turned out promptly and in the best style. THE Inhabitants will be glad to hear that Pro- fessor Desmane, the Specialist on all com plaints, has decided to stay in the district altogether, and will give advice free of charge. Head address. Merthyr 2, Wcstbonrne-placc, Plymouth-road, Sun- days, Tuesdays and Thursdays, frowlais Merthvr and Dowlai; Coffey Tavern. Mondays, 3 until 9. Troedvrbiw Wednesdays. Cefn Friday. Time, and places as u^ual. Teeth Extracted. 3d. each. 1579 To OVERCOME WEAK.NFSS. — Pepper's Quinine and Tmn Tonic Gi\es Nfw l-ifc, ITratth, stringth, and Encrgv. lu-is,t cn I avin^ Tcppcr's Quinine —Advt. auctions. ABERDARE. FIRE, THIEVES, AND BURGLARS DEFIED. MR. WHITTY EVANS will SELL by AUC- TION, at the Auction-rooms, High-street, Aberdare, on FRIDAY, FEBKUART 1st, 1895, at Three o'clock, THIRTEEN FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF RESISTING SAFES, 21in. to 48in. high, manufactured by Hipkins & Co., Dudley. For Catalogues apply to the Auctioneer. [2847 TAl-HARRl'R-BLAWD FARM, POXT- MORLAIS, MERTHYR. IMPORTANT SALE OF HORSES, COWS, FOWLS AND IMPLEMENTS. Mil. EVAN LEWIS has received instructions | from MR. PRICE, Anchor Inn (who is giving up Farming), to SELL BY AUCTION, on THURSDAY, the 31st day of JANUARY, 1895, the whole of his STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS Comprising.—HORSES One steel grey marc, in foal, one bay mare, ditto. Cows Four cows, in full milk, eight cow tics. Dairy utensils. FOWLS A fine lot of fowls, 30 in number. HAKXEM Two sets of cart harness, two seta of trap ditto, five horse collars, two sets of hames, two riding bridles, one saddle, two trap bridles, three head collars, one new leading rein and breast plate complete, three horse cloths and rugs, one set of front chains. IMPLEMENTS: Three carts, one new butcher's trap, one splendid trap with cushions, two chaff cutters, rakes, pikes, forks, &c., two hooks, three hedge clippers, one hay knife, and a lot of useful articles too numerous to mention. Sale to commence at Two o'clock sharp. Terms- Cash. For further particulars applv to the Auctioneer, 41, Mary-street, Dowlais. [2816 DOWLAIS, GLAMORGANSHIRE. SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PUBLIC- HOUSE. ~j\/FR. JOHN !• ()RRESTER has been favoured -i-»A with instructions from the Mortgagees to SELL BY AUCTION, at the PANT CAD IVOR INN, PANT, DOWLAIS, on THURSDAY, the 14th day of FEBm-Ativ, 1895, at seven o'clock in the evening, subject to such Conditions of Sale as will be then produced, all that Free FREEHOLD INN AND PREMISES KNOWN AS THE PANT CAD IVOR INN, Now in the occupation of Mr. John Evans, together with the Leasehold Pieces or Parcels of Land thereto adjoining, held under lease from the Marquis of Bute for a term of which 63 years is unexpired, subject to a ground rent of £2 per annum. Part of this land is sub-leased to under tenants and produces a ground rent "of £1 per annum. The remainder is suitable for building purposes. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneer, 50, Glebeland-street. Merthyr Tydfil; or to MESSRS. FRANK JAMES AND SONS, 2851] Solicitors, Merthyr Tydfil. public announcements. Brynmawr Chair Eisteddfod and Band Contests. APRIL 1ST., 1S95. ti RAND it numerous Competitions. I'logrammcs Wr may be obtained from JO. WATKINS, Secretary, 1, King-street, Brynmawr. Aberaman Public Hall Company. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all Persons _l_i who have Paid Subscriptions on Account of Shares in the aforesaid Company are requested to send in their claim for Repayment of the same to Mr. J. H. Powell, London House, Aberaman, on or before Monday, February 11th, 1895. All repayments (less working expenses) will be made at the Swan Motel, Aberaman, on Fridav, February 22nd, 1895, when the concern shall be finally closed. J. H. POWELL, Treasurer, HENRY DA VIES, Secretary. 12th January, 1895. [2813 MARKET SQUARE CHURCH. NEXT SUNDAY, FEBRUARY Sun. PREACITFR- REV. J. G. JAMES. Morning Subject—"The Creed of the Optimist- Whatever is, is best." Evening Subject—" Jesus Only:" Evening Communion Service. J^EW QPERA fTOUSE, ]y £ ERTHYR. Sole Lessee and Manager.MR. WILL SMITHSON. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH, 1895 AND FIVE FOLLOWING NIGHTS. IMPORTANT ENGAGEMENT OF Mr. McLeod Loader & Co., Under the direction of Messrs. GILBKRT TATE and F. W. TRF.VALION, in the New and Original Sensational Drama entitled THE ENEMY'S CAMP. Bv HERBERT LEONARD. NoTE.- The Drama is founded on incidents which took place in Chili during the great revolution of 1391, the interest being centred in Englishmen who were prominent in tho war. In Acts 3, 4, and 5, are depicted the most miraculous escapes from death in modern times. The Camp scene is a true representa- tion of the situation occupied by the rebels before the memorable Battle of Valparaiso, when the Civil War of harrowing details ended victoriously for the Insurgents. Time and Prices as Usual. Plan of the Theatre may be seen and Seats secured at HAnnfs & SONS' Studio VISITORS TO CARDIFF SHOULD NOT t .\U. TO CALL AT THE PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABLISHMENT of THE OLD ESTABLISHKf> AND WKLL-RETUTEI) UttM OF GOLDIE BROTHERS WitOSE STUDIOS ARE AT 66, QUEEN STREET, CARDIFF. Photographs of all descriptions accurately and artistically produced. Wedding parties, groups, <fcc., a :-f>ecialil' Cricket, football, and other athletic clubs waited upon. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CARDIFF FUR STORES (LATE OF THE HAYES), Manufacturing Furriers, Skin Dressers, and Dyers. A Speciality of lie-Modelling and Lengthening of Seal Jackets on our Improved System, by means of which no cross seams are visible. Old-fashioned Seal Jackets and Fur Mantles Renovated and Re-Modelled to latest fashion. Furs of all kinds freed from moth, Repaired, Re- made, or Lined. SHOW ROOMS 1st and 2nd Floors, 23. High-street, Cardiff. if. R. HARRISON, MANACKR. Established in Cardiff 1833. A Branch will shortly be opened in MERTHYR. [2844 rjlHEATRE JJOYAL, CAHDIFF. LESSEE & MANAGER, MK. EDWARD FLETCHER. LAST THREE NIGHTS of the Enormously Suc- cessful PANTOMIME, the BABES rx THE WOOD, Whicli must positively be withdrawn, in the very height of its popularity, to make way for special engagements. Last Day Performance- Saturday, February 2nd, at 2. Doors ciw-,ii at 1. Evening performance at 7. Time and prices as usual. Booking Oflicc—Messrs. Thompson fa Shackell, Limited, Queen-street. MR. EDWARD I'LI:TC tielt to announce to his numerous patrons that the CHRISTMAS PAN- TOM [ME, 1895-96, wilibeTHE FORTY THIEVES. MONDAY, Feb. 4th. — Return \isit of the most succcssful Comedy of Modern Times, CHARLEYS ACXT, From the Globe Theatre. Box Plan now open. MONDAY, Feb. 11th.—The Renowned Actress MISS FORTESCUE And her Celebrated Company. TJECRKTAIUES of Churches cannot do better than SET .=, their Printing done at the TIMES PRINTING WORKS, JOHN STREET, MKHTUYR. Newest tvpe—best workmanship. T~*HE MERTHYR TIMES- BEST LOCAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER. rPK ADESME.VH Itillhea'h, Memos Handbills, labels Window Bills, etc., don" in best slvle and w ith rlcrpatrli at (he TIMES PRINTING WORKS, Joiis STREET, MEKTUTR Estimates given for all kinds of work. ON TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, FEB. 5th & 7th, 1895, Commencing at Two o'clock precisely each day. IMPORTANT TO PARTIES FURNISHING. MESSRS. J. G. MADDOX & SON WILL SELl. Iri- BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at their AUCTION ROOMS, 25, DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF, on tho above dates, an immense assemblage of very superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE (Removed from various residences for al)solute sale) including 6 Hardwood Bedroom Suites complete, 6ft and 4ft. Wardrobes, Pairs of Handsome Toilets, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, several excellent Carpetx, Fenders, Bra-sstss, 5 excellent Dining and Drawing-room Suites, Rosewood and Walnut Cabinets, 6ft. and 5ft. Side- Ijtoards, Bookcases, Dining and Occasional Tables, Walnut, and Gilt Overmantels etc., etc., in all ahout 400 lots. On view morning of each day of sale. Arrangements made to pack and forward all goods purchased by country buyers. Established 1860. [2840

[No title]