Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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THE "MERTHYR HMES ANNUAL DINNER. The third annual dinner of the Mtrtkyr Time* Staff took place on Friday evening last, at tbo Whcatshcaf Hotel, and parsed off very successfully. Nearly all employees tf the tirm, together with a few friend-, sat down to A sumptuous and excellent repast splen- didly served by Mrs. Mcintosh, whoio catering wtw, as usual, highly {'raided. Tho chair was occupitd by Mr. D. J. Evans, the managing director of the tirm, while the Editor, Mr. -J. O. Jonci (Ap Efarmwr) sat irj the vice-chair. The ?te\vardd, Mr. \V. Jarues and T. Ward, had prepared u miscellaneous and interest- ing programme, which, together with the toasts, was gone through after the removal of the cloth. The Chairman at the outset, referred to the sad and sudden death of Councillor Thomas Jones, J. P., of Dowlais, tho father of Mr. 1). W. Jones, one of the proprietors of the Merthyr Titiia, and stated that the tlecea-oed gentleman had for \ery many yeara held an important position in connection with the Dowlais Iron Company. lie was very highly respected and much esteemed by all those who came in contact with bim. It was with deep regret that lie rose to move a vote of condolence with Mr. 1). W. June? and the family in their sad bereavement. Tho Vice- chairman seconded, and caid lie felt certain that they all deeply Hynipathided with Mr Jones and hi* family ID their affliction. The vote of condolence was then passed in silence, each individual present rising to Lis t'eot in token of respect to the departed gentleman. Mr. W. G. Kees having given a pianoforte Rolo, the Chairman proposed The Queen and Uoyal Family," a toait that waa honoured in a right loyal manner, with musical accompaniment, after which Mr. Oco. "mith,x iStnithftndMr. D. Dyer pave an effective rendering of the rrattyduet, "Larboard Watch." A comic song, "Never to return again," by Mr. K. Jones Griffith^, was the next item, and the rendition given was to ruuch appreciated that an encore v-as demanded and granted. Mr. J. O. Junes, tip) editor, in proposing the toast of the Merthyr Tun- said he did not know much of the paper's nast history, for ho could not trace it further than last September when he joined the staff. As they knew, ho had not been long iu Merthyr, and it was a remarkable fact that a grerit many people seemed to bo in a somewhat similar predicament, lie found it generally a safe question to ask people, "Have you been long in At times he felt inclined to doubt whether there were any real, »inuine Merthyrians bred and born except Mr. David JDavies and Mr. Dan daughter' At all events, a great number of people had come to Merthyr during the last few years, and that was a healthy sign as to the soundness of tho town from a commercial point of view. Teoplc would not Ucck to Merthyr unless there was some money flying about (laughter and applause). As regards "tho future of tho -Mirth yr Tri/ir* they could look forward with a certain degree of hope. lie wa-s told by those who had known the paper from the start that it was never in a more hopt-ful condition than it was that day (hear, hearL lie believed it was gaining ground gradually, steadily, and surely in all directions. The improvement iu the matter of advertisements was wonderful during the past few months, and the circulation was tlowlv but surely increasing (applause). They were" that week taking steps to develop the area of the papers circulation in the district of which Tredegar and E'bw Valo were centres, and a new district reporter, who would have charge of the publishing as well, had been sent there last week. The success even of a local paper depended to some extent on its politics (hear, hean lie believed that a paper could and ought to hauj some definite creed to preach. It act only should circulate news and enlighten people as to what was going on, but every pajier ought in some measure to propagate BOund principles in politics and all other departments ()f life. If a paper did not do that, then an oppor- tunity of advancing tho progress of the raco was lost (applause). Tho Merthyr Times had a creed that was tolerably definite. In politics it was a Liberal of a pronounced character, and tried to stiengthon the ppirit of reform and progress in various directions. There was a great deal of work to bo done, and thev tried their little be:- t to help it on (hear, hear). The past history of tho Time3 proved that it had been consistent from the very day it presented itself to the public to that very hour, and be hoped it would continue to be a consistent advocate of reform aeloaga-j it appeared; and to judge from present appearances there was not much likelihood of its coming to a full stop (cheers). The proprietors, lie believed, started tho paper as an organ of Liberal- ism that wa3 a little bit moro advanced and more consistent than the political creed of fome of its con- temporaries (cheers). They did not mean it to be a paper that was to go in for a thillv-shallv kind of Liberalism, but a pronouuceJ Liberal propaganda, and they had kept up that position to that dav. He voutured to paint the future of the paper in brilliant colours. That was Li-j honest and candid opinion (hear, hear). He looked torward ty a period of pro- gress, and if they went on for 13 months or two vears as they were going on at present, they would ha.o made very considerable headway indeed (applause). The whole staff were anxious to bee the concern pros- per, and determined to do what in them lav to bring that to pass. He gave the toast from the "bottom of his heart, "Success to the Jl[erthi/r Times"' (luurl applause). Mr. D. J. Evan?, who in rising to respond was very warmly received, said it was Jus first duty to thank them very sincerely for inviting him to preside at that meeting. Ho had becu invited twico before, hut circumstances prevented his accepting the invitation. He trusted ha would be able to attend their annual dinners from that time out (cheers). Mr. Jones had predicted a very healthy career to tho Mcrth»r Thar*. When be (Mr. Evans) looked back to the time that the Merthyr Than wa-s started, and looked around him now, it was something marvellous to think what work had been done during the course of thr^e yar; They started almost without a man. The nap^r \va" kept gomg for a time without anyone being resi>ou- *ible. It had to paddle its own canoe as it Mere (laughter). Mr. Greene was the first man who came to the rescue, and he (Mr. Evans) was delighted to B-e that that gentlemau had continued at his poet from that lime till now, and a more faithful person it would be Impossible to get (loud applause). They staited in a very tmiall way they certainly were not in a very big way now, but considering that they employed uand3 it sbov.ed there way something goin" on (hear, hear). The Merthyr Tmti had not made thf progress they had anticipated at the ".tart, but that might bo possibly due to the ioc*perienco of the proprietors. They were not practical men, and it was impossible for them at that timo to prcdict ■ what would bo likely to happen. In their ignoiaiv^ thev had expected to do in two or three years what it had taken other eimilar papers 10 and 15 years to accomplish. However, considering the progress that had been made, and the difficulties thev had to con- tend with from time to timo. they had "done wonders (hear, hear). He agreed with the editor that th^v were now in a more hopeful position then ever, and he felt quite sure that if they mado the progress thev bad during the past three or four months, thev wmiij iu a. very lIbort time be iu a cry good position iudeed (applause). hat they wanted to see was the Merthyr Time J au organ of influenco in tho district' (hear, bear). It was never started with the iuteution of injuring any of their contemporaries. Thev had oaly one object in new, and that was to go ill for a pronounced policy and stick to it (appkn-, ) n<> thanked them ou behalf of the for the: very hearty way JD which the toast had been honoured, and Mr. Jones for the verv kind manner iu which he had spoken of the Times and the pro- rrietora (applause). Mr. G. bmith and Mr. J. oylehaviiier eutertaiued the corurany to a couple of songs, )Tr. g. iwtcous recited Burglar a picco of his own com- jwsition, which was highly appreciated. Mr. T. Phillips, the overseer of the news depart- ment, proposed the health of the ".Literarv and Commercial btahs and said he had been connected wUhtho JAr^vr over since the paper was first published in Merthyr. He had known all the editors from the start, but he could venture to say that with the exception perhaps of Mr. < ioldsmid's time, they had never had so harmonious and satisfactory an editorial staff as the present one. He had been recently brought into closer contact with tho reporter and editor than had been the case pre, iouslv aud lie had notuiug to com plain of. He hoped the editorial Ll ttaff would continue to work harmoniouolv fur h.. *\as convinced that Bo far as the tucecs* of" a pan-/ aud especially a new one, was concerned, tVro wJro no especial benefits derivablo from continual -ham" Both the present editor and the Merthyr rLpoiUr- ^ere V ebshmen, which was a great advunta-, t0 un Lnglish paper m any WcLh town l!ieurt hea[). tveferrmg to the commercial department Mr, l'hilli-v said it was on tbb department to a verv great e\ton': that the financial success of a paper depended "l l.e ouly member of tho commercial staff present was Mr Greene, who had been connected with the paper*fr.r such a long time, aud he felt certain that the com- meruial representative present deserved all the tronrl thing., they could say of him (applause). V?lTJ* ft;F°tafrthe erliu\r' Ml; i:- 1{.- and Larrett Greene, thy advertising manager suitably responded, and, each referred "to the fnendiy spirit whieu -ii.^d between the typographical, commercial, and literacy daoa- menta, and hoped it would long coutinue. Mr. D. J, Evans expressed the pleasure he felt at noticing the jrood feehng which exited, inasmuch I ac tic auc.cet of thf i to a large e.\teut d"pciidcd on this proper understanding. lie hoped the friend- ship would never 1..) brokenjapplause). Mr. Isaac E. Jones g read a selection from ■ Mark Twain and Mr. J. F. Spencer nice!y rendered i a son £ Mr. E. K. Evans proposed the toa^t of The machine department," which was re-sponded to by Mr. T. Ward and Mr. W. Coles. A song by Mr. W. Butland was followed by an oboe solo by Mr. W. Morgan, who manipulated the instrument in such a manner In to call for an encore. -—Mr. W. G. Keen next gave an excellent rendering of Good Company." Mr. T. U. Greene, the advertising manager, next proposed tho toast of The Chapel," and a:ked the company to dtink the good health of the compositors of the Merthyr T'twi. Any number of editors, reporters, commercial men, and machinery were at a discount without the If camps (applause), aDd lie ventured to Eay that it would be a diflicult niutter to tind better workmeu than those comprising the Tihia "ship" (tiear, hear). They did their work thoroughly well, and set up tho paper very satisfactorily. With regard to the jobbing depart- uient, he was glad to say that tho general public, as (wcit as those connected with the office, were equally satisfied with the work turned out (applause). The "jobH" rccommeuded themselves to everyone, and no further evidence of this was needed than the faot that [>eople returned ngain and again to the officc with further orders (applause). This department wa3 making progress by kaIIS and bounds. A good deal had l>oen said of the good fet-ling that existed between the various departments of tho office. He (Mr. Greene) was proud to 'oear out ail t'tat had !>een said. He hoped this gocnl feeling would 1x3 cliaracter- isticof the Tiiiia staff in the future aa in the past, for if this support continued it would end in nothinsr but the greatest success Ixjtli for employers and employed (applause). Mr. Greene then gave account of the foc>d work carried on by tho Chapel aud its funds. ]ach man paid t't the "Father of the chapel" one penny per week, and whenever an unfortunate brother came round he was given sixpence. If similar "Chapels were instituted in the other offices of the town the "traveller" recei\ed sixpence from each fund, so that it could not bo said that in Merthyr, at any rate, a comp was allowed to go away a1* he came, empty and perhaps starving (applause)". Mr. Greene spoke in complimentary kW13 of Mr. T. Phillips, overseer of the news department, Mr. J. 1'. Spencer, overseer of the jobbing department, and Mr. J. Yoyle. tho" father of the Chapel," and in conclusion asked the company to drink to the toast most heartily. The toast having been duly honoured, Mr. J. Voylc, the father" of the Chapel," suitably responded. The other toasts proposed wero these of "The Visitors," The Ho-tess," Tho Chairman and Vice- Chairman," and Tho Stewardv' whila Me-sr-. W. Jame-, T. Phillips, and 1). Daviea entertained the company with &ongs,aud another oboe solo was given by Mr. \V. Morgan, and the meeting was brouglit to an end amid the strains of lfen wlad fy nhadau." It sliould be mentioned that Mr. W. C. liet*- and Mr. Geo. Smith acted as accompanists throughout, and gave every satisfaction.




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