Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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LADIES' SCHOOL. THE MISSES WARD, HiH Street, Haverfordwest, bag to announce that the Duties of their Establish- "tent will be resumed on Monday, the 20th instant. VACANCIES FOR BOARDERS. luly 7th, 1863. GLENFIELD PATENT STARCH, AWARDED THE PRIZE MEDAL, 1862. THIS UNRIVALLED STARCH IS USED IN THE ROYAL LAUNDRY Azd pronounced by HE* MAJESTY'S LAUNDRESS to be THE FINEST STARCH SHE EVER USED. JIER MAJESTY'S LACE DRESSER DECLARES IT TO BE THE BEST SHE HAS TRIED, 4ud the above Award by some of the most Eminent Scientific Men of the age, CONFIRMS ITS SUPERIORITY. Wotberspoon & Co, Glasgow and London. — —— STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL For the Month of JULY, 1863. 1%0 Liverpool and Bristol Channel Steam Navigation Company's j. Steam Ships j^WUTEIAN, Capt, W. Adams. ANNIE VERNON,Capt.Hughan JOTTTAQU, Capt Claike J.KENNEDY, Capt. Speakman. SWIZAN, Capt. Gibbs THOMAS POWELL,Capt.Rowles FERRY, Capt. Barrett. WINDERMERE,Capt. J. Barrett GLADIATOR 700 Tons. The above, or some other svitable vessel, is intended to sail Jth Goods and Passengers, (unless prevented by any unforeseen rtelrrence) as follows, ■with or without pilots, and liberty to ^vessels:— From Liverpool to Milford and Bristol. WdiBg passengers for SWANSEA, at the Mumbles, (weather <1 permitting.) u«turday July. 4 ll £ morn Saturday 18 11 morn 11 7 even | Satur day 25 4 after From Milford far Bristol. fading; Passengers for Swansea at the Mumbles (weather OJ permitting) .»nOay July 5 6 morn Sunday 19 5 morn "Way 12 1 after [ Sunday 26 10 moi.n. From Milford for Liverpool. burning from Bristol every Tuesday, and from Swansea every Wednesday. July 1 11 night Wednesday 15. 11 even ^e<wesday 8 4 after | Wednesday 22. S after Wednesday. 29 9 night FARES :— (Return tickets available for two voyages.) Cabin. Deck. Return SHwd to' or from Liverpool ,|8s .03. ,7s Od }&> Syjord to orfrom Bristol 8s 6d 7s Od 13s ^«ard»tQ.or from Swansea (Mumbles) 5s Od 3s 03 — 48gongers are landed and embarked at Milford (weather per- -ftitting) free of charge in the Steam Tender GIPSY. further particulars see small bill, or apply to John Bacon Managing Owners, 14, Water-street, Liverpool; G. H. Bristol; Charles Lamb, Swansea ;John Ken worthy an i Manchester. Manchester. R. D. IIORE, AOKNT, MILFORD. THE DIAMOND BLACK LEAD. VrriLI BX mum PURER THAN ^NY OTHEU y" because by a process peedliar to the Manufeo- tnrers, every particle of grit tpad eartbl 4 separated from it. ^ORE JJRILMANT—Because it is unadulterated, thus every particle produces a metallic lustre. lIORE' ctEANLY-Because being in blocks it does not drop about like Powder Leads, whilst it is tBed exactly in the same way. AND CHEAPER—Because a little goes a long WAY, WHILST hardly any labour is required TO effect a brilliant polish; THAI money, time, and LABOUR are saved. ,5 ^ECKITT & SONS, London Bridge, B.O., «UD BaB. by A. E. Thomas, Tea Dealer; Jas. Reece, Grocer, enry Roach, London Tea Mart, Haverfordwest. "T '1" THE SUFFERER'S BEST FRIEND. t ,.}<,j:t, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. "^8 JHtorders affecting the Liver, Stomachand Bowels., jJJjhese Pills can be confidently recommended as the most simple ^certain remedy for indigestion, flatulency, acidity, heart- colic, constipation, and all the many maladies resulting ilw bordered stomach or bowels. Ifi a disease it is Of primary to set the stomach right. These Pills are purifiers, and strengthened of the stomach. They may be Wider any circumstances. Though powerfully toiiic, and iJjJ^ftctQjiily aperient, they are mild in their operation, an4 °efi«iftl to the whole system. Weakness and Debility, Nervous'Irritability. "wholesome effect exercised by these* adiAirable ^ills over. and fluids generally is like a chariri in dispelling iow; and restoring cheerfulness. Their general aperiert LJuties well fit them for a domestic medioine, particularly for (jcale« of all ages and periods of life. They never betray any iteJjBjfeaMe irritating qualities they quickly ejetet alt'impu- fty?8 tfom the system, and regulate evfery function of the body,' wonderful tone and energy to weak and debilitatec per. Wljile they brace and strengthen, the nervous system in? a n extraprdinary manner. Old Coughs,, Colds, and Asthmatical Affections. • .Pills, assisted in their action by rubbing flolloway's »tw very effectually twice a day upon the throat and chest, fow,e?Ping those parts covered with the preparation, will be mos^. elective remedy for asthma, coughs, colds, JSM V Wis, and influenza. These temediestrimquilize the hur- soothe the irritated air-tubes, and assist in dis- ^e^rf^the phlegm which stops up the air-passages. This Prove? wonderfully efficient in not only curing ^"BWlea coughs and colds, but asthma of many years landing, to When patients *ho were in so baa a state as not able *«own on their beds lest they be choked by phlegm. fill* are the best remedy Known in the world for the <U^ following diseases: Dropsy Ticdouloureus Dysentery T plaints Tuniours -UyJ com- Erysipelas Lumbago Ulcers" Femaleirregu- Piles Vpnet*alaffec- od larities Rheumatism tions kin Fevers of all Retention of 'Worms of all plaiV. kinSe urine kinds polio, 8 Fits Setofula, or Wealiness, "stinoV Gout I. King's Evil from what- n tke gfiHP^of Head-ache 8ore throats ever cause, h?»s«i2SJLel8.. ^digestion Stoneft Gravel &c,&o. ^77 Establiskment of PKOMMISOR ITOLLOTVAY, 244 r^igat.lne.3r Temple Bar,) London, al#o by all respectable »a*d Deaksrs in Medieines througftout the civilised » a«eachbox °Willg PrioC8:~u 2s9d,4s63, lls„22si, a considerable saving by:t«icing the laTger siecs, directions for the guidance of patients in every disordre axe affixed to each Box, RICHARD FRANCIS HORSE, CARRIAGE. FLY. AND OMNIBUS PROPRIETOR, BARN STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, BEGS to nform Ms Friends, an& the Public generally, that, in dition to the above, fee has added a neat and commodious HEARSE, of the newest design, which he will letoi dire on the most reasonable terms. T WHICHER DA VIES, WHOLESALE CORN, FLOUR, CHEESE, PORTER, & SEED MERCHANT, T) ESPECTFULLT, returns thanks to his numerous Agricultural and other friends for the annnally increasing 1 accorded to him, and at the same time T. W. D., in solicit ing future favours, pledges himself to supply his customers with Goods of the most Genuine Quality on reasonable terms. I Just imported, a Cargo of MANDER'S CELEB RATED DUBLIN STOUT. V Also, a Cargo of Burnard, Lack, & Colo., of Plymouth, CONCENTRATED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. This Manure has stood the practical test of Field Trials for many years with pre-eminent success. 11 • EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. P,ostfreefor Six Stamps, open ends, or Fourteen in a Sealed Envey'pe. THE LAST NEW BOOK, on PREMATURE DECLINE and its ready removal; the modern treatment of certain disquali- fications; with rules and numerous prescriptions for the speedy cure by very simple means of nervousness, debility, and all the more common diseases and supposed incurable maladies of the sexual system. Invalids will be astonished at its contents. By Dr. W. DE Roos, M.D., M.R.C.S., L.A.C., &c., of the Ecole de Medecine, Paris; Graduate in Medicine, Surgery, and Mid- wifery. By the present law, none but the real Physician r Surgeon dare attach M.D. or M.R.C.S. to his name and openly advertise his fees, as heavy penalties would be incurred. The public should therefore guard against impostors who impudently style themselves 'Dr,5Professor,' 'M.R.A.S. &c, in order to taislead the unwary as to their true character. Nonfe of these men really know more of the diseases they profess to treat than any person may by reading the above work. to mislead the unwary as to their true character. None of these men really know more of the diseases they profess to treat than any person may by reading the above work. Fom long practical observation in the most famous Institutions ofthis country and the continent, the Author has had. somewhat unusual facilities for acquiring that uniform success, which has hitherto characterized hi* treatment, and he refers with pride to tie numbers heha8 heen instrumental in nstoring to health and happ.ness; whilst to all who need such aid he offers every aSsu- rance {)fspeedy. restoration. Persons at a distance IIhould for. ward a detail of their case by letter, enclosing jEl Is for advice and medicines, which will be sent by return. Patients corres- vonded with till cured. Post-office orders to be made payable at the General Post Office, to Dr. WALTER DE Roos, M.D., 25, Bedford Place, Bloomsbury Square, London. Hours for con- sultation, 12, till 2, Sundays excepted. It is important to iccol- lect the address, as to meet the wish of patients, THE ENTRANCE ISSTBieTLYPRIVATE. THE MOST WONDERFUL MEDICINE IN THE WORLD CURE IN FOUR WEEKS.—THE GUTTJE or VEGE- TABLE LIFE DROPS, Protected by Royal Letters Patent,; Sanctioned by the Faettlte de France; < £ <?., have ttf numberless hlstauces proved their superiority over every other advertised remedy for langour, lassjtude, depression of spirits, irritability, excitement, fear, distaste, and. incapacity for society, study or business, indif 'stioh, painft and palpitations in the side, giddi- ness. noise in the head, &c. This medicine strengthens the vitality of the whole system, gives energy to the muscles, speedily removes nervousness, renovates the impaired powers of life, and invigorates the most Scattered constitution. For skin eruptions, sore throat, paihs in the holies, and those diseases in which mer- oury, sarsaparilla, &c, are too often employed to the utter ruin of hea'-th#, its surpr^ing effloacacy has only. to bo tested. Before wasting valuable time in seeking aid from instruments, electricity, gatvariisna, with' similar absurdities, professing to set aside med{cineii, by American impostors and others, whose boasted I distinguishetd qualifications' consi-t solely of their con- summate impudence, sufferers will do well to piake fair'trial of a remedy which, concocted on scientific principles, cannot fail. Price 4s 6d and lis., or four times the latter at 33s per bottle through all chemists, or direct from 25, Bedford Place, WHERE THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS MAY BE SEEN. ]iF, 'THREE DAYS' ;CURB.NEW FRENCH REMEDY TIJERAPION. p uniCqrmly adopted in the French hospitals andiby the Wtabilities of the. French faculty; in a remarkably ^hor;t time, oitfen two of three diys only, without the slightest discomfort, inconvenience, or risk, removes all discharge? from 'the mucous membrane, whether of the urinary or other organs. It combines all the desiderata to be sought in a medicine of the kind, and surpasses everything hitherto employe^. Deyoid of all unpleasant taste and sinett. In packets2s9d, Js 6d, lis, and 33s, through all respectable medicine vendors, or sent direct from the establishment on reccigt of stamps or post office order. The lis size contains three at is 6d, and those at 33s four of the lis. The stamp, to imitate which M< felony, bears the word 'Theranion,' in white letters,,by order of IIE 11 MAJESTY'S HON. CEMMISSIONERS, Who thereby secure the proprietor against in- fringement throughout the united Kingdom and the colonies. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVEL, LUMBAGO, GOUT, ■RHEUMATISM, DISEASE OF;,THE KIDNEYS, BLAD-; DER, &c, THE' COMPOUND RENAL PILLS correct, acidity, of the stomach, ,an A indvgestion, promote the functions of the liver and kidneys, thereby preventing string in the bladder and kidneys, •With many other serious a.isprders to which these important organs are subject. Listlessriess, weakness, peevishness, and jqpniplaints long stipposcd to be nervous, often arise solely from epntaminatipn pf the blood;with certain impurities Which should have,been carri^ off by the kidneys: several unsightly ernp- tiOns of he skin and face alfco arise from the same cause, and may be as readily removed by these Pills, which in nineteen eaSes out of twenty CVrp with a rapidity almost marvellous; .Is lid, 3s 4s 6d, Us, an<^ 33s per box, through all chemists. .THOUSANDS O^ JESTYAONIALS MAY NE SEEN BY AN;Y OME. Sold by. James, Xoy, and Evans; CardyTj Roberts'chemist, Conway; Hughes, chemist, Bangor; Griffith, chemist, High- !'street, Carnatvon; Edwards^ chemist, Denbigh,- Hughes, druggist, HolyhetMi; Price Brothers, Post-office, Bridgttid Thomas, chemist,, {opposite Angel), Merthyr; Watkins, High- street, Abergavenny Ward, chemist, Brecon White, chemist, Guildhail-square, Carmarthen Williams, chemist, High-street Cardigan'; Meyler, druggist, Haverfordwest; Tre^reeks, che- mist, Pembroke; Evans, chemist, High-street, Sw'ansea • Hil- ditch, chemist, Rhyl; Moore, chemist, Broad-street, Newtown • Stephens, ch«mist, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil; Grindley', chemist, Chester; Ryder, druggist, Slill-street, Macclesfield' Broxton, chemist, Shrewsbury. Pearce, King-street, Ludlow, Partridge, DooB^eller, Wollingtoji;, Leake and Smith, chemists Bridgenorth; Mender, Weaver, and Co., Wolverhampton • Hollier, chemist, Dudley; and at least orte agent iii almost every town,; but should difficulty oecur, enclose the amount by Post- office order otherwise, to 25, Bedford Place, Bloomsbury Square London, and they will be sent securely packed per return. NQTIGE f PJkUTXOJf'—Dr. De Roos i# the only legally qualifl^medusaiman. who t^ius advertises his medicines; and. as mere are injurious imitations of the above by «ejf?8ty,ed..Doctors and Pro<essorX, Who .copy his books, advertisements,. &c, and forge testimonials to puff of their useless trash, sufferers should gtrtrd against the recommendation of the same, or other articles, by dishonest vendors, who thereby obtain a larger profit. The genuine have the words WALTER DE Roos, LoNDOK,' printed in white letters on the Government Stamp, BY ORDBR OF HER MAJESTY'S HON. COMMISSIONERS to imitate which is felony and transportation. ). TTNOW THYSELF! THE OEIOINAL GRAPHOLOGIST MARIE XL COtJPELLE, continues her »ivid, and useful delineations of character from the hand.writing of individuals, in,a style pecu- liarly her own. Persons desirous of knowing their own charac- teristics, or those of any friend, >honld send a specimen of writipg, ftating,Fex,, or supposed age, &c., With 14 uncut penny stamps, a"n4 addressed envelope, to MARIE COTIPELLE, Bedfbrd Iloiuie, Russell-square, London, W.C., when they will receive a lengthened detaU of the talents, tastes, virtues, failings, &c.,pf the Writer; :withmany. other things previously unsus- pected; and calculated to guide in the every day ajfairs of life. The thousands who acknowledge the Value arid accuracy of Miss C's sketches, establish the great utility of the science. 'The characters you, sent wcreiwoud^rfvlly truthful.'—Miss HaU, Atheury, Co.&alpay., « f yfe.myeb surprised a tthe clever way in which yoii described my character. -/iw Bray, log, Xa«s- downe Place, Brigh ton. «It is pronounced quite extraordinary.' —Charles IlamiltoA. >' you described my character so trhly, that I could not have done it better.'—^Louis Ripior. t' GOltT, RHEUMATISM; LUSnSAOO, SCIATICA, N EURALGIA, PjhALTSM'.OJ.ANBULAH^WjiXtlNtlS.OONSUMPTION, ASTHJTFA, &C. rHfl}E afect»of heat,^uWigatlon, &c., incumg- the above and 1 maiiy'dther chronic diseases are almost incredible. THE TURKISH BATHS, 20, Baker-street, I'ortman-square, London. Under the direction1 of two Physicians. Consultations 11 till 3. A Pamphlet, (110 pages,) post free for H stamps. EVERY MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. For two stamps sufferers may avoid the sham Captains -who generously caution the public against pills, #c.; tl l self-styled r reverends gentlemen of fortune; rupture-curing quacks aryd other swindlers, who send their books for nothing, publish testi- moniah which they write themselves, fictitious reviews from Journal* which do not exist, profess to cure diseases by galva-r nism, electricity, instruments, ,fc., instead of medicines, which they style American treatment,' tand other absurdities as cruel as they are,deccpUvc, A physician many years extensively engaged in the treatment of debility, and the various mental and nervous affections re- suiting therefrom, will send free on, receipt of two penny stamps to prepay postage, a pamphlet containing his highly successful and only safe treatment, with all the necessary prescriptions and directions by which sufferers may cure themselves at trifling cost. Address Mr Lawes, Medical Publisher, 14, Hand Court, Holborn, London. DO YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, MOUS- STACHIOS and EYEBROWS !—Of the numerous prepara- tions intended for the HAIR, none have maintained such celebrity as EMILIE DEAN'S CRINILENE, which is guaran- teed to produce Whiskers, Moustachios, and Eyebrows in a few tions intended for the HAIR, none have maintained such celebrity as EMILIE DEAN'S CRINILENE, which is guaran- teed to produce Whiskers, MoustaehtOt, and Eyebrows in a few weeks; and will be found eminently successful in nourishing, curling, and beautifying the Hair, checking greyness in all its stages, strengthening weak Hair, and preventing its falling off. In the reproduction of Hair in baldness, .from, whatever cause and from whatever age, ONE THIAL will prove its astonishing I power. In the nursery-it is indispensable, forming the basis of a beautiful head of hajr. Price 2s per bottle; large bottles, con- taining more than four times the small ones, 5s each. Sold by all Chemists in the world, or sent post free, on receipt of 24 penny stamps, by Misses DEAN and COVPELLE, Hair Restorers, &c,, Bedford House, RusseU.Square, London,,W,C> .'> EXTRACTS FRO'if LETTERS 'My hair was rapidly coming off, but ina week after using your Crinilene itceasCfl.'—' I, Hickson, Eldon-street, Sheffield. 'In the short, time of one iornight I have got a beautiful moustache.'—^H. Adams, Wilsden. I can now boast of a head of hair, which many cannot; I was quite bald on the crown of my head when I began uving it.'—W. B. 'Every customer speaks highly of your Crinilenje.'—F. P. Jones, Chemist, 5, Paradisetstrect,Liverpool.- ■- ',HIJI\TS ON THE MANAQEMENT OF THE HAIR,' Whiskers, Ac., with Testimonial^, List of Agents, &c., sent post ree foriour.penny stamps. r NO MORE BLACKBEKTLES! "EMMERY'S MA.GIC jBEETLE POISON.—Certain death to al lJ vermin the original and only one to be relied on. Priee Is* or Post f«ee ft>r 14 stamps. NO MORE CORNS, BUNIONS &o.t EMERY'S CORN PLAISTERS remove Corns, &c., speedily, painlessly, and effectually. Testimonialsconstahtlyarriving. Price Is, or obtainable, as is also the Beetle Poison, through all chemists, &c., or seat diweifoc H.staasps. NOL MORE RHEUMATISM ? t riMERY'S- l^ARVEJLLQUS;,CURE: FOR RHEUMATISM, in JU one week. Post free for 14 stamps. Obtainable only from Emery & Co., 24, Montague Mews, Montague-street, London, W.C SKIN DISEASES; GOUT, RHEUMATISM/LUMBAGO, &c. THEIR prevention and cure by heat arid fumigation, the effects of which in the above and many other chronic maladies, surpasses everything 20, Ba^er-street, Portman-square, Lon- don. Under the direction of two Physicians. Consultations 11 fall three daily. A Pamphlet (13a pages), 6ent post free for J4 stamps. '■ .,? STRICTURE OF THE URETHRA its nature, consequences, varieties, and speedy cure, without the pain; and risk of laceration cutting or other irrational naeasuresi ByiDre. Barker and Henderson, Price Is., or post free for 14 stamps by Johnson and Co., Publishers 10, BrooVe-street Hol- horn, London and through all Boolisi .tOrs. 'lhii J1, — STEAM COMMTFMCLTX^N WITH THE SOBTFI OF IRELAND, Fit New Milford (Mitferd SavenJ Waterford. DAILY SBBViCB—SDWDAXI BXCKPTED,. PHE Milford Haven arid Waterford Steam Ship Company's Royal Mail Steamers will sail (wind and weather per- mitting). :'i • MILFORD HAVEN & WATERFORD, From New Milford, 7.5 p.m.,on From Waterford, 3 J5 p.m.on arrival pf the 9.15 a express irrival of. the train from Cork, and 6.0 a.m. third class trains, Limerick, &c, so as .to enable go <aS to enable passengers to passengers to proceed by the proceed by the 6 a.m. train to 0.5 a.m. express train, reaching Limcrick, Cork, &c. London about 6 p.m. For briber pM-ticulars apply at any of the Railway Stations, or of ? essr Ford and Jackson, 36, Cannon-street, City, London, and New Milford, South Wales. See Bradshaw's Railway Guide indTimc Tables. OSTO N. PATENT MARCH 1, 1862, No. 588. GABRIEL'S Self-adhesive Patent Indestructible MINERAL TEETH and FLEXIBLE GUM', without palates, gprings, or wires, and without operation: One set lasts a lifetime, and warranted for mastication or articulation, even when all others ail. Purest materials only, at half the usual cost. A E I R THEOLD ESTABLISHED 27, HARLEY-STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, AND 34, LUDGATE IIILL, LONDON. LIVERPOOL: 134,'DUKE-STREET. BIRMINGHAM: (55, NEW-STREET. ONLY ONE VISIT REQUIRED FROM COUNTRY PATIENTS. Gabriel's I iractical Treatise on the Teeth,' Gratis. Complcte Sets from 4 to 7 and 10 to 15 Guineas. J.i GABRIEL'S PRACTICAL TREATISE ON ARTIFICIAL TEETH, and the only effectual, mode of supplying them, post free, three stamps, ox plains their numerous improvements. Gabriel's new work should be read by all who value health, and before consulting a dentist.— Herald.' In addition to their own inventions, Messrs. Gabriel supply, with equal success, every known method, whether English, French, OT American, in: Gold, jPlatinaj Gutta Percha, Incorro- dible Soft Gum, Lentnnt.&e. Gabriel's Patent White Enamel, the only permanent stopping that does not discolour the teeth. Spw adapted for Front Teeth.


