Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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■NOTJCfe. l'u aUbociKlliivKH





Family Notices


[No title]



THE ABYSSINIAN EXPEDITION. Secretary Sir Stafford Northcote has received the following telegram from the Coramander-in- Chief in Abyssinia :— SUEZ, June 5. "Nudul Wells, May 30.—Hope to carry last de- tachment of troops safely through Sooroo Pass and reach Zoulla on the 1st of June. Took leave of Kassa at Senafe yesterday. Advisable to dis- continue mail-bags to Abyssinia. Please acquaint postal authorities of destination. My own and personal staft letters to be sent to Suez." ALEXANDRIA, June 7. Colonel Milhvard Frnser, with Sir Robert Napier's despatches and Kino; Theodore's crown, left yesterday for England, via Marseilles. The 33rd Regiment has arrived at Suez. -<)0-- ACCIDKNT TO THE DUKE OF WFR,LINCTON. Oil Saturday the Duke of Wellington, whilst out t, riding at Strathfieldsaye, was, through his horse stumbling, thrown, and fell heavily on his head. For several minutes the duke was insensible. Pa being taken to the mansion in a helpless conditio11 the duchess was greatly alarmed. The instantly sent express to London to Mr Presco I-leivett for his professional services. Happily, the duke has not sustained any serious injury, but & seriously bruised on the head, just above bis Ie temple. On Sunday morning he was considere going on favourably, and we believe Mi'He we left for town, as he considered there was nO danger. FCOD PROSPECTS.—The Mark Lane F.xp.'c^s> review of the corn trade, says —' Favourable « counts generally reach us from abroad, eSiHcciac^ from Hungary,"that granary of Europe. Ji,T"Ure- has been suffered in the country from the "9P ciation of prices, the growers must thank the • selves for the loss of fine opportunities, but b° stocks nearly exhausted, the chief depressio.. j^re fall upon importers in the way of business, an-d may yet come a turning point before all is "°u. a Millers, in abstaining from purchases, must, certain extent have stopped their own trade* < both themselves and bakers arc so low m that a little more pressure must make them baz. present rates.'