Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

5 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



THEODORE'S HOUSEHOLD AND PRIVATE LIFE. An interesting letter has been published in a contem- porary from Dr Blanc, from which we make a few ex- tracts Theodore was more bigoted than religious Above all things he was superstitious, and that to H degree incredible in a man in other respects so superior to bis countrymen. He had always with him several O,Btrologers, whom he consulted on all important oc- casions—especially before undertaking any expedition "arid whose iEfluence over him was unbounded. He aated the priests, despised them for their ignorance, spurned their doctrines, laughed at the marvellous Tories some of their books contain, but still never lnarclJed without a tent church, a host of priests, defteras, &nd deacons, and never passed near a church without hissing its threshold. Though he could read and write, he never condescended to correspond personally with anyone, but was always accompanied by several secre- taries, to whom he would dictate his letters and so Wonderful was his memory that he would indite an an- swer to letters received months, nay vtars, "before, or "date on subjects and events that had occurred at a far demote period. When he made any lengthened stay at a place he bad huts erected by his aoldiero for himself aid people, and the whole was surrounded by a double line of fences. ThougL not wanting in bravery, he never left anything to chance. At night the hillock on which be dwelt was completely surrounded by muske- teers, and he never slept without having his pistols *f'ider his pill 'w and several loaded guns by his side. fle had a great fear of poison, taking no food that had nut been prepared by the queen or her remplacmt, and even then she and several attendants had to taste it thst. He made, however, an exception in our favour ^oe day that he visited Mr Rassam at Gaffat. To shew how much he respected and trusted the English, be ac- cepted some brandy allowing no one to taste it before 'him, he unhesitatingly swallowed the whole draught. Theodore was always an elltly riser; indeed, he in- dulged in sleep hut very little. Sometimes at two clock, at the latest before four, lie would issue from tent and give judgment on any case brought before "iffi. Of late his temper was tuoh that litigants kept 'jut cf his way he nevertheless retained his former "abits, and would be seen long before daylight sitting quite alone on a stone, in deep meditation or in silent P."av er. He was also very abstemious in his food, and never indulged in excesses of the table. He rarely Partook of m"re than one meal a day, which was 'QDaposed of sujera-lhe pancake loaves made of the small seed of the teff-and red pepper during fast 'tavs; of wat, a kind of curry made of fish, fowl, or :nut'on, on ordinary occasions. On feast days he gave large dinners to his officers, and some- I1 to the whole army. Unfortunately for Theidore, bad for several years before his death greatly taken drink. Up to three r four o'clock he attended to the to drink. Up to three < r four o'clock he attended to the fuaineas of the day and till then was generally sober; ?ut after his afternoon siesta he wa-3 invariably more or intoxicated. In his dress he was generally very ?|Hple, wearing only the ordinary shama (white cotton cloth, with a red border, woven in the country), native- ^ade trousers, and a European white shirt; no shoes, covering to the head. His rather long hair—for an ^yssinian —was divided in three large plaits, ar.d allowed to fall on his neck in three plaited tails. Of he had greatly neglected his hair for months it "^ad lIot been plaited; and to show the grief he felt on ac- count, of the' badness' of his people, he would not ? '0ff it to be besmeared with the heavy coating of .^utter in which Abysainians delight. On one occasion apologised to us for the simplicity of his dress. a<,Ur'n^ l'le lif^ime ^rs,; ar)d for some time er*ards, Theodore n>t only led a most exemplary life, foibade the officers of his household and the chiefs p?re ^mediately around him to live in concubinage. 0'e day in the beginning of 1 SCO Theodore perceived in church a handsome young girl silently praying to her ^rvT"1' the-Virgin Mary. Struck with her beauty and ~>aesty, he made inquiries about her, and was informed she was the oidy. daughter of Dejatch Oubie, the *lnce of Tigre, his firmer rival, whom he had de "fened, and who was then his prisoner. He asked for hand, and met with a polite refusal. The young RJfi. desired to retire to a convent, and devote herself to (119 service of God. Theodore was not a m .n to be »kS""ly ^warted in his desires. He proposed to Oubie ^Qat he would set him at libert y, only retaining him in •p3 camp as hfs guest,' should the prince prevail on his ^Ughter to accept his hand. At last Woizero Tournish ?ou are my sister') sacrificed herself for her old goer's welfare, and accopted the hand of a man whom @Je could not love. This union was unfortunate, ore, to his great disappointment, did not find in 3epond wife the fervent affection, the almost blind ion, of the dead companion of his youth. Woizero Ornish W8S proud she always looked on her husband a 'parvenu,' and took no trouble to hide from him >» £ c want of regard and affection. In the afternoon, t ^e°dore, as it had been his former habit, tired and li ^y. would retire for rest in the queen's tent. But *°uod no warm welcome there. His wife's looks j^cold and full of pride; and she even went so far receive him without the common courtesy due to 'no* One day when be came in she pretended not perceive him, did not rise, and remained silent to his WH'6 in!luiries as to her health and welfare. She was ijo n £ her hand a bock of psalms, and when Theo- t asked her why she did not answer him, she calmly heM6^' w^out ^ftlng up her eyes from the book she Because I am conversing with a greater and e £ Difn than you, the pious King David. Theodore her to Magdala, together with her new-born son, nia?ou (' baveseen the world'} and took as his °Urite a widowed lady from Gedjow, named Woizero ^agno (a rather coarse, lascivious-looking person, the 0> .er of five children by her former husband), who soon R ,^ned such an ascendancy over his mind that he ivoucly proclaimed 4 that he had divorced and discarded JDL t^at should in future be consi- Ba» as i*30 I0066" II n'y a que le premier 3U1 cou^e* Soon Woizero Tamagno had numerous jjl 5 but E^e wa3 a women of tact. Far from com- L aJn8» 3he rather encouraged Theodore in hie de- ry» an(^ instead of being displeased she would receive him with a smile. One day she said to Sckle lord, who felt rather astonished at her for- LEfance> 'Why should I be jealous? I know you p{ me what is it if you stoop now and then to othuP 8omis flowery to beautify them by your breath ?' ?U(:eD8 an;i Alamayou accompanied the English ln maro^ back. Woizero Tamango left with 98 of gratitude for the kindness and attention she received at the bands of the English commander-in- 8oon as she could with safety return to her Gedjow. But poor Tourmish died at ^er freedom and liberty were not to be her lot. t'fiiij j Alamayou,«the son of Theodore and grand- °<!)ha has now reached the English shore, an D» an exile, but not uncared for.'

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