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MEETING OF MR PITMAN'S SUPPORTERS. WEDNESDAY. Mr Pitman, on rising was received with great cheering. He said Colonel Peel,—Gentlemen,—1 really feel that I may use the words of our Chairman to express the same complaint, but inasmuch as 1 feel the greatest gratification at the cordial reception I have met with, I think I ought to give expression to it in order to give greater force and enercy to those who are doing,so much for iiie. (Hear, hear) And believe me if I speak with more difficulty and less earnestly, it is not because I feel the less heartily the wonderful exertions yon are making in the Conserva- tive cause. (Applause) Before [ came here, I took up the Standard which arrived about half an hour ago. and I read the glorious intelligence that the difficult question connected with the Alabama, which had occasioned an ill-feeling on the part of America towards this country, has through the consummate skill, untiring energy, and determined will of our Foreign Minister, Lord Stanley, been brought to a triumphant issue. (Applause) Gentlemen, it is impossible in my humble opinion to overrate the merit that is due to the perseverance of the noble lord, and the consideration with which the American Minister has met this great and difficult question- (hear, heal) -hut I think, speaking as a Conservative Candidate to a Conservative audience, that I am only giving expression to your feelings when I say that whatever ministry might he at the helm, the absence of Lord Stanley from it will be a national and a world wide loss. (Applause) We are often asked What is your policy ? Our policy at the present moment seems to be the preservation of our great constitution in its integrity—(applause)—the preservation of our ancient constitution as it has been handed down by our forefathers—that intimate con- nection that has so long existed between Church and State. (Loud applause) That, gentl men, is the Conservative policy. The policy of Conservatives has always been, in my humble judgment, one of carefuiand cautious progress—not dashing a head, but seeing before yoq make the leap that there is some- thing like a certainty of attaining that you seek to accomplish. (Loud applause) And, therefore, when I think that as electors you may never be called upon perhaps to give a vote upon a question which involves such grave and important considerations as that which brings us together at the present moment, I regret-and I have expressed the same feeling before at our previous meetings, and I do so now, at the last probably we shall have before the polling day-I regret sincerely that you have so unworthy a champion to represent you at a time when questions of such great importance are brought before the country. (Cries of '• No no.") I say, meekly and humbly, that I feel you might very justly and very properly have selected a more able champion from among those whom you have known from childhood, whom you look up to, who Have lived amongst you, and who have endeared themselves to you by personal y acquaintance but I think the Constituency of Haver- fordwest is not to he scorned because, in the absence at that particular moment of those whom you would have necessarily selected had the opportunity pre. sented, they have taken the choice of those who believe that the principles of which I am the humble champion will be ever faithfully upheld, and carried forward. (Applause) You are pledged to nothing beyond the fact—that you shall on my part, have a faithful allegiance to those great principles you have ever upheld in this constituency, and if you find the least flinching on my part, you will have the opportunity of discarding me at the fitting and proper moment. (Hear, hear) I think I can look back upon a long life, and say conscientiously, that I have not forsaken any principle that I have ever earnestly and heartily considered, and if I do not rashly and hastily enter into anything, I am not the less sincere and determined in carrying out any purpose to which I have ever given my support. (Applause) Observations have been made by our antagonists on the statement I made that if I did not see any reasonable and probable chance of success, I would retire from the contest. Gentlemen, I should have done so if that were the case but I felt when I saw the growing interest that was taken in the question, when I saw from time to time the continued increase of electors in this room, and the still heartier responses on my right hand and on 01) left hand, so far from retiring from the contest, I considered it my bounden duty to persevere, even to the end. (Loud applause.) Gentlemen, it is not the course of a Conservative to forsake H principle which be believes to be true and of vital importance to his conntry. (Renewed applause.) 1 am sure you would have thought the less of me-you would have been indignant with one who had led you to believe he would do battle for the cause for which you had come forward so heartily, and then abandoned the post you had assigned to his charge, because the opposition chooses to say it is a needless contest. (Applause ) I am sure, too, gentlemen, that the enemy will read our remarks in a different spirit, and express themselves in a different tone when they learn the result this day week. (Applause.) We have never from the first boasted of enormous majorities—(hear, hear): the Con- servative course, as I have traced it for the last 16 years in this borough, has been a manly and decided course of action-(hear, hear.) They have never spoken slightingly or scornfully of those who differ from them. We have given them that liberty which we claim for ourselves, and though we make Bo vain boast, we have acted upon Liberal principles -conceding to every man the right to differ from us. (Hear, hear.) The other party really assume the entire possession of liberality, while in practice they ignore their principles and deny them to those who differ from them. (Applause ) I have really, from first to last, been anxious to speak with every con- sideration and respect for those who on conscientious principles differ from us. (Hear, hear.) I am sure our cause has grown, and increased in strength and power because we have conducted the contest fairly and honestly, and we can look back upon it from its commencement to the present moment with the conviction that we have carried it on purely on prin- ciple and free entirely from personal squabbles. (Applause.) Gentlemen, it will be no small matter to me to think, that you have striven faithfully and honestly to maintain your principles, and spoken and written considerately of those who differ from you. (Applause.) Gentlemen, I don't think- I ought to occupy your time on this occasion you know my opinions the leading questions of the day, and that they are in unison with those who call themselves Conservatives. I speak out fairly, and as you must place reliance upon your chief, I believe you will give me credit for sincerity; at the same time I reserve to myself that independence that belongs to every candidate—the right to exercise his judgment upon all questions that come before him consistently with those principles which he is pledged to main- tain. I hope and trust that, whoever is at the helm of affairs, we shall have in the coming sessions a much more hearty and continuous course of action, instead- of those great party discussions which have consumed the legislature and wasted its tinpfe. (Hear, hear) 1 hope it will dot with the great questions— the educational question, and commercial and other Jaws-which cry out loud and strong for relief and renovation in our midst. I n'ever enter Haverfordwest but I think of its history, and 1 ask myself the ques- tion why do yon possess your privileges and for what object wasyourmagnificentcastle raised in your midst. I look back with peculiar interest to the history of Hayerfordwest-vonr town and county. I ask who ^ave the inhabitants of Haverfordwest those honours and these privileges ? Why—the principles now maintained by you, the children of the men who lived in those times, and who advocated the affec- tionate support of the constitution and the throne. (Applause.) These principles built up these walls -these principles preserved your liberties, and obtained the privileges which you now enjoy. (Re- newed applause.) I fee 1 that I am now surrounded by the descendants of those good men and true who maintained the honour of our country, and defended those walls in grave times of nation- al disaster. (Applause.) I feel confident that the noble spirit that animated them still lives and breathes in your midst, and that the issue of the contest in which we are engaged will be one of happy and triumphant success. (Applause.) At any rate I shall hive felt in coming amongst you that there is such a concentration of devotion to the throne, and respect for the law, and regard for the constitution in its integrity, that Haver- fordwest will in the future, as it has done in the past, make its name known and pre-eminent in the Councils of the State, and will be regarded as one; of the strongholds of Conservatism throughout the country. (Applause.) It is probable I shall not again meet you in such large numbers until the day I :i of nomination, when I have no doubt the voices of those present will be swelled by many hundreds more. I am sure we are resolved to fight our battle bravely we don't despise our foe. we feel now is the time to be up and doing: now is the time to stand true one to another. (Applause.) Now is the time to ofter a manly resistance—be- cause we know they never do wrong th.ngs on the other side. (Laughter.) They would not persecute you —(laughter) they would not bribe —(renewed laughter) ;'but don't trust any man in these mat- ters. (Hear, hear.) Every man should take his stand on one side or the other, and do his utmost to maintain his principles. (Applause.) I call upon you, as you love the cause, still to endeavour to serve it shoulder to shoulder in an honest and I manly way, and work on till the end of the contest with the same fidelity and earnestness as you have done in the past, which will live in my memory as long as God gives me breath. [The honourable gentleman resumed his seat amid long-continued cheering.] Mr Scourfield, for whom there were loud calls, next came forward to address the meeting, and was received- with great cheering. He said Gentle- men—It is rather a curious coincidence, considering the many years that 1 have been connected with the town, and 1 have had occasion to address not pnly electors but other persons in meetings of I various kinds, that I have never before spoken in the place in which we are now assembled; and it is rather difficult for me to calculate whether what 11 have to say will reach the ears of all the persons who are present in this Hall. Gentlemen-there is great force in the eloquence of words, but still there is greater force in the eloquence of facts. (Applause.) I think the inarticulate eloquence of a room not large enough for the sup- porters of a candidate is perhaps a more demon- strative piece of eloquence than the best words that can be uttered. (Loud applause.) Gentlemen, I must assume that during the numerous meetings which have been held both at the Committee Rooms and once in this Hall I believe, the subject which is mainly before the public at the present time is nearly exhausted therefore I will not again say very much more in reference to the great question of the Irish Church. I believe I am speak- ing the sentiments of every gentleman around me, when I say it is not the wish of the party with which I have generally acted to do any anything that is rash or intolerant in regard to any single religious denomination in this country. (Applause.) What they wish to do is to support the old insti- tutions which time has proved to be conducive to the happiness of the country, and which preserve clear and distinct ideas without endeavouring to enforce them by any kind of persecution on persons who may differ from them. (Loud applause.) UII. fortunately, it is the case with every institution, and indeed with every thing to which we are ac- customed, that the full benefits of them are perhaps never appreciated until they are lost. (Applause.) I hope that you will always be ready to attach a certain amount of advantage, although it may not be easy to point it out in words, to those institu- tions which have existed for a long time in the country. As to there being complaints, there will be always complaints about everything (hear, hear): we are not to look for any abstract per- fection, but to consider whether we shall have a better thing in its place. (Hear, hear.) Take such a case as Ireland :-we know well that the persons who consider themselves attacked by the present movement, although not a numerous body, are amongst the most intelligent and trustworthy:-1 don't say they monopolise all tfce virtue and in- telligence of Ireland, but they certainly hove a large share of it, and it is impossible to feel other- wise than that if those persons are thoroughly dis- contented, the great bond of union with Ireland will be severed. (Applause.) I love said before that persons entertain a much stronger recollection of what they lose than of some trifling, divided benefit which they may obtain. (Applause.) The sum of money which it is proposed to distribute is, relatively to other questions, small in amount, and it will be found that, however large in itself, the effect will be to produce discontent among those who are deprived of it, and whilst diffusing it over a number of persons and a number of in- terests, the benefit will not be sensibly felt, and you will have positive exasperation on the one side and a very small amount of gratitude on the other. (Loud applause.) Therefore, during the sixteen years I have been in Parliament, I have endea- voured faithfully to uphold the pjfiperty and en- dowments of every religious body ^n the country. (Loud applause.) I am quite aware that during the whole time that I bad the honour of represent- ing you, one vote which I was in the hahit-of giving —I refer to my vote on the Majnooth Grant—was distasteful to many of my own supporters but my reason for giving it was, that I was determined to uphold all institutions and endowments in what- ever cases they should be found, and as I wished to be done by myself, I always desired so to act by others, (Loud applause.) It is impossible for all religious bodies to be on perfect eqnalitj in every respect: they may be on perfect equality with regard to protection by law, and perfect equality with regard to preservation of rights, but as long as man is a rational being, he must hftve a preference for one religious denomination over another, or else we should get nothing but con- fusion, which would be the very worst state of mind that persons can possibly be in. But it you have an institution like our Church, which maintains distinct ideas without being under the necessity of persecuting, — without feeling it is under any compulsion to visit with any degree of penalty those, who differ differ from it, I think such an institution Is a blessing of "bicb no country ougbtto be rashly^dcprived. (Loud fapplau83.) I think we may well ask, if there is any necessity for such a change, whv did not those persons who are bringing it forward, think of it before, -vhen they were in office and had the means of carrying their ideas into effect? (Applause.) I do lament-and I have said so before-I lament extremely that any religious matter is made the subject of a party cry "or I would much rather see a direot vote of censure upon general grounds carried against any government than raising another question simply to rightabout, if that question involves interests of so delicate a nature as those connected with religion. (Applause.) I am sure none would wish to maintain anything that approaches to a real practical grievance; but 'when we come to the re- gion of grievances of sentiment, we really must guard that which is substantial against complaint on matters which are grounded more in the imagination than in anyreal feeling of grievance. (Applause.) Gentlemen, I believe, I may say that the time for discussion is nearly over, and the time for action is commencing. Perhaps I may be parmitted to say a few words on a subject which does not unduly affect the actual question of discussion between parties I, as you are all aware, hold an office which brings me into connection with the magistrates of the town, and I do miist earnestly hope, not only for the siko of the interests of persons, hut for the sake of the reputation of this old town which has always main- tained a fair character for peace and order, that you will in the coming struggle exert yourselves individually and collectively to preserve peace and order in the town. (Hear, hear.) It is quite possftjlefor a man to act ener- getically in aid of the object he has in view, without doina: anything to injure his neighbour,—(appUuse,)— and I do trust sincerely that it will be your endeavour to maintain the reputa!ion of the town and the comfort and prosperity of its inhabitants by doing everything in your power to preserve peace and order. (Applause.) It has been my lot to be connected with no less than fourf;contested elections—one did not actually come to a polling, but S'ill there was all the preliminary skirmi-h- ing—(laughter,)—and I am happy to think that no serious injury was ever inflicted upon any person in this town, during the contests in which I was engaged. (Loud applause.) I trust my successors may be equally fortunate. Allow me now; as I am probably addressing you for the list time as your member-indeed I don't know whether I am or not at this moment—whether parliament, has been dissolved, and I have ceased to be the member for Haverfordwest-but allow me to thank you all for the great kindness I have experienced at your hands during the long period of sixteen years. I have received great kindnc-s-3 and very active support fr>m my friends, and I must in justice sav that I never received personal disrespect or any abuse from those who are opposed to me. (Loud applause.) Whatever may be my position, whether I retire from public liie or not, it will always be a subject of pleasing recollection to nae to think dial I have on the whole secured a fair portion of the general good will of the inhabitants of this trough. (Renewed applause.) It will always givo me sincere pleasure, into whatever hands the repre- sentation may fall, to hear of benefit accruing to this town, and to know that the prosperity and comfort of its inhabitants are daily increasing. [ The hon. gentleman sat down amid great cheering ] Rev James Thomas was received with great applause. He said Brother (lectors-Living in a very retired part of the county and being precluded from taking any very active part in the p litics of the town, I think it would be hardly fair for me, just, on the eve of a contest, to occupy your time by many words. With regard to Mr Scouifield, who has represented this place for sixteen years, I have no doubt that you would feel un- qualified regret at his retiring were it not for the assurance that he is going to occupy another seat less subject to Btrife and contention, and which I hope he may for many years to come enjoy to the satisfaction of the county, and w th great credit to himself. (Loud applause.) I myself am going t,) give an honest and independent vote to Mr Pitman for several very good reasons. I will only mention two of them the first is this :-—after all the speeches I have read in the Standard, the Times, and other papers, I have not found a single argument to prove that the present administration is not deserving of the confidence of the British people (Loud appiiuiie.) I am quite sure of this that in our day I have never known a man more thoroughly inde- pendent in every respect filling the high situation of Prime Minister of this country than the Earl of Derby, — (applause,)—never has there been a man in whose hands the interests, and rights, and feelings of all parties would be more safe or more carefully guarded, and I believe the Irish people, who are, many of them, ex- ceedingly feneroua and noble hearted fellows, if only let alone, would acknowledge with me that the people of Ireland never had a better friend than the Earl of Derby. (Loud applause.) And those who have got old like myself can tell that the same man, as Secretary for Ireland, as Colonial Secretary, and in every office he has filled, has shown himself the friend of the negro, the friend of the poor aboriginal who had no one else to protect him, and in every respect has acted the part of a righteous minister. (Great applause.) Therefore, I say unless something new has occurred, it is not right to attempt to put such an administration out of office, for if ever a ministy came into power deserving a fair trial, I think it is the one brought together by Earl Derby. (Applause.) Since his retirement through ill health, Mr Disraeli has been at the head of the Govern- ment, and has managed affairs with consummate skill. J need only refer to the tidings mentioned by Mr Pitman thia evening; and it is the opinion ot thinking people in London and in large towns, as well as among foreigners, that the foreign affairs have never been, during our time, so ably managed as they have been by Lord Stanley (Appluuse.) Aud it is the same with regard to Mr G-athorne Hardy: everything be has done has prospered. I and I ask why are we to be called upon to eject such a ministry as this? (Applause.) Now my reason as a clergyman, why I am most anxious to vote is that 1 solemnly believe that for a party purpose the Irish Church is about to be sacrificed it others get into power. (Applause.) I firmly believe this, and although Charity is a very good thing, and we do not wish to attribute motives to parties,-titill we must jitdge from the actions of men, and I never heard anything like a reason why the Irish Church should be sacrificed. 1 know a little of the character of the Irish clergy: I know they have often times narrow means, and I know their noble character; and depend upon it I tell you the truth when I say that among the Irish Clergy there are many of a truly apostolic character—men of whom it may be said—the world is not worthy. (Applause.) Is it right to turn our backs upon men tike these who are tarrying on their work under great difficulties?—and if there be any Nonconformist present this evening, who has any triend who is doubtful as to the vote he should give in this matter, I would tell him that if he will consult the Baptists, Independents, or Wimleyans in Ireland, they will, almost to a man, say— Don't meddle with the Irish Church it Is our mainstay and support; if you do so, you will open the door for Ireland to be overrun with Popery." (Applause ) T arn most thankful that the good proprietor of Picton Castle has assisted us so ably at this election. (Applause.) I am not ashamed of Haverfordwest: hut 1 am ashamed that there should be any person in Haverfordwest who could be so lost to everything that is right and proper as to offer the slightest disrespect to Mr Philipps. (Ap- plause.) 1 hope that, if you look at this question as 1 do, you will feel that he is deserting, it possible, of more than ordinary respect. (Applause) All I wish to say is that it you have any friend whom you could honestly and fairly influence to vote for this cause at the election next week, I hope you will do so, for by so doing you will show your determination to uphold the institution of this great country, and to raise your voice against robbery. applause.) Mr Wnicher Davies: Mr Chairman, fellow-townsmen, and brother electors,—I am mos-t happy to find for one that you are as zealous its ever in this glorious cause, and that we have all over the town men, active and true, doing their best in ordijr to return Mr Pitman. (Ap- plause.) We have been told times out of number that this town is a Radical town:-that is false. (Hear, hear.) We heard that 16 years ago, and during that period we have proved the assertion to be false, and I bavo not the slightest doubt that you will do the some in the coming week. (Applause.) There is one matter of which I wish to remind you, Many of you can remember, Ie well as myself, the time when the town of Haverfordwest was halt filled with gentry:—(hear, hear.) -the town was never more prosperous, and a failure w;ag the strangest thing in life. (Hear, hear.) The gen'.ry* have been driven from the town, and If the .wp^d- disctfjansct the county !i;. t- :W'If?: from the town of Haverfordwest by insulting the gen'ry who come into it (Hear, hear.) Now, I say to the men of business, who are sensible men, let us keep up the connection of the town with the county of Pembroke. (Applause.) There is another point I want to allude to, and that, has reference to the Freemen. The Freemen are about the most indepettJftbt body of electors we have amongst us, and a large majority of the Freemen have always supported us. I have no doubt the whole body are strongly Conservative, but intimidation and coercion and the screw are applied against them. I want to tell the Freemen that the men who by an act of Parliament would rob Ireland of her Protestant Church will also rob them of their rights and of their lands at Portneld — [A Voice: They tried to do it.]—They tried it, and who are the men that upheld the rights of the Freemen? Why. the Conservatives. (Applause.) From this very spot where I am standing, the electors were told at the last contest by the Liberals that they would win by 9J majority. What was the result? There were 103 against them out of 5^0 voters. (Applause.) Last Tuesday week they were going to win by 200. (Laugh- ter.) Their tale is altered now, and we have the old story —the Conservatives are bribing and corrupting thl) eler;tors. (Loud laughter.) There is not a man in this Hall that has been bribed, and I defy them to prove it. (Applause ) They ore the men who talk about coercion and intimidation, and they are the tyrants of the place, and you ail know it. (Applause.) These gentlemen fry to persuade the electors that they are oppressed, and cry out-" Give us our rights and liberties." (Laughter.) I want to know who has not got his rights and libertiePl in free and happy England. (App!ause.) That is their humbug; and they go round to our voters and tell them that the Conservatives are trying to throw dust, in their eyes. That is another false statement, and 1 tell you how it is proved. Whenever one of our party gets into their meetings, he is pitched out; they don't want him to see the dust that they throw in the eyes of their own people. (Applause.) Our proceedings are open, and are reported; but their statements will not bear examination, and they suppress their proceedings,and take care that. none of oiir side shnll hear what they have to say. (Laughter.) They can't stand the daylight, for we should then see what dust they throw in the eyes of their own people. (Applause.) Gentlemen, from this platform it has been s'ated that the House of Picton is dictating to the Constituency of Haverfordwest, and telling us who shall be our member. They asked it that is to he nllowed-they said "No." 1 say "no," and you say No." (Hear, hear.) The very men who made that charge were, in former timeQ, the vassals or the- House of Picton, and at the dictation of the House of Picton returned the greatest Tory that ever represented the town. The respected proprietor is here: hut he has not attempted to dictate to us. (Hear, hear.) We know, too* that the Radicals would be only too glad to have hfm. (Applause.) They are awfully sore becauffi he is with us, and they abuse him. Some two mont hs a^o one of the Libe- ralc. got up on this platform and said "MrPhttippsisit Liberal. I am sorry he is so ill: he knows nothing of what is going on." (Laughter.) Then it was said— "Thank God, he is buter." (Loud laughter.) Now, gentlemen, he is here. I say, thank God, he is better, but they now abuse him on the other side. (Applause.) So far from Mr Philipps wishing to dictate to Haverfordwest, there is no truth in it, and Mr Richard Williams, myself, and two or three others, are living witnesses that the state- ment respecting Mr Philipps is false. (Applause.) We were hard up inr a member, as you know: we happened to meet with Mr Pitman, and finding he was a man of the right sort, we said "You must come out and stand for the town, and as we are living we will return you. (Laughter.) That is the fact of the matter,-and there was no dicta'ion. Well, again, some of the Liberals have been writing letters to the newspapers, purporting to come from tradesmen of the town, and asking the tradesmen to shut their shops against Picton Castle. (Laughter.) Will any of you believe that a man of business would write a letter of that kind ? It was written by a man of straw, who had no shop, and could not serve Picton with goods. (Applause.) That's a game of their own, but it will not do, as they will find out. (Laughter.) I will undertake to say that I never took 6d with Mr Philipps, and very little with Mr Scourfield, because my business is not in their way; but I support the cause on principle, and because I know I am on the right side. (Applause.) Gentleroen,-let ua act as have always done ;-that is quite enollgh, (Laughter.) 'Stick to your colours like true men, and you miy relv upon it. that notwithstanding all their boasting and bouncing for the last four months, notwith- standing all their efforts, we shall return a member to parliament, in the same way as we have done for the last sixteen years. (Loud applause.) The Rev J. H. A. Philipps, who was next calletl upon, came forward, and was received with deafening applause. He said — My dear friend" —I will promise you that I will not be long in what I have to say to you this evening. It fives me great pleasure to come amongst you, and evince practically my interest in the forth- coming election. (Applause.) I have not interfered. in any way, even by uttering a word, in any elections that have taken place before this, because among other reasons there was not so direct an attack made upon that Church, the interests of which are so bound un with my own feelings and sympathies, and which I believe it to be of the greatest importance to preserve in its in- tegrity, not simply for its own sake, but because it bag, been, like the oak, the protector of other protestant denominations. (Applause.) I have a great respect and regard for those who differ from me on ecclesiasticnl. questions, and who may think they can serve their God and promote the interests of true religion in other forms and in other ways than the one to which I am specially attached—(applause);—but I am perfectly persuaded of this :-that if the Church in Ireland and the Church in England, as established by la were destroyed, it would be the worst thing that could occur for those who differ from me in ecclesiastical matters. (Loud applause.) If the Church is destroyed, my friends, the chapel will follow in its turn. (Renewed applause.) Of that I am fullv persuaded, and I believe every man here present will give me credit for sincerity. I regard the present as a most important crisis, and thereforf, I do go out of my way, very much against my inclination), to say a word to you in favour of our present principles -the principles that are professed and which will he carried out. by the election of my dear friend, Mr Pitman. (Loud applause.) I tell you, be has been my good friend we were thrown together, as I have told some of you before, very early in life we were under the same tutor we associated with each other in our walks, in our rides, and in the pursuits of a country life. We afterwards met in the university of Cambridge, and after that; and up to the present moment, I have never had reason to be ashamed of my friend: (Applause.) If you return him-of which there is no doubt, I suppose—to parliament, he will be a worthy successor of our gond friend Mr Scourfield, and he will show the greatest kindnwss and interest in these boroughs, and endeavour to promote the happiness and good of all of you. (Loud applause.) My friends—my last word is this—tbat if I did not bslieve it, I would at once say u Don't vote for him." (Applause.) I do believe it: I am confident of it, and as a landed proprietor and as your neighbour, and standing in that parish which I love from my very heart, I do most confidently recom- mcndyiim to your support in this forthcoming electiotv (AoplsnSse.) My friends—I will not say anything more — I did not intend even to say what I have said; but having been requested to do so, and feeling that I ought on account, of the friendship we have long had for each other, and on account of my connection with tbi3 town, and especially my connection with the pariah 111 which I stand in a very intimate and endearing con- nection,—feeling all this, I could not allow my voice to be silent, or my interest to be unawakened. (Applause) I think I have lived long enough amongst you to con- vince you of my friend's sincerity of purpose. (He* hear.) My health has failed me of late, and I not been able to come amongst you so frequently and W. exercise my ministry as formerly in my beloved o Church at the same time, God has been piellld to re- store me to a measure of health and strength, and P still to be your minister I don't want to of anybody. [The rev. gentleman resumed 8rai amid great cheering, which was *or Beve minutes.] rs, ItLlAil, Printed and Published by- the proprietors, LLK\VELMN and THOMAS WHICHBB NAVIES,, Office in High-street, in the Parish of •-a'" tit:the County of the Town of Haverfordwes • Wednesday, November 18, 1868.