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R P T U C U R'E Trea.tment.-DR. J. A. SHERMAN, Author of the Popular American Method, is now in London. Mr E T What the Patients think of it:- T Mr. Henry James, Farleigh Road, Stoke Newington, Lon. 20, krnnsden ^'enuc, Hackney, London, E„ don, N„ writes: "Your Appliance gives great support and i« SIS i applied to Dr. Sherman he has had no trouble most comfortable, and the Curative I consider wonderful—I irom his rupture, and his general health is improving." feel you are bringing about a cure of the rupture I have suffered Mr. Simeon Ballard, 291, West Ferry Eoad, Millwall, Lon- from during 19 YEARS." whose brother died from strangulated rupture, is Mr. It. A. Wreford, Baker and Grocer, 17, Oxford Street. nsm° the treatment with great improvement. Weston-super-Mare, is improving under the treatment, and is Mr. Geo. Rick. 19,"Channos Road, Stratford, London, after willing to correspond with sufferers who desire cure. 5nmf(nns,^r°m rllP™re 1" years, applied to Dr. S. for treat- Dr. S.'s BOOK, with endorsements of Physicians Clersrv- nieiH.and mice is highly pleased with his improvement and men, Merchants, and others who have been treated nost eroftpecog of euro. free on receipt of stamps. 64,ChanceryLane.IiOnoLon. wm mm* THE. MOST Mm J— II ill K SHB illi — EFFECTUAL:- mm JHk m U-Clhvii NYROYAL, ^l|§ ||MN| mmr I| if II 58^" feu'i"«2#Al.OES& BITTER AFPLE.^S W"* WT SI L*{ £ i £ 3Bb4E3I MO OBSTRUCTION STANDS AGAINST THEM. the directions. Is. i's.i., St.1 Od.] and 4gS'c,d' per bo*' ^v'nost0 MARRIED LADIES should adhere strictly to UNirfiESAL DBUG Co., 19 L.1ft LA R GEST SALEO F ANY. R. FRANCIS, FAMILY GROCER, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. FINE INDIAN TEA At Is. 6d., 2s., 2s. 6d., and 3s. per lb. BOOT STORES. ESTABLISHED 1822. JAMES JONES, STAFFORD HOUSE, CHURCH STREET, LLANGOLLEN. A large assortment of every quality of Boots on hand. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 1 (2243) ACCIDENTS ALL THE YEAR ROUND. ■PROVIDE AGAINST THEM BY POLICY OF THE RAILWAY JpASSENGERS' A SSURANCE JL<L JjL COMPANY, 64, CORNHILL. LONDON, Hon. EVELYN ASHLEY Chairman. ANNUAL INCOME.< £ 248,0C0. Invested Capital and Reserve Fund £ 275,000. COMPENSATION PAID FOR 126,000 ACCIDENTS, .62,500,000. MODERATE PREMIUMS-FAVOURABLE CON- CONDITIONS.—NEW CONCESS LONS. PROMPT AND LIBERAL SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS. West-End Office: 8, GRAND HOTEL BUILDINGS W.C.; Head Office: 64, CORN HILL, LONDON, E.C. WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. (2059) ORDERS FOR DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS, WEEKLY PERIODICALS, AND MONTHLY MAGAZINES, ARE RECEIVED BY HUGH JONES, GENERAL NEWSAGENT, "Advertiser" Office, Llangollen, Who supplies the Llangollen Newsroom and Library, Constitutional Club, Liberal Club, &c., &c. COMPLETE LISTS OF DATLY, WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAPERS, CORRECTED TO DATE, ON APPLICATION. "^STJ„EO THAOTm^ SPECTACLES v. BLINDNESS. THE HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES, CO>'FIRMED BY DAILY EXPERIENCE, PROVE THAT COMMON AND IMPERFECT GLASSES ARE THE FREQUENT CAUSE OF IMPAIRED VISION, AND IN MANY CASES RUINED SIGHT AND BLINDNESS. LATJRA NCE'S IMPROVED SPEC. jtf i are scientifically adapted to the different fw 1- °' and aro a boon to those needing fpticai Assistance. JExtracts from letters received. 11'0 Jate SiK JULIUS BENEDICT wroteThe c earnoss of Hon-Y LHUranch's Giasso^ as con>pared' With others is re liy surprising." 1,n^'JlD(lljIl'TE'consul,-inK Physician to thoWest- rtnnste, Huspital, writes ;—"No contrivance could po«sib)y suit better." M.D., F.R.C S., Edinburgh enor Lod^e, Wrexham, writes:—"1 have q, s«PP^d with a pair of Henry LauraneeV DPtetacicH a_nd am glad to be able to bear testi- rlitii-T. i,U" Th(,y aid tlie eight without tTArri'SSln vision however long worn." ^heei?fEDS ?F SIMILAR TESTIMONIALS have henptitff1! Jro-m Persons whose sight has been A Iwr, their use when all others have fai ed. to fhe lene can be had gratis on application AGSNT FOR LLANGOLLEN—HUGH JONES, Stationer Sf Optician. All Spectacles Stamp d H. L. (^1860J ALL MEN WH(> WISH TO MARRY AND ^fTrnT^TiTiTF'r, EE HAPP sHOULD S EE THE JIAGIO MIRROR. Sent free to any part of the world on receipt of three stamps, name and address, .Pitzalan-square, Sheffield. Don't AT.I, Ml?¥ delay, send at once. -M.ij.Li 1*1 iL 111. Please name this paper. (2307a.) AWARDED PRIZES AT THE NATIONAL EISTEDDVODAU FOR CARVED OAK CHAIR* &0. 4 'L87 A. & M. H. ROBERTS, (SUCCESSORS TO THE LATE JOHN ROBERTS,) CABINET MAKERS, EAST STREET, LLANGOLLEN, BEG to announce that they are now prepared to Manufacture ANY ARTICLE OF FURNITURE TO ORDER. ESTIMATES ON APPLICATION. B-epairs dOM lJea tiy and expeditiously; at fair prices. (2227) Is a Delicious Beverage and Tonic made from Port Wine, Liebig's Extract of Meat and Extract of Malt; Nutritious, Strengthening, Stimulating, Flesh-forming, and Health- RESTED I> • :Iable for the Ro'ou3t in :T alth well as tha Invalid. Strongly recommer.ded by the Medical Faculty. Important unsolicited Testimonial from E. HOPKINS, Esq., L.R.C.P., L.F.P.S. Hundreds have been received from Modical Men. 64, Aston Road, N., Birmingham, December 17th, 1886. DEAR SIRS,—I beg to acknowledge receipt of sample of your Extract of Meat and Malt 'Wine," also one you sent a short time back. I have ncw Quite Twenty Patients taking it, and as a flesh-forming, and strength producing agent, I consider it second to none. being equally useful in all forms of debility, Yours faithfully, EDWARD HOPKINS, Messrs. Coleman & Co. L.R.C.P., L.F.P.S. Sold by all Druggists, Wine Merchants, and Patent Medi- cine Vendors in the United Kingdom, in Bottles IIS. 9d. and 4s. 6d. each. Ask for COLEMAN'S LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT AND MALT WINE, and "see that you get it." If there is any difficulty in getting the Wine, write direct to the Manufacturers, who will forward Sample Pint Bottle free by Post on receipt of 33 stamps. „ Dozen „ "Rail „ 30s. SOLE MANUFACTURERS, COLEMAN & CO., St. George's, Norwich. I Stirring Stories."—The Record. 1 1 One iVHHion 1 A ^f^s\ st o J I 0 3 *1 *0 15 i | AsJr. YOUR 3OOK<?OL!GR for tli.era. J| OKCE Tri 1 1), AIWA r l5- 4 M '? Offices:- K* DUDLEY. UMi ,<: is. in,.i sinti.iied to Her J1 ijesty the Queen. Sol 1 II i, i lers tili-, M boi;t the Cnuntry. f HS "SSI?-BESTOBB B. 1*8 marvellous recuperative powers fully explained, nlpo FHOWINFR plalrily how to restore VITAL. STRENGTH *])•! ENERG-X to "tl.e most debilitated MEN without medicine, trouble, or the expens-E of doctors' bills. Particulars, With i;!v;IM,ble Pi«t. J-SILE*, post LYOE. A..L'IR"-S G- TIBVAN & CO., Registered Chemists, 17-5, V, ardour-street, Oxford-street, London, W. 4 H"3i'OTLS'8 W?vXS,oriuin:il iwlition,complete,iium»rous plates i:a-S r iin.-t iree tor ^'O.— HOOK STO«KS.17* amp ton-st.liin gingham SUCCESSFUL GARDENING with OVEN iiiiipEOTENSiiis ft /] \Íl BARR'S 12/6 Collection of Veg'eta.ble'Seeds for One Year. BAER'S 21/- Collection of Vegetable Seeds for One Year. Sent, CARBIAGKE PAID, on receipt of P.O.O. FLOWER SE E OS, the greatest variety oifered by any House. TAT" Descriptive Catalogue, free on application. D9 >I -V I » T R' ? ^1 V ^1. 1 L rOIl ONE YEAR'S SUPPLY: Assortments of Vegetable Seeds 10/6,17/6, ?5/- each. Vegetable & Flower Seeds 14/ 22/6, 30/- „ Descriptive lists Post Free. Registered Address "SUTTON, READING." 111 ■» "SS"d IMPORTANT, "sr" H. 0. THOMAS, A.P.S., (Late EVANS,) CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, MEDICAL HALL, LLANGOLLEN, BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TH^ ALL PATENT MEDICINES & PRGPRjETARY ARTICLES ARE NOW SOLD AT STOREIRICES FOR CI'SH. 1- Having adopted this system, he trusts the Public.'will favour him with their patronage and support, as he ventures to think they would prefer to obtain these Articles from a responsible and qualified Chemist when they can be supplied on the above terms. COD LIVER OIL EMULSION, With Hypophosphit^ of Lime. This Preparation is made with the very finest Norwegian .Oil, of which it contains 50 per cent. The addition of the Hypophosphite of Lime is admitted by the Members of the Profession to greatly enhance its Medicinal properties. Made by a private formula "the taste and odour of the Oil are entirely removed. QUININE AND IRON TONIC. This Preparation contains Quinine and Iron in a high state of purity, and affords a ready means of gaming strength and other benefits afforded by^Qninine and Iron, without any fear of ill consequences. Sold m Bottles, Is* 6d. V CORN A NEVER-FAILING REMEDY. flT1.u thick coating applied on the Corn (with a Camel's hair psficil), night and morning, all wing it to dry, enables the Corn to b-a easily removed m the course of a few dp^s, If. DISPENSING. The Proprietor having been,JDispenser in some ot he leading Pharmacies in London and theProvinct:3, pays special attoiitioa Lo tLL all T), and Pharmaceutical Preparations being conscientiously guaranteed. TEA, COFFEE, SPICES, CROSSE & B'LACKWELL'S PREPARATIONS. (2424) Soap -w Fair white hands. Bright clear complexion I- t- -h- f, I Soft healthful skin. a& It does not help matters to say that you are only suffering from a slight cold, which will be over soon. rt will NOT soon be over unless promptly and effectually stopped. The first stages of Consumption cannot be trifled with. They are the advanced guard of a most devastating army, and must be checked at once if you wish to avoid a life of suffering. The remedy is 0 SOLD EVErYWIiEP.E, "■■"FRANCIS'S BALSAM Is. & 23. 6d. BOTTLES, OF or Post free from the Makers. LINSEED & HONEY. This marvellous remedy is admitted by thousands to be the most „ effective and palatable specific ever introduced for 8PI5CXV^3\ COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPING COUGH, SPITTING OF BLOOD, &c. l|l I |||Jl 1 jji Persons who a,re exposed to the variations of the atmosphere will by its LT I HBk\l timely use fortify ^he constitution against attacks of cold or inflammation. |\ |8|/B 11 IN YI A] FRA-NCIS'S BA.3JSAM *viuses free expectoration, by removing1 the con- ffealtd^and viscid ^li^egna aliays tho^uiipleasarit tickling ^in ^the throafc R that unpleasant s rerose t'elt aftur much couching. 1^1 1^0Cases of Asthma and Uronr-lntis of l^ng sUuiding have not only Leon IV IVI|K1M9|| effectually relieved but promptly cured by its use. ■k. BjaMW%*lFTiKTO soothes the weary aehin. of Consumption, rel eves the harassing cough, j Ani and prevents those sleepless nights so harassing to the sufferer. S REV- WM" F1?UIJKS8, Mr. JAMES SA.UVAGE, of the C T ,I ij. ,■ Carl Rosa Opera Company. lam thankful that iny attention T 1 T, Q f ,8,f JT has been drawn to Franeis's Balsam London, Dec. 2nd, 1886. m of Linseed and Honey." I hate tried pfar, S,r'-T have^ had occasion JT ff|¥l¥jMTfM it in my f,mi;y in cases of. bronchitis ^tely to u,=e your Balsam ot L.n- and threatened Cioup, with remark- fe" and HonL7 tor eou"hs an<| 7 able etleut, giving1 speedy relief. I Wseness, und can assure you I consider it valuably in the family, "^e found it very beneficial. and no household shoulu be without Mr. SAMUSL ROBERTS, T Holly Bank. Llandudno. K? Rev. H. WILLIAMS, I find Francis's Buisaiu a very Wrexnc«m. valuableromo.y forlironchitis. Have I have often used iraticis's Bal- iried many mixtures from tim^ to >5 sam of Linst e«l and Kon-y" for colds tiun but for certain relief I must snd severe couahs,- and have proved candidly confess Francis's Bali-am is it of great efficacy, both for myself by far the best. It has only tu bo and my family, for many years. known to be duly appreciated. Insist upon having CAUTION what you ask for. The value of a specific for complaints of the cheat, throat, and lungs oepands upon the integrity of it, manufacture; it is neaessiry to caution the Pnb'ii.i to as!: for Francis's BaUaai <>f uin-eed aud Houey, and to see that they get it, as numerous inferior and duigerous preparations are in the market. SOLD EVERYWHERE, in Is. and 2s. 6d. bottles, or, free from the makers, FRANCIS AND CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, WREXHAM. (2309) -n-L,c -1 ABERCONWY TEMPERANCE HOTEL, HIGH STEEEX. CONWAY. JANE ANNE JONES, pROP RIETRESS. VISITORS to Conway will meet with every attention, combined with very moderate thifTell- V known Hotel. o BRITISH WINES AND CONFECTIONERY OF THE CHOICEST DESCRIPTION. I Ttlll md Gaiffm prouwied. fat, (M §.hmt,.ut mtico. EVANS & HUGHES, CABINET MAKERS, &c., 30, REGENT STREET, LLANGOLLEN. FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. DESIGN, AND STYLE, MADE TO ORDER ON THE MOST REAS ONABLE TERMS REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS NEATLY EXECUTED. HAYING had considerable experience in several of the largest and principal London Houses, the above firm feel confident that t&y will be able to give complete satisfaction in every branch of the trade, as regards charges and workmanship. (2377) THE Church Street Smithy, LLANGOLLEN, FOR GOOD WORKM-ANSHIP, COMBINED WITH STRICTLY MODERATE CHARGES, AND QUICK DISPATCH. HORSE-SHOEING ON THE MOST APPROVED PRINCIPLES. FARMING IMPLEMENTS MADE OR REPAIRED. ALL KINDS OF GENERAL WORK. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. H. JONES, (2264) Blacksmith. E. LETTSOME & SONS, p OR TRAIT AND J^ANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHERS, Picture Frame Makers & Picture Dealers. GROUPS AND RESIDENCES TAKEN ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. CASTLE STREET & VICTORIA PLACE, LLANGOLLEN; BRIDGE STREET, NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION, CORWEN; AND MARKET STREET, RUTHIN. lVI R. pAXTON JJARDING, L.D.S., DENTAL SURGEON, BANK HOUSE, WHITEFRIARS, CHESTER, ATTENDS LLANGOLLEN EVERY TUESDAY, OASTJ-TH STRICT. Sent free for 3 stamps to pay postage. NERVOUS DEBILITY; its Causes and Cure; Marriage and its Impediments." Just out, a new Medical Work by Dr. E. HAUGHTON, and J. NELSON, containing chapters on Health, its restoration, loss of vigour, &c., also over 100 valuable prescriptions for self-treatment of various complaints. Should be read by all who value health, strength and manhood, and wish to attain a happy old age. Address; Mr. J. NELSON, Medical Hall, Manchester. 11948) A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. JgEECHAM'S PILLS, ID EEC HAM'S PILLS, JgEECIIAM'S PILLS, Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy and Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensations, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in countless cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one Box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. For females of all ages they are invaluable. No female should be without them. There is not a medicine to be found equal to them for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found the benefits which are ensured by tla-ir use. JGEECHAM'S PILLS. JGEECIIAM'S PILLS. JQEECIIAM'S PILLS. JL) For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, and all Disorders of tho Livi-r, they act like magic, and a few doses will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the human machine. They strengthen tt.e whole muscular system, restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of appetilo, and arouse into action with the rosebud of h, alth the wlnde physical energy of the human frame. These FACTS testified continually by members of ail classes of society, and one of the best guaranties to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BBEOHAM'S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine the world. JGEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. JG EEC HAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. -0 JGEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bron- chial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness ot' Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, &c these Pills stand untivaiied. They are the besi, ever offered to the Public, and will speedily r move that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nigh.iy deprive the patient of res". Let any person g;ve BKECHAM'S COUGH PILLS a trial, and the most violent cou" h will in a short time be removed. Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, and by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers everywhere. 11s BOXES, Is. 1-jd. AND 2S. 9d. EACH. (106) FULL. DIRECTIONS AKB GIVEN WITH EACH BOX. FULL. DIRECTIONS ARR GIVEN WITH EACH BOX. ESTABLISHED 1849 JY-ESSRS. COTTAM & SONS, SURGEON DENTISTS OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, DUBLIN (Residence-Caxton House, Oswestry). m Pi. COTTAM begs to give notice that on TUESDAY, February the 21st, He will receive his Friends and Patients of Llangollen and Vicinity at the residence of MRS. WARREN, 31, CASTLE STREET, LLANGOLLEN. Dated April 4th, 1883. — I ffi I ,7 writing COPYING E at B I rl" JH JN j) LYONS7 tt BLUE BLACK WRITING & COPYING INKS. SOLD BY ALL STATIONERS. "faR THE BLOOD 15 THE LIFE? 71 WORLD-FAMED 11 all LARGEST SALE OF ANY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. OVERWHELMING TESTIMONY ACCOMPANIES EVERY BOTTLE, PROVING THIS TO BE THE GREATEST MEDICINE EVER DISCOVERED. For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. For Sc BOFULA, SCURVY, SKIN and BLOODDISEASES, and SORES OF ALL KINDS, it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores. Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs. Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on the Face. Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases. Cures Glandular Swellings. Cleares the Blood from all impure matter From whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it,a trial to test its value. SAVED MY LIFE" s 254, Neath-road, Briton Ferry, Wales. Gentlemen,-I have derived such a great benefit from your invaluable Blood Mixture, that I really do not know how much to thank you. It would be a marvellous blessing for the sufferers from scrofula of Austria-Hun- gary if your wonderful medicine could be made more known to them, and many young lives would be saved. I have taken iodine baths at Hall (Upper Austria) for several years, but with very little result. I must say that your medicine has saved my life. It would do good to publish this testi- monial in some of the leading papers of Vienna and Buda-Pesth; but if you publish it in England, please reserve my name for private information.-I am, yours respectfully, "E.L. P.S.—Please inform me if your Blood Mixture is sold at Vienna, as I have advised several friends there to try it." THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. Scid in Bottles 2s. 9d. each, and in eases containing six times the quantity, lis. each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the prcjt majority of ion_r- ptandii>p cases, BY ALL CHEMISTS and PATKNT MEDICINH3 VENDORS throughout the world, or sent for 3J or 132 stamps by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN AND MIDLAND COU. TIES DKUG COMPANY, Lincoln. (Trade Mark—" Blood Mixturo.") if ARK TWAIN (Mr. rf. L. Clemens) says of Profeswr Loifette: "He showed me how to UP tlie dark CeUar of m5' 1Iem0ry'" K*a L K iDV UnSike mnemonics. Prospectus, containing i tea sL Si S tJfl B opinions of Pupils who have PASSED EXAMI- ilfciiawi e B an(j 0f members of the Medical, Scho- lastic, C'.er-icai, Military, and other professions, post free from Professor LOISETTE 87, New Oxford Street, London. UPWARDS OF 10.000 TESTIMONIALS. BOEHLEFS BRILLIANT, tOIt, LIQUID METAL POLISH. Once used always used. Brilliancy; no smell; no scratching less labour; mora lasting; no mess. Use*! in the P,oy»l Mews. Contractors to the P. and O. Steamship Company, the North London and the Tilbury snd Southend Railway Companies. The BEST BRIGHTENEB KNOWN of Gold, Silver. Plated, Brass, Copper, Plat# Glass, Gilt Mouldings and Oil Paintings, and all other classes of metal goods, from the most costly and fragile to those in and the Tilbury and Southend Railway Companies. The BEST BRIGHTENEB KNOWN of Gold, Silver. Plated, Brass, Copper, Plate Glass, Gilt Mouldings and Oil Paintings, and all other classes of metal goods, from the most costly and fragile to those in commonest use; producing the most Ixw.utiful polish cueaply and with the least possible labour. Sole Manufacturers :J. DOHHLnN & COMPANY, 20, BUCKLE11SBUiiV, LONDON, E.C. Bold by ffaArmatH Druggists, Oiiinen. Grocers i; Ironmonger* A Sample sent free for 6 stamps. __0_