Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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BUSINESS ADDRESSES X STOP ONE MOMENT. X "OH, DEAR, DOCTOR, WHA T WILL YOU RECOMMEND FOR MY CHIL- DREN'S COUGHS AND COLDR 7" TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. The Moat Marvelous Cure for ell Disorders of the Chest, Throat. and Lungs. It never faib to give instant relief, and does not con- taia Laudanum. Opium, or Morphia. BE WISE IN TIME. Don't tamper with Danger, but go straighi away for TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. ft IS IWALOABLE for Weak-chested Men, Deli- cate Womea and Children. It cures when All other remedies fail. It cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Asthma, Tightness of the Chest. It tin*# thousands of children of Bronchitis and Whoop, tej Coughs It Cures for One Shilling when pounds have been spent in vain. DO TRY IT I If you have a Cough, try it; if you have a Cold, fey it; if you hare Bronchitis, try it. It loosens the Phlegm, and promotes expectoration, produces warmth and comfort to the chest, and gives refresh- iKS sleep when you have lost nig-nts of rest. READ ON". SOW COMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS AVT) SURGEONS. When you are distressed with a miserable cold, nose tampd up, throat sore, limbs aching with a general feeling o, smothering, a few doses of the Balsam of Honey will clf>ar the wretched symptoms away aimost before you know it. There is nothing like it on the market: it is thoroughly up to date ■ it trickles mt° a» the system. A true friend prompt »•«! reliable in its action. READ ON PUBTHER. SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY. Worthy of Your Consideration. Sir,-My wife desires me to say that vonr T..j/w Balsam oi Honey has proved' a most arable medicine in our large family (eight chil- dren As soon as a cough or a c6ld makes its appearance a dose of Tudor's Balsam j., at onee arj thf X V* trtftment followed up until rar fcmiliThPPeaK- '™a* thp Bul,am i„ eur family the children have been prostrate with £ Week"' but now' by Uki"K dose8. as directed they seem to suffer very little incon- veaience. During the short time the cold isupon then. the artio.i of the Balsam is marvellous, and Wat't^ 7^^ r«a !ii-v ast fw more. T>^nJi ?»k C.M.. Headmaster Severn Tixnel School, March 16th, 1832. «" W<»>" ?mple RTAT'"1 R"DU- 3d, or 38. a.ntJ fie.. from the I' D. TUDOR WUXTAMS, MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. R. J Q HEATH .AND SONS rUNOWRTE^ *r.MJ.\T>WOOn, Schiedmaver, Cellard, Emrd, KirWman, Kaps, Brinsmpad, Siieinway, Uopliinson, Bfcchbtein, Chailes, tTe-jmeyer, &c., Ac. OBGAfS by:—MASON and I.AMT.OT. Bell, Smith. CVrjen^er, Stalling, Story and Clark, Dorierty, Karn, &c., Ac., and arnioniums by Alex- ander fee., 4c. A FUIX COXCKRT GRANT). 71 tOctavws, by the genuine and celebrated Arm, SCHIEDMAYSS, for Hire, for Conceits, &c. fcAROEW WS9TBT.75 TOSCO ('NTS FOR CASH. iJkPEIilENTT-TI TTTNERK VISIT ALL PARTS OF SOUTH WALM PKUIODfCAI.LT. REPAIRS OF AU. KINDf: EXECUTED RY vms' CLASS AND EXP/iXMENC £ D LONDON WORKMEN. SrECfAjj QITOTATTONS FOR PLACES OF WOR- SHIP, INSTITUTIONS, AXD tiUHOOIA Before Purchasing, do not to Send for our l'rice Lists and Verdict of 900, and Compare our I Prices and Terms with other Haiwes. SHOWROOMS— 51, QUEEN-STREET. CARDIFF; 70, TAFJP* -STREET, PONTYPRIDD and 31, WINDSOR-ROAD, PENARTH. AGENCIES AT ABERAVON. fUPOXTOX-BAKRY. CAERPHILLY. BRITKIEND, MAESTEG, I CiNVASSERS WANTED IN ALL PARTS, ON GOOD COMMISSION. e534 JJEECHAM'S PILLS. t?EECHAM'S PILLS, JgEECHAM'S PILLS, BEECHAM'S PILLB. "Worth a Guillen. It Box. BEECHAM'S PILLS. jD For Bilious ttaclcs. BEECHAM'S PILLS J[? For Nerrnus Disorders. TD EECHA M'S PILLS. JO For Indigestion in all its forms. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JD For Wind allrl. Piimj iu the Stomach, BEECHAM'S PILLS. For Sick Hea«i».che. BEECHAM'S PILLS JL? Have Sayed the Lives of Thousands. BEECHAM'S PILLS. B For Giddiness. EECHAM'S PILLS. JL) For Fulness ami Swelling after Meals. BEECHAM'S PILLS JD Are Worth a Guinea :t Bos. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JL) A Wonderful Medicine for Females of all Aar BEECHAM'S PILLS mB Are Ailaoted for Old and. Youns. ARTIFICIAL rjpEETH. *?? COMPLETE SET OMS GUINEA. SINGLE TOOTH 2s. bd. Five Years' Warranty, Prize Medal. GOODMAN AND CO., 56, QUEEN STREET, and 10. DUKE- STREET. CARDIFF. ARTIFICIAL TEETH PA! N I.ES.SLY FITTED by Atmospheric Suction, at one-third their visual charges. No extractions necessary perfect ''nd per- manent life-like appearance; sjiecial SOtl PALATES for Tender C.ums; i>erfect for Mastication and Spcech COUNTRY PATIENTS SUPPLIED in ONE VISIT an,t Kailwav Fare allowed. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN* TO REPAIRS, EXTRACTIONS. STOPPINGS, &c. TESTIMONIALS. Dr. ANDP.F.W WILSON Oate 1{.N.) savs:— can rec.ommsntl Mr. Goodman :»«» a very skilful and humane Dentist His reasonable charges should attract to him a.11 classes." Mr. E. VYSE, of Plaistow, savs: am very well pleased with the attention I have received from you. The artificial teeth supplied have given me perfect satisfaction, a* a previous set I had frem another liii.tint were by no moans comfortable. I :1m, In- debted to Mr. Andrew Wilson, editor of Health,' for recou.mending me to vmn- establishment." CONST LTATION'S FREE. SPECIALITY in WHITE ENAMEL and GOLD FILLINGS, AMERICAN DENTISTRY, fcud PLATE 1 .ESS PALATICS. Before entering 1<>ok for the GOODMAN* AND CO.. 10, DU KE-STR EFT, aril 56. QUEEN-STREET, CARIVIVT. PONTYPttIM> • 86, TAFF-STREET (ovar Giainot- ganshire Bank^ NEWPORT 28, HIGH.-STREET. SWANSEA: 15, CASTLE STKKET. Hours: 10 to 8. Consultation Free. -?- ril YI.OR A N D SON, X AUCTIONEERS. 12, CUSTOM HOUSE-STREET. CARDIFF. Appointed to Levy Distress for Rent. Thrt i F'.irnituw Sales weeklyTuesday and Friday at two; Saturday at r-evwri p.m. Furniture or Scwk Ro'jjjht or Sold on Com- jnission. *4810 THU LA-T E S: NO VE LT ï Perthes Taken Auy Tjr.e "-P to ?TiM At hy, hLHCTlUO LIGirr. Cotni»eta suoccss 10" cm vlissati^il' d. T# «.V/ertise tba Photo^inph, i-or L'ltcitwl TUne, « e do One Cainttei. One Shilling. "I'.Uo, 4. Hifrh-strqet, Oairli.2. (ri-a. eMM v ? HOTELS. PENARTH. THE QUEEN RESTAURANT (Adjoining Station), STANWELL ROAD. First-claa3 Luncheon from la. Tea. ,,00. Hi^h-class Cakes and Confectionery. NOTED FOB PIC-NIC CATERING. Accommodation for very larg-e Parties. THE QUEEN RESTAUR ANT, PENARTH. H. R. WILLIAMS, Proprietor. BUSINESS ADDRESSES. JJAVID JONES AND (JO. T IMITED, TBE PEOPLE'S POPULAR FOOD PRO. VIDERS, FINEST JAMS AT LOWEST PRICES. STRAWBERRY 8(1. per 21b. Jar. RASPBEI.RY 9d. w BLACK CURRANT 7d. „ BLACKf.ERRY 6i'l DAMSON 61d. GREENGAGE ó2d. GOOSEBERRY 5id. BLACKBERRY and APPLE 5d. „ TLUM od. N PLUM and APPLE 42d. „ Note Only Address ^ESTMINSTER GTORES WHARTON e STREET, CARDIFF. 4215 IWMHIIIIII «I«A?GA..IIIMIA»UIY I,I HI—WBW— >BT DECORATOBS. \\r DAVIS AND iSON TV I POINTERS, GLASS, OIL. AND PAPER-HANGING MERCHANTS, 11. Qu E^N STREET. BOOTS. IIOR GOOD RELIABLE BOOTS you .£1 Cannot do Better than Call at WIL- LIAMS and SON'S, Rwtiunda Boot Store*, S:lifcbiiry-road, Catltays, and Riverside and Saltrnend Boot Supply, 40, Tudor-road. CLERICAL AND MILITARY TAILORS. E J. BAKER .fj t HIGH-CLASS TAILOR. 33 QUEEN-STREET. CARDIFF Agent: or Messrs. Hobson a.nd Sons. Military Outfitters, London. CLOTHIlrG. ^ntT" ANTED, Left(-Off Clothing Every r r Description, Furniture, Pianos, Violins, Old China: b"st prives Mance, Wyndbam Arcade. Cardiff. ° e4773 -? -?- LADIES' Gentlemen's, and Children's ?J Wardrobes Purchased; full prices given; till orders punctuillv attended North, 14, Caroline-street, Cardiff. e4798 CTTTLEBY. FOR GOOD CUTlERY GO TO JF A. W. STANIFORTH, THE CUTLER," 6. CHURCH-STREET. Repairing and Grinding (daily). ?. DYEWOEKS. ETC. XF YOU WANT YOUR~CLOTHES NICELY CLEANED. GO TO HOBBS. DYER. 1, NELSON-TERRACE. FANCY GOODS AND TOYS. ANCY COODST^TfyYs! &c.. Wholesale? W!IT, at COM LEY and SON'S, 23, MOIRA TERRACE. CARDIFF. Close to New Infirynary. FURNITURE. EVAN A COMPANY. LIMITED j0 "THE CARDIFF FURNISHERS." P-T. MARY-SlTiEET AND DUKE-STREET. FRUIT. &c. -? W. ALEXANDER (I.ate H. Press!, 39, Salisbury-road, Importer of English and Foreign Fruits. Fresh vegetables supplied daily All kindll fish in 8!"S80n. GENERAL GOODS. ENERAL GOODS of all descriptions? ??r S-'i'jf^reepers can jret almost everything thev want, at THiy Loivest Wholesale Prices, at CO-Vl-EY and SON S. 23, Moira-tenvtce, Cardiff. Close ?_ GLASS, CHINA, AND WARE. LASS. rYTlNA~ AND WARE 1 ?jr Everybody says COMXEY'S is the Larsjc-st and Be«t Place for all Shopkeepers to so. GtHOCERIBS. AVID JONES <FC CO.. LIMITED TH i' P>:OPi.K'S FOOD PROVIDERS, The flneot Butter lid. per lk. Call :„t AN'harton-street. HABERDASHERY, STATIONERY. A BERDASH ERY STATIONER V, &c. ? 1 Shopkeepers, for your own sake, go to f'OMLFY and SON, 23, Moira-tertace, Cardiff. Close to New fnthmary. RHEUMATIC CUBE. FOR l.ULl7pARTK ULAES APPLY TO PHIL PHILLIPS 24. ST. MARY-STREET. TEA. rfTTiE CHOOLA TEA COMPANY X TEA GROWERS AND EXPERTS, PARK-BUIL J )INGS, QUEEN-STREET. i DAVID JONES and CO. (Limited) JL? FOR FINEST TEA IN THE MARKET. CALL AT WHARTON-STREET. ._?- TYPEWRITING. ANIEL CTWEN AND CO. (Limited ) JL? Legal Work, Speciiicat.ions, Estimates, and all of Typewriting EOxecuteù on the Shor P.8t Notice, "'errus on anplicafion. WESTERN MAIL BUILDINGS, CARDIFF »I I WHEUE TO LUNCH. NNHE SCOTIA RESTAURANT 8 LUNCH MONS. TEA-5. DINNERS LUKE-STKKET. WEEKLY MAIL AND NEWS OF THE WESK. PRICE ONE PENNY, 4 BUSINESS ADDRESSES. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! FURNITURE BEVAN AND COMPANY (LIMITED), THE CARDIFF FUUNISHERS, AS THE LARGEST FURNISHERS IN SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE. Can produce Good and Reliable Goods at about HALF the PRICES charged by many of th^ir Competitors. Do not give 30 or 40 per cent, more for Goods elsewhere, hub place your Orders in the nds of this old and reliable Firm, whose Successful trading fer nearly Half a Century has not only puc them in the position they hold in the Furnishing World, but affords the strongest possible proof of the satisfaction they give the many Thousands of Customers they continually supply. BARGAINS IN BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING BARGAINS IN DINING-ROOM SUITES. BARGAINS IN DRAWING-ROOM SUITES. BARGAINS IN BEDROOM SUITES. BARGAINS IN KITCHEN FURNITURE. PIANOS, AMERICAN ORGANS AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. BARGAINS IN EVERYTHING. DELIVERY FREE! ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE GRATIS AND POST FKBE BEVAN & CO., LTD.. ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF. DUKE-STREET, CARDIFF. OPPOSITE TOWN-HALL, NEWPORT CLARENCE-STREET, PONTYPOOL j 3.000 TEA ESTATES. There are over 3,003 Tea Estates in India and Ceylon alone, each producing a Tea of a flavour peculiar to itself. It is the work of the Tea. Taster to know something about the beat varieties. No man can learn all about them in 8 lifetime, and nothing valuable can be known by any except those who the Tea Trade their special study, like PHILLIPS & CO., TEA SPECIALISTS. 74 QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. « = THE WAT TO PROGRESS. it to go ahead. BOYLE and CO. have had a bigger trade this year than ever before. This is not surprising, because the quality of their goods won the confidence of the people right from their first beginning. Ladies' Boots and Shoes, in graceful hygienic shapes. Grand Show of Dreg Shoes, Gents' Shooting. Touring, and Walking Boots, best style and makes. including the Waukerz, Adapted, Walk Easy, and soft and silent brands! Prices, ts. lid.. 8s. 6<1.. 10s. 6d., 13s. 6d., 16s. 6d., 21s.. 25s. JgOYLE AND 00., CARDIFF. Branch: 175, Commercial-street, Newport. e4743-a JgALL JJOOMS, JgAZAARS AND BANQUETING HALLS, DECORATED AND FURNISHED COMPLETE. Tabling. Seating, Caroeting, and Decoratinet o any sized Building. Royal Arms, Plumes, Heraldic Shields, Flags, Illumination Lamps, and Lauterns for Sale or Hire. Write for Designs and Estimates to RICHARDSON & CO., PUBLIC DECOR ATORS & ILLUMINATORS TEADE STBEET, PENAETH-BOAD CARDIFF. The Largest and Best Stock of Decorations in the provinces. 56036 SUPPORT HOME INDUSTRIES Why Pay Higher Prices for FOREIGN MANUFACTURED GOODS WHEN BRITISH GROWN ROLLED OATS AND OATMEAL, Of Superior Quality and Flavour, can be Readily Obtained ? CAREY "THOMAS'S ROLLED OATS .GROATFLAKE). Made Solely from HomeGrown Grain, SOLD BY ALL GROCERS IN CARDBOARD BOXES 2i*as., ANQ 3iiM, [84448 L*

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[No title]

IOld Cardiff Town








A Romantic T rageD";




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New Line to London



