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Trade Intelligence.



IM^RIAI^PARLIAMENT. HOUSE OF LORDS-THURSDAY The Royal Royal Assent having been given by Commission to a number of Bills, Earl Beauchamp moved the second reading of the Prisons Bill. Having stated that 115 prisons were dealt with by the Bill, the noble lord said its objects were to intro- duce uniformity of discipline, to transfer the costs of mainten- ance from the local rates to the public purse, and to give the Secretary of State a controlling power over the management of prisons. He quoted figures to show the saving that would be effected by the proposed change —The Earl of Kimberley, while admitting defects in the present prison system, thought that a remedy might be found without placing the management in the hands of the central authority.—The debate was continued by Lord Hardinge, the Earl of Morley, Lord Egerton, and the Bill was read a second time. HOUSE OF COMMONS—THURSDAY. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in reply to Mr. Whalley, said he did not see what steps the Government could take against the clergy who recognized the doctrines disclosed in The Priest in Absolution." He expressed an opinion that the best protection against any mischief arising from the practices referred to was the fact that they had been exposed and made a matter of notoriety. The order for the second reading of the Maritime Contracts Bill was discharged—another "innocent" slaughtered, for which the Chancellor of the Exchequer ex- presled his regret. A question having been asked as to the appearance of the Colorado beetle in a potato field at Cologne, Lord Sandon said the Foreign Office were informed that the field had been burned with sawdust and petroleum, but since then some of the beetles had been seen on the wing. He stated that the Privy Council had issued most stringent orders for the careful inspection of all potatoes imported into this country from America.—On the motion for going into Supply, Mr. Sampson Lloyd calletlattention to the injustice and incon- venience of compelling private individuals to undertake the collection of income tax, inhabited house duty, and land tax, and moved a resolution to the effect that the practice was un- just and inexpedient, and requesting her Majesty's Government to make provision for its discontinuance.—Mr. Muntz seconded the motion, suggesting that the collectors of poor rates should have the duty imposed upon them, they receiving the emolu- ments allowed for its discharge. -The Chancellor of, the Ex- chequer admitted the inconvenience arising from the present practice, and said he was prepared to make such a change as would meet the difficulty.-fr. Lowe afterwards called atten- tion to the subject of the power of the Crown with respect to the removal of the Indian judges.—Dr. Playfair called attention to the new regulations in regard to candidates for the Indian Civil Service, arguing that they failed to fulfil the conditions laid down-" that the regulations would deal fairly by all parts of the kingdom and all places or liberal education"—inasmuch as they practically excluded the Scotch Universities, the Queen's Colleges in Ireland, and similar institutions in London and the provinces, from participation in the preparation of candidates, either before or after competition.—Lord G. Hamil- ton expressed his belief that the regulations would work beneficially, and denied that they would exclude either Irish- men or Scotchmen from the Indian Civil Service.—The discus- sion was continued by other members, and then abandoned. HOUSE OF LORDS.—FRIDAY. Lord Stanley of Alderley asked if instructions had been given to Colonel Wellesley, or to other British officers holding similar appointments, to report any excesses committed by the Russian ariny.—Lord Derby said no such special instructions had been given, as it was well understood that a military attache employed 'with a foreign army would send reports of such events as would be interesting to his own Government.—The Game Laws (Scotland) Bill was read a third time and passed, and the Trade Marks Bill was read a second time. HOUSE OF COMMONS.-FRIDAY After some preliminary business had been disposed of, Mr. Trevelyan moved his resolutions affirming that, in the opinion of this House, it would be desirable to adopt a uniform Parlia- mentary franchise for borough and county constituencies, and to so re-distribute political power as to obtain a more complete representation of the opinion of the electoral body. Mr. Trevelyan argued that, inasmuch as the county householder contributes his share to the taxation, was liable to enlistment, was educated with or without the conscience clause, and buried with or without religious rites, he had a claim to the right that was now demanded for him—namely, a vote for a Parliamentary representative. The hon. member gave several illustrations of the way in which the line was drawn between borough and county, and asserted that in the House of Commons three-fifths represented only two-fifths of the people, while the principle of representation going hand-in-hand with taxation was entirely ignored.—Sir C. Dilke, speaking in support of the second part of the resolution, said the anomalies of representation were in- creasing every year.—Mr. Smollet strongly opposed the motion. —Mr. Stansfeld supported it, and said he had always been in favour of household suffrage.—The debate was continued by Mr. Goldney, Lord E. Fiztmaurice, and others, and at one time an ineffectual attempt was made to count the House.—fln a division the motion was rejected by 56, the numbers being—For 220; against, 276. HOUSE OF LORDS. NIONDAY. During a sitting of forty minutes's duration, the Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act Amendment Bill and the Trade Marks Bill passed through committee, the Public Works Loan Bill was read a third time, and the Irish Constabulary Bill a second time. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—MONDAY. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in replying to Mr. Morley, said that he was not prepared, in the present state of public business, to say what course Government would take with re- ference to the Bankruptcy Bill. Mr. Sliaw-Lefevre gave notice for Thursday of a question whether the First Lord of the Ad- miralty would postpone the sale of the next presentation to cer- tain livings in Northumberland, inasmuch as the Home Secre- tary had announced that Government would bring in a Bill de- claring such sales illegal. Mr. Cross denied that he had said he would bring in each a measure. On the motion for going into committee of supply, the expediency of organizing corps of mounted riflemen, and the redress of alleged grievances of militia surgeons and of the medical department of the army were brought under the notice of the House. Mr. Hardy said that prac- tical experience had shown it was very difficult to secure the re- quisite number of efficients in mounted rifle corps. With re- gard to the other two points, he contended that every effort had been made to put army medical officers on a satisfactary foot- ing, while he denied that there was any real grievance in the course which had been adopted with reference to militia sur- geons. Mr. Boord then moved a resolution declaring that it was expedient that those who had been debarred from partici- pation in the benefits of the Superannuation Act of 1853 by the War Office circulars of 1861 should be restored to the position they would have occupied had those circulars never been issued. This was negatived without a division, and the House went into committee on the Army Estimates. HOUSE OF LORDS.—TUESDAY. The House met at five o'clock. Replying to Earl Granville, the Earl of Derby said it was the fact, as had been stated in the newspapers, that orders had been given for the British fleet to leave The Piraeus, where it had been stationed, to return to Besika Bay.-Tlie second reading of the Universities of Oxfoid and Cambridge Bill was then moved by the Marquis of Salisbury, who explained that it was not essentially different from the Oxford Bill of last year.—Lord Colchester moved as an amend- ment, that legislation with reference to the Universities would be premature, unless preceded by an inquiry into the working of the changes brought about by the legislation of 1854 and 1856.—Lord Carlingford expressed general approval of the measure, which he looked upon as better considered than that of last year. He hoped, however, that their Lordships would have an opportunity of expressing an opinion in regard to Clerical Fellowships.—The Duke of Devonshire, the Earl of Camperdown, and Lord Midleton also spoke favourably of the Bill, regarding it as an improvement upon last year's measure.— and after a brief reply from the Iarquis of Salisbury, the amend- ment was negatived, and the Bill was read a second time.—Re- plying to the Earl of Harrowby, the Earl of Derby said the boundary line between Turkey and Persia had never been laid down, but the negotiations were only suspended, not broken off, and the British Government would lose no available opera- tions to prevent the outbreak of war between those two Powers. Their lordships rose at five minutes to seven o'clock. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—TUESDAY. The Speaker took the chair at a quarter past two o'clock. Mr. Blake gave notice of his intention to ask Mr. P.irnell whether he had used certain words reported in the Times and paili/ Telegraph as having been uttered by him at a meeting held in London on the 21st April last relative to, and threaten ing the prolongation of the obstructive conduct of himself and Mr. Biggar. Being told by the Speaker that the question could not, consistently with the rules of the House, be put, Mr. Blake gave notice that at the earliest opportunity he would call attention to the subject as one affecting the privileges of the House.—Mr. E. Jenkins gave notice that on that day month he would call attention to recent despatches between the English ) and Russian Governments, and move a resolution.—In re- ply to Mr. W. E. Forster, tho ClianceEor of the Ex- chequer said it was true that the British Fleet, which had left the Pirceus, had been ordered to Besika Bay.— The adjourned debate on going into committee on the Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Snnolay (Ireland) Bill was resumed by Mr. R. Smith, who complained strongly (if ihe opposition which was maintained against the Bill, although its principles had been ratified by a large majority of the House.—Mr. E. COIHKS opposed the Bill, which was supported by Mr. Goulding, :'f. Sullivan and Ir. A. Morf. Sir S. Mo eve and Mr. (rllanlt- nessey intimated that they would oppose the further progress of the measure. The Bill was further opposed by Sir P. O'Brien and Ite. O'Leary, who spf-ke for upwavls of an k,m. Mr. Kirk, and Mor. O'Sullivan, and was by Mr. B. Wbitv,orth. At ten minutes to seven, whilst Mr. Wullival1 was still speak- ing, the discussion was adjonrnerL--1he sitting was suspended at seven o'clock.—The House resumed at nine o'clock. After an ineffectual attempt to count it out, Percy moved a resolu- tion ia iavour of an enquiry into the system of vaccination, with the view of ascertaining whether it could not be conducted more satisfactorily than at present.—Mr. Green seconded.—Mr. Pease moved an addition to the motion in favour of further enquiry into the accumulation of penattiifs.—Mr. James seconded the amendment.—The motion was opposed by Sir F. Lawrence, and supported by Mr. Hopwood.—Mr. Sclater Booth said that no case had been made out for the motion, for the results of vacci- nation on the mortality and baneful effects of small-pox were incontestable. He trusted the Honse would not endorse the views of the Anti-Vaccination Society, but leave the cases of accumulated penalties to be dealt with on their merits by the central authorities.—Mr. Former was in favour of compulsory vaccination, but thought that the law could be vindicated without the oppressive system <of accumulated penalties, as was formerly the case in England, and was now so in Scotland and Ireland"—Earl Percy accepted the amendment.—On a division the motion itself was rejected by 106 to fjf;The House was counted out at 1.30. HOUSE OF COMMONS.—WEDNESDAY. Mr. O'Sullivan moved the second reading of the Union Justices (Ireland) Bill, the object of which is to transfer from the Lord Lieutenant to the ratepayers the power of nominating ODe magistrate in each union.-Ir. Beresfonl moved that the Bill should be read a second time that day thres months. At the close of the debate the House divided, and the numbers were —For the second reading, 36; against, 178. The Bill was there- fore lost.— Mr. W. Egerton moved the second reading of the Public Worship Facilities Bill, which provides that where there was insufficient accommodation the Bishop may rafter enquiry, authorize the erection of a new church, upon a guarantee as to the provision of the requisite funds, and on the incumbent fail- ing, after three months' notice, to provide the required accom- modation.—Mr. "Assheton moved the previous question, which was negatived, by 94 votes to 78, and the Bill was read a second time.—Mr. J. Barclay was explaining the provisions of the Agricultural Tenants' Security for Improvements Bill, when the debate was suspended.—Two or three new Bills were introduced, awl some others were advanced a stage.



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