Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

14 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



TIPYNJ) BOBJ^TEL_ The School Board agitation continues with unabated energy at Rhyl, and both parties held meetings last week. Frederick Augustus Grattidge, who formerly carried on the business of a hatter at Nantwich, has been senten- ced by the Leeds stipendiary magistrate to nine months imprisonment with hard labour for embezzling sums of money belonging to his employers. A very sensible suggestion, made by Sir Llewelyn Turner, was acted upon on Tuesday, January 14, by the Carnarvon Harbour Trust. He said that he had declined to support the soup kitchen started in Carnarvon, and he proposed in preference that the prevalent distress should be relieved by offering work to men who had nothing to do. It was thereupon agreed that all men at Uarnarvon in want of work should be employed at the new harbour works. At Chester, bad trade and the frost have produced an amount of distress which has not been known for several years. One firm in the iron trade has gone into liquida- tion another employing a large number of haudfl has given notice of ten per cent, reduction the whole ot the men employed on the tramways are out of employ, and building and joinery operations are at a complete stand- still. Soup is daily distributed under supervision, and the 41b. loaf is sold to all applicants at Id. the quartern. An immense number of loafs and quarts of soup have been dispensed. A beautiful pedestal of Anglesey marble, with appro- priate inscription, is about to be erected over the tomb ot the late Mr. Owen Williams (Owam Gwyrfai), Waenfawr, the well-known Welsh antiquary and scholar, m tfettws Garmon churchyard. The promoters of taei have also decided upon placing a memorial ^Met mte small cottage at Penbont-y-cyrnant, Waenfawr, the birth Grosvenor, M.P. with Miss Ella Stubber, of, Moyne, The Duke and Duchess of Westminster will be present at mil shortly take place ^etivcen^ Lord Mo°fy„maAir 3 j.tK'fl»d h»Me Mi,nsins to jir- Thorns Davieai' butcher?^Halberton, near Nantwioh was fatally injured in the foliowing manner. Mr. Davis was ^ettino- some straw from a loft, when the steel piKel he used fll into the stable with the prongs upwards, against the W Th,gared pluIled .violently, oammg the PW»S? «f 'f 1 iLies huatily drew the dled <"«* miS'w''dSy?Jan-'l5, a deputation of the.workmen at th* Flint Chemical Works, who were ou strike, waited upon their employe rs, and offered to accept an extension TtheWOTS time, and a reduction of five per cent, in their w^es but refused to accept a reduction of ten per cent The'masters declined to «cept the On Wednesdav evening a woman named Conway at- tempted" in the river, bec^se as shesaid she had no money to buy food for her a rescued by some upon whom the hole works wer dependil'lg, aà agreed pS aaHfuh" very shortly. A meet^iTwaa recently held at Chester in MPf»rtof a movement for restoring and endowing St. Martin s Church riTeth church in Chester. Amongsj. the. speakers warp* Dean of Chester, Mr. Cecil Raikes, M.r\, ana the Venerable Archdeacon Darby. Mr. Kaikes said he had always regarded it as one of the greatest mistakes of his life that he did not learn the Welsh language when he was young, and he would say to any son ot his or any friend of his li Do not lose your opportunity of learning the Welsh language because however long the elsh language will last you may be sure th^t it will last long enough to repay you for learning it. -It has been arranged that the Bishop of bt. Asaph shall preach a Welsh sermon in Chester Cathedral, and the Dean of Chester a sermon in St. Asaph Cathedral, on behalf of the Welsh Church in Chester. Y Dywysogaeth, a Church newspaper, in an article upon the Sunday closing movement iu Wales, says—"It appears that a house-to-house canvass is being made in many localities in order to ascertain whether or not the rate- payers are in favour of the closing of public-houses on Sunday in Wales. The voting paper contains the name of the voter, and three other columns for Yes,' No,' and Neutral,' and the voter is invited to put his mark under either ot them. We do not mean to affix our mark under any of these headings; but we ven ture to say that hundreds will reluctantly write their mark in the first column, for fear of the indignity which would be heaped on them if they placed it under either of the other two heads. Not much reliance, therefore, can be placed on this canvass as a means of ascertaining the real voice of the country on the subject." On Wednesday, Jan. 15, addresses were given and pre- sentations made to Mr. William St. Andrew Rouse Boughton (eldest son of Sir Charles House Boughton, Bart., of Downton Hall), in commemoration of his mar- riage, in October last, to Miss Hotham, daughter of the Rev. F. H. Hotham, rector of Rushbury. The testimo- nial given by the tenants consisted of a handsome centre- piece for the table, in solid silver—a beautiful work of art. The address was handsomely illuminated and framed. The testimonial of the Ludlow Committee was a hand- some dessert service in solid silver, consisting of four ele- gant hand-chased dessert stands, with crest on medallion of each, enclosed in a handsome polished pollard oak case, with a suitable inscription on a brass plate. The address was illuminated in gold and colours. The ceremony of presentation took place at Downton Hall, where a s';1ptuous luncheon was provided for a large number of visitors. At the last Rhyl Petty Sessions, Allen Harden, a captain in the army, was charged with assaulting James McGill. The defendant did not appear, having left, it was stated, to join his regimentin India. His solicitor applied for an adjournment, which the Bench declined to grant. The complainant had charge of a cloak room at a ball, and the defendant being unable to find his hat, he (com- plainant) looked for it, when defendant exclaimed How can you find it when I cannot find it myself." Com- plainant said that perhaps some one who had been there had upset the hats. Defendant then asked Who are you ?" and McGill replied "I am as gsod as you," and Went on searching for the lost hat. Thereupon the cap- tain struck him violently in the face three times across his right eye. A doctor who was in the house dressed hIS wounds.—The defendant's solicitor said he was only sorry his client was unable to be present to give his version of the affair.—The Chairman said there was no doubt that a grievous assault had been committed and fined the defendant JE5 including costs. In default of immediate payment a warrant was ordered to be issued for the apprehension of Captain Harden. Lord Tolleinache has recently had a gathering of his Peckforton tenantry in order that he might address them en the influence of foreign competition upon the Onesnire cheese trade. His lordship attributed the tail in tne demand for the produce of their county dairies to tne arge importations from America and other countries. He warned his tenants that this competition would continue, and said that, instead of sighing, they must face the difficulty and try to overcome it. They must lmprove the commodity, and reduce the cost of b/ adopting all known improved methods of cheese-making His lordship made various offers to induce his J endeavour to increase the production, and fina 7 tobe placed before them the best specimens obtainable of Cheshire, Cheddar, and American cheese, the first-named having been bought in London at the retail p Per pound. One of the principal makers present admitted, after a trial of the specimens before them, th than cheesemakers had more to fear from Americans than ever." An inquest was held at the Hole Farm, kardiston, on Tuesday, January 14, on the body of Ihornas ■Jone:s, a bay of fourteen. A witness named 1 ugh said ceased was a waggoner's boy. On the previous Satur ay they were fetching some drainage pipes from _es station, with a waggon and three horses. Near the t. Farm something startled the horses. Witness sprang_ the middle horse, and told deceased to look out for him- self. Deceased fell down, however, and two wheels passed aver his chest. There were two or three tons on the wag- gon. Deceased died at once. The roads were very slip- pery. Another witness said that the deceased jumped to get out of the way of the horses, when he slipped and fell under the wheels. No one was to blame for the accident. A verdict of "Accidental death" was returned, lhe Foreman of the Jury said the case was a very sad one, as the boy s father had been ill in bed for nearly two years, and the deceased had been almost the entire support of bis parents. J?he Coroner and jury subscribed £ 1 lis. m the room towards the relief of the parents. An interesting meeting on behalf of the most neglected class of our population—the Canal Boatmen, was held at Chester on Thursday. January 16th. It was a meeting of the mission to Canal Boatmen, established by some members of the Queen # Ann's Compassionate Society, by means of which a Boatmen's Bethel is maintained on the Shropshire Union Company's Canal, and was held on board the mission boat. The Rev. P. W. Darnton, Independent minister, to whose exertions the maintenance of the mis- sion is chieftv due, announced that he had received a letter from the Duke of Westminster, who had been a very good friend to the movement, in which lie < expressed his regret that another engagement prevented, Ins being present. Mr. Darnton read the first annual report of the work of the Bethel, which was extremely satisfactory. No diffi- culty had been found in raising the money required. The average attendance at the Sunday evening service for the first three months 48, but during the last three months it had risen to 73, and the attendance on the last Sunday jp September was 130. The number of children at the Sunday afternoon class was about forty, The movement M entirely unsectarian, and none but boat people are ad- the services. Several striking examples were ■given in the report of the effect produced by these ser- vices. ''Well, and how do you like it?" said a boatman s ^Trfr ii ,,er husband as they were going back to their boat. Well, said the man, "I've worked harder on Sundays than on any day of the week for many years, but this has been a happy day, and I tell thee what—if thou'lt stick to it I will. What a blessing this Bethel is," said a boat- woman, it has done so much for the children—you can hear the little ones singing the hymns as they go along the canal, and not only them but ali the boat people, they ^e not like the same'; it's a pity it wagn't opened years Mr. Gladstone was present at a private banquet given by the Mayor of Chester (Mr. L. Gilbert) at the Town ■"■all, Chester, on Tuesday night, Jan. 14. He was ac- companied into the banqueting chamber by the Duke of estminster, Earl Grosvenor, the llight Hon. J. G. godson, M.P., Mr. Ii. C. Raikes, M.P., the High Sheriff County (Colonel Humberstone), Dean Howson, and th rs" "^e Duke of Westminster, in responding to toast of -his own health, referred to the presence of th** Glaclstone, and proposed his health, coupled with of Mrs. Gladstone. The right hon. gentleman Jor1 i a lnos^ enthusiastic ovation on rising to reply, tae- a a quarter of an hour he spoke on the advan- Municipalities were, lie said, *or their laudable patriotism, their public spirit, tuti remarkable zeal for purposes of utility. Those msti- for ? • \he said, were most valuable as training grounds 00 "'Kher arenas, and were a great bulwark of this anrt iJ trusted that such offices as those of mayor Se would always be incentives to_ gentlemen to Woi e interests of their municipal constituencies, and tj. ^ever go a-begging for occupants. It ought to be ambition of gentlemen to attain to such dignities, and "bra'^d be well for the country as long as such a spirit of • He complimented them highly on the selection their mayors in Chester, who were never second-rate en> men animated by sordid and vulgar motives, but men who had honourably won and maintained their ration by their efforts on behalf of their fellow-citizens, r^d he concluded his speech by heartily begging them to » ast the health of the present mayor.

FROM THE PAPERS. ......-v-........,..""""""..

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