I TOR.SKS w ttb. LKT, I APARTMKNT WANTKD HJ!SKS WAITED, I APARTMKNT TO BK LET V$ITI7ATIO?*- WANTED, j MISCELLANEOUS WA.N'TKD SITUATIONS VACANT, ARTICLES LOST AND FOUND No One Three Six Nine Thirteen Words. Insertion Insertions Insertions Insertion Insertions I O, D. S. >1. s. d. a. £1. iI. d •»1 1 0 2 0 3 6 4 6 5 0 28 18 3 C 4 6 5 6 7 0 35 1 2 o 4 0 5 6 6 6 8 0 42 i 2 8 5 0 7 0 8 0 S6 49 3 0 60 76 86 90 SHartteb. WANTED, a good general servant, at once. — Appy, Williams, New Inn, Cymmer, Hlionili'a Valley. p381 WANTED, a Lockup Shop in Great Darkgate street or Terrace-road from the 1st of M ty next.- For particulars apply J. Levenson, Magnet-buildings, High street, Rhyl. SITUATION wanted as cook in gentleman's family dairying baking help in kitchen good references.—C.D., 7, Grays Inn Road, Aberystwyth. P3S3 j \TT \NTED, at term, Good General St-rvatit, W able to iiiilk.-Apply Mrs Gardiner, Wenallt. CRCSSWOOD. P3S0 \TT ANTED, A STRONG LAD, AS APPRENTICE TO VV THE GROCERY. SALARY FIRST YEAR £ 4, SECOND £ S. —T. P Jones, PONTYCYTNMER. PO'86 WANTED, COOKS, HOUSEMAIDS, AND GOOD GENERALS.—OWEN'S SERVANTS' REGISTRY, S, BVYJUVIAIR, Towyn, Noith WALES. p:1S7 1 FE AT[ST ~ASS ISTAN'R, 21/' DISENGAGED n n NOVEMBER, WELSH, knowledge of Photography. M., 9. Cradock Street, SWANSEA. P373 L^OREIGN POSTAGE STAMPS.—WANTED OLD COLLECTIONS OR OLD STAMPED ENVELOPES.—J. Lascetles. MACHYNLLETH. P360. BARMOUTH.—WANTED an APPRENTICE to JD the printing tra(le.-Apply, AT Cambrian NEWS" OFFICE. 1, BEACH ROAD. TTT ANTED, Apprentices to bookkeeping VV and printing at the Camhrlun AV/ Office. _I) A HMOUTH.- \V anted to purchase a Free- Y hold house in a good position. Rental £ 30. Apply Z ((tioi.bi-iati News Office, Beach Road. p310 \\TANTED a good, active, respectable Boy V V to whip to Harriers and be generally useful.— Appl%, R. C. Richardes, Penglais, Aberystwyth. PI 42. X\TANTED, Ladies and Gentlemen to send F V their books to be bound to the Cambrian News OFFICE, Aberystwyth. Books bound from one shilling upwards. Ci(X)K wanted, in private family, good plain ) coolrir.g, take ehare in housewook, strong healthy PERSON, AGE 25 to 30 years. Housemaid kept. — Apply, l D., Brynmair, Llanaber, Barmouth. p370 MA N A G E R E S S wanted, thoroughly Z3 experienced, for good Country Hotel. Comrneicial and pood farmer's house; mtist speak Welsh. State age, "alary: send photo and referet)ces.-Apply, Proprietor. _laQeoch, Bala. p319 TALYLLYN SCHOOL BOARD. \'XT ANTED, immediately, an Ex-P.T., and an W Assistant Master. Apply, stating AGE, pre- vious engagements, silary expected, with testimonials, OJI or before the 23rd iust., D. Ivor Jones, Corris, R.S O. p364 TTE YT^ANTED, on Cambrian Coast, furnished V Y apartment for six winter months, sitting ROOM and 3 bedrooms (all on ground iioor preferred) °R furnished cottage. Terms mURt be s'rictly ^DERATE. Full particulars aud size of rooms to ALTER, 61, Long-street, Sparkbrock, Birmingham p3G3 R "CA RTR li F~ODIH CARTREF." .E (II{ Servants, and Young -,litien in business, SEEKING situations in London. Servants RECEIVED 4t la. 4d. per day-Better accomodation on REASONABLE t;rms. Apply 6ister in Charge," 3, Margaret St eet I C'AVEND'SH Square, London W. -1- 11 a be 1£ct. T^ARM, 212 acres, Gellyllyndu, in the parish of Liandewihrpn, Cardiganshire, to be let POSSESSION NOW.—Apply to Mr Thomas, Ty nyp'-vll FARM. Whitchurch. Cardiff. p349. ARDENJ situate at the back of the R >pe X Walk, (lately kiown as the Lion Hotel 'RD»N.) tm be let, as a whole, or in plots.—Apply to ^WILLIAMS, timber merchant, Aberystwyth. pl95 NERYSTWYTH. -Winter appartments, sitting-room, one or two bedrooms. IV rim li'oderate, can be highly rf cominendt d.—Miss Knowles, j THE Firs. Penglaise Road. p32S T> .\RMOUTH. Furnished House, home-like (superio ). Dining, DRAWING, morning, and six rooms; mountain views, MINUTE from beach. Miss HOYE. Bryn View. Private APART rilfnts. Good Accommodation for Vis-itors. Close to the Rail ^AY Statinii. -Address, Mrs Lloyd, NeWiy Hou-e, 2, GEORGE. STREET. A herv..twvth ol)96 f LIO LET, FURNI8HEJ~O7_ORIIERW7FEC"GLAN!IYN I A Hall, large hous* %ND ABRMT S ACRF8 0f land, 8ILLTAL° ,ILF A "'LUS LBMILAR, and ab HIT AX ^.LES off Ab -vystwyth. -Apply R. THOMA% RHOSGOOH, Lhttiilar. j-,375 | LET. with immediate possession, the Old- -L. established Gogei'Lian Anns Hotel, Pont« rwyd IN:les from Aberjstwytli). with 42 acres of )and, good trout tishii'g. — Apply D. M. Da vies, IS, New STREET, Aberystwyth. p274 LET, unfurrished IN PICTURESQUE and he dty tovinof Montgomery, good roomy, com- ,Rta.bte. house, well situated, with imimdht^ L">S.«F.SSJOIJ dining and di\*wiag ROBINS, seven bed- RO<IMS. kitchens, etc., and good kitchen garden.— ^JJL>LY. Mr Lloyd, Rectory, Berriew. pïl R,E LET, Unfurnished, P.ryndovey, I Aberdovey, Noith Walet-, a charming residence tt"1i1J" in i,s own GROUNDS, BEAUTIFULLY WOODEIK and H^INTNANDIOG extensive views of the Dovey Kstuary, V^R.IIAAN Hills, aud Bay, well sheltered from the F^ST 'WIND?, containing li Receptio* rooms, 7 Led- r?OI118, B ithroom, W.C., and domestic others. W10'' Stabling, Coach-house, and Kitchen garden. RESIDENCE will be let from the first of October, J *H, for one year, or a lease may be granted. LIRR ^,RTHER particulars apply to William Rowlands, J J "CTIONEER. Towyn.—N.B.—Aberdovey is renowned j tamons Golf Links. p'2-'2 Zo be o-lb oeSE Fort SALE, in Custom House TLOUSE FOPT SALE, in Custom House 5-1 Street, containing ten rooms, large back and warehouse.—Apply, Owens, St. ^WL'S Place, Aberystwyth. PO tiE SOLD tirst class general Drapery and I Tailoring business. Best TAILORING trade in the Special reasons for retiring.—Apply, W. M. it iiisl Stanley House, Towyn. pl46 R^T FLOWERS^LANTS;for SALE. I <\| —-Apply to the Gardener, Queen's Hotel, I 8 T:\VYTH.. R>455 I ^"ERAL Freehold Cottages for sale by AKW Private treaty, also Furnished douse to let.— I TRI Edward Ellis, auctioneer, Aberystwyth. AKW Private treaty, also Furnished douse to let.- I TRI Edward Ellis, auctioneer, Aberystwyth. ) BE SOLD, eight-roomed house, situate I t!l.t" in (ieorge-street, two minutes walk of Railway -Apply, D. R. Jones, 7. Bridge-street. P :3Gi I° 1 1' 11 W A L VJ S V 1-1 E A S A N T R IE 8 A N I) VTHR SHOOTING KENNELS, F'urth, Llani- Itoad, K.S.O. Telegrams, Ar^oed, K.'IJN-" DO^S Sold. Walked and Broken. All Dogs ottered ) AVE Warranted to be thoroughly Broke". Bool: ut M early F(,r L'!GGS to prevent disappointment, birds FOR turning dt-wn or for penning up from the old i FFLC.T'FC'D variety, IF preferred. The Garth game food is U"d cheapestthe market. Price List of D. W, I b be olb. ^MILlTTiUSINESSES MILK BUSINESSES. MR R. FOX, the well-known Cowlceepers and Dairymen's Agent, and Auctioneer (Es- tablished 18;)9) has a good selection of over 200 genuine dairies for sale, with or without stock, from f50 to 910,000, in all parts ofLoadon and suburbs. Intending purchasers before deciding on a business should call at his othce, No 11, Caledonian Road. King's Cross-, London, 5 minutes from Euston Station. N.B. No charge to purchasers. 663. TARPAULINS. ITIOR Railway Trucks, Thrashing Machines, Engines, Waggons, Van Tilts, &C. (Water- proofed by our Patent Process, the best in the Market), also Canvass Rick Cloths for Hay and Bark Stacks, and Waggons. Agents wanted in unrepre- seated districts.-E. Parnall & Co., Waterproofers, Bedminater, Bristol. MACHINERY BELTING. ENDLESS BELTS for Thrashing Machines and Portable Engines in Leather, India Rubber, or Red Cotton. Order direct, and save 25 per cent.— F. Parnall and Co., Manufacturers, Bedrninster, Bristol. BUSINESS ^BBRCSSCS PLUMBING. B. SEA IVLE. PLUMBER AND GASFITTER, Hot Water Heatius; Apparatus, Electric Light, Llectric Bells, Pneumatic Bell*, Crank and Spring Bells, Speak- ing Tubes, and Telephones, fixed on the shortest notice. Terms strietlv moderate. It, PIER S'RREET, ABERYSTWYTH. N.B.—Particular attention given to Jobbing work p20 BATHS. A. JOINSON to inform the public that he has opened a first class SANITARY WASHING BATH AT Tin: H A I R D E E S S I N G E STABLISHMENT, 14, Pier Street. p 307 PRICE Ikl. TOWYN, MERIONETH. IDRIS MONUMENTAL WORKS STATION ROAD, RICHARD R. DAVIES. MONUIENTS, fOMES, HEAD- STONES, CROSSES, AND CURB-STONES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION IN MARBLE, GRANITE, AND STONE. R. R. D. has lately executed orders for Memorials in the following Burial Grounds, viz :NLiachynlleth, Newtown, Pwllheli, Llanrwst, Barmouth, Towyn, Aberdovey, Criccieth, Dinas Mawddwy, Pennal, Penegoes, Llwyngwrii, MalPvyd, Welshpcol, Aber- trinant, Maeth!on, Llanegryn, Llanmawddwy, Aber hosan, Carno, &c. Orders from distances, to clean, re-letter, and repaii all kinds of Monuments (without removal) promptly attendod to. I import all my marble from Carrara, Itaiy, ind Granite from the best firms in Scotland. All orders prepared of the finest quality of material, carefully selected aud of the best description of Workmanship. Letters, plain and ornamental, neatly executed, anc coloured Black, White, or Gilt also imperishabk "Lead" Letters. Prices and Terms on application. R. R. B. has supplied Machynlleth lately with some very good Monuments j908 NEW AUrUMM AND WINTER GOODS. R NORTHEY INVITES inspection of the NEW STOCK OF SEASON GOODS, which are the latest styles from the London Markets, in la^it-s' trimmed and un- trimmed Felts, Chip, and Straw Hats, Velvets Ribbons. Flowers, Feathers, &c. A choice selection. New Dress Materials, Gloves, &c, A complete stock of Ladies' Under Clothing, new Flannels Calicoes, &c &c. Call and SEA the New Stock, all marked at prices Call and see the New Stock, all marked at prices that, will demand satisfaction. NUTK ADORKSS TOTTENHAM HOUSE, (opposite Market Hall), ABERYSTWYTH. I ABFRYSTWYTH BAZAAR (The old, original Toy Shop), l. icel iStocked with the. Latest N orelti,, in ENGLISH & FOREIGN -?- FANCY G-OODS Comprising Dressing Cases. Handbags, Albums, Purses, 13askets, Dolls, Toys, Games, &c., &c. Smokers will find CIGARS AND CIGARETTES of all Leading Brands, PIPES, TOBACCOS, and CASES of all descriptions. N.B.—Show lioorns on Second Floor. J & L WARD, 8 GREAT DARKGATE STREET. WELSH WAREHOUSE J. H. EDWARDS, TAILOR & DRAPER, WELSH SHAWLS, 6/6, 8/6, 10 G, 12 6, 14/6, 16/6. WRAPS, 5/11, 7/11. SHOULDER SHAWLS, 2,3. BLOUSES, SKIRTINGS, DRESSES, HELT, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, &e, TENNIS AND CRICKETING SUITS. COLLARS, CAPS, HATS, SCARFS. NORTH PARADE & BAKER ST. ABlE R YSTWY TH. GARNER, I CONFECTIONERS, 20 & 21, TERRACE KOAD ALL KINDS OF -j CHOICE CONFECTION EKY Fresh Each Day. ORDERS TAKEN FOR BREAD, Special Confectionery made to order on the shortest notice. Bride and Birthday Cakes A Speciality. Schools, &c., supplied on Moderate Terma. G ARNER beg to inform their numerous customers and ti!e public in general that they have erected, at e-iornious cost, one of the latest and improved tiled s'le STKAM OVENS. As the oven is free from smoke, diicf, sulphur, &c., the goods baked in it must necessarily be much better than by the oid-fashioned pr»> .ESS. 11 l Before you take Printing elsewhere, send to ij the Cambrian Neo/'6 Office for prices lt5 BG Auttion. ABEltYSTWYTli. SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTIES. MESSRS DANIEL, SON, & MEREDITH have been favoured with instructions to SELL BY AUCTION OK AN EARLY DATE (Unless previously disposed of by private treaty), the semi-detached Villa known as SHELSLEY," situate in Brynymor-road, Aberystwyth, in the occu- pation of Dr Moore, the D-A elling-liouse and Premises, being No. 3, Brynymor-terrace, in the occupation ot Mrs Thackam. Further particulars may be obtained of Messrs Roberts and Evans. solicitors, or of the Auctioneers, both of Aberystwyth. p 247 T O WYN, SALE OF VALUABLE LEASEHOLD PROPERTY. MESSRS DANIEL, SON, K MEREDITH, have receivid instructions to Sell by Public- Auction at the Coibett Arms Hotel, Towyn, iu the County of Merioueth, on FBI DAY, "mli day of OCTOBER, 1894, At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions to be then and there produced, the following very de- sirable Leasehold property. comprising all that Mes. suage or Dwelling House with the Yard, Out-build- ings, tIoud Appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate and being No. 24, High Street, Towyu, iu the County of Merioneth, part of which premises were formerly in the occupation of the late Mrs Edwards, the Shop being now m the occupation of Messrs G. and W. Morton. The Premises are held under a lease for 99 years from the 12th day of November, 1S64, subject to the annual ground rent of fl 7s. For further particulars apply to the Auctioneers, Towyn,and Aberystwyth. and to Messrs Smith, Owen, and Davies, solicitors, Aberystwyth. p391 —6— Sitiule 7 Miles from Aberystwyth. IMPORTANT SALE OF LIVE STOCK. MR E. J. MORGAN has been instructed by Messrs Rowland aud Roderick to Sell by Auction, at the above plac. Oil FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 19111, 1894, The following STOCK: — HORSES.—1 Chestnut Horse, 5 years old, stands 15-3, suitable for a good Carriage Horse; 1 excellent Bay Mare, 5 years old, stands 14-1, a very fast Trotter, quiet in harness, suitable for a Lady's Hack 1 Grand Cob, about 14 hands, by "Top y Byd," out of Gladstoness," quiet in single and double harness, and has been tidden by a lady I Pair of Chestnut Ponies, about 12 hands high 1 P&ir of Roan Ponies, about 12.1 hands high 1 Black Pony, about 12 bauds 2 high I Two-year-old Colt. CATTLE.—6 Three-year-old Heifer8 Three-year- old Bullocks. SHEEP.—70 Prime Ewes 40 Lambs. Credit on Conditions. Sale to commence at 1 p.m. prompt. p361 ABEIIYSWY^TTL SALE OF HOFSEHOLD FURNITURE. MESSRS PANIEL, SON, A- MEREDITH will s»ell by Auction at the Aberystwyth Sale Room and Repository, AT AN EARLY DATE, A large assemblage of valuable household furniture, including Drawing and Dioing Room Suites, Mahogany Tables, Bedroom Effects, &c., &c. Further particulars in future advertisement. 1,393 )ÇO.Gt, lounh, C. "Y'NYSYBERFEDD, YSTRAD MEURIG, JL R.S.O. One stray sheep has been at this place for mouths, and unless it is claimed on or before the 10th of November next, it will be sold to defray expenses.-Si,oed, John Lewis, October 19th, 1894. P377 BUSINESS ^BTCSSES. ABERVSTWYTIL J- SALTER, for many years with Messrs Maple & Co.. London, beg to inform the gentry and inhabitants of Aberystwyth generally that lie is prepared to IllY linoleums, carpets, &c., also take up. beat. relay, and alter carpfts. Used to Hotel work.—Sidmouth House, Caergog Terrace, or Owen Bros., 32, Northgate-street. pl98 ESTABLISHED 1881. CAPTAIN "DOUGHTON COAL AND OIL MERCHANT (Wholesale and Retail), IMPORTS his Coal by sea into the Harbour t and has always on hand a good supply of the very best Newport and other Double Screened Coal, It is well known that Water Carriage is much cheaper than Railway, therefore the consumer reaps the full benefit of the best Coal at a low price. Best Free-burning Coal, 17s. per ten. Best Newport Coal, 20s per ton at the Rheidol Coal Yard SOUTH ROAD, Private Address, Aberystwyth. 4.3, NORTH PARADE. BARMOUTH. "THE BARMOLTH BAZAAR" H. OWEN, Having made extensive alteration to his premises, is now able to show one of the largest and most varied stocks of FANCY GOODS Suitable for presents. PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF TOYS AND CHILDREN'S BOOKS. FANCY WORK, WOOLS, CREWEL SILKS, HABERDASHERY", &-c. ART CHINA DEPOT. Publisher of Local Views. Agent for Bedford, Frith, I Valentine, Carl Norman, Poulton, and other Artists. A good assortment of Views in various sizes and latest styles, in platinotype, etc. 1 Great attention paid to Portraits, Groups, &e. ¡ I Ladies taken in Welsh Costume. o748 ¡ I JOHN LLOYD, ¡ Wholesale and Retail POULTERER, j FISHMONGER, A¡) FRUITERER, HHTH STREET, BARMOUTH. A fresh supply of all kinds of Fish daily. ICE always in store and supplied by lb. or cwt. AGKNT FOR Paethorpe's Royal Cambridge Sausage. i Licensed Dealer in Game. (oG73 altg bp Auttion. I SMITHFIELD, ABERYSTWYTH. MR J. E. JAMES will hold a sale at the above place, On Monday, Norembcr$fh, lS9/t, Of Hortes, Cattle. Sheep, Pigs, &c. Th" Auctioneer begs to request Farmers aud Others to SI N I in their T ntries early to Ilis offies, No. 12, North Parade. p351 POPLARS, NEAR PENLLWYN, 4 MILES FROM ABERYSTWYTH. MR J. E. JAMES has been instructed by Mrs Walker, to sell bv public anction. On WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 7th, 1894. The whole of the Household Furniture and other effects, Comprising 1 Walnut Suite, upholstered in Green Pile, consisting of 6 Small Chairs, 1 Lady's and 1 Gent's Chair, I Couch, 1 Piano in Walnut, I Brussels Carpet, Mahogany Book Case, Mahogany Suite, upholstered in Leather, containing 6 Chairs, I Lady's and 1 Gent's Easy Chair, Iron and Brass Bedsteads, Spring Mattresses, Wool Beds, Waslistands, Dressing and other Tables, Chamberware, 2, Wardrobes, 1, Oval Mirror, &c., &o. Terms Six Mouths' Credit on all sums above £ 5. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock p.m. Otlice 12, North Parade. Aberystwyth. p376 THE CHANCELLERIE, No. 2, SOUTH MARINE TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH. SALE OF ELEGANT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND OTHER EFFECTS. EDWARD ELLIS has been favoured with E instructions from Col. Davies-Evans, Lord Lieu- tenant of tne County of Care igan, who is giving up the hcu!!e. to Sell by Public Auction on H'((lntsd/i)/ and Thursday, No rem ht-r 7th d: Sth, 1894, At 2.30 and 6.30, the whole of the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and other Effects comprising, in Dining Room, a very valuable Oak Side Board, beautifully carved, with plate glass back Oak Tele- scope Dining Table, Dinner Waggon, Book Cases, Otiice Table, Contents of Drawing Room, Dressing Room, 6 Be trooms, Kitchen, Pantries, &-c. Full particulars next week in posters and catalogues. Also, at the same time and pkee, will be offered for sale the unexpired term of the Lease of the House, viz., 4 years and 6 mouttis, frcm the 12th day of Nov. NEXT. The House contains 3 Reception Rooms, 5 Bedrooms, 2 A. tic Bedrocms, Best Kitchen, Back Kitchen, and Pantry, Bith Room, 2 W.CS., Coal House, Yard, and Back Entrance. Possession on 12th November next. For further particulars see posters and catalogues next week, or apply to Auctioneer. p3S9 MONTGOMERYSHIRE. MESSRS MORRIS, MARSHALL, AND POOLE WILL sell by Auc.ion at the Trewythen Arms Hotel, Llanidloes, On Saturday the 3rd day of 1894, At four o'clock in the afternoon precisely, tuhject to conditions which will be then produced, the following valuable property in two lots. LOT 1. All that very desirable and compact Upland Farm known as Cwmfron, consisting of a substantial Farm house with outbuildings and lands, comprising an area of 273 acres, 1 rood, 26 perch, s, situate in the parishes of Llaugurig and Llandinam, iu the county of Merioneth, and now in the occupation of Mr E. George, who, with his father and grandfather before him, have been tenants for over 90 ytars. Cwmfron is a valuable ttock farm, sound, with a good aspect, excellent water supply, and fair snelter. The main road from Llanialoea to Rhayader inter- sects and bounds the property on the North and East sides, and on the Soutn it is bounded by the river Tylwch and the Mid-Walts Railway. Tylwch Station adjoins the farm at the South-east corner, a.nd the town of Llanidloes is abuut 2 miles distant. With this lot will be sold the minerals under that portion of the property which will be distinguished on the sale plans by a pink boundary, and which contains most valuable lodes of leid ore. Tftese lodes have from time to time been worked during the last 100 years, but comparatively only a very small portion of the lead is extracted, as the area is very extensive, and the quality ot the ore is very rijb, second to none in the district. Owing Lo the low prices of lead the mines have not been worked for the last 15 years, but the shaft and the drivings up to the face of the lead have been all made in that part of the land on the right side of the road leading trom Llanidloes to Rhayader, and could be put in working order in a very short time and at a low cost. This is known as the Cwmfron Mine. The other part of the land, containing micerals, adjoins the celebrated Brynpostig Mine, and can be worked through that mine on an arrangement being made with the Lessees. The V an Mine, which 20 years ago was a most valuable property, is in the vicinity, aud from the same reason (the low price of lead) has not been worked for many years. The price of lead has, how vcr, now risen, and in view ot thij the owners of t.he lease, &c., of the Van Mine have commenced raising and washing lead ore, and there can be no doubt that the whole ot the minerals under this lot, which are now offered for sale, must be of very considerable value. LOT 2. Four plots of Freehold Land containing about 17 acres, known as Gaer, otherwise Aberdaunant Lands, in the parish of Llaoidloes. This ict formerly had a homestead, and the hill land (about 15 acres) was enclosed. The homestead and fence have now gone down, but both the low land and the hill land are of veiy good quality, and there is a valuable lode of lead running through the hill land which will be sold with the property. This property, however, adjoins land havin" minerais belonging to Sir VVatkm Wynn, and the lead has been worked through the drivings made by his Lessees. Before the price of lead went down to so low a pitch as to prevent lead being sold remuneratively, these Minerals were worked by the Aberdaunant and other Companies, and considerable sums paid in Royalties to the owners of the Property. The tenant, from whom particulars may be obtained, will, on application, shew the Farm, and Plans and Particulars may also be obtained from the Auctioneers, Chirbury, Shropshire, and Messrs Talbot and Watkins, Solicitors, Newtown. p338 SALES BY MR J. D. JENKINS. < FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19TH-Freehold and Leasehold Property, at the Castle Hotel, Lampeter. DERRY LODGE FARM, WITHIN ONE MILE OF DERRY ORMOND STATION. MR J. D. JENKINS, has been favoured *vith instructions from Mr Walter Davies to sell by auction at the above place, J On SATURDAY, the 20th day of OCTOBER, 1894. 45 Head of Shorthorn and Crossbred Cattle 40 Horses, Cobs, and Mountain Ponies, 250 fat and 1 breeding Ewes. The whole of the farming Implementsand Machinery, with a quantity of wool and enef se. J Sale to commence at 12 punctually. 4 SEASIDE APARTMENTS AT ABER- YSTWYTH. PLYNLYMON HOUE, VICTORIA (MARINE) TERRACE. PLYNLYMON HOUSE is modern-built, PLYNLYMON HOUSE is modern-built, close to the Sea, and each Sitting Room has an uninterrupted sea view. The Situation is naturally hpalthy and the Sanitary Arrangements are certified by the Borough Medical Officer to be Complete and Perfect. Excellent References as to Management. Special terms for winter and spring months MRS. E. A. HALL, (Formerly of No. 6, Marine Terrace). T1THY" send Printing elsewhere when you I I ? can have it done Cheaper, Quicker, and Better at the" Carn brian News" Office I bi) IAction. MACHYNLLETH. ESSRS R. GILL ART AND SONS hpg to announce that they will hold PERIODICAL SALES of Horses, Fat ar.d Store Cattle, Sheep, Pigs. &c. The first of such SABS will take place, On l'UESDA Y. NOVEMBER Mh, 1894, At Machynlleth. Entries for same to be in the hands of the Auctioneers, at their offices, Machynlleth. and Towyo, not later than Wednesday, 14th November, 1894. Entry forms and further particulars on application. p384 —————_—— — I $ubltc itotias CYIHU FYDD. A PUBLIC MEETING Under the auspices of the Aberystwyth Branch of the Cymru Fydd League WILL BE HEll) OX MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER ![It!I, AT THE OLD ASSEMBLY ROOMS, ABERYSTWYTH, When addresses will be delivered by Messrs D. LLOYD-GEORGE, M.P., J. WYSFORD PHILLIPS (Late M.P. for Mid Lanark), AND OTHERS. The Chair will be taken at 7.30 by ALDERMAN PETER JONES, J.P. A limited number of seats (for which early application must be made) will be reserved at one shilling each, tickets may be obtained either from Members of the Society or from the d undersigned. Admission to the remaining part of the Hall v ] — r ree. J. HUGH EDWARDS ) xr a J. R. GRIFFITHS j Mon" becs' p3SS J 1 PIANOFORTE TUNING. MR FORREST is at present tuning pianofortes in Aberystwyth and neighbourhood. Address, BRYN-Y-MOR HOUSE, 35. Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth. General address, FORREST&SON, (late Boucher,) 37, Castle Street, 1 p374 Shrewsbury. E NOTICE. PROPOSED GROYNE OR BREAK- WATER IN NEWQUAY BAY AT LLANINA. ^VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ( application has been received by the Board of Trade (to whom, by the Crown Lands Act, 1866, The management of the rights an-i interests in the Crown in the foreshores of the United Kingdom has been transferred) from Dr Edward Williams, of Aberayron, for permission to construct a groyne or breakwater at a point about 400 feet wes, of the mouth of the Afon Gido at Llanina and extending into the Bay about 20 feet. All persons interested are to take, notice that 21 ( days after this date the Board of Trade will proceed to consider the Application and in the meantime they will receive any objections which may be made thereto. (Signed) C. CECIL TREVOR, Board of Trade, Assistant Secretary. Harbour Depirtment. 10th day of September, 1894. p342. WINTER ASSIZE ACTS, 1876 and 1877. WINTER ASSIZE COUNTY (No. 4). "VTOTICE IS HERERY GIVEN that the next WINTER ASSIZES for the united coun- ties of Denbigh. Flint, Merioneth, and Montgomery (forming together the Winter Assize County No. 4), will be held at Ruthin in the County of Denbigh, on the 29th day of October, instant, and all Justices of the Peace, Mayors, Coroners, Stewards, Bailiffs of Liberties and Chief Constables, and all Jurors, Persons bound by recognizance. Prosecutors, Witnesses, and others HAVING business at the said Assizes, are hereby required to attend in their own persons, with their Rolls, Records, Indictments and Remembrances, at the County Hall, at Ruthin, aforesaid, at, Ten o'clock in the forenoon, on TUESDAY, 30th day of OCTOBER instant, at which hour the Court will 1 sit and proceed to business. EDWARD EVANS, Esquire, Sheriff of the County of Denbigh. THOMAS BURY, Undersheriff. UndersherifFs Office, Wrexham, 3rd October, 1894. p372 LLANDDEWI BREFI. I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that all Estrays Ile will be sold by Public Auction, on Wednesday, October 23rd, 1894, at the above place. All claims to be sent in to Mr William Davits, New Inn, before 12 noon, the same day, Sale to commence at 2p.m.. prompt. D. W. E. ROWLAND, p37S.] High Bailiff. A M B R T A N R A I LWaTY S. IMPORTANT REDUCTION IN RATES. On and From the 1st September, 189- WELSH MUTTON and other FRESH MEAT Will be conveyed by passenger Train HALF PARCELS RATE AT OWNER'S RISK. Between all Stations throughout England, Itelaud and Wales. Minimum 14 lbs për Consignment. No less cliartre than 9d. For full particulars appy to the Station Masters at all Cambrian and other Companies Stations and Book- ing Otlices, the Cambrian Railways London Offices, 41, Gracechurch Street. London, E.C., or to Mr W. H, Gough, Passeiigtr Superintendent, Oswestry r95 On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20tb, THE LAST CHEAP EXCURSION OF THE SEASON WILL TIE RfX TO M A N C H ESTER (For the BELLE VUE GARDENS), From Dolgelley, BarmouU;, Towyn, Aberdovey, Aber- ystwyth, Borth, M-'Chynlb th New to n, Montoomery, I Welshpool, LlanfylHn. 0»»<estry, Ellesmere!5 Fenns Bank, and intermediate For ftill PARTICULARS as TO T'AIN, Times, and Fares see handbills to h" HAD at al! STA IONS p346 CLOSING OF CONSTANTINOPLE IN LONDON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20TH. On FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 19TH, A CHEAP TRIP FOR 3 or 5 DAYS WILL be ruii t,) L O N I) O N From ALL CAMBRIAN STATIONS (EXCEPT WELSHPOOL). I OR FULL P^L'TICULIIRAS TO. I RAM TIMES, AND FARES SEE HANDB LLS TO BE HAD AT AL1 STATI- NS. P36S I ALFRED AS LETT, Stcrelary and General Manjger. fficcLings, (Entertammeuis, (Etc. CHARITY COMMISSION. CIENT Parishes of Llansantffraid-Glyn- Dyfrdwy, Corwen, Llangar, Bettws Gwerfii Gocb, Llanfiharigel Glyn-Myfyr. Llandrillo, and Gwydde!wtrn,all in the County of Merioneth. CHARITIES. Charitable Trust Acts 1S53-IS94 and Charity Inquiries (expanses) Act, 1892. By direction of the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Mr W. Cadwaladr Davies, Barrister at Law, Assistant Cc-ininiss;c)oer, will open PUBLIC INQUIRIES respecting the Charities of the above mentioned Parishes at the following places and times, viz At the National School, Llansanttfraid, on Tuesday the 23rd October, IS94, at 3 o'clock to the afternoon, for the Parish of Llansantffraid-Glyn-Dyfrdwry. At the National School, Corwen, on Wednesday, the 24th October, 1S94. at 10 30 o'clock in the forenoon, for the Parish of Corwen. At the National Sch-ioi, LUnear, on Thursday, the 25th October, 1894, at 12 o'clock noon, for the Parish of Llangar. At the Parochial School, Bettws Gweifil Goch, on Friday, the 26th October. 1894. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, for the Parishes of Bettws Gwerfil G-och and Llantihangel-Glyn-Myfyr. At the Board School, Llandrillo, on Saturday, the 27th October, 1894, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for the Parish of Llandrillo. At the Old National School, Gwyddelwern, on Mon- day, the 29th October, 1S94, at 2 o'clock in the after- noon, for the Parish of Gwyddelwern. Charity Commission, D. R. FEARON, Whitehall, S.W., Secretary. 13th Ootober, 1894 p385 ANNUA L MEETING OF THE HARLECH GOLF CLUB, THURSDA r, FRIDA Y, and SA TURD A Y, hI, 2nd, and 3rd, NOVEMBER, 1S94. Competitions undt-r handicap open to amateur members of all recognized clubs, on Friday for cup valued E5 5a (entrance 5s), and on Saturday for gold medal (entrance 2s 6d). and entrance monies. Entries with certified handicap allowance to be received not later than 29th October, by the HON. SEC. W. n. MORE, p343 Harlech SALMON FISHERIES ACT, lSCT TO 1t\92 DOVEY, MAWDDACH, & GLASLYN SALMON FISHERY DISTRICT. X^OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the -LI intention of the Board of Conservators for the above-named District to apply to the Board of Trade for the confirmation of t ie following Bye law to be in force within their District, viz. That the annual Close Season for fishing with rod and line for Salmon throughout the district shall com- mence on the 1st day (A. November, and terminate on the last day of February, both inclusive. And that a copy of the proposed Bye law will be deposited at the offic^^f the undersigned at Dolgelley, and may be inspected without fee or reward at all reasonable times thereat, and that copies thereof will be supplied on application, and on payment of the statutory fee. Dated this 18th day of October, 1894. W. R. DAVIES, Dolgelley, p392 Clerk to the Board of Conservators. HOUSE COAL. CAPTAIN DOUGHTON Has great pleasure in announcing that he expects TWO VESSELS With CARGOES containing the very BEST HOUSE COAL Due this we k, and will be discharging for four days. PRIOF.— VERY BEST NEWPORT RED ASH, 20s. per ton. FREE BURNING 17s. „ „ TERMS—CASH N.B.—The above prices are the lowest at which these BEST COALS can be obtained this winter. Orders to be sent to CAPTAIN DOUGHTON. 45, NORTH PARADE, OR RHEIDOL COAL YARD, SOUTH ROAD. [p390 DAVID PHILLIPS, MARY STREET CARRIAGE PROPRIETOR, A I- D A TERRACE0 ROAD. BEGS to call the attention of the public to his HEARSE, which he hires at Reasonable Terms. Char-a-bancs Waggonettes, Basket Carriages, nn ZD and Dog Carts on Hire for Reasonable Tertns.

< £ lcction F&I^RCSSCS. MUNICIPALTELECTION, 1894. ™ TO THE ELECTORS AND BURGESSES OF THE TOWN AND BOROUGH OF ABER- YSTWYTH. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, The time has almost arrived wnen the period for which you elected me as one of your representatives on the Town Council will expire. I need hardly point out to you the great and numerous Im pron-eiiieats which have been carried out during the last three years- irnpro vein( nts which must greatly beuefit the Town. Other gigantic projects, which are still in course of construction, are or a nature calcuiated to raise Aber- ystwyth to a position second to none in the United Kingdom as a watering place and health resort. To all these important and beneficent schemes I have giv» n my constant aT., d strenuous t-upport. With equal consistency h-tve I vigorously opposed any and every proposition v.hich would in u.y cpinion tend to retard the further progress of tne Brighton of Wales." In reviewing my three vtars' term of offioe as your repie-entative I can, with the greatest pleasure and confidence, direct your attention t the active support atrorded by me to the introdncion of the Electric Light (now an accomplished fact) and to the renovation ot the Pier, which had lor years been a useless eyesore to the visitors, 'jpon whom the prosperity of the Town so eminently depends. Among«-t other nutters which have demonstrated my dttermination to carry out th" promises I made to the Electors in 1891, 1 can point t" the paving of Tan- yc<e as weli a1; the improving of the Town Sewer which was so detrimetitril to t.-at important district. 1 The*e improvi ni-nts. I nirfiutaiti, ar^ the outcome of your having a IVpl es ntstive s(-d ot local know- e(ige as to the it -)f a distiict which had hitherto been pitiu.iiy ) e-l i Ineedhat-fiiy stal that th PROMISE I MADE to act WTHOUT i or f v ur, has been I substantially vi-uiici.t.d n r than I lie occasion v IN n 5 f MID "Ili.- int- res S s" s and if. at the | COMING t 1 «m 1; t I BE NRED with YOlll "up;,(" t. eiitiu»ted "L n'r •>ut C I:II<u:IU-e, you may d-pend that, US IU J • .-L. U, i;; IN future. 'I1y best, eti' II t ti.a.l be ue ot .i O -ri' g T.WJ U L.«rc atii vi'i!.tnttv-Caf'GRI-:rdii!U' ON: II lit-, Ian,. =:FI.C; Yoar .i nh" -u-n. Set-, ant, Rheidol View. A HOPKINfc. South Road, October 12th, 1894. p3S2