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l ANDREWS, ,I.1NElf ASP iVOOLLIW&RAPER, .VtIN3>-STIIEET, SWANSEA, -■- .jpl'&GS^ leave to inform bis Friends -and the "7** Public, he is returned from LONDON with a large arid Aascinment of .INDIA and BRITISH MUSLINS dese:iptloiiTTQwn Ell-wide PRIMS; ITALIAN arid CHAMBR& MUSLINS y TABLE HUSHES, and SHEETINGS; COUNTER- DIMITIES, and MARSELLES QUI^TINGS'}' Marge Assortment of HABERDASHERY. SEA~BATHIN&. 1 ,j '^W4N&EA, GLAMORGANSHIRE. MC. GROG AN OST respectfully infprms the Nobility and Gentry, that his HOTEL ready for LODG- ^BATHING, with STABLING, dcc. ^^VlKKg, SPIKIIS, &c- ot the. best quality. aS.'P* THE FIRST PUBLIC Breakfast will be on Mon- the 4th of June next. COW BRIDGE. T COSTING ^'ONESH^IIKG PER MILE. B CHRISTOPHER BRADLEY EGS leave to inform his Friends and the IV,, Public »«* S^ral, that he sull continues his POST- n at the above price .lrom his.owft House, the PO'ST- fnwPli(rE* hiOowiiriboe, where lie has fitted up souie .com- T vr snl?IJ:(i* n00Ms for the accommodation of those ij-'■ ds andGpi{leinen who will please to honour him with. >,e|i favours. Refreshment nitty be had while changing worses. C. B- being the first person who caused the reduction of «: Posting Business in this part of the country, hopes for wg support of a generous Public. "BEAR-INN, COWMUDG'E. Posting (as it-sital) at One Shilling per Mile. I MICHAEL GLOVER JEGS leave to return his most grateful ac- tive knowledgments for the many'favours conferred 011 «u ?lCC 'Kls ^cen w fhe above inn, which is now fitted *nvT -Vl'ry accorumoclation so as to render it equal to Dat • ln ales. lie respectfully solicirs the favour and attp°"a^C 01 ^s Friends, which he hopes to merit by a strict satisfaction. He, assures them- that the to n\?l; (from the above Inn) was heouceh time V ^1LLLVG per MILE during his late Brother's" enn,* hitherto he has charged no lkore, and that he still 0l^Uues Posting at that price. to *ut'10l'iseu by the Landlords of P?U$and CAB d IFF tlu/(v' tllat their Post-boys shall id,wu;y»-Ql>ey the orders of cou,ifOI"pa"v' 1)Ut the.y ?pp«al to .a liberal Public for their siii,r„ t! 'lt!^ 'suPP°''t ot the.Inns upon the road, as they fer^i! ? Bear-Inn whilst1 Mr. C. JJitAotEV was sui- to kci.p it. On. Monday next-mil bejmblisjied, 4 eat y printed in a pot quarto size, and-stitched in blue: paper, price Two Shillings, THE THIRTEEN MAN aw RES, For the Use of the several CORPS OF VOLUNTEER INFANTRY ± IN THE UNITED KING 1)0M, yratfgcduridtfr Explanatory and Distinct Words of Command, WITH SOME O E V-F. HAl HINTS TO-OFFICEHS. By an OFFICER of. iheARMV. at Cambrian Printing-Office, and sold by T. nilqv«5' Swanseaj Bartleman, N' Bird, Cardiff; Da- It'i-i?r,fKirthen; WiUtams, Post-oilico, peiubi'oke; Potter, Ut'r*°^t%vei>t; J. and A. Williams, Brecon and .Heath, ■^ruaonth.' TIMBER AND DEAL-YARD, SWANSEA. T^°>1As and LASCELLES Ji/ItACE the earliest opportunity of in- lij '°rrhing their Friends and the Public, rlu»t they have j.ji jl,uported into the Forts of Sw A V-l md CwDiFF.seve- .fr^Eprgoes of PRIME BAU IK ILMI5I f!, PEALS, i liAR IHOX, STOCKHOLM T VP, &c.c. shaii y are determined to dispose ol on such terms as ensure approbation. LATUS. and LATHWOOD of all descriptions. »■* pply to Mr. David Powell, Neath SVIr. -Yovratljs, ~— -,0ulH'r, Ciirdill'; (ir All- Thomas Hont'il. Swfinsea. A TO IRONMONGERS: N established IRONMONGERY BUgl- "i- .a- c<Mrtsiderab,lc counlry town, with'the <m> V I BAjyE, to be disposed of by Private Contract, T?/*oijnt ot, the decease of Pronri^or. lb» tr urd»ascr may be aeco\miiodated with a Lease of ''r/Jouse. •- •; i or pari icularsappiyto Mr. F^llowes, Attorney,Hereford. -'lav 9, OAK TIMBER, -^T R PEMBIIOKESIIIRE. J\i Q.W Cutting, near .HAVKRVORBWEST, a the S!,1 lr^R»ln^uit>rof SIHP-BUILUING TIMBER, on the V 0.1" 11ford-haven, where Vessels may be Built-on the c'„.VV ° u^».v Thousand Do/er. of POLE,S, and f flu:iumy uf COLLIERY TIMBEli tint! 1ms li cut.l(>r many years. ^J^-ParticHlars'apply to F. Fortune, Esq. ITnvcrfuvdwe-t. I,() I? Su,i DUrroi;s of JAMES SUTTON, .lQX¡';S,w¡d WUAAAM GOULD, of Mer- J illicit!, Glamorganshire, Copartners in Truth- ^^rHEllEAS the above Tratiers have this and \V AT?" I'f i-lu-dto 111C If AIM) CR AWSIIAY .Trade •«, Buildings, Stock in in Trust i i)chts, for the iU'iu-iit ot* rjieir Creditors, 'e Cre'l ° aiul divided amongst their Creditors.- for theirl""°rs lerlu^stt'(-' VJ '^e sa'^ deed now read*. Arid anrl signature at CyfaYtbl'a Ollice. to n-" e.'J,lo's t'i0 Estate are hereby Ordered to anv 'w respective debts due to this assi-ned J'lstate. LIV ik r v 4M'rson but Mr. TUOAIAS PKIIICK, appointed ■> Cohe.etor ot the'debts due to said Estate. C CRAW hHAY ami GEORGE. ^AJjouhju, April of). lliO-1. FOGS and DAMP AIR. JIARCIAY'S ASTHMATIC CANDY has "V'ati, ,°r mu,u>'Jeats been proved a. most effectual preset- ut tht i<' • t,ff<!C,s mm DAiMP AIR, which h&Lt ,°'l?0.u VM-llt >"CHr aro s" prejudicial' to those who are t,f ii n'T-nr r1 r:< JL'CifS and SHORTNESS ir 1 Its eifcctsare to evpei wind, to defend'the Wh<. o- °!a '.aduuxsion of dam',i: x».nd 'o relieve those "J suiter troui diiiiculiy of bre;!tS;:n; so1^' ^'iioJesale and retail onlv, bv Barclay nient °hv ?'-lcfl"^l-aTk->1: '• un<l Ter:!i! h-v tb'eir appoint-. 'i'tV-'w M'? v'lnVr 1>;ir^VJ..P i i Oir t!u.n' T't^ Vr15' ^lyr-Ldvil; J, jjaniel, (. ir t'tost?Ve'rui!frMV1ei'!bl',hv,"<t; Wlmot, i'enjbroJ- i (• m IMedicmes nvthe km^doui. label* Ut Vhservi>*li01u" C!lil POisibly be-cemiiue, ml 1 < 'V, ll l,° flc'1 b(JX signed in red i;«Vbv.Bn« 1 n .7*uw^cli auugtr may 'arise, l'ruih n.iiiject-cf tiw« a' o GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, •AND" FEFFTEKKD UL'ON IMM»'.IU ATEI.Y, •AND" FEFFTEKKD Ul'ON IMM»'.IU ATEI.Y, o)- ACoramodibus Newly-built MESSUAGE or JDW.Ei2JNG-iiOt>SE, situated on the STRAND, in the town of SWANSEA, oil the two parlours iitd a pantry and scullery, with a. large well of water behind, which never dries, formerly used as a Coki Batht h'om which water is conveytd by' lead, pipes into the kitchen, and other parts of .the house on the iirst- tioor; at large drawiiig-iooin, lobby, and three bed-chainbers; and iorl the second or attic story, a lobby and tovr bed- .cbambers.j together with a large and convenient new-built Store-house, adjoining the dwdlinwhouse, containing 4 lofts. The Tenant, may. bC¡\CGUmm0(ÍHted with it good TÜree- ,stall Stable,.only-a.few yards distant fromthe above premises. ■?: For further, particulars apply to John WillianisMausticld, Attorney at Law, Swansea,. GLAMORGANSHIRE. AlrALUABLE COLLIERY, TO BE LET, FOR A TERM OF SIXTEEN YEARS, On the most advantageous terms, being the property of a Widow Lady, situated seven miles from the sea-port town of Cardiff, tllrce-quarteriot a mile from the C'dnal. with most-convenient Iron-Batl Roads lrom the Workings to the-Cana!, Tram Carnages, Machinery, &c. ^^WO VEINS of COAL now open, one four A feet-ana a half thick, the other two and it halt; botli worked together; two otttcr nOCK VEINS, four feet- m and of ^reat value, uiXy be opened at little, expence. The above.Works-rjuay be taken on such-terms as a small capital only will be.required, and the most can- did information may be relied on.. For further particulars apply to 'Mr. Edw. Jfartifl, Mor- ristown, near Swansea, who 1ms the-disposal;oi' the "Colliery.- T. JENKINS, PRINTER OF THIS PAPER, HAS just received a FIlESIi SUPPLY -of the following universally-esteemed Preparations; Ford's Pectoral -Balsam of Horehound, (In.'bottles at! ;fd. each) Which is an effestaai' Cure for Coughs, Colds, Asthmas, Hooping Cough, and Consumptions. -The Proprietor is happy to have it in his power (iti'onr seif experience) to re- commend it in a if disorders 01 the breast und lungs, as a' s tie and never-failing remedy; let the patient be ever so emaciated or reduced it act as it were a chann, and in- stantly- relieye -tlie most inveterate cough, give' tfase; and freedom to. jespitution, promote gentle expectoration, strengthen the whole 'debilitated' constitution, procure re- ueshuig comfort 01 .rest and sleep,-and quickly etfect a cure- many great cases of its eljicacy may-be-seen in the Evan- gelicaf 'Magazijie ot February ISM. AI.SO, DXXOM ANT1BTL10US PILLS, (In boxes at 2s. 9d. each) Which are, used and patronized by their Majesties; they are an effectual Cure for Gouty and Bilious disorders, Ner- ,vous aiad Sick Head-Achs, COstiveness, Indigestion, &c. FURTHER PROOFS OF: THEIR EFFICACY. Dale-Castle, Haverjimlxeest, South-Wales, 2^6: 24,180.3. Captain Lloyd presents his compliments to Mr. Dixon, -(although personally unacquainted with him) would take it as a favour, if he would send him four or live bi'otes of his Pills as soon as he (,-an, Mrs. IJoyd, who has al- ways used the Medicine, Ls llovv pregnant and very unwell; and we cannot get them any where in this county, neither at Haverfordwest nor Carmarthen; the nearest place thev are sold at is Bristol. For the great servicc they have been to Mrs. Lloyd,' a&weU' as Coionel Bishdpp and all his fa- .:mHy, Captani Lloyd feels it his duty to recommend the Pills wherever he goes; and he really tilinks if Mr. Dixon would appoint some persons as Venders in this country, it would be a benefit to the community. Front -Mrs.^ Martin to G. Dixon, Apothecary. SIR-—I have some years used, and continue to use vonr Antibilious Pills—as a family aperient I do-not know their equal ;< since I hju e taken them,' am relieved lrom a bilious coinplaint, particularly sick lwad-achs,. which ireqlteutly were very distressing to ine. I recommend them to every lainily I am accjuainted w.ith, parlicularly those who live iii some distance fi-onrmedieal advice. Birchmore-house, near Woburn, Yours, Sic. .PedlM-dshire,M<u-. 2, 111,02. J. II- MARTIN. i'r-o'ra the Hon. J. Ma$$ey. Sin—I have found'great benefit from -Mr. Dixon's Anti- bilious Pills, which I,got at Oxford. I should thank you to send nie two or three large -boxes as soon as you can, to take with me into the country, being the only family medicine;I am now in the habit of Using. Am, Sir, your humble servant, Oxford, May 31,1801. J. MASSEY. From Mrs. Avclihg to Mr. Dhon, Apothecary. ■ SrR—I. have long experienced the efficacy of your Anti. bilibus Pills in my family, and among ray friends, as a fa- mily medicine; they are superior to anv medicine I have- ever tried. iniANCES AVEL{XG. Ridgmont, near Woburn, July 2, LIKKWISE, CLLLM's PATENT WORM LOZENGES, (In boxes at 2s. 9d. and Is. l|d. each) Patronized by the first Noblemen in the kingdom, as well as the following honourable Ladies, who have given this Me- dicine to their own children, as well as to the poor of their respective neighbourhoods, with unparalleled success;—Tier Grace the Duchess of Leed, her Grace the Duchess of Hut- land, the Right Hun. the Countess of Darntc\, the Hicrht Hon. Lady Caroline Cupel, tIll-night Hon. Lady Elizabeth Spencer, the Mon. Lady Boston, the lIon. Lady Say and SeJe,thc Right Hon. the Countess of Shaftesbury j the Right Hon. the Countess of Mounlnorri?., the Right Hon. the Coiuitcss of Cork, the Right: Hon. Lady Lucy Rridgemnn, Lady Page Turner, Lady Lovet, and'many other Ladies of the first rank and character too numerous too insert. From the lion, nnd Right Reo. the Lord Jiishop of Carlisle, to Mr. Chi fig, Apolheeary, Chcapmle, J-oudon.. Sm-I readily embrace the opportunity your letter af- ford* mo, of adding mv tcstimollS to tllatof the Lord Chief Baron in favour of your -Worm Medicine; my eldest soil Ihavin2 a few months ago derived very material benefit from i the use of it. He had been unwelffor-several weeks pre- vious to his taking it, appeared pale and emaciated, wis languid, and complained Intently of pains in his head and side. The Lord Chief-Baron, who had accidentallyseen him in this state, fortunately recommended to me the trial of your Lozenges; and that no time might be lost, or any mistake occur in obtaining the genuine Medicine, sent mc tluee l doses ofit. The first of these occasioned a visible amend- ment, and aftertht; second dose every unpleasant symptom disappeared, but I judged it right to" give the third, as the two ioriner had agreed so uncommonly well. From that time illy son has been iu perfect health," and I certainly at- I tribute his cure wholly to the ellicacy of ¡lie 'VOl'll; to'- .zenges. I have since, recommended y«ur Lozenges in seve- ral instances, wherein I have the satisfaction to assure \ou, 1 they have uniformly been ot great sen ice. I ought to "add, that lroin the nature of 'the-effect produced by.them in my scn^j case, I apprehend his complaints'to have arisen irons at; obstruction between the stomach and viscera. J I am, Nr. your obedient servant, Pose-Castle, .Dec. 7, J?<>«.- E. CAR 1 ISLE. Pose-Castle, .Dec. 7, J?<>«.- ,1: CAR 1 ISLE. At! the above articles are sold wholesale at Chiuw and Rutlei's, Cheapside and rerail b%»_ T. Jenkins, and Mr. 1'-IESUNIII, SWRAOSEU^. H&D. ^(LEDI-EIN*; VTIN-DERS- "P EMBROKESlllRE.p f A PAPcTICULAR OF ESTATES TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Castle-inn, Haverfordwest, on S^atarday, the 9thday,of June, 1004, at four o'clock iu the afternoon. Lots Premises. 'I'cnants. 'I enures. Contents. Yearly Heat Parish of St.'Thomas, ftavir- ■ fordze-est, — (SLi^cs,- LI 7 Tl3wcn, „ 1 Claypits, otherwise Carrascant, a.d») nr.. J -awed 6i 1 r B iweu, f c £ joining Portfield E^abeth Bowen j Marth? Bow! £ 1 2 b 0 0 V en, aged '27 ) 2 A capital Messnaee- or Dwelling-"> T- House,' With a Close called the > Mrs. ^far'tha Ro'cli. J tw her life, > 35- 0 0 Kennel Field > V wordi per annum .f 3 Five Houses, Gardens, and Rack Mrs. Star.Roch,widow 5 I^«e for.y.0 years. 26of i Q -g 35 2 -5 c Close, m St. Thomas s Green. > f which are unexpired ..$ 4 Part of tbe Tan-yard on the Quay,) -.Tr, p TLease l'oi ev ei, at the with its appurtenances j ^rs< Fortune pay*^ »-•••> 00 Hamlets of St. Thomas, in the county rif Pembroke. 6 East and West Stoney Wall Parks.. Air. JohniBowen At will 925 29 0 0 5 Walter s Hill, three Closes with a f ,f f. -n Cottage and Garden, j Mr. George Bevans Ditto 9 1 12 27 16 0 7 BochPark Mr. Garrett Ditto 4 0 0 14 0 0 8 Long Meadow Mr. Stephen George.. Ditto 8 0 20 29 0 0 Parish of Camrosc. j Lease for the lives of ES- 9 A Messuage, Tenement, and Lands, > rinvTr™ ) sex Harries, aged 58, f „ 50 0 0- caiied Knock$LsSCX lidints Sarah Lewis, aged 24,6c Customary Uutieg C. Essex Lewis, aged 18. J Acrcs- 1 I.ease tor the lives of T. A 10 A Messuage,Tenement, and Lands,.) VV ^olcock, David Phil-/ 40 OQ 0 0 called'cUmwalls i ThomasWoolcock. < hps, ot Woltsdale, far-v Customary > 1 mer, and liios. Ii_arry,i Acres. V -v, of Lochvane, weaver.. 3 Parish of St. M?naeh\ 11 A Fee Farm itent, or Rent Charge 1 o'i J?i8,10s. per ann, chargeable > Joshua Allen, Esq 8100 on the lands of Bicton For particulars apply to Mr.-William Evans, Attorney, Narberth; Mr. Stokes, Attorney, Haverfordwest; or Mr. Robert Nelson Thomas, Attorney, Swansea. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At Ihc Talbol-Arms, in Swansea, on Saturday, the 16th day of June next, 0LNTE, Undivided MOIETY, or half-part of that improvable MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, and LANDS, called ELAN, containing 4{)A; 11L 28P. situate in the parcel of Clase, in the parish of LE*XOE-VEI,AGH, and now in the possession of John Morris, Eso. at the yearly rent of £ 21. For particulars apply at the Office of Robert Nelson I Thoiaa.s Solicitor, Swansea. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By R. JENKINS,; On the Premises, 'at Bridgend, on Mruday. May 28, 1804. ALL the HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of JOHN RICHARDSON, Esq. consisting of feather-beds, bedsteads, and furniture; mahogany tables, ,chairs, pier and swim* glasses, carpets, sheets, quilts, table linen books of different sorts,' among which are the Aiuiual.Re- gisters from the year 1758 to the year 1796, both inclusive also kitchen furniture and brewimr utensils. N. B. The Sale to begni at twelve o'clock, and the whole to be sold without reserve. CARMARTHENSHIRE, SOUTITWALES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs, SKINNER, DYKE, and Co. On Wednesday, the 6th of June, at. twelve o'clock, atGar- raway's Coffee-House, 'Change-Alley, CoruliiH, London, if not previously1 disposed of by Private Contract, AVERY ELIGIBLE FREEHOLD ESTATE, called DYTHELL, advantageously situate in the pa- rish of PEMBREY, a healthy and salubrious situation, com- manding extensive prospects; an easy distance from Carmar- then Uay, four miles from the sea-port 16wlis of Kidwellv and Llauelly, within 12 miles of Carmarthen, and 1-1. from Swansea, consisting of about lOU ACRES of .PASTE RE and ARABLE LAND, lying in convenient inclosurcs, with a COITAOE, BARN, and "STABLE. The Estate possesses very extensive and valuable Rights of Common, w hich render it extremely desirable for a ^Sheep Farm. I h.ere are several Veins ol Iron Ore and a..two-feet Vein of Coal, which may be worked at a small expfnee. The situation is extremely eligible for a .Sporting Lodge, us Game is very plentiful in the"neighbourhood; there is a strong Chalybeate Spring on the Premises. To be and printed particulars may be had on the Premises also 'of Mr. Brown, Solicitor, Carmarthen at the Castle, Haverfordwest; T. JenkiM) Printer, Swansea; Mr. Rudhall, Printer, Bristol; Mr. Walker, Printer, (fj(J:, center; Messrs. Ward, Dennett, and Greaves, llenrietta- strfet, London at the Place of Sale and of Messrs. Skin- uer/Dykc, and Co. Aldersgatc-strect, London. BRECKNOCKSHIRE, SOUTH-WALES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, and Co. OE Wednesday, the 6th of June,, at twelve o'clock, at Gar. raway's Coliee-liouse, 'Change-Alley, Cornhiu, London, in lot. La te the property of 1 fEN H Y 8KB INE, Esq. deceased, XTALUABLE FREEiIOLD ESTATES, si- T tuate in the parishes of CRIClvHOWELL I.AiY- GATrOCK, CRICJviJOYVELL, LANELLV, and 1.AN- GEN N\nearly comigudiis to the'higii roarl from ABER- GAV ENxV\. to BRECON,a beautiful picturesque rind fert ile part of South-Wales, upon the borders of M onmoutb- shire, comprising a COM]MODl'OL:S M4NSR)\-HO«;SE, OFFICES, .GARDENS, ORCHARDING,. RICH MEN- DOWS, and tlie DEMESNE LANDS, in good condition, and remarkably well Timbered, called DANY PARK, bounded by the River Usk, and intersected by the Navi- gable Canal from Brecon to Abergavenny. Also ABERRAIDAN, PEXCROSLAN,TYR-DAFYD, and HERBERT'S FARMS,,TiillEE RICH MEADOWS near, and a DWELLING-HOUSE in t!.e town ot Cnck- howoll, the whole containing FiVe HUNDRED and FORTY-FIVE ACRES, THREE HOODS, and NINE- TEEN PERCHES, statute measure, equal to 818A. JR. 8P. ol the customary rueasure, now in the possession of Messrs. Cunven, Knowies, Evans, Lewis, Sanders, and Williams, on leases from Christmas V9: tor x'l yeare, but determinahle by either landlord or tenant at the end of s'evenortonrteeu y ears, the present rents only ci.oQl per -Annum, Inch will admit ot very considerable increase. The DanyPark Instate possesses the desirable ail vantage of VIL is well wood.ed and watered, and capable ot \ei v gieai linnrovcMiiejit. to be viewed:, printed particulars may be had on the rre- iiiiSe.s atsoat the Rear, Cncklioweti; Loiigiellow's, Bre- • •<'ii Angei, Aiiergavenny King's-Arm. Carmarthen T. Jenkins, iVqiler,"b;• Mv.! Hiuihaif, 1'r.nter, i'^ristol; ueauior.-Arms, Monna utli Walker, Printer, Gloces- ,ci Joiui Powell', E q. lirecon; .Vie;M's. Wiiar-nm' and iJ.>-ke, Solicitors, Te.s.pie at.the PIKCC of Sale; and of Le-(s. Sktimer, f¡) 11. and Ct>.VYDEWGATTF-aitajci, jLoudon, | w.rc-re pians uiay'L« seei*, GLAMORGANSHIRE, TO BE SOLD, AND FN-TRRED UPON All MmsuMMEn NEXT, A LIPASE (40 years of which are unexpired) of PREMISES, consisting of several large Build- ings, formerly .employed as COI>»ER-YYORK.S, with-ft large ORE-YARD and WAREHOUSES on the ri'er side, and the use of a commodious Quay EIGIITEEI; COTTAGES, a good I)wbeling.-Housk and O.IHDE.V, aii STAKI.E, CoACH-lIoiiSE, and other conveniences, situate at M elm Cry than, near Neath.. Particulars may be had by application on the Premises; cr-hy jctier (post-paid) addressed to Mr. J as. Coke,Neath.- TO DE SGlZTbY AUCTION, On Monday, the 25th of June, 1804, at tile the" townoi Carditl, the following FREEHOLD and LEASE- HOED PREMISES, subject 10 such Conditions ul as shall be then produced, Lon. A HOOSE, GARDEN, and APPUR- i-l- TENANCES, and Nine Acres and a Hall of rich MEADOW -LAND, at CANTON, in the parish 01 Lan- dnif, vvithin halt.a uiile oi the town 01 Cardiff! and adjoin- nig the great turnpike-road ieadins from Bristol to Auinjrd. The above Premises" are held lease, granted by tile I Bishop, Archdeacon, and Chapter ol the Cathedral Church of Landnif, dated the SUtii June, 1802, tor 5{1 years; re- served rent 12s. The above Lands and Tenements are now let to Mr. Henry Morgan, of Ely, tor the \carl\ rent of £ 36, IT'S. (3d. Lot 2. A I uEEHOl.1) TENEMENT of L.AND, con- taining about Nino Cusionnify Acres, sitiiai.e at LANMACI-, in the most fertile part of the Vale of Glamorgan, now iei to Win. Suphin, as tenant at will, at Hieveririy rent oi £ V). Lot J. IOUR PIECES or .FREEHOLD LAND, si- tuate in the parish of I h-xon-NUXTAG now let to Mr. Janies-iMarment, at the yearly rent ot ,d. Further particulars liiay be known by applying to :1r. Bradley, at Cardiff. CAR M ART H ENSliluE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On Saturday, the 9th day of June next, at the Bear-inn, in tile town of Eiandiloia'wr, in the said county, between tiie hours 01 three and five o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, r|MiE REVERSION EXPECTANT on the A DEA'IH of a SINGLE GENTLEMAN, aged Ci> years, of the hdlosving EREEIlUED 31ESSL'AGEs ,ud LANDS, all situated in the parish of CILEVCWM, ill die said county; I Yearly Tenements. Tenants. ■ l idue. Tenure's. rt Brynddarfcchan Daniel David L'4 0 At will. ( Lease for one G wayncydd Elinor Jones.. 4 4 J hieata pepper C COlli rent. Bwlchmaenllwyd D. D. Rytherch 10 0 Atwdt. Wemllas Rees John. 8 0 ^u:t5e ^or. 0Ije t lde 111 being. Henlliefach John Thomas 3^ q ) Lea^e for thicc C Agreement for a Gillain JaiaesThomas' 21 0 < lease lor three L lives. For further particulars apply 'to Mr. Thomas Levis, At- torney, Llandilo, Carmarthenshire. London and Bristol, NORTH and SOl>Til- WALES,$c. 4-c. KENNET AVON CANAL V. A REHOUSE, BATH-STREET, BRISTOL. \17IIHE and BARNARDS are under the yy necessity of informing their Friends and the Pub- lic, that (as numerous errors have lately arisen in dehverv of Goods in London intended by their C .nve\a'.cc'' they tittic in and deiiver tloods IJY their Barges "at no other Whart but the Kauiet Wharf, Upper TliamcS-strt et, Qacen- hithc, London; and continue, as usual, to deliver Goods to and from tlie ace and ihv above Warehouse, iic.irly as expe- ditiously as by Land Carriage, at tile Joitowing prlees: PER cwt. Teas, Hops, Hemp, W ool. and light Packages .'is. yd. Tobacco, Grocery, Ironmongery, and heavy Goods 3s. od. Carboys,.Tars or fioltles, if exceeding one èWI. 10s. each; if less, 5s. each. Goods to and from ReudiiiLT, Berks Qs, 6d. In addition to the above, IIOUSEHOI.D Fur KIT CUE wih !be charged according to bulk. Damage or Loss ^c.xccpt. byA^eahnge or lire^} will be KC- counted lor on all Goods properly packed and directed. •N. B. Whatever Goods are consigned by this Coiivey- j ance to and from- Loudon, North and South- lVaUjs} (\'c. will meet with every attention and dfcpatch; and Goods from l,omton w ill be forwarded from Bristol by the first Vessel or Conveyance, unless otherwise Ordered. ( t Furtiier particuhtrs may be jean* by applying at the above Warehouse, White and Barnards', NewtTurv Wliarl, j>rc.»; or 1.0 :vir. niie, v\ hariinger, iveuutt Wiuui, Upper i iunkiMiitreei, London. j N c ,v bury Wiiari, Miy 15, 1804, t- TO BE SOLD, At the Bush-inn, Swansea, on Saturday, May 26,1804, A Good strong CURRICLE or GIG MORSE; also a MAKE tor the Road or Drawing. BEAUTY, HEAlLTH, .cmd a GOOD SLT ot Ti.i.TlI, Easily to be obtained by using of NEWTON's RESTORATIVE ICOTII POWDER, Patronised and used by Their Majestic* dud the rest vf the Ro/juI^ Family, And Sold by T. -JE.\ KINi, Print< Swansea, |T R- NEWTON hat the honour to acquaint* L*A the Mobility, (feniry, and il»e l.ailies in ^caeraJ of Swansea, and the aputit of Wales, that being '"honoured with the patronage and support of Their 7)Etjeoties, otid the rest of the Royat Family, the Lord Lieutenant oi Irel.nni and his Lady, as well as by uio-c of ibe" distingui.ued | Nobility .and Gentry in the Uuned Kingd- m, and being perfectly sensible of the many obligations 'ie is ulticr to the mosi. eminent of the faculty, iu not on y using hut in recommending generally the use oi his Tooth Ponder, begs leave, it, the most earnestmanner, to return his sin- cere thanks to them and though he is surrounded bv the most consummate empirics, (forcing their dangerous"nos- trums. for the leeth, ,c. to oe circula.ed through ma 'kingdom by the most false and audacious adverUse'.i.ents) begs lea,ve, in the most earnest manner, tu caution the public against becoming the dupes of such unprincipled ar- trlices, and to assure.tiiejii that lie stiU continues to supply his numerous Venders with his Tooth Powdp iceiiuiue, through his only wholesale Agents, Messrs. inlaw. and Edwards, No. 66, St. Paul's Church-yard, London, pre- pared from the only "Recipe of that great and .'earned physician, the late Sir Richard ,}.cbb. M. D. to tueir pre- sent Majesties. It is as pleasant in its use as it is excellent ir; its effects. It speedily renders the Teeth smooth and white tlie gums healthful and.linn; eradicates tlie most inveterate scurvy" in tlie gumsand by using it regulariv according to the printed directions sealed rc .d encii box Mr. Newton, the only proprietor,, will torisit one thousand pounds, if ever an instance occurs of ft!]y person having the Tooth-ach, or a Toorii decay, ta the latest period of life, ulr. Newton hopes by inserting the following Letter of a gentleman, well known in Swansea and its yicinity, will prove an ulterior demonstration of the superior cmcaey of ins Tooth Powder :— Sir Watkiu Lewes has received a box of Mr. Newton'* Tooth Pow der, w hicli was sent him yesi'crdny, most U.-eadluily afflicted with .ne Tooti:-ach it auoideu nim al- most iuslaiit relict. He was aoout 'sending his servant .or anotner, when Mr. Newton's man with one (in case of a return) as lie thinks it the most valuai it mad wine for the Tooth-ach he ever ex[>erienced. The reiiei S:r ,V. "ail receired, has induced 111m io se-ni Mr. j.veivroi. one guinea, which he des;tes Mr. N ewtoli wiil do knn' the tavoiu- to a-joept, and shali feel himself particidarly Jmp,>y iu recon*- mcuding all hu> ineuas to make it .or we ud .;r Green-street, 'Grcsveno-r-$quure, Dec- ltit/i, J80.i. To Mi:. Newton, Great Russell-street, iSedi'oi-d-M)u<ire. Also, for the f ace and Skin, is par icatariv recommended, 'NEW-TON "6 ROYAL S T i LUPIN e tho only a.-iicle-ti pieseni" kiiowii m rkf. c.nd j,, ve a bcautitui skin p<events trie hands aec >.0 m cold weather m a weather ;i ren. C: a i burns, and tans; is particularly reci.e.iaienJed ^ci.ue- meu to shave with wno i:ave tencfer faces. A.lso, font's Warranto- ij-.u .Srushex, iiuule purpose,y to tsse wjtb Ins ie, i-y,7d°.r. the r-eat cuinpiamt oi common tosth t rusiu-s titat >cv arc so badly manufactured, that in a ie -v ust,:g the-hairs nfi oecouie loose, as w-elf as very u- ,u-.l3 ro Nevyton warrants ail ins-Tootb Lcusnes. t;le are, S,,I(i by Messrs..j'iuw and .Edwards, Ne.o. yard, i.u!: • and retail:c1. i'mut, • ■ :-nd Tar. m Cardiu ',V s..ii- ■;y:' ,.uarli¡cn \.)'(> >-1', .Ui.' icioc e'.H-iei ai.d J'erf mner .a ev- <r_ United Kingdom, thedodowing prices iootn 1;l, per box. Tooth Brusues Is. each. Royal Lieua Soap h. each square. N ■ B. Please to ask for Newton's Tcoth i-'owder, ivar, r,\t't,T;HJ'1: Bru>lies, and Ins r|"HkIL ILiLM OF GILEAD instautd-iicousiy A relieves_ S|>a.>ms in tlie- side, breast, alld mesrines, d .ises a genial .wamnh, and prevents cramps and numb- ness .in or after 'u. >11 or sea water. Ladies of C,)Id c i- i cl, o r I i ot body, aaected with lan- guor, head-acliV "i -d iftecti nis; Gentlemen from the Last or West Indies, tne Student from public semi- nancs; people ot iashion; tne studious.; persons of a eou- hned and sedentary life; as also iO these artlicted with nervous affections or debility, ortginatiug froiu heat of cii- or relaxation from juvenile indiscrdion, cimuor have reeourRe to a more salutary remedy, because n enricl'.es the blood without ihitamius it; braces-the uerv.s svstcui • frees ami disburdens tlie viscera and other important ')1'- gr-is; resolves obstructions, and throws off vise d sirou" luunonis strengthens the general habit, and br.tins t.a'c'S the muscular hu 03 to their natural and healthv tone, dk .ice its wonderful success in re noving every synipicm-of weak- ness, If.tulence, paipi'taiions' "watcldiilncss, tlrou>unes« eating, .timidity, tlnshes of heat itud cold, umb, ess, giddiness, paips, (especially, ill the Head, back-, and loins) hicejugn, difiieuity of respiration and dextuution, ury cough, debility, Icwiit- UJ. spu-ns, iuss ot^appeliie, re- laxation, indigestion, sickness, vo-uning, goulv s las.ns of the :,tOlllHl.:b, bystei-ical and .hypocnondriacal uaeciion? dnjiness of sight, cOllfuscd thoughts, wanderings 01 the miud, xc. Where the disordered, ti.e hodv is weakened; paleness, bodily decay, emaciation, and the eyes, a-i-.k into tiie head, Ihc Cordial oi G tie ad has established its restorative eliicacy ihroughout Eurooe and America; w ucrcver it has been introduced, its sale has been most wondertuily great—the uemand fin- exceeding any medicine ever published, and the bonefit it has prc £ due. d to society is admittdtl by every person who lias tried even a single bottie.. It is the only reined v t,lat will re- store to health ttiose persons who, by an immodcrai-e in- dulgence ot tiiteit passions, have ruined their constitutions, and ocrasipns various aiieciious of the nervous svstem, as obstinate gleets, involuntary emissions, excesses, irregu- larity or ob-truction ot cenain evacm-rions, ueaknesS?s, tOlaf iuipotenc\, barrenness, ccc. Thou.-ands at this mo- ment live to praise the day they first applied to this rc- medy, and enjoy the blessings of health, who misjl.t have dropped into an untimely grave. To induct- the patient to e, Co, give, the Cordial Balm a fair trial, and by uue perseverance to obtain a radical cure, Dr. Solomon has sent to his Agents a supply of FAMILY BOTTLES that contain four 10s. 6d. cues, for Svhich only ,3.i?) are charged, 011 which, of-course, 9s. is saved to thc'pn. chaser. Each bottle has a stamp w hicli bears the proprietor's name and address in tee engraving, Sand. Solo,nun. Liverpool, to imitate which is felony. Dr. Solomon expects, when oiii- 'suited, the usual compliment ol a One Pound Note but all written cases, or letters of advice, to be answered at his leisure, are required to enclose only Halt-a-Guinea. Such letters should, for safety, be thus il'ireeled Money Let- ter, Dr. Solonii t;, Sdioiiiou's-place, ilrownlow-s'reef, Liver- pool, paid double posti-iie. Letteis iua\ be ordered to be addressed for X. Z:m' A. n. at the Post-oiiice, it!! called for. I Soul by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper's J. Bird, Car- I diff; W, M. Davis, Mertiiyr Ti.Jil; J. Dauid. (.'ilnnar- tlieii; J, Potter, Haverfordwest; Wil.uot, Pembroke; and l.v V iausxs ui'' Miidicihci.'