Papurau Newydd Cymru

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THE NEW STAMPS. This Day rs published, a new EditioitYpr the present and ensuing Year, Price One S'hilihig, rf KEA'RiSLEY'V TAX TABLES-, containing, K among a variety of other niatters, an vifec.urate State- ment of the New Stamp Duties, the General Tax upon In- come, the Assessed Taxes, &c. <3cc. Printed for G. Kearsley, No. 46, Meet-street, London arid sold by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper. Ofwhom may be had, With a Map, price 7s. in boards, a new edition, much en- JSargSd and improved; with a concise t'listory .ot the Cities, Towns, Watering-places, chief Villages, Anti- quities, Seats, &c. KEARSLEY's TRAVELLER'S ENTERTAINING GUIDE through GREAT-BRITAIN, or a Description of the Great Roads and principal Cross Roads, marking tllc Instances of Plates to and from London, and from eaCt, I other. To which are added, a Description of the principal Great Roads of Ireland; different Routes to Paris; and, a Table Qf th.eTimes of High Water atNew and Full Moon; the whola forihing a" general Tour through Great-Britain and Ireland. YOUNG'S FARMER'S CALENDAR, containing the Businessnecessairy to be performed on various Kinds of Sarins during every Month in the Year. Price 10s. 6d. in boards.—this Calendar is the most yseful as well as the cheapest Book ever addressed to;'practical Agriculturists,; and its general Circulation promises the most beneficial Ef- fects to the Landed Interests. A GUIDE to-all the WATERING and SEA-BATHING PI/ACRS m the.Kincdoni; with Views and Maps* Price 12s, THOMSON'S FAMILY PHYSICIAN. Price 6s. SPORTING AKECXJOTES, Original and Select; in- titiding Characteristic Sketches of etninent. Persons who have appeared on the Turf; and an interesting Selection of the most extraordinary Events which have transpired in the Sporting World; with capital Plates. Price 10s. 6d. B:7' Orders for Periodical and all other Publications executed by T. JENKINS, without any Charge for Carriage. HfSPYSIAD. GWYBYDDED y saw! sydd yn ymhyfrydu yng.Ngair Duw, ac yn carucliwilio'r Ysgrythurau, fod aniryw o'r Mynegair Ysgrythurol neu Concordance y Bibl,, i'w cael etto ar werth gan loan- Ross yn UeoJ-Awst, ac yn Nhy y dtweddar Barchedig Peter William yn Heol-y- dwr, yng NghacrfyTddin, am bum Swllt bob un heb ell *fawymo lie y gellir cael ar yr un Pris, Lyfr y Testament Newydd yn bed war Plyg, gyd a. Nodau-a Syhviadau yr W Awdwr ar bob P^nnod, yn 01 yr Argraphiad cyntaf; ac hefyd rai o Fiblau bychain John Canne, gyd a Nodau cy- feinol ar Yini y Ddalen, ar yr un Pris hefe eu rhwymo. Yr ydys ymhellach yn .cymmeryd yr Achlyssur yma i yiiirii caria.(ii y r vis, fod Bwna d yngolwg yrhal fydd ag iddynt gyfiawn ha-wl i'r Gwaitli, i ail argraphu Bibl Biayir Cyiuraeg y diweddar Barchedig Peter Ititliams, gyd t Nod*u a Sylwtadau air bob Pennod, yn 6! yr Argraphiad cyntaf, yr fin Papur ag &'r un Llythyren. Yr ydys am hynny yn deisyf ar bawb sydd yn .cnwennych eucael'i anfem eu Hetiwau mewn Pryd n't loan Boss yn Heol-Awst, yng Nsrhaerfy-rddin, ac ,at y Parchedig Peter Williams yn liaiirhug, gerllaw, Caernarfon. Yn y .cyfamser, y niae pavvb sjvdd yn caru Cyfiawnder, yn gobciihio na bydd i neb gynnorthwyo Dwylaw estroniaid sj'dd heb ddeall y laith i aViafu 'r Bibl Cymraeg, na derbyn treisAvaith lladra- daidd Herwyr anbyddysg sydd yn gorthryrnmu ac yn yspeilto Gweddw a Phlant Awdwr mor fuddiot, a Gweinidog dor efangylaidd; ac nabydd neb mor ddideimlad ac an- Mg, Pryied ysglyiMthus, 4 anrheitliio.'r Llestr met ysgry- thnrol a lanwyd gyd a chymjnaint o Boen, ac o ddwytol Ddivvydrwydd. Caerfyrddin, Awst y Itaf, 180'1. CHARCOAL DENTIFRICE, recommended c by eminent Medical and Philosophical Characters as Iht safest and best TOOTH-POWDER. 1 invented and prepared by D. COX, CHYMIST, &c. AT THE.ROY.AX, ELABOHATOll V £ I.OCKSTF.K J And sold byv T. Jenkins. Printer of this Paper, price, with duty, Is. l £ d. Of whom may be had, prepared by D. Cox, Cachoes du Rose, (extracted from the Damask Rose,) litjjhly useful'hi pulmonary complaints, a preservative from oaeu&iVe effluvia, and the ill effects from sudden exposure to a. dense and cold atnio-spliere. Aromatic Pearls of Cinnamon, Cardamom, Peppermint, tlon* and Ginger, for debility., flatxilejicn-, and indigestion. Nitre and Tonic Tablets. Lozenges of every sort. Mild and pleasant Aperient Salts, extracted from the Purging Mineral Waters,; will, in many constitutions and diseases, be found useful, when the waters disagree, or can- n"tbetaken. ,Essence of Jamaica Ginger, Peppermint, Chamomile, Co- lombo, Myrrh. &,c. Fish Sauces, Spice and Culinary Essences, Sec. STOLEN or STRAYED, from the town/of HA v, in the county of Brecon, on Monday night, the tith ofJ.ui.y-last, a DAitlv BROWN HORSE, about thir- teen liaridsliigh, seven years otd; his tail has been lately set, and carries it inclinable to the near side hog mancd, and his heels have been recently trihimed. Whoever will give intelligence of the said Horse, if stray- ed,. shall be handsomely rewarded and if stolen, a reward of FIVE GUINEAS will be paid on the conviction of the offender or offenders, by Mr. Evans, Attorney, Hay. August 6, 180-1. EVERY MAN HIS OWN FARRIER. MR. BLAINE, who has been long known for-his important Discoveries, his public Writings, and successhil Treatment of the DISEASED of HORSES and ppGS" now oilers to the public the following valuable Medicines, faithfully prepared iii.s orl!"illll -I.teecipts, and never before mane public; calculated to make the Cure of the Diseases of these Animals economic, easy, and ex- peditious. HORSES. Effective Cholic Balls, 2s. 6d, each. Cordial Balls, Is. each, or .is. yd. the half dozen. Cough Balls, 5s. the half dozen. • StroJig Diuretic Balls, Is. )M. each, or 6s. 3d. the half doz. Tever Cordial Ball.4, Is. 6d. each, or 8 s. tlie half dozen. Varcy Balls, 6s. the half dozen. Strong Purging Balls, 2s. each, or 10s. fid. the half dozen. Mild Purging Balls, Is. i",d. each, orgs, die half dozen. Strong Mercurial Purging Balls, 2s. 6d..each, or 13s. the half dozen. Alild Mercurial Purging Balls, 25. each, or 10s. 6d. the 1ud1 "n ozcn'- Blistering Ointment, 3s, per pot. Li<)uid .Sweating Blister, 2s. (Sd. per bottle. • ilild Wash lor Grease, 3s. (>d. per bottle. Strong Paste lor'Grease, 4s. per pot. Embrocation for Strains and 'Lamenesses, 3s. perlmttle. Mange OintmeiH, 7s. per pot. Eve Water, 2s. 6d. per bottle. Alterative Condition Powders,5s.,the, half dozen; orm Powders, 5s. the half dozen. Mild Diuretic Powders, Is. each, or 5s. 3d. the half dozen. Tever Powders, 5s 1 the half dozen. Sold wholesale and retail bv T. Boosey. No. 4, Broad- T?r?et' Alear tlie Koya? Exchange: also Jiarclay and Son, 1 Jeet-.Viarkev,.London; and likewise by T. Jeukins, Prin- tM ot th..s Papef; J. Bircj, Cardiff; W. M.i)avies, Merthyr- pIfH v!' Carmarthen; Wiliuut, Pembroke; J. t oner, Haverfordwest:; W. and (i. North, Brecon, r Where also may be had, P'LAINE'S LTotuostic 'Ivieaiise on HORSES *nd Jlevv edition, price 4s, with plates. And Treatise m DlisIs. Also, gecuiue i^OG MKDICLNES. Wf ANTS a Place,, a YOUNG WOMAN V T who has lately come from England with a Iamily site is willing to undertake the care of a Child or a Ij HOUSEMAID'S PLACE in any respectable family. She can have an unexceptionable character from tlie lady she now Any letters addressed (post-paid) to M. P. to be left at the Post-office, SSvauaea, will be immediately-attended to. CO W B RIDGE. POSTING at ONE SHILLING per MILE. CHRISTOPHER BRADLEY BEGS leave to inform his Friends and the Public in general, that he still continues his POST- ING at the above price from his own House, the Pos r- OrrrcE, in he has fitted up some com- fortable SITTING ROOMS for the accommodation ot those Ladies and Gentlemen who will please to honour him with their favours. Refreshment may be had while changing Horses. C. B,. being the first person who caused the reduction of th e Posting Business in this part of the country, hopes for the support of a generous Public. IP- A iniAlQE KEPT, j-c. To CONTRACTORS. PERSONS willing to CONTRACT with the 01 P TRUSTEES of the HARBOUR of SWANSEA for BUILDIVG tlie EASTERN PIER, according to Captain- Huddart's i'lan, including every experiee, or for QUAR- RYING ana1 DKLtV ElUNG PROPER Sl'ONES from CWMSEVTK' AN QUARRY, at the EASTERN PIER, are desired tol their Proposals in writing, at the Otiice of Mr. G. Jeftre/'s, Swansea, before the 27th IIlstant. The Carriage L't. the Stoues may be much lessened by making a Tram-roa d and inclined Planes, a pian of which may be s6en on application to Mr. Jelireys. Swansea, August 9, 180-1, To the CURIOUS in PISll SAUCE. FAMILIES in general are respectfully in- formed, J- BU.RGES.3 and SON's Genuine and Su- perior ESSENCE of ANCHOVIES for FISH SAUCE, continues to be prepared by thet.M mthe same mannerthat tias obtained such uni\vt:rsal approbAi ion tor ihany years past. The long justly-ai';quired superiority of that article is fully Continued jri the opinion of the country at large, and of per- sons resident in all parts of the world, and haying stood the iest of trial, ranks it in the situation it HOw maintains. The gencralutility at" their ESSENCE d4r Axciro VI KS, and other rich SAUCKS .lor -'i'lsu, '&c. induCv-s them, from the numerous advertisements daily appearing, t.o caution Fami- lies, 6cc. in purchasing the same, as none is to be had of their genuine, but at their Warehouse as undeir. Every other article ill the: OIL TBACB for laxity use, of the best quality. Warehouse,No-107,cornerot'SavoySteps,S.trand, £ dndon.' "L" BRECON3XIIRJE. ™ RULES and REGULATIONS for spoivT- II^G upon the MILLSi be&nging to JOHN MAv. NAMARA, 1'lsq'. in the said county. 1. No person will be allowed to l^hoot, without leearelun- der the hand of John or Arthur Macnamara. 2. No person will be allowed to Sp>ort but in the company' of the Keeper of the said Manors. 3. No person will be allowed to ICill roore than Two Brace of Grouse in one day. 4. No person will be allowed to Shoot but on the days mentioned in the card given for that purpose. 5. Owing .to the great Scarcity of Gaiue, no person be allowed to Sport this year alter the'25th day of August. 6. The Game on the, G wenddwr Hills being nearly de- stroyed, W person will'be permitted to Spott on those this yA reward of FIVE GUINEAS will be paid, at Langoed- Castle, upon conviction of each Poacher, or unqualiiied Per- son transgre&ing'the Laws upon the said Manors, over and above what is, ajlowed by Act of Parliament; and the in- former's name kept secret. N or will any person of any description be suffered to Hunt for Game, junder pretence of breaking in Dogs, or upon any other pretence whatsoever. Langoed,Aug.6,1804. GOOT, INDIGESTION, FLATULENCY, NERVOUS HEAD- ACII <5R GI R>bi IS ESS, LOWNESS P/ St'I HITS, TREMORS, SPASMS, Cyc. -'hC Conce'l, (I E, Gi The Concentrated Essence of Ginger. THIS most valuable preparation is offered to the Public with increased coniidence, since it has received the sanction and recommendation of several emi- nent Medical jVIen; it has been used by some part of the Royal Family,"and by many of the Nobility and Gentry in town and country, with great success. Its character may also be seen in the Medical and Chtru) gicai Review for May 1804. Sold, genuine^ (only) by Oxldy and Co. her Majesty's Ghymists, No. 27, liavmarket, London and by their iip- pointmentj by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; Keene and Co. Bath Sheppard, Bristol; Tudor, i\Iorimouth; Ed-. dowes, Shrewsbury Bull, Dublin and by, one or more re- spectable Venders of Medicines in all the principal towns es of the United Kingdom. j RESPECTABLE ATTESTATIONS T For the CORDIAL BALM of Gl LEJ Unparalleled by any other advertised Meolicine in the world, given voluntarily by men of character and respec- tability, men who have daily witnessed its cilicacy, and observed its sterling merit. lo S. SOLOMON, Es<j. M. D. Liverpool. I'l AIt sin, I Cannot refer to the time when I have taken the pen in my hand with more satisfaction than the pe- riod in which it is now occupied, to acquaint you of the asto- uishing elT"-»cy of your CORDIAL BA LM* of GI LEAD, which 1 h, used inconsequence of excessive debility, oc- easioned by a three years' residence in the West-Indies, and imputed to the heat of the atmosphere.. Having em- barked from that part of the world so emaciated, with but little appetite, and my strength very nearly exhausted, spi- ritless, and unable to get any natural sleep, I arrived un this situation at Liverpool, and applied immediately to Dr. So- lomon, whose exce'lent: advice and medicine, after perse- vering in it lor six >yeeks, completely restored to me my original good ^tate ot health. I am novv returning to the West-Indies, in the ship Diana, Captam Couphaut, where I shall exert myself, as much as po-ssibie, to establish the CoRtJiAi. Beu,n of (jiLKA D, well kuowiifg it is a Medicine deserving every encotnium that can be bestowed on it, and perfectly adapted to the climate. I am, dear Sir, y our obliged and obedient servant. JOHN WATKINS, Witnesses, Mr. Samuel, silversmith and draper, Old Dock. D. Isaac, ready-made seaman's clothes warehouse, Wapping, Liverpool. Liverpool, Sept. 7. Prepared by Dr. Solomon, Liverpool, in 10s. 6d. and 33s. bottles; the latter contain four of the former, by which the purchaser saves ').<, Every genuine' butjle has a'stamp, which bears the p foprie.'tor' and address, Saml-bo- lamon, Liverpool," to imitate which is febni). iS, R, The. postage of. an letters to the Doctor must be paid, and 10s. 6d as a fee enclosed,for advice. T Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; J. Bird, Car- ditt; M. Dtuvis, Merthyr Tidvil J, Daniel, Carmar- thell; J. Potter, Mavenrfordwest; Wilmot, Pembroke and by all other repi itablu Venders uf M^duiHies.. GLuAMORG ANSI! IRE TO BE SOLD, AND ENTERED UrON IMMEDIATELY, A LEASE (40 years of which are unexpired) of PREMISES, consisting of several large Build- ings, formerly employed as COPPER-WORKS, with a large 0Ne-Yarft and WAREHOUSES OII^^be jiver.side, and tlw use of a commodious Quay EIGHTEEN. COTTAGES, a good DWELLING-HOUSE and, GARDEN, an excellent four^stall STABLE, COACU-IIOL-SE, and other conveniences, situate at Melin Crythan, near Neath. Particulars maybe had by application on the Premises; or by letter (post-paid) addressed to Mr. Jas. Coke, Neath. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD, A LEASE, for the unexpired term of about XJL Twenty Years, of a neat commodious DWELLING- HOUSE, called the RIDDINGS, with Coach-house, Stables, and convenient Out-offices, good Gardens, and plenty of both sorts of Watet; together with about 30 Acres of va- luable LAN DS, within a ring-fence, contiguous and adjoin- ing to the Premises.-situate within two miles of Swansea, and haff It mile of Sea-Bathing; commanding a beautiful pros- pect of the Bristol Channel, and Coast of Devon and So- merset. -i T he Premises axe in excellent repair, and fit for the re- ception of a genteel family, the present occupier having just laid out a considerable sum in repairs and improve- ments; and will give immediate possession. N. B. The Furniture and Stock may be taken at a fair appraisement.. Apply to Mr. D. Perrott.—Letters post-paid will be duly answered. Swansea, August 7, NEATH. • TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Castle-inn, in the town of Neath, on Wednesday, the 12th day of September next, between the hours of four and six in the afternoon, subject to such Conditions of Sale as shall be then and there produced, the following Freehold DtceUing-Houscs and Premises: ALL that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, or DWELLING-HOUSE, called The King's-IIead, si- tuate. in NEW-STHEET, in the town of NEATH, With the Sta- is bles, Yards, and Premises thereto belonging, in the severai occupations of Mr. William Thomas, Victualler, and Mr Watkins, Druggist, now under lease to said VVm. Thomas, at the clear yearly rent of ^40.—This lease expires 24th of June, 18J5. Also, all those THREE other MESSUAGES, TENE- MENTS, or DWELLING-HOUSES, situate in NEW- STREET aforesaid, in the several occupations of Thos. Owen, John Powell, and Gwenllian William, all held at will, at the clear yearly rent, in the whole of..i 12 8s. Further particulars' may be had by "personal application, or by letter, post-paid, addressed to Mr. William Gwyn, Solicitor, Neath.. CARMARTHENSHIRE, SOUTH-WALES. Capital Freehold ESTATE of 1400 Acres, WITH VALUABLE COAL MINES. jo BE SOLD BY AUCTION Messrs. SKINNER, DYKE, and Co. On Thursday, Sept. 20,1804, at twelve, at Garraway'? Coffee- house, 'Change-alley, Cornhill, London, in one lot, AVery valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE, ad- vantageo'usly situated within two miles of the' Sea- port and Market-town of Llanelly, easy distances from Car- marthen and Swansea, and only four miles from the great 0 Turnpike-road frota Mil ford-Haven to London, called0 CASTLE-CAI>"ARN$GELLY-VAWR, And snndry FARMS aird LANDS, containing 1404 Acres VIEADO I of MEADOW, PASTURE, A1U13™- # WOOD LAND, lying nearly compact, with FARM-HOUSES and OUT- BUILDINGS, let to good Tenants, asrnall parton old Leases for Lives, a very considerable part on Agreements for 21 yeats,and the remainder ^tw:Dl, at rents amounting to ,,£625, 125. per Annum, Capable of considerable increase as the leases expire. The Estate contains many valuable- V EINS of COAL, a large partof which may be worked by Level, and the re- mainder by Engines of small power. A public Rail-Road is nearly completed from the exten-1 sive and rich Iron Mines in the neighboin\'iood, and frjjm the Limestone Hills, and passes through the major ps^rt of this Estatfl, to the Sea-port of LJanelly, which renders this property liigh'y eligible for the establi'shnit.-m <»f Tron, Cop- per, or othei* Works, upon an extensive scale, as w ell as for a great export Trade in Coals. To be viewed by applying tP the-Rev. Mr. Evax of Llanelly, of whom printed particulars may be had al-V the Castle, Haverfordwest; Angel, Cardiff; Ivy-Bush, ar»d King's-Arms, Carmarthen; of Mr. Jenkins, Printer, Swan- sea; Mr. Rudhall) Printer, Bristol; Mr, Walker, Printer, Glocester; Mr. Wright, Printer Hereford; Mr. Wood, Printer, Shrewsbury, Mr. Swinne_y, Printer, Birmingham; at the Place of Sale; of J\le.ssrs. Skinner, Dyke, aiid Co' Aldersgate-street, London: and of Mr. HassaU, East-Wood, Pembrokeshire", at both which places Plans of the Estate and Sections of the Collieries may be seen. DESERTED, from the ROYAL clakence j VOLUNTEER IMENT,. the undermentioned, viz. JOHN EDW ARDS, Drummer, aged 19 years, live feet six inches high, dark complexion, auburn eyes, and dark hair, cut short. r VVILLIAM WIIITE, Drummer, aged 51 years, five feet eight: inches high, tair complexion, grey eyes, and dark sandy hair, usually tied very long. Whoever wifl apprehend and lodge them in any of his Majesty?s ga.ols within the United Kingdom, shall receive for each ONE GUINEA reward, over and above the al- lowance from the County, lor the apprehension of Deserter* Apply to Oyven Lloyd, Esq.,Lieut.-Coi. Commandant of the said Corps. Cardigan, July 30, 1.804. RHEUMATIC, PARALYTIC, and GOUTY Affections, with their usual concomitants, Spasm, or flying Pains, Flatulency, Indigestion, and general" Debi- lity, (originating, in whatever source) are relieved and fre- quently cured by WHITEHEAD'S ESSENCE of MUS^ tARD PILLS, alter every other means had failed. The FLUID ESSENCE of Mustard, (used with the Pills in those complaints, where necessary.) is perhaps the most active, penetrating, and effectual .remedy in the World, gc- nerally curing the severest SPRAINS AND BRUISES in less than half the time usual!\ taken by Opodeldoc, Ar- quebnsade, or allY olher. Embrocation and if used im- mediately after any accident, it prevents the part turning black: and the stillness naturally arising'from the first use of the MUSKET, it immediately removes. It is prepared and sold at 2s. 9d; eacltbox or bottle, by R. Johnston, Apothecary, No. 15, Greek-street. Soiio, Lon- don; and may be had of T. Jenkins, Printer, and T. Allen, Swansea J. Bird, Carditl; M. Davis, Mcrthvr-Ttdvi); J. Daniel, Carmarthen J. Potter, Haverfordwest; J.'llo- den, Denbigh; Owen Weichpooi; Mis. I've, Wrexliam Griffiths, Ludlow Salter, Oswestry:' (iriiiiths, liishou's- Castie Allen, Hereford; C. J oues, Gloce.ster; W. Pine, Bristol; and by every Medicine Vender in evei-y tuivu hi the United Kingdom, GLAMORGAN. TO BE LET, WO FURNISHED HOUSES, situated at JL BtiiTTON-FERiiy, consisting of a parlour, hail, and iitchdn in each house, with good bed-rooms; Garden, Sta- ble, and Land it required, within three miles of Neath and five of bVansea. Enquire of Mr. E. Deere, Cowbridge; or of Mrs. Hannah Davies, a): Britton-Ferry, who wIll shew the Premises. GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPOS- AT MICHAELMAS, Oil SOONER IF REQUIRED, A Large and Commodious HOUSE, situate in the centre of the town of NEATII, consisting of a parlour, breakfast-room, hall, and two kitchens, oil the ground-lfoor, live bed-chavubf rs on the first story, and one :arge garret; together with three underground cellars, and, it required, stabling for fourteen horses, a coach-house, and six Acres of Land, in high cultivation, adjoining the town of Neath. For particulars apply to Rich. Bcvan, M. D. at Dynevor- Lodge, near Neath.—All letters must be post-paid. GLAMORGANSHIRE. SWANSEA CANAL LIKE. TO BE LET, For aTerm of Years, and may be entered upon immediately, in one or two Lots, TilE two following very eligible STONE- COAL and CULM COLLIERIES, with the IRON- STONE MINES, situate on the line of the SWANSEA CANAL, viz. Lotl. BRINMORGAN, supposed to contain 78 Acres I and upwards of several VEINS of COAL, one between five and six feet now open and worked by Level, and deemed to be of the best quality-. Lot 2. YSTRAEDOWEN, supposed to contain 226 Acres and upwards of the same VEINS of COAL as the other lot, and workable by Level. The Iron-Stone under each Estate is of the best quality, and easily worked. The above are the nearest Stone-Coal Collieries to Swan- sea now in working. LóF2d is a most eligible situation for Iron Furnaces, there being almost an inexhaustible quantity of Iron-Stone and Stone-Coal; and a Patent has lately been obtained to substitute Stone-Coal for Coaking-Coal in the making of Iron. There is also the command of a verv considerable Stream of Water attached to this lot, upon which the Pro- prietors have at present a Corn Grist Mill. There is a Counting-house, Smith's Forge, and Carpen- ter's Shop at Brinnjorgan, for the use of the Works. The Boats, Waggons, and other the Stock and Utensils, will be disposed of to the taker of the first lot at a fair price. LiME-sroif E is also at a very short distance. Maps of the Estates and a Section of the Collieries may be seen at Mr. Moggridge's, No. 1, Freeman-street, Bir- mingham; at Messrs. Bleasdale and Alexander's, New-Inn,, London and further particulars known by applying to the Proprietors, Messrs. Shewen and Berrington, at Swansea. BEAUTY, HEALTH, and a GOOD SET of TEETH, Easily to be obtained bv using of NEWTON's RESTORATIVE TOOTH POWDER, Patronized and used by Their Majesties and the rest oj* the Royal Family, And Sold by T. JENKINS, Printer, Swansea, MR. NEWTON has the honour to acquaint the Nobility, Gentry, and the Ladies in general of Swansea, and the south of Wales, that being honoured with the patronage and support of Their Majesties, and the rest of the Royal Family, the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and his Lady, as well"as-by most, of the distinguished Nobility and Gentry in the United Kingdom, and beiim perfectly .sensible of the many obligations he is under to the most eminent of the faculty, in not only using but in recommending generally the use of his Tooth Powder, begs leave, in the most earnest manner, to return his sin- cere thanks to them and though he is surrounded by the most consummate empirics, (forcing their dangerous nos- trums lor the Teeth, ^"C. to be circulated through the kingdom by the most false and audacious advertisements) begs leave, in the most earnest manner, to caution the public against becoming the dupes of such unprincipled ar- tifices, and to assure them that lie still continue.* to supply his numerous Venders with his Tooth l'owdc, gemuni: through liis_ only wholesale^gents, Messrs. Sliau- and Edwards, No. tig, St. PauHFCliurch-yard, London, pre- pared from the only Recipe of that great and learned physician, the late Sir Richard Jebb, IVl. I). to their pre- sent Majesties. It is as pleasant in its use as it I.< excellent in its eliects. It speedily renders the Teeth smooth and white the gums healthful and firm; eradicates the most inveterate scurvy in the guuis and by using it regularly, according td the printed "directions sealed round each box. \fl'. iSewton, the only proprietor; will forieit one thousand, pounds, if ever an instance occurs of any person having the To°th-ac!i, or a Tooth decay, to the latest period of life. 1\fl., Newton hopes by inserting the following Letter of a »entlem.'n, well known in Swansea and its vicinity, will prove an O'tenor demonstration of the superior efficacy of his Tooth powder :— Sir Wsttkio Lewes lias received a box of Mr- .Newton's Tooth Powder, jvhich was sent him yesterday, being iiiost dreadfully afflicted with theTouth-acli it atiorded him al- most instant relief..He was about sending his servant for another, when Mr. Newton's man called with one (in case of a return) as he thinks it the most valuable medicine for the Tooth-aeh he ever expbj ienced. The relief Sir W. has received, has induced him t(?\send Mr. Newton one guinea, which he desires Mr. Newton will dohllTl the favour to accept, and shall leel himself pai'ticularly happy in recom- mending all his friends to make use of it for the'funire. (trecii-street, Grosvcnar-sqiuire, b'ec. lBt/i, 1803. To Mr. Newton, Great Russell-Mreet, Bedford-square." Also, for the Face and Skin, is particuiariv recommended NEWTON's ROYAL SWEET-SCENTED LUPIN SOAP, the only article at present known to make and preserve a beaut iiui skm prevents the hands and face from chapping in cold weather in hot weather it removes all freckles, sun- burns, and tans; is particularly recommended for gentle- men to shave with who have tender laces. Also, Newton's Warranted Tooth Brushes, made purposely to use with his Tooth Powder. The great complaint of common tooth brushes is, that they are so badly manufactured, that in a few times using the hairs all become, loose, as wdl as very dangerous to use.—Air. Newton warrants all his Tooth Brushes. All the above articles arc sold genuine, wholesale only, by Messrs. Shaw and Edwards, No. 66, St. Paul's Church- yard, London; and rctail by T. Jenkins, at the Cambrian })rillling-oÚice; and Mr. Fle.xinan, Swansea; J. Bird, Cardiff.; W. M. Davis, Merthyr Tidvil; J. Daniel, Car- marthen; J. Putter, Haverlordwest J. Roden, Denbigh; Owen, Wdehpnol Mrs. lye, Wrexham Griffiths, Ludlow Salter, Oswestry; Griffiths, Bishbp's Castle; Allen, Here- tord C. Jones, Glocester; W, Pine. Bristol; and by every Medicine Vender and Perfumer in every town in the United Kingdom, at iiie ibilowing prices :— Tooth Powder xfs. yd. per box. Tooth Brushes Is. each. Royal Lupin Soap is. each square. N. B. Please to ask for Newton's Tooth Powder, war- r«ii'.wi Tooth Brushes* and his lioyai Lupin Syap. — ANNUITY. TO BE DISPOSED OF, A N ANN L IT Y ol' .•t'iOU, well secured In -L X. the County of Glamorgan, lor a very Heailhv Life. Par ticulars may be had at tlie OUiee of J..lelire vs. Swanset. GL \MORG AN HI IKE. TO BE LET, ASD T.XTKRED UJ'ON l.HM £ I>IATEI.T, 1\ HO L SI", in the Cottage style, cpatainiiig A three parlours, a. china pantry, two kitchens, and five bed-rooms;. with A MAI.T-HOUSE, capable of making from 4 to 5000 Bushels of Malt Dairy, Barn, Siabie, Outhouse?, and about 50 Statute Acres of excellent LAND, situate at ST. ATHAN, within A mile of the sea, near the port of Aber- thavv, and w .thin five miles of Cowbridge, a good market- town. Particulars may be known by applying to Mr. Benjamin Rose, of Swansea; or Mr. Edw. Morgan, at St. Atlian's. NEJF STATE LOTTERY, 1S04. Begins Drawing the 24th of SEPTEMBER next. IN the present and only Lottery to be drawn this year, are the greatest number of Capital Prizes ever known in proportion to the small quantity of Tickets. SCHEME. S of £ 20,000 are £ 60.000 3 — 10,üOO — 30,030 3 — 5,000 — 15,000' 6 — 1,000 — 6,000 6 — 500 — 4,000 20 — 100 — 2,009 40 — 50 — 6;.550 — 20 — 131,000 25,000 Tickets. £ 2.o;->o Part of the Capitals to be determined as under; First-drawn Ticket, First Day .£.:1 ,(1)<) First-drawn Ticket, Scvcntii Day 10,000 First-drawn Tickct, Eighth Day" 20,000 First-drawn Ticket, Ninth Day. 5,000 y Tickets and SLares on Sale, at every Licensed Lottery'Offict. PRESENT rTtCE. Tickets V17 17 Half ••••0 £ 9 4 0 Eighth •••• ^2 7. 0 Quarter • • -1 13 0 Sixteenth • 13 <v The 24th of SEPTEMBER, 1801, THE 'STATE-LOrrERY BEGINS DRAWING. THE TICKETS, HALVES, QUARTERS, EIGHTHS, and SIXTEENTH SHARES, are sell- ing on the lowest terms, and in the greatest variety of Num- bers, at the ROYAL EXCHANGE STATE-LOITERY OFFICE, No. 88, CORNHILL, corner of the ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, by F. HALL, cv Co. Successors to Mr. NICHOLSON, 4 1"1)' AT Mr. JOHN PEIRCE',ATBANK, BRECON, Where have been sold in former Lotteries, the following Capital Prizes, viz. 17,993, 23,-181, 7,785, 28,3^2, and 1,014. £ 20,000 each; 5,499, 42,700, 9,065, 19,001, 17,025, 17,04P, 16.6?ó, :\11(\ 52,603,^10,000 each: 20,135, 23,339, 5i,50ri, .30,375. 43,9,8, 19,896. and 14^777, £5,000 each; besides -i. 2,000, 1 ,(XX) and £ ■')>>!>, too numerous to mention. Nine of the above Capitals were sold in Shares. Money for Prizes as soon as drawn, and in full, witliout any deduction, two months after the Lottery has finished drawing. Tickets and Shares Registered at 6d per Number, i- Orders front the Country, remitting good Bills at a short date, Bank Notes, Cash, or Post-oliice Orders, exe- cuted on the samC tcrms as U Pcr$9U$iiy present. Correct Numerical and Register Books tept. SCHF.MKS GRATIS. !EYUI-F,-Ul.JNC CT;R £ FOR THE rrcn IN ONE HOUR'S APPLICATION. TO thost> afflicted with the above disorder, JL BARCLAY'S ORIGINAL OINTMENT is recom- mended as a safe,speedy, and effectual remedy. Thu Oinl- menr has been in general use for upwaid of SO years, with- out as ingle instance of its having failed to cure the most in- veterate cases. It does not contain the smallest .particle of Mercury, or any other dangerous ingredient, and may bs salely used by persons of the most delicate constitution. The public are requested to observe, that none can pos- sibly be genuine unless signed by the proprietory Barclay and Son, and great danger may arise from the neglect of this caution. Sold wholesale and retail by Barclay and Son, (the only ;;uc::c<'tors to Jackson and Cu.) No. 95, Fleet-Alarkct, Lon- don, price Is. 9d. duty included and by then appoint- ment, by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper; J. Bird, Car- diff: W. M. Davis, Merthyr-Tidvil; J. Daniel, Carmar- then; J. Potter, Haverfordwest; Wilmot, Pembroke; and most Venders of Medicines in the kingdom. DICEY and Co.'s TRUE DAFFr's ELIXIR. •r f^HIS most excellent Medicine lias been faith- X fully prepared for upwards of eighty years, from the purest Drugs and Spirits that can be procured, by DICEY and Co. No. 10, Bow Church-yard, London, and has been attended with the happiest success in the cure of the gra- vel, stone, fluxes, spitting of blood, pains in the breast,'ice. but in the most excruciating lits of the cholic, and in aii complaints of the stomach and bowels, the GENUINE DAl lA s ELIXIR is unquestionably superior to every other Medicine in the world.; spurious sorts, of a very inte- rior quality, arc, however, offered for sale iu almost every town, and ,-oine of them even with the names of Dicey and Co. in the bills of directions, and on the bottles, (which are also made in imitation ot theirs); the surest way therefore to prevent deception is to ask particularly lor Dicey's Datf j's Elixir, and to observe, not only that the words Dicey and Co. XI). 10, Dou: Church-yard, are printed in the stamp atlixed to each bottle, and signed in the bills of directions; but also, as a further mark of distinction, that. the words Dic< u and l'a.) True, Dajjy's L^rir are printed, m large characters, at the top of each bill of directions. Sold, wholesale and retail, by Messrs. Dicey and Co. in b (Vtt I at-Is. 6d. aud 2s. 3d. each and retail by T. Jeukivi-, Printer ot this Paper, and J. Edmonds, Swansea; E. Itee-, Neath: J. Daniel, J. Ross, and J. Goulston, Carmarthen O. Owen, Haverfordwest: H. Wilmot, Pembroke; H. Rees, Llandovery; W. and G. North, Brecon; B, Hill, Knighton; lie van and Sweetinan, Hay; i Beadles, aud Rees and Belch, Pontipool; C. Yatchell, Cardiff; 11. Llewellyn, Bridgend O. Tudor, Monmouth W. Pritchard, Chepstow; Court, St. Briavil; T. Browning, Liduev D. bile, Blakeni;y; and by the principal dealers in Pa- tent Medicines ill, every town throughout Great-Britain. Of whom may be. had, "from Dicey and Co.'s warehouse as above, s. d. s. d. Dr. Bateman's Drops.. 1 li Stoughton'sE!ixjr. 1 li Smallei bottle:. 1 6 i Friar's Balsam 1 I'; Dr. Andersor.'s Scots Bathing Spirits 0 .Pills, 30 in a box l it Godfrey's Cordial 0 3 Dr. Radclifii/s Purging I Golden and plain Spirits 1 Elixir 1 t." of Scurvy-Grass II Squire's Gr ind Elixir 1 a Beaume cie Vie 3 b' Bostock'? ljivir • ■ • ■ j j Betton's iiritish Oil 1 ].L llooper'* i t'ua!e Pills l i'r- Rvmer's Tincture 2 9 Pikw's OiuUM^nt 1 y j Walker's Jesuits Drops C y