Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



r "■ A A FOOTMAN WANTED in -,L C,c-ntl(-,Inl,ii's Family near Cowbndge, who must understand his business HI #very ro^pei t and h nag an unrxct ntii r t de character from *n> -st place. -— Finn,ire oi the I rmler of th> Papei n lJY letter. BALL, At the ASSEM IVL\ROOMS, klllP AND Ci'TI.L Jv\, \eaih. MR. RESPECTFUL A' informs his Pupils and Frieud'S ot Neatii and •-LS vicinity, that bis NEA1H J) ALL is ii\. d n 'IOMIII i 6di. Tickets 5s. o I. eacn"t(.¡. be h „ i Jhr. Bartleman s Ll- eati I. lYIrs.IIATTO Vand -bsí.i;tanls T) ESPECTFULLY inform Jieir I' and the Publlc in cntr-d, that they intend ojJcumg a BOARDING and DAY-SCHOOL, ■ i o i u1' ■ s. At Kiiaelhi Cmi> tl erslvre, on 'Lai'teii, Jcan< ry 20, And Icivi m n»- re ti os» Pare its and Guardians who ihtall honour iheiu with their conildence, that euny an na- tion shall he paid 14 the beaten, camtbrt. and improvement HUMS. Per Ann. Entrance. Board,, with instruction in Spelling,"), £ s. d. s. d Engtish Gramuutr, and all-sorts of/ 20- 0,0 1 10 useful ami ornamental'Ncedk-work j French 4 4.0 0 10 6 Dancing 4 4 w 0 JO 6 Music 4 4 u u 10,6 Geography 1 1 u u 5 0 IVriimg md Ar'ahimtic 1 It £ > 0 5 0 Don Scholars,per quarter. 0 12 0 0' 5 0 Washing put out or charged. 2 10 6 Afternoon Tea charged 1 10 Every Young Lady to bring a Knife and Fork, Spoon, and Six Towels. A. Quarter's Notice will be required when Boarders are removed frolh School. OR AND LOTTERY Begins Drawing ])hruary ad, 1806. SCHEME. No, of Prizes. Value of each. Total Value. 3 of £ ><UUW are £ '60,000 :> —. 10,000 —. S(),000 .3 I'M) ■ — 15,000 :3 V.iOO — 6.000 8 — 1,000 — too • 9<> 5f}I)' in .'lit — 100 — S'DO 1?0 — 50 — 6,000 ft.otX) 1st drawn Tickets S2 each 110,000 25,000 Tickets. 000 Part of the abovcO-nf'V- Tbe First-drawn Ticket 1st ') v £ '10,000 Ditto — — <i:h !)a"v 20,000 Ditto — — ,{:¡thD"y 20,000 Ditto. — — HI. 1). v 5,000. ;■ Ditto — 1'it Day 2,000 TICKETS and Sf lARES A HE SELLING.. At every -LICENSED LOTTERY-OFFICE. • L'LL>;SKNT PRICE- ■ Wlio 1 ick^t t11". L;3. Od. Half J_9 19 0 -Jiigblb ^'2 110 Quarter -> 1 0 Sixteenth 16 6 Kr:, An early purchase is advised, as the first 5,000 Tickets will be entitled to each, besides their chance of till" ,capitals. KG. Co nihil 1, -and 9, Charing-Cross, Loudon. T. BISH, Contractor for the present? Lottery, and-Proprietor of the above truly j()J.tu!tuic9fllces, BEGS leave to attract the public attention to theSclieaie of tiit"Lottery which is in another f^art -of this paper, as will be iomid So contain nioreCAPIAT, PHIZES than usual in so small a. Lottery, and" theifcvek* of the first five thousand Tickets drawn being eiititlacf^o each, rendet* ii in»pi s^ible for those who purchase 't\rl^ \'o lose, and gives them the usual chance besides for tii^:im- mense number ot Capita^ Prizes. The LAST £ .>0,000, and the TWO LAST Prizes of £ '20,(X)0, were all shared and soid at the above Offices; and ni the lot- teries for 1801 and 1805, Capital Prizes as uritter, of wlikch 110 other Olbce in the kingdom can boast. |t 2,147, a Prize of £ 30,000. U 8,221, 6,431, 7,378, 20,628, Prizes.of £ '20,00$. a- 10,234, a Prize of £ "10,1)00. n .9,0i)8, 21,2->3, 24,571, 1,167, Prizes of £ "5,000. »< '•10,246, 12,393, 1 '.1,510, 1,641, 27,749, Prizes of J 2.000is .Ko. 638, 6,312, 2",118, 21,567, l2,220, 13,003 4,063, 6,W0, 20,724, 21,338, 21,713, 16,639, 1,258; Prizes of £ l<X)0ii,, Besides Prizes of £ 500, &c. &c.$ ly* Persons in the Country sending up their.Orders fnftst- paid) accompanies win. good BilJs/Bank Notes, vi FS:X- oihee Orders, will be supplied on the snu.e lertns as íí prcôient. > STATE LOTTERY for 1805, Containing 25,000 Tickets, Begins D'raxcing Monday,-3d February, 1806. THE SCHEME CONSISTS OF 3 Prizes of £ .'20,000 3 Prizes of £ 2,000 3 10,000 8 1,000 3 5,000 20 500 &c. And the first-drawn 5,000 Tickets will be entitled to J.'22 4 each, i II IV( of their chance of Capital Prizes. I ICKI.TJ, and SHARES,ARE on Sale by HAZARD, BURNE, and Co. J Sl'OCK-BllOKEllS, AT STATE LOTTERY-OFFICE! No. 93, under the ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, liere, withiii the last ten years only, Capital Prizes to the amount ofci800,OOO, and upwards, have been sold and shared; exclusive of those pf o £ '50u and viz. IN 3HAHES. IN ,WIlOLE TICKETS. J 1 of J.2:J,OOO í 1 of £ 25,000 9 20,000 | 7 20,000 16 10,000 16. 10,000 J6' 5,000 6 .5,000 4 £ 2,(K)0 j 7 2,000 1,000116.. 1,000 Total in Shares £ '502,000 In whole Tickets £ '285,000 And in the course of the lasttwcnly venrs, Prizes to the •mount of more than 1111 11 MILLIONS sterling; have been so.d at the above oltjce. j Country. Orders, accompanied-with .short dated Bills on -^ondon, Post-office Orders, or Cash in parcel, by Coach or .Vner, .punctually attended to; and Correspondents may ] pend on being treated exactly on the same, -ttrms as if Personally present. tickets and S-hares for the above Office are also on sale at Air,- S. GROVE's, Postnmter, Swaima, MERTHYR TYDVILL. KIN Crs-J. R JU SIN N. ■ TOIIN COURTNEY most- rt^])ectfully bo^s *fi leave to intonn (icn5lc.>'u, Tiavcllers, his L in in .ui" t .e J'nblic in jeu -.vl. 1.J nc. iijillt ■Pj'" 'u 0 th- 11. u*-e, and j»i in u -un k ui »fic 15esi\VlS SIM II i -> .t..d hope-, In VU"l atte, lun lo tluii'ettiiirorf aHjt .e t o'Uuio- (Iation, to merit, their >mH. iaut« i»d !ii<:y may be assured every exeuion mil !»<• iw»l <o render die above House as comfortable as any in South Walcsfe" Good BEDS and excellent STABl?tNG. Neat POST-CHAISES and cartful Btwers. Dec. 19, 1S05. Bristol, Dse. lo, 1805. THE ONLY FULL LICENSED STATE LOTTERY'.OFFICE IN EINGLAKD ANB.WALES, OUT OF LONDON, IS • ■ NORTON DJ SONS 'l '■ CORA-STREET, BRISTOL. THIS Officer has been full Licensed these Thirty-seven Lotteries past, and the business trans- acted on the most liberal terms. Orders for Tickets, or Shares will be thankfully received, and executed with fidelity and dispatch. FIU.SE NT PRICE; Ticket oi;19 17s. Od. Half .10 0 O Eighth £ 2 11 0 Quarter.. 5 1 0.| Sixteeth. 1 ■> 6 The Prices as they vary will be posted at tne Window of their Othce, next the Posi-oilice, Bristol.. ~^TATE LOTTEIIY-, 1805,. Begins Drawing FEBRUARY 3d, 1806.] i i A L L and Co. (Successors to Mr. NICHOLSON) AT TnEIB STATE LOTTERY 88, CORNHILL, COLLNEE OF THE 110YA L-E>;CIIAN G E, IOKOOV, RESPECTFULLY acquaint their Friends and the Public, that TICKETS and SHARES for ti e above Lotteryale selling in a variety of numbers, divided into HALVES, QUAKTEHS, EIGHTHS, and SIXTEENTHS, (stamped according to Act oi Parliament). This Scheme consists of FORTY CAPITAL. PRISES, exclusive of at 100 luidVc £ 50, amounting, to £ 440,000.; and the first-drawn 5,000 Tickets are enroled to £ 22 each. Kr* Orders from the country, accompanied with short- dated Bills, La; Notes, Cash, oi Posr-otlice Orders, exe- I cuted on tiie.santc terms as n ptisonally present. tor f'ii/t s <'s soon iks drawn. Tickets and Shares are sciiing by Mi. JOHN PEffiCE, Bank, Brecon. L .1. I'll j±J?JHOJLJH ES'IuiTll M i nt farter part of Cardiganshire. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, Delightfully situate upon the nver Tyvy, and a good turn. pike-road from Cardigan to Newcastle, two plentiful mar- kets, and equally distant from each, A- Very- desirable FARM, consisting of 6() Acres of' valuable ARABLE, MEADOW, cf PAS- TURE GROUND, occupied by the owner, and well j adapted for Turnips, Barley, Wheat, and Clover, in vyhich ge an is a tM-ge and complete Farm-yard, couiprising a Dwej hug- house and every necessary building, with a neat and dis- tinct Cottage. This property is a beautiful situation in a genteel neigh- bourhood tor a gentlcruan to bhi Id upon; and in its present state will suit any respectable Farmer. fï;5= A considerable part of the purchase-money may re- mam with an eligible purchaser, and the entry will be made agreeable. Applications from Principals, post-paid, addressed, R. S. Post-office, Newcastle, Carmarthenshire, will be forwarded to the Proprietor, and liave immediate attention. TO BE SOLD, ALL that well-Iviiown FORGE and IRON- WORKS situate at TiDSEH, in the parish of Lug- vvamine, in' the county of Hereford, on the river Lug, dis- tant about three miles from the city of Hereford; together with several Parcels ot rich MEADOW and PASTURE GROUND thereto adjoining, about 10 Acres. The Forgecuntains two charcoal iitierys, one chafry, one | drawing-out hammer, (wood helve) one iron helve and har- nish with'fly wheel,-&c. complete, rolling and .slitting machi- nery, air furnace, &c.; carpenter's shop, cdal-lioiise-s, iron- warehouse, workmen's houses, counting-house, tyre-shop, with-air furnace, patten-ring and stjops; a vers excellent stable lor eighteen mutes or horses. The greater part of the works and buildings have been lately rebuilt on the most improved plan, and the whoie put in complete order, and have the advantage of water- carriage tienn Bristol and Chepstow; are weiisttpphed with Wood at a very convenient distance and there is how in stock a very large quantity of Charcoal and other requi- sites for carrying on the work, which stands high in credit for making Charcoal Iron. A Right of Fishery in the river Lug. A purchaser may be accommodated with a considerable part of the purchase money (properly secured) to be, paid by easy installments with interest. For iVu-ther particulars,apply to Mr. Haziedine, .Bridge- north, Shropshire; Mr. Morgan, Attorney at Law, Kim?s, square, Bristol; Messrs. Da vies and I'ennujion, Attor £ ics^ Swansea; or Mr. Jackson, on the premises.' GLAMORGANSHIRE.. 7 TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, -At the Globe-inn, in the town of Bridgend, on Saturday, the 18th day of January, 1806, at two o'clock in the after- noon, the following PliEElIOLD ESTATES, in such lots and order as shall be then agreed on, A Good substantial DWELLING-HOUSE, together with "the Outhouses, Gardens, and Courts thereto belonging, situate in the village of Newcastle, now in the tenure of Mr. Thomas. Austin. b A small CLOSE, containing three-quarters of an Acre of old PAS1 Ullii LAND, situate near the village oi A ev^- castle aforesaid, in the tenure of said Thomas Aust in A.-MESSUAGE and FARM, containing by estimation 41 Acres ot ARAB LE, ME ADO W, cj PASTfflt 1 1 1), situate at Angeiton, in the parish of IN evvcastle aloresaid, IN the tenure of John Leyson. s TWO MESSUAGES and TWO CROFTS, containing about £ wo Acres, and sundry FIELDS, called CAIA RUTTREL, containing about nine Acres, situate at Angei- ton aforesaid, in the tenure of the said John Leyson, and others. Also, the REVERSION in FEE, after a life ,aged 70, of and in THREE CLOSES of old PASTURE LAAD, near Newcastle Mill, containing about 7 Acres, in the te- nure of the said Thomas Austin. .1 And also, the REVERSION in. FEE of and in all that DWELLIN G-HOUSE, with the Appurtenances, situate near the turnpike-gate at Newcastle village, now or late ir, the tenure, of Mary Austin, widow, and others, viz. of the upper, part thereof after the life of Alary Davies, aged about 39; of the middle part thereof after the life oflVlargarct Penry, aged about 68; and of the lower part thereot alter the life of the said Mary Austin, aged'about 70. For a view of the premises apply to the respective occu- piers; and for further particulars to Mr. Daniel Jones, So) i- citor, Lantwit-Major, near -Cowbridge; or Mr. Gritiith Llewellyn, Soiigitor, P&glgn-liaU, nec»r Neath. V "1 This day is published, IN VOLUME QUARTO, PSICE ONE GUINEA IN EXTRA HOARDS, APR ACTIC \I TP "ATtSE on FARRIERY; inoi.udii.uj tic cm i ks on all Diseases incident to Iforses, thcsyuiptoms by whiesi tltey are severally known, andthemostapprovedmodeofcure. ni'i»iuAT.eD Bir-PERMtssiox To his Royal Highness the PRINCE of WALKS.. From the MaiiiXe^r-ipts of the late EDWARD SNAPE, Farrier to their Majesties and:the 2d Troop If Horse Guards. London printedi by H. Reynell, No. 21, Piccadilly sold by T. Ostell, Ave-Maria-lane, London: Knott and Lloyd, Birmingham U ivoi and Hnntly, Bath W. Shep- pard, Bristol T. Jcnkins, Swansea and by all Booksellers. CA <111 R i HENSHIRJE. A RENEWABLE ■LEASE Of' TITHES. TO BE SOLD BY AUCiriON, On Saturday, the 11th day of January fist, at the Castle- inn, in the town of La(idoVery,in the saif couaty, between the hours of three and five of the .cloclj in the aiternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as sllali be then and. there produced, | rpiIE RENEWABLE LEASfe of ONE- J- THIRD PART or SHARE of all qtie GREAT and SMALL TITHES of the p ,nsh ot MOTHV'EY, iri the said I county, now held under .i It ise ol 21 yearsVgranted by the Bishop ui St. David's, renew, bit every seveli years, subject to a reserved rent of £ 8 p^i tnuum. For further particulars apply to Herbert tIoyd, of Car mavthen, Attorney, GLAMORGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At'.the-Bear-inn, in the town of- Brecon, on Saturday, the 22d day of February, 1806,. subject to coqditions to be then produced, ONE HUNDRED and SIXTY capital OAK TIMBER TREES, fit for tbe Navy, (marked and numbered) growing upon lands called Yhiis Chinos and Pen iihieu, near Pontneathvecttun, in the county of Glamorgau" tliroti4i which lands a llatl-road communicating with the Neath Canal is completed, and to which canal the distance is only half a mile. The sale to begin at four o'clock and for further parti- culars apply to Mr. May berry, Attorney, Brecon. GLAMORGANSHIRE. VALUABLE LEASEHOLD ESTATE, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, On Saturday, the 25th day of Janur.ry 1806, at the hour-.of four o'clock in the afternoon, at the Star-inn, in Merthvr- Tydvil, • A I jtfE-A aows, tkc several names of CAE PONT MORLAIS, COED1 STY DYR, CAE R'"BETTING, and lie upper. part oi GVV i ii LOED NEWIDD, situate near Morlais-bridge, within,a few hundred yards,of the village of Merthyr-Tyd- vi], and now let to tenants at will, at rents amounting-to ci51. The fields are in a high state of cultivation, a large sum of money having been lately expended in draining and im- proving then), They are held nndera lease (unfettered by p cial covenants cr provisoes) tor.999 years, 13 whereof pircd, at the reserved rent of £ 5. The lessee is from ail taxes, rates, and payments whatsoever, (iytheomyexceptcd) which the lessor has covenanted to pay, and may therefore be justly, esteemed equal in value to Freehold. t Aiso, To be SOLD, at the same time and place, TWO several CLOSES or PARCELS of LAND, held under the same lease, but let on budding leases for 99 years to David Cornelius and William Winianis, at the respective yearly rents of £ 3 10s. 7^d. and., £ '2 8s. 63 (1. whereon the respective lessees have erected several dwelling-houses. The premises may be viewed and further particulars bad on application to Wm. Meyrick, Solicitor, Merthyr-Tydvil. PEMBROKESHIRE. TO BE' SOLD BY AUCTION, At Temple Druid, m the parish of Maenclochog, on Mon- day, the 13th day of January, 1806, ALL the STOCK and CROP of the said Farm, consisting ot seven young cows, one 3-year old built twelve in-calt heifers, ten steers, eight yearlings, four horses, two colts, twenty ewes and two rams of the best kind, two pigs, cheese, corn, oaten and barley thatch in mows; a large quantity of hay well saved; carts, ploughs, harrpws. laud-rollers, nnpleinents of husbandry, weil-sea- soned tnnoer, man and Woman's saddles, and bridles; a malt-n di, t-o.des and weights, &c. will be given tor eight months, upon approved security. b The sale will begin at ten o'clock. THOMAS PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. T~ p If MB.RO KES H IRE. TIMBER. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the (' isile uin, Haverfordwest, on Saturday the 11th day oi January, xodb, at "three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such.condiuons of sale as shalibe there and then pro- J.'d, Ai the TIMBER marked and numbered, growing on, the Estate of NASH, in the parish oi Li.AIJGLNH, consisting of 1273 OAK, 1308 ASH, 124 SY- CAMORE, 170 ELM, 121 FIH, 4ASP, 22 CHESNUT,- 9 BEECH, 1.1 BIRCH, 62 ALDER, 2 WALNUT, and 12 CHEHRY TREES. This Timber is well worth the attention of Ship-builders and Timber-merchants. Most of the Trees, are of very large dimensions; the Oak, Elm, Beech, and Fir will answer the various purposes in building ships of great burthen, and the Ash is large and fine the \vhuJe of tile timber situated only about haii a mile from a navigable branch of iNIllioi-d Haven. For further particulars apply to Mr. Lewis Pugh. Auc- tioneer, Haverfordwest j or to Mr. Wilson, Creswell, near Narberth. To Mr. THOMAS WILSON, No. 9, Worcester- street, Binning/utm. SIR, 'Tf'^HIS is to inform you that I was a long time JL. much troubled with the SCURVY on my LEGS and RIGHT ARM, from which I could not get any~reJief,' but at iast on seeingx>ne of your bills I there found many great cures performed by your improved ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS, which determined me to try thein. I took two bot- ties, which have made a perfect cure, and that is a twelve- month since. I hope you wiil make this as public as you possibly can for the good of others. The a hlCt, as witness my hand, at Carmarthen, this 19th clay of June, t80!").. WM. JONES. .Witness, ,T. C. PRIOHAM, Druggist, Carmarthen. They arc in moulded bottles,,with the words round them i i i,'son's improved Antiscorbutic Drops, .Birmiug- hum," price 5s. 6d. together with his incobiparable rn'ctn- ciae tor the Slone and Gravel, 2s. 9d. a bottle Balsamic for Coughs and Colds, 2s. 6d. a bottle; Specific P.Ils for Venereal Complaints, Scots and Hooper s Pills, 40 in the box, -ls.,l|d. each* Worm Cukes and Itch Oint- ment Is. Ijd. each box and packet, by T. Jenkins, Printer of Lis Paper; Messrs. Thomas, Cow bridge a< hell, Car- aff; Mrs. Griffiths,, Newport; Brewer, Carieon; Biddel), f'only pool; li.^ Hughes, Abergavenny;' Norths, Brecon, PadiiaiiVaiid Goldsttme, .Canuaitlieu; ai^d'O. Owens, 11a- vertyrdwesiv -"— -■ ■ '■ ■' ■ ■ ————— .1 — ■ r-ARDICAcVSHlRK. FREEHOLD f S7 1TEB in the neighbourhood of ABERYSTJFITII. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, .v At the Ta!bot-™lr in the town of Aberystwith, on Tlmrsday. the loth dayuf January, 1806, between the b"nr. of four ancT- Six o clock in the aitemooti, subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced bv HUGH HUGHES. Auctioneer; Or in the mean time bv Private Contract, the following v- FREEHOLD lrIESSU AGES, TENEMENTS, LANDS, (J PREMISES, "I)i: t> ■ i m Quantity Present £ Faruht's- Tenements and Tenants. of deary tarty Observations. ■ •y -remises. Lands. Rent. i Janiihangel- > „ -A- R- p- £ _• s- {"This farm is likely soon to gain event ad- Generglvnne$■ Gerngtnano John 1 nomas • 43 0 0 < v;iiita;e by the intended division oi the 9 Llanbadaru- }■ r T C b°S ^^evdchuo, adjoining d. Uua. rynnonwr John David 121 3 18 6 0 0 .At wiil. 3 Ditto Aberyfrivdd John Morgan 46 2 4 8 OtO AtwiU. 'I Ddto iJaulia-nini 1-ield Evan John '2 10 0 At will. 5 Ditto iNautyrhydd Evan Jones 107 V 3ft' 26 0 0 At will! 6 Llanfihangfcl- f oh-.m-id and Edward Jones • • 39 2 9 i n y-Croyddui ) Lwhahu K Ditto- 20 124$J 0 At wnj; 7 Ditto Peinveh-lacii. Evan Lewis ••• 101 t 13 21 0 0 At WiJh 8 Ditto Peuiian Edward Davies 92 3 14 10 10 0 Ac will; 9 Ditto Ivn virou Meredith David 73 1 38 9 0 0 At will. 10 Ditto I eny batik John Morgan 36 3 36 7 7 0 At will.' J 140 7 0. Fcr further particulars apply to Herbert-Lloydi of Carmarthen; Solicitor, — C A RMARTK ENSI3 IRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, -At the d.\ tlung-hous« of Da* l Evan, known by ttie sign of ihe Rfeti ín iiie vuHiiie of Landcbie, m the said coanty^- 011 Monday, the 37th day of Januaryy 1806, the side to eouimcncs ut onc oxi- f-k in (J ie afteiuooa. The fotUm-ing MESSUAGES, IIE H ED I'I AM PMfiMIS&S: I{ j Improved Tenants. Ad-mea- | Present | Anunat Tenure. I Observations, surement'i Kent, j Value. J A. R. P^ £ s. d.. s. d, ¡ A. H. l"t. d. S. 1I., I 1 Bettws Gorsllvdsu. Evan Lewis 40 0 0-10 10 0 20 0 0 O Lease for lives ot') Coal under tin? j i vvluchtwo are living$teuementi 2 Ditto Gwndwnaiwyh Thomas Williams 75 0 0:12 12 0 25'0 0 ) Lease far live. two p. j ? living. s I (Lease for year-,) ;l Langadock Upper Tvrlien William Morgan 20 3 0.10 0 0 15 0 0 } whereof 18 or 19 > J)ittOi ( ( are unexpired } 4 Ditto Lower Tvrhen WTHiam John 30 0 0:5 0 0 15 O 0 O (!ltl Je;e l0i •*(': Ditto' | lives, all living .Si- 5Ditto Pautmiuog Thomas Lewis 26 1 0 5 1 0 i 15 0 0 *•" I 6Ditto Wauigoeh Williaiu Hicks 10 0 0: 2- 2 0 4 4 0 | T l-.i-.rlll,, i I -■ f 'Covl VI eh wood 7 > MantgH'y.jane Wdliaiu Jqln( >00 0 0 .;i & Q 3S 0 O At wilT -•••• 1 o •• «*e "i I vi mide: ood. | ("An old lease 10. v. f wDitto Brynpedol. Wid.of John Griffith 96 3 2846 0 0 4200 } lives, whereof <w'a'r i are iiving S'jvuac,i >,AJud- I (An old lease for"j 9Ditto Dolefach Wllliain Hopkin 71 1 34! 2- 0 0! 21 00* lives, of which one > Coal. „ I i. very old life livins:) 1 10 Ditto Iyrllan Mr. John Price 121 5 9]ll 10 0 63 0 0 Lease for lives, o iivinr; Jw T^. TT ,r i A lease for 99 years, } M 11 Ditto Lavod.. iVr. Thomas Rees.. 145 0 17,14 0 0 70 0 0 whereof about 5b A lease tor 99 years, T^. TT ,r i A lease for 99 years, } M 11 Ditto Lavod.. iVr. Thomas Rees.. 145 0 17,14 0 0 70 0 0 whereof about 5b L -i f unexpired > 12 l)itlo Caeweflan George Williams 2.2 0 15 10 10 0 15 00 I • ( Lease for 21 yea-s-"i It 13 Lanedi (Jelly John Harry 100 0 0.30 0 0 j 50 0 0 > 0f which shout 10'- I | J- |C' ar-i nnexpiiyd j The above laods arc very improvabJe, and have considerable righM of Pasturage on'{he neighbouring hitts aud com- mons.—The Coal is workable by level, and the veins are deemed cCjual to the DC:i Stone Coai\.ctm W, that pari of lltltl country, For further particulars apply to Messrs. Davies and Berringfon, Attor.nes. Swamea. PURSUANT to a: Decree of his Ivlajestj's JL Court oi Exchequer, at Westminster, dated the 20m any of May, 1805, made in a Cause, HARM AN against HARMAN, the Creditors and Legatees of John Harman, late of the parish ol Whitchurch, in the county elf Giamor- gan, Farmer, deceased, who died on or abom; the 9tb day of December, 1803, are, on or bcturethe 23d day of January, 1806, to come in and prove their debts, before Abel Moy- "ey, Esq. the Deputy to his Majesty's Remembrancer of the said Court, ot Exchequer, at his chambers, in tile Exchequer- office, in the Inner-Temple, London, or in default thereof they wi if be excluded the benefit of the said decree. Card tH, Dec. 18,1805. CHAS. BROWNt Solicitor. THE B A N G 1-: It S A N D OlSAG R E V. A B 1. h SO I' The PASSAGE over the SEVERN SEA -'avoided, BY A NUVV AND COMMODIOUS CONVEYANCE l'n 0 111 LONDON to CARMARTHEN, IJY WAY OF GLOCFSTER, CHEPSTOW, CARDIFF, SWANSEA,-yc. rpi-IE Public are most respectfully informedT A THAT A TELEGRAPH COACH, CALLKn C!jc prtnre of cclales, Sets out from the FLEET-STHFET, LONDOX, every Sunday, Tnestlay, and i'luirsday, at lwcl\c o'clock at noon, for CAJm.utTHKsr;- arrives at the BoathaU-inu, Gi.oci.SVEB, every Monday, M' cd nesd as, and Friday mornings, at nine o'clock, and proceeds iron thence, at .one o'clock in the afternoon of the same days, through NEWN- UA-M, LIONTA', CHEPSTOW., NT WPIIIIX, C viiniFF, Co w- BRIDOE, PYI.K, NEATII, Sw ANM VVC tOthC King's-Arms inn, C'ARMAitxiiEN: returns ironi thence three tunes a week arrives ^it the BoothSil ,>n lutu-iiB, every Tues- day, Thursday, and Saturday mornings: and proceeds from thence at twelve o'clock at noon to London. N. B. The Coach meets, at GI-.OCKSTI: the Coaches to BATH, BRISTOL, and the WJ » o, EM I \ND, and to BIlI- MtNGiiAM, Livr.n-i'dor,, and the NOHIH of ENGLAND; which, with the LON DON, 1L iti IDII n, &-c. (loaches, inn at the Boothall as usual, where travellers will meet with coin- fortable.accommodations, neat Post Chaises, able Horses, and ci I' ii, Dri vcrs. "!It. We, whose names are undesigned, considering the pre- sent Rates of Carriage by the Coach to be exorbitant, agree to support any New Establishment tor the convev- auce of Passengers and Parcels between. LONDON and SWANSEA, through GLOGKsTER, vyhich may• be car- ried on upon Inure reasonable terms than is now done, by the Proprietors ot the Mail Coach; and that, the.same be communicated to the Public in some of the London and Provincial Papers. IVLILTORD Thos. Wyndham J. Capper J. iVlorris .:1. J\lorri,. jlln. Edward Poivell Gnif. Llewellyn J. Goodrich Thomas Davies J. \V 00d E. Jenkins U. T. [J-e John Frank lea | Thos. Franklen | ll. iicvau, ]v;ii. j lt.i\lansei Pnntpjis .1. u Doti .tun. I L ii ii i I i i I II i 11i.;¡ldS Cuiis. , A n V\ t i i .js I « cr lit i 1 e i in Co.. H It, i\cect John Miles liurtord ahd jCo. LI. Trahenie R L. J)iusse R.La.ccttcs Rohen Jones Robert Yv. ixon ,1-0hn Pit I ison John \Y ilhanis Thos. Davies, jun. John Jones Thos >J i l.i 'John ijassi.'it Eilvv. Pe:nsoii Sam. IK it I Sold, by T. JENKINS, SWANSEA. CURIOUS Ai\rD INTERESTING. lli-is "day isjtublishcd, puce:' Ss. In one volume, octavo, ot neal300 pages; with an elegant Portrait of the Author, A New Edition (with Additions) of A GUIDE to HEALTH; or, ADVICE to BOTH SEXES iii a variety ot Complaints: esplaiu- f ingtoc most simple and efficacious reniediw for those diseases which are treated on under the foliowia« heads, vu. Address to the lair Sex Lime-water • Parents, Guiirdians. &c, Lovvness of spirits Ad vice to nei'vous Patients Loye Air Mi.ids of a weakly constitu Appetite tion Asthma Mc;n Barren, women JMemory, loss or defect Bashtuiness Mind, disease^ oi Baduug, ooservations on Mothers,- their duty Birth, partIculars rclatiug to Nerves, weak Body, uniavorabie posture of Obscene conversation, banc Bowels iiil elfects of Cluid-bearing i^arents and Guardians Chjid-birth ;—, address to 'Paraphy mosis Consumption Phthisis, cr consumption Conception ibymoiis Cure lor nervous diseases Pregnancy Dancing Quick digestion Lm.y v.xueise Riteumavisni Lcjv.t.iioa Riding on horseback .1 iu.ty ofuatnralstrength t^snig early HUH rence between venereal Scurvy sj in.jioais and those often Scrofula mi -Alii lor tneni Swoonings D.c,, .Mioii Symptoms of Pregnane* t'ea En.ici.e temperance xemale complaints .Timidity |ts Turn oi life llannet leers in the thro-r flatulence, or windy com- V'enery, e\cesSi- piaiius —secret V!im. Venereal disease Caut Virgins -Gouty spasms m the stomach Voya<-es by sea Great schools Walking iieavy suppers Water JleredUaiv diseases Weakness "> ilealt-bui^i vv uul H\ jiooiiu.-u! iiiC complaints Windy 11riuors Hyateric affections Wine Internal sinkiug -Vv omen's milk Inc.ubusj or night marc ^VOP- UI Leprosy "-tf} And all complaints nu ideia -'be Female Se.?f, i> >. h\i: A ) .I. ■ • ivj, i >. Q blessed Hyde). t!¡uu uri ü.JJ,we ail gold and treasure it is thou ulu tin. sua,,ana ointusi a It "its powers, to receive i,tsh act.on rd.s/i virtue. He thai hits tine, has itiUe more i J «.w< ;v, i-jiu neHuh a so -wretched as to want Ju.e, u-anls lUing u-it,, t/ieetsTLK^u. l O XiiH 1'I-B ] El III Ol "Ullp dll i Old l 1 t purchase this book, rht rt ^c.ii," oCa.cfcly an niitividuai vim is not -nt-im -o.iit pa,of jl. I. puj <«. i-m H is i<;com-'iieu.i lo in rt.T uil l.i, i v •luuiiuui. ii: in- !;i:i r, sei"- Oli v;;hich ^1 J U( | K 1 I b tl r 4 ,i i aisc their o lis, Vn id, åud al¡ t :ei;. tvom destruction. 1 D.i i o t i. 4 h r anu oh I If S Sy n rt t n d ■» > i1 ik 4-t t eSU ? 1 i i I j*[ jf » V 1 -U t\ (V '-Wt-'JJ I»1