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'f V. COUNTY OF CARMARTHEN. VrOTlCE is hereby given, that the EASTER GENERA I- QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE- for the said County AREADJOURNED to TUESDAY |he lith day of APRIL insiaut, to be held at the Shirehall, In the town of Carmarthen, in and tor the said county.— -iDated this 5th day of April, 181.V. MORGAN, Clerk of the Peace. TO JOURNEYMEN" TAILORS. THIRTY MEN in the above Business will meet with constant employ on application to Mr. Jpewis Edwards, or Mr. Morgan Morgan, Newport, Mo,a* jnouthshire. N. B. Good Workmen may l\arM from 21s. to 28s. per Mteek* and win meet with every ehft.ourageme.nt. W* A N TE D, a C U R A TE^ to v v Trinity Chapel, in the parish of Llandi'inio,'Afout- "jj»»nieryshire the (ttit ris very small.. A' single person will be preferred, who may-be boarded with the School- nasster upon r?jnoni)b!« (orc Apply to the Primer of this Paper ;*if by letter, post. paid. MR. EBSXEZEIV JONF.S, of Po'ntypodi;' and Friends,"would he id if Mr, J A B-EZ THOMAS. Surgeon, late of Dowiais YSon of the jitte Mr. TUOVAS, of I Bala), would with all speed return to as there is a situation ready for him there. N. B. It any of the Ministers of the Gospel know where .Mr. Thomas is, they will have the goodness to send the re- ?|siired information, by letter, directed fo Ebsnezer Jones, *<miypool, as soon as possible. Püot.Ypool, l\Jan::h t:}, 1815. CILIA'S MEW CHEAP LONDON- AND STAFFORD Mot ann Bljut (Mmijumz, TOP OF WIND-STREET. SWANSEA. WILLI Awl COLLIER acquaints the Inha- IV bitants of Swansea aJ\o its vicinity, as wei! as the Sttt'je Trade and Sellers in general, that at his YV arehouse, -whiqh will be opened this day, they may fae s it I j with any quantity of BOOTS end SHOES, Wnoiesale and Ret ail, or for (Exportation, Cheaper than at any H'areJiouse I in fftiit;. of the newest Fashions, of the best Materials, and. Workmanship. Shoemakers arid otllars selling Shoes, will be supplied en liberal terms.. JIETA rt. t'UfCKS Gentlemen's Boots from 'i5s. to 3iis. per pair, Gentlemen's Shoes from 7s. to 9s. 6d. per pair. parlies' Wellington & Half Boots from 8s. 6d. to 12s. per pair. Ladies' Shoes and Pumps from ;M to 7s. 6d. per pair. Women's Shoes and Pumps from 3s. lod. to -Is. 6d. Children's in proportion. Swansea, March 25, 18l5. rTMIE Commissioners in ad Auxiliary Com- JL mission of Bankrupt, awarded and issued against JAMES TAPPEN DEN, of Feversliayn, in the comity of Kent, Scrivener^Banker, and Jronraastsr, .t: ES TAP- PENDEN, of North Court, in the parish of Stowmoulh, in the same county, Ironmaster, and FRANCIS TAPPEN- I)EN, of the Aberuant Iron-works, in the parish of A bn- diirc- in the comity of Glamorgan, Ironmaster, intend to meet at the Castle-inn, in in the county of Glamorgan, on the 14th day of April inst. at .the hour of ■efeven o'clock in the forenoon precisely, to receive proofs «mh;r (he said Commission of the joint and separate debt5 of the Bankrupts; and also of the joint debts of James Tap- penden and Francis Tappenden. WM. MEYRICK, Solicitor. CATJflNOG iNCLOSURE. The Commissioner for carrying into execu- tion An Act lor Inclosing Lands in the several parishes of Llanfynydd, Llauegwad, Llangathen, and Llan- vihangel-Kilvargen, in the county of Carmarthen," Do give notice, That r shall attend at the Bear-inn, in the town of HandHo-vawr, on Wednesday, the l'2th day of April next, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, with a Plan and Schedule of the intended Allotments on the suid'Commons; where all Proprietors and Persons interested are r quested to attend to peruse the same and at which Meeting any Proprietor pr Person interested may have a copy of such Schedule as far as relates to such Proprietors and Persons respectively. -Dated at Plib-issa, March 21,1815. GEO. MORRIS. iSxipl Change Assurance, (Established by Royal Charter in the Reign of King George the First,) w For ASSURING HOUSES,BUILDINGS, GOODS, CORN, IlllY, STOCK, 4-c.; and also fir the ASSURANCE oj LIVES, and granting ANNUITIES on LIVES. r|prn<: CORPORATION of the ROYAL EX- JL CHANGE ASSURANCE do hereby give Notice, feat they have authorised their respecti ve Agents to receive Proposals for the ASSURANCE of FARMING-STOCK *t the Rate of 2s. per Cent, per Annum. Persons whose Annual Premiums fall due on the 25th Search are hereby informed that Receipts are HOW ready to be delivered by the Company's Agents under-mentioned and the Partic: assured ar.. requested to apply for the re- JÐeíval of their Policies on or before the 9ih of April, as usual fifteen days allowed far payment, beyond the date .itach Poliey, will then expire. Glamorganshire. iwansea Messrs. W. G rt o vE and Sons. 1 Cardiff JosEt-H DAViEs. Brecmshire.- Erecon CHATU.ES Wii.D. Carmarthenshire. Carmarthen ^• WILLIAM NSRTH. Carharvonthi'Ve. Bangor •••••• JOH ROB-ebtI* Carnarvon-•• • JosEPtf WAKEMAN. » Denbighshire. linthln HOSERT WiLtiAJis, Wrexham JOSEPH LANGFORO. Flintshire. Holywell Wilu AM TURTON. Montgomeryshire.. Juontgomery.. MAURIOE JONES. Monmouthshire. Mohraonth.. i. THOMAS Tcdor. Newport Mr. TIBBINS. Herefordshire. Hereford. JQH>: AT. I.ENt, Bookseller, Leominster SAMUKI, NICHOLAS, Ledbury WII.IIAM HDIBSOU*. Shropshire. Oswestry .—— HUGHES, Shrewsbury J. Euoowl:s, Wellington STEPHEN JENKINS. ThisCerporatton will, in cases of Fire, allow all reason- able charges attending the removal of goods, and pay the jufterer's loss, whether the goods are destroyed, lost, or da- maged by such removal. All payments for losses or damages by Fire, are made by this Corporation without deduction. N. B. Fire Policies will be allowed free of expence, where the'Annual Premiums amount to 6s. or upwards. This Company have invariably made good Losses by rire, occasioned by Lightniitg. Proposals may be had of the different Agents S3" ASSURANCES on LIV ES being iound to be ad- Tantageoua to persons having offices, employments, estates, or other incomes, determinable on the life or lives of them selves or others, Tables of 'the Rates for such Assurances and for the granting Annuities on Li ves, may be had cf the saida,cilts. And, for the greater convenience of the Pub- lic, the Company have determined to extend (by special agreement) the Assurance on Lives t(ytlie age of ?;"•> years. March 9,181i. SAM, FENNING, Jun. Sec. MACIvWORTH-AIIMS, SWANSEA., MAHCH oO 1815* r|P11Public are respectfully informed, that JL the CAMBRIAN COACH will leave SWANSEA for BRISTOL on TUESDAY, APRIL 11th; at four o'clock m the morntng will pass through Neath at luiif-past five, Py Ie at half-past seven, Cowbridge at ten, Cardiff at twelve, Newport at t* and the New Passage at half-past four; «nu will continue to run every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mormugs, at the above hour during the Summer season. rriit grner,il pictqx NEW POST-COACH, Carrying Four Insides, will also" leave.-SWANSEA on the Hih of AFRIT., and eOiitinue to-run every Tuesday, Thurs- day;, and Saturday, at eight o'clock in the* morning,through Llaneily and Kidwelly to Carmarthen, coin-eviii? all Pas- sengers and Parcels that arrive by the Bristol Coach on the preceding evenings and will'return from Carmarthen the following days ( Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).— Passengers will be booked from Carmarthen, Kidwelly", and Llanelly, to Biistol, by the Cambrian Coach on the follow- ing mornings at four o'clock. -w THE celebrated Miss BEFFIN, MIN IATU-HE PAIXTER, vviio was born without Arms, and Legs, is, without exception, the most pleasing and wonderful' cu- riosity the world ever produced. It is impossible to give a just description of the extraordinary powers of this wonderul Young Lady: but the reader, may form some idea from the following :—Site c«n cut out and make any part ot her own ctothps, sows extremely neat and in a surprising manner, writes well, draws landscapes, psints miniature likenessrs, and many more wonderfot ttnugs, all of which she performs principally with her mouth. Miss BKFFIN will exlllhit her wonderful powers as an exhibition for a short time in Carmarthen, Brecon, Swansea, Tenby, Pembroke, Haverfordwest, Neath, Llandovery, and most of the principal places in Siynji Wales. Tiuie and place will be announced in the handbills. N. B. I Imse Ladies and Gentlemen who wish to have their Miniatures painted are requested to apply early, as her stay in this country will be only during this Spring. 9. THIS DAY iS r|^HE LIFE of the late Lieuteiiaut-Geueral r, J{»LLHTw,11?-.w,lich are a<lde'd> LETTERS of VIATOR, SEN EsCENS, connECTED AVD ENT.AROED Bv T. BOWDLER, Esq. F. R. S. & S. A. With an Appendix, containing the. LIFE and a few OEIOI- NAI. LKTTKRS of the late Madame ELIZABETH de FIIANCE. Published to assist in providing Free Seats for the JPoor of S Wfuisea, liy enlarging the Parish Church. Printed by B. Cruttwell, Bath and sold by J. Itohinson, Paterriosier-row, and J. Hatchaid, PiccSd'illy, London- alld by T. Jenkins, C¡lIubrian-Of!1ce, Swansea." D,3 BRITISH FIRE-OFFICE. FOR the Insurance of Buildings, Furniture, Merchandize,Ships, Vessels, and all other Property, against. lo?s or dauiage li v FIRE- lnsurann's for short periods,or ibr several vears together, may be effected at ihisOllice, upon the most cquitdnle terms. Policies will not be charged for sums of or upwards, nor to persons increasing their presontIiisuranees. The, whole STOCK of li FARM-will be insur'kl without Specificatioii, at the reduced premium of 2s. per Cent. Receipts for the Renewal of Policies expiring at Lady- ,day may be had at the principal Ollices in tlie Strartd and Cornhill, London; and of their Agents in the Country, who will receive Proposals for new Insurances. ROBERT SKELTON, Sec. -10 COVER this SEASON, WILD BOY, (the best bred Snrt of SIn PETER ill existence), thorough-bred Mares at FIVE G U f N EAS eacli..and Half. a-Guinea the Groon); other Mares at THREE GUINEAS each, 111111 Five Shillings the G room. Wrt rsnoy is a beaUliful blood bay horse, possessing good bone, apd excellent temper. He wa< foaled in 1807 got by Sir Peier out of Rosalind, b.v Volunteer out of Eye- briglu, sister to Conductor, by Matc'iem, Snap, &c. ficc. &c. For his performances, see Racing Calendar, 1811.—In July he won a 501. Plate, at Newmarket; at Brighton,.a Match and Handicap Plate; at Lewes. the KingV Plate, beating Eleciion, who won the Derby; at Canterbury, the King's Plate and L'Hlies' PI<,te. He will be a.t the Swan-inn, lIay, every Thursday during the Scason;, and at home all the rest of the week. Enquire for the Groom, at Henry Afien's, jun. Esq. Brecon. N. 8. Tee Money to be paid at the time of Covering. PELICAN. OFFICE., For INSURA NCE on LIVES, and GRA NTING ANNUITIES. '"jT'MIIS Office was established in Lombard- is. Streff, London, in the year 1797, by a numerous and respectable Proprietary jind the Board of Directors, wiih confidence, arising from the increased Prosperity and Pet- uanency of the Establishment, as well as from the Experi- ince of its usefulness and benefit to the public, think it due to those who may still be unacquainted with the'impor- tance and adv.1\tlages of Life Insurance, briefly to suggest some of the leading and pecliliar recommendations to almost every degree and Rank in Society. Life Insurance is of manifest consequence to all those who hold Estates for Life, Situations and Offices, Civil, Ecclesiastical, or Professional; to Officers in the Army and Navy, &c. as, by payment of an Annual Premium, the Parly insured is enabled to provide for Wife, Children, or others, whose fulurewelfarc he may wish in vain, by other means, to pro mote. It affonls a permanent ultimate security to those who advance Money upon Annuities or otherwise. It ren- ders Leases, determinable on one or more lives, nearly equal in value to Freehold Estates, as an Insurance to the amount of the ifne, payable On the demise of a party no- minated in such Leases, will prodllccthe Sum required for renewal.. It is a cheering refuge to parties engaged in ex- I ensi ve. and speculative undertakings it affords to Persons in Trade the certain means of indemnification against a bad or doubtful debt; in short, Life Insurance, established in policy, sanctioned by Government, and confirmed by the test of experience, is become, to almost every situation of human life, a measure equally important, useful, and 'beneficial. Annuities are-granted upon the most cquita- ble terms, under a Special Act of Parliament, granted to his Office. THOMAS PARKE, Sqc. COMPANY'S AGENTS AT GT.OCESTER, Turner and Morris. TEWKKHURY T. Holland. WORCESTER J. Timmings. SWANSEA L. and J. Michael. NEATH. Hopkin Rees. LEOMINSTER. W in. Taylor. SZROVD Edward Wall. SWANSEA. TIMBER FOR SALE, A LOT of prime NORWAY DEALS of various dimensions. For particulars apply to Geo. Harries, Land-Surveyor; or at the Yard of Mr. David Francis, Block-Maker, near the Quay, Swansea. ASH TIMBER. For Sale, itl One or more Lots, 106 A TREES, standing on Glynllech/i XA. and Farms adjacent, in the parish of Ystrad- gunlais, in the county of Brecon, and within an easy dis- tance of the Swansea Canal. For particulars apply to-Walter Price, Esq. at Glynllech, aforesaid or to Mr. Powell, Solicitor, Neath. 'To Gentlemen Farmers and Sportsmen. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AT TWENIi'-SIX YEA R S t>p.ft'CHASK, OR LET ON LEASE, And immediate possession given, AN ESTATE or FARM, in Souih Wales, close to a seaport, lime,&c. of above 284 Acre*, so complete in buildings, and so ornamentally wooded and pleasantly situated, that it is equalled by few and in local advantages not t» be excelled. Full particulars may be had of Mr. Hoyte, Swansea; Messrs. Smith and Son, Windsor, Berks, and Alderman's- walk, London; .Wr. Wilcocks, Auction Mart, and No. 13, Bart hole ine. w-lane, London. All letters must be post-paid. MANORSt TITHES, and ESTATE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, A Desirable and most improveable PRO- XjL P.ERTY, comprising Three Manors the TITHES of the two adjoining parishes of Brawdy and flayscastle an extensive and improving FARM, overlooking St. Bride's Bay and several small TENEMENTS. The whole si- tuate contiguous to the sea—midway between Haverford- west and St. David's, in the county of Pembroke. Any Gentleman seeking to realize by purchase, or who may be desirous to secure Considerable local influence, with extensive sporting, on easy terms, will find this tin opportunity rarely presented. For particulars apply, post-paid,to Mr. Meredith, Rhyn- dastoii-place, Haverfordwest. TON F EIIRY 61. AM OX\ G A N S J! lit E, TO BE LET OR SOLD, A Desirable MARINE VILLA in every respect adajited for a genteel family, consisting of a dining-room, drawing room, and a small breakfast room kitchen, dairy, and other otlices; supplied with water on the ground-floor; four bed-chambers and a small room on the first-lloor three attics, with a convenient closet; good cellars; coach-house,three stall stable, lauudrv, brewhouse, piggery, and poultry yard, detached an .extensive walled garden, stocked with the finest frnii -trees also akitchclI garden. Commands a view, of Swansea Bay, and' the entrttuce ot Neath river, surrounded by the beautiful woods ami grounds of Lord Jersey. For particulars applyt.oÍ\Ír. Win. Oliver, Bristol; Vlr. Jenkins,Catnbrian-Oilice, Swansea or ou the premises. SOUTH-WAT.fcS. CARMARTHENSHIRE. To be Let or Sold by Private Contract, A Capital LEASEHOLD ESTATE, AJES-i SU AGE, TENEMENT, LANDS,and PREMISES, called PEN LAN, situate in the parish of Saint Mary, iu I the borough of Kidwelly, in.thesaid comity, (held for three lives, all insurable) containing about ;)'(') Acres of good j Amble, Water Meadow, and Pasture Land, divided into Inclo-ures; together with an unlimited Right of Common over a Thousand Acres of Down and Salt Marsh. The House, at a small expense, might accommodate a large family, and i4. nvosi delightfully situated, commanding a fine view of the Bristol Channel and the shyorl town 01 Kidwelly, tin:: extensive ruins of its ancient Castle, from whifch it is distant about half a mile. A Gentleman fond of agriculture, and the sports of the fie id-Could find this Estate it uiost desirable residence. The cotuitry abounds with game, and a trout stream runs near il; fime.n.dcoaiitrc very plentiful-and cheap, and within two miles of the Prejnises. 8 TheSwck and Crop had at a fair valiiaiion, and possession w !j be given immediately.'or at Michaelmas next. For further particulars apply ( ii by 11 i'er, post-paid) to Ihomas Brbokmun, Esq. at Penlan uloresaid'; or to .Messrs- Lloyd, G Wynne, and Howell, Altoniies at I .aw, Carmar- then. Ilesidenee in South IVales. CADOXTON LODGE, to be LET, ready j l-urnished (exclusive of plate, iineii, and china), for a term of eight years; it is situated in the most beautiful part of Glamorganshire,.within nine miles of Swansea, and one mile of the excellent market and post town of Neath, through which the mail-coach" passes daily to and from London.— 1 he House comprises, on the grounddloor, a capital kitchen, back-kitchen, scullery,- wash-house (with pipes to convey hot and cdlct-wêiter). J'lundry. servanis'- h:)H,but)er'h-pmtry,housHkeeper's-roo!)).pantries, dniry, cheese-room, &c.; on the first-lfoor, four excellent sitting- rooms on the second-floor, six large bed-rooms, a dressing- room, and water-closet; in the attic, five servants'-rooms and a store room. Water is conveyed by pipes to dif- ferent parts of the house. There is an excellent Garden, walled round with fruit-trees, in the highest state of per- fection ;talso, an Orchard stocked with choice trees; and at one end of a handsome terrace is a fine Billiard-room, with a full sized table, by Erwood. T-he stables, harness- room, coach-house, granary, cow-house, pig-sties, kennel, and all the offices, are particularly good and convenient. Any quantity of Land, not exceeding 60 Acres, may be had with the House. For further particulars apply at the Office of John Edwards, Esq. Bloomsbury-square, London, or to Mr. Mathew Foiste.r, Neath, who will shew the premises. All JetK-rs must be post-paid. Coal and Lime within a mile Oflhe spot, and very cheap. The principal object being a careful and good tenant—the rent will be very moderate. Squire's Original Grand Elixir. 0 THE great reputation this invaluable medi- cine has acquired in all parts of Great-Britain and Ireland, as weti as in America and the West Indies, suffi- ciently testifies its worth. It speedily removes ail fresh colds with their attending symptoms of violent pain and soreness of the stomach proceeding frorn cold and cough- ing, and is a most sovereign remedy in easing rheumatic pains in the limbs or joints, in which complaint it has been so surprisingly successful as to lia^e been recommended bv several regularly qualified and eminent physicians, &c. It gives speedy and .lasting ease in the most violent fits of the gout, stone, or gravel, and has frequently brought away gravel and sometimes stones of a large size. It renders the (unctions of the .body regular, by removing obstructions, such as flatulence, suffocating vapours, Violent head-actis, twitching of the nerves, tremblings, faintings, &c. Swld wholesale, at the original Warehouse for Dicey snd Co.'s Medicine- No. 10, How Church-yard, London, price 2s. a bottle, duty included; and retail by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper, Flexman, and Edinond, Swansea; Rees, Neath; Llewellyn, Pyle; Vachelis, Cardiff; Ltew- ellyn, Bridgend Lott, Llaudilo and by all respectable Medicine Venders. Ro- Beware of counterfeits, and observe that the words Dicey <$■ Co," are in the stamps affixed over the cork of each bottle, and that the bill of directions i* signed — if, Sutton £ Ct>. late Dicey iiiUwi." »p GLAMORGANSHIRE. FARMS TO BE LET, For a term oj years, and entered upon immediately, TILL FARM of MOLTON, containing about 236 Acres of good Arable, Meadow, and r?,^urer.Til1ln .tl)e Pushes of Lancar*on and Winvoe. I he FAKM of CWM BARRY,: containing about 178 Acres ol good Arable, Meadow, and Pasture Land, in the parishes of Barry and Porthkerry. Both barms are conveniently siluated witliin less than nine iiiiles of the excellcnt markct towns of Cardiff and Cow- bridge, and only a few miles from the harbours of Aber- iliaw and Barry. For turther particulars enquire (if by letter, post-paid) T*I Halket, Rheola, near Neath: or of Mr. Evan 1 nomas, Ireguff, near Cowbridge. GLAMORGANSHIRE. CAPITAL Maiden Oak, Ash, and Beech Timber. FOR SALE BY AUCTION, At the house of Thoma* Jones, known by the Cross Keys, at Nantgarw, on Tuesday, the 11th of April, 1815, be- tween the hours of three and six in the afternoon, in the following or such other lots as may be agreed upon at the time of sale, and subject to conditions then to be produced, Lot I F?IGHTY-SEVEN OAK TIMBER JOj TREES. Lot <2. TWO HUNDRED ASH ditto ditto. Lot 3. NINETY BEECH ditto ditto. The above lots of Timber are numbered i)togressively, with white paint, and stand on the' Gedriss Estate, in the parisn of Lantwitvardre distant half a mile from the Merihyr Canal at Nantgarw aforesaid, and not more than seven and a half miies from the seaport-town of Cardiff. Ihe Oitk 'limber comprises a great proportion of fine Cieft, and the remainder is very well adapted for Beams, Thickstutf, and Plank, for the navy. The Ash and Baech are of very superior quality, and the whole deserves the attention of Timber-Merchants, and others in want of prime Timber. William Williams, of Gedriss, will shew the different lots other particulars may be had of Mr. Morley, Survevor, Cwnidu," Breconshire; or of Mr. John Morris, Timber- Surveyor, New Bridge, near Cardiff. CARDIGANSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the tlwelling-house of Mr. Ihos. Walters, in the village of Llanarih, in the said county, on Wednesday, the 3d day of May nwxt, between the hours of one and three o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale as shall be then and there produced, Lot l. A LL that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, JT\. and LANDS, with the Appurtenances there- unto belonging, commonly called and known by the name of BLAEN YRIIOSE, now in the occupation of Mr. John Vans; containing 100 Acres of Arable, Meadow, and Pas- ture Land, be the same more or less with a SLANG, PIECE or PARCEL of LAN D. adjoining the said Farm, being part of the Tenement of Rhydfechaii, contaisiini; V0 Acre-s ur thereabouts. The dwelling-house of Blaeny riiose, tunt all the outhouses thereto belonging, are in good repair, and the lands are capable of very great improvement. Lot '2. All that SLANG. PIECE, or PARCEL of LAND, called PARKPENLLAIN, near the above premises, and adjoining the turnpike-road leading from Llanarih to Car- digan. containing 1-i Acres, be the same more or less. All the abiu jrimivs are in the parish of Llaiiarth aforesaid, wnliui tlJref miles -of the-sea and lime may be had within that distance at a moderate rate, with plenty" of Siia weeds, &c. Mr. David Thomas, of Rhydlechan aforesaid, will shew the premises; and tor all other particulars apply to Mr. Daniel Williams, Attorney at Law, Aberystwith. -—— —:—:—, CARMARTHENSHIRE. Llanelly, Llangennech, and Llanedy, IM CLOSURE. I The Commissioner appointed to carry into excilu,'ali a,i Act oi Parliament made and passed in the 52d year of (|le reign ol his present Majesty, intituled, An Act t<ir Inclosing Lands in the parishes of Llanelly, Llangennech, and Llanedy, within the Commott of Car- marthen, ni the Lordship ol Kidwelly, in the county of Carmarthen, Dti hereby give notice, That I int end to Repair -and Amend the Public Road on Llanelly Mountain, lead- n|g trom Craenor Ucha Gate to Poni-y-Saison, at the north-wxst extremiiy of the mountain. AurtJ also give mice, That I will SELL bv PUBLIC AUC nON,ilt the Falcon-inn, in the town of Llanelly, on 1 uceday, the '2d day of May next (181.5) at two o'clock in the afternoon, subject to such conditions of sale to be there produced, the ioilowinir PARCELS OF LAND. Being part and parcel of the Lands intended to fee inclosed by virtue ol the said Act. .On Crneslaw Mountain. A. n. r. Lot 1. One Parcel ot G rou nd, adjoining the roari from Pembrey mountain to the turnpike-road lead- ing from Lianeily to Carmarthen, containing by admeasurement 1-2 2 20 Lot t. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoining lot 1. containing by admeasurement 11 3 10 Lot 3. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoining lot 2, containing by admeasurement 11 0 30 Lot 4. One other Parcel of Ground, adjoining lot 3, containing by admeasurement 10 2 1'2 Oh Llanedy Mountain, otherwise Mynydd Fferrws. ()ite *)ilier tlarcel of Ground, adjoining the tnrupike-road leading from Swansea to Llan- diio, containing by admeasurement 14 1 0 The aforesaid Pieces and Parcels of Land arc set out by holes dug in the ground, and Plans thereof, and of the said Road, may be had and further particulars known by applying to Mr. R. B. Williams, Moreb. AndI au hereblj give further notice, That T shall SIT at the said FJ.wn-inn aforesaid, on the said 2d day ot May next, ior the purpose of hearing objections lo the Repairing add Amending the said lload, if any shall be then made. Dated the 29th day of Marc! 1815. JOHN WEDGE. Commissioner. IF the Persons who continually find relief, by the use of BARCLAY'S ORIGINAL OINTMENT, from that most disagreeable disorder, the ITCH, were not prevented;by the nature of the complaint from giving their testimony in favour of this invaluable Remedy, no other proof would be necessary of its superior claims to the at- tention of the afiiicted. Thousands have been effectually cured by IT ONE HOU R's»A PPLICATION of this Remedy, which has been in gel)etlil use for upwards ot eighty years, without a single instance of its having failed to cure the most inveterate cases. It does not contain thc smallest particle of Mercury, or any other dangerous ingredient, and may be safely used by persons of the most delicate constitution. The public are requested to observe, that none can pos- sibly be genuine unless the names of the proprietors, Bar- clay and Son, are engraved on the stamp atlixed to each box and great danger may arise irom thenegiect of this caution. Sold wholesale and retaTl by Barciay and Son, (the only successors to Jackson and Co.) No. 95, Fleet-Market, Lon- don, price Is. 9d. duty included and by their appoint- ment by T. Jenkins, Printer of this Paper, J. Flexman, and J. Lister, Swansea; Bowmen, Neath Bifid,and Vachell, Cardiff; Daniel, Carmarthen; Price,-CrickhoweII; George, Usk North, Breuon Price; and Wyke, Abergavenny J. Dyke, Druggist, Merthyr-Tidvil; Potter, Haveriord* west WiJmot,Pembroke Rogers, Wiilett, and Bradford, I Chepstow; Brewer, Newport; Tudor, Monmouth; J)a vies, druggist, Bridgetid and west veusiers »1 Medicines in the kiBgdtiie. _tI H JIo.. MONMOUTHSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. GEO. BREWER, In lots, some time in the nicnth of M?y next, at the Old r-1 pttpt) A r t'stgate house, Newp.nt. SE\ ERAL capital FREEHOLD ESTATE^ ,p the parishes .of Mynyduusloyn, Lanhilieib,' I revei Inn, and Chnstcliurch, in t)ie said county. AD,"E''S,S !C «*<• "M H ™ CAPITA L TIM BER FOR SALE.- 1 ie greatest part Jit for Nayal purposes. BRECONSHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, tl^ei7j{!1S(S4 •V'"1'111,111 l!,e town Builtli, on Sfcr.daj, 'h^17'h Apnl_, leu, at .three o'clock, in the aft^hoon! HE following OAK TIMBER, in the under-ni»iitioned Jots Lot 2. 4 j Lutio, on {JLjjc yr KrVw". Woo'd(part'ofForddfawrFarm. Lot 4. 2^ Ditto, oft Fofddfawr. Lot 5. 57 Ditto, on Rhosferig. All situate in tl.e hamlet of Rhosferig, wif i^ {!r„P of the town of Builth, on the banks of the V»"\e. and wbhni one mile ot the turnpike-road from Buiith to Hnava^er miL of LknySr1'0"' WU"'U •i'01 f'n'T'll-iES, un Berilanbear, v "h',n Ura miles of Buiith. and in the parish of Llanvnis aforesaid. A great pan ot the above Timber is also fit .for piank and- stnbe ana CnCh iCt 13 ;^mbcred progressively with a. stnbe. The Tenant on Dole yr Evrw will shew the fir< fo- }^3 and the respective Tcnams of the Farftw-.v! other 1 its. For particulars spr>]v to fJr. Sannc! C' — r'-l- Brecon. '■ui'coyjinrK Capital Oak Timbr:rand other TrUSj FOR SALE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION. At the Swan-mil, in the town of Brecon, on > r the l:Mh day of April, 1315, at four o'clock 1 teattcrnoon, in tile foil.,w;ng lots, ana under conditions to bet then produced, Lot.1.160 0AKTfMBRR TREES, situate on Tdymawr Farm, in the bauilei of biyn, in the parish of Devynnock, marked with across, and numbered progressively wiih white paint. Tuyniawr Farm adjoins ihe turnpike-road leading from Brecon lo Merthyr-Tydvii, and is distant five niile^ from the former town, from whence there is a navigable Caiwl lo the bevern. Lots. B4 OAK TIMBER TREES, situate on Rrych- coed Farii), m lite hamlet of Senny, in the said parish of Devynnock, marked With a cross in white paint, and nunt- ofercn profyrcssjv«j(y with a srribe. LMS.^ALDER TREESj ti SYCAMORE TREES, ana 5 bl.lCH I REES, situate on Llwyn Ian Farm, iu the hamlet ot Cray, in the; parish of Dcvyntioclc, numbered progressively with white paint. The two last lots are situate about nine miles from Brecon. Mostof the above Oak Timber are of large dimensions, and fit for ma-al purposes.—The Alder Trees are of c-xci- lent quality, and some of theaxof ia.gB duneruions. For further particulars apply to Messrs. P and Jones, Solicitors, Brecon, who will direct a person to shew the dliferent l. ts. BRECONSHIRE. VERY Improvable and desirable. Freehold Estate?* FOR SALE BY AUCTION, At the Three Horsi'.Shoes, in the (own of Tfeca«»V on Wednesday, the mh day of April, 1315, (discharged of Land-lax, which has been redeemed) in the t?illow» jng lots Lot i A LL that MESSUAGE, TENEMENT. and LANDS, called YNISFAWR, iu the ocl capahon ot Anne DaviJ, widowf siilipo.ed to contain 1,?^ Statute Acres (but never measured) of good Arable, Mea- dow, and Pasture Land. ihere are .375" fine Ireea of Oak, Ash, and Alder, grow- ing on this lot. Lota All that MESSUAGE, TEZ\iE!\1ENT.&-LANDS, called TYR-Y-PWLL, in the occupation ol VVfiliam Wil- liams, and supposed to contain lit) Statute Acres (hut never measured.) The above; Premises are situate at Cwm Usk, in the parish of Ll.ywe.ll, in the cotiulv at iirecon, two mih-s lrom i"ro- casile, and adjoining thfe turnpike mad leadma from Tre- castle to Llandilo-fawr.' Both Farms (die buildings on which are in excellent repair) each-other, as well as !.he Grear Forest of Brecon, on which the occupiers livereof are emitled to a v.iluab,e Right of Common, and aie u;ih;n a convenient distance of l/me and coal. A moiety of the pu-rcha«e-money mey remain in ihe purchaser's hands,and possessi-m will be given at■ Michael- llias ncxl. There arc 09 Trees of Oak, Ash, and Alder, growiilgOIl rhis lot. Lot:3. All that GARDEN and PIECE or PARCEL of GROUND (lying between Heoi Bed war and the Brook) situate in the village of Cwin Usk. r ME^UA-G'K or DWELLTNG-MOU^E and GAKU^ivb, with the Appurtenances, situate at Cwm lisle aforesaid, in the occupation of John James. Ihe respective tenant-, will shew me premises and for particulars enquire of John Powell, of Maespoth, Esq (tbs Proprietor); Mr. Niclwias, Camden-Arms, TieCastie; .r Mr. Samuel CJiurch. Solicitor, Brecon. EXCESSIVE INDULGENCES! "rIIE CORDIAL BALM of GILKA D, by hs X sofiening, healing, and ionic qualities, as well as bv its salutary eiiects, aitosdsa sure prospect of t- \arnin strength, nod a certain hope ol muscniar in vigors: ion iu those who are debilitated by premature or excessive iisdul- gencies: hence arise weakness of sight, vertices, less of appetite, and mental decay. 'IheCordial Baiir. of Gilead most wonderful! v rherisbet nature, and will support the life of the aged aiid iunrm. Li all inward decays, debiliiy, iowness of spirits, relaxation ;n either sex, whether liercdiiaf-y or .owing to vcuthtM; impa- deucies, tnis medicine will afford the most Wonderful relief. hold by T. Jcnktns. Printer of this Paper; -Mr. Daniel, Carmaithen Mr. 0«"nj, Haverfordwest; Mr. North, Brecon; m bottles, put* lis. each or Four in one ),!fwiv bottle for 33s. by which one lis. bottle is saved, with ihe words" Ha ml. Solomon, Liverpool," engraved on the stamp. 01 whom mav also be had, The celebrated ANTI-IMPETIGIN.ES, er SOLOMON'S DROPS (without mercury or any dele- tt,riotis preparation), which stand in the highest e-,Umaiion lar the cure of ihe Scurvy, Scrofula, Leprosy and all dis- orders originating in an impure state of the blood being gradual, gentle, and almost imperceptible, in their operation —the best subs?itut. that has ever been discovered for that dangerous mineral Mcrciiry,sweetening the blond, and sti- mulating it to expel ail noxious and impure juices, giving strength and tone to the nerves,enlivening and invigurating both hod v and mind. Price Us. pet- bottle, or four in one family fcottie for on which one small bottle is saved.—The wer is "$oml. Solonpll, Lmcrpfif. are engraved øu the stamp of each bet- lie, without which ij-mc are genuine. Dr.Solomon expacts, when consulted by letter, the usual compliment of a one; pound note to 6e inclosed, addressed Money letter. 1);. Solomon, Giitad-hsuse,ueat Liver- pool. ra.d d<subie past"