Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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^VEDsrESDA-Y EVEMNO, April 19. COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES IN rrALY. Mr. Lisle, the messenger, arrived yesterday with dispatches froth our Ministers at Vienn 1; and as he passed through Brussels, he is said to have i/i'oii«ht some very important communication's, from the Duke of Wellington.. It is staled that the dispatches from Vtciuia "to unrGuverinnent announce that hostilities have actually commenced between the Neapolitan andAl.Istriarf armies in Italy. An affair of outposts is n.eutioned, in which the Anstrians claim the advantage. Letters firom Italy, says the Gazette de France of Saturday, iniorm us, that un Hie 28 th.ol March the King of Maples was still at Ancona. His army, 60,000 strong, wifh a train of 15Q pieces o( cannon, was encamped on the Appenine.s. Oil the nmva of the Emperor's .lauding,, these troops ii-es. lighted bonfires. A letter from Leghorn of the 24 h -wit. received in the city this m-irning, expresses uo-.dou'bUif Mu- ral's imniedi ite unci hostile advance, and concludes with an opinion that British pro.perty.aatl shipping will no longer be saf2 in that port. "From private and authentic channels, the most recent trom the Continent, we have ascertained the following important fatas:- The advance of the Russian force passed D^es- > den on the 10th, so ;hat there is every reason to believe that the Emperor Alexander will even an- ticipate the period when he promised ,to have his j iriiles oil ihe Allied Sovereign's'' are to ieav'e Vicuna- on the 15 th, and proceed to Frank fori. The Prtissjah armvlffi the field 'am mots, accord- ing to returns, to 310,003 mqa, hot this is, perhtps, a little more than tiisir precisa number. Their head, quarters are at Na-m-tir, and Lie^e.-—They are lo be joined- by another corps \jf 10,000 ou the 25th, ricxt "Tiie Allied" hea1-'quarters are now at Nieuport, ■Court ray, A til, and Grammont. It is stated in sotueuf the political circles, that the determination and preparations for war have gone so far, thiit the subsidies to be granted 10 the Ajlied Powers were arranged by our Cabinet on Sunday last.. v.—. It is with great concern we state the loss of his Majesty's ship St ati Oil a sunken rock, near the island of -Little Inagna, off Cuba, Provi- dentially every person, on board was saved,.by the assistance derived from thehnats of several trans- ports which happened to he under the convoy. The E uT of Rosefberry's Divorce Bill was reacla iirH time in the House of Lords last night. .Sir "-I. Mil dm ay. has, it is saifl to, his friends, tint. he intends to receive • the hand 01 Lady Raspberry in marriage, the instant th.ttthts mifortunate Lady is legally divorced tlY her present I,«trd. SWANSEA, TO BE LET, v' For ah uneijnnd term nf nine years, A Desirable C O U N T R Y R E S 1 D R N C E, called HILL-HO USE, with requisite Offices, Gar- *> aut' upwards of 20 Acres of Pasture Land, pleasantly- situate two miles from Swansea. For particulars apply to tiie occupier! Arthur Jones. Esq. TO BE-" LET, s IN THE TOfVNOF DSN, MONMOUTHSHIRE, Wili'll 1.1,1, wri'H IHSlEBIirf. TOSSESSION, 'A Very convenient DWELLING-HOUSE, £ V. well calculated tor- the receptirn of a small genteel family spacious/Garden.Andan excellent Orchard, with Stabling, are attached tu the suroe aud the whole will be let at a very moderate rent, I'ur- lurther particulars apply (if by letter, post-paid) to t>k* Rev. J. C. Haly, Usk, Monmoufhshiie. CRICKHO WE'LL— BRECON SHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY PtUVATH CONTRACT, A Nr-at DVVELUNG-MOUSE, situated in a JL pleasant part, of the town, of Crickhowell. willi a warden, and Plot of Ground in the front; calculated for the residence of a small genteel (amity, and now occupied, as a yearly tenant; by Lieut.-Coi. Williams. AIs". A commodious DWELLING, with a Garden at- tached, situated near the above, and now occupied" by Benjamin Phillips, Wheelwright. The whole ot the Premises' are in good repair, and the lasi-mentioned House very lately built. They adjoin the mgh-road from London to Mi!ford-Haven,-and are near the river Usk. .For further particulars apply ■ to Mr. Thomas Parry, A-.sciJoneer, Langntiock or to Air. Charles Gabell,'Solicitor, Crickhowell: TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By T. BOIVEN. On the Public Quay. Swansea, on Tuesday, the 251 h- of April. 1815, TIIE HULL AND MATERIALS OF TU g IIRIG- AND ANNE, -r M01g 'n Cark'eh, Master, ■ Jj^tely wrecked near the Western Pier, burthen per register '66 Tons, either together or in sepa- rate lots. For particulars apply to the Master on board or to the Auctioneer. Maker's Patent Mangle, Time-keeper, by Ear rand, Part of a 'Wick of H.ay. TO BE SO L D BY A U C T I 0 N, By T. BOW EN, On Thursday and Friday, the 4th and 5th of May, 1,815, r|HME HOUSEHOLD FUllNIIURE and -1. EFFECTS of Captain Hay (who retires from this country) on the premises, sit Marine Villa, Brison-Ferry comprising four-post and camp .bedsteads, with cotton and dimity furniture, straw,"wool, aiid hair mattresses, prime foather-bed-s, blankets', quilts, and, pier and dressing-classes, stair, floor, and bedside carpeting, 'maho- gany art\le«s in dining-room chairs, claw and Pembroke tables, half chests of drawers; chiid;" crib, hat porcupine, side table, sofa, &c. japan painted chairs steel cut fender and fire irons; a variety of kitchen requisites, together with a superior set of patent dish covers. Catalogues will be, ready for deli very on Monday, the Isiot May, by Mrs. Clarke, at the Vernon's-Arrus; and the sale will commence each day at eleven o'clock. Genteel Residence and good Farm, N EAR A.BERC AV EKHV, TO BE LET, AND ENTERED UPOtf IDINIPDIATELY, A Very desirable and compact. DW ELLING- -A. HOUSE, called UPPER L VNFOIST, with the Coach-house, Stable*. Garttens, and about 20. Acres of ex. Meadow Lnnd- adjoining, bite in the occupation of A r- Rees. The House consists of a very good dining and /awing-room, nearly 20 feet square each a -breakfast- P^r,our, sis best bed-rooms, two servants' ditto* and at a j^y^e.'nent distance from the liouse are, ali necessary Out- tilU¡¡d¡tigs. Ako.-TabeLET, And entered vnon at Christmas next, fii,? small FARM adjoining,called PEN Y R. WORtOD, cousistuig of Meadow, Pasture, and Arable Land, of excel- quality, and nearly equal in quantity." ibe premises are situated within a short distance of the own ot Abergavenny, to which there is a good turnpike- road, and a few hundred yards of the Brecknock and Aber- gavenny Canal,Wharf, where coal and liiiie niav be had at si vffry moderate pricfi. The House, Outhouses, and Gardens, will be tet either 01 Wii.h or without the Meadow Land or Farm, r fi).rtlter an(i to treat, application is to be afde to Mr. Price, Solicitar, Peaj-r-Woriod, or at his oiCce' at 0. rf« Abargavennv. I \%TANTED immediately, SIX or EIGHT V y good JOIN BUS and C ARPENTERS.—Apply to the Printer; or to Mr. Morgan, Iron monger, Neath. MAY's HILL LUNATIC ASYLUM, NEAR SWANSEA, Is now completely ready for the reception of A Patients, who will experience the uUrtost care and attention from Dr. HOBBILS. whose study has for many years-been particularly directed to the treainent of menial Diseases. S»van-.ea, April 21, 1815. CARDIGAN FREE-SCHOOL. r S'MIIS is to give Notice, that a COURT will I be heid by the MAYOR and COMMON-COUNCIL, of the town of CARDIGAN, in the Town hail, on Monday, the I5ih of Mav, 1315. at twelve o'clock, fori he purpose of APPOINTING a MASTER to the FREE-SCHOOL, in the said town; when all Persons wishing to become .Candidates lor the appointment, are requested to attend wHi proper testimonials. There is a Salary of £ 10 18s. 6d. to the Master; and further particulars may be known by application to Mr. Lewis Evans,Town Clerk,Cardigan if by letter, po<t-paid. \T' a numerous M F.ETING of the TEN A NTS of the .BRITON-KERRY ESTATE, held on Wed- nesday, the 19th of April, 1815, pursuant to -public Advert iiseuient, at the Bunch of Grapes-inn, in the town of Neath, and adjourned for greater convenience to the Town-Hall, for the purpose of taking into consiileration the Proposals front Lord Jersey, contained m Mr. Alexander Murray's Circular Letter of the 15th of March last,. 'I'm Rev. THOMAS litACS, in the Chair; Resolved unanimously, That the Tenants of tbe suid Kstaip, who feel themselves aggrieved by hi, do uftiie ar.d agree to adopt such measures as may be deemed neces-ary for defending any suit or suits which his Lordship may be. advised to institute against them. Resolved unanimously. Tuat a Committee be appointed to carry illto effect the 'resolutions of this Meeting; that the said Committee do cens-ist of such Tenants as reside in the town (if N ciiih, and t'te neighbourhood t{¡ereof, but that it shall be open for any-Tenant who mny wish to altend. the I do iiieet at the Bunch of Grapes-inn every Wednesday, at the hour ot twelve, lor the purpose of receiving the signatures ol such of the fenaols as concur i • these I'soluliol, and lor trans- acting all other business relating ihereio. -Rcsnived unanimiwslif, That James Coke, Esq; be re- quesietl to act as^Secret-irv- Resulted utuniiinouslit, .That the Tenants concurring in hese resolutions do a-^ree !.•> pay, ,in such proportions as nhall'be arranged by ihe Conimiitee, all expen-es that have bee;! .01' be incurred in carrying into effect the mea- sures advisable fur their defence; Rcsuloed, Thai the Secretary be authorised to convene a Special Meeting of the Tenants iortau purpose of ap- pointing a Solicitor, or conducting the de- fence, and for any oHier-special purposes. llesoloed umnimtnisly, Jf'h-at the above resolutions, sigiied be insert' by the Chairman on beliait of the Meeting, be inserted in the. Cambrian, Seren Comer, and Carmarthen Journal newspapers. (Signed-) 11IOMAS REKS, Chairman. Resolved un-.tiihnmtly. That ihe Tnunks of the Meeting be "iven to the Chairman ld'r his able conduct in the chair. Resolved un-.tiihnmtly. That ihe Tnunks of the Meeting be "iven to the Chairman ld'r his able conduct in the chair. M. MACKWOHTII-ARMS, SWANSEA, April 11, 1815. THE Public are most respectfully informed, that a New Light „ POST-COACH, .1." J CALLFD THE OBIVBHAI. PTCTON, Leaves SWA N SEA forCA RMA RTHEN, ihrongli LLAN- ELLY and KIDWELLY, every TXTKMIAY, TUUKSDAY, and SATUROA V Mornings, at eight.o'clock, and will convey Passengers and Parcels arrivh.ig in.Swansea. by'the Bristol Day Coach of the preceding evenings. Returns from ihe. IVY-BOSH, CARMARTHEN, at two o'clock, OIl i\loxD"vs, W ED'S KSDAYS, and FRIDAYS, and Passengers and L'aicels will be forwarded trom Swansea by the Bristol Day Coach at four o'clock ou the following mornings After the 12th of May next,' the G ENERAL -PICTON COACH will proceed'iiumedlately from CATVM ARTJ1 EN toTEiN'Py, and return from thence the following dav* in lime to depart for Swansea fit the above hour. Passengers and Parcels may be booked at either of the before-mentioned Towns for Bristol. Tile Proprietors will not be .accountable for any Parcel above the valu« of Five Pounds, unless entered and paid xfor accordingly. For Szcansea, Neath, and places adjacent, R -CJIHV. TIIE GOOD BR,IG SALLY and 'WILLIAM, Joseph Ai/res, Master, Now loading at Carpenter Smith's Wharf, T/Ond'on, will sail In the course of a few days, most of the car:;o being engaged. For particulars apply lo-Messrs. G rove and Son. Swansea t, at Master, 011 board, or No. 3, Nag's-Head-court, Grace- ehurcli-street. CÙ.!{i\¡ ARTI! E1\SH I BE. An improvable Freehold Farm. To be Peremptorily SOLD by AUCTION, On Saturday, the 6ih day"of May, l»ir>, at the Castle-inn, id the town oMJandovery, in i:e said county, subject to certain conditions of sale, A LL that capital MESSUAGE or TENE- ivII'yN 1, I1 A. tvAi♦ and t^ANDS, with the Appurte- nanccs, called PEN-Y-BANK. situate in the parish of Lhmwida, in the said county, in the tenure and occupation ot J,'¡ltJ Jones, husbandman, under a lease for eleven sears, whose term expires at Michaelmas next, at the clear yearly rent of ^80 iessjhe Priiperty-Tax. For particulars apply t(.) Mr. David Lloyd Harries, Llan- dovery. CARMARTHENSHIRE. COpp ICE If O01), .'34 years' growth. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, In one or two lots, on Wednesday, the 3d day of May, 1815, at the House of Edward Lewis. Viliswen-Bridge, in the parivh of Lkmegwad, bet ween the hours of two aDd three "'clock in the afternoon, OAK HOLES, part of which 'are strait, and equal to any in the country. Lot 1. Is about 16 Acres, growing on in tile parish ot Llanfihangel- Rhos y-corn. Lotg. h ahont 15 Ac es, growmg on Abernant-y-ffyn, i!)thes:t[)!epRrish.and)oini)i!)o)). The situation of ihe lots-is desirable, being within a short distance of a turnpike-road leading to Carmarthen, Llan- sawel, Cardiganshire, &c. and withiB two miles of Brechva. The different tenants mill shew them. For further particulars apply to Henry Lewis, Gallt-y- gftg. near Carmarthen. GLAMORGANSHIIIE! Oak and Ash, Timber.. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Mack worth-Arms, Swansea,, on Saturday, the-29th day of April, 1815, between the hours of four and six in the afternoon, subject to conditions of sale which will be thrnprodnced. 005 OAKand209 ASH TIMBER TREES, t V-A in the under-mentioned lols — Lot I., OA K nnd 14ii ASH TR.EES, numbered with white paint, standing ili Kitchen-well Wood, on the r'ndit- hand side of the roartleading frotM Park Mill to Park Fann. in the parish of Penmain. Lot 2. I?t0 OAlv and 40 ASH TREES, numbered with white paint, standing in the said Wood, on the left-hand side of the said-load.' ■ Lot,??. 205 OAK and 9 ASH TREES. numbered with white, paint, standing on Willoxion Farm, rented bv Mr. William Rowland and Land rented by Thomas Tiiomas, called OMelose, ill the parish of Ilston. Lot4. 45 OAK and 18 ASH TliKES. standing in Cae Mawr .Wood,.and Lund adjoining, rented by Mr. James French, in the parish of Penmain. For a view of the same apply to Mr. Evan Evans, at Black Pill, near Swansea or to Thomas Thomas, at Park and for any further particulars to J. Jeffreys, Era. Swansea <r Mr. R, W. Purchas, Chepst»>v. T¥THEREAS it has been erroneously and » industriously circulated abroad, to the injury of my Character, that the Sloosi, HAPPY COUi'LH'wa. driven, while under lllV COIJ);¡¡¡¡ud, to the westward of the Mumbles, on the 8lh inst. through uusconduct1 ow e it to myself to repel the charge, i i lliai it hlew fresh to the eastward, a heavy ran.iine;. and coming round the Tail of the Scar-Weather^ tne piivs ol the gaft i;U ve way, which prevented my carrying any after-sail I there- lore judged it most proper to bear up for liosilly. as the only place of safety I could command, wi.eti the Rudder gave way, and the Ship became Unmanageable. Several respectable Passengers, u> whom tiii» statement has been are willing it t> JOHN BOND. N. B. The Cargo was delivered without any injury N. B. The Cargo was delivered without any injury having been sustained. Swansea, April 2'J, 1814.


Family Notices